PARISH STAFF - Ascension Catholic Church


PARISH STAFF - Ascension Catholic Church
Sat 4/11:
Men’s Group
Photo Sessions
Spanish Mass
Sun 4/12:
Linda Royal, x12
[email protected]
First Communion Class
Parent Class
Spanish Choir Practice
Confirmation Class
Spanish Mass
Mon 4/13:
Care Ministry
Tues 4/14:
Spanish Religious Education
Wed 4/15:
Knights of Columbus
Couple’s Group
Thur 4/16:
Communion Service
Francis Friends
Holy Hour Choir Practice
St. Andres School
Fri 4/17:
*Parish Office Closed
Retro Daze-Fundraiser
Sat 4/18:
Outdoor Spring Cleaning
Spanish Youth Choir Practice
Spanish Mass
Fr. Angelo Te, x11
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Moises Leal-González, x19
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Veronica Aguilar, x13
[email protected]
Business Manager
Melanie van der Veen, x14
Hispanic Ministry-Ministerio Hispano
Maria Solis, Director, x17
[email protected]
Maintenance Supervisor
Paulo Gomez, x20
Music Ministry
Sr. Celeste Clavel, OSF, Music Director, x18
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate
Sharon Grigar, x21
[email protected]
Elizabeth (Ely) Guerrero
Youth Ministry
Sandy Martinez & Kim Petros, x16
[email protected]
Sun 4/19:
Only for emergencies requiring an anointing
(for example is someone is near death and requires
anointing of the sick.)
Closed Fridays
9:00am - 3:00pm – Monday through Thursday
Sat. April 11
Doam Family
Esteban Leyba y +Manuel Garcia Diaz
Sun. April 12
Alcohol and Drug Youth Line: 503-244-1611
Archdiocese Director of Child Protection
(Cathy Shannon): 503-233-8302
Franciscan Province Pastoral Outreach Coordinator (clergy abuse):
(Angelica Jochim, MFT) 1-800-770-8013
Hispanic Hotline: 503-669-8350
Portland Women’s Crisis Line: 503-235-5333
Pregnancy & Adoption Support: 503-238-5196
Post Abortion Healing: 800-249-8074
Spanish Choir Practice
Middle School Group
Spanish Mass
Indoor Spring Cleaning
Mon. April 13
Tues. April 14
Wed. April 15
Thurs. April 16
Fri. April 17
Sat. April 18
Sun. April 19
All Parishioners
Jeanne Toulou
Sandro Israel Perez Bejar
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
Doam Family
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
Por todos los miembros de la parroquia
April 12th, 2015
Second Sunday of Easter- Sunday of Divine Mercy
Reading I: Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35
Reading II: 1 John 5:1-6
Gospel: John 20:19-31
Welcome to Ascension Parish!
If you would like information on becoming a member of this parish community,
please visit the hospitality table on the third weekend of the month.
We Invite You to Read Next Sunday’s Readings: April 19th, 2015
Reading I: Acts of the Apostles 3:13-15, 17-19
Reading II: 1 John 2:1-5a
Gospel: Luke 24:35-48
Brooke Arreola - Morales
Thembi Kareem Reeves
Jacob Werner Ruch
German Antonio Chables
Claudia Garcia Aguilar
Lubinelda Pérez Fernandez
Daniel Gómez Hernández
Selene Gómez Hernández
Hailey Avalina Daniels
Samara Sotelo
Samantha Pizzuto
Kimora Dilrzir Simer
Isidro Galindo Pérez
Ivan Galindo Pérez
Christopher Rodriguez Ramirez
Alberto Mejia Ramirez
Adult Confirmation Candidates
Beverly Sara Adams
Matthew La Monaca
Timothy Downey
Cynthia Simer
Francisco Sierra Merion
Otilio Bautista Jiménez
Francisco Heriberto Hernandez
Maria Janeth Hernández
Mark Hernández
Jorge Álvarez
Osvaldo Manuel Estrada Diaz
Gloria Maria Argaes Arciga
Lizbeth Vázquez Fidencio
Oscar Hernández
Helen Joana Hernandez
First 1000 Days -A Catholic Culture of Life Initiative
Sunday, April 12
Where All Are Welcomed and Loved With
Mercy - Day 28
The regulations and all efforts to reduce the
impact of climate change should respect
human life and dignity, especially that of
the poorest and most vulnerable:
from children in the womb to the elderly.
