Vita - UIC Business - University of Illinois at Chicago
Vita - UIC Business - University of Illinois at Chicago
ALAN J. MALTER Associate Professor of Marketing Department of Managerial Studies University of Illinois at Chicago Tel. 1-312-413-4142, Fax 1-312-996-3559 E-mail: [email protected] (April 2015) Mailing Address: 2221 University Hall, M/C 243 601 South Morgan Street Chicago, IL 60607-7123 USA ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Education 2000 1988 1985 1985 1982 - 1983 Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison (marketing) M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (agricultural economics) A.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (economics), summa cum laude A.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (political science), summa cum laude One-Year Program, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (int. relations, economics) Employment 2007 - present 2000 - 2007 1999 - 2000 1994 - 1999 1993 - 1995 1988 - 1994 1987 1985 - 1987 1984 Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago Assistant Professor, University of Arizona Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Maryland Graduate Research & Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Madison Consultant, The World Bank, East and Southern Africa Division Export Market Analyst, Israel Ministry of Agriculture Acting Assistant Director, University of Illinois (UIUC), Study Abroad Office Graduate Research Assistant, University of Illinois (UIUC), Agricultural Economics Trade Analyst, America-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Washington, D.C. Honors and Awards – Research/Scholarship 2014 2013 2010 2005 1999 1998 1998 1998 1985 - 1986 1985 1985 1984 1981 - 1984 AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium, Faculty Fellow (Northwestern University) Finalist, 2012 William F. O’Dell Award, Journal of Marketing Research AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium, Faculty Fellow (Texas Christian University) Robert D. Buzzell Best Paper Award, Marketing Science Institute Runner-up, George Day Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award Winner, and Business Marketing Doctoral Fellow, Institute for the Study of Business Markets (Pennsylvania State University) Dissertation Proposal Competition Honorable Mention, Alden G. Clayton Award, Marketing Science Institute AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium, Student Fellow (University of Georgia) Wright Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Bronze Tablet, Highest Honors (Top 3% of Graduating Class), University of Illinois Phi Beta Kappa University of Illinois representative to 36th Student Conference on U.S. Affairs, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York James Scholar, University of Illinois Undergraduate Honors Program Honors and Awards – Teaching Certificate of Appreciation, Eller College Student Council, University of Arizona 2006 2005 Mortar Board Certificate for Outstanding Teaching, University of Arizona 2005 Certificate of Appreciation, Eller College Student Council, University of Arizona 2004 Certificate of Appreciation, Eller College Student Council, University of Arizona 2003 Faculty member, Delta Sigma Pi business professional fraternity 2003 Certificate of Appreciation, Eller College Student Council, University of Arizona 2001 Certificate of Appreciation, Eller College Student Council, University of Arizona RESEARCH [for Google Scholar or SSCI citations, search all categories for Alan Malter or Malter AJ*] Research Interests Changing role of marketing; organizational learning and innovation; tacit/embodied/process knowledge in managerial and consumer decision-making; survey research/measurement issues. Refereed Journal Articles Beuk, Frederik, Alan J. Malter, Jelena Spanjol and John Cocco (2014), “Financial Incentives and Salesperson Time Orientation in New Product Launch: A Longitudinal Study,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, doi: 10.1111/jpim.12157, 31 (4, July), 647-663. [Lead article] Reimann, Martin, Wilko Feye, Alan J. Malter, Josh Ackerman, Raquel Castaño, Nitika Garg, Robert Kreuzbauer, Aparna A. Labroo, Angela Y. Lee, Maureen Morrin, Gergana Y. Nenkov, Jesper H. Nielsen, Maria Perez, Gratiana Pol, José Antonio Rosa, Carolyn Yoon, and Chen-Bo Zhong (2012), “Embodiment in Judgment and Choice,” Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 5 (2, May), 104-123. Zhang, Haisu, Chengli Shu, Xu Jiang and Alan J. Malter (2010), “Managing Knowledge for Innovation: The Role of Cooperation, Competition, and Alliance Nationality,” Journal of International Marketing, 18 (December), 74-94. Rindfleisch, Aric, Alan J. Malter, Shankar Ganesan and Christine Moorman (2008), “Cross-Sectional Versus Longitudinal Survey Research: Concepts, Findings, and Guidelines,” Journal of Marketing Research, 45 (June), 261-279. [Lead article] Finalist, 2012 William F. O’Dell Award, for 2008 JMR article having the most significant, longterm contribution to marketing theory, methodology, and/or practice. Lusch, Robert F., Stephen L. Vargo and Alan J. Malter (2006), “Marketing as Service-Exchange: Taking a Leadership Role in Global Marketing Management,” Organizational Dynamics, 35 (3), 264-278. Rosa, Jose Antonio, Ellen C. Garbarino, and Alan J. Malter (2006), “Keeping the Body in Mind: The Influence of Body Esteem and Body Boundary Aberration on Consumer Beliefs and Purchase Intentions,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (1), 79-91. Ganesan, Shankar, Alan J. Malter, and Aric Rindfleisch (2005), “Does Distance Still Matter? Geographic