Exam Handbook 2015 Year 11 - Casterton | Business & Enterprise
Exam Handbook 2015 Year 11 - Casterton | Business & Enterprise
Year 11 Examination and Revision Handbook 2014 March 2014 Dear Students The Public examinations in Year 11 mark the end of a major stage of education here at Casterton Business and Enterprise College. We are keen that all of our students should be fully aware of the regulations of the Examination Boards and of their own individual responsibilities. We have prepared this exam booklet to help answer some of the many questions you may have. It has been designed so that you can keep all exam documentation together neatly. Please read it carefully and keep it in a safe place. We rely on your co-operation to help make the examination period run smoothly. Please make sure your parent/carer reads this pack. If you have any questions about examinations, these should be directed to Mrs Jackson, in Student Services. I should like to take this opportunity to wish you good luck in your examinations. Ms VF Crosher Principal Calendar of Events 12th May – 24th June 2014 GCSE examinations take place Exam workshops for Year 11 students take place Friday 23th May 2014 Study leave briefing for Year 11 Friday 27th June 2014 All books and materials borrowed from college MUST be returned by this date Thursday 3rd July 2014 College Prom Thursday 21st August 2014 GCSE results available in College (from 8.30am) Rutland County College enrolments take place EXAMINATION ENTRIES Entries for public examinations have been made and checked by Subject Leaders. Failure to notify any changes indicates that you accept responsibility for the entry. Entry fees Entry fees are expensive. GCSE fees are approximately £35 per subject, depending on the examination boards used. The College is at liberty to charge fees where students have not met the examination requirements. If necessary, the College will use its legal advisers in recouping such fees. Statements of Entry These were issued to you to confirm your entries and were the final check on your entry details. Coursework / Controlled Assessment Satisfactory completion of coursework / controlled assessment is part of the entry agreement you have checked. Failure to complete work satisfactorily will result in you being charged the entry fee. Timetables You have been issued with a timetable from the College which details all the examinations you have been entered for. Examination Dates Please see the accompanying booklet for an overview of all examinations scheduled for Summer 2014. The national exam start times are 9am and 1.30pm, but exams could start slightly earlier or later. Morning exams will normally start at 9.00am or earlier. The start times of afternoon exams will vary depending on the length of the exam. You should be in school at least 20 minutes BEFORE an exam. Make sure you check the plans on the Exams notice board outside the Main Hall daily, as changes will be posted here. If you have any clashes or other timetable problems please see Mrs Jackson without delay. Easter holiday revision & homework You will be notified of any homework you are required to complete in either your report or from your teachers. Please note that this list is not exhaustive & students may have other tasks set via handouts, SAM learning & Fronter. SAM Learning SAM Learning is a useful resource providing you with activities and tests on each of your GCSE subjects. Regular use of Sam Learning is proven to help improve your grades. A report on how much you have used SAM Learning so far is with your Personal Tutor. At a minimum you should have been on the site for 10 hours by the end of Easter. If you are not sure of your SAM learning log on details they should be your date of birth (010110) and initials in capital letters. Your password will be the same unless you have changed it. If you cannot remember your password please ask at student services. The school centre number is PE9CC. If you have any problems during the holidays with sam learning please contact Mrs Kato on [email protected]. Revision workshops Revision workshops are a powerful way of boosting short term memory and are strongly recommended. Revision workshops, immersion sessions and holiday sessions are planned for many subjects. Please see the accompanying booklet for more information on these. After Easter additional revision sessions may be added to this timetable and will be communicated via your teachers with an opportunity for you to sign up to these sessions Revision There are a number of useful websites with resources to help with revision study. www.samlearning.com www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize www.s-cool.co.uk www.gcsepod.co.uk www.lettsandlonsdale.com www.homeworkelephant.co.uk www.designandtechnology.com www.collins.com www.learn.co.uk www.teachit.co.uk www.englishonline.com www.englishbiz.co.uk www.s-cool.co.uk www.gcse.com/english www.mediaed.org.uk www.mediastudies.com www.bfi.org.uk www.filmeducation.org www.bbfc.co.uk www.sparknotes.com/lit www.novelguide.com www.cliffsnotes.com www.gcsescience.com www.mymaths.co.uk www.docbrown.info www.aqa.org.uk/science STUDY LEAVE There will be a briefing on study leave on Friday 23th May. If you wish to collect autographs on a shirt, please bring a spare one to College for this purpose in the week commencing 