Scottish Cardiac Arrest Symposium 2015 #SCAS15


Scottish Cardiac Arrest Symposium 2015 #SCAS15
Scottish Cardiac Arrest
Symposium 2015 #SCAS15
The Resuscitation Research Group, Edinburgh
Friday 27 March 2015
Assembly Rooms, George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2LR
Scottish Cardiac Arrest Symposium 2015
The Resuscitation Research Group in Edinburgh
automatically entered into the Poster Competition.
is excited to present the Scottish Cardiac Arrest
All delegates at the conference will be encouraged to
Symposium 2015, a collaboration between the
vote for best poster with the winner and 2nd best poster
University of Edinburgh, Scottish Government and
authors being presented with small but prestigious prizes.
Industry partners to bring together international thought
Please note that there is no scope for late submissions/
leaders in the field of resuscitation after out-of-hospital
additional posters being brought on the day.
cardiac arrest.
The question we have posed ourselves this year is
‘How do we build a system that saves lives after OHCA?’
To examine this theme we have invited speakers from
around the globe who have demonstrated excellence
in optimising the Chain of Survival, responding to the
challenges of resuscitating OHCA and changing the
systems that get in the way.
The symposium is a chance to highlight Scotland’s
ongoing commitment to improving outcomes after
OHCA. We will take the opportunity to learn from the
If you have indicated that you would like your abstract
to be considered for oral presentation in addition to
poster display you may be asked by the organisers to
give a brief presentation of your work as part of the
‘free papers’ session in the afternoon. There will be a
prize awarded for the best oral presentation.
Within the poster submission registration process you
will be asked for the following:
best in the world and cast a vision of how we can change
the communities we live in to make sure that more lives
AUTHORS (underlining main author)
are saved.
We hope that many front line ambulance staff along
with nurses, doctors and others involved in delivering
OUTCOMES (please specify) Word limit 350 words
care to OHCA victims will join the conversation with us.
Please note that you will have access to return to your
To this end, the Symposium will once again be free of
registration to make any amendments/ add in additional
charge to attend, with live webcasting of proceedings
information until the abstract closing date –
and the opportunity to interact with speakers via twitter.
We want to maximise participation in what promises to
The delegates will be encouraged to view and
be a fantastic event.
discuss the posters & vote for best poster during the
refreshment breaks and so please note that allocation of
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (oral/poster)
The Scottish Cardiac Arrest Symposium 2015 will
be having a poster session and a ‘free papers’ oral
presentation session to showcase innovative work to
poster areas will happen on a first to register, first to be
allocated basis. SO DON’T MISS OUT on a prime site by
registering late!
improve outcomes after OHCA across the UK. We would
like to encourage submissions of abstracts which focus
Should you have any queries please contact:
on the theme ‘Saving lives after OHCA’.
Henri Forman Event Management
PO Box 23820, Edinburgh, Scotland EH6 8XU
Each poster submission will be scored prior to the event by
members of the planning committee. All poster presenters
who are asked to display on the day will have their poster
T: +44(0)131 555 5833 F: +44(0)131 553 6058
E: [email protected]
08:00 – 08:55
Registration with refreshments
elcome & Introduction
Dr Gareth Clegg, Clinical Consultant in Emergency Medicine,
Group Lead Resuscitation Research Group, University of Edinburgh
09:05 - 09:20Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) - A strategy for Scotland
Maureen Watt MSP, Minister For Public Health
09:20 - 09:30 Start with “why”
Paul Gray, Director General Health & Social Care and Chief Executive NHS Scotland
09:30 – 09:55 ‘It takes a system’: regional change of OHCA survival, the Arizona Story
Mr Micah Panczyk, CPR Program Manager at the Arizona Department of Health Services
09:55 – 10:20
Changing a country - How Denmark doubled survival after OHCA
Professor Freddy Lippert, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Copenhagen
10:20 – 10:45 “Where’s the fire?”- firefighter as co-responders at OHCA
Medic 1 Seattle fire fighter (speaker to be confirmed) USA
10:45 – 11:10 Saving Lives in Scotland - what will it take?
Professor Kevin Rooney, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine and Professor
of Care Improvement, University of the West of Scotland
08:55 - 09:05
11:10 – 11:40 Refreshments, Exhibitions & Poster Arena
11:40 – 12:05The Medic One Lecture
Physiology of cardiac arrest resuscitation – How to be awesome
Professor Karl Kern, Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center
12:05 – 12:30 Airway Management during OHCA?
