Biondini, M.E., C.D. Bonham, and E.F. Redente
Biondini, M.E., C.D. Bonham, and E.F. Redente
Secondary Successional Patterns in a Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) Community as They Relate to Soil Disturbance and Soil Biological Activity Author(s): Mario E. Biondini, Charles D. Bonham, Edward F. Redente Source: Vegetatio, Vol. 60, No. 1 (Mar. 15, 1985), pp. 25-36 Published by: Springer Stable URL: Accessed: 06/04/2010 10:04 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. 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Soil disturbance, Succes Abstract and soil biological activity were studied The relationship between secondary succession, soil disturbance, on a sagebrush community in the Piceance Basin of northwestern Colorado, U.S.A. (Artemisia tridentata) : were Four levels of disturbance removed and as much topsoil as imposed. 1 the vegetation was mechanically removed and the topsoil scarified to a depth of 30 cm; 3: possible was left; 2: the vegetation was mechanically topsoil and subsoil were removed to a depth of 1m, mixed and replaced; 4: topsoil and subsoil were removed to a depth of 2 m and replaced in a reverse order. Plant species composition, and phosphatase dehydrogenase enzymatic activity, mycorrhizae infection potentials, and percent organic matter were the variables meas ured. succession. Treatments Treatment 4 drastically altered the pattern of vegetation 2, 3, and 4 started with Salsola ib?rica as the dominant species but six years later, 3 and to lesser extent 2 changed in the direction of of 1, dominated by perennial grasses and perennial forbs. Treatment 4 developed a the species composition shrub dominated community. The rate of succession was not decreased by the increased levels of disturbance. infection potential (MIP) increased with the change Both dehydrogenase enzyme activity and mycorrhizae from Salsola ib?rica to a vegetation dominated by either perennial grasses and forbs or shrubs. The intensity in 2, 3, and 4 reduced drastically dehydrogenase of disturbance activity and MIP, but in six years they to 1. Phosphatase recovered to levels comparable enzyme activity and organic matter were unrelated to to treatment and time elapsed. In both cases a significant decrease was but related species composition observed throughout the six-year period. Introduction Succession plant ecology caused succession 1938). theory has played a central role in for more than 80 years. Early views to be defined as a community or species replacement driven exclusively by autogenic modification environmental (Weaver & Clements, 1982). Most * Nomenclature follows ** To whom all should be addressed. correspondence *** This study was funded by the United States Department No. DE-AS02-76EV04018. Energy under Contract 60, 25-36 (1985). Vegetatio 1985. Dr W. Junk Publishers, ? Dordrecht. Printed of in the Netherlands. Most recently new theories have been devel oped that relate succession to tolerance and inhibi and tion factors, species life-history characteristics & 1977; (Connell processes Slatyer, population 1974; 1973; Egler, 1976; Horn, Drury & Nisbet, Peet & Christensen, 1980; van H?lst, 1978; Grime, 1980; Matthew & Vankat, 1979; Noble & Slatyer, studies have been confined to succession the vegetation part of the ecosystem. Only recently between plant succession and the interrelationship soil biological activity has begun to be studied. Data that relates plant succession to nutrient reten 26 turno 1975), biological matteraccumulation 1982), organic ver(Titlyanova, 1981), nitrification (Aweto, potentials (Rice, 1974; Robertson & Vitousek, 1982), and soil enzyme ac & Reiners, tion (Vitousek 1: the Treatment 2: Treatment the noted succession, lack of position during succession. for this study. Three hypotheses were developed of 1. A severe soil disturbance, by an alteration the was vegetation re mechanically and the topsoil scarified to a of 30 cm. depth 3: topsoil and subsoil (C horizon) were removed to a depth of 1m. The mate rial was mixed together and replaced. 