19th May. We will not allow anyone to be in College wearing a shirt that has been autographed. Registration and signing in/out of College If you come into College at the normal time in the morning you must report to your normal tutor base to be registered. Do not wander around the College If you come into College for examinations at any other time, please sign in at Student Services. If you have a revision workshop go straight to the room shown at the start of the session When your examination ends and if you are able to get home, you will be allowed to leave College but you must sign out at Student Services (alternative arrangements may be made occasionally) You will not be allowed to sign out of College for any reason and then return later to catch the College bus home. Once you leave College you are leaving for the day. So, if you have examinations in the morning and afternoon you will not be allowed to sign out in between No one should leave the premises under any other circumstances unless permission has been given by the College. This means the village of Great Casterton is out of bounds except when travelling to and from College Private Study in College If you come into College for the day but only have an examination for half a day and there are no revision workshops you must go to the designated private study room which will be available to you. This will be listed on the Examinations’ Notice board outside the Main Hall Don’t wander round College or the field as the rest of the College will be operating normally so there must be no disruption of other classes Refreshments The Courtyard will be open from 8.00am until College begins for sandwiches/drinks /vending machines. It will remain open at break until the morning exam has finished. Those students starting exams early in the afternoon will also be able to use the Courtyard beforehand. Make sure you have enough money left on your courtyard account to last until your final examination. WHAT TO DO IF……… It is your responsibility to attend all your examinations. Examination fees are expensive. If you miss an examination without a good reason you will be charged for it. Normally only medical reasons backed up by a Doctor’s note are acceptable to the College and to the examination boards. What to do if you are ill. If you will miss an examination due to illness you should: a) Telephone the College as soon as you can to let us know and b) Obtain a doctor’s certificate and send it to the College within 3 working days of the examination missed. It may then be possible to seek special consideration from the examination board. If you do not send a doctor’s note within 3 working days you will be charged for the examination you missed and the examination board may not award you a grade. What to do if you feel ill during the examination. Inform the invigilator before or during the examination by putting up your hand. The invigilator will arrange for you to be escorted from the examination to obtain attention. Time missed because of illness may be added at the end of the examination or special consideration can be requested from the examination board. What to do if College buses are late or do not arrive. You should let the College know of such a problem as soon as you can and make every effort to travel in for the examination. The start time may be delayed to take account of this. What to do if you arrive late. Report to reception immediately and ask to see Mrs Jackson. You may be allowed to go into the examination up to 30 minutes after the starting time at the discretion of the College, and for valid reasons only. If you arrive extremely late for an exam and the college allows you into the exam room, the exam board may choose not to mark your paper and you could miss out on a GCSE. What to do if you finish the exam early No student will be permitted to leave the examination room before the official end time of the examination in question. BEFORE EACH EXAMINATION * You should arrive at least 20 minutes before the exam is due to start. It is your responsibility to check correct dates and starting times * Morning exams will usually start at 9.00am or earlier. Afternoon starting times will vary depending on the length of the exam * For morning exams, go to your tutor base for registration as normal. The seating arrangements and time of exams will be posted on the Exams notice board * For afternoon exams, please assemble in the Main Hall unless directed to assemble elsewhere * Notices will be displayed on the Exams notice board outside the Main Hall specifying rooms and starting times. Please consult these in advance. Seating plans will also be posted on the notice board. Please check where you will be seated and ensure that you know your candidate number. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT EXAMINATION DATES OR STARTING TIMES PLEASE SEE MRS JACKSON. DURING EACH EXAMINATION * YOU MUST bring all necessary equipment including calculator, spare pens, pencils etc. For obvious reasons you are not allowed to take pencil cases (unless transparent) or containers of any sort into the examination room. Calculator cases are not permitted in the exam room * YOU MUST turn off the alarm on your watch * YOU MUST wear full College uniform for all your examinations (no trainers), and normal rules apply for jewellery/makeup * YOU MUST follow the instructions of your invigilator * YOU MUST NOT bring any coats, bags, calculator cases, instruction books or any other unauthorised materials into the exam room * YOU MUST NOT bring food or drink except for a small bottle of water into the exam room. When water is brought in, it must be in a clear bottle with the label removed. If you need to suck sweets, please do so but avoid noisy wrappers. CHEWING GUM IS NOT ALLOWED We recommend that mobile phones and other electronic items are not brought into college. However, if you do have any of these items please make sure they are clearly labeled with your name. Hand them in to Mrs Jackson or one of the invigilators before the exam starts. If you are found in possession of a mobile phone during the examination it is likely that all your examinations will be declared null and void. Please note: Penalties for failure to observe the regulations are severe. Invigilators must report all breaches of rules to the examination board. The board may then withdraw a grade for one or all subjects and inform the other exam boards. It is simply not worth the risk. Returning College Books Your teachers will have a list of the text books that you are loaning from them. Once all of the exams for each subject have finished, you will no longer need the books for revision. Therefore, please hand them in to the relevant member of staff, who will take you off the list. Do not just leave them in college or you will be charged for them. It is advisable that you bring back each subjects’ books on the day of the last exam for that subject, otherwise you will have to bring all the books in together. Any books missing after 27th June will be charged for and examination certificates are not released until all monies due to the college are settled. Leaving College You officially “leave” College on Friday 27th June 2014. In order to complete this formally, please remember to return all textbooks and library books, and to pay any outstanding bills for materials in Art and Design Technology, Music lessons, textbooks and uniform. College Prom Thursday 3th July 2014 at Greetham Valley Golf Club – Time TBC The Prom is the college’s way of rewarding students who work hard and consequently we reserve the right to refuse admission to any student whose behaviour has in the past or during the examination period caused concern. Therefore please do not book limousines, etc until you have purchased your ticket. Results Results will be available in College on Thursday 21st August 2014 from 8.30am Results will not be given by telephone UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Your parents may collect your results with written permission from yourself. If you wish to have your results forwarded by post, please leave a stamped, self-addressed envelope with Mrs Jackson. Results which are not collected in person on 21st August or posted, will not then be available until the start of the new College term in September. Enrolments for Rutland County College will take place at Casterton on results day so you do not need to travel to Oakham to complete this process. Certificates Certificates are kept in College until Speech Day. If you require the certificates earlier for a specific reason, such as an interview, please contact Mrs Jackson. Certificates will not be issued to those students who owe money or books to the College. Certificates are kept at the college for a period of 1 year, after that time the college is told to dispose of them or return them to the exam boards. If you do not collect your certificates within a year you will have to apply to the exam board to get a copy printed, which is charged at approximately £30 per exam board. I would like to wish you the very best of luck for your exams. Mrs L Jackson Examinations Officer Telephone 01780 762168 Ext 102 HOMEWORK AND REVISION English Foundation Key Points Date: 3/6/2014 Mock: 27/2 & 30/4 Immersion: 29/5 tbc & 2/6 2hr 15 mins 80 marks – 40 for reading, 40 for writing Worth 60% of final English grade Section A – Reading Read the qs first, then the 3 texts. You may highlight and annotate the texts. Spend up to 15 minutes doing this. Qu How What do I need to know? many marks? 1a 4 Text 1 You will be asked to find four facts from a text. You need to write them exactly as they appear in the text. Spend 6 minutes and write approx ½ side. 1b 4 Text 1 You will be asked to find information in a text and show you understand it. Spend 6 minutes and write approx 1 side. 2 8 Text 2 You will be asked to show you understand and can interpret a text. This means using quotes, also explaining things in your own words and saying what the words in the text suggest. Spend 12 minutes and write approx 2 sides. 3 12 Text 3 This question will ask you to explain how language is used in a text. You will need to pick out examples of language features (repetition, alliteration, similes, short sentences, etc) and explain their effect on the reader. Spend 18 minutes and write approx 3 sides. 4 12 Compare Text 3 and Text 1 or 2 You will be asked to compare the presentational features of two texts. This means headlines, images, bullet points, sub-headings, etc. You must explain their effect on the reader and how they are similar / different in each text. Spend 18 minutes and write approx 3 sides. Section B – Writing You should have an hour to do this section. Answer both questions. You are now being assessed for your writing skills, so it is very important to use correct spelling, punctuation and paragraphing, as well as trying to write something interesting. Qu How What do I need to know? many marks? 