Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. CHENNAI METRO RAIL LIMITED (A JOINT VENTURE OF GOVERNMENT OF INDIA AND GOVERNMENT OF TAMILNADU) TECHNO COMMERCIAL TENDER TWO COVER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION OF METRO HEAD QUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIES AT ANNA SALAI, NANDANAM, CHENNAI 600 035 Cover – A – TECHNICAL PART PART - A: QUALIFICATION CRITERIA DATE OF SUBMISSION OF TENDER – 25-06-2015 at 15.00 Hours DATE OF OPENING OF TENDER - 25-06-2015 2015 at 15.30 Hours TO BE SUBMITTED TO: The Chief General Manager(EC) Chennai Metro Rail Limited Admin. Building, CMRL Depot Poonnamallee High Road , Koyambedu, Chennai - 600107 TENDER SUBMITTED BY: M/s._________________________ Address_____________________ ____________________________ 1 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. CHENNAI METRO RAIL LIMITED (A JOINT VENTURE OF GOVERNMENT OF INDIA AND GOVERNMENT OF TAMILNADU) TECHNO COMMERCIAL TENDER (TWO COVER SYSTEM) CONSTRUCTION OF METRO HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIES AT ANNA SALAI, NANDANAM, CHENNAI, TAMIL NADU, INDIA CONTENTS Notice inviting Tenders Information and Instructions to Tenderer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. General Brief Description of Project Summary of Important Conditions of Contract Eligible TENDERER for applying. Qualifying Criteria for the contractor Site Visit Submission of TENDER documents Particular Attention Final Decision Making Authority Qualification Information 10.1. Appendix A 10.2. Qualification requirements 11. : Letter of Transmittal Format – A Format – B Format – C Format – D Format – E Format – F Format – G Format – H : : : : : : : : Structure and Organization of TENDERER Key Personnel to be deployed Financial Information Details of Completed works Details of Ongoing works Plant, machinery & Equipment Details of Termination of contract in the past, if any Status of Current litigations, if any Annexure A : Certificates 2 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. CHENNAI METRO RAIL LIMITED CONSTRUCTION OF METRO HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIES AT ANNA SALAI, NANDANAM, CHENNAI, TAMIL NADU, INDIA NOTICE INVITING TENDER Tender Notice No: CMRL/CON/ACHQ -2 /2015 Dated 08TH MAY 2015 Notice inviting Tender Government of India proposes the Construction of Metro Headquarters Building and other Metro Rail Amenities at Nandanam, Chennai, Tamilnadu with the Built up area of about 33,660 Sqm.. On behalf of the President of India, the Chief General Manager (EC), CMRL, Koyambedu, Chennai 600107 Tamil Nadu, India invites tender for Construction of Metro Headquarters Building and other Metro Rail Amenities at Nandanam under the two cover system from the Contractors who meet the following criteria: The TENDERER to be eligible for Qualification, should fulfill the following qualification criteria : 1. The TENDERER should be a well-established and reputed Civil Engineering Contractor, registered as a legal entity in India, and having experience of minimum Ten years in the field of Construction of Building and its associated mechanical, electrical, fire fighting & plumbing works. 2. Experience of having successfully completed construction works during the last 7 years ending on 31st March 2015 in which applications are invited: Three similar completed works costing not less than Rs 51,00,00,000/(Fifty One crores only) Or Two similar completed works, costing not less Rs 76,50,00,000 /- (Seventy six crores fifty lakhs only). Or One similar completed work of aggregate cost not less than Rs 102,00,00,000 (One hundred two crores only) 3. Tenderer should have satisfactorily completed at least one building of not less than 30 Metre height multi storied housing / Commercial Project as a principle contractor in the same name and style in the last five years in the State Government of Tamil Nadu / Public Works Department or Central Governments or other State Government / PSU. The experience certificate testifying satisfactory complete, is to be obtained from the Engineers not below the rank of Executive Engineer concerned / Director or equivalent and the same should be in originals. 4. The TENDERER should have an average annual turnover of Rs.128 Crore (Rupees One Twenty Crores) in the field of Construction of Building and its associated works during the past three consecutive financial years, ending on 31st March, 2015. 3 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 5. The TENDERER should produce Banker’s Solvency Certificate or Revenue Solvency Certificate, for the value of Rs 51,00,00,000/- ( Rupees fifty one crores only) Solvency certificate must have been obtained not earlier than 31st March, 2015. 6. Should have access to financial resources, to sustain a firm cash flow, of Rs 5,50,00,000 /- ( Five crore Fifty lakhs only) per month, exclusively available for this work. Letter of support from TENDERER’s Bankers is required in support of this to be enclosed in addition to the Bankers Solvency certificate. 