Result play
Result play
April 10, 2015 Trading Strategy Result play Strategy stats Scrip name INFY Future price 2230 View Bullish Strategy name Butterfly Buy strike price 2300 CE @ Rs.45.50 Sell strike price 2500 CE @ Rs.8.00 Sell strike price 2500 CE @ Rs.8.00 Buy strike price 2700 CE @ Rs.2.00 Potential profit (Rs) 17125 Potential loss (Rs) -7875 Expiry 30-Apr-2015 Risk: reward 1:2.20 Margin requirement (Approx) 132000 Return on investment 13% Loss on margin -6% has been seeing a good amount of unwinding which we feel it's more of a short covering by the market participants which is a positive sign for the stock going ahead. Hence, with a positive view on the stock and with the announcement of result on April 24, 2015 it is ideal to participate via options, thus we recommend long call butterfly in it. Butterfly Spread: A Butterfly Spread is created with a combination of buying and selling of options. It is a limited risk and limited profit strategy with favourable risk-reward ratio. The butterfly spread can be constructed by buying slightly out the money call options followed by buying of higher strike call options and selling double quantity of mid-strike call option to that of purchased call options. Strategy note Stock view On the derivatives front in Infosys, after seeing a fall of around 200 points from its peak of Rs2,350 to Rs2,150 which was due to a mixture of short positions followed by long unwinding in the counter, the counter in the last few trading sessions has started seeing some kind of short covering. Also, going forward we expect more short coverings in the stock as it's trading above 5-days’ volume weighted average price of Rs2,200 since the past two to three trading sessions, which can also provide a good support for the stock in the coming trading sessions. On the options front also out of the money call strike price The strategy has an initial outflow of 31.50 points in Infosys which amounts to Rs7,875 (31.50*250), which is also the maximum risk involved in the strategy. The maximum profit potential in the strategy amounts to Rs17,125 (68.50*25) which can be incurred if Infosys expires at Rs2,500. The higher break-even point (BEP) in the strategy is Rs2,669 (Rs2,700-31.50) and a lower BEP is Rs2,332 (Rs2,300+31.50) above & below which the strategy will incur maximum loss that is Rs7,875. Kindly find the payoff chart for the strategy on the next page Butterfly Spread Date Scrip Action Rate Qty. 10-Apr-15 INFY 30-APR-2015 CE 2300 Buy 45.50 250 10-Apr-15 INFY 30-APR-2015 CE 2500 Sell 8.00 500 10-Apr-15 INFY 30-APR-2015 CE 2700 Buy 2.00 250 Outflow 31.50 For Private Circulation only REGISTRATION DETAILS Regd Add: Sharekhan Limited, 10th Floor, Beta Building, Lodha iThink Techno Campus, Off. JVLR, Opp. Kanjurmarg Railway Station, Kanjurmarg (East), Mumbai – 400042, Maharashtra. Tel: 022 - 61150000. Sharekhan Ltd.: SEBI Regn. Nos. BSE - INB/INF011073351 ; BSE- CD ; NSE - INB/INF231073330 ; CD-INE231073330 ; MCX Stock Exchange - INB/INF261073333 ; CD-INE261073330 ; DP - NSDL-IN-DP-NSDL-233-2003 ; CDSL-INDP-CDSL-271-2004 ; PMS-INP000000662 ; Mutual Fund-ARN 20669 ; Commodity trading through Sharekhan Commodities Pvt. Ltd.: MCX-10080 ; (MCX/ TCM/CORP/0425) ; NCDEX-00132 ; (NCDEX/TCM/CORP/0142) ; NCDEX SPOT-NCDEXSPOT/116/CO/11/20626 ; For any complaints email at [email protected] ; Disclaimer: Client should read the Risk Disclosure Document issued by SEBI & relevant exchanges and Do’s & Don’ts by MCX & NCDEX and the T & C on before investing. sharekhan option trading strategy Payoff chart Disclaimer This document has been prepared by Sharekhan Ltd. (SHAREKHAN) and is intended for use only by the person or entity to which it is addressed to. 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