Transportation in Manado
Transportation in Manado
Transportation in Manado TRANSPORTATION IN MANADO There are many ways to arrive at Manado. By land, sea, and air, Manado City is very easy to reach. There are many airlines fly into and out of Manado; domestic and international flights, many times everyday and seven days of the week; the big sized ship, sail from Port of Bitung (within ± 55km from the City of Manado) and the small sized ship from Port of Manado. The most popular mode of transport in Manado is the microlet, which is the blue mini bus. The seats in the microlets here face forward, unlikein the mini buses in other parts of Indonesia. Our “Manado Transportation Guide” will tell you about travelling in and around Manado. MANADO TRANSPORTATION GUIDE GETTING TO MANADO By Air 1/6 Transportation in Manado Sam Ratulangi International Airport Manado. There are many domestic and international flight to connecting Manado and the other big cities in Indonesia and other countries. Sam Ratulangi International Airport provided Visa on Arrival (VoA) facility. For passenger service (Airport Tax) will be charged at the airport Rp.40.000,- for domestic flight and Rp.100.000,- for international flight. Domestic flights connects Manado to many big cities in Indonesia and International flights Manado to Singapore in 4 times in a week. For the detail of flight schedule, please check the websites of each flights and their office in Manado : Garuda Indonesia Jl.Samratulangi Manado Tel: 0431-877737 Lion Air / Wings Air Jl. Piere Tendean at Marina Plaza 2/6 Transportation in Manado Tel: 0431-847000 Air Asia Merpati Airlines Jl. Martadinata Tel: 0431-842000 Sriwijaya Air Jl. Piere Tendean at Bahu Mall 3/6 Transportation in Manado Tel: 0431-837688 Silk Air Jl. Sarapung Tel: 0431-863744 By Land Long distance buses and local minibus operates in three terminals that are run in reasonably orderly fashion. Malalayang terminal is located in the southern part of Manado and is also an inter-provinsial terminal, operates to go to Central Sulawesi (Poso & Luwuk) and Gorontalo Province by inter-provinsial buses. Paal 2 Terminal is located in the eastern of Manado, a transit terminal from city centre of Manado to get to northern part of Manado. Local minibus from city centre of Manado stopped here and passenger should stop here and the passengers had to take another minibus or buses from Paal 2 to northern part of Manado (Sam Ratulangi Airport, Bitung City, Airmadidi, Kairagi and other purpose in northern part of Manado). Routes of Karombasan Terminal : Tomohon, Tondano, Tombatu and another part of Minahasa Area. 4/6 Transportation in Manado By Sea Port of Manado Portalso waters of and Manado location usually adjacent served to by the smaller protected ships. Bunaken isMarine because Park. theSangihe, location is that quiteare shallow The within are ships ships scope were with anchored of the aim North inofthe Sulawesi Ternate, port of Mangole, include Manado Kab. isThis Sanana ships Sitaro with and Islands, the Tobelo. aim of islands Talaud, and still there For large ships owned by PT. PELNI docked at the Port of Bitung. Port ofthe Bitung Port times Sorong, Pantoloan ofa because Bitung week. Tilongkabila and consist Routes Balikpapan. itthe to of of deep the The water. passenger Lambelu and Ships other ship port of places to the and Ambon PT. container the PELNI and South Ternate, port. docked and PT. East at Kelimutu PELNI the Coast, Port using to of Umsisni Fak Bitung the Fak Port to1and or of 2in Bitung such is ashas Jakarta, only port Surabaya, inwith North Ambon, and visited other by major passenger cities. vessels between cities Indonesia, GETTING ARROUND MANADO The seats described attractive passengers. most inharbor the as popular above), microlets possible mode with to here aLuwuk come of capacity face transport forward, of an 8-9 inSulawesi LCD Manado people.Sound unlike TV. in This isin the the ismini microlet, done System buses to attract which in in the other is microlet, more the parts blue students made of mini Indonesia and as bus. young The (as 5/6 Transportation in Manado Manado unfortunately the system city and of also Manado. there has have a are not Public Celebrity several been Bus covering Taxi, Transport using Trust the the Taxi, in routes a negotiation city Kokapura oflike minibus/microlet. Jakarta, system. Taxi called Blue Taxis Trans Bird are Kawanua, are also using available metered but in Rental airport found outside is Car Sam is very the Ratulangi Arrivals. easily Manado. available Car in the rental city of companies Manado. open Atravel convenient rental car place counters to hire are a very car ateasily the Motorcycle fixed. Regarding passengers taxi (Ojek) the to is also desired should ataxi popular be destination. negotiated and cheap For and close way agreed to range inand (± advance, in1km) Manado. costs then Ojek about the driver rates Rp.3.000, are will not deliver ForA.A capacity going max. to Bunaken, 4-5 peoples. you can rent a811341 boat with capacity 15 peoples and a speed boat with Private Car Rental /5price Bus Mapanget Transport Division Jl. Maramis No. Tel: +62 431 811119 -the Fax: +62 431 Email: [email protected] 6/6
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