First week in April 2015:
$ 7,581.62 (Easter)
First week in April 2014:
$ 9,329.42 (Not Easter)
Easter Offering 2015: $4,653.00
Easter Offering 2014: $3,660.00
Adult First Communion
Angela Yael Sotelo
Gerardo Amador
Adult Confirmation and
First Communion
Adrián Bautista Hernandez
Floriceli A. Cruz Cruz
Dolores Oralia Reeves
Spring Clean Ascension!
Saturday, April 18 - Outdoors
10am to 12noon
Bring tools, power washers, and your brown bag lunch for
our lunch together at noon.
(Pressure wash, wash windows, remove gum,
pick up litter, relocate landscape rocks)
Sunday, April 19 – Inside the Church
2pm to 5pm
(Wash walls, remove gum from pews,
dust louvers and lights, vacuum, mop)
Sign up next week after each Mass
to help with our annual spring clean.
Melanie vanderVeen &
Peggy Farrell x14
Jesse Manibusan and Ken Canedo,
composers of much of the music we use
here at Ascension, will make a rare
appearance at our church!
We bring our seniors and friends together on the 3rd
Thursday of each month for Mass at noon; fellowship
and lunch is the highlight of our month.
All ages are welcome, please join us.
This Monday, April 13, 7 p.m.
$5 at the door.
We are so blessed to have them perform here. Plan
to attend to hear and enjoy these popular musicians
Saturday, April 11 after 5pm Mass
Blood Pressure Screening
Sunday, April 12 after all Masses
Blood Pressure Screening
Smile bigger for our church directory knowing you've helped
out. We need 2 hours of your time to help check in
parishioners for their photo sessions. Check-in
coverage is needed late afternoon; evening and
Saturday on photo shoot days. Can you spare 2
hours of your time?
Please let the parish office know if you are able to help.
Our next sessions are:
Thursday 4/30/15
Friday 5/1/15
Saturday 5/2/15
Tuesday, April 14
Mass at Russellville - 1:30pm
Wednesday, April 15
Mass at Courtyard Plaza – 10:00am
Thursday, April 16
Mass at Ascension – 12:00pm
Francis Friends following Mass
Women’s Group
Ill parishioners and family members: Janet Adolf, Ana Angel, Delfina
Arenas Galindo, Baby Sophie, Carl Beers, Ellie Mae Blackmon, June Burke, Sr.
Carol Carter, Francesca Copp-Hoffard, Vi Costanzo, Kim Cox, Elvis Gutierrez
Cuevas, Fatima Gutierrez Cuevas, Sarah DeCarlo, Lexie delos Reyes, Judy
Dennison, Ron Dove, Margaret Dupree, Phillis Farrelly, Tom Faris, Victoria
George, Madelyn Goucher, Linda Heller, Mary Helling, Maury Herinckx,
Alfredo Fuerte Hernandez, Chloe Hess, William Highfield, Ken Hobson, Zita
Howell, Linda Johnson, Brody Joice, Adele Kubein, Shirl Laney, Kathi Laws,
Patti Lind, Mary Marino, Dan McCormick, Bernie McDonnell, Jessenia
Mendoza, Antonio Nerio, Shelly Oglesby, Hector Olave, Helen Orico, Ernesto
Ortiz, Charles and Paola Parish, Patricia Pierie, Kathleen Pierie, Nizha Rask,
Fernando Rayes, Ron Richard, Luis Rodriguez, Jose Salazar, Atanacia Salto
Sanchez, Sherry Santor, George Schall, June Schmeer, Chiara Severino, Tim
Smith, Dave Smith, Alberto Escobelo Solis, Donald Southard, Kathy Suter, Ed
Trompke, Celia Valle, Pete Viviano, and Sr. Katie Wagner.
