The Pathfinder - Argyle Presbyterian Church


The Pathfinder - Argyle Presbyterian Church
"Making disciples who make a difference."
June 2015
The View From the Manse
This month I reviewed our financial philosophy and procedures for our New
Members’ Class and thought it might be helpful to review this with the whole congregation.
In terms of our philosophy we have two goals – to be Biblical & transparent. We encourage
the congregation to study what the Bible has to say about money in general and giving in
particular, and the Bible has a lot to say about both of these. A good place to start is II
Corinthians 8 and 9. We understand that how we manage our money is an important part of
our Christian discipleship. We encourage people to give according to Biblical standards.
Our goal as a church leadership is to be transparent with the congregation about how we
handle the money entrusted to us. So we give a monthly summary of our receipts and
expenses in the Pathfinder and a more complete report in the Annual Report. If you ever
have a question about anything regarding our finances, please contact me or a member of
Session. We will be glad to answer your questions if we can, or to find out the answer if we
can’t. We want you to know as much as you want to know about our finances.
In terms of procedures, we also have two goals – confidentiality and accountability.
We have three counters who collect, count and record the offering each week. They are the
only ones who know how much we give and only for the purpose of receipting contributions
for IRS purposes. That information is never shared with anyone else including me. Having
three counters who double check each other’s work ensures that the money is counted and
recorded correctly. They have no responsibility for disbursing the money. That is all done
by our Treasurer who has nothing to do with receipt side of our finances. So there is division
between the receipt side and the expense side as recommended for churches and other nonprofits. Once a year, our finances are audited by a Session committee. For folks who use
checks or offering envelopes, receipts are issued at the end of the year for tax purposes.
So that is our philosophy and procedures regarding finances. If there is anything else
you would like to know about this or anything else in the church please email or call me.
Steve McLean, Pastor
([email protected])
P.S. I am excited that a couple of folks from the church will be joining Kim and me in
volunteering at Young Lives Camp at Lake Champion, August 7-13. Young Lives is Young
Life’s ministry to teen moms. If this is something you would be interested in doing, let us
know right away. There is still a need for childcare workers.
P.O. Box 66, Argyle, New York 12809 * (518) 638-8072 *
Mission Accomplished!
That was the sentiment on Saturday, 5/16. A
group of Trustees and a couple of helpers
worked all morning to get some big jobs done.
The roof over the Yellow House entrance is
new and larger, in order to keep ice off the
porch. There is a new cellar door outside the
office, to replace the badly deteriorated one.
Lots of leaves at the YH were raked and carted
away; driveway holes were filled; and the high
smoke detectors in the Lobby and Fellowship
Hall were cleaned and one replaced. My
sincere THANKS to all! It was a productive
work session.
A new grinder motor was recently installed in
the downstairs bathroom. Paper towels easily
plug that system. Previously when it plugged,
we could clean it out; but this time it burned out
the motor, teaching us a $600 lesson. In an
effort to diminish the problem, we will move
the paper towel dispenser and waste paper
basket just outside the door and into the hall.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
There are some areas in front of the church
that need re-seeding. This summer the parking
lot will be sealed and striped. Some smaller
jobs are on our "to do" list, as well. Discussion
is continuing on the Tower doors.
Please keep us in your prayers for guidance
and safety. Thank you.
Eileen Jackson, Chairperson
Hello Ladies!
Summer is the perfect time to try
something new, to be spontaneous! Our
Women Ministry events this summer
are intended to fit into anyone's vacation
or gardening schedule. Do you have a
free morning? Are you looking for
something special on a hot evening?
Come as you are, come when you
can! Drop in anytime!!
Here are a few opportunities to meet up
with your Christian Sisters:
Women's Bible Study
Body & Soul
Monday Mornings with Nursery
9am workout: a brisk walk followed by
calisthenics & stretching
10am Bible study: Philippians
***Begins Monday, July 6th***
4 Groceries
Coffee b
Do you shop at Hannaford in Greenwich?
Why not drop in for coffee and devotions
while you're in town?
10 am @ Gabe's House - 249 Cty Rt. 52
Wednesday mornings in July (begins 7/8)
Wednesday Nights at 7pm
Mocktails on the Church Lawn
Devotions and a cold drink!
