Here - Catholic Diocese of Dundee


Here - Catholic Diocese of Dundee
Easter 2015 Issue 25
Let us pray for our
priests and as they
their birthdays and
Inaugural Day for Consecrated Life at Pax Christi
UFr Gabriel Afagbegee, SVD,
osesithombeni namanye amaSistela,
wahola usuku lwethu lokuvula impilo
engcwele ePax Christi mhlaka 14
wokucweba. Okokuqala ukuba
February 2015. Wasikhumbuza
ngezinhloso zonyaka wempilo
sibheke osekudlulile ngokubonga,
06.04.1983: Fr Tom Tshabalala OFM
okwesibili siphile ngokuzithemba
06.04.2002: Fr Gaspart Anaba SAC
ngokuneliseka esikhathini samanje
bese okwesithathu sibheke ikusasa
ngethemba. Kubantu besilisa kanye
12.05.1988: Fr Solly Mokoena
nabesimame ukuphila impilo
20.05.1995: Fr Piotr Kalicinski
yokucweba kusho ukulandela uJesu.
24.05.2003: Fr Tomasz Wargacki
Lokhu kwenziwa ngokwamukela
28.05.2005: Fr Vincent Moba CSSp
iVangeli nokusebenzela iBandla.
Uma sifuna ukwamukela ivangeli
sidinga ukuxhumana njalo noKristo
05.06.1978: Fr Musa Mncwango
ngokuthi sithandaze ngemibhalo.
25.06.1963: Fr Anthony Kazibwe IMC
Uma sizindla sicabanga ngezwi
30.06.1967: Fr Gaspart Anaba SAC
kanye nemibhalo kaNKulunkulu,
Fr Gabriel Afagbegee, SVD, pictured here with some of the sisters, led our inaugural day for consecrated life at Pax Christi
on Saturday 14 February 2015. he reminded us of the aims of the year for consecrated life. Firstly to look at the past with
gratitude, secondly to live in the present with passion and thirdly to embrace the future with hope. For consecrated men and
12.04.1983: Fr Ikemerika Azubuike
women the reason for being is to follow Jesus. This is done by fully embracing the gospel and serving the church. In order
21.04.1973: Fr Andrew Moyo
to embrace the gospel fully we need an ongoing sustained personal encounter with Christ through praying with scripture.
29.04.1975: Fr Nkosinathi Njoko
When we meditate and contemplate the word of God and scripture, the Gospel becomes a living and not a dead word for
the individual and the community. The reason for our consecration is to serve the church, conserated men and women are
thus missionaries and as Pope Paul VI would put it, for the Church, evangelisation means bringing the good news into all
05.05.1986: Fr Shiju Poomaram
strata of humanity and through its influence transforming humanity from within and making it new (Evangelii Nuntiandi#18).
16.05.1978: Fr Anthony Ikeji CSSp
It is important to keep in focus the statement of St John Paul II: "I sense that the moment has come to commit all the
17.05.1970: Fr Piotr Kalicinski
Church's energies to a new evangelisation and to missio at gentes" (Redemptoris Missio #3).
iVangeli liyaphila alibi yizwi elifile
kumuntu kanye nasemphakathini.
Isizathu sokuthi sisebenzele iBandla,
abesilisa nabesimame
abacwetshisiwe baba ngabathunywaZwi njengoba uPhapha Paul VI esho,
ibandla, ukushumayezwa kusho
ukuletha izindaba ezinhle kusintu
sonke, lezi ndaba ezinhle ziyaguqula
isintu nokwenza sibe sisha (Evangelii
Nunutiandi#18). Kubalulekile
ukubhekisa endaweni eyiyo
21.05.1946: Very Rev Peter Cullen
isitatimende sika St John Paul II:
24.05.1963: Fr Jacob Mattathil MSFS
“Ngizwa sengathi isikhathi sesifikile
28.05.1937: Fr Tony Hardiman OFM
sokunikela wonke amandla eBandla
ekushumayeleni okusha kanye naku-
Send articles and pictures by 1 May
missio at gentes” (Redemptoris
2015, use either of the following
Missio #3)
Prayer for
consecrated life
Mr Dumisani Mbokazi
Loving Creator,
Dundee Diocesan Indaba
we thank you for the gift
Postnet Suite 95
that Religious Life has been
Private Bag X6603
within our church and society,
Newcastle 2940
Help us to nurture this gift
Tel: 034 312 6591
so that the congregations
Fax: 034 312 6592
The Logo for the Year of Consecrated Life expresses through symbols the fundamental values of consecrated life. In it we
[email protected]
recognize the “unceasing work of the Holy Spirit, who in every age shows forth the richness of the practice of the
evangelical counsels through a multiplicity of charisms. In this way too he makes ever present in the Church and in the
The Editor
world, in time and space, the mystery of Christ” (VC 5). In the lines that outline the form of the dove one can intuit the word
Fr Peter Cullen
‘Peace’ in Arabic: this is a reminder that consecrated life is called to be the model for universal reconciliation in Christ.
