12-06-2014 - Regional Office, Chandigarh
12-06-2014 - Regional Office, Chandigarh
~;fO Telephone No. : +91-172-2630061 Fax No. : +91-172-2638135 ~g rA'~ 3ffi" ~ ChI·ll'M 4 8f1'«1 ~ q:qhHOI, crar 'CfCf ~S"I\J~I.'~ ct.5f ito 24 - 25, ~ - ,,,11 ~ q~CfAiTI ~ ~ <rtiror m-T, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS &'~ ! CLIMATE CHANGE ''1>'\~\'''I(~\'<I'~<''< F. No,5-707/2014-RO(N7) ;Sen "Jl, Ib L/l..( t ~ - 31 'IT, 160030 Northern Regional Olfice, Bays No. 24 - 25, Sector 31-A, Dakshin Marg, Chandigarh . 160030 . . 6'1 0lj DCltod: 06.00.2014 Shri Shiv Kumar, Managing Partner Shiva Exim Enterprises Shiva House, 802-804, Pearls Best Height Tower-II Netaji Subhash Place Pitampura, New Dolhi 110034 Sub: Ref. 101151G4, Expansion of Chlorinated Paraffin manufacturing Unit from 5040 MT to 14400 MTA and by product HCL from 10080 MT to 28800 MTA at Siel Industrial Estate, Khadauli, Rajpura, Distt. Patiala (Punjab) by MIs Shiva Exim Enterprises-- site inspection regarding. SEIAA, Punjab's letter No.SEIAA/2014/8538 dated 01.02.2014. em ~ ~ "Jl d<>clR.CId qR:q1JHI cpr ~lffUI ~ 12th June, 2014 fuRrr 7Jm I ~ 'frRtlffUI cb ~ ~ ~muIT <'r.!IT qR:ql;jf"fI 3IfuCbIR:ql -R "'tNf cb l'Iflr 3lEJ.l~\".'dltlf,!} b(l~I tTq) ""1R-t'bA(i1I'4tl q;r ~ fCf>~1 1fflI tt' ~ 3IJqcpf fcl:fJrn" ~31T lR CbI~ClI~' ~ ~ CON IF'IT ~ I 3WRt ~ ~ ftp ~ q;r cb ~ """'CbI~i<'l~I~ fMt 3Ifu -mr "Sffi!d" CI>H qft cpu ~ I ~ ~3IT "tR Cblicn~ ~ (~~) f.)~{!ICb(m) Tel. No. (0172)-2638994 EMail:[email protected] Copy to: 1. The Director(S), Monitoring Cell, Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh, Aliganj, New Delhi--11 0003 for information and necessary action please. 2. The Director, MIs Shiva Exim Enterprises, Plot NO.3 (A+B+C+D), SIEL Industrial Estate, Rajpura, Distt. Patiala(Punjab) for information and further necessary action. ~io Telephone No. : +91-172-2638061 Fax No. : +91·172-2638135 ~ ~ <tI14~('l4 lI?'rll>I;;rlltf :»mr m<IiR" q4~Cl{OI, crar ~ ~ '3I(>IClI1 q~Cl~D1 ~ vTo 24 - 25. ~ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA mot. ~ - 31 '<, ~ - 160030 Northern Regional Office, Bays No. 24 - 25, Sector 31-A, Dakshin Marg, Chandigarh - 160030 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE F. No.5-707/2014-RO(NZ) Dated: 05.09.2014 To Shri Shiv Kumar, Managing Partner Shiva Exim Enterprises Shiva House, 802-804, Pearls Best Height Tower-II Netaji Subhash Place Pitampura, New Delhi-11 0034 Sub: Ref. Sir, Expansion of Chlorinated Paraffin manufacturing Unit from 5040 MT to 14400 MTA and by product HCL from 10080 MT to 28800 MTA at Siel Industrial Estate, Khadauli, Ra.ipura, Distt. Patiala (Pun.jab) by MIs Shiva Exim Enterprises-- site inspection regarding. SEIAA, Punjab's letter No.SEIAA/2014/8538 dated 01.02.2014. On the basis of site inspection of above cited project on 12th June, 2014, point wise discussion with project executing authorities and subsequent information submitted so far, a comprehensive monitoring report is being submitted to Ministry for further necessary action and following comments and observations are forwarded to you for necessary action at your end. Accordingly, information and 'action taken report' on the following points may be submitted to this office urgently: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Submit latest information in 13 point data sheet(copy may be downloaded from website:nromoef.gov.in). Submit condition wise latest compliance status in respect of environmental clearance with all annexures. Submit production figures from April, 2013 till date. Latest physical and financial progress about CSR activities may be informed. Submit latest medical reports in respect of the workers enQaQed in the factory. Submit the copy of renewed 'Consent to Operate' under Air & Water Acts obtained from the PSPCB beyond 30.09.2014. Submit the approval letter from Irrigation Deptt. for providing canal water to your project. As green belt is being developed, the progress of the plantation may be intimated in the following table: S.No 9. 10. 11. 12. Year Area to covered be No. of plants to be planted Species of plants to be planted Exp. incurred (in Rs.) The insurance policy under the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 may be renewed from time to time and a copy of latest renewed copy of insurance policy may be submitted. Submit physical and financial progress about the im plementation of Environment ManaQement Plans. Submit the monitoring reports in respect of Ambient Air Quality, stack emission, noise levels and ground water bv PSPCB or an approved lab. Inform the arrangement made to display the environment parameters/result of monitoring on the Company's Web site. --2- 13. 14. 