7. Should have adequate material & equipment resources with Tower cranes to complete the works within the scheduled period, for which the TENDERER should assure, fill and submit the appropriate Format ‘F’ in the pre-qualification document duly signed. Salient features: Name of work Construction of Metro Headquarters Building and other Metro Rail Amenities at Nandanam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Period of Completion 24 MONTHS (From the date of signing Agreement) Tender documents can be purchased from the office of the Chief General Manager (EC), CMRL Depot, Koyambedu, Chennai 600 107 Tamil Nadu, India (a) Cost of Tender Document (Including VAT) Non refundable. Hard Copy - Rs.25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only) including tax. Soft Copy downloaded from website mentioned below Rs.20,000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand only) by Demand Draft drawn from any Nationalized or Scheduled Banks in India payable at Chennai, in favour of Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (b) Period of documents 08-05-2015 to 23-06-2015 (during office hours -10.00am to 15.00 hours) (c) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Rs 1,27,50,000 (Rupees One Crore Twenty seven lakhs and Fifty thousand only) by Demand Draft, drawn from any Nationalized or Scheduled Bank in India payable at Chennai, in favour of the Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (OR) by Bank Guarantee on any Nationalized or Scheduled Bankers in India, valid up to 26-09- 2015. (d) Pre- tender Meeting 11.00 Hours on 28-05-2015 at office of CMRL, Koyambedu, Chennai - 107 (e) Issue of pre tender clarifications 15:00 Hours on 11-06-2015 (f) Last date for submission of tenders 15.00 Hours on 25-06-2015 (g) Opening of Technical Tender 15.30 Hours on 25-06-2015 Issue of tender Only one set of document will be issued. Contractors may take additional copies. 4 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 8. The tender document is available in the CMRL website viz. www.chennaimetrorail.gov.in. The tenderer has to purchase the tender document from the Office of CMRL, Koyambedu and payment to be made towards the tender document in the form of demand draft drawn from any Nationalized or Scheduled Banks in India payable at Chennai, in favour of the - Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, CMRL reserves the right to accept / reject any one / all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Evaluation of tender will be done by a committee constituted by CMRL . Chief General Manager (EC) Chennai Metro Rail Ltd 5 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERER 1. GENERAL 1.1. Construction of Metro Head Quarters building and other Metro Rail Amenities at Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai 600 035. This involves an office building of single basement, Ground + four upper floors, Type – A, and B Supporting Staffs Quarters for Metro rail operation, Ground + Five floors and Ground + Nine upper floors respectively. A Utility building of G+1 floor and an Underground Sump, STP have also been proposed. On behalf of the President of India, the Chief General Manager (EC), CMRL, Koyambedu, Chennai 600 107 Tamil Nadu, India invites tender for Construction of Metro Head Quarters building and other Metro Rail Amenities at Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai 600 035 under the two cover system. 1.2. TENDERS are invited by the Employer from, reputed, well established and experienced Civil Engineering Contractors / Firms well established and reputed, registered as a legal entity in India for a minimum period of ten years in the field of Civil Engineering works in the Construction of Metro Head Quarters building and other Metro Rail Amenities at Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai 600 035. The notice inviting tender is published in leading news papers and also available in web site www.chennaimetrorail.gov.in and the tender documents will not be available for e-submission. 1.3. TENDER DOCUMENT in hard copy can be obtained from the office of the Chief General Manager (EC), Chennai Metro Rail Limited, Koyambedu, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India from 08-05-2015 to 23-06-2015 upon payment of non-refundable amount of Rs.25,000/- including tax, in the form of Demand Draft, obtained from any Nationalised / Scheduled banks in India, payable at Chennai, drawn in favour of the Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, Chennai. Tender documents can also be downloaded from the above website, for which the cost of tender document will have to be paid in the form of demand draft for Rs.20,000/- drawn from any Nationalized or Scheduled Banks in India payable at Chennai, in favour of Chennai Metro Rail Limited, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (along with the prequalification document). Without the submission of cost of tender document (in the form of DD) prior to or along with the tender, the tender will not be considered for evaluation. 