Sts Peter and Paul Parish
The dove is the classical symbol of the action of the Holy Spirit, who is the source of life and the inspirer of creativity. This
PO Box 22337
is a flash-back to the origin of history: in the beginning the Spirit of God moved on the waters (cf Gen 1,2). The dove,
gliding above a sea swollen with yet unexpressed life, symbolizes a patient and hope-filled fecundity, while the symbols
around it reveal the creative and renewing action of the Spirit. The dove also evokes the consecration of the humanity of
Tel: 034 312 1554
Christ through baptism.The waters are made of mosaic fragments; they indicate the complexity and the harmony of the
Fax: 034 312 6592
human and cosmic elements that are made to “groan” by the Spirit according to God’s mysterious plans (cf Rom 8, 26-27)
[email protected]
so that they may converge into the hospitable and fruitful encounter that leads to a new creation. The three stars stand for
the identity of consecrated life as confessio Trinitatis, signum fraternitatis eservitium caritatis. They express the circular
Visit the Diocesan Website:
relationships found in the Trinitarian love, which consecrated life is called to live daily in the world. The small polyhedral
globe symbolizes the planet with its myriad variety of nations and cultures, as explained by Pope Francis (cf EG 236).
may continue to be a healing
presence in our world.
May we all respond
to the realities of our
present times,
in ways that promote
your reign now
and in the future.
may your kingdom come,
May your will be done. Amen
Newcastle Dominican Sisters:
The main ministry of the Dominicans is Education:
Fr Geofrey Tortolano,
O.F.M (1935 -2015)
The Dominican sisters came to
the convent and the school in
receive more pupils, have repeatedly
branch of St Dominic’s and will in
Newcastlein 1891 at Bishop Jolivet’s
Newcastle were renovated and the
had to enlarge their premises and not
future be known as the St Dominic’s
request, to start a school in the North
mission and ministry continued. The
withstanding this have found their
Academy where the advanced
of the then Natal province. The school
community in Newcastle grew once
and the convent were opened in the
more and a need for a boys’ school
same year in Sutherland Street. The
was seen. In 1903 the sisters opened
community of railway workers in
St Thomas’ in Lennoxton where the
Newcastle and the surrounding areas
late bishop Hurley went to school.
were served by the convent and the
school. First Mass was celebrated on
Sutherland became too small as a
the 2 August 1891 in a new wood and
school hence the following extract
iron chapel cum schoolroom. The
from the 1909 Newcastle Advertiser:
building of the railway line stopped at
St Dominic's school, Newcastle has
Charlestown that meant the
long since earned the right to be
community served by the sisters
considered one. One of the best
would move to other areas of the
equipped, and is one of, if not the
country therefore the Newcastle
St Dominic’s Convent was burnt on
population shrunk. St Dominic’s
5 May 1936 and never rebuilt
school continued nonetheless. All
communities of different
matriculation pupils and those
denominations worked together
preparing For the Oxford, Cambridge
irrespective of their faith differences.
and Cape university will be
Two young South African women
accommodated. St Dominic’s
joined the sisters as novices, this
Academy has been in existence for
indicated the effect of the presence of
more than hundred years and it is still
the sisters in the area. Since the faith
growing though under different
was growing among the people in the
hands. The sisters left the Academy
area of Newcastle, Mother Rose
in 1985.
