Connections - Calvary Baptist Church
Connections - Calvary Baptist Church
April 2015 Vol. 20 No. 4 Connections A Publication of Calvary Baptist Church GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE At 7:00pm on Friday, April 3, Calvary will again be hosting a Good Friday worship service jointly sponsored by six Baptist churches in Cedar Rapids and Marion. Childcare will be available for children 4 years old and younger. RESURRECTION CELEBRATION The Apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Corinth, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins…But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:17, 20). There is no greater reason for rejoicing than the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which proved His identity as the Son of God and verified the acceptance of His substitutionary sacrifice for our sins. Come join the celebration at Calvary Baptist Church on Easter morning, April 5. Since many people who don’t normally attend church are more open to doing so on Easter, make a special effort to invite friends and family members to join you that morning. EASTER OFFERING If you would like to give a special gift to the Lord in joyful celebration of His victorious resurrection, please use an envelope marked “Easter Offering.”These gifts have been designated to help support a mission team of about a dozen young people coming to Cedar Rapids from The Beautiful Baptist Church of Tecate, Mexico. From July 24-31, we will be partnering with them in outreach to the Hispanic community of our city along with other service projects. MOODY FOUNDERS WEEK HIGHLIGHTS This year’s February conference theme at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago was “Running the Race.”We are designating two Sunday evenings (6:00-7:15) to watch video of messages by some great Bible teachers and then discuss the biblical truths presented and their application for our lives. We will hear from Dr. Erwin Lutzer (April 12) and Voddie Baucham (April 26). ANNUAL MINISTRY UPDATE Our Annual Ministry Update will be at 6:00pm on Sunday, April 19. We encourage every member to participate in this important meeting, as we seek the Lord’s wisdom in the accomplishment of His work and the stewardship of His resources at Calvary. NEW LED CHURCH SIGN PRESENTATION For the last four months, a sign committee of 7 men (Tim Abodeely, Garth Horning, Jay Jentink, Jack Lindstrom, Jim Maatta, Charles Seamans, and Carl Vogeler) have been researching companies and meeting biweekly to discuss what LED church sign would be the best option to pursue as a possible outreach tool for our church. They will be bringing their proposal to the congregation for discussion and a vote at the annual meeting on April 19 at 6:00 PM. Please mark this date on your calendar so we can have input from the majority of our Calvary members. COMPASSION SUNDAY During the morning service on Sunday, April 26, we will take a few minutes to feature Compassion Sunday. This is a national event sponsored by Compassion International that helps us grow in our understanding of God’s very special love for the poor. It’s also an opportunity for each of us to give hope to at least one child who needs help to escape from poverty through the loving intervention of a Christ-centered program run by a local church in their neighborhood. Packets will be available showing boys and girls who need a sponsor right now. For more information, contact Nora Whitney ([email protected] or 651-999-9326) or visit PARENT-CHILD DEDICATION CEREMONY A parent-child dedication ceremony is planned for the Sunday morning worship service on Mother’s Day, May 10. If you would like to participate in this public expression of your commitment to “bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord,” please notify the church office by Sunday, May 3. April 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 9:00am Staff Prayer 9:15am BSF 6:30pm Awana, Youth Groups, and Adult Prayer Thursday 2 6:00am Men’s Small Group 10:00am Heart Connections Small Group Friday 3 Saturday 4 9:00am-1:00pm Basketball League 7:00pm Good Friday Service 7:00pm Heart Connections Small Group 5 Easter 6 7 9:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30am 6:00pm Monday Night Moms (MNMs) 9:15am MOPS Sunday School (Children/Youth) Adult Bible Classes (ABC’s) Inner Mission Resurrection Celebration No Evening Church Activities 7:00pm Men’s Small Group 