March 20, 2015 - The College of Communication Arts & Sciences


March 20, 2015 - The College of Communication Arts & Sciences
Meeting Minutes
191 Com Arts, Deeb Conference Room
Eric Hunter
Brittany Essenmacher
Present: Bossen, Howard (JRN), Carpenter, Serena (JRN), David, Prabu (Dean’s Office), Essenmacher, Brittany (Dean’s Office),
Huh, Jina (MI), Hoffman, Ann (Advising) Hunter, Eric (CSD), Koning, Kendall (Grad Rep), Kronrod, Ann (AD+PR), Lapine,
Peter (CSD), New, Jennifer (Academic Advising), O’Donnell, Casey (MI), Salisbury, Mercedes (Undergrad Rep), Schueller, Kari
(Advising), Silk, Kami (Dean’s Office), Van Der Heide, Brandon (COM), Wittenbaum, Gwen (COM)
Approval of
Approval of
minutes from
February 13,
Eric Hunter called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
A motion to add UCFA updates from the ComArtSci Committee Representative John Sherry, was made.
Peter Lapine moved to approve the addition and the agenda for January 16, 2015, Gwen Wittenbaum
seconded. Agenda approved.
Saleem Alhabash moved to approve minutes from December 5, 2014. Casey O’ Donnell seconded. Minutes
UCFA is likely to propose a 4% merit increase for all tenure track faculty as well as a 1.25% provost/college
“market” pool. This second pool of money would be available to only 20% of the faculty and would have to
come in raises of at least $1K. The same proposal was made last year and resulted in a combined 2% merit
increase as well as 1% market pool (as well as provost pool).
The rationale for the increase is that MSU salaries continue to lag other Big 10 schools and there is an
expectation that raises at those schools will be in the 2.00-2.50% range. On the downside, whereas state
appropriations increased by 5.9% for 2014-2015, they are expected to be substantially lower for 2015-2016.
In previous years, administrators have tended to allocate the raises relatively equally across the tenure track
faculty. Discussions are ongoing. Those with questions should direct them to [email protected].
Dean’s office
P. David
Five Year Plan
Departments submitted 5 year strategic plan proposals to the Dean’s Office this week. The Dean’s Office will
post all proposals online via D2L for faculty and staff to view and give feedback. We will be scheduling
some time to have small group discussions for others to share their thoughts. I will put together a 1-2 page
synthesis of initiatives that I think will go into the plan.
Reappoint, Promotion and Tenure Process Changes
Provost has added an additional advisory committee to assist with promotion and tenure cases. Committee
consists of a group of 12 University Distinguished Professors (UDP) from across campus with awards in
research and/or teaching and with a diverse range of research interests. Based on our college, we will receive
3 UDP’s whose research interests align with our college’s. Advisory committee should give more diversity of
expertise and assist in evaluating cases based on their own merit than previous method involving Terry Curry
and the VP of Research. More in line with how other Universities conduct the RPT process.
The results of this year’s RPT process will be announced April 15th to the Dean’s office. We will notify
departments shortly after.
College Events & Updates
Capital Campaign is currently happening. Our combined WKAR and ComArtSci goal is $53.2 million. We
are about half way to our goal. The low hanging fruit has been picked, now the reaching begins. The Capital
Campaign will end in 2018.
On Friday, April 17th ComArtSci will be partnering with Rock Ventures and National Geographic on an
exhibition in Detroit showcasing photojournalism of an upcoming NatGeo story, “Take Back Detroit.” The
writer of the article is an alumni of our college. Using this event as a potential fundraising effort. Dan Gilbert
has given us space to do the event.
The Dean’s Office would like to better communicate what’s happening in the college in an informal way. We
are working on sending a weekly email to faculty and staff that showcases the awards our faculty and
students are winning and well as important updates and events.
Finally, we have drafted a new professional development policy setting a $2,500 travel limit per faculty
member from the department general fund budget per year. All other travel expenses must come from grants
and other sources.
Ann Hoffman
 Reminder to set up your second level of security to access any information in EBS
 Summer enrolling has started
 Annual enrollment beings April 3. If you haven’t gone in to check the times and locations of your
next year teaching schedule please do. Changes to this were due to the staff last week. When doing
this, remember that locations are still not set in stone. This is the first time through with the new
scheduling software in the RO’s Office
 Commencement: Convocation Friday May 8 1-2 in Breslin Center, Advanced Degree Friday May 8
3:30-6 Breslin Center, CCAS Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony Friday May 8 7:30 Breslin
 Preview: Watch for a meeting or information on mapping with another class so that you have the
ability to collaborate on projects.
 UURAF Friday April 10. Request for faculty judges has gone out to Chairs and faculty
undergraduate research mentors. I need information back by Wednesday March 25. We have 46
students signed up to participate
Kami Silk
 Karen Klomparens is retiring – no details on who will serve in interim
 CAS 892 Summer Classes are posted and have been emailed to students.
 Summer Research Fellowship Applications are in – Reviews will be assigned later today!
 Sexual Assault Training Reminder –All employees are essentially mandatory reporters and required
to complete the training.
 PhD Luncheon is scheduled at Kellogg Center for Graduating PhD Students for Friday, May 8th at
 MIS student visit occurred end of last month – seemed successful; COM PhD will have visit April
2nd & 3rd
 An additional RCR training is scheduled for April 10th from 3 to 5:30 PM. Location TBD
 Mentoring Graduate Students Panel is on Friday, April 3rd from 11 AM to 12:30 PM in CAS 182
FEA Updates
Haven’t met with FEA since last month. No updates to report.