Niland (foundress of the Newcastle
sisters) went around locally and
The main ministry of the Dominicans
abroad promoting vocations to the
is education of many kinds. Many
Geofrey was born on 27th November
growing mission in Newcastle.
other educational institutions were
1935 in Bannockburn Scotland to
Several women from Germany,
started in the country and abroad,
Benedetto and Agness Tortolano, and
Ireland and Holland responded and
England, Ireland, Rome, Canada,
was baptised Francis. He entered the
the congregation of the Newcastle
Holland and others. Many convents
noviciate of the Friars Minor at
Dominican sisters grew.
and educational institutions were built
Chilworth in September 1955, when
in Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu Natal. St
he was given the name Godfrey. He
The sisters with their teaching skills
Bruno was a teacher training college
made his First Profession the
and the English language, were
which closed during the period of
following September, and Final
invited to start a school in Dundee. In
resettlement in South Africa. Rosary
Profession on 21st September 1959.
1898 a convent and a school was
Clinic in Blaauwbosch was run by the
He was ordained priest on 24th
opened in Dundee. The sisters taught
sisters for many years until the
September 1960. He then spent a
in school and gave catechism classes
government took it over in 2005. St
pastoral year at Woodford friary. From
in the coal mines around the town.
Lewis High School, also in the same
1961-1963 he was appointed to the
area is still in existence and has
friary at Gorton, Manchester. From
served the community there for many
1963 - 1995, Godfrey was a member
years. Due to the decrease in number
of the South African Mission. He lived
of vocations many sisters are no
in a number of friaries, during those
The mission grew. With the Boer war
of 1899 starting, the mission work
took a different turn. Some sisters
were moved to one place, Dundee
Among the many pupuls who were educated at St Thomas’ was Denis Hurley
(first from left), later to become Archbishop of Durban and a well-known
opponent of the apartheid system
and spent their time serving the sick
largest, boarding educational
accommodation too limited. To avoid
longer involved in formal classroom
years, Godfrey held a number of
and the homeless there. Others were
Institutions in South Africa. The
this they have recently purchased the
education but spread the Good News
posts: Member of the Prefecture and
refugees in Pietermaritzburg for a
authorities of this school, in response
commodious residence of Dr Gubbins
in different types of education.
Diocesan Council; Diocesan Director
long time. After the war in early 1900s
to the continued Applications to
which has been converted to into a
Sr Thuli Mazibuko
of Youth; Spiritual Director of Sacred
Heart Confraternity; Bursar for OFM
I-Mission yasePomeroy
Lendaba isuselwa engxoxweni yami
ukuthi ngokuhamba kweminyaka
edolobheni laseMalestroit, eBrittany,
okwesikhashana ukuba aphelekezele
noSr Michael ngo-November 2014.
kungenzeka kube uhambo lwakhe
eFrance, wathunyelwa eSouth Africa
uSr Michael njengoba babeze
Eminyakeni engama-90 uSr Michael
lokugcina, kodwa kuyaxhunywana
ngonyaka ka-1949 engusista
eMission yasePomeroy. Emva
uyisibonelo esimangalisayo somuntu
ngezicingo. Ngolwesibili mhlaka 25
osemncane. Wathunyelwa
kwezinyanga ezintathu uSr Regina
osekhulile ngokholo obizweni lwakhe
November 2014, kwakufihlwa
eThekwini, kwi-Mission yama-
wabuyela emsebenzini wakhe
aluphiwa nguNkulunkulu kanye
udadewabo kaSr Michael u-Anne
Augustinian endaweni yaseMngeni.
wokuba ngumgcini mabhuku.
nemisebenzi kasista ongumhlangano
Marie eFrance (sengathi
Wabe eseqeqeshelwa ubuhlengikazi.