12 13 9:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30am Sunday School (Children/Youth) Adult Bible Classes (ABC’s) Inner Mission Worship Service (Communion) 4:30pm Calvary Choir 6:00pm Sonshine Singers 6:00pm Dr. Erwin Lutzer Video and Discussion 19 9:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30am 4:30pm Calvary Choir 6:00pm Sonshine Singers 6:00pm Annual Ministry Update 26 9:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30am 6:00pm Monday Night Moms (MNMs) 7:00pm Men’s Small Group 27 Sunday School (Children/Youth) Adult Bible Classes (ABC’s) Inner Mission Worship Service 4:30pm Calvary Choir 6:00pm Sonshine Singers 6:00pm Voddie Baucham Video and Discussion 7:30pm Heart Connections Small Group 6:30pm Awana, Youth Groups, and Adult Prayer 14 15 7:00pm Committee and Ministry Team Meetings 6:30pm Awana, Youth Groups, and Adult Prayer 9:00am Staff Prayer 9:15am BSF 16 6:00am Men’s Small Group 23 9:00am Staff Prayer 9:15am BSF 6:00am Men’s Small Group 28 2:00pm Red Cedar Chamber 7:30pm Heart Connections Small Group 6:30pm Awana, Youth Groups, and Adult Prayer 10:00am Heart Connections Small Group 7:00pm Heart Connections Small Group 29 30 9:00am Staff Prayer 9:15am BSF 6:00am Men’s Small Group 6:30pm Awana, Youth Groups, and Adult Prayer 10:00am-3:00pm Positive Impressions 17 18 10:00am Heart Connections Small Group 22 7:30pm Heart Connections Small Group 11 9:00am-1:00pm Basketball League 7:00pm Heart Connections Small Group 21 7:00pm Board of Deacons Meeting 10 10:00am Heart Connections Small Group 9:15am MOPS 12:00 (Noon) Salt & Pepper Club 7:00pm Men’s Small Group 9 6:00am Men’s Small Group 7:00pm Heart Connections Small Group 7:30pm Heart Connections Small Group 20 Sunday School (Children/Youth0 Adult Bible Classes (ABC’s) Inner Mission Worship Service 9:00am Staff Prayer 9:15am BSF 7:00pm Board of Deacons Meeting 6:30pm Ladies Night Out 7:00pm Men’s Small Group 8 10:00am Heart Connections Small Group 7:00pm Heart Connections Large Group (Church Library) 8:00pm Awana Boys Overnighter 24 25 7:30am-3:30pm Church Bus Leaving for Spring Work Day at Spring Valley Bible Camp 9:00am-2:30pm “His Women” Seminar Family Forum BABY NEWS Congratulations to Garth & Jaylene Horning on the birth of their son, Sören Matthäus, who was born on March 21. He weighed 5lbs, 11oz. CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY We extend our sympathy to Jay & Donna Jentink and family on the death of Jay’s aunt, Arlene Katuin, who went home to be with the Lord on March 9. We extend our sympathy to Nick & Catherine Abodeely and family on the death of Nick’s sister, Alice Scollon, who passed away on March 22. MISSION CONFERENCE LOVE OFFERING You have done it again! The offering for our missionaries at the conference was $6,471. We sent this directly to each of the missionaries. What a wonderful way to show you care. EXPRESSIONS OF APPRECIATION Once again, thanks so much for the music CD. As I look at my music selection, I realize that many of them have been gifts from you (Calvary) over the years. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Thanks for your prayers, Cheri Geise Your generosity in opening your facilities to Bible Study Fellowship is greatly appreciated. We want to thank you and your congregation for hosting BSF for the 2014-2015 class year. We count it a privilege to share with you in the Lord’s service. The vision of Bible Study Fellowship is to teach the Bible and train leaders for the church. Your participation and support encourages us as we continue in this ministry. We rejoice when we hear of lives that have been transformed through the study of God’s Word, and we know you do as well. We also rejoice as recent surveys reveal that 80% of BSF class members serve in their local church and 40% of BSF class members serve their church in teaching or leadership roles. Our study for 2015-2016 is Revelation. We appreciate your prayers as we launch this new study and prepare for increased enrollment in our classes. The teaching leader of the class meeting in your church will work with you to answer your questions regarding the study and discuss any issues that arise as the class enrollment expands. It is our prayer that this study exalts Christ as we await His glorious return. We pray that you and your church will be greatly used in the ministry God has given you. May God, by His power, fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. For