Proximity and New Product Development,” Journal of Marketing, 69 (October), 44-60. Webster, Frederick E., Jr., Alan J. Malter, and Shankar Ganesan (2005), “The Decline and Dispersion of Marketing Competence,” MIT Sloan Management Review, 46 (4), 35-43. Kreuzbauer, Robert and Alan J. Malter (2005), “Embodied Cognition and New Product Design: Changing Product Form to Influence Brand Categorization,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 22 (March), 165-176. Rosa, Jose Antonio and Alan J. Malter (2003), “E-(Embodied) Knowledge and E-Commerce: How Physiological Factors Affect On-line Sales of Experiential Products,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13 (1&2), 63-75. Reprinted in: Legal Issues in Electronic Commerce, 2e. Lynn Campbell (Ed.). Concord, Ontario, Canada: Captus Press, 2005; chapter 6b, pages 101-106. 2 Glenberg, Arthur M., David A. Robinson, Michael P. Kaschak, and Alan J. Malter (2003), “Embodied Meaning and Negative Priming,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26 (5), 644-648. Malter, Alan J. and Peter R. Dickson (2001), “The Effect of Individual Learning on Competitive Decision-Making and Firm Performance,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 18 (1/2), 99-117. Published Working Papers (Peer-reviewed) Webster, Frederick E., Jr., Alan J. Malter, and Shankar Ganesan (2003), “Can Marketing Regain Its Seat at the Table?” MSI Reports, Marketing Science Institute Working Paper Series, No. 03-113, 29-47. *** 2005 Robert D. Buzzell Award, Best MSI Working Paper in 2003, for “most significant contribution to marketing practice and thought.” Ganesan, Shankar, Alan J. Malter, and Aric Rindfleisch (2003), “Does Distance Still Matter? Geographic Proximity in New Product Development,” MSI Reports, Marketing Science Institute Working Paper Series, No. 03-125, 111-133. Electronic Working Papers Rindfleisch, Aric, Alan J. Malter, Shankar Ganesan and Christine Moorman (2007), “Cross-sectional versus Longitudinal Survey Research: Concepts, Findings, and Guidelines,” Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM) Working paper series, Report 02-2007. Available at: Seshasai, Satwik, Alan J. Malter, and Amar Gupta (2006), “The Use of Information Systems in Collocated and Distributed Teams: A Test of the 24-Hour Knowledge Factory” (September 21, 2006). Eller College of Management Working Paper No. 1034-06. Available at: Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Electronic Papers: Webster, Frederick E., Jr., Alan J. Malter, and Shankar Ganesan (2004), “The Role of Marketing in the Corporation: A Perpetual Work In Progress” (April 10, 2004). Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth Working Paper No. 2004-007. Available at: Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Electronic Papers: Conference Proceedings: Full Papers (Peer-reviewed) Kreuzbauer, Robert and Alan J. Malter (2007), “Product Design Perception and Brand Categorization,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 34, eds. Gavan J. Fitzsimons and Vicki G. Morwitz, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 240-246. (see also: Presentations). Kreuzbauer, Robert and Alan J. Malter (2006), “Perceptual Processing of Product Design Information: Implications for Brand Categorization,” in Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology 2006 Winter Conference, eds. Dan Ariely, Baba Shiv, Michal Ann Strahilevitz, Society for Consumer Psychology, 468-482. (see also: Presentations) Malter, Alan J. (1996), “An Introduction to Embodied Cognition: Implications for Consumer Research,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 23, eds. Kim P. Corfman and John Lynch, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 272-276. (see also: Presentations) Malter, A.J. (1996), “The Dynamic Nature of the Market for Ornamentals,” in Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants, Acta Horticulturae, Number 432, 3 eds. G. Loebenstein, J. Hammond, A. Gera, T. Derks, and A. van Zaayen, Leuven, Belgium: International Society for Horticultural Science, 28-35. (see also: Presentations) Conference Proceedings: Extended Abstracts (Peer-reviewed) Malter, Alan J., Jose Antonio Rosa and Ellen C. Garbarino (2008), “Using Virtual Models to Evaluate Real Products for Real Bodies,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 35, eds. Angela Y. Lee and Dilip Soman, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 87-88. (see also: Presentations). Malter, Alan J., Jose Antonio Rosa and Ellen C. Garbarino (2006), “The Effect of Movement on Real Bodies, Virtual Selves and Product Evaluation,” in Latin America Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 1, eds. Silvia Gonzalez and David Luna, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 117-118 (see also: Presentations). Malter, Alan J. and Jose Antonio Rosa (2004), “Mental Simulation and the Effectiveness of Online Sales Aids for Experiential Products” in Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology 2004 Winter Conference, eds. Amar Cheema, Scott Hawkings, and Joydeep Srivastava, Society for Consumer Psychology, 98-99. (see also: Presentations) Wu, Ling-Ling, Alan J. Malter, and Lawrence W. Barsalou (2004), “Perceptual Symbols and Conceptual Representation of Products and Services,” in Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology 2004 Winter Conference, eds. Amar Cheema, Scott Hawkings, and Joydeep Srivastava, Society for Consumer Psychology, 94-95. (see also: Presentations) Malter, Alan J. (2003), "Resilience of Marketing Systems in Difficult Places: Lessons from Africa and The Balkans," in Marketing