If you know of someone in our community in need of our presence or
prayers, please give us a call.
Please help us keep our list current by
letting us know when your loved one is better. Thank you.
Pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes
…with Fr. Angelo
October 18 – 28 (10 days)
Cost includes round trip airfare from PDX $3299
includes 16 meals (8 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 7 dinners)
Deposit is due on May 18.
Highlights include Fatima, Aljustrel, Valinhos,
Santarem, Cathedral of Burgos, Monastery of Santa Maria
Real de las Huelgas, Lourdes, Grotto of Massabielle,
Carcassone, Barcelona, La Sagrada Familia
Contact Fr. Angelo Te or Sharon Grigar for info.
Join us as we continue our discussion of the
Matthew Kelly book: Rediscover Catholicism
April 23: Chapter 18 to end!
St. Clare Room at 7pm
Children’s Program
Contact Person: Sharon Grigar x21
Thank you to everyone who donated
candy and helped with the
Easter Egg Hunt!
Children’s Spring Class Schedule
1st Communion and Sunday-School
1st Communion and Sunday-School
1st Communion and Sunday-School
1st Communion and Sunday-School
Followed by Blessing at 10:30am Mass
and Bingo Party in the Conference Room
May 10
No Class (Mother’s Day)
May 17
1st Communion Class
May 23
Practice for 1st Communion 9:30am
May 24
1st Communion Celebration
April 12
April 19
April 26
May 3rd
Friday, April 17
7pm to 10pm
Tony Rinella Hall
Live music from 7pm to 10pm
Performed by
Ascension Youth Ministry
Sandy Martínez & Kim Petros
[email protected]
(503) 256-3897 x.16
What a beautiful Youth Mass this Easter Sunday! Thanks to
all our youth and young adults for participating at the Mass.
Our next Youth Mass will be on Sunday, May 10th.
Our next Middle School Group is next Sunday,
April 19th from 11:45 to 1:15pm.
All our welcome and bring friends!
God, fun, friendship and pizza!
Our Very Own Local Band:
Ed Cooke, Rudy Grigar, Dick Halton & Kevin Bell
Tickets $5
21 & over only
(On Sale This Weekend!)
Also serving: Pizza, Beer and Wine
50/50 Raffle + Name That Tune & Artist: $5 to play
Volunteer Opportunities:
Ascension Needs You
Help Serve Coffee and Donuts
Coffee and Donuts are provided, all we need is you!
Sign up to help set up, serve and clean up after the
8:30am or 10:30am Mass. Co-coordinators are also
wanted to help with this community building activity.
Sacristan for the
Sunday 8:30am or 10:30am Masses
Arrive 30 minutes early to set out the chalices, hosts, wine
and other items needed for Mass. Volunteers serve 1
month at the Mass of their choice.
Prayer Circle
Do you spend time in prayer? We need you!
We receive prayer requests through parishioners; these
requests are in turn passed on to our prayer circle.
When you receive a name, spend time praying for that
person. Simple, but important.
Contact Sharon Grigar
at the Parish Office to Volunteer.
Mother & Child Education Center’s Annual Charity Dinner
& Auction is set for Saturday, May 9 th, from 5:30-9pm, in the
Madeleine Parish Community Center, 3123 NE 24th, Portland,
OR. This year's items include gift baskets, trips to the beach,
mountains and more! MCEC helps women facing unplanned
pregnancies choose life, and low-income families who are
experiencing unemployment, lack of stable housing, or domestic
violence receive much-needed resources. Proceeds fund pregnancy
testing, counseling, workshops in prenatal health, labor & delivery,
newborn care, parenting, budgeting, and the distribution of diapers,
food and baby clothing. Tickets $35. Call 503-249-5801 to
purchase or make a donation
STEPS FOR LIFE: One person can make a difference! Participate
in the Steps for Life Walk on Saturday, May 16. Steps for
Life is a 2-mile family fun walkathon at Pioneer Courthouse
Square. Enjoy the petting zoo, clowns, face painting, music
and animal balloons before the walk. This event provides
funds for the ministry of Pregnancy Resource Centers,
which serves over 10,000 individuals in our community
annually. For more info go to
or call 503.256.0808 ext.58.
Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. In 2003, Pope John Paul II
issued an Apostolic Blessing to all who pray the Divine Mercy
Chaplet “for mothers, that they not abort their offspring; for infants
in danger of being put to death in the womb; for a change of heart
of providers of abortions and of their collaborators; for human
victims of stem cell research, genetic manipulation, cloning and
euthanasia; and for all entrusted with the government of peoples,
that they may promote the Culture of Life, so as to put an end to the
culture of death." Priests for Life.
On this day we are reminded of God's abundant love and mercy.
Cathedrals and parishes throughout the country are encouraged to join
together in prayer and adoration seeking God's mercy for ourselves and
for our nation for offenses against life, marriage, and religious liberty.
"Who can say that he is free from sin and does not need God's mercy?
As people of this restless time of ours, wavering between the emptiness
of self-exaltation and the humiliation of despair, we have a greater need
than ever for a regenerating experience of mercy." - Bl. Pope John Paul II
“I think we too are the people who, on the one hand, want to listen to
Jesus, but on the other hand, at times, like to find a stick to beat others
with, to condemn others. And Jesus has this message for us: mercy. I
think — and I say it with humility — that this is the Lord's most powerful
message: mercy.” — Pope Francis, Homily on March 17, 2013
Abril 12, 2015
Domingo de la Divina Misericordia
Misa en Español
Sábado - 7:00pm
Domingo - 12:30pm
Misa Bilingüe
Miércoles - 6:15pm
Horario de Oficina
De lunes a jueves de 9am a 3pm
(503) 256 3897
Sábados 3:30-4:30pm y con previa cita
Se les invita a todas las
personas a rezar
la coronilla del
Señor de la Misericordia
este domingo
12 de abril a las 3:00pm,
aquí en la iglesia.
Este año no tendremos la
procesión, solamente la
coronilla a las 3:00 de la tarde.
Al-Anon: Lunes y Miércoles - 5pm
Escuela San Andrés-: Jueves - 7pm.
Hora Santa: Primer viernes del mes- 7pm.
Misa de Sanación: Tercer viernes del mes - 7pm.
Asamblea de Oración: Segundo y cuarto viernes - 7pm.
Una Cultura Católica de la
Iniciativa De Vida
Donde todos son acogidos y amados por la misericordia. Los
1000 días desde la concepción hasta el segundo cumpleaños son los más
cruciales para el desarrollo de un niño. Estos 1000 días son nuestra
mejor oportunidad para dar forma a un bebe más sano,
y darle un futuro más próspero a un niño. ¡A todos los
Domingo 12 de abril del 2015
Donde todos son acogidos y amados por la
misericordia (día 28) "Los reglamentos y todos los esfuerzos
para reducir el impacto del cambio climático deben de
respetar la vida y la dignidad humana, especialmente la de
los más pobres y los más vulnerables: desde niños en el
vientre hasta personas de la tercera edad.
Peregrinaje a Fátima y a Lourdes
…con el padre Angelo
Octubre 18 – 28 (10 días)
Costo de $3,299 incluye viaje redondo desde Portland,
16 comidas (8 desayunos, 1 comida, 7 cenas)
Se les pide un depósito para el 18 de mayo.
Visitaremos: Fatima, Aljustrel, Valinhos, Santarem,
La Catedral de Burgos, Monasterio de Santa Maria Real de las
Huelgas, Lourdes, Grotto of Massabielle, Carcassone,
Barcelona, La Sagrada Familia.
Para más información comunícate con el
Padre Angelo Te o con Sharon Grigar
a todos los niños que fueron bautizados
este fin de semana:
Destiny Michelle Camacho Aguilar
Jacob Camacho Aguilar
María Gabriela Chávez Villalobos
Zolin Cuali Maier
Luis Ángel Hernández Bolaños
Daniel Neymar Lemus Negrete
Janice Osorio Medina
Gael Jesús Prieto López
Ariel Rangel Álvarez
José Luis Rangel Álvarez
Bartolo Remigio-Marcelo
Julián Iker Salvador Salinas
David Sánchez
Christopher Sánchez
Yaeli Sánchez Aguilar
Felicidades a estos niños y niñas que por
primera vez son bautizados, y
Felicidades también a sus papás y padrinos.
