Library Strategic Plan - American University of Ras Al Khaimah
Library Strategic Plan - American University of Ras Al Khaimah
American University of Ras Al Khaimah 2014-2019 Strategic Plan Library 5-Year Unit Action Plan University Mission: AURAK is committed to the highest standards of teaching, research, ethics, and service to the community, and its graduates are prepared to be knowledgeable, thoughtful, creative, and responsible individuals. Unit Mission: The mission of the library is to provide access to, and effectively deliver of accurate and timely information resources to AURAK students, faculty, and staff in support of the research, and instructional mission of the University. University Goals University Objectives Unit Action Responsibility Timeframe Measurement Status Goal # 1 Objective 1: Develop innovative, Develop and promote at least challenging and three new undergraduate high quality programs and two new academic programs graduate programs, new areas that are relevant, of emphasis within existing demand-driven and programs and additional set the University at certificate programs that are the forefront of demand driven in the UAE education in the and the region and that UAE and the region. expand the range of the university’s offerings. Objective 2: Attract, retain and nurture a strong faculty that is recognized for excellent teaching, scholarship, and creative activity. Objective 3: Improve technology for Provide training among faculty and -Director of the Library/Librarian Every new Academic Library Users Satisfaction teaching and learning in all campus facilities. students on how to deal and make use of the available eresources -Library Committee -Deans -Chairs year in September of the years 2015-2019 Survey Results Replace or upgrade all computers in Library computer laboratory Maintained and update Library webpage regularly -Director of the Library /Librarian -IT Dept. Sept. 2015 Service Record from IT Dept. -Director of the Library /Librarian -IT Dept. Regularly Sept. 20142019 -Updated library webpage -Service Record from IT Dept. Records for additional module from Symphony -Service records from IT Dept. Add Library -Director of the Acquisition and Library /Librarian information -IT Dept. services modules to Library Management System (Symphony) as a means of disseminating lists of new arrivals among faculty and students, and introduce new library services such as account control and statistics. Objective 4: Sept. 2015 Maintain effective preparatory programs. Objective 5: Increase the student body by expanding student recruitment and success. Objective 6: Ensure adequate campus facilities and infrastructure development for the growing university Propose for functional library new building according to international standards. Implement RFID system for: a. security purposes Goal # 2 Build a learning environment that Objective 1: Continuously improve the quality of library collections, -Director of the Library/Librarian -President - Vice -President for Administrative -Vice President for Academic (Provost) -Director of the Library/Librarian -IT Dept. Sept. 2016 Feb. 2015 b. check-in / check-out system Sept. 2016 c. Library inventory Sept. 2017 d. Other management applications Sept. 2018 Update library collections; continuous -Director of the Library/Librarian -Library Every September February, New building for the library according to academic Library buildings standards -Records of received offers and quotations -Approved requisition -Implementation of the RFID Total number of Library Holdings and Electronic focuses on students, services, and facilities. promotes advanced critical thinking skills, fosters creativity, and instills a commitment to lifelong learning. Objective 2: Promote opportunities for undergraduate students to develop research expertise. acquisition of books and other library materials in all formats; Subscribe to new electronic journals and databases Committee -Deans -Chairs and June of the year 2014-2019 (Every Semester) Journals and Databases Conduct Library Users Satisfaction Survey among faculty and students Hold regular meetings with Library Committee -Director of the Library/Librarian -IEO April of each academic year during 2014-2019 Library Users Satisfaction Survey Results -Director of the Library/Librarian -Library Committee Every Nov. of the year 2014-2019 Minutes of the Library Committee meetings Implement Interlibrary loan (ILL) and Document Delivery Services (DDS) Conduct library orientation /instruction among students ; Assist students in retrieving library information related to their research; Distribute library users guide to students Director of the Library / Librarian Sept. 2015 Library records / statistics on ILL and DDS -Director of the Library -Librarian -Library Assistant Every September February, and June of the year 2014-2019 Library Users Satisfaction Survey Results Objective 3: Increase the number of programs in the continuing education department. Objective 4: Improve technology for teaching and learning in all campus facilities. Include in the library webpage, the services on how to use the library for research Conduct Training Course for School Librarians in Ras Al Khaimah in cooperation with RAK Educational Zone Provide training among faculty and students on how to deal and make use of the available eresources -Director of the Library -Librarian -IT Dept. Sept. 2015 -Director of the Library -Librarian January of 2015 and 2016 -Director of the Library/Librarian -Library Committee -Deans -Chairs Every new Academic year in September of the years 2015-2019 