Theory and Applications, Volume 14, eds. Geraldine R. Henderson and Marian Chapman Moore, Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association, 259. Malter, Alan J. and Steven Jaffee (2003), "Export Development in Difficult Places: Achieving and Sustaining Global Competitiveness," in Marketing Theory and Applications, Volume 14, eds. Geraldine R. Henderson and Marian Chapman Moore, Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association, 261. (see also: Presentations) Malter, Alan J. and Steven Jaffee (2003), "Export Cluster Development in Difficult Places: The Rise and Survival of Export Floriculture in Southern Africa," in The Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Marketing and Development: Globalization, Transformation, and Quality of Life, eds. Clifford Schultz, Don R. Rahtz, and Mark Speece, Zagreb, Croatia: University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics. (see also: Presentations) Ganesan, Shankar, Aric Rindfleisch, and Alan J. Malter (2002), "New Product Innovation in Hightechnology Firms: The Role of Face-to-Face versus Electronic Communication," in Marketing Theory and Applications, Volume 13, eds. Kenneth R. Evans and Lisa K. Scheer, Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association, 127-128. (see also: Presentations) Rosa, Jose Antonio and Alan J. Malter (2001), “E-(Embodied) Cognition and Experiential E-Commerce: Challenges and Opportunities,” in Proceedings of the Experiential E-Commerce Conference: 3-D Visualizations, Product Simulations, Embodied Agents and Virtual Environments (September 2001). (see also: Presentations) Malter, Alan J. and Kenneth O. McGraw (2001), “Web-based Data Collection: Issues and Opportunities for Consumer Psychologists,” in Proceedings of the Society of Consumer Psychology 2001 Winter Conference (February 2001), 144-145. (see also: Presentations) 4 Malter, Alan J. (1998), “Effects of Perceptual Cues and Extrinsic Motivation on Creative Problem Solving,” in Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, eds. Morton Ann Gernsbacher and Sharon J. Derry, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1243. (see also: Presentations) Malter, Alan J. (1997), “Embodied Cognition: Theory, Evidence, and Directions for Research,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 24, eds. Merrie Brucks and Deborah J. MacInnis, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 39. (see also: Presentations) Babbes, George S. and Alan J. Malter (1997), “Special Session Summary: Embodied Cognition: Towards a More Realistic and Productive Model of Mental Representation,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 24, eds. Merrie Brucks and Deborah J. MacInnis, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 39-41. Books and Monographs (Peer-reviewed) Malter, Alan J. (1997), New Frontiers in Competitive Decision Making: Toward A Research Agenda, Marketing Science Institute Working Paper Series, No. 97-124, Cambridge, MA: MSI. Jensen, Merle H. and Alan J. Malter (1995), Protected Agriculture: A Global Review, World Bank Technical Paper Number 253, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. Reynolds, Bruce J., Steven C. Schmidt, and Alan J. Malter (1990), Marketing High-Value Food Products in the Asian Pacific, ACS Research Report Number 85, Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Cooperative Service. Chapters in Books (Peer-reviewed) Houston, Mark B., S. Ratneshwar, Lisa Ricci and Alan J. Malter (2010), “Dynamic Strategic Goal Setting: Theory and Initial Evidence,” in Review of Marketing Research, Volume 7, Naresh K. Malhotra, ed. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 19-62. Malter, Alan J., Ard Reijtenbagh, and Steven Jaffee (1999), “Profits from Petals: The Development of Cut Flower Exports in Southern Africa,” in Southern African Agribusiness: Gaining Through Regional Collaboration, ed. Steven Jaffee, World Bank Technical Paper Number 424, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 39-87. Malter, A.J. (1995), “The Economic Importance of Ornamentals,” in Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Bulb and Flower Crops, Gad Loebenstein, Roger H. Lawson, and Alan A. Brunt, eds. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 1-13. Work in Progress Manuscripts under review Dickson, Peter Reid, Paul W. Miniard, James Jaccard, Alan J. Malter and Walfried M. Lassar, “Improving Business Processes: An Individual Skills Perspective,” Revising for invited resubmission at Journal of Operations Management. Malter, Alan J. and Pelin Bicen, “Regional Brands as Alternative Governance Mechanisms for Distribution Channels.” Book chapter under final review for Handbook of Research on Distribution 5 Channels, Rajiv P. Dant and Charles Ingenes, eds., Elgar. Manuscripts in Preparation Malter, Alan J. and Tatiana Barakshina, “Shared Decisions in Emotionally Difficult Situations.” Data collected (survey samples from Russia and U.S.), first manuscript from data set in preparation for submission to Journal of Consumer Research by August 2015. Malter, Alan J. and Pelin Bicen, “Geographical Indications and Regional Brands as Market Systems,” manuscript in preparation for submission to special issue of Marketing Theory on market systems, by April 30, 2015. Zhang, Haisu and Alan J. Malter, “The Influence of Marketing in New Product Development Teams.” Longitudinal survey data collected, manuscript in final preparation for submission to Journal of Marketing. Beuk, Frederik, Alan J. Malter and Albert L. Page, “Effect of Concern for Reputation on Sales Effort During New Product Launch.” Longitudinal data collected, manuscript in final preparation for submission to Journal of Marketing. Malter, Alan J., “Strategic Marketing Decisions: Is Experience an Asset or Liability?” Data collected, in preparation for submission to Journal of Marketing. Malter, Alan J., Shankar Ganesan and Aric Rindfleisch, “Making Sense of Tacit Knowledge” manuscript in preparation for submission to Journal of Marketing. Malter, Alan J. and Ling-Ling Wu, “Perceptual Symbols and Conceptual Representation of Products and Services” - preparing manuscript for submission to Journal of Consumer Research. Scholarly Presentations Research Presentations (peer-reviewed conferences) 2015, “Can Geographic Brands be Market Oriented?” presented at the 2015 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference in San Antionio, Texas, February 14, 2015 (with Pelin Bicen). 