USista wesibili ukufika e-Mission
ka-Augustine. Ngesikhulu isizotha
angaphumula ngoxolo), ngathola
USr Michael kanye noSr Regina
ngonyaka ka-1967 kwaba nguSr
uSr Michael usebenzisa udondolo
ithuba elingandele bani lokuxoxa
bafika ePomeroy ngonyaka ka-1965
Mary Theresa Pollet. Wasebenzake
uma ehamba ngaphandle kwendlu.
ngempilo yakhe kanye nomsebenzi
ngomkhosi ka-Maria, mhlaka 22
khona waze wadlula emhlabeni
Ugcwele uthando nobuhlakani, futhi
wakhe waseMission. Amakhosazane
August. USr Regina kwabe
ngonyaka ka 2001. Ngonyaka ka
uyincwadi ephilayo yomlando wase-
akhona njengamanje uSr Rebecca,
“kuyisistela elincane laseNdiya, futhi
1968 kwabe sekufika uSr Eves
Pomeroy Mission. Kwathi uma ngabe
Sr Bongiwe, Sr Dolores, Sr Beata, Sr
singabangani bempilo yonke”. USr
owayebhekene nomsebenzi
esifika eminyakeni engu 80 uSr
Madeleine, Sr Maureen kanye naye
Regina wabe engumgcini mabhuku
wasekhishini. Iyaqhutshwa ekhasini
Michael wavakashela umndeni
uSr Michael. USr Michael owajoyina
kwenye indawo emndenini wama-
lesithathu ....
nabangani ezweni laseFrance, azi
umhlangano wama-Augustinian
Augustinians, wacelwa
Federation; Regular Superior of
Mission, 1994-1995. In 1995, Godfrey
returned to the United Kingdom, and
took a Sabbatical Year at the
Franciscan Study Centre, Canterbury.
Before moving to Scotland, Edinburgh
and finally Glasgow. Over the years,
Godfrey's health continued to decline.
He was cared for by the community at
Ballater Street, where he enjoyed the
company of Eddie, partuclary, with
whom he had been in South Africa for
many years. Godfrey died on Sunday
1st Febrbuary 2015. May he rest in
The story from a chat with Sister
buried in France, I was privileged to
came fresh to the Pomeroy Mission.
.... Isuka ekhasini lesibili :uSista
izinsiza zomama ukuze babelethe
chat with her about her life-time work
After three months Sr. Regina
Hazel wahlala isikhathi esincane,
emtholampilo. I-Land Rover
in the Mission.The present
returned to her work as book-keeper.
kwabe sekufika uSista Trinity
yasebenza njengomtholampilo
The next Sister to arrive at the
owaqeqeshelwa ubuhlengikazi eGoli,
Mission, in 1967, was Sr. Mary
wajoyina lomphakathi ngeminyaka
Kwakungumbala obomvu ohehayo
Theresa Pollet. She was stationed
yango-1970. Wadlula emhlabeni
ngaphakathi, kunesihlalo
there until her death in 2001. Sr. St.
ngonyaka ka-1993. AmaSistela
sikamshayeli, umhlengikazi kanye
Eves joined them around 1968 and
kuleminyaka aqeqeshelwa
nabanye. Enye indawo yayihlelelwe
took charge of the kitchen. This made
ubuhlengikazi eSt Mary’s Hospital,
imithi kanye nokunye
the first Convent a Community of
Mariannhill. Indawo yokuqala lapho
okwakuyizidingo okwakuzosiza
three Sisters. Sister Hazel came for a
kwakuhlala khona amasistela kwaba
umphakathi. Kathathu evikini
time, and Sister Trinity who trained as
yisakhiwo lapho kukhona isonto
umahambanendlwana wawuhamba
a nurse in Johannesburg, joined the
manje. Amanzi ayethuthwa esuswa
ngokushintsha izindawo.
community in the 70’s. She died in
edolobheni ukuze agcwalise
uSr Michael uthi kwakuthandeka
1993. The Sisters in recent years
amathange ayelapho kuhlala khona
kanjani ukuvakashela imindeni
have trained in nursing at St. Mary’s
amasistela. Urawondi wapendwa
emakhaya ayo. Okwakukhuthaza
Hospital, Mariannhill. The first
nguFr Jerry Carroll ngendlela yesintu
kakhulu ukubona ukusimama
residence for the Sisters was a
nangemibala yakhona
kwempilo kanye nemimoya iba mihle
building on the site where the mission
wawusetshenziswa njenge-chapel.