1.4. Letter of Transmittal and information required for Qualification shall be submitted as per Appendix “B” attached. 1.5. TENDERS are not transferable and will be accepted, only from the parties, who have purchased the documents from the office of CMRL. 1.6. All information called for, shall be furnished against the respective columns in the enclosed form. If the space in the format is insufficient for furnishing full details, separate sheets may be used duly stating the reference to the format and serial number therein. Separate sheets shall be used for each format. If information is furnished in a separate document, reference to the same should be given against respective column(s). If information is ‘Nil” it should also be mentioned as “Nil” or “No such case”. If any particular query is not applicable to the TENDERER it should be stated as “Not applicable”. However, the TENDERERS are cautioned that not giving complete information called for in the Tender in the form required or not giving it in clear terms or making any change in the prescribed forms may result in disqualification of the TENDERER. 1.7. The tender should be submitted in English only. Supporting documents such as Annual accounts, Balance sheets, Employer’s Certifications, Testimonials etc., if attached in any other language should be translated in English. The Embassy / Official Diplomatic Mission of the TENDERER’s country in India must certify that English documents are true and accurate translation of original documents. 6 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 1.8. The Tender Document shall be submitted in duplicate in typewritten / handwritten form. The TENDERER’S signature and seal of the firm shall appear on each page of the Tender. 1.9. Overwriting shall be avoided. Mistakes shall be scored through and corrections incorporated and attested by the authorized signatory. All pages of the TENDER document shall be numbered, signed and submitted in a single packet along with a signed letter of transmittal. 1.10. References, Information and Certificates from the respective Employers’ certifying for performance and suitability, technical know-how or capability of the TENDERER shall be signed by the authorized signatory of Employer. 1.11. The TENDERER is advised to furnish any additional information, which they think is necessary in regard to their capabilities. No further information will be entertained after submission of TENDER document, unless it is called for by the Employer. 1.12. Tender Document details and enclosures shall be submitted in sealed envelopes and addressed to The Chief General Manager (EC), Chennai Metro Rail Limited, Admin Building, CMRL Depot, Poonnamallee Road, Koyambedu, Chennai - 600107, Tamil Nadu, India as detailed above. Tender submitted late will not be opened. All times and dates mentioned in this Tender Notice and application are Indian Standard Time (IST) only. The same will be followed for communication and other purposes. 1.13. Documents submitted in connection with the Tender, will be treated as CONFIDENTIAL and will not be returned. 1.14. The cost incurred by TENDERERS in preparing their Tender, in collecting information, in providing clarifications or attending discussions, conferences or in making presentations, site visit etc. in connection with this TENDER will not be reimbursed by the Employer under any circumstances 1.15. Any clarification given by the Employer on his own will be forwarded to all those who have been given a copy of the TENDER documents. 1.16. The Employer reserves the right to reject any or all TENDERS or reduce the scope, without assigning any reasons whatsoever and without incurring any liability to whomsoever. 1.17. Canvassing or influencing in any form will entail disqualification. 1.18. The Employer reserves the right to approach individuals, employers, companies and corporations to verify TENDERER’S competency and general reputation. 2. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : 2.1. The Project consists of office building of single basement, Ground + four upper floors, Type – A, and B Type – A, and B Supporting Staffs Quarters for Metro rail operation, Ground + Five floors and ground + Nine upper floors respectively. The building will house a comprehensive fire protection system in line with the requirement of TNFRS. Stilt floor will house parking (two and four wheelers), electrical room, Lobby and Common amenities. UG sump and Fire sump with Pump room are planned underground. Plumbing and electrical works for the units are also included in the scope of works. . 