4: two layers of 1 m of soil were re in a reverse and replaced moved order with the second layer placed on Treatment informa to moved 1977; Rossetal., 1982) are (Rice & Mallik, a of review literature in Parkinson available. ( 1979), tion which relates plant succession to type and lev els of disturbance and soil biological activity. to address two The present study was designed 1 to how various forms main objectives: ( ) determine can affect the soil and intensities of soil disturbance succes rate of vegetation activity and biological sion; and (2) to determine the degree of relationship activities and species com between soil biological re mechanically with minimal disturbance topsoil (A and B horizons). tivities reclamation was vegetation moved Treatment the The block surface. was arranged in a randomized two replications per treatment in total). The plots were 6 X 8 m with a experiment design with (eight plots 1.5-m buffer zone between was measured variable The plots. plant vegetation cover. canopy The alters physical and soil biological characteristics the direction of secondary succession. retard the rate of 2. Increased levels of disturbance the level of soil successional reducing change by sampled once a year, at the end of the season, with ten 0.25 m2 (25 X 100 cm) growing had been randomly permanent quadrats which locted within each plot (Redente et al, 1982). Cover biological activity. 3. There is a relationship between species composi tion and levels of soil biological activity. values Materials and methods The site was plots were were Measurements study in the located Piceance was Basin soil of 2200 m. at an elevation Colorado Sagebrush-grassland A. the dominant S tipa hymenoides, nea were Koeleria riparium, major vegetation coma understory cristata, ta, and Oryzopsis Sphaeralcea species cocc? 0.5 mmhos/cm, soil matter, organic potential enzymatic activi phosphatase infection potential (MIP) were soil biological activity (Kleinen al, 1982). Organic matter was in the present study as a general index of the nitrate-nitrogen was reserve co-factors. (Harrington, 1964). Soil texture ranged from loam to clay loam 30-60 cm with the combined A and B horizons was electrical The (EC) 8.0, conductivity pH deep. averaged of com species relative cover). status. nutrient Soil activities enzymatic are a far better index of soil biological activity than counts since little is known about the microbial activities of individual microbial species (Kupre en vich & Shcherbakova, 1966). Dehydrogenase in the oxidation of carbohydrates zymes participate as and require the presence of NAD and NADP tridentata and Artemisia type before disturbance cover. of the 60-80% canopy Agropyron comprised smithii, to calculate utilized and dehydrogenase and ty, mycorrhizal utilized as indices of al, 1982; Reeves et chosen of northwest then (as a percent position 5 in soils Dehydrogenases are only in found and as such micro-organisms functioning their level of activity can be used as an index of the (Sku capacity to process carbon by the microflora in of The enzymes 1978). phosphatase majority jins, the soil are contributed by soil heterotrophic micro intact ppm (water extract), and phosphorus was 2.3 ppm bicarbonate extract) in the first 15 cm (ammonium is 250-300 mm, ap of soil. Annual precipitation snow (Redente et as one half received proximately al, 1984). The study was initiated in the summer of 1976. Treatments consisted of four levels of soil disturb level, 1978). Their activity zymes (Speir & Ross, of free then, can be an indicator of the availability carbon and nu (not part of the plant material) trients in the soil. It has been shown that mycorrhiz of many cli al fungi are crucial in the functioning ance: max organisms species even though in a variety some can of ecosystems. exist Their as free presence en 27 or absence can then a determinant be factor in the control of successional patterns (Langford & Buell, 1969; Reeves et al, 1979, 1982). soil samples from a depth of 5-10 cm were collected from each plot at the time of the vegetation sampling. Soil samples were stored in Three randomly double-wrapped plastic bags at room temperature until analyzed in the laboratory. Dehydrogenase and phosphatase enzymatic activities and soil or were matter ganic & Klein measured to Hersman according presented (1979). The dehydrogenase activity values in this study represent the 'potential' ac tivities, i.e., croflora to process the maximum of capacity carbon. The the were assays mi soil carried out with the addition of 0.5 ml of a 1% glucose solution in place of distilled water. Mycorrhizal as percentage infectivity of the soil was measured infection (mycorrhizal infection potential or MIP) in corn bioassay plants as described by Moorman & Reeves (1979). Multi-response (MRPP) statistical permutational procedures et al, 1981a) were used for the rate of analysis of species composition, (Mielke successional (as measured change by com species and soil characteristics. (See changes), on the MRPP for details 'Appendix' technique.) between vegetation and soil biologi Relationships cal activity were analyzed with canonical correla regression procedures. Results successional Vegetation The main patterns patterns of Agropyron riparium, A. smithii, in succession vegetation this study were given by the changes of: ( 1) perennial grasses (the dominant through time species were: Koeleria cristata, and Stipa comata), (2) per Oryzopsis hymenoides, ennial forbs (the dominant species were: Sphaeral cea cocc?nea, Erigeron engelmanii, Phlox longifo lia, Senecio and Trifolium gymno multilobatus, (3) annual forbs (the dominant carpon), species was: Salsola ib?rica), and (4) shrubs (the dominant species were: Artemisia C. nauseousus, viscidiflorus, tridentata, and Chrysothamnus saro Gutierrezia thrae). The grasses general was an pattern increase followed in percent by perennial relative cover perennial grass and an inverse relationship and composition the sever ity of the treatment (Table 1). The grass PRC in 1 increased from 49.04% Treatment in 1977 to 62.15% in 1982. The vegetation of Treatments 2 and 3 began with a very low grass PRC but made a substantial gain in the six-year period. In contrast, the vegetation of Treatment 4 had a low grass PRC the throughout nent increased 1982. six-year period. from 0.04% Its grass compo in 1977 to only 5.44% in The general pattern followed by perennial forbs was (a) an increase in PRC as time elapsed, and (b) an inverse relationship between forb perennial PRC and the severity of the treatment (Table 1). Perennial forb PRC in Treatment 1was virtually in the six-year period. The vegetation of unchanged 2 and 3 started with a low perennial Treatments forb component but as time elapsed they changed in the direction of Treatment 1. Perennial forb PRC also increased with time in Treatment 4 even though it remained below the level of the other three treatments. ib?rica was a major Salsola position tion and multiple (PRC) as time elapsed between steps of succession. species Its contribution in the initial to species com 3 and 4 was very high in the position of Treatments first year of succession ib?rica (Table 1). Salsola PRC decreased sharply with time in all treatments in contrast to grasses and perennial forbs. The only treatment with a sizable Salsola ib?rica component after six years was Treatment 3 with a PRC of 21.04%. Shrubs were the main group of species to differ entiate Treatments 1, 2, and 3 from 4. Shrub PRC on Treatments 1 and 3 never surpassed 10.0% the six-year period (Table 1). Treat throughout ment 2 showed a steady increase in shrub PRC (Table 74.86% 4. 1). The biggest increase, from 5.40% to in shrub PRC was observed in Treatment The major trends in the PRC of the species groups described above support the hypothesis that high levels of soil disturbance can alter the direction of secondary succession (as defined by species com The was position). hypothesis formally tested with multi-response permutational procedures (M RPP). The PRC of perennial grasses, perennial forbs, an nual forbs, and shrubs were used as the multivariate observation which characterized the species com position of each treatment. Treatments were ana 28 O oo en ir> O sO oo r) O O CN?' ?, os en ? O r^ os o T?;O ? ? ? ? en o oo r CN 00 O ? t* ?' ? t* rf O O o o CNO O O O o o o Tf O o o 83 O O O O O O o o SO so O O ?' r-- O en Os O ? t?- ? sO? ? ? ? ? ? en ? CN tJ ? ? o p o r- Tt m r p en?oo ?n o o ? ?'< ON OS <N o so so un rj- m o o o t?- o O en o en O O en o o ? Os r CNO O O O O ? o o o o o CN CN r? CNO Tf o?i ?n un ?OO CN O o ?' o ?' Os' CN ? OO CN? en r- o en un ?? cn ? ? CN CN CN r- CN?? O ? Tf ^J- o? m SO OO? ?' O o o ? o o r- os o o o cmm o o o ? ? t?- ?. o r un en o ?'< os o ?; ??' O O O en ?' un r-. es un ?- Tf CN r-? ?o es un CNo o ?? O CN O O O ? -*i-m m u->O CNjo oo o o o o o SO Tf Os 00 O en O O O CN o o o o o so O O O en O O ? O CN CNO un CN CN oo O O SO CN K -J \0 -^ sO O "o sO -_ OOo O CN? *r! ?? o ? 00 O so OOOs en Tf O ^ ? ? o o ? ? O O Os Os ?o un o o 00 en O CN CN un ? ? Os cn so en sOo Tf CN Tf Tf O ? CN so CN? CN?? p O T?; O Tt O O Tf CN Tt CN CN s: o s o -a IV. c o i o 3 :?5 > 53 O o * 00 a II -Ci a c/5 g X X ^ & = -g ^ "^ ? A-a OnOh ? c toc g s ?1 O .3 O- ? Co kt Q^ co 'S C " o. g a |S o o ?5 ? <sj3 "S^ 111 l?o c "5 3 1s i *: $: -S >, <*. c?_ ? ^ sj U ^ h cd E 2 s? 29 lyzed at two points in time: ( 1) one year into succes sion, and (2) six years into succession. One year into succession, Treatments 2, 3 and 4 were shown to be different (p = 0.035) from Treatment 1. No was found among significant difference (psO.ll) ed how important the rate of change of a particular group of species was to the overall species composi The sum of these tion of the entire community. can as an be used indicator of the then, products, rate of species composition change through time for 1 Treatments 2,3 and 4. Six years later, Treatments =* were and 3 similar (p 0.090). Treat marginally ment 2 was different from Treatments 1 and 3 (p = was different from 2 (p = 0.042) while Treatment 4 index for the rate of succession within each treat ment (Table 2). The values calculated according to 3 above were used to test the hypothesis that in 0.03). The hypothesis creased can disturbance that increased alter the of pattern the levels of soil six the however, later, years extent lesser became ences were rates of found among the successional 2 and 3 (p s 0.18), but they were lower 4 (p s 0.07). Under the than that of Treatment the hypothesis was rejected. circumstances Soil biological grass-forb rate of successional vegetation grasses, perennial and test the hypothesis of a relationship between and soil biological activity, a species composition canonical correlation analysis was performed. The main groups of plants that defined vegetation trends (as emerged from the previous section) were run were shrubs annual forbs, perennial on each treatment. forbs, In all of the regression analyses only the linear term was signifi cant (p < 0.05 was the criteria used). This resulted then in a simple straight line regression; (2) on each treatment a ratio was calculated between the high est PRC achieved during the six-year period by each of the group of species mentioned above and the sum of these values; (3) the absolute value of the total grasses, perennial forbs, annual forbs (Salsola ib?rica), and total shrubs. Their PRC were the vege and phos tation variables used. Dehydrogenase M and IP, percent organ phatase enzyme activities, ic matter were utilized as measurements of soil biological activity. The analysis rendered only one significant (p = 0.001) canonical variable with a canonical correla tion of 0.806. The coefficients for the vegetation slope of the calculated regressions (see 1above) was an indication of the PRC rate of change through time for activity To was change in the following way: (1) stepwise poly regressions between time and the PRC of calculated nomial the different of group species. tiplied by the PRC ratios (see 2 above) Table 2. Treatments mean values value highest composition of succession. Perrenial When mul for Salsola for: ( 1) the slope of the linear regression by each group of species throughout Perennial forbs were ib?rica, -0.54 -0.84 for total grasses, 1 Treatment 2 p b p b 0.56 2.94 0.30 -0.51 Salsola 0.21 5.14 0.22 3.00 7.44 0.15 0.06 Treatment 3 0.26 Treatment 4 0.03 1.12 = ratio between the highest composition p b= slope of the linear regression between value achieved species p and time, (2) the ratio between the species composition the six-year period and the sum of these values and (3) the rate Shrubs Rate of ib?rica b b p 0.12 -2.39 0.36 -13.41 0.215.27 7.67 4.60 0.54 -12.70 0.050.28 9.50 2.21 0.50 -15.50 0.41 by each group of species and time. composition 0.85 for total shrubs and 0.09 between achieved grasses variable canonical they indicat -succession Treatment an communities. dominated The 2 Treatment as used Treatments species of Treatments 2, 3 and 4 was statisti composition cally different and (2) Treatment 4 became a shrub dominated community while Treatments 1,3 and to a was levels of soil disturbance retard the rate of change. The analysis showed that the rate of Treatment 1 was lower than successional that of Treatments 2, 3 and 4 (p == 0.04). No differ cession was accepted because of the following: (1) the species composition of Treatments 2, 3 and 4 was not statistically different in the early stages of succession; sum This community. successional suc secondary entire 0.02 = Xp* \b | 2.11-0.14 11.96 12.82 and the sum of these values for all groups of species. 30 forbs. The coefficients for perennial logical canonical activity 40 for the soil bio were variable -0.85 that total perennial grasses, total shrubs, Salsola ib?rica, dehydrogenase enzymatic activity for and M IP were the main variables responsible indicates the overall relationship between vegetation and soil biological activity. To further study this relation ship regression analyses were run between each soil measurement and of each the < O 20 M O 16 E o o oer 12 o o> > =t 8 x 1, 2 and to a certain extent 3) or a (Treatment 4). The community did not differ significantly (/; == in in year 6 0.15) dehydrogenase enzymatic activity of of succession of the the soil regardless severity disturbance (Table 3). 36 |_ Activity 64 56 20 40 values pendently of whether I'6 12 ? 8 32 40 ?2 80 88 96 GRASSES AND SHRUBS (%) on MIP Fig. in relation tial (MIP) grasses and shrubs. and mycorrhi/al activity to the species composition infection poten of perennial or values Phosphatase ganic sition. succession was vegetation a inde changing com shrub-dominated after six did not have of years succes They activities enzymatic were matter were, enzymatic not however, percent or compo correlated negatively in the succession activity and to vegetation related to (Fig. 3a). Phospha from decreased an average ' ! in (across all treatments) of 147.65 pg PNP g hr ' 1977 to 56.22 pg PNP g hr in 1982. Likewise, organic I. Dehydrogenase _L_ 88 96 72 80 severity of the treatment The effect tase 16 24 the a grass-forb- time elapsed _l_ 48 56 64 64 with increased CL 32 ? 24 S -I_L. 48 56 sion. In 1982 MIP values for Treatments 1, 2 and 4 were not significantly different (p = 0.20) (Table 3). 3 was significantly different from Treat Treatment ments 4 (p = 0.05). and 1,2 J28 'o*24 gisl 40 infection poten activity and mycorrhizal to the composition of Salsola ib?rica. The MIP an 72 3? T 32 ib?rica. InTreatments 3 and 4, where Salso la ib?rica comprised more than 90% of the species MIP values were 13% and 11.5% in composition, the first year of succession 2 (Table 3). Treatment 1 had a had a MIP value of 44.5% while Treatment 1and 2 were significant value of 55.0%. Treatments 3 and 4 (p = 0.032). ly different from Treatments munity. 80 Dehydrogenase Q. 32 i 24 16 infection potential followed a pat Mycorrhizal tern similar to dehydrogenase activity. It has a sig nificant relationship with both perennial grasses and shrubs and Salsola ib?rica (Figs. 1and 2). Low levels of MIP coincided with the dominance of toward o MIP ^sV 40 Salsola nity (Treatments shrub-dominated four treatments 40 56 48 0> 24 Fig. 2. Dehydrogenase tial (MIP) in relation commu grass-forb-dominated 72 64 SALSOLA IB?RICA (%) served as succession and perennial proceeded grasses or shrubs became established. This increase was independent was of whether the vegetation a Activity a 0.01 16 24 activities coincided with stands domi drogenase nated by Salsola ib?rica. Treatments 2, 3 and 4 started with dehydrogenase activities of 8.45, 3.82, 1 and 4.25 pg formazan g ' 24 h 'while Treatment had values of 12.16 pg formazan g l 24 h ' (Table 3). An increase in dehydrogenase activity was ob toward c 32 \j 28 variables. vegetation enzyme activity was positively Dehydrogenase to of perennial grasses related the establishment and shrubs and negatively related to Salsola ib?rica (Figs. 1 and 2). Low values of dehy composition changing Dehydrogenase o EP activity, 0.89 for M IP, 0.12 for dehydrogenase activity and 0.05 for soil organic mat phosphatase ter. The structure of the first canonical variable 80 o MIP 36 |_ for matter decreased from an average (across all treatments) of 2.22% g 'dry soil in 1977to0.93% ' g dry soil in 1982. The severity of the treatment proved to have a significant and lasting effect on O as' ? O as ? p SO ? ? Os sd ? r ? *r^ 03 'Ja ? as' as a, o fi O. N \3 ? a, .S -3 g _ o L *> a ^5 I" fi 3 ?o ^ ? ?o L -c * S o CO O ? -S * Je t ? .s-ioj.?'i.l.-s 32 nial CL Z ?. to the establishment related both as species a group rather cies or life forms (as shown were in both values similar dominated matter, were to unrelated compo species on treatment and time. The general pattern of succession for Treatments of an initial stage in which 2, 3 and 4 consisted ib?rica was the dominant Salsola species followed a by YEAR OF SUCCESSION > shift 200 the throughout small nial Z CL O? 80 genase six-year between trade-off 160 ^ i O? levels 06 24 SOIL ORGANICMATTER (%) matter activity enzymatic and phosphatase Six parameters. and activity. years after disturbance, 3 and 4 had lower phosphatase enzy matic activity than 1 and 2 (p == 0.05) (Table 3). 1 and 2 was consis Organic matter in Treatments 4 in in 1977 (p =s0.05) than 3 both and tently higher and 1982 (p ==0.052) (Table 3). Phosphatase enzy Treatments activity and percent organic matter were line correlated arly (Fig. 3b). The general hypothesis of the existence of a rela tionship between vegetation and soil biological ac but as the detailed analyses tivity was accepted, matic shown, not all the parameters ilar pattern. Dehydrogenase activity followed with and peren processes, belowground dehydro activity and MIP increased their the a sim and MIP were as decreased advance time of succession were and in the soil) sharply This advanced. as that indication succession decline may the advanced be an nutrient in flow became tight (more nutrients immobilized the plant biomass) and that the grasses and forbs that dominated Treatments 1, 2 and 3 or the shrubs that two enzymatic bility of free nutrient and carbon soil organic matter and soil organic (a) Average activity phosphatase dynamics, between matter as related to successional time; (b) relationship 3. Phosphatase a only showing ib?rica to the shift in dominance from Salsola correlated ib?rica to perennial grasses and shrubs (Figs. 1and 2). Phosphatase enzymatic activity and soil organic matter (which can give an indication of the availa 54.6X p~ 0.01 -L_ 18 1.2 period, Salsola grasses. Considering y = 15.3+ r2 =0.60 these com grass-forb-dominated invasion by Salsola ib?rica. The species composi 1 remained relatively unchanged tion of Treatment > soil organic a toward 2 and 3 and a shrub-domi in Treatments munity in 4. In Treatment nated community 1, the lower level of soil disturbance allowed only for a reduced 240 have shrub and activity and organic Discussion </) ? < X CL (/) O X CL Fig. spe grass-forb- sition but rather dependent o < LU peren individual by the fact that their plots). Phosphatase however, of native than these exploit 4 were Treatment dominated conditions. We more speculate to able that the ca species to exploit pacity of the latter successional conditions of low nutrient availability may be relat ed to a successional shift in the microflora composi tion from on free nutrients ganisms plant dependent micro-organisms in the rhizosphere. Both corrhizal capacity rhizosphere fungi of plants micro-or heterotrophic predominantly that depend micro-organisms have been to acquire shown nutrients in the soil to which as well function as my to increase under the condi tions of nutrient stress (Alexander, 1977; St. John This & Coleman, the diversion of 1983). requires 33 fixed toward carbon occur erally of conditions as matter organic rhizo a nutrient abundance of consequence tied previously of material that (Gorhman et al, 1979). Therefore it is not a profitable strategy under these conditions for plants to divert part of their fixed carbon to maintain an ulation. With more extensive the nutrients and rials forms, less, resulting microflora rhizosphere of advance in plant mate immobilized become in our are view, in a nutrient pop however, succession, stress for the plants. this point, we theorize, it becomes a profitable strategy for plants to divert part of their fixed car in order bon to maintain a rhizosphere population to increase their capacity to acquire nutrients. It is within this general context that we view our hypo At shift in the microflora thesized one predominantly comprised ganisms to one with zosphere micro-organisms. a higher composition of free from soil micro-or of rhi composition Microbial activity in the free soil and the availa a source are correlated with the of carbon bility level of phosphatase enzymatic activity (Speir & A nutrient Ross, 1978). cycle and a reduction tight would in free soil heterotrophic micro-organisms be consistent with the observed decline in phospha tase activity and organic matter. Cundell (1977) found evidence that in semi-arid areas the sphere of grasses and shrubs is a very favorable for micro-organism development. The observed rhizo place in creases in dehydrogenase activity and MIP could then be explained by an increase in the rhizosphere micro-organisms induced by an improvement in the rhizosphere environment with the shift from annual forbs (Salsola ib?rica) to native perennial grasses and shrubs. It could also explain the relationship found between dehydrogenase activity and MIP and species composition. One factor that was not anticipated was the rapid recovery of dehydrogenase activity and mycorrhi zae infection potential under conditions of extreme soil disturbance (such as Treatment 4). This result the of a may explain rejection of the hypothesis in vegetation rate with an successional soil disturbance. This recovery in dehy drogenase activity and MIP was particularly unex 4 where the horizons were in Treatment pected reversed and the C horizon became the topsoil. This decrease increased other the and could hand, dominance poor more to adapted soils re been in of shrubs of performance nial grasses and forbs. Shrubs, with are have peren their deep root a with coarse structure and precipitation out of the growing season that takes place either or consists of large but infrequent events (Neils & Tueller, 1971). These two conditions were met in the study. The reversed ho rizons resulted in a new 'topsoiF with a very rocky surface. Fifty percent of the rainfall in the Piceance occurs in the winter. The very low level of in these forb establishment grass and perennial could have the also enhanced 1) (Table plots prob in ability of shrub establishment by a reduction Basin in mineral available treatment system, we theorize the for the ultimate sponsible this gen breakdown in plant up on operation, In the initial stages of secondary sphere population. succession, a of the maintenance The competition. could have of establishment created adequate shrubs then condi rhizosphere tions for microbial and mycorrhizae development. This could explain in part the rapid recovery of to dehydrogenase activity and MIP (according Reeves et al (1979) the four shrubs in question (Table 1) are mycorrhizal). Another enough corrhizae four years result was unexpected viable of spores were still present without an the fact vesicular-arbuscular that my to reinfest plants after host. adequate re Recent search by Schmidt & Reeves (in press) advances the that Salsola ib?rica, even though not a proposition mycorrhizal plant, can create conditions around the roots (such as some carbohydrate exudates) to to allow the fungi spores remain viable until an adequate host develops. en In the present experiment dehydrogenase zyme activity potentials after six years of succession ' averaged 25.99 pg formazan g^ soil 24 hr while native undisturbed vegetation had values of 19.05 ! ' pg formazan g soil 24 hr (Kleins al, 1982). This was consistent with difference Titlyanova's (1982) in the Siberian succession analysis of vegetation steppe. She found that the activity of the microbi ocenosis was maximized stages and declined at the as vegetation intermediate approached serai cli max. One aspect of the results was in direct contradic tion to most of the literature. Organic matter has been widely reported to increase with succession 1965; Zedler & Zedler, 1969; (Bard, 1952; Davison, Chertov & Razunovskii, 1980; Aweto, 1981; Shav kat et al, however, a 1982). In this experiment, decline in soil organic matter was observed in all 34 treatments ter to parable levels of soil organic mat (Table 2). The 1 and in Treatments the ones 2 after six in observed years the were native com undis turbed vegetation, 1.12% (Klein p/ al, 1982). After six years soil organic matter was still below the in Treatments 3 native vegetation levels, however for this result could and 4. A plausible explanation of an equilibrium be a lag in the re-establishment inputs and outputs in the carbon cycle. We theorize that the release of C02 via the decomposi in the soil by tion of organic matter (incorporated the disturbance) was higher than the corresponding between inputs of new organic in a negative resulted matter ference can be made. as and occurred a reduc such, through time. are distributed as the multivariate the two subgroups normal with equal variances and covariances. Since these distribution are seldom met in practice, to consider it is desirable conditions alternative One way procedures. to test differences 1J= ||.V, .Vj||=[ explanation is expanded of the statistical upon MRPP, technique, that which was developed from et al. (1981a). of MRPP concepts general a comparison between considering groups of objects (A and B) where that from Mklkc The have been can best be two mutually two measured illustrated are A,./)2]1 exclusive responses (x\ in the two sub object how these responses could be represent the responses of the diagram where obtained groups. Figure 4 shows ed in a two-dimensional from each as crosses A are plotted in subgroup and the objects in subgroup B are plotted as circles. responses of the four objects three i l I 5+-4 4 i i ? I l 4 4 ? -- --M 24 ? -t-4 I I ? in Table listed 4 and ordered from the visual the impression of a common points than the distances between points lowest average subgroup of different Thus, ?A = Table points either circles, is (l/3) v AA/= A 1.6095 (2) 4. Ordered distances between all 21 pairs of the seven in Figure 4 where distances between in points A or subgroup B are indicated subgroup by crosses or shown respectively. Rank Points Distance l ,A3 I I IB2 B3 | 14-Y I I B,B2 1 B2B3 2 A,A2 i I lB4 I I H-1-1 I' the points of the two subgroups Fig. 4. Scatter diagram showing responses X\ and (A and B) plotted as a function of the measured Xi. to of cluster this clustering is way to consider tendency of the between-point for each distances for the three distances of subgroup A, the 1.000 (o) 1.000 (o) B3B4 3 -*--4 1 3+ (1) 4--4--* l 4f-~ i 2 A natural subgroups. to form an average subgroup. by sub is by first the groups in the diagram. between all distinct The seven pairs of points = points of Figure 4 imply there are (72) 21 distinct pairs of points 21 distances must and consequently be computed. 21 These tend to be smaller and xi) ^ (.Y,, i= I highest value. Table 4 confirms between ing since the distances Appendix follows between the distances examining distance The involve the use approach would T2 test which has the disadvantage that the response measurements of A classical of the two-sampled Hotelling the assumption of requiring by the plants. This balance, tion of soil organic matter a visual impression Although suggests that the subgroups A and a more rigorous and objective B are separated, characterization or in is needed before a quantitative of this separation evaluation 1.000(0) 1.414 (x) 1.414 (x) 4 A2A3 5 6 A2B, 7 A3B3 1.414 1.414 B|B3 8 B2B4 9 B,B310 11 A2B3 12 A3B1 13 A2B2 ' 14A?B2 15 A3B4 B|B416 17 A,B, 1.414(o) 1.414(0) 2.000 (x) 2.000 2.000 2.236 2.236 2.236 2.236 2.828 18 A2B4 19 A,B4 3.000 20 A,B2 21 A,B4 3.606 3.162 4.123 (o) 35 and for the six distances ?b = (1/6)2 B a7</= A measure or statistic the points of subgroups given ?= B the average of subgroup 1.3441. is approximate tion in order (3) the separation between describes A and B is the simple weighted mean which by 1.4578. (3/7)?A4(4/7)?B= (4) values of ? would indicate a tendency for clustering while indicate a lack of clustering. The prob larger values of ? would = the observed lem is to determine whether statistic(<5 1.4578) for this particular (A and B) is unusual with respect to partition Small that could possible partitions with the same size structure have been made with these seven objects. Now yVobjects can be into twosubgroups(A and B) with fixed numbers of partitioned of ? from a continuous the distribution distribu a p value for an observed value of ? is smaller than some prescribed level of significance. As shown by M ielke et al. ( 1981 a), the distribution of the statistic ? can be approximated type III distribution. by a Pearson to determine whether we In this appendix The procedure of a two group have given an example can be extended to multigroup analysis of a one-way and to a two-way MANOVA) analysis. (the equivalent of a factorial MANOVA) factorial (the equivalent analysis for MRPP (Mielke et al., 1981b, 1982). 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