The March For Life UK – 16 May 2015


The March For Life UK – 16 May 2015
The March For Life UK – 16th May 2015
March for Life UK is a National yearly event that is now in its third year. The event is a pro-life rally that is a
celebration of the pro-life message. The day begins with music, song and inspiring talks from a range of
pro-life speakers. This year we are delighted to announce that one of the most inspiring speakers in the
world will be coming over from the United States, Gianna Jesson. This is then followed by the March! It is
an organised walk through the busy city centre of Birmingham, witnessing to the busy shoppers and
members of the general public. It culminates in the public square called Chamberlain Square. Once
gathered here we finish the day with some reflection and a final motivating speech from one of our guest
speakers, encouraging others to get involved with the pro-life movement in their own areas.
The aims of March for Life UK are to be a positive witness to the pro-life message to the general public, to
raise awareness of abortion and the effect that it has on society as a whole, to join many various pro-life
groups together, celebrate the hard work that they do and encourage people to get involved with the prolife groups in their own particular area of the country. The March is a friendly, positive and fun event that
families and people of all ages have attended.
To prepare for the day there will be a meeting on 13th May in Brentwood Cathedral Conference Room at
7pm. Here we will hear more about the Pro-Life cause and make banners for us to take on the day.
To cover the cost of the coach the price for the day is £25. Please complete and return the consent form
with your payment as soon as possible to secure a place. You will need to bring a packed lunch and
sufficient snacks and drinks with you.
Róisín Lancaster
BCYS Events Manager
Initial Timetable
6:15 am Arrivals
6:30 am Coach will depart Brentwood Cathedral
9:30am Arrive Birmingham
10am Mass at St Chad’s Cathedral
1pm Welcome by Archbishop of Birmingham and
talks from guest speakers.
2pm Depart Cathedral for march through City
11am Adoration
3.30pm Finish marching at Chamberlain square
with short testimony and prayer vigil
12pm Music and Worship in the Cathedral
4pm Coaches Depart Birmingham
7pm Arrive Brentwood Cathedral
Parental Consent for
to attend March For Life
I give permission for my Son/Daughter to attend the March for Life in Birmingham on 16th May 2015.
The cost for the return coach journey is £25 per person. This may be paid by cheque payable to BRCDT Youth Service
or by Bank Transfer to Sort Code 40.13.22 Account Number 01016261 with the reference ‘Yoursurname/March’.
Please let us know any medical or dietary information, special needs or other information that may be relevant.
Emergency Contact on the day.
Relationship to Young Person
Telephone Number
Signed by parent/guardian