2.2. The scope of this tender includes for a) Civil works including RCC framed structure, masonry works, plastering and all related finishing works like Tiling, Painting etc, b) Supply and installation of UPVC windows and Joinery, Fire and Flush doors along with hardware, etc 7 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. c) Electrical Works including electrical fittings in common area. d) Fire Protection and detection systems including pumps, smoke detectors, etc e) Plumbing and sanitation works including supply and installation of all sanitary ware and CP fittings. 2.3. The period of completion of the work will be 24 months from the date of signing the agreement. 2.4. All construction documents, prepared by the Contractor shall be reviewed and approved by the Employer / Employer’s representative before commencement of procurement and construction. All works shall have to be carried out, in compliance with Bill of Quantities, Conditions of Contract, Technical Specification, Preamble and Bill of Quantities, tender Drawings, relevant Indian standard (IS) Codes, International Codes and local bye-laws. 3. SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT: 3.1. The Contract shall be item rate contract with unit rates, to be quoted in Indian Rupees only. 3.2. Since the project is to be implemented strictly on the time schedule, the employer may extend the deadline for submission of tenders by issuing an amendment in which case, all rights and obligations of the Employer and Tenderer previously ensured in the original deadline, will then be shifted to the new deadline. The Employer will lay high emphasis on the capacity of the selected contractor to deploy high-tech and speedy construction techniques, high degree of planning, good procurement and quality check procedures, quality assurance Plan, Environment and Safety Plan to meet the appropriate standards, execution and co-ordination, ability to prepare PERT network and adhering to it meticulously. 3.3. Therefore the TENDERERS are required to demonstrate with firm examples of deployment of above techniques in their previously completed project. The commendable performance by the TENDERER in their previous Projects will receive special consideration. (*) 4. ELIGIBLE TENDERERS : 4.1. The firms applying for eligibility should have extensive experience and proven track record in Civil Construction and associated works. 4.2. The Tender made by a partnership firm, shall be signed by all the partners of the firms above their full typewritten / handwritten names and current addresses, or alternatively by a partner holding Power of Attorney for the firm, in which case, a certified copy of the Power of Attorney shall accompany the Tender. A certified copy of the deed, full names and current addresses of all the partners of the firm shall also accompany the Tender. (*) 4.3. The Tender made by a firm shall be signed by Authorized signatory but appropriate evidence should be enclosed for authorizing the signing person in the tender document. (*) 4.4. The financial Tenders of only those Tenderer, who fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned in the Notice Inviting Tender and mentioned in Clause No.5 below, will be opened. 4.5. Any change in the legal status of a TENDERER subsequent to submission of Tender will be subject to approval of the Employer 4.6. TENDERERs under Joint Venture arrangements are not permitted. Note: (*) denotes requirement of enclosure(s) along with Tender. 8 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 5. QUALIFYING CRITERIA FOR THE CONTRACTOR: 5.1. The TENDERER to be eligible for Qualification, should fulfill the following qualification criteria : a) The TENDERER should be a well established and reputed Civil Engineering Contractor, registered as a legal entity in India, and having experience of minimum Ten years in the field of Construction of Building and its associated mechanical, electrical, fire fighting and plumbing works. b) Experience of having successfully completed construction works during the last 7 years ending on 31st March 2015 in which applications are invited: Three similar completed works costing not less than Rs 51,00,00,000/- (Fifty One Crores only) Or Two similar completed works, costing not less Rs 76,50,00,000 /- (Seventy six Crores fifty Lakhs only). Or One similar completed work of aggregate cost not less than Rs 102,00,00,000 (One hundred and two crores only) c) The tenderer should have satisfactorily completed at least one building of not less than 30 Metre height (Height measured from the road level to the top of terrace slab) multi storied housing / Commercial Project as a principle contractor in the same name and style in the last three years. The experience certificate testifying satisfactory completion is to be obtained from the Engineers not below the rank of Executive Engineer concerned/ Director / Head of Procurement or Facilities Department or equivalent and the same should be notarized. d) The TENDERER should have an average annual turnover of Rs.128 Crore (Rupees One Twenty Crores) in the field of Construction of Building and its associated works