2014, “A Longitudinal Study of the Influence of Marketing in New Product Development (NPD) Teams,” presented at the 2014 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference in Orlando, Florida, February 21, 2014 (with Haisu Zhang). 2014, “The Source of Market Information in New Product Development Teams,” presented at the 2014 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference in Orlando, Florida, February 21, 2014 (with Haisu Zhang). 2013, “The Influence of Marketing in New Product Development Teams,” presented (by Haisu Zhang) at the 2013 PDMA Research Forum in Phoenix, Arizona, October 27, 2013 (with Haisu Zhang). 2013, “Financial Incentives and Salesperson Time Orientation in New Product Launch: A Longitudinal Study,” presented (by Frederik Beuk) at the 2013 PDMA Research Forum in Phoenix, Arizona, October 26, 2013 (with Frederik Beuk, Jelena Spanjol, John Cocco). 6 2013, “The Influence of Marketing in New Product Development Teams,” presented at the 2013 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, February 17, 2013 (presented by Haisu Zhang). 2011, “The Effect of Concern for Reputation on Sales Effort During New Product Launch,” presented poster at the 2011 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference in Austin, Texas, February 18-20, 2011 (also with Frederik Beuk and Albert Page). 2011, “Managing Innovation in Strategic Alliances: A Knowledge-Based View,” presented at the 2011 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference in Austin, Texas, February 18-20, 2011 (presented by Haisu Zhang, also with Chengli Shu). 2010, “The Effect of Concern for Reputation on Sales Effort During New Product Launch,” presented at the PDMA 34th Annual Global Conference Research Forum, in Orlando, Florida, October 17, 2010 (presented by Frederik Beuk, also with Albert Page). 2010, “Managing Innovation in Strategic Alliances: A Knowledge-Based View,” presented at the PDMA 34th Annual Global Conference Research Forum, in Orlando, Florida, October 17, 2010 (presented by Haisu Zhang, also with Chengli Shu). 2010, “Knowledge Transfer Within and Across Industry Clusters” presented at the 2010 Industry Studies Conference, May 7, 2010 in Chicago, Illinois. 2010, “Marketing Analytics: Assessment of Undergraduate and MBA Student Learning” presented at the 2010 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference, February 21, 2010 in New Orleans, Louisiana. 2009, “Marketing Strategy Simulations: Is Experience an Asset or Liability?” presented at the 2009 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference, February 21, 2009 in Tampa, Florida. 2007, “Using Virtual Models to Evaluate Real Products for Real Bodies,” presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, October 26, 2007 in Memphis, Tennessee (with Jose Antonio Rosa and Ellen C. Garbarino). 2006, “Product Design Perception and Brand Categorization,” presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, September 29, 2006 in Orlando, Florida (presented by Robert Kreuzbauer). 2006, “Perceptual Processing of Product Design Information: Implications for Brand Categorization,” presented at 2006 Winter Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, February 11, 2006 in Miami, Florida (with Robert Kreuzbauer). 2006, “The Effect of Movement on Real Bodies, Virtual Selves and Product Evaluation,” presented at 2006 Association for Consumer Research Latin America Conference, January 7, 2006 in Monterrey, Mexico (with Jose Antonio Rosa and Ellen C. Garbarino). 2005, “Product Design within Brand Concept Development”, presented at the 34th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), in Milan, Italy, May 24-27, 2005 (presented by Robert Kreuzbauer) 2004, “Perceptual Symbols and Conceptual Representation of Products and Services,” presented at the Society of Consumer Psychology 2004 Winter Conference, in San Francisco, California, February 21, 2004 (with Ling-Ling Wu and Lawrence W. Barsalou). 7 2004, “Mental Simulation and the Effectiveness of Online Sales Aids for Experiential Products,” presented at the Society of Consumer Psychology 2004 Winter Conference, in San Francisco, California, February 21, 2004 (with Jose Antonio Rosa and Ellen Garbarino). 2004, “Body Boundary Aberration and Body Esteem as Influencers of Consumer Attitudes and Intentions,” presented at the Society of Consumer Psychology 2004 Winter Conference, in San Francisco, California, February 21, 2004 (presented by Ellen Garbarino, also with Jose Rosa). 2003, “Understanding the Changing Role of Marketing Management,” presented at the 2003 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference in Orlando, Florida, February 14-17, 2003 (with Frederick Webster and Shankar Ganesan). 