Professor Jonathan Benger, National Clinical Director for Urgent Care, NHS England
Professor of Emergency Care, University of the West of England, Bristol
Consultant in Emergency Medicine, University Hospitals Bristol
12:30 – 12:55 Improvement is possible - the European Resuscitation Academy
Mathias Duschl, Co Founder / Course Director, European Resuscitation Academy,
Advanced Care Paramedic EMS Hospital Lachen
12:55 – 13:20
Melbourne experience, advanced post ROSC care
Matt Shepherd, MICA Flight Paramedic, Aero Medical Retrieval and Pre Hospital Care,
Air Ambulance Victoria, Australia
13.20 – 14.15
Lunch, Exhibitions & Poster Arena
Workshop Session 1 - (delegates are encouraged to choose one per session)
S1:W1Resus Academy- how to run a resuscitation academy to make sure that you’re ready to do the best job
you can when the time comes.
S1:W2 The Edinburgh 3RU concept - What is it? what does it do? Does it work? The history and thinking behind
Scotland’s first Resuscitation Rapid Response Unit, including a demonstration from the team.
S1:W3 What about Turriff? - How do we solve the problem of OHCA for those who live in rural and remote areas.
Does the WILDCAT project have the answer? Learn about a regional test of change in a rural environment.
S1:W4 Increasing the rate of bystander CPR - How do we become a nation of lifesavers? Learn about how
BHF are changing the nation, one inflatable manikin at a time. Includes a demonstration of their
innovative new CPR training programme.
S1:W5 Simulation 101 - How simulation, video recording and structured debrief is changing the way we learn
how to resuscitate. Includes a demonstration
S1: W6 Ultrasound in OHCA resuscitation - Who does it? Why do they do it? Does it work? Includes a practical
demonstration and discussion of the role of ultrasound scanning in prehospital resuscitation.
S1: W7 We got ROSC! Now what? Post ROSC management Melbourne style - what can we learn from the
MICA paramedics?
S1: W8 Saving Scotland The Scottish Ambulance Service vision for improving prehospital resuscitation in
Scotland - how will we get there?
S1:W9 Fire and Rescue Service co-responding to OHCA - a game changer
S1:W10 Free Poster Session
14:15 – 14:55
14:55 – 15:25
Refreshments, Exhibitions & Poster Arena
15:25 – 16:05 Workshop Session 2 will be a repeat of Session 1 - (Delegates to choose one)
16:05 – 16:10
Poster Award presentations
16:10 – 16:35
Change Matters
Mr Aidan Fowler, Executive Director Strategic Development at University Hospitals Bristol,
Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
16:35 – 16:50 Closing remarks
Dr Gareth Clegg, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Group Lead Resuscitation Research Group
The organisers reserve the right to alter the programme as necessary without prior notification
‘How do we build a system that saves lives after OHCA?’
To announce Scotland’s plan to revolutionise the way we deal with OHCA.
An opportunity to hear some of the best practitioners around the world describe how they have built systems of care to save
lives after OHCA.
Learn about integrating the elements of the whole chain of survival to optimise clinical outcomes.
A chance to join the conversation about saving lives after OHCA in Scotland.
To network with colleagues from across Scotland and elsewhere in the UK.
To inspire and motivate further enhancements in the delivery of care to patients after OHCA.
All healthcare professionals and managers with an interest in OHCA. Front line ambulance staff along with nurses, doctors and
others involved in the resuscitation of patients after OHCA. Thought leaders and policy makers involved in managing services
which impact on the care of OHCA victims and their families. Representatives from Special Health Boards, Partnership Agencies
and Voluntary Organisations.
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (oral/poster)
(NB/ when registering your abstract you are booking yourself on to this event)
Please note judging will take place prior to the event so there is no scope for late submissions/ additional posters
being brought on the day.
Please be advised that there is NO FEE for attending this event however should you book and CANCEL POST THE CLOSING DATE
and no substitute can be found then a cancellation charge of £65 + VAT may be levied against your organisation to cover venue
charges plus administration costs.
REPLACEMENTS will be accepted until 5 working days prior to the event (Friday 20th March 2015)
CLOSING DATE is Friday 13th March 2015
Will be managed by Henri Forman Event Management
T: 0131 555 5833 W:
E: SCAS2015
Deadline for submissions of abstracts:
Friday 27th February 2015
Committed to Quality
Closing date for all registrations:
Friday 13th March 2015
Company Registered in Scotland SC 315055