AGENDA NINTH REGULAR MEETING OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SIXTH COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF CARLETON PLACE Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. I OPENING PRAYER II DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST III MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of the Eighth Regular Meeting of the 126th Council of March 24, 2015 IV DELEGATIONS None V COMMUNICATIONS 126172 – 126190 (copies of communications are available to view in the Clerk’s Dept.) VI READING OF BY-LAWS None VII STANDING COMMITTEES Policy Review Committee – March 24, 2015 126172 126173 126174 126175 126176 Physical Environment Committee – April 7, 2015 126128 126179 126182 126185 126187 124442 126181 Planning and Protection Committee – April 7, 2015 126188 126189 VIII OTHER BUSINESS IX MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS/DATES TO REMEMBER X BY-LAW NO. 17-2015 CONFIRMING COUNCIL PROCEEDING XI SINGING OF O CANADA XII ADJOURNMENT Policy Review Committee Council Report th March 24 , 2015 126172 Received from Addressed to Date Topic United Way Toronto Paul Knowles, Chief Administrative Officer March 19th, 2015 Late Payment Settlement SUMMARY As part of a Class Action Settlement, $3,956.32 has been paid by the Town of Carleton Place (Hydro) to Lanark County Social Services as a charitable donation. These funds have been distributed through the Low Income Assistance Program. COMMENT For Council’s Information STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and record COMMITTEE DECISION Receive and record COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record 126173 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Kory Earle Paul Knowles, Chief Administrative Officer March 17th, 2015 Annual Bunny Run SUMMARY Kory Earl wished to inform Council about the Annual Bunny Run on April 5th, 2015. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT Council receive the information. COMMITTEE DECISION Information for event was presented. Receive and record COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record Policy Review Committee - March 24th, 2015 - Page 2 126174 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Paul Knowles, Chief Administrative Officer Policy Review Committee March 20th, 2015 Closed Meetings SUMMARY As authorized by the Municipal Act, Council should review selected items in closed session. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, that the meeting be closed to the public with the following agenda: AGENDA 17-03-15-1 personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees: General Nature Municipal Heritage Committee 17-03-15-3 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; General Nature - Old Train Station 24-03-15-1 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; General Nature - Roy Brown Park COMMITTEE DECISION THAT in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, that the meeting be closed to the public with the following agenda: AGENDA 17-03-15-1 personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees: General Nature Municipal Heritage Committee 17-03-15-3 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; General Nature - Old Train Station 24-03-15-1 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; General Nature - Roy Brown Park Policy Review Committee - March 24th, 2015 - Page 3 126174 Continued REPORT TO COUNCIL 17-03-15-1 Receive and record 17-03-15-3 Receive and record 24-03-15-1 Bring forward COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record 126175 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Carleton Place Curling Club Duncan Rogers, Clerk March 23rd, 2015 Temporary Extension of Their Liquor License SUMMARY The Curling Club is asking for a letter from the Town stating that the Town has no objections to a temporary extension of their liquor license to include the existing ice shed area for the purpose of hosting a dance/concert. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT the Town provide a letter stating that there is no objection to the extension of the proposed extended licensed area. COMMITTEE DECISION THAT the Town provide a letter stating that there is no objection to the extension of the proposed extended licensed area. COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record Policy Review Committee - March 24th, 2015 - Page 4 126176 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Kory Earle Policy Review Committee March 23rd, 2015 People First SUMMARY In addition to funds provided directly by the Town, for the past several years, the Town (through the former Mayor’s discretionary funds) has paid for the phone line for the People First office. People First is asking that the Town continue to fund this cost directly. Note - the Town has already committed to provide $2,000 to People First in 2015. COMMENT The Town often receives specific requests for funds that do not fit within a municipal budget so a number of years ago, Council established the Community Enrichment Grant program with an annual budget. All funding requests, that are not covered by specific budgets, were to be considered, and if approved, were to be funded from this budget. Over the years criteria have been established to guide the evaluation of requests for funds from this budget. This specific request is an ongoing operational expense and therefore does not meet the criteria for funds. However, if from time to time, Council wishes to provide funds even if the request does not match the criteria, Council is free to overrule the criteria and approve the request. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT Council determine if additional funding should be provided to People First from the Enrichment Grant program. COMMITTEE DECISION THAT Council approves funding the cost of People First phone line (approximately $900) for 2015 from the Enrichment Grant. COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record Physical Environment Committee Council Report th April 7 , 2015 126128 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Megan Thompson Duncan Rogers, Clerk February 4th, 2015 Parking Issue on McLaren Street SUMMARY Ms. Thompson is identifying a problem that has been created for herself due to the parking restrictions that has been put in place on McLaren Street along with the reconstruction of the street which Ms. Thompson feels has caused her to lose a parking spot in her driveway. Ms. Thompson would like to widen her driveway, but due to a tree in the grass boulevard, which is on Town property, she is unable to do this. She feels that she was mislead at the Construction Open House as there was to be parking on both sides of the street, otherwise she would have petitioned to have the tree removed. She would like to have the tree removed, and as an interim solution, is requesting that the Town permit one parking spot in front of her property that is currently restricted, until the tree is removed. COMMENT At the Construction Open House, in the spring of 2014, there was no commitment to on street parking one way or the other by staff, the main focus of residents of McLaren Street was the retention of the treed boulevard, which was accommodated. Also, all residents were notified in advance of parking restrictions being imposed and comments were requested. Regardless, staff feel that the tree that Ms. Thompson is referencing is in questionable condition and should be reassessed in the spring. Also, by making an alteration to parking restriction in front of her property does not necessarily address her concerns as anyone could use this parking space. Staff feel that a meeting with Ms. Thompson may shed light on other possible solutions to her concerns. UPDATE - April 7th, 2015 Staff have met with Ms. Thompson and feel that the issue of widening her driveway has been resolved. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and record COMMITTEE DECISION Receive and record COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record th Physical Environment Committee - April 7 , 2015 - Page 2 126179 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Wayne Fraser, Public Works Development Coordinator Physical Environment Committee March 26th, 2015 Waste and Recycling Initiatives Report SUMMARY A new and improved recycling program became effective June 1st, 2013 in the Town of Carleton Place. There were significant changes made to the old program in an effort to increase the program’s efficiency and usability thereby maximizing the amount of blue box material diverted from disposal in the immediate sense. These changes were also designed to limit future waste increases to only that which is proportional to demographic and developmental growth. In the spring of 2012, while the old recycling program was still in place, the Carleton Place Public Works staff conducted a waste audit and sampled 25 randomly selected houses on two consecutive weeks and measured the amount of waste diverted from landfill. The calculated diversion rate for this audit was 20%. This created a baseline and established a process with which to measure future diversion rates for Carleton Place. COMMENT With Carleton Place taking the lead, Public Works staff now plans to jointly conduct a new recycling waste audit in early to mid April along with Mississippi Mills, and Drummond North Elmsley. Public Works will collect waste and recycling from the same 25 houses as in the 2012 audit on two consecutive weeks and Waste Check (BFI Canada) will conduct an audit on this material. A final report from Waste Check will be delivered to Carleton Place and the other municipalities May 2015. It will be interesting and informative to compare the new diversion rate results to that of the 2012 audit. Hopefully, our diversion rate will have increased which would verify that the changes we have made to the recycling program have been successful thus far. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and record COMMITTEE DECISION Receive and record COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record th Physical Environment Committee - April 7 , 2015 - Page 3 124442 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee September 26th, 2013 Stonewater Bay Stormwater Management Facility SUMMARY Concerns have been raised by area residents about the functionality of this storm pond - specifically the lack of flow and the algae growth. COMMENT Staff have spoken to representatives of MVCA and they suggested some steps to initiate a review that would be cost effective such as water sampling and collection system investigation. UPDATE 1 Staff have obtained the services of a Consultant to provide an operational review of this Stormwater Management facility. Staff will present findings when they are provided. UPDATE 2 Staff had an on-site meeting with a Stormwater quality consultant on Monday November 26th, 2013. Upon initial review, it appears the problem of algae growth is a result of phosphorous and nitrogen loadings entering the pond and an extended detention time due to outlet elevation. The Consultant intends to review this issue with associates and develop potential solutions. UPDATE 3 Staff have been reviewing potential solutions for this storm water management facility that will be incorporated in the RFP to Engineering Firms. Discussions the MVCA will include regulatory requirement. Potential solutions include aeration of the existing facility and pumping of stormwater to reduce the extended retention time. UPDATE 4 - April 7th, 2015 Staff have received a proposal from McIntosh Perry to assist in verification of the source of the problem that has led to the odour and algae growth of the Mississippi Quays Stormwater Management Pond. Tasks that they are proposing to determine the cause of the problems are to sample the outfall of the pond during peak algae growth and conduct soil sampling to determine if soil within the basin have elevated levels of phosphorus. th Physical Environment Committee - April 7 , 2015 - Page 4 124442 Continued It is also recommended that the pond be cleaned out this spring, prior to sampling being undertaken as the development is near completion and elevated suspended solids loading should be lowered due to construction activities ending. With the combination of background knowledge and sampling results, they are confident