the fame of Christ in the nations, Susan C. Rowan, Executive Director SAVE THE DATE Pastor Jay and Donna joyfully announce the engagement of their daughter, Jamie Marie, to Joseph Arellanes. The wedding is planned for Saturday, August 22, at Calvary Church. Please look for your personal invitation to arrive in July. LIBRARY NEWS Val Vogeler offers the following thoughts about a book from the church library that she read recently. Just as Israel is unrepentant in the book of Hosea, so too is Angel unrepentant in Francine River’s Redeeming Love. Yet as God continues to love Israel, so too does Michael continue to love the prostitute, Angel, and eventually take her as his bride. Set in California in the mid-1800’s, much of the book portrays Angel’s rebellion against God and also against the man, Michael, who is drawn to Angel because of God’s continual nudging of him to love Angel. There were times I grew tired of the author’s continual replaying of Angel’s waywardness. Then I was reminded that I am like Angel, a recipient of His ongoing redeeming love and a continually rebellious sinner in need of His amazing grace. I suggest you will find this to be a book that will cause you to reflect upon God’s redeeming love for you in your own waywardness. Due to the nature of the story, this book is bettersuited for young adult or adult readers. Here are some more books that have been added to our library. Defending the Faith (Apologetics): When Skeptics Ask by Norman Geisler and Ronald Brooks The Battle for the Beginning by John MacArthur New Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell The Battle for Truth by David A. Noebel Refuting Compromise by Jonathan Sarfati Refuting Evolution 2 by Jonathan Sarfati Adult Fiction: Intervention by Terri Blackstock Undetected by Dee Henderson Unspoken by Dee Henderson The Brotherhood by Jerry B. Jenkins The Betrayal by Jerry B. Jenkins The Breakthrough by Jerry B. Jenkins Riven by Jerry B. Jenkins Illusion by Frank Peretti The Visitation by Frank Peretti Children’s Fiction: Panic at Emu Flat by Robert Elmer (part of the Adventures Down Under Series) Wind Chill by Jerry B. Jenkins and Chris Fabry (part of the Red Rock Mysteries) Dead End by Jerry B. Jenkins and Chris Fabry (part of the Red Rock Mysteries) Upcoming Activities WORK DAY AT SPRING VALLEY A spring work day is planned for April 25 at Spring Valley Bible Camp. Reserve that day to go down and help get the camp ready for another busy summer of life-changing ministry. Watch for more details in the coming weeks. The church bus will be leaving at 7:30am traveling to Spring Valley Bible Camp in Muscatine. Contact Pastor Matt for more information. SALT & PEPPER CLUB Tuesday, April 28, 12:00 noon, prior to our concert by the Red Cedar Chamber from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm, we will have a spaghetti lunch catered by Zio Johno’s. Remember the time change--12:00 noon for our lunch. ZAP! POW! ZOWEE! The Agape League superheroes are coming to Calvary. You won’t want to miss it! Mark your calendars for Sunday evening, May 17, and plan to come learn from the Sonshine Singers about the supernatural fruit God can produce in your life. VERB226 FAMILY CAMP (Spring Valley Bible Camp in Muscatine, IA) July 31-August 2 When your kids come home from camp, do you ever find yourself wishing you could have come to camp with them? Are you looking for something fun to do with your family? This is your chance! We are excited to invite you to our first VERB226 Family Camp. Proverbs 22:6 says “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” We want to provide an opportunity for families to experience camp together; worshipping and learning about God together and being in fellowship with other Christian families. Families will be challenged to “DO SOMETHING” with their faith following the theme for the youth summer camps found in James 1:22, “Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” (Registration forms for Spring Valley Bible Camp VERB226 Family Camp are at Welcome Center.) ATTENTION LADIES Next year Bible Study Fellowship, BSF, will be studying the book of Revelation for the first time. If you would like to attend, you will need to register at one of the April meetings on Wednesday mornings. They begin at 9:15am. You can register in September, but you take the chance of being on a waiting list, as many people are expected to attend. Red Cedar Trio members