Watermelon Basil "Loved" July 8
"Let it Go" Lemongrass Cooler July 15
"Stand Your Ground" Strawberritini August 5
Jamaican'Me Generous August 12
The Associate Pastor Search Committee is
excited to begin the process of posting the job
description and accepting job applications for
the Associate Pastor position. We have
continued to read and discuss articles, read the
book Staff Your Church for Growth by Gary L.
McIntosh. We've reviewed and updated our
Church Information Form as we prepare for
the next steps in this process. Steve McLean
and Linda Clark also spoke with other EPC
churches and their Associate Pastors at the
Presbytery of the East meeting which gave us
more insight to the process. Please feel free to
contact any member of the committee with any
questions or comments you may have. Please
keep the committee and the applicants in your
Beth Cook, Secretary for the
Associate Pastor Search Committee
Committee members: Marty Butterfield,
Rick Dennis, Liz McQueen, Linda Clark,
Linda Burch, Bob Black, Karen Lohret,
Chris Copeland, Steve McLean
One of the highlights of the year is our
Annual Church Picnic. This year it will be on
Sunday, June 7 following worship, in
Fellowship Hall and on the lawn.
 You need to bring a dish to pass. There
will be coolers in the kitchen to keep cold
dishes cool.
 The Fellowship Committee will provide
hamburgers, hot dogs, rolls, beverages
and plates, cups, etc.
 There will be games for the kids.
 There will be inside seating and outside
seating under the tent.
Everyone is invited, so put this on your
calendar and start making the potato salad. Feel
free to dress casually for worship.
 We are in need of several tablets to use for
viewing videos in one of our vacation Bible
School stations. If you have a iPad, Kindle
Fire or other tablet we can borrow for the
week, get in touch with Kim McLean
([email protected])
 If you are interested in working on a float for
the 4th of July Parade, contact the office.
Three times a year, one church from our Presbytery is the host church for a two day
Presbytery meeting. The Presbytery of the East (POTE) is our Presbytery. It includes churches
on the east coast from New England to Virginia, so meetings can be as close as Argyle (we
hosted here last April!) or as far away as Virginia.
Each church is encouraged to send delegates to the meeting- both Teaching Elders
(pastors) and, based on the size of the church, a certain number of Ruling Elders (current or past
Session members). The most recent Presbytery meeting was held on April 24 and 25 in
Philadelphia, at the Bethany Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Steve attended as our Teaching
Elder. Ruling Elder delegates were Jereme Randles and Wes and Linda Clark. Kim McLean
and Deb Randles attended as visitors. Steve, Kim and Wes were all delighted to be back in
their hometown, and were particularly excited to see a variety of Tastycakes, a Philly tradition,
on the snack table. 
Presbytery meetings begin at 2:00 on Friday afternoon, opening with prayer and a
welcome from the host church. Delegates and visitors who have never attended a meeting are
introduced. These often include visitors from churches that are thinking of joining the EPC,
and are “checking us out”.
The business meeting then begins. This is the real purpose of the Presbytery meeting,
Friday afternoon and Saturday morning; the chairmen of the various committees give reports on
what they have been doing since the last meeting and their plans for the future. Sounds boring,
right? WRONG! These committees are doing God’s work, and it is very exciting to hear what
God is doing.
My favorite report is that of the Ministerial Committee. This committee has a BIG job.
One of their tasks is to work with churches who are investigating joining the EPC and help
them through the whole process. Another is to work with churches (like us) who are seeking a
pastor. We had dinner Friday night with Frank Rotella, the Ministerial Committee member who
is working with our Search Committee. He seems like a great guy. At every Presbytery
meeting, the Ministerial Committee has seminary students and pastors who they have been
working with give their testimonies (and in some cases a sermon) and answer questions from
the folks present. The stories these people tell about how God is and has been working in their
lives is absolutely awesome.
Friday evening always ends with a great worship service. These people are singers!!
Saturday morning begins with another short time of singing, followed by the conclusion of the
business meeting. Mealtimes and breaks allow plenty of time over the course of the two days to
talk with people from other churches. Everyone is very friendly, and more than happy to share
what (and how) they are doing ministry. The meeting concludes with a box lunch on Saturday,
and everyone heads home.
