Y:\Phil - Treasury\Agendas - Community Issues
Y:\Phil - Treasury\Agendas - Community Issues
Community Issues Committee Agenda st for the April 21 , 2015 meeting to be held in the Council Chambers following Corporate Services Committee 1) DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY/CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - now or anytime during the meeting 2) REGISTRATION OF PUBLIC WISHING TO SPEAK - with the secretary 3) PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES AND PAGERS 4) If there is an addendum, in accordance with Section 15.2.4 (of Striking Report) does the committee wish to approve this addendum? 5) Opportunity for members of Council to provide updates from Committees on which they serve. COMMITTEE/BOARD MEMBER OF COUNCIL Municipal Heritage Committee BIA Board Councillor Black Hospital Board Councillor Redmond Mississippi Valley Conservation Councillor Doucett Chamber of Commerce Deputy-Mayor Flynn Youth Centre Board Councillor Trimble Local Municipal Drug Strategy Committee Mayor Antonakos Deputy-Mayor Flynn Mayor Antonakos County Council Deputy-Mayor Flynn Library Board Councillor Doucett UPDATES st Community Issues Committee - April 21 , 2015 - Page 2 TO BE DISCUSSED 126202 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Various Committees Community Issues Committee April 2015 Action Report/Minutes SUMMARY Minutes of the March 19th, 2015 meeting of the Emergency Management Committee . Noteworthy items include: & Annual Emergency Exercise for 2015 & Training Requirements for CEMCs for 2015 & 2015 Emergency Management Plan & 2015 Critical Infrastructure Minutes of the January 28th, 2015 meeting of the Urban Forest/River Corridor Committee are attached. Noteworthy items include: L Mississippi Quay Stormwater Management Pond Minutes of the March 4th, 2015 meeting of the Drug Strategy Committee are attached. Noteworthy items include: ( Trauma Workshop - full ( School presentations ( Drug Enforcement Action Report for the April 13th, 2015 meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee are attached. Noteworthy items include: 125393 Trillium Grant for $8,000 for Pool Lift; 126197 Dog Park Rules 126198 ½ Ton Truck Purchase 126199 Canoe Club Siding STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT Council accept Committees’ decisions. COMMITTEE DECISION BROUGHT FORWARD 126100 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager of Parks and Recreation Community Issues Committee February 11th, 2015 Naming of Park in Highgate Subdivision MINUTES CARLETON PLACE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE A meeting of the Carleton Place Emergency Management Committee was held in the OWFC Upper Hall on Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. with the following present: Les Reynolds, Director of Protective Services /Fire Chief; Councillor Doug Black; David Young, Public Works; Rachel de Kemp, C.P.D.M.H; Dan Gallant, Lanark County Ambulance; Paul Knowles, Chief Administrative Officer; Duncan Rogers, Clerk; Guest, Mississippi Mills Fire Chief Pascal Meunier. I II ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Moved by Dave Young, seconded by Dan Gallant That Carleton Place Emergency Management Committee Minutes of December 18, 2014 be approved as printed. CARRIED BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD: 125404 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Emergency Management Coordinator 21/07/2014 Emergency Management Committee Annual Emergency Exercise for 2015 SUMMARY: Staff has prepared a list of possible scenarios for the Annual Emergency Exercise for 2015. Examples include: x An incident at a local high school involving the OPP x Extreme drought and a water supply issue x Critical infrastructure failure x A hospital/health related Exercise STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Committee reviewed the examples provided at the September 25, 2014 meeting. COMMITTEE DECISION: The CEMC will explore the possibility of holding the Exercise with another municipality and develop the framework for the same. Bring Forward. UPDATE NO. 1 The CEMC informed the Committee of the possible interest in holding an annual Exercise with another municipality at the December 18, 2014 meeting. The CAO recommended exploring this matter further with the Town of Arnprior’s CAO. UPDATE NO. 2. The Town of Arnprior declined to participate in this type of Exercise. The Town of North Grenville was contacted but did not respond. The CEMC discussed this type of Exercise with Fire Chief Pascal Meunier of Mississippi Mills who expressed an interest in discussing this matter further. Fire Chief Meunier was invited to attend the Committee meeting on March 19th to review the same further with the Committee. 1|Page COMMENT: In the event that another municipality is not interested in participating, Philippe Geoffrion our Capital Sector Officer has offered to provide an Exercise. The tentative date for the Annual Emergency Exercise is Thursday, September 24th, 2015 starting at 1:00 p.m. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the concept of a holding an Exercise between the Town of Mississippi Mills and the Town of Carleton Place be reviewed further with Fire Chief Meunier. COMMITTEE DECISION: That the CEMC proceed to work with Fire Chief Meunier to design and undertake an exercise as discussed above for each municipality. 125405 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Emergency Management Coordinator 21/07/2014 Emergency Management Committee Donation to the OWFC – Hall Chairs SUMMARY: The OWFC has for some time now provided use of the Upper Hall for the Town’s Emergency management Committee. As an appreciation of the use of the Upper Hall for meetings and Annual Exercises, it is suggested that a donation be considered from the Emergency Management budget to the local fire company. COMMENT: One suggestion was a donation towards the purchase of chairs for the Upper Hall. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This item was discussed with the Committee at the September 25, 2014 meeting. Bring Forward. UPDATE NO. 1 A discussion of the offer was considered at the December 18, 2014 meeting of the Committee. The CEMC will check with the Treasurer to determine a specific dollar amount that could be considered for a donation to the fire company. Bring Forward. UPDATE NO. 2 The Treasurer has informed the CMEC that $1,000.00 is available to the OWFC for new chairs. It should be noted that in the event of an emergency, the Upper Hall of the OWFC facility would be used as the Primary Emergency Operations Centre and that it is possible that the EOCG could be at the said facility for a period of time. $1,000.00 from the Emergency Management budget is available to the OWFC should the said fire company wish to proceed with the purchase of new chairs in 2015. Receive and Record. COMMITTEE DECISION: That $1000.00 from the 2015 Emergency Management budget be used to assist with the financing of chairs for the OWFC Upper Hall. 2|Page III CORRESPONDENCE: 126113 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Emergency Coordinator 22/01/2015 Emergency Management Committee Test Exercise – Ontario Power Generation SUMMARY: Ontario Power Generation held a test of their emergency dam failure procedures on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 and performed a telephone call out regarding the same. Information was received from the County of Lanark, recorded and relayed by the CEMC to the Carleton Place EOC Group and the OPP. COMMENT: The CEMC completed the Ontario Power Generation Response Form and forwarded the same to Mr. Rick Hannah of the County of Lanark as requested. STAFF RECOMMENDATON: Information for the Committee. Receive and Record. COMMITTEE DECISION: Committee approved staff recommendation. 126114 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Emergency Management Coordinator 22/01/2015 Emergency Management Committee Emergency Management Presentation to Council SUMMARY: Last year staff prepared and presented a power point presentation to Council regarding the local Emergency Management Program. The presentation as attached was well received by Council. COMMENT: Due to the 2014 election we currently have four new members of Council. Members of the Emergency Management Committee would be welcome to attend any update of the power point presentation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That staff update and present the emergency management presentation to Council. COMMITTEE DECISION: Committee approved staff recommendation. 126115 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management 11/02/2015 The Town of Carleton Place Training requirements for CEMCs for 2015 3|Page SUMMARY: The OFM has informed local municipalities of new training requirements for local CEMCs and that the training should be completed during 2015. The requirements are noted as follows: x x x x x EM 200 Basic Emergency Management EM 240 Note Taking Course EM 300 Community Emergency Management Coordinator Course IMS 100 Introduction to Incident Management System IMS 200 Basic Incident Management System COMMENT: The CEMC will be required to take the EM 240 Note Taking Course. The CEMC has previously taken the IMS 200 Basic Incident Management System Course. It is recommended also that the Alternate CEMC take courses as applicable. Bobbi McCann should also take the EM 200 Note Taking Course. Refer to the attached information sheet on this subject. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the CEMC and Alternate CEMC and Bobbi McCann be permitted to obtain the necessary training in order to fulfil their roles for the municipality. COMMITTEE DECISION: Committee approved staff recommendation. 126116 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Nathalie Guay, Agent of TransCanada Energy East Pipeline Project 27/01/2015 Town of Carleton Place CEMC Follow Up to the Meeting of April 3, 2014 Energy East Pipeline Project SUMMARY: Attached to the Agenda is a letter providing a hyperlink to access detailed maps of the pipeline through the Ottawa area and more information of the municipality. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Information for the Committee. Receive and Record. COMMITTEE DECISION: Committee approved staff recommendation. 