flutist Jan Boland, guitarist John Dowdall and cellist Carey Bostian perform live chamber music to accompany silent films from The Brinton Silent Film Collection, "an exceptionally rare, perhaps unique, collection" of silent films from 1895-1910, owned by historian Michael Zahs. Michael will be on hand to discuss the films, which offer an amazing look at the very beginnings of the film industry. A new commission by Harvey Sollberger, arrangements by Boland and Dowdall, and music from Red Cedar Chamber Music's repertory complement these rare films, which include comedy, drama, special effects, foreign scenes and magic by Georges Melies, whose life story was featured in the film Hugo. This concert is sponsored by the AEGON Transamerica Foundation with additional support from the William P Whipple Fund of the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation, and Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust. Supported by Funds for the Community of the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation. Please invite your friends to this interesting and free concert. It would be great to have a good number attending this special Red Cedar Chamber group performance. For information: Nadene Roberts or Marilyn Seamans. April Birthdays 1 Miriam Pettit 3 Darlene Pruett Mary Young 5 Eric Wienola 6 Terry Potter 8 Catherine Abodeely Emily Winchester Tevin Slippy 9 Terese Patton 10 George Goodwin, Sr Norah Noel Blanchett 12 Bob Kaufman 15 Pam Winchester 16 Keri Howard 17 Kristen Kasner Annika Horning 19 Leatte Allen Tim Jacobs DeAnn Reeves 20 Izzabelle Mae Hoy Petrina Johnson 21 Eliana Johnson 22 Rick Nelson 23 Kathy Kaufman 24 Sandy Lewis Teresa Hanna Elisabeth Stultz 25 27 28 29 George Goodwin, Jr Timothy Pettit Samantha Nelson Joey Barker Dane Eiselstein David Chung 30 Jay Jentink Connections (USPS 086-000) Published monthly by CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 5338 Johnson Avenue SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 (319) 396-3233 Periodicals Postage Paid at Cedar Rapids, IA (Periodicals Postage Paid at Cedar Rapids, IA) POSTMASTER: send address changes to Connections, 5338 Johnson Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404. Upcoming Activities POSITIVE IMPRESSIONS Positive Impressions is scheduled for Saturday, April 11, 10:00am–3:00pm in Room #23/24. Invite your friends to join you in creating with rubber stamps or working on some other favorite craft project. This is an enjoyable and non-threatening way to spend time developing relationships and building bridges in order to make a positive impression for Christ on your unsaved friends and family members. Even the greeting cards or other crafts that you create for other people can be beneficial in making a positive impression on their lives. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Kim Nelson (364-6647) and bring a snack or drink to share with the group. LADIES NIGHT OUT Ladies Night Out is for all ladies in the church and they are welcome to invite friends as well. We will be meeting on Monday, April 13 at 6:30pm at Carlos O’Kellys on Edgewood Rd SW, Cedar Rapids. If you plan on attending, please call Debbie Gaeta (396-7976) or e-mail [email protected] so she will know how many will be attending. If you want to come but need a ride, please let Debbie know and she will arrange for someone to pick you up. “HIS WOMEN” SEMINAR Saturday, April 25, 9:00am-2:30pm Double Tree Hotel by Hilton, Downtown Cedar Rapids Admission: $40.00 (includes luncheon) Speaker: Angie Smith Music: Nicol Sponberg Theme: Your Life Matters For tickets and information, please call Judy Fields (393-2420). “IRON SHARPENS IRON” MEN’S CONFERENCE The “Iron Sharpens Iron” men’s conference comes to Cedar Rapids Saturday, May 2, 8:30am – 4:55pm. First Assembly of God will host this special event for guys ages 13 and older. Informational brochures are available at the Welcome Center. Registration price is $44 per person, assuming we will have a group of 10 or more. Young men (ages 13–22) who are in school full time register at the student discount price of $29. If you would like an on-site lunch, add $8, for a total of $52 ($37 for students). Checks should be made payable to Calvary Baptist Church. Sign up at the Welcome Center or contact the church office (396-3233 or [email protected]). The group registration deadline is April 19. Don’t miss out on this special day for guys!