during the past three consecutive financial years, ending on 31st March, 2015. e) The TENDERER should produce Banker’s Solvency Certificate or Revenue Solvency Certificate, for the value of Rs 51,00,00,000/- ( Rupees fifty one crores only) Solvency certificate must have been obtained not earlier than 31st March, 2015. f) Should have access to financial resources, to sustain a firm cash flow, of Rs 5,50,00,000 /- ( Five crore Fifty lakhs only) per month, exclusively available for this work. Letter of support from TENDERER’s Bankers is required in support of this to be enclosed in addition to the Bankers Solvency certificate. g) Should have adequate material & equipment resources with Tower cranes to complete the works within the scheduled period, for which the TENDERER should assure, fill and submit the appropriate Format ‘F’ in the pre-qualification document duly signed. (*) 5.2. i) The TENDERER should further furnish evidence for the following. that they have the required minimum tools, plant and equipment as detailed below, but not limited to, with adequate labour force for the proposed work. The list of equipment shall be furnished in Format ‘F’. This has to be substantiated further with PERT for the target date of completion of the project. (*) Sl.No. Description Qty. ( Minimum Requirement) 1 Concrete Pumps 5 Nos. 9 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. ii) 2 Weigh Batcher 3 Nos. 3 Vibrators 20 Nos. 4 Dewatering pumps with suitable capacity 4 Nos. 5 Tower Crane capacity 6 125 KVA DG Set 1No. 7 Steel Centering Materials 7000 M2 8 Minimum Lab equipments As needed 9 Lorry/tipper/Water tank 6 Nos. 10 Material Hoist Min 1 No 11 Passenger Hoist Min 1 No for 8 passengers 12 Debris Chute Min 1 No having adequate size and 1 No. That the TENDERER / Firm shall have a minimum Supervisory Staff of one Project Manager and other Engineers with qualification and field experience. Exclusively for carrying out this Project, other than the supporting staff for executing the work without any complications. 1 Project Manager: 1 No. (One) with Degree / Post-Graduate in Civil / Structural Engineering with at least 15 (fifteen) Years experience in executing similar type of Jobs. 2 Site Engineers: 4 Nos. (Four) with degree in Civil Engineering possessing (Civil) minimum of 5 (five) Years experience in handling such projects and 2 Nos. (Two) with diploma in Civil Engineering with 10 years experience in handling such projects including surveying handling with latest survey instruments 3 Safety Engineer 1 No (One) with graduate / Diploma in safety Engineering minimum five years experience. 4 Project Engineer: 1 No (One) with graduate in Civil Engineering minimum five years experience on Quality control of works 5 Planning Engineer 1 No (One) with graduate in Civil Engineering minimum five years experience on Planning and procurement activities with good exposure on MSP or Primavera. 6 Electrical Engineer 1 No (One) with graduate in Engineer Engineering minimum with 5 years experience in handling such projects 7 Plumbing Engineer 2 No (One) with graduate in Civil Engineering minimum with 5 years experience in handling plumbing works in similar projects 8 Mechanical Engineer 2 No (One) with graduate in Mechanical Engineering minimum with 5 years experience in handling fire fighting works in similar projects Other Key Personnel required for this work in their respective fields shall be furnished in the 10 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Format ‘B’. Details of other engineering Personnel in various categories that the TENDERER has proposed to appoint for this project, shall also be furnished. (*) A penalty at the rate of Rs.2,00,000 per person per month will be applicable for nonavailability of the key personnel at site. Note: Adequate documentary evidence shall be provided for the above requirements along with the tender to prove their competence and capability. Note: (*) denotes requirement of enclosure(s) along with Tender. 6. SITE VISIT: The TENDERER shall, prior to submission of the tender for the work at his own responsibility and risk, visit and examine the site of work & its surroundings with prior intimation to the Employer for proper assessment of the prospective assignment. The TENDERER should refer to the enclosed drawings also. 7. SUBMISSION OF TENDER DOCUMENTS : Sealed Tenders should be addressed to the Chief General Manager (EC) Chennai Metro Rail limited, Admin Building, CMRL Depot, Poonnamallee High Road, Koyambedu, Chennai 600 107, and superscripting the name of the Tender on the top left hand corner of the cover and the name of the TENDERER on the bottom left hand corner of the cover and sent so as to reach him not later than 15-00 hours on 25-06-2015. The Tender shall be two cover system / Two part tender system, Cover - A the Technical and Qualification Tender along with EMD and Cover - B Price Tender. Both the Parts, each in separate sealed Covers - A & B have