Library Users Satisfaction Survey Results Replace or upgrade all computers in Library computer laboratory -Director of the Library /Librarian -IT Dept. Sept. 2015 Service Record from IT Dept. Maintained and update Library webpage regularly -Director of the Library /Librarian -IT Dept. Regularly Sept. 20142019 -Updated library webpage -Service Record from IT Dept. Records for additional module from Symphony -Service records Add Library -Director of the Acquisition and Library /Librarian information -IT Dept. services modules to Library Sept. 2015 Library webpage with guide on how to use the library resources for research Survey about the effectiveness of the Training Course Management System (Symphony) as a means of disseminating lists of new arrivals among faculty and students, and introduce new library services such as account control and statistics. Goal # 3 Create an environment that values diversity, promotes cultural understanding and fosters civic responsibility. Objective 5: Provide the infrastructure and tools required to sustain academic success. Objective 1: Increase broad-based community support for student life and learning. Objective 2: Develop student-leaders. Objective 3: Develop, implement, and promote opportunities for students’ appreciation and analysis of diversity and multiculturalism. Objective 4: from IT Dept. Engage student in civic activities. Goal # 4 Maintain a student life program that focuses on students’ needs, one that renders them capable of adapting professionally to multicultural, global environments and of becoming responsible citizens. Objective 1: Enhance the quality of student life. Objective 2: Support students’ successful transition from high school to university. Objective 3: Improve the quality of advising and counseling. Objective 4: Develop and improve greater integration between the academic and co-curricular activities that promote leadership, volunteerism, and social responsibility. Objective 5: Develop partnerships with campus activity units at other universities and opportunities Provide Library Orientation / Training to students on how to use the library, emphasizing the difference between high school library and university library -Director of the Library -Librarian -Library Assistant Every September February, and June of the years 2014-2019 -Training workshops Records -Survey of user satisfaction of services for student life involvement in off campus services. Objective 6: Promote an atmosphere that is conducive to creating an appreciation, understanding, and acceptance of cultural, ideological, and individual differences and lifestyles regardless of physical abilities, race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender. Goal # 5 Support and promote the personal and professional development of faculty and staff to realize their potential and contribute to the mission of the University. Objective 1: Recruit and retain high quality faculty and staff by identifying the market and competition, ensuring equity with salary and benefits, and providing a supportive environment through professional development opportunities. Appoint one (1) -Director of the Assistant Librarian; Library / Librarian -HR and University Administration Arrange for -Director of the seminar / training Library / about the Librarian specialized databases and the current available ones (e-resources) Attend seminars / -Director of the workshops Library /professional meetings in cooperation with ANKABUT, American Library Sept. 2014 in cooperation with HR and Univ. Admin Assistant Librarian contract Sept. 2014 Seminar/training records Sept. 2015 Certificates of attendance Association (ALA), and Special Library Association (SLA) Objective 2: Create a comprehensive Faculty Development Program grounded in curriculum and scholarship that prepares faculty to engage the student intellectually and pedagogically and to advance learning in a competitive, global environment. Objective 3: Develop self‐ and peerevaluation systems on teaching effectiveness for faculty. Objective 4: Promote excellence in teaching among faculty. Provide relevant library instructional materials / textbooks, information technology system to faculty Includes library resources & services within the educational -Director of the Library -Librarian Every September February, and June of the years 2015-2019 -List of Textbooks – Records of Library Resources Acquisitions -Director of the Library -Librarian -IT Dept Sept. 2015 Availability of Library Resources and services within technology (Blackboard) Objective 5: Develop a performance appraisal system with a focus on setting goals and objectives. Goal # 6 Establish linkages and liaisons with regional and international businesses and educational institutions to meet mutually beneficial needs and respond to emerging trends. Objective 1: Develop relationships with educational institutions. the Blackboard Evaluate librarians and staff in line with the library’s goals and objectives; Director of the Library / HR Every Sept. of the year 2014-2019 Staff Annual Performance Appraisal Report Conduct Library Users Satisfaction Surveys among students -Director of the Library -Librarian -IEO Every April of the year 2015-2019 Library Users Satisfaction Survey Results Regularly during the academic years 20142019 Number of Signed cooperation agreements and MoUs Sign cooperation Director of the agreements and Library memorandum of understanding with other Emirates university, academic, and research libraries such as RAK Medical and Health Sciences University, ANKABUT, National Network for Research and