126117 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Emergency Management Coordinator 22/01/2015 Emergency Management Committee 2015 Emergency Management Plan 4|Page SUMMARY: Staff have updated the Emergency Management Plan for 2015. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: THAT the 2015 Carleton Place Emergency Management Plan be approved and forwarded to Council for adoption by By-law. COMMITTEE DECISION: Committee approved staff recommendation. 126118 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Emergency Management Coordinator 22/01/2015 Emergency Management Committee 2015 Critical Infrastructure SUMMARY: Staff have reviewed and revised the Critical Infrastructure for 2015. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Town of Carleton Place Critical Infrastructure Chart for 2015 be approved by the Committee. COMMITTEE DECISION: Committee approved staff recommendation. 126119 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Emergency Management Coordinator 22/01/2015 Emergency Management Committee 2015 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment SUMMARY: Staff has reviewed and updated the Town of Carleton Place HIRA for 2015 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the 2015 Town of Carleton Place HIRA for 2015 be approved. COMMITTEE DECISION: Committee approved staff recommendation. 126120 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Emergency Management Coordinator 22/01/2015 Emergency Management Committee Carleton Place CERV Spring Newsletter 5|Page SUMMARY: Attached for the information of the Committee is the Spring 2015 Carleton Place CERV Newsletter. Highlights include: x Spring Training – Amateur Radio Seminar – May 30th x Canada Day – Lost Child/First Aid Location - Riverside Park x Bridge Street Bazaar Information Tent COMMENT: Staff has been in contact with the Brockville Branch of St. John Ambulance. The agency is working on having a more visible presence in our municipality. Further information will be provided as the same becomes available. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Information for the Committee. Receive and Record. COMMITTEE DECISION: Committee approved staff recommendation. 126121 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Emergency Management Coordinator 04/02/2015 Emergency Management Committee CERV Spring Seminar – Amateur Radio Seminar SUMMARY: The Town of Carleton Place and the Town of Mississippi Mills CERV are planning to hold a joint seminar with the Almonte Amateur Radio Club on Saturday, May 30, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the OWFC facility. This will be a joint Seminar to learn more about amateur radios and how the local club can assist in an emergency. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That staff proceed with the Amateur Radio seminar. COMMITTEE DECISION: Committee approved staff recommendation. 126122 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Philippe Geoffrion, Capital Sector Officer 22/01/2015 Capital Sector CEMCs Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program Review SUMMARY: The Provincial Government was looking for input regarding a review with input due by March 4, 2015. The CEMC requested comments from the Committee by February 20, 2015. No comments were received. The CEMC went onto the Review Site and provided comments to the Ministry to consider. 6|Page STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Information for the Committee. Receive and Record. COMMITTEE DECISION: Committee approved staff recommendation. 126123 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Emergency Management Coordinator 13/02/2015 Emergency Management Committee Library – Warming Centre-Extreme Cold Weather SUMMARY: This past winter the public was advised by the municipality that the Public Library could be used as a place to keep warm during regular business hours for residents who needed to warm up during a severe cold weather. COMMENT: Staff at the Library were very cooperative and understanding of this situation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That an expression of thanks to the Public Library Board be forwarded by staff. COMMITTEE DECISION; Committee approved staff recommendation. 126124 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Rick Hannah, Lanark County Emergency Services Coordinator 22/01/2015 Emergency Management Committee Meetings dates for the Lanark County CEMC Group SUMMARY: The Lanark County Emergency Management Coordinator has informed local CEMC’s of the following meeting dates for 2015: March 19, 2015 – County of Lanark September 17, 2015 – Town of Mississippi Mills November 19, 2015 – Drummond North/Elmsley Twp. Members noted that the annual training date is Thursday May 14, 2015 at the county of Lanark Administration building. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Information for the Committee. Receive and Record COMMITTEE DECISION: Committee approved staff recommendation. 7|Page 126125 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Emergency Management Coordinator 23/02/2015 Emergency Management Committee Emergency Preparedness Week SUMMARY: Emergency Preparedness Week is scheduled from May 3 rd to May 9th 2015. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That Council be requested to declare the week of May 3rd to May 9th 2015 as Emergency Preparedness Week in the Town of Carleton Place. Further that this information be provided on the municipal web site and municipal matters. COMMITTEE DECISION: Committee approved staff recommendation. 126126 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Canadian Red Cross Workshop 13/02/2015 Emergency Management Coordinator Table Top Exercise SUMMARY: The Canadian Red Cross held a table top Exercise on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at the Old Almonte Town Hall. The Exercise was designed to implicate both Lanark and Renfrew Counties and the respective management teams. COMMENT: Notice of the Workshop was received shortly before the event. The CEMC was unable to attend due to another commitment. An Exercise of this nature was held in Carleton Place in 2014 which the CEMC did attend. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Information for the Committee. Receive and Record. COMMITTEE DECISION: Committee approved staff recommendation. 126178 Received from: Date Received: Addressed to: Topic: Emergency Management Coordinator 19/03/2015 Emergency Management Committee Fire Drill and Mock Evacuation of Carleton Place Terrace SUMMARY: On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 the CEMC and members of the OWFC observed a fire drill and mock evacuation of the Carleton Place Terrace. The CEMC provided a written report of the observations and recommendations of the fire drill. 8|Page STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Information for the Committee. Receive and Record. COMMITTEE DECISION: Committee approved staff recommendation. IV NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING; Thursday, June 18, 2015 – 3:00 p.m. V ADJOURNMENT: 4:05 p.m. 9|Page Carleton Place Urban Forest / River Corridor Advisory Committee 175 Bridge Street Carleton Place Ontario K7C 2V8 tel 1-613-257-6205 fax 1-613-257-8170 email [email protected] Minutes of meeting Jan 28, 2015 7PM, CP Library Next Regular Monthly Feb 18, 2015 7PM, CP Library Attendance: Jim McCready, Mark Smith, Gerry Andrews, Linda Wallace Absent: Janet McGinnis, Andy Kerr-Wilson, Doug Black, Agenda : 1. Welcome-Approval of the Agenda; Linda/Gerry 2. Approval of Minutes from Nov 26, 2014 Meeting: Gerry/Mark 2 corrections for wording: Item 6 point 3, Item 8 sub para 2 point 2 3. Business Arising from November Meeting New Town Yard – discussion Mark and Jim met with Wayne Fraser on site 4. Increase cooperation and efficiency of committees. Open Discussion Still rests with CAO- P Knowles, The UFRC will continue as usual until informed otherwise. 5. Multi Use Pathways See comments- Arterial Streetscape Design as previously passed to Staff (J Bowes). Silva Cells – This is a good location for the use of these devices. 6. Mississippi Quay Stormwater Management Pond Send committees comments to Mississippi Valley for professional opinion. 7. Natural Heritage Workshop- Wed, Feb 11th Workshop sponsored by Mississippi Mills Tree Committee 8. Planning Nuglobe Development Plans See Nov 26th, Minutes, Schubert Choke Cherry replacement (Red Oak) – new recommendation Service Berry Tree Preservation Plan has not been received by the committee as of yet. Member of the Eastern Ontario Urban Forest Network 1 9. Other Business Seagulls in the park – Drones – Not viable due to regulations Members may investigate other methods of nuisance bird control Meeting Adjourned Future Meeting Dates: Feb 18, March 25, April 29, May 27, June 24, Summer as needed, Sept 30, Oct 28, Nov 25 2015 Member of the Eastern Ontario Urban Forest Network 2 The Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place Drug Strategy Committee Meeting 49th meeting March 4, 2015 MINUTES Present: Brian Turner - Chair Nicole Pearson (minutes), Louis Antonakos (Mayor), Jerry Flynn (Deputy Mayor), Sgt. Rob Croth OPP, Cst. Sean Trahan OPP, David Somppi, Glenn Pierce, Dan Rathwell, Amanda Woodruff, Norma Hamilton. Regrets: Cst. Steve Stresman, Father David. Guest: Jaydon Turgeon, Just A Couple Teens Talking. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson at 7:00 PM. 2. Approval of meeting minutes – January 21st, 2015 David made the motion to approve the minutes and the motion was seconded by Jerry Flynn. All were in favor. Motion was passed. 3. Additions to and Approval of agenda. Agenda approved with the addition of one (1) item: Item 8: OPP – Incidents locally – Drug Enforcement – Sgt. Rob Croth 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Guest – Jaydon Turgeon, Just A Couple of Teens Talking Mental Health advocate; working 3 years for the cause Put together workshops for teachers and students Facilitated a team in Orillia for mental health Created the initiative to wear suits as a way to spread the awareness “Suit Up” ACTION ITEM: Nicole to forward David Somppi’s email address to Jaydon. LHIN may be able to help with Jaydon’s project. 