2003, “Development and Resilience of Export Clusters: The Case of Flowers in Southern Africa,” presented at the 2003 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference in Orlando, Florida, February 14-17, 2003 (with Steven Jaffee). 2003, “Export Cluster Development in Difficult Places: The Rise and Struggle of Export Floriculture in Southern Africa,” presented at the 8th International Conference on Marketing and Development, in Bangkok, Thailand, January 3-7, 2003 (with Steven Jaffee). 2002, “Research Opportunities and Future Directions in Food Marketing,” presented at the Food Marketing Alliance Roundtable at the 2002 American Marketing Association’s Summer Educators’ Conference in San Diego, California, August 3-6, 2002. 2002, “New Product Innovation in High-technology Clusters: The Roles of Geographic and Virtual Proximity,” presented at the 2002 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference in Austin, Texas, February 2002 (with Shankar Ganesan and Aric Rindfleisch). 2001, “E-(Embodied) Cognition and Experiential E-Commerce: Challenges and Opportunities,” presented (by Jose Antonio Rosa) at the Experiential E-Commerce Conference: 3-D Visualizations, Product Simulations, Embodied Agents and Virtual Environments, in East Lansing, Michigan, September 27, 2001 (presented by Jose Antonio Rosa). 2001, “Web-based Data Collection: Issues and Opportunities for Consumer Psychologists,” presented at the Society of Consumer Psychology 2001 Winter Conference, in Scottsdale, Arizona, February 16, 2001 (with Kenneth O. McGraw). 1999, “Process Thinking Skill and Dynamic Competitive Decision Making,” presented at the Competition in Marketing Conference in Mainz, Germany, sponsored by the Marketing Science Institute, Stanford University, and the University of Mainz, June 20-21 (with Peter R. Dickson). 1999, “Toward A Dynamic Model of Non-traditional Export Development: The Case of Floriculture in Southern Africa,” presented at the 1999 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida (February) (with Steven Jaffee). 1998, “Effects of Perceptual Cues and Extrinsic Motivation on Creative Problem Solving,” poster presented at CogSci98, the 20th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, in Madison, Wisconsin (August). 1998, “The Use of Feedback Control Theory to Study Market Processes,” presented at the 1998 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference in Austin, Texas (February). 8 1996, “Embodied Cognition: Theory, Evidence, and Directions for Research,” presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research in Tucson, Arizona (October). 1995, “An Introduction to Embodied Cognition: Implications for Consumer Research,” presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research in Minneapolis, Minnesota (October). Invited Research Presentations 2014, “Israel, the West Bank, Jordan: Regional Cooperation and Brand Development,” presented to American Friends of Hebrew University, in Chicago, April 8, 2014. 2014, “Amazon Mechanical Turk and Online Panels as Alternative Data Sources,” presented at Illinois Institute of Technology, March 14, 2014 (with Tatiana Barakshina). 2014, “Difficult Choices: Shared Decision Making in the Medical Domain,” presented at Illinois Institute of Technology, March 14, 2014 (with Tatiana Barakshina). 2013, “The Branding of High-Value Agricultural Products: Example of Olive Oil,” presented at Conference in Memory of Dr. Abraham Melamed, at the Ministry of Agriculture, Volcani Institute, Israel, August 20, 2013. 2012, “The Influence of Marketing in New Product Development Teams,” presented at Illinois Institute of Technology, September 21, 2012 (presented with Haisu Zhang). 2012/2011, “Consumer Perceptions of Olive Oil: Marketing Challenges,” presented to: Israel Bio-Organic Agriculture Association, at the Ministry of Agriculture, Volcani Institute, Israel, August 12, 2012. MERC research grant Kick-off meeting, Dead Sea, Jordan, July 16, 2012. 2011 Terra Olivo Conference, in Jerusalem, Israel, May 18, 2011. 2011, “The Effect of Concern for Reputation on Sales Effort During New Product Launch,” presented at Illinois Institute of Technology, March 25, 2011 (presented by Frederik Beuk, with Albert Page). 2010, “The Uncertain Disciplinary Status of Consumer Behavior: Implications for Consumer Culture Theory,” presented at C4:Chicago Consumer Culture Community, DePaul University, December 3, 2010. 2010, “Managing Knowledge for Innovation: The Role of Cooperation, Competition, and Alliance Nationality,” presented at Illinois Institute of Technology, September 3, 2010 (presented by Haisu Zhang, with Chengli Shu). 2010, “Globalization and Marketing: Directions for Israeli Agriculture,” presented at the Globalization Conference, Volcani Research Institute, in Beit Dagan, Israel, July 19, 2010. 2010, “Teaching Marketing with Simulation Games,” presented at the 45th American Marketing Association-Sheth Doctoral Consortium, in Fort Worth, Texas, June 5, 2010. 2009, “Embodied Cognition: Perceptual Processing of Products and Services,” at Olson Zaltman Associates, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 9, 2009. 2006, “Making Sense of Tacit Knowledge: Inter-Organizational Knowledge Transfer and New Product Development,” presented at: 6th Marketing in Israel (MI-6) Conference (Tel-Aviv University/Hebrew 9 University/Interdisciplinary Center), in Herzliya, Israel, December 27, 2006. 2006/2005, “Making Sense of Tacit Knowledge,” presented at: University of Illinois at Chicago Brandeis University University of Arizona, Management & Policy department 2005, “Perceptual Symbols and Conceptual Representation of Products and Services,” at Workshop on Embodied Cognition, at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, in Kuchl, Austria, June 2, 2005. 