to be submitted together put in a common sealed cover. Cover - A (Technical and Qualification Tender), of the Tender document consists of Part A,B&C pertaining to Qualification criteria (A), Conditions of Contract (B) and Technical Specification (C) and Cover - B (Price Tender) of Tender document, pertaining to Bill of Quantities shall be submitted in duplicate i.e. one original and one copy. All the other enclosures that the TENDERERs wish to submit shall also be in duplicate. (Note: Part - C Technical Specification: Duplicate copy need not be submitted.) All Tender Drawings duly signed and affixed with the seal of the TENDERER shall be returned in a separate cover (only one set) and need not be sealed, at the time of submission of the Tender. The Tender document shall be submitted in duplicate. The original Tender document issued to the TENDERER shall be marked ‘Original’ and copy marked `Duplicate’. Should there be any discrepancy/ies, in filling / write-up among the original and the copy of the Tender documents, the ‘Original’ shall be given effect and the duplicate copy is subject to be amended as per ‘Original’. A Tender which is not accompanied by EMD, in the approved form in a separate envelope attached to the sealed cover will be rejected. 11 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. The duly sealed Tenders shall be submitted to the Employer after superscribing the name of work, Tender Part No., and name of TENDERER, so as to reach him not later than the due date and time specified above. No indication of Tender value or any financial aspect of Tender shall be made in any manner in any of the enclosures, covering letter etc. in Cover- A containing Part- A,B & C (Technical and Qualification Tender). If so, such Tender will be rejected. Documents submitted in connection with the Tender will not be returned. In addition to the identification required above, the inner envelopes shall include the name and addresses of the TENDERER to enable the Tender to be returned as unopened, in case it is declared late. If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as above, the employer will assume no responsibility for misplacement or premature opening of the tender and the tender will be treated on the grounds of not substantially responsive. To be eligible for Qualification, TENDERERS shall provide, evidence to the suitability of their meeting the Criteria indicated in Clause – 5.0 above and furnish details giving their full biodata, organization, technical experience, plant and equipments etc. to establish their capacity and competence, and possession of adequate resources to carry out the contracts effectively and for this, the TENDERS submitted shall include the following: 1. Letter of transmittal; as in Appendix - B. (*) 2. Copies of original documents defining the legal status of the TENDERER, its structure and organisation, place of registration and principal place of business of the TENDERER in the Format – A. (*) 3. The qualification and experience of key personnel proposed for the administration and execution of the contract, both on and off site in the format prescribed in Format – B. (*) 4. Details of Financial Information in Format – C. (*) 5. Details of completed works of similar nature in Format – D as at date of Tender. (*) 6. Details of on-going works of similar nature in Format – E as at date of Tender. (*) 7. Details of Plant, machinery & equipment in Format – F. (*) 8. Details of termination of contract by Employer, if any, in Format – G. (*) 9. Details of Status of current litigations, if any in Format – H as at date of Tender. (*) 10. Certificates in support of suitability, technical know-how and capability for having successfully completed the works during the last five years under Annexure ‘A’. (*) 11. A detailed description on the approach methodology to the construction technology proposed, schedule and type of equipment to be used, names and responsibilities and detailed qualifications of the proposed sub-contractors, if any , etc. (*) 12. A detailed description of any method of approach specially devised by the Contractor to speed up the work. (*) 12 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 13. Current solvency or letter of support from the TENDERER’S Banker, for an amount of Rs 51,00,00,000/( Rupees fifty one crores only). Solvency certificate must have been obtained not earlier than 31st March 2015. (*) 14. Details of cases of having been barred or black listed from the Tendering process, if any. Black-listed Agencies’ Tender is liable to be rejected. (*) The tender should be submitted in English only. Supporting documents such as Annual accounts, Balance sheets, Employer’s certifications, Testimonials etc., if attached, in any other language, should be translated in English. The Embassy / Official Diplomatic Mission of the TENDERER’s country in India must certify that English documents are true and accurate translation of original