2. Update Trauma Workshop March 23, 2015 – Dan The workshop is full (40 participants): $75 per person In the future, possibly turn this workshop into a fundraiser Brian to welcome participant on that day 3. Update People Helping People – Dan and Father David Item deferred to next meeting 4. Trauma Information session for the public Nicole and Dan to meet with Allison Adamovits on March 6th Report back to committee at next meeting 5. CP-MDS Membership Profiles - Website Nicole is asking the members to revisit the website and update their profiles. Nicole will post the revised profiles on the website. ACTION ITEM: Nicole to follow-up with Louis, Jerry, Sgt. Croth and Cst. Trahan. 6. The Brett Pearson Run for Your Life – Nicole Nicole asked the committee if all were in approval to support the military again for the 2015 event. Nicole also asked if the event could support the First Responders (Police, Paramedics, Fire Dept.) in 2015. All committee members were in favor. 7. Update on School Presentations - Nicole Nicole was asked by Cst. Dave Murphy to deliver six (6) school presentations in Smiths Falls. Presentations are well received in the schools and student evaluation forms are still being filled by the students. Open Doors case workers are present at all presentations. Upcoming presentations being delivered by Nicole: 1. Foster home staff and families in Perth May 4th 2. OPP Com Centre in Smiths Falls May 6th. ACTION ITEM: Nicole to follow-up with Jaydon with the possibility of attending or presenting material at Nicole’s school presentations in Smiths Falls. 8. OPP – Recent Incident locally – Drug Enforcement Sgt. Rob Croth, Cst Sean Trahan Seizure and arrests on High st. in Carleton Place A vast array of drugs including cocaine, fentanyl and weapons were seized Discussed the importance of Crime Stoppers in our county The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM NEXT MEETING: April 1st, 2015. Parks and Recreation Committee Action Report for the April 13, 2015 meeting held in the Arena Board Room at 7pm Present: Councillor Ross Trimble, Deputy-Mayor Jerry Flynn, Bill Levesque, Jan Ferguson, Tom Marshall, Paul Pillsworth, Serge Robichaud, Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture 1) DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY/CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - now or anytime during the meeting 2) REGISTRATION OF PUBLIC WISHING TO SPEAK - with the secretary 3) PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES AND PAGERS 4) If there is an addendum, in accordance with Section 15.2.4 (of Striking Report) does the committee wish to approve this addendum? 125393 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture Parks and Recreation Committee September 2, 2014 Pool Lift SUMMARY The pool lift needs to be replaced as it has been deemed unfit. It does not have a capacity plate and there is structural damage on the arm and on the post. COMMENT Staff are investigating options for replacement and grant opportunities to fund this unexpected expense. UPDATE Staff were successful in receiving a grant of $8,000.00 from the Ontario Trillium Foundation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That staff obtain firm prices on the lift and proceed with the purchase. COMMITTEE DECISION That staff obtain firm prices on the lift and proceed with the purchase. Parks & Recreation Committee –April 13, 2015 - Page 2 125399 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture Parks and Recreation Committee September 3, 2014 Disc golf SUMMARY Staff recently met with a group of individuals interested in introducing disc golf in Carleton Place. This sport is similar to golf but it consists of throwing a disc into a basket. This sport is a low cost activity that can be played by all ages. COMMENT Staff are working with the group to identify the best location to introduce this sport to the community. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That staff proceed with installing three baskets at the Carambeck Community Centre. COMMITTEE DECISION That staff proceed with installing three baskets at the Carambeck Community Centre. 126196 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture Parks and Recreation Committee April 10, 2015 Tennis Club SUMMARY Bruce Paulauskas from the Carleton Place Tennis Club will be present to provide the Committee with an update on the Tennis Club. COMMENT The Tennis Club members have been working to increase membership and offer different opportunities for the Tennis Club members. STAFF RECOMMENDATION To be discussed. COMMITTEE DECISION Receive and record. Parks & Recreation Committee –April 13, 2015 - Page 3 126197 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture Parks and Recreation Committee April 10, 2015 Dog Park Rules SUMMARY Staff have prepared a list of rules for the Dog Park. It is attached. COMMENT The rules have been compiled from various municipalities. The rules are intended to provide guidance for the users of the dog park. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the rules be approved as written and that staff proceed with having the signage developed. COMMITTEE DECISION That the rules be approved as written and that staff proceed with having the signage developed. 