2004, “Integrating Marketing and Information Technology to Build a Customer Relationship Tool,” presented at the University of Arizona MIS Department 30th Anniversary Conference, Shaping the Future of IT, in Tucson, Arizona, November 3, 2004. 2004, “Cross-sectional versus Longitudinal Assessments of New Product Outcomes,” presented (by Aric Rindfleisch) at the Marketing Science Institute Conference, Hot Topics in Innovation, in Boston, Massachusetts, August 6, 2004 (with Aric Rindfleisch, Shankar Ganesan, and Christine Moorman). 2004, “Embodied Cognition: Perceptual Processing in Offline and Online Consumption Environments,” presented at the Third Arizona Marketing Consortium in Glendale, Arizona, April 2, 2004. 2004, “Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Online Sales Aids for Experiential Products,” presented at the Internet Technology Commerce and Design Institute ITCDI Collaboration Symposium, in Tucson, Arizona, January 27, 2004. 2003, "Embodied Knowledge and Electronic Commerce: The Effect of Virtual Models on Online Sales of Apparel," presented at the University of Arizona MIS Department Fall Conference, Managing IT in Networked Organizations, in Tucson, Arizona, October 24-25, 2003. 2002, “New Product Innovation in High-Technology Clusters,” presented at the Second Annual Arizona Marketing Consortium in Tucson, Arizona, March 22, 2002 (with S. Ganesan and Aric Rindfleisch). 2001, “New Product Innovation in High-Technology Clusters: The Roles of Geographic and Virtual Proximity,” presented at the The Competitiveness Institute 4th Annual Meeting: Conference on Clusters and the New Economy, in Tucson, Arizona, October 28-31, 2001 (with S. Ganesan and Aric Rindfleisch). 2001, “Public and Private Sector Roles in Cluster Development in Developing Countries: Case Study from Africa,” presented at the The Competitiveness Institute 4th Annual Meeting: Conference on Clusters and the New Economy, in Tucson, Arizona, October 28-31, 2001 (with Steven Jaffee). 2001, “New Product Innovation in High-Technology Clusters: Does Geography Matter in a Virtual World?” presented (by S. Ganesan) at Marketing Science Institute Conference on Global Innovation of New Products and Services (London, England), October 1, 2001 (with S. Ganesan and Aric Rindfleisch). 2001, “New Product Innovation in High-Technology Clusters: An Examination of the Roles of Geographic and Virtual Proximity,” (with Shankar Ganesan and Aric Rindfleisch), presented to Marketing department, University of Arizona, January 26, 2001. 1999, “Process Thinking in Dynamic Marketing Decision Making,” presented at: University of Arizona Arizona State University Case Western Reserve University 10 1998, “Dynamic Marketing Decision Making,” presented at: Columbia University Pennsylvania State University Southern Methodist University. 1998, “The Use of Feedback Theory to Study Dynamic Decision Making,” presented at the Midwest Marketing Camp, in Iowa City, Iowa. 1996, “The Dynamic Nature of the Market for Ornamentals,” presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants, in Herzliya, Israel. 1995, “The Development of Floriculture Exports from Southern Africa,” at The World Bank, Wash., D.C. Special Session Organizer and Chair (peer-reviewed conferences) 2011, co-organizer: Martin Reimann, Alan J. Malter, et al., “Embodiment in Consumer Judgment and Decision-Making: Behavioral, Psychological, and Neural Perspectives,” Roundtable session presented at 2011 Association for Consumer Research, North American conference, in St. Louis, MO (October). 2010, Organizer/Chair, “Teaching Marketing Analytics: Alternative Approaches to Curriculum, Software, Assessment,” at the 2010 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana (February). 2009, Co-organizer/Chair, “Marketing Simulation Games: Effectiveness of Current and Next Generation Simulations,” at the 2009 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference in Tampa, Florida (February). 2004, Organizer/Chair, “Embodied Cognition: Perceptual Processing in Online and Offline Consumption Environments,” at the Society of Consumer Psychology 2004 Winter Conference, in San Francisco, California (February). 2003, Organizer/Chair, “Resilience of Marketing Systems in Difficult Places: Lessons from Africa and the Balkans,” at the 2003 American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference in Orlando, Florida (February). 2003, Organizer/Chair, “Resilience of Marketing Systems in Difficult Places: Lessons from Africa and the Balkans,” at the 8th International Conference on Marketing and Development, in Bangkok, Thailand (January). 2001, Organizer/Chair, “Web-based Data Collection: Issues and Opportunities for Consumer Psychologists,” Society of Consumer Psychology 2001 Winter Conference, Scottsdale, AZ (February). 1996, Organizer/co-Chair, “Embodied Cognition: Towards a More Realistic and Productive Model of Mental Representation,” at the Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research in Tucson, Arizona (October). Session Discussant, Panelist or Chair (invited) 2012, “The Challenge of Placing Rookie Job Candidates,” presented at DocSIG special session, 2012 American Marketing Association’s Summer Educators’ Conference in Chicago, Illinois (August 18). 11 2011, Chair and moderator, “Industry Trends Round Table,” 2011 Terra Olivo, Mediterranean International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Conference, in Jerusalem, Israel (May 18). 