15. Submit Environment Statement for the firm in September, 2014 for the year 2013-2014. Inform the arrangement made for disposal of waste 011 generated from the DG sets. Submission of six monthly report in soft and hard copies may be ensured in 1st week of June and December every year as the same will be displayed on the Web site of the Ministry. Next six monthly report will be due in 1st week of December, 2014. An 'Action Taken Report' and clarifications, if any, may be submitted. Yours faithfully, ./ (Surendra Kumar) Director(S) Tel. No. (0172)-2638994 E.Mail:[email protected] Copy to:- 1. The Director(S), Monitoring Cell, Ministry of Environment, Forests & . Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Shawan, Jor Sagh, Aliganj, New Delhi--110003 for information and necessary action please. 2. The Director, MIs'Shiva Exim Enterprises, Plot NO.3 (A+S+C+D), SIEL Industrial Estate, Rajpura, Distt. Patiala(Punjab) for information and further necessary action. (SU~~~~ Director(S) ~io Telephone No. : +91-172-2638061 Fax No. : +91-172-2638135 llJ" ~ ~ ChI'Q'I(if'Q 1lflI'l\1I~ ~ 3T"Rt'f q:qhHOI, crar vcr \5I('lcH'l! ql1C1~1i1 ~ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA IVIII\JISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE F. No.5-707/2014-RO(NZ) a)~ ;To 24 - 25, ~ - 31 ~ mot. ~ 'Q', - 160030 Northern Regional Ofrice, Bays No. 24 - 25, Sector 31·A, Dakshin Marg, Chandigarh . 160030 Dated: 05.09.2014 Wrrlf The Director(S), Monitoring Cell Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh, Aliganj, New Delhi-110003 Sub: Ref. JfNG'4, Expansion of Chlorinated Paraffin manufacturing Unit from 5040 MT to 14400 MTA and by product HCL from 10080 MT to 28800 MTA at Siel Industrial Estate, Khadauli, Rajpura, Distt. Patiala (Punjab) by MIs Shiva Exim Enterprises-- site inspection regarding. SEIAA, Punjab's letter No.SEIAA/2014/8538 dated 01.02.2014. If \36clR.Cld qRiI)3irtI cpr 'frRtlfIUI ~ 12th June, 2014 em ~ 1J'4I I ~ 'frRtlfIUI cb ~ HJft lTlffUil am q~~hRr 3IfuCbIR'41 'R qqf cb ~ 3la)~MI&Rt -mr ~ qft ~ 3fRCi!II am ~ 3I'WIuI tBf ~ 'fcm! ~ t I 3Wffi ~ t fij) 3lICl~'4Cb CbI~ClI~ ~ ~ CbI'41<1'4 em 1ft 4511<1'4 &RI qft ~ CbI~ClI~ 'R 3JCI1rcI qm;J qft cpu cvt I \3q¥ ~ ~, AM~J'~~~ /(~~) A~~ICb(m) Tel. No. (0172)-2638994 EMail:[email protected] ~;fO Telephone No. : +91-172-2638061 Fax No. : +91-172-2638135 l1<"Il\II::IlIi\ 31T{('f mern Q4hH OI, ClOT "QCf ~ qftClJirl ~ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE F. No.5-707/2014-RO(NZ) anfi<r ihFdi til 'll ofo 24 - 25. ~ 3m" ~ ~ mir. ~ - 31 TJ, - 160030 Northern Regional Office, Bays No. 24 - 25, Sector 31-A, Daksl1in Marg, chandigarh ·160030 Dated: 05.09.2014 To The Director(S), Monitoring Cell Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh, Aliganj, New Delhi-11 0003 Sub: Ref. Sir, Expansion of Chlorinated Paraffin manufacturing Unit from 5040 MT to 14400 MTA and by product HCL from 10080 MT to 28800 MTA at Siel Industrial Estate, Khadauli, Rajpura, Distt. Patiala (Punjab) by M/s Shiva Exim Enterprises-- site inspection regarding. SEIAA, Punjab's letter No.SEIAA/2014/8538 dated 01.02.2014. Please find enclosed herewith site inspection report of above cited Project which was monitored by the undersigned on 12th June, 2014. The salient features of non compliance of few environmental safeguards in brief are given below: 1. 2. 3. 4. The condition wise compliance report is vet to be submitted. The Environment Statement for the year 2013-2014 is vet to be submitted. Latest physical and financial progress about CSR activities is yet to be informed. Uploading of six monthly progress report and monitoring reports on the web site of the Company is yet to be ensured. Recommendations for action keeping in view the nature and extent of violation in reference t 0 M"mlserv's . t ' DOl t d 25 06 2007 . etter No. J -11014/267/2007-IA II d ae S.No. Nature and extent of violation Further course of action recommended .-- 1. No violation detected of regards implementation 2. Minor violations (not serious in As environmental safeguards laid down in nature) detected. MoEF's clearance letter, only minor violations which are not serious in nature have been detected. Hence, a non-compliance/suggestive letter is being written to rectify/improve them and submit 'An action taken report' 3. Significant violations detected. NA 4. Serious violations detected. NA ThiS IS for your information and necessary action please. Yours faithfully, ~,~ (Surendra Kumar) Director(S) Tel. No. (0172)-2638994 EMail:[email protected] Enc!. as above: MinistrY of Environment & Forests Northern Regional Office Chandlgarh DATA SHEET 1. 2. 3. 