Hoy domingo
12 de abril
después de la Misa de las 12:30pm.
Salón St. Francis
Sábado, 18 de abril - Por Fuera
La Cruz Roja estará aquí con nosotros el
próximo sábado 18 de abril, 2015 para tomar
donaciones de sangre.
Si tu estas dispuesto a salvar una vida donando tu
sangre regístrate con los Promotores de la Salud ellos
estarán aquí después de Misa para su chequeo de la
Presión. Y ellos también les darán más información.
Los próximos Bautizos son el 11 de abril 11, 2015 a
las10:30am. Si alguien está interesado en bautizar el
día 11 de abril por favor de hacerlo con tiempo. Es
muy importante que se registre lo más pronto posible y
recuerde los padrinos tienen que estar casados por la
iglesia. Puede llamar durante las horas de oficina o venir a la
oficina para registrarlos. Favor de traer el acta de nacimiento.
10am – 12pm
Trae tus herramientas, mangueras de presión y tu lonche,
todos nos sentaremos a comer después de
haber terminado de limpiar.
(Limpieza a presión, lavado de ventanas, remover el chicle,
recoger basura, acomodar las piedras decorativas del jardín.)
Domingo, 19 de abril - Por Dentro
2pm to 5pm
(Limpieza de las paredes, quitar chiles de las bancas de adentro
de la iglesia, sacudir, aspirar y trapear.)
Apunta tu nombre la semana que entra
después de cada Misa
Ministerio de Jóvenes
Sandy Martínez y Kim Petros
503-256-3897, ext. 16 [email protected]
A todas las personas interesadas en tener una
quinceañera se les avisa que la reservación se
tiene que hacer con dos años de anticipación.
Esta celebración se realiza solo una vez al mes aquí en la
Ascensión. El cupo es limitado. El año 2015 ya está lleno
y solo quedan pocos lugares para el año 2016.
Por favor comunícate con tiempo durante las horas de
oficina de martes a jueves de 9:00am a 3:00pm. Recuerde
que los viernes está cerrado.
Aquí en la parroquia. Estas clases serán todos
los jueves por 9 semanas comenzando este
próximo jueves 16 de abril para terminar con
la última clase el jueves 11 de mayo.
Horario: 5:30-7:30pm
Los Promotores de la Salud los invitan a unas clases de
nutrición. En estas clases las personas aprenden a
combinar diferentes alimentos y actividades físicas
para una buena salud: como hacer una mejor compra
de comida, como preparar comidas y bocadillos
saludables para su familia.
Este taller es impartido por Oregón State University y
los Promotores de Salud de aquí de la iglesia Ascensión.
Para más información puede hablar con Pedro Sandoval al
503-421-8204 o Pedro Alvarado al 503-960-7012.
Misa de Jóvenes:
Gracias a todos los jóvenes quienes participaron en
nuestros servicios de semana santa:
a los que actuaron en la obra de la Pasión de Nuestro
Señor Jesucristo y los que ayudaron en la Misa de jóvenes
del domingo de pascua. ¡Muchas Gracias!
Nuestra próxima Misa de jóvenes será el
domingo 10 de mayo.
Grupos de Jóvenes
Grupo de Jóvenes en la Secundaria: domingo 19 de abril.
¡Todos son bienvenidos a una tarde con Dios,
amigos, diversión y pizza!
Necesitamos voluntarios que nos ayuden a tomar lista durante la
proximas sesiones fotográficas de la tarde y del sábado. Solamente
necesitamos 2 horas de tu tiempo. Comunícate a la oficina
parroquial al (503) 256-3897, o mándanos un correo electrónico a
[email protected] y apunta tu nombre. ¡Gracias!
Nuestras próximas sesiones son:
Jueves 4/30/15 1:00PM-8:30PM
Viernes 5/1/15 1:00PM-8:30PM
Sábado 5/2/15 10:00AM-5:30PM