Presbytery meetings are very uplifting. God is at work in our denomination. If you have
a chance to attend a Presbytery meeting as a delegate or a visitor, I encourage you to do so!
Linda Clark
Last month I asked if anyone had stories
about their experience of sponsoring a child
through Compassion or World Vision that I
could share with the congregation. I am still
looking for stories, so please send them to me.
Ryan and Bailey Charon shared the following
their two children, Lukas and Ankta.
We began sponsoring our first child, Lukas,
in September of 2013. Lukas was born June
13th, 2012 in Chile to a single mother and has
three siblings. It was hard to not pick him
after seeing his picture, the fact that his
birthday is the day after my brother’s and that
his middle name is the same as my father’s. It
seemed to us that God was saying that he was
supposed to be our sponsored child. After
supporting Lukas for a few months we felt that
we were being called to support a second child
so, in December of that same year, we began
sponsoring a little girl, Ankta, from India. The
same thing occurred with Ankta as it had with
Lukas. Her photo was too hard to pass over
and she shares a birthday with Lukas. We
couldn’t pass over that sign. Ankta is from a
two-parent household and has an older
brother. Since we began supporting them we
have received a few progress reports and
updated photographs, they are both in good
health and are turning three in June. We look
forward to many more years with these two
and cannot wait to watch them grow up.
Great stuff! Keep those stories coming.
"Together we can do so much!" – and we
did! – Our volunteers who painted, caulked,
rakes, gardened, baked, sharpened saws,
gathered goat food, stripped wall paper, etc.
– along with those who hired workers, made
donations and dropped coins raised
$1,562.27 for the Joplin Promise. What an
amazing generous congregation this is!
Thank you so much!
Many, many thanks to all of our church
family for your thoughts, prayer, cards, calls
and the dish garden during the time of
Ralph's mother's passing. Much love to all
of you and God Bless. We truly appreciate
Ralph, Janet & Kevin Pagano
A huge thank you to all who called,
visited, sent cards and flowers during both
of our hospital stays. As Chuck remains in
Albany Med we desire your continued
prayers for a full recovery. Especially thanks
to Wed Morning Bible Study and the Drama
Team for their kindnesses. It has meant so
much to our entire family.
Debbie Bailey & family
(Plus 50’s Ministry)
The purpose of the PrimeTimers is to
provide programs for plus 50 adults that are
ministry focused, study focused or fellowship
focused. Primetimers’ events are open to
anyone who is at least 50 years old and their
spouses. Feel free to invite friends from
outside the church. Please mark your
calendars for...
 Our Annual Picnic on Saturday, July 25, 4
p.m. at Jan Cole’s. Bring a dish to pass and a
lawn chair. Everything else will be provided.
In August and September we will be going on
trips with the whole congregation (see below).
Watch for more details on plans to visit Hildene
in October.
The PrimeTimers’ Planning Team
(Jan Cole, Paul & Faith McWhorter, Steve
McLean, Betty & Bob Reynolds, Larry Reid,
Alyce Linscott & Ed Dennis)
(sponsored by the PrimeTimers)
 You are invited to join us for a trip to The
Museum of Innovation and Science (formerly
the Schenectady Museum) on Friday, August
7. We’ll be leaving the church at 8:30 a.m.
General Admission is…
o Adults - $9.50
o Children (3-12 years old) - $6.50
o Senior Citizens (65+) - $8.00
Add $5.00 for the Planetarium. Check out to see all that
there is to do and see at The Museum of
Innovation and Science.
 Join us Saturday, September 19 (rain date
9/26) to ride the Gore Mountain Gondola.
Watch for more details.
Did you know that Marty Butterfield and
Ruby Komarony were selected as the two
representatives of Washington County at the
New York State Senior Citizens Day on
May 5 in Albany? Marty and Ruby were
selected by a committee of their peers to
receive a “Certificate of Special Recognition
for Outstanding Contribution by an Older
New Yorker.” Susan Serino wrote in the
Senior Citizen Day Commemorative
It is my incredible honor as Chair of the
Senate’s Aging Committee to join with you
today in celebration of your volunteerism
and community service. As we recognize
Older Americans’ Month this May, today’s
awardees, and nominees, are shining
examples of what makes New York so great.