126198 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture Parks and Recreation Committee April 10, 2015 ½ Ton Truck Purchase SUMMARY Staff have received the following prices for the purchases of a ½ Ton Truck: Bean Motors: Hinton Dodge: $22, 915.00 plus tax $24, 929.00 plus tax COMMENT Carleton Ford did not provide a quote as the ordering and delivery of regular cab trucks is delayed until July of this year. This is a budgeted item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That staff proceed with the truck purchase from Bean Motors for a price of $22, 915.00 plus tax. COMMITTEE DECISION That staff proceed with the truck purchase from Bean Motors for a price of $22, 915.00 plus tax. Parks & Recreation Committee –April 13, 2015 - Page 4 126199 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture Parks and Recreation Committee April 10, 2015 Canoe Club Siding SUMMARY Staff have received the following prices for the replacement of the Canoe Club Siding: C.D.G. Roofing: $12, 600.00 plus tax Gutters: $17, 222.35 plus tax Wilson’s Carpentry $23, 115.00 plus tax COMMENT The siding has deteriorated and needs to be replaced. This is a budgeted item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the replacement of the siding be completed by C.D.G. Roofing for a price of $12, 600 plus tax. COMMITTEE DECISION That the replacement of the siding be completed by C.D.G. Roofing for a price of $12, 600 plus tax. 126200 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture Parks and Recreation Committee April 10, 2015 Skateboard Park SUMMARY The current location of the skateboard park is secluded and many of the younger participants do not feel comfortable using it. Staff are seeking an alternate, more visible location for the park but in the interim it is felt that we need to engage the youth to help gain their respect for the various assets we have within our community. There is $50,000 in the 2015 budget for a skateboard park and $17,500 of that $50,000 is expected to come from fundraising, donations or grants. COMMENT There have been issues with youth skateboarding, scootering, etc at the Market Square and the Carambeck Community Centre. There is signage Parks & Recreation Committee –April 13, 2015 - Page 5 posted restricting the activities but it is not being respected. STAFF RECOMMENDATION To be discussed. COMMITTEE DECISION That staff organize an Open House to discuss future skateboarding initiatives. 126201 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Jan Ferguson, Mississippi Mudds Parks and Recreation Committee April 10, 2015 Town Hall Auditorium SUMMARY Request to install a display case in the Town Hall Auditorium to display previous show posters, trophies and/or awards. All costs for the case would be the responsibility of the Mudds. The Mudds would like to dedicate the case in the memory of Pat Black. COMMENT The exact size of the case has not been determined. STAFF RECOMMENDATION To be discussed. COMMITTEE DECISION That the Mudds provide a concept diagram of the case showing the size. Bring Forward. TOWN OF CARLETON PLACE Code of Conduct for Off‐Leash Area This facility is not supervised. 1. The following dogs are NOT permitted within the off‐leash area: Unlicensed dogs Female dogs in heat Dogs without up‐to‐date vaccinations Dogs required to be muzzled pursuant to the Dog Owner’s Liability Act 2. All dogs must have a valid Carleton Place dog tag. 3. Dogs must have up‐to‐date vaccinations, rabies shots, and license tags required. 4. Owners must be in attendance with their dogs at all times within the boundaries of the dog off‐leash area. 5. No one owner may be responsible for more than 3 dogs in the off‐leash area. 6. Dogs must be leashed when entering and exiting the off‐leash area. 7. Dogs must be under voice or signal control and in sight at all times. If your dog does not respond, immediately retrieve your dog and leash it. 8. Excessive barking is prohibited. Dogs barking excessively must be removed. 9. Dogs exhibiting aggressive behavior are to be removed immediately. 10. Aggressive dogs are not permitted in the off‐leash area. 11. Owners are required by law to pick up after their dog and to properly dispose of in trash cans located throughout the area. 12. Glass containers and other breakable materials capable of causing injury are not permitted within the off‐leash area. 13. Owners must fill any holes created by their dogs. 14. All children under the age of 12 must be supervised by an adult while inside the off‐leash area. 15. No food is permitted in the off‐leash area. 16. Off‐leash areas are smoke‐free areas. 17. Professional dog trainers are not permitted to use the off‐leash areas to conduct their business. 18. Park users and dog owners assume all risk related to off‐leash dog area usage. 19. Owners are fully responsible for their dog’s actions and for any injuries or damages arising from their dog’s behavior. The Dog Owner’s Liability Act applies in this park. Important Phone Numbers Animal Control Officer ‐ 613‐809‐7048 (10 a.m. To 6 p.m., Monday to Friday. Response outside these hours will be for emergency calls only). Town By‐Law Enforcement Services – 613‐257‐5688 Please call the Town of Carleton Place at 613‐257‐1690 if you have any other inquiries or concerns.
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