2010, Chair and moderator, “Consumer Trends Round Table,” 2010 Terra Olivo, Mediterranean International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Conference, in Jerusalem, Israel (July 28). 2009, Chair, competitive paper session, “Marketing Strategy and Performance,” 2009 AMA Summer Educators' Conference, in Chicago, Illinois (August). 2006, Discussant, competitive paper session, “Linking Marketing to Stock Market Returns and Profit Performance,” 2006 AMA Winter Educators' Conference, in St. Petersburg, Florida (February). 2005, Chair, competitive paper session, “Consumers’ Self-Perceptions as Moderators of Advertising Effects,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, in San Antonio, Texas (September). 2004, Discussant, competitive paper session, “Interorganizational Marketing,” 2004 American Marketing Association Summer Educators' Conference, in Boston, Massachusetts (August). 2004, Chair, competitive paper session, “Brands, Products, and Competition,” 2004 American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference, in Scottsdale, Arizona (February). 2002, Chair, competitive paper session, “Attitudes and Judgment,” Society of Consumer Psychology 2002 Winter Conference, in Austin, Texas (February). Media Coverage WBEZ 91.5 Chicago, “Moving in: Why old buildings are getting new business,” December 19, 2013. Chicago Tribune, Trib Local, “Suburban towns selling themselves,” (place branding), December 3, 2013. Chicago Tribune, “No backing away now from ‘forward’” (political branding), May 6, 2012 (sec 1, p.3) First Business News (TV), “US economic relationship with Israel,” June 8, 2011. UIC News, “New federal law aims at textbook sticker shock,” August 25, 2010. First Business News (TV), “EU & Economic Strategy,” June 17, 2010. Crain’s Chicago Business, “Corporate Chicago’s euro crisis” (online video), May 18, 2010. Crain’s Chicago Business, “European menace for Chicago companies,” page 3, May 17, 2010. First Business News (TV), “Greece Rescue,” March 26, 2010. First Business News (TV), “Greece Debt Crisis,” February 17, 2010. Southtown Star, “Experts: Lane Bryant storefront will be occupied one day,” February 1, 2010. Medill Reports, “The Internet and cancer: how online social networking is revolutionizing cancer health care,” December 2, 2009. Wall Street Journal, Business Insight Report, “Notice Me: Cutting through the Marketing Clutter,” October 20, 2008. Crain’s Chicago Business, “Feast over in Europe; Economy, upswing in dollar cloud outlook for Kraft and Wrigley,” page 2, August 25, 2008. Tucson Citizen, “UA Iraq Forum,” page A1, October 15, 2002. Arizona Daily Star, “UA ties to Islamic University questioned,” page A1, May 2, 2002. Tucson Citizen, “Clustering may not aid optics,” page B1, October 31, 2001. Research and Teaching Grants 2014 - 2016 2012 - 2015 Transformative Consumer Research (TCR) small grant ($1,500), “Consumer haggling” (with Arjun Chakravarti, IIT) USAID-MERC (Middle-East Regional Cooperation Program) Grant No. TA-MOU-11- 12 2012 - 2013 2011 - 2013 2010 - 2011 2010 - 2011 2009 - 2010 2008 2006 2000 - 2005 2002 2002 2002 2001 1998 M31-027, Characterization of East Mediterranean traditional olive cultivars for the development of PDO brands for local and export markets,” co-PI ($37,950) UIC Faculty Scholarship Support, region of origin effects on quality perception ($1,000) UIC CBA grant, supply chain, transportation and logistics clusters, co-PI ($500,000) USAID-MARD (Multinational Agricultural R&D) Facilitating Grant, binational branding and region of origin effects for olive oil, co-PI ($12,500) UIC Faculty Scholarship Support, green marketing and competitive advantage ($1,000) UIC Faculty Scholarship Support, geographic family brands ($1,000) UIC Innovation Center/Motorola, consumer adoption of distributed architecture ($1,000) Eller Undergraduate Course Grant, U.S.-Mexico International Business ($2,000) Faculty Summer Research Grants, University of Arizona ($78,000) Faculty Small Grant, University of Arizona, “Industry Clusters, Information Exchange, and Export Development in Less-developed Countries,” PI ($7,500) Proposition 301 E-commerce Grant, University of Arizona, “Embodied Knowledge and E-commerce,” ($15,000) Marketing Science Institute, “Understanding the Changing Role of Marketing in the Corporation,” co-PI with Frederick Webster and Shankar Ganesan ($6,000) Marketing Science Institute, “New Product Innovation in High-Technology Clusters,” coPI with Shankar Ganesan and Aric Rindfleisch ($12,900) Institute for the Study of Business Markets, Pennsylvania State University, dissertation award, PI ($5,000) TEACHING Teaching Interests: Marketing Strategy; Global Marketing; Marketing Research/Marketing Analytics. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO, 2007 - present International marketing (undergrad, online) Marketing management (core MBA) Marketing strategy (capstone undergrad, MBA) Marketing analytics (undergrad, MBA) Marketing research (MBA) Consumer psychology (PhD seminar) UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 2000 - 2007 Group field (consulting) projects (MBA) Special topics in marketing strategy (PhD seminar) International marketing (undergrad, MBA) International business environments (undergrad) Marketing management (core MBA) Marketing strategy (capstone undergrad) UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, 1999 - 2000 Group field (consulting) projects (MBA) Marketing strategy (capstone undergrad) Marketing research (undergrad) UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, 1994 - 1999 Introduction to Marketing Management (undergrad) Marketing strategy (capstone undergrad) 13 OVERSEAS TEACHING, since 2001 Tel-Aviv University, Sofaer International MBA, Israel (marketing strategy), 2010 - present LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, Italy (core marketing, MBA), 2003 University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (core marketing, MBA), 2001 UNIVERSITY SERVICE UIC Ph.D. Thesis Committees – Chair or co-chair 2015, Tatiana Barakshina (Marketing), “Shared Decisions in Emotionally Difficult Situations” (chair). In progress. 