ISO 17025 and the Delivery of Competent NDT Services
ISO 17025 and the Delivery of Competent NDT Services
National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia ISO 17025 and the Delivery of Competent NDT Services Brett Hyland National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Delivery of Competent NDT Services OH&S legislation places responsibility on those appointing subcontractors/suppliers to ensure their competence Liability for adverse consequences arising from incompetent suppliers means we all have a personal stake in knowing what ‘competence’ means National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Delivery of Competent NDT Services Effective controls, appropriate to the project risk profile • personnel • processes Role of third party assurance Active client oversight National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia NDT Personnel Base qualifications Appropriate certification level Context-dependent approvals Regular competency assessment Active involvement of the Level 3 On-site technical auditing National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia NDT personnel Base qualifications •AINDT scheme AS 9712 (formerly AS 3998) •2000/01 changes enforced by NATA National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia NDT personnel Appropriate certification level •Default is Level 2 •Test parameters explicitly detailed for Level 1 National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia NDT personnel Context-dependent approvals •Varying experience, eg manufacturing vs commercial NDT •Varying application, eg in-service vs newly manufactured •Varying test items, eg UT of ferritic welds vs austenitic, thermit •Item-specific approvals? National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia NDT personnel Regular competency assessment • Independent practical examinations • 5 yearly competency assessment National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia NDT personnel Level 3 Involvement • • • • • • • • Authorisation of technicians as competent to perform specific tests Writing or approving test procedures, validating these as necessary Monitoring the need for additional test procedures (in conjunction with the process for review of incoming work requests Management of the in-house NDT competency program Monitoring of the quality of reporting test data across the organisation Ensuring field technical control Ensuring the integrity of testing equipment Dealing with technical queries from testing personnel National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia NDT personnel Level 3 Involvement • Documented nature and frequency of Level 3 input • Documented circumstances requiring additional Level 3 input • Documented delegation of Level 3 responsibilities during absence National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia NDT personnel Adequacy of Level 3 input • • • • • • Experience level of local full-time staff Diversity and quantity of work undertaken Whether procedures are written generically or as item-specific instructions The vulnerability of the local technical control arrangements in the absence of key staff The extent to which technicians perform work at locations away from the base site The nature of the competency assessment undertaken for technicians National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia NDT processes Test procedure selection Equipment assurance Test records and reporting practices Management system controls National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia NDT processes Test procedure selection •Technical review of test requests •Technique limitations (PoD issues) •‘Screening’ methods National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia NDT processes Equipment assurance •Calibration •Maintenance •Capable of required accuracy National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia NDT processes Test records and reporting practices •Complete record of test •Reports data clear, aligned with test specifications •Tailored to customer requirements National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia NDT processes Management system controls •ISO 9001 type controls •Covered in 17025, with additional elements National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Australia’s Accreditation, Certification and Conformity Assessment Infrastructure International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia (NATA) Laboratories Inspection Bodies Reference Material Producers Proficiency Testing Scheme Providers Government, industry and the wider community as customers International Cooperations Peer evaluations to ISO/IEC 17011 Accreditation Bodies Competency assessment of Conformity Assessment Bodies (to various standards) Conformity Assessment Bodies Stakeholders International Accreditation Forum (IAF) Joint Accreditation Scheme of Australia and New Zealand (JASANZ) Product certification bodies Personnel certification bodies ISO 9000 management system certifiers ISO 14000 environmental system certifiers Government, industry and the wider community as customers National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Role of third party assurance Commonwealth Government MoU with NATA • • • • • • aims to promote an appropriate, internationally recognised infrastructure for inspection, testing, measurement, proficiency testing schemes, reference material production and certification, based on accreditation; aims to encourage the ongoing development and strengthening of that infrastructure to meet the changing needs of industry and consumers in Australia's public and national interest; recognises the value of accreditation systems; looks to NATA to provide leadership and guidance; recognises NATA as Australia’s key organisation for the development of knowledge, international experience and recognition in accreditation of inspection bodies, testing and measurement laboratories, proficiency testing scheme providers and producers of reference materials; and recognises NATA's role in accrediting facilities that play a crucial role in assuring public health, safety and environmental quality. National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Role of third party assurance Commonwealth Government MoU with NATA • NATA will provide national leadership in establishing standards of good laboratory practice, in accrediting laboratories, inspection bodies, proficiency testing scheme providers and producers of reference materials thereby providing a network of competent accredited service providers to meet national needs as identified by governments or industry groups. National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Role of third party assurance Ensuring industry needs are met •Use of external industry technical specialists •90 current NDT appointments (compared with >150 labs) •NDT Accreditation Advisory Committee •Technically focussed assessments National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Role of third party assurance Accreditation outcomes in NDT •Testing operators holding a base qualifications for the NDT method(s), with specific authorizations based on competency assessment and experience for product areas. •Testing operators required to perform regular ongoing competency testing relevant to the work they perform. •Testing operators subject to at least annual technical witness audits (onsite). National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Role of third party assurance Accreditation outcomes in NDT •A designated Company Level 3 responsible for developing test methods, approving personnel to conduct specific types of testing, monitoring operator competence and ensuring effective technical control measures are in place over testing work. •Company Level 3 oversight to ensure that selected techniques represent the most suitable approach for the testing application. National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Role of third party assurance Accreditation outcomes in NDT •NDT equipment performance checks are current and records of verification are maintained. •Complete job records to ensure that the test is repeatable, which enables independent verification in case of dispute. National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Role of third party assurance Accreditation outcomes in NDT •Reports which provide clear details regarding the nature, location and size of detected defects in accordance with the nominated test specification, as well as any limitations of testing. •A formal management system in place including corrective and preventive action processes, formal document control, internal auditing systems, well as protocols for establishing/controlling worksites and processes for monitoring technical control over sites. National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Active client oversight of NDT Risk profile of work may warrant direct project oversight •Pre-qualification activities •Ongoing reliability controls National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Active client oversight of NDT Pre-qualification activity examples •Pre-qualification process for personnel being provided by the testing company •Provision for client to approve the NDT supplier’s test methods for all specified types of testing for the project •Provision for client approval of supplied validation data for nominated critical testing applications National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Active client oversight of NDT Ongoing reliability examples •Random re-testing of individual equipment items by independent companies •Independent random witness auditing of tasks at the site by client auditors •Compliance monitoring of test parameters (may include the use of real-time data capture systems) National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Conclusion Technical assurance is required for • NDT personnel • NDT processes Control mechanisms (Complementary) • Third party assurance • Active client oversight
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