- St Peter`s Methodist Church


- St Peter`s Methodist Church
St Peter’s Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2BE
Charity No. 1128069
St Peter’s is a full member of Churches Together in Canterbury
St Peter’s and other churches in the Canterbury & East Kent Circuit are Fair Trade Churches
Pentecost & Aldersgate Sunday 24 May 2015
Gospel Reading: John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
We are delighted to welcome everyone to St Peter’s, especially students and people
visiting Canterbury. If this is your first visit, please introduce yourself to one of
the Stewards or the Minister and sign the Visitors’ Book on the table in the Church
Vestibule. If you are new to the Church or have recently moved into the area, and
would like more details about what we offer, please speak to one of the Stewards.
Everyone is welcome to enjoy fellowship over tea, coffee or squash after the
morning service. Visitors and newcomers are especially welcome to stay.
10.30 am
Service at Old Wives Lees Village Hall
10.30 am
Morning Worship & Junior Church
The Service will be led by Revd Hugh-Nigel Sheehan
Church Stewards: Doug Woodcock & Margaret Anderson
Lesson Readers: Maureen & Brian Stocker
6.00 pm
Evening Worship. The Service will include Holy Communion and be
led by Revd Helen Leltley
Copies of the Spring Edition of Connexion are on the table in the Vestibule – a
Chaplaincy Special. Please help yourselves.
Speak to the Stewards for details of the Crèche or if you need a large print copy of the Hymn
Book or Bible. There is a Hearing Aid Loop System in the Church. Users should switch to the
“T” position. The loop is most effective if users sit in the seats at each side of the church
rather than the middle.
Minister – The Revd Geoff Boxer
Circuit Office: 01227 459449 E-mail: [email protected]
Room Bookings (including the hall and church) contact Roy Irons (07740 541252 or [email protected])
Notices for 25 - 31 May 2015.
Wednesday 27
10.00 am Service of Holy Communion in the Church led by
Revd John Bown
10.30 – 12 noon Wednesday Morning Coffee will be served in
the Foyer.
7.45 pm Bridge House Group meets.
Thursday 28
7.30 pm Music at St Peter’s Annual General Meeting at the
8.00 pm Ichthus Student Group
Saturday 30
7.30 pm Glittering Gala of favourites from musical and opera,
supporting Action for Children and The Children’s Society at York
Street Methodist Church, Broadstairs. Full details on flier in
31 May 2015 – Trinity Sunday
10.00 am
Service at Old Wives Lees Chapel led by Mr Richard Martin.
10.30 am
Morning Worship & Junior Church
The Service will be led by Revd Stephen Skinner
Church Steward: Doug Woodcock
Lesson Readers: Alison Woodcock & Margaret Anderson
Missing Glasses Margaret Anderson has lost her glasses. They were last seen on the
table in the Vestibule on Wednesday 13 May in a brown velour covered case with redframed bifocals inside.. If you have picked them up for safe keeping or moved them
could you please let Margaret know. Thank you.
Geoff’s Sabbatical: During the next three months Geoff will be touring the UK visiting
some of the Historic heritage sites of Methodism. He has set up a blog which he will
update from time to time during his sabbatical, so you can follow his progress. Check in
at: https://wesleytour.wordpress.com
Looking Ahead
Sunday 7
12 noon. Soup, bread and cheese lunch for Christian Aid. We
shall be joined by Christine and Stephen Hoffman during a brief
visit to Canterbury from Florida.
4.00 pm Easter Offering Service for the Canterbury and East
Kent Circuit at York Street Methodist Church, Broadstairs. The
service will be led by Revd Stephen Skinner
Saturday 13 Garden Party at Maranatha, Selling Road, CT4 8BH with lunch from
12 – 2.00 pm. (Indoors if wet). Bring & Buy, Cake & Traidcraft Stalls.
Proceeds for the local Church and Pilgrims’ Hospices.
For our Prayers:
Thought for the Week
You might as well try to see without eyes, hear without ears, or
breathe without lungs, as to try to live the Christian life without the Holy Spirit."
D.L. Moody
Prayer for the Week
Come, Holy Spirit, as Spirit of holiness to your Church.
Come, Holy Spirit, as Spirit of understanding to the world.
Come, Holy Spirit, as Spirit of wisdom to all people.
Come, Holy Spirit, as Spirit of comfort to the sick.