kubantu. Amasistela kanye
church now stands. Water was
Kuqala abaPriste babehlala endlini
nabasebenza emtholampilo babona
transported from the Town to fill the
engakwesobunxele lapho kungenwa
ukuthi ukudla okwakudliwa abantu
tanks on the water tower located
khona uma uya emtholampilo kanye
kwakungenawo umsoco. Ukungatholi
where the sisters lived. The
nase-convent. Amasistela athi uma
ukudla okunomsoco kwakuba
Rondavel, now painted in African
esuka lapho kukhona isonto manje,
nomthelela omubi empilweni kanye
design and colours by Fr. Jerry
ayohlala ezakhiweni ezingemuva,
nasekukhuleni kwabantwana
Carroll, served as the chapel. The
ngemuva kwesakhiwo somtholampilo.
bezithola sebengenwa yizifo
priests lived originally in the buildings
IConvent yandiswa, kwabe
ezahlukahlukene. USista Michael uthi
community is: Sr. Rebecca, Sr.
on the left of the entrance leading to
sekufakwa neChapel yaseConvent.
abakushintshanga ukudla kwabanntu
Bongiwe, Sr. Dolores, Sr. Beata, Sr.
the Clinic and the Convent. The
Ngenkathi ukwandiswa kokuqala
kepha bafaka umsoco njengobisi
Madeleine, Sr. Maureen, Sr. Michael.
Sisters, when they moved from the
ezakhiweni zasemtholampilo
kanye ne”Pro Nutro” kulokho
Sister Michael, who joined the
site where the parish church now
sekuqediwe kwaba nguMgr Marius
ababevele bekudla.Kwathi uma
Augustinian Sisters in the Town of
stands, took up residence in the
Banks OFM (owayefundisa
kuvalwa iJunior Seminary yathathwa
Malestroit in Brittany, France, was
buildings to the back of the property,
eSeminary ePomeroy) owazibusisa.
kuDokotela kanye noMrs Khoza
sent to South Africa in 1949 as a
behind the Clinic buildings. The
uMgr Banks wayelandela uMgr Ulyatt
(umhlengikazi oqeqeshiwe) ukuba
young sister. She was stationed in
Convent was eventually extended for
ngonyaka ka-1968. U-Mgr Banks
ayosebenzela ekhaya lezintandane.
Durban at the Augustinian Mission at
more accommodation, and the
wathatha umhlala phansi ngonyaka
AbakwaKhoza babe sebenakekela
Umgeni and trained as a nurse. The
Convent chapel was added. When
ka1983 wabe esedlula emhlabeni
izintandane eDannhauser. Sasilokhu
Augustinian Sisters, Sr. Michael and
the first extensions to the Clinic
eaNazareth House eThekwini mhlaka
sinyuke njalo isibalo sezintandane
Sr. Regina, arrived in Pomeroy in
buildings were complete it was Mgr.
30 January 2001. Umtholampilo
Kwahamba isikhathi kwashona uDr.
1965 on the feast of the Queenship of
Marius Banks OFM (also teaching at
owawusebenza ePomeroy
Kanye no Mrs Khosa bobabili
Mary, the 22nd August. Sister Regina
the Seminary in Pomeroy) who
ngaphambi kokufika koSista
bangcwatshwa egqumeni lapho
was “a little Indian Sister, and we
blessed them. Mgr. Banks succeeded
wawuphethwe wudokotela Limbada.
bebenakekela khona abantwana
remain life-long friends”. Sr. Regina
Mgr. Ulyatt in 1968. Mgr Marius
Wayelungile, esebenza ngokuba
ababebathanda. UMhlekazi Michael
who was book-keeper elsewhere in
Banks retired in 1983 and died at
nolwazi emsebenzini wakhe. Kodwa
ongasekho wabona isidingo
the Augustinian family was a
Nazareth House in Durban 30th
ngathi kwakukhona ukukhohlakala
sokunakekela izintandane, wabe
temporary appointment to be a
January 2001
ayekwenza ngoba kwadingeka ukuthi
esakha iSt Anthony’s Home
abaleke ngaphambi kokuba
eBlaaubosch. USr Michael
amaphoyisa ambambe! Wabuyela
ukhumbula kahle behamba yonke
masinyane eZambia. Wathi uma efika
indawo, bekhuphuka namagquma,
eZambia waba ngudokotela ozimele
begudla umfula kumele baphakamise
kaMongameli. UNkosikazi wakhe
izikethi zezingubo zabo. Bethola
wayenganeme ngokuhamba kwakhe
imfudumalo yabantu abahlupheka
ngokushesha eSouth Africa.
kakhulu. Ngonyaka ka 2014
AmaSistela abe eseqasha uDr. Tobin
kwakhiwe umtholampilo omusha
ukuze asebenze kanye nabo.
kahulumeni ePomeroy.