5 16 You will be asked to explain / inform / describe (2 of these). 10 marks are given for the content and organisation, 6 marks are given for spelling, punctuation and sentence structure (SPSS). Plan your answer first. Spend 25 minutes and write approx 3-4 sides 6 24 You will be asked to argue / persuade. 16 marks are given for the content and organisation, 8 marks are given for spelling, punctuation and sentence structure (SPSS). Plan your answer first. Spend 35 minutes and write approx 5-6 sides English – Higher Key Points Date: 3/6/2014 Mock: 27/2 & 30/4 Immersion: 29/5 tbc & 2/6 2hr 15 mins 80 marks – 40 for reading, 40 for writing Worth 60% of final English grade Section A – Reading Read the qs first, then the 3 texts. You may highlight and annotate the texts. Spend up to 15 minutes doing this. Qu How What do I need to know? many marks? 1 8 Text 1 You will be asked what you ‘learn’ from text 1. This means picking out information from a text. You are also expected to include quotation. To get A/A* you need to include interpretation. Include the phrases: ‘this shows’, ‘this implies’, or ‘this suggests’. Spend 12 minutes and write approx 2 sides. 2 8 Text 2 You will be asked to comment on the effectiveness of some presentational devices (headline, image) and how they link to the article. When discussing headlines think about visual impact and content. When discussing an image try to use Media terminology (close-up, long shot, etc). Spend 12 minutes and write approx 2 sides. 3 8 Text 3 This question will ask you to explain an aspect of the text – the thoughts and feelings of the writer, or which parts were tense and exciting, for example. You must include interpretation to gain the higher marks. Spend 12 minutes and write approx 2 sides. 4 16 Compare Text 3 and Text 1 or 2 You will be asked to comment on how language is used in each text. You are expected to give some examples and analyse their effects. Aim to write in depth about a few features, rather than just trying to list as many features as possible. Spend 24 minutes and write approx 3-4 sides. Section B – Writing You should have an hour to do this section. Answer both questions. You are now being assessed for your writing skills, so it is very important to use correct spelling, punctuation and paragraphing, as well as trying to write something interesting. Qu How What do I need to know? many marks? 5 16 You will be asked to explain / inform / describe (2 of these). 10 marks are given for the content and organisation, 6 marks are given for spelling, punctuation and sentence structure (SPSS). Plan your answer first. Spend 25 minutes and write approx 3-4 sides 6 24 You will be asked to argue / persuade. 16 marks are given for the content and organisation, 8 marks are given for spelling, punctuation and sentence structure (SPSS). Plan your answer first. Spend 35 minutes and write approx 5-6 sides ENGLISH Sites: lots of general sites for English revision/skills http://getrevising.co.uk/ www.englishbiz.co.uk/ www.mrbruff.com/ www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/english/ www.educationquizzes.com/gcse/english/ www.slideshare.net (search for English GCSE) http://www.revisionworld.com/gcse-revision/english-literature Books to buy: www.amazon.co.uk/Bruffs-GCSE-English-Revision-Guide-ebook/dp/B00BNWVXC8 (Kindle) www.amazon.co.uk/Mice-GCSE-Genius-Study-Guideebook/dp/B00AJ3XEWO/ref=pd_sim_kinc_5?ie=UTF8&refRID=0KY149FKGRJXQA0BD DEB (Kindle) www.amazon.co.uk/Mice-Men-York-NotesGCSE/dp/1408248808/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1393341406&sr=12&keywords=of+mice+and+men+revision+guide www.amazon.co.uk/Sunlight-Grass-Answers-AnthologyLiterature/dp/1494279592/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1393341246&sr=81&keywords=aqa+anthology+short+stories www.amazon.co.uk/Sunlight-Grass-Student-GuideAnthology/dp/0957338406/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1393341297&sr=82&keywords=aqa+anthology+short+stories Documents to download (please check virus protection on your PC…) Mister Pip: mspope1.wikispaces.com/.../Mr%20Pip%20Revision%20notes.../Mr%20... (wiki/document) Mister Pip: http://pagetenglish.wordpress.com/2013/06/07/mr-pip/ ITUNES: A range of revision APPs for a variety of GCSE subjects can be purchased from the Apple site, e.g. Learners Cloud – GCSE English revision & questions VLE: Fronter : Anthology Poems and Short Stories – lots of useful analysis videos are embedded as well as summaries. CBEC Library: A plethora of revision guides for Literature texts, Literature exam poetry, English/English Language Higher & Foundation tier can be issued to pupils via our school library. Mathematics On the 5th and 12th of June there will be a number of mathematics immersion lessons to ensure that students have support a few days before the actual exams, we will give more details about this is due course. All students will be given a number of past papers to work through over the Easter holiday. However, this is the minimum that will need to be done and students really should aim to