in their ability to identify all reasonable and feasible solutions for the remediation of the pond. Upon review of alternative solutions, McIntosh Perry will present the Town with a technically preferred alternative to more forward with. McIntosh Perry’s proposed fee for development of a preferred solution is $4,685. COMMENT Staff have solicited this proposal from McIntosh Perry as they have an extensive background with this facility, although not involved in the original design, but have been involved in this project in later phases of the development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT Council hereby authorizes staff to issue a Purchase Order to McIntosh Perry to proceed with the first phase of their proposal to remediate the Mississippi Quays Stormwater Management Pond. COMMITTEE DECISION THAT Council hereby authorizes staff to issue a Purchase Order to McIntosh Perry to proceed with the first phase of their proposal to remediate the Mississippi Quays Stormwater Management Pond. COUNCIL ACTION THAT Council hereby authorizes staff to issue a Purchase Order to McIntosh Perry to proceed with the first phase of their proposal to remediate the Mississippi Quays Stormwater Management Pond. 126181 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Trombley, Process and Compliance Technician, OCWA Dave Young, Director of Public Works March 2015 Carleton Place Water Pollution Control Plant 2014 Annual Report SUMMARY Mr. Trombley has provided the 2014 Annual Report for the Carleton Place Wastewater Pollution Control Plant as required by regulation. The report summarizes the operation of the plant over the course of the year including flow volumes, effluent sample results, sludge management and significant operational issues encountered over the course of the year. th Physical Environment Committee - April 7 , 2015 - Page 5 126181 Continued COMMENT There was a slight increase in the volume of flow to the plant over the previous year, which was related to weather conditions in 2014. Also, all compliance parameters were met in 2014 for the final effluent, there were two by-pass events in April 2014 due to heavy rainfall and snow melt. Over the course of two days approximately 14m³ of raw sewage was discharged, all appropriate reporting protocols were followed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT Council hereby accepts the 2014 Carleton Place Water Pollution Control Plant Annual Report. ALSO THAT this report be made available to the public via the Town’s website. COMMITTEE DECISION THAT Council hereby accepts the 2014 Carleton Place Water Pollution Control Plant Annual Report. ALSO THAT this report be made available to the public via the Town’s website. COUNCIL ACTION THAT Council hereby accepts the 2014 Carleton Place Water Pollution Control Plant Annual Report. ALSO THAT this report be made available to the public via the Town’s website. 126182 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Gordon MacNabb (on behalf of the Waterside Resident’s Association) Mayor Antonakos March 10th, 2015 Lack of Streetlighting - Waterside Entrance SUMMARY Mr. MacNabb, on behalf of the residents of Waterside, is requesting that the Town consider extending the existing streetlights to provide illumination to the entrance of Waterside Retirement Community off of McNeely Avenue. Concerns have been raised due to the lack of lighting in the area of the entrance and it is difficult to make out the limits of the access. th Physical Environment Committee - April 7 , 2015 - Page 6 126182 Continued The Community Director and two members of the Resident Association met with the County Warden to discuss their concerns as McNeely Avenue is a County Road. The Warden explained that the County does not provide streetlighting and it is the municipality’s responsibility and he felt that the existing hydro pole, adjacent to their entrance, could be used to accommodate a light. COMMENT The Town installed lighting along the east side of McNeely Avenue from Lake Avenue East to approximately 100m south of the McNeely Avenue Bridge several years ago. The lighting was installed to illuminate the pathway along McNeely Avenue which is the Town’s responsibility. The lights were installed on existing hydro poles and Hydro One determined that the remaining poles closer to the river could not accommodate lighting due to existing equipment on the pole. If the Town were to provide lighting to the entrance of Waterside Retirement Community, the underground power supply would have to be extended, and a stand alone fixture would have to be provided. Although lighting on municipal streets provide illumination for private accesses, the Town hasn’t provided lighting specifically for private entrances that staff are aware. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT the Waterside Retirement Community management and Resident Association be made aware that the Town does not assume responsibility for demarcation of private entrances. COMMITTEE DECISION THAT the Waterside Retirement Community management and Resident Association be made aware that the Town does not assume responsibility for demarcation of private entrances. COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record th Physical Environment Committee - April 7 , 2015 - Page 7 126185 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee March 31st, 2015 2015 - Capital Program - Franktown Road & Coleman Street Intersection Improvements/Bridge Street Pedestrian Crossing SUMMARY Staff have met with Partham Engineering, the Town’s traffic signal contractor, to review both projects. The upgrades at the intersection of Franktown Road and Coleman Street will develop a left turn movement on Franktown Road from both directions. This will require upgrades to the traffic controller, installation of loop detectors, minor alterations of curb lines and line painting. Partham Engineering will be submitting a proposal to oversee this project. Partham has been investigating the installation of a solar panel system for the pedestrian crossing on Bridge Street and they feel that this type of installation will be feasible. Staff have directed Partham to plan on incorporating audible signals for this crossing. Staff will prepare a drawing for review for this project that incorporates the required parking restrictions in advance of the pedestrian crossing in accordance with traffic regulations. The design will be presented to Committee when available and should also be circulated to the BIA. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT staff continue with the development of plans for both Franktown Road/Coleman Street intersection improvements and the Bridge Street pedestrian crossing and present drawing to the Committee and BIA upon completion. COMMITTEE DECISION THAT staff continue with the development of plans for both Franktown Road/Coleman Street intersection improvements and the Bridge Street pedestrian crossing and present drawing to the Committee and BIA upon completion. COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record th Physical Environment Committee - April 7 , 2015 - Page 8 126187 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee April 1st, 2015 2015 Capital Program SUMMARY Public Works staff are working through the design process of the identified capital projects for 2015. Staff are planning on hosting an Open House on Wednesday April 22nd, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The Open House will provide affected residents with an opportunity to view plans and direct inquiries and/or concerns to Public Works staff and staff will be soliciting comments from residents of Park Avenue relating to possible parking restrictions. Also, staff have been developing recommendations for the 2015 Overlay Program and will present this to Committee. UPDATE Staff are recommending that the Overlay Program be: Park Avenue - from Lake Ave E to Peter Street; Thomas Street - from Herriott Street to Townline Road W; and Crampton Drive from Stonewater Bay to Peckett Drive. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT the 2015 Overlay Program be: Park Avenue - from Lake Ave E to Peter Street; Thomas Street - from Herriott Street to Townline Road W; and Crampton Drive from Stonewater Bay to Peckett Drive. COMMITTEE DECISION THAT the 2015 Overlay Program be: Park Avenue - from Lake Ave E to Peter Street; Thomas Street - from Herriott Street to Townline Road W; and Crampton Drive from Stonewater Bay to Peckett Drive. COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record Planning and Protection Committee Council Report April 7th, 2015 126188 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Jane Almond Acting Director of Planning and Development Planning and Protection Committee April 1st, 2015 Planning and Development Activity Report SUMMARY The March 2015 Activity Report for Planning and Development was previously distributed. The overview does not represent the numerous inquiries received throughout the reporting period, as these inquiries may or may not come to fruition. In addition the accompanying chart does not illustrate the ongoing efforts with respect to various submitted subdivision files. COMMENT For Council's Information STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and Record COMMITTEE DECISION Receive and record COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record Planning and Protection Committee –April 7th, 2015 - Page 2 126189 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Phil Hogan, Treasurer Planning and Protection Committee April 1st, 2015 Closed Meetings SUMMARY As authorized by the Municipal Act, Council should review selected items in closed session. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, that the meeting be closed to the public with the following agenda: AGENDA 24-03-15-1 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; General Nature – Roy Brown Park 03-03-15-1 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; General Nature – Striking Committee 08-10-13-1 litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; General Nature - Recycling COMMITTEE DECISION THAT in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, that the meeting be closed to the public with the following agenda: AGENDA 24-03-15-1 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; General Nature – Roy Brown Park 03-03-15-1 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; General Nature – Striking Committee 08-10-13-1 litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; General Nature - Recycling Planning and Protection Committee –April 7th, 2015 - Page 3 126189 Continued REPORT TO COUNCIL 24-03-15-1 THAT Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with Michel and Jennifer Brisebois to purchase a portion of Boundary Road for $5,000. 03-03-15-1 THAT Council hereby instructs the Clerk to amend the Striking Committee to add Sarah E. Kistler to the Library Board. 08-10-13-1 Bring forward COUNCIL ACTION THAT Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with Michel and Jennifer Brisebois to purchase a portion of Boundary Road for $5,000. THAT Council hereby instructs the Clerk to amend the Striking Committee to add Sarah E. Kistler to the Library Board BY-LAW NO. 17-2015 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SIXTH COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF CARLETON PLACE AT THE NINTH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL OF APRIL 14, 2015 AND WHEREAS Section 5 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceeding of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place enacts as follows: 1. THAT the action of the 126TH Council of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place at the Ninth Regular Meeting of Council held on April 14, 2015, in respect to each motion and resolution passed, and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place at its meeting, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and proper officials of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place referred to in the preceding section thereof. 3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place. READ A FIRST TIME, SECOND TIME AND A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 14th DAY OF APRIL 2015. Louis Antonakos, Mayor Duncan Rogers, Clerk
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