2015, Hande Gunay (Marketing), “Consumer Nostalgia” (chair). In progress. 2012, Haisu Zhang (Marketing), “The Influence of Marketing in NPD Teams” (chair). Placement: Purdue University-Calumet (currently: New Jersey Institute of Technology) 2011, Frederik Beuk (Marketing), “The Effect of Concern for Reputation on Sales Effort During New Product Launch” (co-chair with Albert Page), 2010 ISBM Award Finalist, 2010 PDMA Research Forum Best Student Paper Award. Placement: University of Akron. UIC Ph.D. Thesis Committees – Member 2012, Akon Ekpo (Marketing), “Mechanisms of Escape: How Marginalized Consumers Transcend Habitus.” Placement: Western Michigan University (currently: Rutgers University-Camden). 2011, Ziqian (Tony) Huang (Information and Decision Sciences), “Segmentation of Financial and Marketing Data: Mixture Logit Model and Hidden Markov Model.” Placement: Discover Card. 2009, John J. Sparks (Information and Decision Sciences) “A Comparison of Data Mining Methods for Binary Response Variables in Direct Marketing.” Placement: University of Illinois at Chicago. University of Arizona Ph.D. Thesis Committees – Member 2005, Sulabha Ramachandran (Pharmacy) “Equivalence of Paper and a Touch Screen Version of the EQ-5D Visual Analog Scale (EQ-VAS).” Placement: AstraZeneca 2004, Ada Leung (Marketing) “The Diffusion of High-Technology Innovations to New Organizational Users: A Network Perspective.” Placement: University of Nebraska-Kearney 2004, Lin Lin (Management Information Systems) “Measuring Customer Online Visiting Behavior and Its Impact on Purchase Decision and Profitability.” Placement: Lehigh University UIC College of Business Administration 2012 – present Member, Marketing the CBA committee UIC Department of Managerial Studies 2010 – present 2009 – present 2009 – present 2008 – present Coordinator, Marketing PhD Program Member, Department Advisory Committee (elected annually by peers) Member, Department Promotion & Tenure Committee Member, Faculty Recruiting Committee (tenure-track, non-tenure track) University of Arizona Department of Marketing 2002 - 2007 Coordinator, doctoral minor in marketing University of Arizona Eller College of Management 2002 - 2007 Academic Director, International Business Certificate program 14 University of Arizona 2002 - present Faculty affiliate, Center for Middle East Studies 2002 - 2007 Governing board member, Center for Middle East Studies 2003 - 2007 Faculty member, Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Cognitive Science PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2016 - Track co-chair, “Marketing Strategy,” 2016 AMA Winter Educators’ Conference. 2012-2015 - Member (appointed), Academic Council, American Marketing Association 2012 - present – “Drive-In Speaker” committee chair, Chicago Consumer Culture Community (C4) 2014 - Program committee member, 2014 PDMA-UIC Doctoral Consortium, Chicago. 2014 - Track co-chair, “Innovation and New Product Development,” 2014 AMA Winter Educators’ Conference. 2013 - Track co-chair, “Special Interest Groups,” 2013 AMA Winter Educators’ Conference. 2012 - Program committee member, 2012 Association for Consumer Research North America Conf. 2011 - Program committee member, 2011 PDMA-UIC Doctoral Consortium, Chicago. 2011 - Program committee member, 2011 Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) Conference, Chicago. 2007 - Track co-chair, “Marketing Strategy,” 2007 AMA Summer Educators’ Conference. 2007 - Track co-chair, “Salesforce and Relationships,” 2007 AMA Winter Educators’ Conference. 2006 - Program committee member, 2006 Association for Consumer Research Latin America Conference. Editorial Review Board Member Journal of International Marketing (since 2013) Association for Consumer Research North America Conference, Competitive Papers (2013,2015) Journal of Global Fashion Marketing (since 2010) Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing (since 2008) Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Marketing Letters, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Development Studies, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Information Resources Management Journal Ad-hoc Book Reviewer Cengage, Routledge Ad-hoc Conference Reviewer American Marketing Association (AMA) Educators’ conferences (Winter, Summer), Association for Consumer Research (ACR) conferences (North America, Latin America), Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) conferences, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) conference, Product Development and Management Association (PDMA), European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Professional Membership American Marketing Association, Association for Consumer Research, Society for Consumer Psychology, Associate, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, International Society of Marketing and Development. ______________________________________________________________________________ Publications, working papers, teaching materials/metrics, references available on request. Last updated: March 31, 2015 15 URL: Google Scholar page: 16
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