prepare for the mock and actual exams by undertaking some structured revision at home. Ideally this will be around 20 or 30 minutes each day. Revision can be done directly through the grade specific mymaths booster packs, Sam Learning or through the conventional revision workbooks. Logon to www.mymaths.co.uk. The students know the user name and passwords for this site. However, if they have forgotten they just need to ask their maths teacher for it. Students should do the booster packs that are specific for their target grade as this will allow them to self-assess and strengthen areas of misunderstanding through the online worksheets and lessons. On the school VLE (Fronter), https://fronter.com/rutland/ all students have access to past papers, mark schemes and our own model answers. The model answers are particularly useful as these are past papers with answers written on by CBEC maths teachers. In many cases we have also provided supporting notes to guide students in how best to answer a question. To find these students should logon to Fronter, click on mathematics then GCSE. In addition to this there is a full maths Text Book available in the same place, students can use the ‘chapter review’ sections to recap on specific topics if needed. Logon to www.samlearning.com and undertake some of the GCSE past paper questions. Work from a revision guide. There are many to choose from, just be sure that it covers the Edexcel specification. Although students are undertaking the Linear course a Linear or Modular revision guide will be fine. Statistics The students have completed their Controlled Assessments and should now start to undertake some structured revision. All students will be given a number of past papers to work through over the Easter holiday. However, this is the minimum that will need to be done and students really should aim to prepare for the mock and actual exam by undertaking some structured revision at home. Revision can be done directly through the grade specific mymaths booster packs, Sam Learning or through the conventional revision workbooks. Logon to www.mymaths.co.uk. The students know the user name and passwords for this site. However, if they have forgotten they just need to ask their maths teacher for it. Students should do the statistics GCSE specific worksheets as these are designed for this subject. This will allow them to selfassess and strengthen areas of misunderstanding through the online worksheets and lessons. On the school VLE (Fronter), https://fronter.com/rutland/ students have access to past papers, mark schemes and in some cases our own model answers. The model answers are particularly useful as these are past papers with answers written on by CBEC maths teachers. In many cases we have also provided supporting notes to guide students in how best to answer a question. To find these students should logon to Fronter, click on mathematics then GCSE. Logon to www.samlearning.com and undertake some of the GCSE past paper questions. Work from a revision guide. There are many to choose from, just be sure that it covers the Edexcel specification. AQA Further Mathematics All students will be given a number of past papers to work through over the Easter holiday. However, this is the minimum that will need to be done and students really should aim to prepare for the mock and actual exam by undertaking some structured revision at home. For revision students can do the A to A* booster packs and some of the A Level topics (that they have covered) on www.mymaths.co.uk. In addition to this they can use the text books that they have been assigned for the duration of this course. History The two History GCSE papers are on Friday, May 16th (Paper 1) and Friday, May 23rd (Paper 2). Revision for Paper 1 has been taking place during Terms 3 and 4, and we will return to it just before the exam takes place. The Paper consists of two parts: Part One (International Relations, 1919-39) and Part Two (The USA 1919-41). Students need to revise for Paper 2 during the Easter break. This is the sources paper and it focuses on Britain, 1900 - 1918. It covers three topics: The Liberal Reforms; Votes for Women; and the Home Front during World War One. Students will be provided with all the necessary revision materials. We will then focus on this paper in lessons during the first part of Term 5. However, to support their revision for Paper 2 further, there will be two immersion sessions at the end of the Easter break. These will take place on Wednesday 16 April and Thursday 17th April, from 10.00 am until 3.00 pm. Each student will be invited to one of these sessions. There are also a number of useful websites for revision: www.samlearning.com http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/mwh/ www.historylearningsite.co.uk www.johndclare.net http://www.revisionworld.com/gcse-revision/history Year 11 Homework & Revision 2014 IT Y11 GCSE Students: These students have been provided with 2 revision booklets for use at home. They will also have additional work sheets provided by their teacher as well as an exam paper to do over the Easter break. I recommend they follow the @ictcbec Twitter account, either on Twitter itself or via the GCSE Weebly site (http://gcseitcourse.weebly.com/). The following websites are recommended for their revision as well: www.examtime.com – students are members of the GCSE IT group and have access to custom-made resources as well as the ability to make and share their own mind maps, notes, flash cards and quizzes. www.teach-ict.com – this site covers all of the GCSE content and is useful for helping students check their knowledge. www.ictworkoutco.uk - this site requires a log in. The user name is casterton and the password is corner. There are a range of revision activities here. www.samlearning.co.uk – students should look for the Edexcel GCSE IT Unit 1 section. http://www.commoncraft.com/videolist - this website explains many key terms and concepts using short, simple videos, many of which have already been used in class. French Art Over the next two months, you must ensure that you access the ten Powerpoints from the Fronter, each of the Linguascope elementary presentations (ucc/partners), SAM Learning the 40 exercises, as well as learning all the words from your vocabulary revision book Year 11 Easter Work Now that you have completed your exam, you can continue to improve your 2 course work units Collect your portfolios from the cupboard underneath the screen in the Art room Make sure that you have included the following in your portfolios…….. Detailed mind maps Observational drawing pages Artist research pages – Colour examples of the artists work Your own studies of all or part of their work – YOUR STUDIES MUST DOMINATE THE PAGES Brief biography of the artist Written response – using form, content, process, mood Explanation why you have selected them Exploration of materials and techniques pages Annotation that includes subject specific vocabulary Flowchart towards the back of the unit to explain key points of the unit Design ideas page Detailed final design page Photo of final piece with evaluation FINAL DEADLINE FOR ALL COURSEWORK – Tuesday 6TH May Graphics Y11 Graphic Products Information and Dates The AQA Graphic Products theme this year is: Promoting Firework Safety for Children Think: Poster design, government advertising, firework packaging. Look at: https://www.gov.uk/.../10-1038-fireworks-safety-mediatoolkit.pdf & www.fireworksafety.co.uk Once we have completed the controlled assessment we will look into more detail. CA dates: Time will be made available to fully complete the controlled assessment. I will mark the controlled assessment on 28th March. The folders will then be returned to the students on 2nd April for modifications; outstanding work can be completed during the Easter break. The Final Date for all work to be in is 23rd April. All students know where following documents are on the system – email them home and read through them. Smart materials overview Packaging overview Exam language Glossary of general terms Typography overview Revision document covering all aspects of the graphic products specification. Drama Students will need to ensure all lines are learnt over the Easter Break. Ready for the rehearsal on Monday 14th April. No scripts will be allowed at all in rehearsal after the holiday. PE Revision morning on Wednesday 9th April 9am-12. All students MUST attend. Course now complete – pupils should be revising in their own time. Use the Edexcel Revision Guide and create own revision resources such as posters and cue cards.Revision Clips also available on YouTube. Science All pupils can use various websites to improve their knowledge, sam learning, bbc bitesize, docbrown.com, gcsescience.com, aqa past papers from their own site. Triple award and Additional science pupils, will have various past papers and designated questions to practice over the holiday. Pupils re-taking Core science should continue with the selected Sam Learning tasks set each week and use their workbooks we have provided them with to practice exam style questions etc. (revision guides bought last year and available to buy from the science department will be useful to help pupils complete the questions). Sessions available after school include: Monday: Chemistry general exam practice support (sci 4) Tuesday: Physics Triple/additional (sci 5) Wednesday: Chemistry general exam practice support(sci 4); Physics general exam support (sci 6) Thursday: Physics Exam practice support (sci 5) Geography Music German Food Health and Social Care Business Studies Students have access to questions and revision materials on Fronter. Students have their own text books to use to review and improve their YR10 notes Please use the time to revise widely across all topics studied Students are to use SAM learning site and linguascope (user: ucc / password partnership) intermediate topics and to read through the topics in their grammar books Easter workshop Monday 14th April 9.00-3.00pm in the B and E Suite Easter workshop Wednesday 9th April 9.00-1.00pm in rm64 Business GCSE students should ensure that any remaining tasks linked to Sacrewell and Westside are complete. There will be a Portfolio Completion day on Thursday 10th April when Mr Rawes will be available from 9:30am-4:00pm (IT room to be confirmed) Easter holiday workshops and Immersion session Workshops will be held in the Easter holidays. If you would like more information about the workshops, please speak to your teacher. Immersion sessions will be happening after and during school hours. Please check the timetable overleaf for dates of immersion sessions and workshops.