Come, Eternal Spirit, as Spirit of hope when I die. Amen
Judith Dimond
We pray for all who are unwell or may be unable to get to church, especially Hazel
Burgess, Olive Cutting, May Gurr, Pam Lees, Gwilym Maltby, Barbara Martin
(Connors House), Jill Myers, Daniel Richardson, Nina Seaman, Pat Snell, Joy
Webster, Graham & Joyce Whistance, Margaret Withers.
Congratulations to Eva Phillips of Stelling Minnis who celebrated her 100 birthday
on Thursday 21 May. Eva is now living in Grimstone House, Folkestone.
We were sorry to hear that David Buontempo died suddenly at home on Tuesday.
We keep his family in our prayers. Details of funeral arrangements will follow.
Thirty-five years after he was murdered at the altar, Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo
Romero was beatified in El Salvador yesterday. An envoy of Pope Francis led the
event, which drew hundreds of thousands of Catholics to the main square of San
Salvador to honour a man who was known during the military dictatorship and civil war
as a “voice for the voiceless”.
Romero – a conservative who later came to sympathise with the leftwing Liberation
Theology movement – was shot through the heart during mass at a hospital chapel on
24 March 1980, a day after he called on soldiers to cease killing innocent civilians. The
sniper was under orders from the US trained and sponsored Roberto D’Aubuisson.
Appeal from Catching Lives. As food stocks have reduced
dramatically due to increased demands by clients, they are
appealing for help to re-stock the larder at the centre in Station
Road East (near the East station). In particular, there is a need for:Coffee, sugar, cuppa soups, brown and red sauces, custard powder, orange squash,
marmite, pepper, marmalade and jams. Tinned vegetables and tomatoes, olive oil and
toilet rolls. Any unwanted Easter eggs/chocolate!
Supplies and/or donations will be gratefully received, and the Centre is now open 7
days a week for breakfast and lunch. Please note that any goods should have a shelf
life of at least 3 months ahead.
You can take donations directly to the Centre or leave them in the basket in the
Vestibule for Monica to collect.
Looking Ahead (cont’d)
13 – 21 June Refugee Tales: Gatwick Detainees’ Welfare Group has organised a
walk from Dover – Crawley in solidarity with refugees and detainees.
You are invited to join them for the whole walk, one or two days and
an evening event. On Sunday 14 they will be in Canterbury and
at 7.30 pm will hold an evening event at St Peter’s. Paul
Merrywest will be” telling the tales” of some of the refugees who have
landed on Malta. If you want to take part in any of the walking days
you need to register on line at www.refugeetales.org. There are a
few brochures giving information on the table in the Vestibule.
Sunday 14 Gateway are having a cake stall at St Peter's after the morning
service to raise funds to help Ruth Everingham on her trip to Uganda,
Ruth is a teacher of the deaf and is very dedicated to this work.
Ruth has to finance herself and at the moment is working to raise the
remaining £1,000 she needs. Your support would be appreciated as
would offers to make and buy cakes.
Church Families’ baked potato lunch after the tea/coffee and cake
sale in the hall. All families with children welcome, contact Jemima
Wade on [email protected] for further details
Thursday 25 Herne Bay Annual Church Family Outing to Godinton House and
Gardens, near Ashford. The coach will leave William Street Car
Park in Herne Bay at 9.30 am and pick up at Maynard Road Car
Park, Canterbury, (next to Iceland on the Wincheap Retail Estate) at
10.00 am. On arrival there will be an opportunity to look round the
gardens and enjoy a picnic lunch (undercover accommodation will be
available if wet). There will be a tour of the house at approximately.
2.00 pm, followed by a cream tea at 4.30 pm before heading home.
The total cost of the outing is £17. If you would like to join the group
contact June Brewer on 01227 363880, email
[email protected] by 13 June.
Sunday 28 3.00 – 5.00 pm Afternoon Tea at Lychgate, The Terrace, Canterbury,
CT2 7AJ. Proceeds in aid of All We Can and Old Wives Lees
Items for the next Notice Sheet should be with me by 10.00 pm on
Wednesday. Jenny Devenish, tel:01227 456359, email
[email protected]
Please note that the Notice Sheet produced on 7 June will be for two
weeks. Items for inclusion should be with me by 10.00 pm pm
Sunday 31 May. Normal service will resume on 21 June. Thanks Jenny