Joint City Council and County Minutes April 30, 2015


Joint City Council and County Minutes April 30, 2015
A scheduled meeting of the Buckhannon City Council in joint session with the Upshur County
Commission was held in the Upshur County Circuit Court Chambers at 38 West Main Street on
Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. with the following in attendance:
Mayor/City Recorder
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Upshur County Commission President
Upshur County Commissioner
Upshur County Commissioner
Upshur County Administrator
TV Channel 3
Inter-Mountain Newspaper
Record Delta Newspaper
Richard Edwards
David Thomas
Pamela Cuppari
Ron Pugh
Robyn Simons
Mary Albaugh
J.C. Raffety
Troy Brady
Terry Cutright
Carrie Wallace
Dennis Cortes
Roger Adkins
Amanda Hayes
Preston Surface- Student Body President, Tom Kotol III – Student Council Advisory Representative,
Kaitlynn Critchfield – Junior Class Vice President, Mikinna Poling – Senior Class Vice President,
Sarah Wamsley – Student Council Advisor, Joyce Harris Thacker – Upshur FRN, Idress Gooden –
B.O.E. and Dr. Joseph Reed.
Upshur County Commission President J.C. Raffety called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. He led the
attendees in a moment of silent prayer or meditation, then the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner
Raffety then thanked all in attendance and introduced the Mayor of Buckhannon, Mr. Edwards.
Mayor Edwards noting that a quorum was present then called the Buckhannon City Council to
order. He then asked all government officials to introduce themselves. He then explained to the
attendees the reason for the meeting. The reason is for a special presentation by the BUHS Student
Council to present their findings and research concerning a new indoor recreational facility. Mayor
Edwards then explained the uniqueness of this meeting. He also explained the way in which this
meeting was facilitated. He then recognized guests; Dr. Joseph Reed, Mrs. Wamsley, Mrs. Thacker,
and Mrs. Gooden to explain how they proceeded to have this meeting arranged.
Dr. Reed, Mrs. Wamsley, and Mrs. Thacker then reported their roles in facilitating the special
The Mayor then recognized Ms. Mikinna Poling to proceed with the student presentations by
PowerPoint. Each of the students highlighted and discussed various needs and requests from the
Middle School and High School students. These requests were done by poll. The main topics were:
• The Vision- a building façade concept plan was shown of a recreation center.
• Problems within the community- Youth activity participation. Lack of youth “hang out”
places or areas, Youth with nothing to do encourages drugs, alcohol, bad behaviors,
boredom, obesity and general lack of social participation. Adults, parents have a lack of
places or areas to exercise, or in conjunction with children. Obesity and diabetes among
adults is very high as well.
• Lack of- Community involvement, inactivity, obesity, diabetes, tutoring, inner-generational
activities were subjects reported by students.
• Benefits- Jobs, home/property valuation, families, seniors, healthy living, healthy heart,
and other issues were discussed as beneficial to our community. Tourism and
tournaments were discussed as revenue generating for community. Rec. Centers also
attract families that may be considering moving to a community.
• The indoor activities suggested for the center- On first floor, these included a 25m indoor
swimming pool, 4 sport courts with dividers, game room, lounge area, locker rooms, hot
tub, sauna, whirlpool bath, steam room, and a dance/yoga room.
• Second floor included a library/study hall, computer media lab, conference rooms, lounge
area, separate study area, and general hang out room.
• Fiscal aspects- Estimated cost as presented 5-8 million. Students reported on some grant
opportunities for such a center. “Let’s Play”, “Out of School Time”, “Good Sports”, and
Lowe’s grants were presented. The students also considered and explored funding from
bonds, levies, and perhaps leasing units.
Mayor Edwards upon completion of the presentation by students recognized each of the County
Commissioners for comments. Mayor Edwards then asked the City Council members individually
for comments. Mayor Edwards recognized audience members for comments or questions.
With all questions and comments exhausted the Mayor then commended the student council on
their work and presentation. The Mayor presented to the Student Council President, a Certificate of
Appreciation from the City. Pictures were then taken with all participants.
With no further business, the joint meeting of the Upshur County Commission and the Buckhannon
City Council adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Mayor Richard Edwards
Assistant Recorder Amberle Jenkins