Wakhombisa ukulunga kubantu.
Kulinganiselwa sengathi ngonyaka ka
Kusukela ezinsukwini zokuqala
2015 umtholampilo waseMission
umtholampilo waba negumbi
lababelethayo, kanye nazo zonke
Fr G. Gostling.
Michael. November 2014.
Sr Michael welcomes Fr Ikemerika and Fr Sunday
At 90 years old Sr. Mary Michael is a
most wonderful example of someone
who has matured and grown as a
person in her faithfulness to the Godgiven vocation and work of an
Augustinian Sister. With great
dignity, Sr. Michael uses a walkingstick when outside the house. She is
tough, alert, full of practical love and
wisdom, and a living history book of
the Pomeroy Mission. When she
reached 80 years Sr. Michael visited
her family and friends in France,
knowing that with advancing years
this would be her final visit, but she
keeps in close touch by telephone.
On Tuesday the 25th November
2014, the day on which Sr. Michael
shared that her sister Anne Marie
(May she rest in peace) was being
...continues on page 4
companion to Sr. Michael as they
"Wake up the world!
Be witnesses of a different
way of doing things,
of acting, of living!
It is possible to live differently
in this world."
Pope Francis
PARISH. This is a newly formed
I was born on the 01/08/1960 . I
worked at the Department of Public
Service Commission and then joined
the Franciscan Order in 1983. I was
ordained on the 05/12/1992 by
Archbishop Wilfred Fox Napier ofm. I
worked at the following places:
Sebokeng, in 1994, then worked in
Driefontein in 1997. I moved back to
Pretoria to do my degree in Social
work at Pretoria University, thereafter
I went to Bizana, Diocese of Kokstad
in 2000, In 2004, I went back to
Sebokeng. In 2009 I was sent to
Hardenberg Mission, Kokstad
Diocese and finally in 2015, I came
back to Dundee, working at Ezakheni
Parish. Fr M.N. Potolwana ofm
parish comprising the communities of
(formerly of Bethel parish). The Priestin-charge of developing this new parish
is Fr Billy Croucher. The photo is Fr.
Billy vested to begin Mass in
Thubelihle with him is Fr. Gerald and
Fr. Anthony who is the priest in Bethal,
and has been wonderful in introducing
Fr. Billy Croucher to the communities.
AmaDomikana ase-Newcastle
AmaDominikana ase-Newcastle
babehlukene ngezinkolo ngalendlela
wokuqhuba ezokholo wazamazama
ephephandabeni I-Newcastle
wamaDominikana ukufundisa,
afika kulendawo ngo 1861, ecelwe
wonke umuntu wayesizakala.
kakhulu. Zonke izindela kwadingeka
Advertiser: iSt Dominic seyaba
ezokholo nasezikoleni. Ziningi
ngu Bishop Jolivet ukuba azoqala
Amantombazana amabili ebona
ziqoqelwe ndawonye-ke zayiswa
yisikolo esisezingeni eliphezulu,
izikhungo zemfundo ezaqalwa
isikole sezingane zabasebenzi
imisebenzi yezindela afisa nawo
eDundee, babesebenza ukusiza
nesinezinsiza kufunda zeqophelo
ngalendlela kuwo wonke uMzansi
bomzila wesitimela ngenhla ne Natal.
ukuba yizindela ngempela
abagulayo nabalimele empini.
kanti siyisikolo samabhoda
naphesheya kwezilwandle
Isikolo sesigodlo sezindela kwavulwa
kwabanjalo. Ngenxa yokholo
Abanye babehleli njengababaleki e
esiphakeme kwezemfundo eMzansi.