4. Project Type: Name of the Project: Clearance letter (s)/ O.M No. & dates: Location: a) District (s) b) State (s) c) Latitudes/longitudes 5. Address for correspondence: a) Address of Concerned Project Chief Engineer (with Pin Code/ Tel No.rrelex/Fax No.1 E.Mail address) 6. Salient features: a) of the project b) of the environmental management plans Industry Expansion of Shiva Exim Enterprises from 5040 MTA to 14400 MTA of Chlorinated Paraffin & 10080 MTA of Hydrochloric Acid as by product. Punjab SEIAA's No.SEIAA/2014/8538 dated 1.2.2014 Patiala Punjab 30° 28' 06" North 76° 32' 46" East Shri Shiva Kumar, Managing Partner 802-804, Pearls Best Height Tower-II Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura New Delhi-11 0034 Tel. No. 011-43544404 Cell NO.09810053580 FAX No. 011-43544455 Email:[email protected] i) Shri Ajay Tripathy, GM(9316422850) ii)Shri Aditya Dehra, DGM(9855744440) Expansion of Shiva Exim Enterprises from 5040 MTA to 14400 MTA of Chlorinated Paraffin & 10080 MTA of Hydrochloric Acid as by product. > > > > > > > > > Green belt is developed. Zero discharge of waste water Water scrubber and alkali scrubber Regular monitoring of fugitive emission Constitution of Environment Management Cell Proper ventilation on all the workplaces Noise level monitoring To adopt waste minimization measures Occupational health surveillance programme is to be taken up. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 14. --2- Break up of the project area: Industrial plot to the tune of 0.75 acre in Siel Industrial Estate Break up of project affected Nil population Financial details: a) Project cost as originally Project cost: RS.71.50 lacs(expansion) planned and subsequent RS.1 08.75 lacs (Original) revised estimates and the year of price reference. Total investment: RS.180.25 lacs Capital cost: b) Allocations made for RS.9.00 lacs Recurring cost: RS.1.5 lacs environmental management plans with item wise and year wise break up. 33% c) Benefit cost ratio/Internal Rate of Return and the year of assessment. Yes d) Whether (c) includes the cost of environmental management as shown in b) above. RS.180.25 lacs e) Actual expenditure incurred on the project so far. Rs. 15.00 lacs approximately t) Actual expenditure incurred on the environmental management plans so far: Not applicable Forest land requirement : The status of clear felling in non-forest areas Status of construction : a) Date of commencement (actual and/or planned) b) Date of completion (actual and/or planned) Reasons for the delay if the project is yet to start: Dates of site visits a. Date of previous site visit: b. Date of present site visit: N.A. 01.03.2014 31.12.2014 N.A. Nil 12.06.2014 Participants: (A) From Mis Shiva Exim Enterprises i) Shri Ajay Tripathy, GM ii) Shri Aditya Dehra, DGM (B) From MOEF, NRO, Chandigarh Shri Surendra Kumar, Director(S) --3 PART-II STATUS OF COMPLIANCE & PART-III DETAILED MONITORING REPORT The project envisages to increase in the production capacity of Chlorinated Paraffin from 5040 MTA to 14400 MTA and hydrochloric acid from 10080 MTA to 28800 MTA, in the existing Industrial Plant located in the revenue estate of Village Khadauli, Tehsil Rajpura, District Patiala. The industry shall use HNP/NP/LNP and liquid chlorine as raw material for manufacturing of above mentioned products. The total water requirement of the project will be 95 KLD, which will be met from canal water supply. Out of which, 3 KLD will be used for domestic purpose, 90 KLD will be used in the process and 2 KLD will be used for cooling purpose. About 2.4 KLD of domestic effluent will be generated, which will be treated in an existing septic tank. The treated wastewater will be discharged on to land for irrigation. The excess chlorine to be evolved from the process will be neutralized in the common neutralizer installed in the premises of SIEL. Green belt will be developed in an area of 1416 sq. m. and the same will be irrigated with treated domestic effluent. The existing power requirement available is 124.75 KW and about 75.25 KW additional power will be required. Total power requirement will be 200 KW after expansion. D.G. set of 200 KVA will be installed as standby arrangement of power supply. No forest land falls in the project site and there is no National Park and Wild life Sanctuary within a radius of 10 Km from the project site. It is observed that 70% of expansion work I completed. All machines have been ordered. The expansion work will be completed by the end of December, 2014. The details of procurement of raw material from 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 is given below: S.No. 1. 2. 