JRN PCR Review
The J-School has been reviewing their courses and updating the outline of topics and language in the
Description of Courses since last fall. Instructors and working groups have made recommendations for
changes regarding prerequisites and discussed at faculty meetings. They had planned on submitting for the
April CAC. A request from J Gaboury came for all PCR’s to be submitted by March 30 so that they could be
dealt with in UCC this academic year. To facilitate this Lucinda created a summary sheet of PCRs and other
changes that were routed to the subcommittee.
Action Taken:
Proposed changes endorsed by Kronrod, Bergan, Bossen, Lapine and New in an on-line vote.
Howard Bossen moved to approve the changes to the Journalism outline of topics and language in the
Description of Courses. Casey O’ Donnell seconded. The changes were approved with no objections or
ADPR Course Changes
Altering the Restrictions for ADV 431, 432 and 433
Due to enrollment management and the inability of ADV majors to access selective courses in the
Management Concentration, ADPR is restricting access to ADPR Majors.
Saleem Alhabash moved to approve the changes in restrictions for ADV 431,432 and 433. Casey O’ Donnell
seconded. The changes were approved with no objections or abstentions.
CAC Bylaws
Proposed Issues
Academic Freedom Report (AFR) has been revised and is now called
Student Rights and Responsibilities (SRR). Also update procedure
reference notes.
Undergraduate students will now work through the APUE’s Office.
Grievance procedures should follow the Ombudsman’s Office template.
To be consistent with the U Bylaws for Academic Governance, this should
say that the appointment may be terminated by resignation or by action of
the President upon recommendation of the Provost.
References to Academic Council should be changed to reflect the change
in name to University Council. Faculty Council is now called Faculty
Define or mention by name: academic units, centers, professional units.
Should reference College Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion
Committee College of Communication Arts and Sciences (CCAS)
The goal of staggered appointments to CAC should be explicit.
TAs who are "instructor of record" are not included in this definition.
Selection procedures of students is ambiguous.
As written, "open" means open to the public. You might want to consider
whether your meetings are open to the public or to the campus community.
Inconsistent language w/re Fixed Term and Regular Faculty.
Adjust frequency of Dean's Review.
Adjust requirements so at least one representative from each unit has
Student voting rights should be expanded / reduced.
Definition of voting faculty does not include Fixed-term Faculty. It should.
What units are included in this list? Should Sandbox be included? It
currently is, but according to bylaws, that should not be the case.
Role of faculty involvement in determining procedures for the review of
Unit Chairs needs to be made explicit.
Staff should be added to the bylaws.
Staff should be regular (voting) members of CAC.
Staff should be included in college-level search committees.
CAS Bylaws Subcommittee recommended completing maintenance and clarity issues this spring and tabling
process-related issues to next year to allow more time for feedback and discussion. The changes to the CAS
bylaws can be approved through an electronic vote by the voting faculty.
CAC proposed requiring the current CAS Bylaws Subcommittee creating an action plan for addressing
process-issues in the fall before disbanding/creating new committee. Casey O’ Donnell and Peter Lapine
volunteered to serve on next year’s CAS Bylaws Subcommittee for continuity.
Saleem Alhabash moved to approve addressing clarity and maintenance changes this spring and formulating
a plan for addressing process issues for next fall. Peter Lapine seconded. The motion was approved with no
objections or abstentions.
The College RPT Committee struggled with the procedural process of RPT. College should seek to increase
clarity throughout the college about the process. Potential areas to clarify include form D requirements and
which documents go forward and to what extent.
May want to consider creating an RPT session at the beginning of the academic year that addresses the entire
college and department level committees on the process and timeline. Could be beneficial for RPT candidates
as well.
Prabu offered to write a short statement to CAC and the CRTP Committee on the necessity to update the
College RPT guidelines and propose that the CRPT Committee create a first draft of the amended guidelines
that will go to CAC to be revised and approved.
M. Salisbury: AD+PR students will be excited for more restrictions on ADV classes. I was also selected for
an AD+PR scholarship.
E. Hunter: The CSD Chair search is still ongoing. A new instructor in CSD will be arriving this fall. He will
be teaching a grant writing class, mostly teaching graduate students. Class will be small, 10-15 students.
Email me if you have any students you’d like to take this Masters / PhD level course.
J. New: Annual enrollment begins April 3. Please remember we use the override request system. If a student
wants into a full class, they must use the system. Kari Schueller is the new director of academic and student
affairs. Jessica Mestre is joining our team as an ADV academic advisor and will begin full time fall 2015.
Working primarily with AD+PR. Alison Keesey will be working 50% in the advising office and 50% in the
Dean’s office.
A. Kronrod: The AD+PR student awards are today. AD+PR is creating a student survey regarding
department to identify our perceived strengths and weaknesses from a student perspective. We are preparing
an image video of the department that will be used on the ComArtSci website. It will be used for recruiting
undergraduate students into graduate programs.
S. Alhabash: ComArtSci students collected 54 ADDY’s this year, I won a gold. Two speakers on April 3rd:
Stephanie Craft on, “Conceptual Challenges in Developing and Testing a Measure of News Media Literacy”
Kevin Wise on, “Effects of Movement on Emotional Responses to Stimuli Viewed on Mobile Phones.”
P. David: Dr. Shyam Sundar will be giving a research talk, “How Does Interactivity Persuade? Using Digital
Media for Strategic Communications,” from 12-1 p.m. on Monday, March 23. Highly recommend
ComArtSci faculty attend.
Saleem Alhabash moved to adjourn, Eric Hunter seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m.