ikakhulukazi e- England. kwaZulu
ngasikhathi sinye ku-Sutherland,
olwalukhula endaweni uMother Rose
Mgungundlovu. Emva kwempi isikolo
Ngenxa yokwanda kwabantwana
Natal kwakukhona iSt Bruno
edolobheni. Isigodlo nesikolo sasisiza
Niland waphuma efuna amabizelo
nesigodlo eNewcastle kwavuselelwa
indawo isincane, ngakhoke kumele
eyayiqeqesha amathishela yavalwa
abantu abakhele idolobha
ezweni naphesheya kwezilwandle.
waqhubeka umsebenzi wokuhambisa
yandiswe. Ngakhoke sebethenge
ngezikhathi zobandlululo. Isikhungo
namaphethelo, ngezokholo nemfundo
Nangempela wazithola izintombi
ivangeli. Ngabo 1900 wasuqhubeka
indawo ebisethenzisaw u dokotela
sezempilo iRosary Clinic
yabantwana. Imisa lokuqala lagujwa
ezazinikela khona eMzansi, Canada,
umsebenzi kanjalo nokholo
uGubbins esizobizwa nge St Domini’c
eBlaauwbosch sisekhona noma
zingu 2 ku August 1891, endlwaneni
Holland, England, Ireland, Germany
nokufunda kwezingane. Umphakathi
Academy, lapho kuyofunda khona
sesathathwa umbuso. I-St Lewis
eyayisetshenziswa njengesikolo
nakwezinye izindawo. Ngenxa
waseNewcastle wawukhula futhi,
abebanga le shumi abalungiselela
isaqhubeka nayo isezandleni
nendlu yokusontela. Ekupheleni
yokwazi ulimi lwamaNgisi, bacelwa
kwadingeka ukuba kwakhiwe isikolo
ukuya ezikoleni zemfundo ephakeme
zombuso waseMzansi manje.
kokwakhiwa komzila wesitimela,
ukuba baqale esinye isikolo
sabafana, nempela kwabanjalo. I St
e-Oxford, Cambrdge naseKapa .. iSt
Ngenxa yokuntuleka kwamabizelo
abantu baphelelwa umsebenzi
eDundee. Ngo 1898, isigodlo
Thomas eLennoxton, yavulwa ngo
Dominic’s Academy isibe khona
izindela azisekho kakhulu ezikoleni
kwadingeka bafudukele kwezinye
nesikolo kwavulwa eDundee. Izindela
1903, lapho umbhishobhi ongasekho
iminyaka engaphezu kwekhulu,
kodwa ziqhuba ukufundisa
izindawo. Abantu bancipha
zazifundisa esikoleni nasezimayini,
uHurley afunda khona amabanga
isaqhubeka njengesikhungo
ngezindlela ezahlukene manje, kuya
kulendawo, nokho isikolo saqhubeka
befundisa ezokholo. Ukholo
aphansi. Isikole eSutherland
semfundo noma isiphethwe abanye
nangokuthi isidingo esikhulu sikuphi,
noma kwakunzima. amaBandla
lwalukhula. Ngokuqala kwempi
sabasincane ngokwanda
abantu manje. Izindela zaphuma
kodwa izindela zamaDominikana
ahlukene asebenzisana noma
yamaBhunu ngo1899 umsebenzi
kwezingane, siyezwa kucashunwa
kulesikhungo ngo 1985. Umsebenzi
zingabezemfundo. Sr Thulile
of the people but mixed in good
nutrition like milk and “Pro Nutro” to
Fr. Shiju Poomarathinkal
msfs was ordained on January 2,
what they were eating. She said it
2014 at his home parish. He belongs
was amazing how quickly the children
to the Congregation of Missionaries of
in particular grew stronger. Aid came
St. Francis de Sales, Northeast India
from Canada to help fund the food
Province. Soon after his ordination he
parcels given to the poor. Fr.
was appointed to do his ministry in
Aloysius, a Franciscan, was the
South Africa. But he was asked to
priest-in-charge at the time of the
help in a mission in the Northeast of
Sisters’ arrival. The Franciscans ran a
India. There he worked about three
Junior Seminary “on top of the hill”, as
months it was a new mission of the
Sr. Michael describes it. The “Hill” is a
congregation and meantime he
few hundred metres from the Mission
prepared his papers for coming to
buildings. Only one of the young men
South Africa. On 19th August 2014
became a priest, that is Fr. Tom
he arrived in Johannesburg, and then
Tshabalala OFM, presently the priest
to our Diocese. At present he is the
of the Mission at Maria Ratschitz.
associate priest in Holy Rosary
When the junior Seminary closed it
cathedral Church Dundee.