3. Item Paraffin Chlorine Epoxy plasticizers Quantity (in MT) 1860.8110 4209.5000 49.6550 The details of production for the period for 2013-2014 is given below: S.No. Item 1. Paraffin Chlorinated plasticizers Hydrochloric acid (by product) 2. Quantity (in MT) 3429.282 5946.18 Thus it is evident that the production is being carried out at the previous rate only till date and expansion work has not been completed so far. --4- A) S Jecific conditions: 1) Fresh water requirement for the project shall not Assured to comply exceed 95 KL/day after the expansion and it shall be met from canal water supply only. No ground water shall be tapped for the project requirements in any case. The project proponent has assured that the fresh water requirement for the project shall not exceed 95 KLlday after the expansion and it shall be met from canal water supply only. It is further confirmed that no ground water shall be tapped for the project requirements in any case. 2) Water meter shall be installed for metering of fresh Assured to comply water intake and records of monthly water consumption shall be maintained. The project proponent has assured that the water meter shall be installed for metering of fresh water intake and records of monthly water consumption shall be maintained. 3) Domestic waste water generation shall be 2.4 Assured to comply KL/day and it shall be disposed off through septic tank onto land for irrigation. The project proponent has assured that domestic waste water generation shall be 2.4 KLlday and it shall be disposed off through septic tank onto land for irrigation. Industry shall not generate and discharge any wastewater. Being complied The project proponent has not been generating and discharge any wastewater. 5) Water scrubber followed by alkali scrubber shall be provided to control the process emission of HCI & CI 2 and it shall be operated efficiently to achieve the norms prescribed by the PPCB. Being complied The water and alkali scrubbers have already been installed to control the process emission of HCI & CI2 and it shall be operated efficiently to achieve the norms prescribed by the PPCB. 6) All the vessels used in the manufacturing process Assured to comply shall be close to reduce the fugitive emission. Adequate ventilation system shall be provided in work areas. The project proponent has' assured that all the vessels used in the manufacturing process shall be closed to reduce the fugitive emission. It is further assured that Adequate ventilation system shall be provided in work areas. --5 7) Measures shall be taken to reduce the process vapors emissions as far as possible. All the venting equipments shall have vapor recovery system. Being complied The project proponent has assured that measures shall be taken to reduce the process vapors emissions as far as possible. All the venting equipments shall have vapor recovery system. 8) The fugitive emission in the work zone environment and tank farm area shall be monitored regularly. The emission shall conform to the standards prescribed by the concerned authorities from time to time (e.g. Directors of Industrial Safety & Health). Being complied The project proponent has assured that the fugitive emission in the work zone environment and tank farm area shall be monitored regularly. 9) Regular performance evaluation of the scrubbing system shall be undertaken every year to check its adequacy, through credible institutes like liT, NPC or other such other institutes of similar repute, and its records shall be maintained. Being complied The project proponent has assured that regular performance evaluation of the scrubbing system shall hE=! Imrlp.rtaken every year to nhr.nl( its 8dequacy, tllrougll credible institutes like liT, NPC or other such other institutes of similar repute, and its records shall be maintained. 10) Regular monitoring of ground level concentrations Being complied of HCI, C12, 502, NOx,PM10 and PM shall be carried out in the impact zone and its records shall be maintained. Ambient air quality levels shall not exceed the standards stipulated by MoEF/PPCB. The location of the monitoring stations and frequency of monitoring shall be decided in consultation with PPCB. The project proponent has assured that regular monitoring of ground level concentrations of HCI, Cb, 80 2 , NOx,PMlO and PM shall be carried out in the impact zone and its records shall be maintained. It is further assured that the Ambient air quality levels shall not exceed the standards stipulated by MoEF/PPCB. 11) The company must strictly comply with the rules and regulations with regards to handling and disposal of hazardous wastes in accordance with the Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handing and Rules 2008, as Transboundary Movement) amended from time to time. Being complied --6 The project authorities have informed that there is no generation of any hazardous waste except the waste oil generated from the DG sets. That waste oil is very less in quantity. Hence, the Authorization under HW(M, H & T) Rules, 2008 is not necessary. 12) Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Hypochlorite shall be sold only to the authorized end consumers. Month wise records of sale of Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Hypochlorite shall be maintained and submitted to the PPCB. Being complied The project proponent has confirmed that the Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Hypochlorite is being sold only to the authorized end consumers and month wise records of sale of Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Hypochlorite are being maintained. 13) The project management shall strictly comply with Being complied the provisions made in the Factories Act, 1948 as well as Manufacture, Storage and Impact of Hazardous Chemicals Rules 1989 as amended in 2000 for handling of hazardous chemicals. The project proponent has assured that they will strictly comply with the provisions made in the Factories Act, 1948 as well as Manufacture, Storage and Impact of Hazardous Chemicals Rules 1989 as amended in 2000 for handling of hazardous chemicals. The PA has been asked to comply the following strictly: 1. To display MSDS sheets in Hindi and English at all spots of working area. 2. Environment Statement should be submitted to PSPCB in September every year on regular basis. Necessary prior permissions from statutor authorities shall be obtained. various Being complied The project proponent has assured that all prior permissions from various statutory authorities shall be obtained before starting production as per expansion project. 15) All necessary precautionary measures shall be Being complied taken to avoid any kind of accident during storage and handling of hazardous chemicals, especially chlorine. It is observed that this condition is being duly complied. 16) Storage and use of hazardous chemicals shall be Being complied minimized to the extent possible and all necessary precautions shall be taken to mitigate the risk generated out of it. --7 The project proponent has assured that the storage and use of hazardous chemicals shall be minimized to the extent possible and all necessary precautions shall be taken to mitigate the risk generated out of it. 17) 1 I Hazardous materials storage shall be at an isolated designated location. Being complied It is observed that Chlorine cylinders are kept at isolated and designated location. 18) Storage of hazardous chemicals shall be in Being complied multiple small capacity tanks! containers instead of one single large capacity tank to reduce the risk. The PA has assured that this condition will be duly complied with in due course of time. This office will monitor the compliance of this condition from time to time. 19) All the storage tanks shall be fitted with appropriate controls to avoid any leakages. Close handling system for chemicals shall be provided. Being complied It is observed that all the storage tanks have been fitted with appropriate controls to avoid any leakages. 20) Handling and charging of the chemicals shall be done in such a manner that minimal human exposure occurs. Being complied It is assured by the PA that handling and charging of the chemicals is done in such a manner that minimal human exposure occurs. Proper ventilation shall be provided in the work areas. Being complied All the machinery and equipments are installed in open area. Hence, there is no problem of any ventilation. 22) Personal Protective Equipments shall be provided to workers and its usage shall be ensured and supervised. Being complied It is observed that Personal Protective Equipments have been provided to workers and its usage is ensured and supervised. 23) First Aid Box and required Antidotes for the chemicals used in the unit shall be made readily available in adequate quantity at all the times. Being complied It is observed that First Aid Box and required Antidotes for the chemicals used in the unit have been made readily available in adequate quantity at all the times. --8- 24) Necessary tie up with the nearby doctor qualified for occupational health shall be made to ensure that the medical treatment is given within the shortest possible time in case of any adverse condition. Being complied The project proponent has assured that necessary tie up with the nearby doctor qualified for occupational health shall be made to ensure that the medical treatment is given within the shortest possible time in case of any adverse condition to any worker at the factory side. Training shall be given to all workers on safety and health as ects of handlin chemicals. Being complied The project proponent has confirmed that the training is imparted to all the workers on safety and health aspects of handling chemicals. 26) Occupational health surveillance of the workers shall be carried out on a regular basis and records shall be maintained as per the Factories Act and Rules. Being complied There are about 10 workers at the project site. It is informed by the project proponent that Occupational health surveillance of the workers shall be carried out on a regular basis and records shall be maintained as per the Factories Act and Rules. Transportation of Hazardous Chemicals shall be as er the Motor Vehicle Act & Rules. Being complied The project proponent has assured that the transportation of Hazardous Chemicals shall be as per the Motor Vehicle Act & Rules. 