The booklet contained a picture and
biography of each awardee. Congratulations
to Marty and Ruby. Thanks for your service
in the church and community.
Sawatdee! (pronounced saw-wat-Dee) This
is a Thailand greeting that means “hello.”
Vacation Bible School is next month July
20-24th! We are pleased to have volunteers
and kids beginning to sign-up. However, we
need more volunteers; especially crew
leaders for both preschool and elementary
school children. We will also need
volunteers for set design, set-up, clean-up,
and our always popular celebration BBQ!!
Please see Joanna Redden, Beth Cook, and
Bailey Charon if you’d like to sign up. It is
never too late! Please continue to pray for
this ministry and ask God to help us spread
the word of his love to as many children in
our community as we can!
June is an exciting month for the Fellowship Committee. We are able to
coordinate two very happy events that we hope you will be able to attend and enjoy.
The first is the Church picnic on June 7th. In an effort to make it as easy & fun as
we can for you, we provide the place settings, hot dogs, hamburgers and beverages.
Please bring a dish to pass – we have lots of refrigeration space to keep things cold
during service. If you decide during church that morning that it would be fun to eat
with us, don’t let the lack of a dish to share stop you - there is always plenty of food
for more! Hope to see you there!
The 2nd event is Choir Recognition – Strawberry Shortcake Sunday on June
21sth. It is our pleasure on that day to honor those folks who share their gift of
music with us each Sunday. They inspire, enhance and deepen our worship experience!
Please plan on staying for a few minutes after worship to say thank you and to share
in this social time with them (and you get to eat dessert for lunch!) Everything is
provided by the fellowship committee for this event.
Historically there has been a group of volunteers who serve as our Summer
Fellowship Committee for the months of July, August and early September. This
time to visit has been very popular with many people who have classes or other
obligations during the Sunday School year. To offer this fellowship time we need 1
or 2 volunteers for each Sunday, July 5th through September 13th. This could be a
time for your family to serve as a group or share with a friend that you would enjoy
visiting & working with. It’s light duty and can be done by one person, but as with
most things it is more fun with 2! Duties include making cold drinks prior to church
and refrigerating them, putting packaged cookies in baskets, getting out paper cups
and napkins. You would need to come out of service during the last hymn to get them
on the counters and table. As the crowd dwindles you would need to clean up and put
things away. This is a great way to explore a different ministry!
A schedule and more details will be given to each volunteer when the list is
complete. If you would like to volunteer for the summer fellowship group please see
Pat Evans or call her at 638-8253. There will also be an opportunity to sign-up on the
Fellowship & Worship form. Thank you so much!
You may not even know what Building Blocks are, if you have joined our congregation
since the fall of 2012. Three years ago we knew that there were several BIG projects that
needed to be done; projects that were beyond the scope of our regular giving. The
congregation voted on a long list of needs, selecting eight that we were willing to contribute
extra funds to do. So began our Building Blocks Campaign and now we are in our final year,
closing in on our goal of $330,000.
Enough thinking time, now for the eight Building Blocks:
 Add an Associate Pastor
 New exterior doors
 New piano for Fellowship Hall
 A/C for FH and the Lobby
 Remodeling the office
 $10,000 brick repair
 Renovate for SS rooms 8,9,10
 Disaster relief (currently for folks
suffering from the cyclone in
Vanautu; earthquake in Nepal;
refugees from ISIS in Iraq)
Our gratitude for the generosity of the congregation is HUGE! We need to receive $50,000
to meet our end of the year goal of $330,000. It is a staggering feat that was only
accomplished through God. He touched hearts, grew our congregation in the area of giving,
and demonstrated to us the blessings of being a cheerful giver. If you would like to become
part of this, it is easy. Any gifts just need to be separated from regular giving and ear marked
for Building Blocks in the memo line of checks or put in an envelope, labeled, Building
Blocks. Another amazing part of God’s work in our congregation, is that our regular giving
has continued to grow during these three years; that is how evident the blessing has been to
us that are currently contributing.
Most of the BB have been accomplished. The most recent project was installing A/C in
Fellowship Hall and the Lobby, just in time for us to reap the benefits this summer. Brick
work is scheduled to start in June or July. The search for an Associate Pastor is underway
and $70,000 is reserved to supplement that salary, until it can be covered by our regular
giving. Expending the remainder of the $30,000 tithe (10%) for disaster relief will continue.
