Youth Banquet & ConferenCe MaY 14
Youth Banquet & ConferenCe MaY 14
Student Price is: $45.00 Number of Teachers/Chaperons Adult Price: $75.00 Please return form to: Niagara Region Right to Life, Suite 303, 104 Bond St. Toronto, ON M5B 1X9 $45.00 (includes taxes and a working lunch). Student Price is: $45.00 (includes taxes and a working lunch). Number of Teachers/Chaperons Number of Students Yes, I will be attending the Youth Conference on Friday, May 15, 2015. Number of Students Yes, I will be attending the Youth Banquet on Thursday, May 14, 2015. Email _____________________________________________________School _________________________________________ City ________________________ Postal Code _____________ Phone ______________Special Needs? ____________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUTH BANQUET & CONFERENCE Youth Banquet & Conference May 14-15, 2015 OTTAWA, ONTARIO Niagara Region Right to Life organizes the LARGEST pro-life youth conference and banquet in Canada. CONFERENCE LOCATION oTTAWA CONFERENCE CENTRE 200 Coventry Rd. Ottawa, ON Young people constitute the overwhelming majority of attendees at the National March for Life in Ottawa and that is why we have taken our conference to the city of Ottawa to join up with the thousands of young people who have gathered together at the rally to call on our leaders to protect all human life. Join us! Youth Banquet taking the Youth Conference Learn how to take the pro-life message back to your school, home and community Thursday, May 14, 2015 Friday, May 15, 2015 Ottawa Conference Centre 200 Coventy Road Time: 6:00 pm Students: $45.00 Teachers/Chaperons: $75.00 pro-life message back to your school, home & community 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Ottawa Conference Centre Students: $45.00 Teachers/Chaperons: $45.00 (includes taxes and working lunch) Note: 7:30 am Catholic Mass for those Youth Conference attendees who are interested. Celebrant to be announced. Troy Newman Patrick Sullivan Jonathon van Maren ALISSA GOLOB Troy is president of Operation Rescue. Through innovative new tactics, Newman’s work is responsible for the closure of dozens of abortion clinics around the United States. He is co-author of Their Blood Cries Out! and Abortion Free. keynote Speaker Matt Fradd Matt Fradd speaks to about 100,000 people every year and has been a guest on the BBC, EWTN, ABC and Catholic Answers Live. He is the founder of The Porn Effect ( a site dedicated to exposing the reality behind the fantasy of porn and offering help to those who seek sexual freedom. Matt works for Covenant Eyes, an apostolate dedicated to helping to protect families from the dangers of internet pornography. Jonathon is the communications director for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform. He is a writer and pro-life speaker who has given presentations across North America on abortion and pro-life strategy. Christina Alaimo Christina is the Youth Coordinator for Campaign Life Coalition and the Chair of the March for Life Youth Committee. She is finishing her postgraduate studies in Health Care Ethics. Patrick is an author and speaker who gained a Master of Divinity degree from St.Augustine’s Seminary in Toronto. In 2013, Patrick answered the call to become a Catholic Evangelist. Alissa has traveled across Canada, addressing youth, motivating them to become active in the pro-life movement. She recently spoke at 22 locations in 9 different provinces for the #No2Trudeau Campaign, coined the largest pro-life campaign in the history of Canada, which activated pro-lifers across the country to engage in political activism for the upcoming election. Contact Niagara Region Right to Life E-mail: [email protected] • Web: