Allocation of Central Pool MBBS/BDS Seats (07+02)
Allocation of Central Pool MBBS/BDS Seats (07+02)
DIRECTOltATE CENERAL BORDER SECURITY FORCE 10[H BLOCK CCO COMPLEX LODHI ROAD.NEW DELHl‐ 03 EDUCAT10N SECT10Nヽ `ADM DIRECTORATE― Dated6_7April, 2015. dll Adm Vお SF′ 312-│`Ч ) 2ν 2∝ 2ソ 201'16旭 ′ HQ SplDG(East)HQ SplDG BSF All Dtcs at FHQ An Ftr HQrySHQrS/including IS Duサ A1l BSF Training lnstitutions All BSF Bns including rcscrvc Bns IG HQ FHQ DIG HQ FHQ PADttDPttt WinysRO/SIWκ ENWOSTO/ TSU Tckanpllr/Comdt BSF STS I Tigh Calnp STS II Arty Rcgysig Rcま Pincipal BSF In,itutc ofTccllllology STC BSF Campus Bangalorc/ Principals BSF Polytcchnic STS Tigri Calnp and CSヽ lT Tckanpur PHncipals BSF Sr Scc Schools Jalandhar/JammWShllongTckanpu″ Kadamtal″ S五 Gallganagar All DTE「 HQ T10N OF L ⅣIB ACADEMIC YEAR 2014‐ 15 FOR THE WARDS OF CAPFsPERSONEL In continuation on this HQ letter No dated 2l't March'20 t4. 21120(2)/201 1- 12lEdr/Adm V/BSF/859-1180 Application in duplicate from the eligible wards of serving/deceased,/widow/wives of deceased/disabled personnel of CAPFS on the prescribed forms, are invited (specimen enclosed) for admission to MBBS & BDS Courses separately against the seats reserved(MBBS - 7 & BDS-2) by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to this this HQ by 30th June'2015. Children ofIPS Cadre Offrcers working in eligible organization are also eligible but children ofcivilian staff are not eligible. 2. 3. All the Headquartersrunits will ensure that:- (a) Application of eligible candidates arc to be submitted on the prescribed format only as per specimen enclosed and no columns to be left blank (if applicable to the student otherwise put(x) mark in appropriate columns) adequate copies ofthis form be got prepared and made available to all concemed and circulated down to Widows/their dependents at their home adlresses immediately by BOPs,A registered post. ir ';rO,ri ."鰤 齋 (赫 0轟 ■) (b) orm"A" to be filled up for children of personnel killed in action those who are igible for LPA, Fom"B" to be iilled up fbr permanently disabled in action and oardcd out duc to disability suffcrcd in action oIservinB/retired & normal deaG cases. │お よⅢ ` C 1器 Ч 月` しいげ Fom''C''to be rlncd up fOr (c) Al1 supporting documents including mark sheet(l0'h, l2m & Entrance exam as required to be fumished alongwith application forms in duplicate. (d) In case of wards of killed in militant action & medically boarded out, copy of Post-mortem./copy of pension payment orde(PPO) and copy of Medical board proceedings in support of wards of killed in militant action and medically boarded out cases, are to be attached with application form for further submission to MHA. (e) The sponsored wards of BSF Widows/Serving/Retired./Medically boarded out under your command to appear in the enhance test of All India Pre-Medical Entrance Test(AIPMT) conducted by CBSE. Itr any circumstances, the selectioD of students will Dot be made merely on academic merit of 10+2 marks. (f) Incomplete & incorect application/ and application rcceived after 30rt June'l5 will not be entertained. (g) Any change in crit€ria in method/system if any received from MIIA will communicated subsequently. (h) This should be circulated all troops / rctired./widows accordingly in time. Enclo : As above. ニ (NAVEEN K■ lMARl DY COMDT(EDN) COPY T0 lTヽ VNG FHQ BSF: Request upload this letter alongwith its enclosure in geneml downlowd ofdPlas-well as in BSF website(internet) also immediately please. be F55E M三 百57 55s sEATS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-16 : APPLICATION FORM FOR MBBS/BDS Rヽ TELY) (APPひ `FOR MBBS&BDS SERヽ Name of t]:e Student (in block 1 lettersl Rank, Regt. No., Name of father with unit/HQr address (in case of widow applied for herself, intimate Rank, Regt. No., Name of husband with unit/HQr) .sent .omPlet. .orresPondence address with cotrtact Phone No. 2 3 wlth 4 Permanent Address contact Pho[e No. 5 Date of Bftth of student {Copy of loth Mark sheet/ certificate to be attached lor verihcation of DOBI Category of candidates i.e-, whether belongs SC/ST/oBC or otherwise. Category of candidates should be mentioned out of three category mentioned below :Category "e" : wards/Widow wives of personnel those Xllled i! action who are eligible for LPACategory'B": wards/widow wives of personnel permanently disabled i! .ctlon and boarded out from 6 7 (a) (b) service. (C) Category "C" : Wards of serving / retired BSF personnel and wards of widow of nolTal death cases. Certificate to be attached as Pe! Appendix-A' alongrith coPY of PPO issued by PAD. Certificate to be attached as Per Appendix- B' alongwith coPY of PPO issued by PAD Certilicate of concerned unit/HQr to be attached as per Appendix-'C' Contd P/2 :. 2 fr4a.t oftai.tea UV the student in All lndia PrC― MCdical Enttancc TestruE■ [■ ぅ cBSE conduCtCd by 評:::lc麗 L翼 ゞ 懲 鼻富∫ i。 ment Of 10+2 marksl e attachcd as '.1 町 SiCS chcmisty Biology Total Yes / No … AttcstCd COpy Of Mark ShCCt Of 10+2 to be attachg! tvt.--di.d..rtif ic^tof candidate duly signed bY the MO to be Crtirlcatc of Ycs/No candidates issued bY the School … found correct I hereby declared that the above particulars,aie check€d and candidature my incomplete' .. p". -y trro-t"age and in case of an! incorrect & can be cancelled. (signature of Student) (Signature of Parents/ Guardian) ` ノ P‐ 1、 … … ■ 研 げ lll“ tlat sh/Km′ Smt applicant is he son /daughter/widow^flife 's is to"颯 No...... ......... Rank. Name nitlcorrAl{iervice and ・ OW“ 鵬cCヽ ェ●On h品 。 1,6ν l%夕 197:wa‖ ° h“ Nagal“ and Mizα “ altt(d∝ lared as such by thc cjOvt oFindla ... 辞 ′Lヽ ‐ ′^^"=^^ヽ ,_■ , _ 。 ^ (b)Was dis● Ыcd h a“ bn ●4izo嗜 Mた 。m(dC●1痢 v“ ζ dccIび ed F珈si:″chh by l″ 131:`=:l夕 1:II:「 he Go■ o日 劇 如 ■ ・ o 甘 角 "dbnss“ ぷ威bns PVCい Nattland md り ヽυ wasd輻 w● 。 ..8.1^メ ,h¨ O0 Who Ы ed t降 `L^^__ ,__ On_… 蒙vte 11:鷹 ":● … … “ (d) i!,as dissbled rfic servicc in ,...............,. which_Who- 11サ 織 摺 `、 attribDtablr io s€rvi.€ indicale as applioation_ ‐ %di蘭 blcd Signat!re FOIm無 ¬sぉ 降 a縫 r commandent or abOve ADDendix 'B' FOR SONS/DAUGIITERS OF PERSONNEL TIIOSE PERMANENTLY DIABLED IN ACTION AND BOARDED OUT FROM SERVICE is to certily This that..-......................... Is son/daughter/widow/wife of No oi....,...--.....,,., ........Rank .......Name Unit/Corps/Service and was permanently disabled irl action arld boarded out the service on............ and..............7o of disability. Sisnature & Name & Desiqnation Ilr block capitals of attestltrg OIIlcer of the r:ank of Commardant of above. Aっ っend破 'C' FOR SONSノ DAUGHTDRS OF SERⅥ NGノ RETIRED BSF PERSONNEL AND WARDS OF MDOW OF NORMAL DEATH that certify to is This the name Master/Miss the son/daughter of is the applicant of No...................................................Rank-Nalnewho is/has serving/retired / died with effect from ―¨…… …… … ………… ……(datC)iS an Ex,cMcCmcn h tcrms of Govt of lndla Cabhet Scct of pcrsonncl L/No39015,18,78(Estt/C) Sisnature & Name & Desienation In block capitals of attestirg olficer 11卜 pFFFTへ κlヽ C OR IRL力 Toκ c No7/1D No (Foice/lB ) as resicient of hereby give underiaking that nrrne of m;l siblings / children has earlier been selected for a MBBS/BDS seat under Central Pool Quota for wards ofCAPFs & AR & IB personnel. ln case the above informatlon is found to be false at any stage, I Imaybe debarred liom pursuing the MBBS/BDS courses for which have been selected u der Central Pool quota (in case ofthe candidate) OR suitable disciplinary action may be taken against me ( in case of thc parent / personnel). (Signature of Pareni9Guardian) (Signaturc of Candidate)