28) All transporting routes within the factory premises shall have paved roads to minimize splashes and spillages. Being complied It is observed that this condition is being duly complied. 29) The overall noise level in and around the plant area Being complied shall be kept well within the prescribed standards by providing noise control measures including engineering control like acoustic insulations, hoods, silencers, enclosures etc. on all source of noise generation. The ambient noise level shall conform to the standards prescribed under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 & Rules. The project authorities have assured that this condition will be duly complied in due course of time. --9 The unit shall also undertake waste minimization measures: Being complied The project authorities have confirmed that following waste minimization measures will be taken in the industry: a. Metering and control of quantities of active ingredients to minimize waste. b. Use of automated and enclosed filling to minimize spillage. c. Reuse of byproducts from the process as raw materials or rawmaterials substitutes in other process. d. Venting equipment through vapour recovery system. e. Use of close feed system into batch reactors. f. Use of high pressure hoses for equipment cleaning to reduce wastewater generation. g. Dry cleaning / mopping of floor instead of floor washing h. Regular preventive maintenance to avoid leakage, spillage etc. The unit shall develop green belt within premises as er the uidelines of PPCB. Being complied It is observed that around 100 trees have been planted in the factory premises and at the boundary. The PA has been asked to inform the physical and financial progress about the green belt development from time to time. B) General conditions: i) In the event of failure of any pollution control Assured to comply system adopted by the unit, the unit shall be safely closed down and shall not be restarted until the desired efficiency of the control equipment has been achieved. The project proponent has assured that in the event of failure of any pollution control system adopted by the unit, the unit shall be safely closed down and shall not be restarted until the desired efficiency of the control equipment is achieved. ii) The unit shall vigorously implement environment Assured to comply protection measures, risk mitigation measures and safeguards recommended in the EIA Report, Risk Assessment & Hazop Study Report and Onsite Emergency Management Plan of the project. The project proponent has assured to comply this condition in due course of time. iii) A Environment Management Cell Assured to comply separate equipped with full fledged laboratory facilities shall be set up to carry out the Environment Management and Monitoring functions. The project proponent has assured that a separate Environment Management Cell equipped with full fledged laboratory facilities shall be set up to carry out the Environment Management and Monitoring functions in due course of time. --10- iv) The funds earmarked for environment protection Assured to comply measures shall be maintained in a separate account and there shall not be any diversion of these funds for any other purpose. A year wise expenditure on environmental safeguards shall be re orted. The project proponent has assured to comply this condition in due course of time. About RS.15.00 lacs have been spent by the project proponent on implementation of environment management plans. v) Pucca flooring I impervious layer shall be provided in the work areas, chemical storage areas and chemical handling areas to minimize soil contamination. Assured to comply About 60% of the area has been made pucca. The PA has been asked to complete total area as pucca. Leakages from the pipes, pumps etc. shall minimal and if occurs, shall be arrested rom tl Assured to comply The project proponent has confirmed that there is no leakage from the pipes, pumps etc. so far. vii) During material transfer, spillages shall be avoided Assured to comply and garland drain be constructed to avoid mixing of accidental spillages with domestic wastewater or water. The project proponent has confirmed that this condition will be duly complied with. viii) No further expansion or modifications in the plant Assured to comply likely to cause environmental impacts shall be carried out without obtaining prior Environment Clearance from the concerned authorit . The project proponent has confirmed that there is no proposal for any expansion of the project in near future. ix) The project authorities shall earmark adequate Being complied funds to implement the conditions stipulated by SEIAA as well as PPCB along with the implementation schedule for all the conditions stipulated herein. The funds so provided shall not be diverted for any other purpose. The project authorities have earmarked adequate funds to implement the conditions stipulated by SEIAA as well as PPCB along with the implementation schedule for all --11 the conditions stipulated herein. It is also confirmed by the PA that the funds so provided shall not be diverted for any other purpose. x) The applicant shall inform the public that the Complied project has been accorded environmental clearance by the SEIAA and that the copies of the clearance letter are available with the PPCB and may al&o bo ooon at the W&b~it ur 9EIAAI !I::ACI PPCB. This shall be advertised within seven days from the date of the clearance letter, in at least two local newspapers that are widely circulated in the region, one of which shall be in the Punjabi language and the other in English. A copy each of the same shall be forwarded to the concerned Regional Office of the Ministry. The environment clearance has been advertised in "The Tribune""and "Dainik Tribune" dated 4 th March, 2014. The news cuttings are placed in the file. xi) It shall be mandatory for the project management Assured to comply to submit half yearly compliance report in respect of the stipulated prior environmental clearance terms and conditions in hard and soft copies to the regulatory authority concerned, on 1st June and 1st December of each calendar year. The project has been monitored on 12.06.2014 and regular submission of six monthly progress report is yet to be ensured. The PA has been asked to submit six monthly progress report in 1st week of December and 1st week of June every year in soft and hard copies both as the report will be displayed on Web site of the Ministry of Environment & Forests in pursuance of the provisions of new EIA Notification No. 1533(E) dated 14th September, 2006. xii) The project authorities shall also adhere to the Being complied stipulations made by the Punjab Pollution Control Board. The Air & Water Consents under AIr & Water Acts have been Issued by the Punjab State Pollution Control Board which are valid upto 30.09.2014. The PA has been asked to get the Consents renewed from time to time. The insurance policy has already been procured under the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991. The PA has been asked to get the insurance policy renewed from time to time. License has been obtained from Chief Controller of Explosive for storing the chlorine gas in the factory premises. xiii) The project authorities shall inform the PPCB, Being complied Regional Office of MoEF and SEIAA about the date of financial closure and final approval of the project by the concerned authorities and the date of start of the project. --12 The date of financial closure each year is March. xiv) The SEIAA may revoke or suspend the clearance, if It is upto SEIAA & implementation of any of the above conditions is MoEF to comply not found satisfactory. It is upto the SEIAA or the Ministry to decide on the basis of monitoring report. However, this office does not recommend to revoke or suspend the environment clearance. xv) The company in a time bound manner shall It is upto SEIAA & implement these conditions. The SEIAA reserves MoEF to comply the right to stipulate additional conditions, if the same is found necessary. The above conditions will be enforced, interalia under the provisions of the Water(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Air (Prevention &Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008 and the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 along with their amendments and rules. It is upto SEIAA, Punjab and the Ministry to decide the stipulation of additional conditions in H-le EG on the basis of monitoring report. However, this office does not recommend to revoke or suspend the environment clearance. This environmental clearance is valid for five years from the date of issue. Being complied The project will be completed and commercialize within initial 5 years from the date of issue of EG. Hence, this condition is not applicable. xvii) Any appeal against this environmental clearance It is upto PA to take shall lie with the National Green Tribunal, if action preferred, within a period of 30 days as prescribed under Section 16 of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010. It was upto the project proponent to file any appeal in the Appellate Authority against the EG but as per our records, the PA has not gone to the Appellate Authority within 30 days. (s~-W:r) Director(S) Encls: As above