Education; RAK Public Library, Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT), Schools (i.e. RAK Academy)…etc.; Sign cooperation agreement with national, regional, and international universities and institutions in cooperation with the Office of International programs -Director of the Library -Office of International Programs Regularly and continuously during the academic years 20142019 Number of Signed cooperation agreements and MoUs Start donation and -Director of the Sept. 2015 -Signed contract Objective 2: Develop relationships with local and international business communities, state agencies, and civic organizations. Objective 3: Increase the number of internship, service-learning, and other experiential opportunities. Objective 4: Develop and implement comprehensive fund-raising strategies for activities with individuals, corporations and businesses to secure enough support for the university. Objective 5: To build relationships with potential and current donors, including alumni, community members, and local, regional and international organizations. Goal # 7 Develop the capacity to advance knowledge and create sustainable environments through relevant research that serves the Ras Al Khaimah Emirate, the greater region, and the world. exchange of publications agreements with the concerned national and international institutions Library -Librarian onwards on regular basis with donors -Records of received donations Conduct Library Users Satisfaction Surveys among students and -Director of the Library -Librarian -IEO Every April of the years 2015-2019 Library Users Satisfaction Survey Results Objective 1: Promote through research and other means environmentally sustainable processes and reasonable development that foster livable communities and healthy environments. Objective 2: Provide expertise to local and regional planning and development authorities to promote environmental stability and integrity. Objective 3: Develop and offer continuing education programs that lead to environmental sustainability. Goal # 8 Commit to continuous quality improvement through critical Objective 1: Establish a continuous quality improvement process that measures outcomes against stated program objectives. reflection and assessment. faculty Objective 2: Maintain a high standard of institutional excellence through its comprehensive, integrated institutional effectiveness system. Objective 3: Strengthen existing programs by ongoing assessment of learning outcomes and the strategic allocation of resources. Objective 4: Create, maintain, and develop an effective assessment process. Objective 5: Develop and maintain a system of tracking and monitoring assessment and accreditation activities. Objective 6: Acquire international accreditation for the university and all relevant degree programs. Responds to resources needs of different Schools as a result of the evaluation concerning the current programs and plans for new programs -Director of the Library -Librarian Conduct Library Users Satisfaction Surveys among students -Director of the Library -Librarian -IEO Every September February, and June of the year 2015-2019 List of resources needs provided by each School Every April of the year 2015-2019 Library Users Satisfaction Survey Results Analysis of satisfaction survey Goal # 9 Promote dynamic professional development for clients and community service to meet the needs of business, government, and schools in Ras Al Khaimah and the Emirati community. Objective 1: Expand opportunities for the community and University interaction. Objective 2: Develop outreach activities to sustain growth and to ensure continued viability of its programs. Accept and allow researchers from other institutions and users from local community to make use of the available library resources and facilities. -Director of the Library -Librarian -Library Assistant On-going Library utilization statistics Sign cooperation Director of the agreements and Library memorandum of understanding with other Emarati university, academic, and research libraries Every Feb. and June of the year 2015-2019 Number of Signed cooperation agreements and MoUs Provide specialized training courses on library and information skills to other institution Sept. 2015 Cooperation Agreements Director of the Library Objective 3: Collaborate with community stakeholders, academic institutions, and service sectors to address community needs. Sign cooperation Director of the agreements and Library memorandum of understanding with other university, academic, and research libraries such as RAK Medical and Health Sciences University, ANKABUT, National Network for Research and Education; RAK Public Library, Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) and RAK Academy…etc.; Every Feb. and June of the year 2015-2019 Number of Signed cooperative agreements and MoUs Coordinate with RAK Educational Zone for Library Training Courses -Director of the Library -Librarian Jan. 2015 and -Training Jan. 2016 Records -Survey about the effectiveness of the Training Course Offer library and information services to RAK community Director of the Library -Librarian Jan. 2015 onwards Library Services records Objective 4: Provide support and educational consultation to local school districts and families. Objective 5: Improve the visibility and role of educational outreach programs within the RAK community and in the UAE. Arrange for school Director of the librarians training Library courses to local and -Librarian school districts. Jan. 2015 onwards -Training Records -Survey about the effectiveness of the Training Course