Our kick-off for BB in November, 2012 began with a celebration meal after worship, so it
seems only fitting to conclude the same way. On November 1, 2015, Harry Heintz, a retired
pastor who was here for the kick-off, will join us again for worship. Following worship, our
own Cook/Bromley team will provide a delicious BBQ dinner for everyone. Mark your
calendars now!
There are a couple of smaller projects that could be done, if there is still funding at the
conclusion of this campaign. One recommendation is adding a TV monitor, so that the choir
could see what is projected on the wall. It would not be expensive, but how to do it in an
aesthetically pleasing way is problematic. If anyone has an idea, please share it with us.
Again, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for your prayers, God’s leading, and your
financial support for BB.
Eileen Jackson for the Priority Planning group of Steve McLean, Brian Burch & Pat Evans
Infant /Todler Nursery
Jenn Gonzales
Jun 7 – Brooke Daley
Jun 14 – Tina & Maddie
Jun 21 – Sandy Hoffis,
Bridget Fenton
Jun 28 – Ken Bain,
Katie Schneible
Preschool Nursery
Jenn Bushway
Jun 7 – Judy Liddle
Jun 14 – Marlene Reid
Jun 21 – Gabe Johnson
Jun 28 – Corinne Genovese
Children’s Church
Joh Benson
Jun 7 – Janet Townsend
Jun 14 – Kim McLean
Jun 21 – Julie Steidle
Jun 28 –
Food Pantry
Item of the Month
Pasta Sauces, Canned Fruit
Food Pantry - Saturday 10 a.m.
Jun 6 – Sam & Marilyn Wicks, Tony & Lisa White
Jun 13 – Carol McNeil, Sally Fish
Jun 20 – Jenn & Rebecca Bushway, Noah Bourne
Jun 27 – Dianna & Kermit Monroe
Open Door Soup Kitchen – Lunch- Tuesday, June 9th
Carol McNeil, Jan Cole
Open Door Soup Kitchen – Lunch- Tuesday, June 23rd
Bea Neron, Val McMurray
Open Door Soup Kitchen – Dinner-Friday, June 19th
Duane, Jen, Jacob & Caleb Flower
Jun 7 – Diana Eggleston, Linda LaRock
Jun 14 – Marge Randles, Barb Munger-Russell
Jun 21 – Steidle Family
Jun 28 – Flower Family
Jun 7 – Dean & Laurie McWhorter,
Maryellen & Tina McDougall
Jun 14 – Burch Family
Jun 21 – Mike & Robin Bristol,
Linda LaRock, Alyce Linscott
Jun 28 – Connolly Family
June 2015
6:30am-Missions Prayer
7:00pm-Praise Team
6:00pm-Women's Bible
7:00pm- Choir
Christian Education Sunday
The Lord's Supper
9:30am-Cong Prayer
11:30am-Church Picnic *
9:30am-Cong Prayer
Welcome New Members
6:00pm-Women's Bible
7:00pm- Choir
6:30am-Missions Prayer
7:15am-School Prayer
11:30am-Open Door
Soup Kitchen
9:30am-Cong Prayer
Pathfinder Deadline
7:00pm-Search Comm.
7:30pm-Women's Bible
7:00am-Men's Bible
7:00pm-Couple's Bible
7:00am-Men's Bible
7:00pm-Couple's Bible
7:00am-Men's Bible
7:30pm-Women's Bible
7:00pm-Praise Team
4:30pm-Open Door
Soup Kitchen
7:00pm-Couple's Bible
11:30am-Open Door
Soup Kitchen
6:30am-Missions Prayer
6:00pm-Women's Bible
6:30am-Women's Bible
6:30pm-Parents' Prayer
7:00pm-Session w/
New Members
7:30pm-Women's Bible
6:30am-Women's Bible
6:00pm-Women's Bible
7:00pm-Choir Pie
Choir Recognition Sunday
9:30am-Cong Prayer
11:15am-Choir Reception
Baccalaureate @ Bottskill
Baptist Church
Baccalaureate @ Hartford
Methodist Church
7:00pm-Search Comm.
7:00pm-Couple's Bible
7:00am-Men's Bible