Sr Michael and Sr Bongiwe enjoying a joke
...continues from page 3 The Clinic
as her first posting, and then stayed!
was taken over by Dr. and Mrs Khosa
that was operating in Pomeroy before
She now lives in Johannesburg, and
(a qualified nurse) as an ‘orphanage’.
the Sisters arrived was overseen by a
has three grown children.
The Khosa couple cared for some
Dr. Limbada. From all accounts he
The Sisters then employed a Dr.
orphaned and needy children on their
was a very good, competent, and kind
Tobin to work with them. He proved to
farm in Dannhauser. As the numbers
Doctor. However he had a few
be a very good Doctor to the people.
grew and the seminary buildings
underhand dealings going on and had
From the earliest days the Clinic had
became available they took them over
to flee the area before the police
a section for maternity, and the
to care for the children. Eventually Dr.
found him! He returned immediately
facilities for the mothers-to-be to give
and Mrs Khosa died and both are
to Zambia. Back in Zambia he
birth at the Clinic. A Land Rover
buried on the hill where they loved
became a personal Doctor to the
served as the Mobile Clinic. It was an
and cared for so many children.
President. His wife was not pleased
attractive red colour inside, with a
Bishop Michael Pascal recognised the
nor too impressed at the swift exit of
seat for the driver, the nurse, and one
great need and the marvellous
her husband from South Africa, and
other. The remainder was organised
outreach to the orphans and needy
she joined him back in Zambia some
for medicine and the other various
children, and he built what is now St.
time later. While at the mission in
requirements to serve the needs of
Anthony’s Home in Blaauwbosch. Sr.
Pomeroy Dr. and Mrs Limbada lived
the people. Three times a week the
Michael vividly describes how they
in what is now the priests’ house, and
Mobile Clinic was taken on its rounds.
walked everywhere, up the rocky
the clinic was the building to the right
Sister Michael said how it was really
paths of the hills, wading through the
of the entry gate as you come in,
lovely to visit individuals and families
river and having to hoist up the skirts
opposite the church. When the
in their homes. The great
of their habits, and experiencing the
Sisters took responsibility for the
encouragement was to see the
hospitality of people who were
Clinic Protasia Poort, an excellent
improvement in the health and good
extremely poor and in most cases
nurse and teacher, was working there
spirits of the people. The sisters and
undernourished. In 2014 a brand new
and the Sisters kept her on. After a
the clinic staff recognised that the
Government clinic was completed for
year Protasia left and went to work
staple diet of the people was not so
Pomeroy. It is anticipated that
overseas. “Connie” (originally from
nourishing. This malnutrition affected
sometime in 2015 the clinic at the
Soweto) who recently visited Sr.
the health and growth of the babies,
Mission will cease to operate.
Michael for her 90th Birthday,
and made them susceptible to
Fr G. Gostling
qualified in Durban as a nurse and
disease and sickness. Sister Michael
also in midwifery, came to Pomeroy
said that they did not change the food
Bishop’s Calender
11 Pomeroy - uMusa woMsinga
14 Durban – Glenmore Metropolitan Bishops
19 Kriel – Confirmation
20 Newcastle - Diocesan Priests Meeting
23-25 Newcastle - Visit of Archbishop George Daniel
27 Pretoria – Archbishop George Daniel Celebration
28 Johannesburg - St Augustine Board Meeting
04 Johannesburg - Little Eden with Cardinal Napier
05-08 Pretoria - Bishop's Admin Board Meeting
15-17 Newcastle - PMS National Director visit
17 Dundee - Confirmation
18-21 Newcastle - Clergy Meeting
24 Madadeni - St George Confirmation
26 Johannesburg - St Augustine Board Meeting
31 Pomeroy - Confirmation
07 Blaauwbosch - Confirmation
13 Newcastle - Consecrated Life
20 Madadeni - Consolata Priests Farewell
22 Newcastle - Diocesan Priests Meeting
23-25 Durban - Glenmore - Winter Living Theology
28 Steadville - Confirmation
30 Johannesburg - St Augustine Board Meeting