documents. All times and dates mentioned in this Tender Notice and application are Indian Standard Time (IST). Indian Standard Time only will be followed for communication and other purposes. The TENDERERS must provide evidence of having adequate experience in carrying out Civil Engineering and all associated works as required for the project. This should include supporting certificates of reports relating to financial, technical and other capability of the TENDERER. At least three certificates to be produced. (*) The TENDERERS are required to make a presentation on their organisation, infrastructure, project-scheduling, performance, capabilities etc., upon request from the Employer . The TENDERERS for qualification shall provide all facilities to the Employer for verification of the information / details furnished by them and also for inspection of their works carried out / in progress, if requested. Note: (*) denotes requirement of enclosure(s) along with Tender. 8. PARTICULAR ATTENTION : The EMPLOYER reserves his rights to disqualify any TENDERER if: a) The TENDERERS have made untrue or false representation in the forms, statements and attachments submitted in proof of the qualification and requirements ; b) The TENDERER’s track record of poor performance such as abandoning the work, not properly completing the Contract, inordinate delays in completion or financial failures etc. c) The TENDERERS have suits lodged / admitted / pending against it in a Court of Law for proceedings for declaration of Bankruptcy, etc or any suit, which challenges the basic existence of the TENDERER and substantially influences its capacity to implement the Works satisfactorily. Information on the legal matters is to be submitted as per FORMAT – H. (*) d) The TENDERER shall unconditionally waive all rights in respect of challenging in any court any matter concerning this TENDER evaluation and award / termination of Contract. Note: (*) denotes requirement of enclosure(s) along with Tender. 9. 9.1. FINAL DECISION MAKING AUTHORITY: The main criteria for the selection of Contractors for the work will be on the consideration of their ability to fulfill their obligations under the Contract. and competence to do good quality works, within specified time schedule and in close co-ordination with other agencies, resources committed, evaluation of technical submission etc. in addition to consideration given for competitiveness of tender price. 13 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 9.2. After opening the outer envelope containing the Tender, its contents shall be examined for compliance in pursuant to clause 5.0, in the presence of the TENDERERs or their authorized representatives, who choose to be present, at 15.30 hours on the Last Date of receipt of Tender Documents. Tenders found not complying are liable to be rejected without further examination. The contents of envelope titled “Technical Tender” will be opened first and its contents shall be scrutinized as per requirements of Tender documents. Only for the TENDERERs, whose contents of technical tender have been found in order and evaluated as substantially responsive, the envelope titled “Financial Tender” shall be opened, at the same address in the presence of TENDERERs or their authorized representatives, who choose to be present at the time and date of opening of the tender. This intimation will be sent to those TENDERERs whose technical tenders are found to be in order and evaluated as substantially responsive. 9.3. Tenders determined to be substantially responsive will be checked by the Employer for any arithmetic errors. Errors will be corrected by the Employer. Where there is discrepancy between the unit rates in figures and in words, the rates in words only, will govern. The amount stated in the tender will be adjusted by the Employer in accordance with the above procedure for the correction of errors. 9.4. The Employer reserves the right, to accept or reject any Tender or to reduce the scope / cancel the exercise without having to incur any cost or to assign any reason for its decision to any party whatsoever, and the Employer’s decision on qualifying contractors will be final and binding on all the contractors. Date of Submission Authorized Signature of TENDERER with Official seal 14 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Appendix - A LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: To The Chief General Manager (EC) Chennai Metro Rail Limited Admin Building, CMRL Depot, Poonnamallee High road, Koyambedu, Chennai 600 107. Sir, Sub: Submission of Techno Commercial Tender for the Construction of Metro Head Quarters building and other Metro Rail Amenities at Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai 600 035. a) I / We ……………………………………….., having examined the details given in the Invitation to TENDERERS, we hereby submit the following information and relevant documents. b) I / We hereby certify that all the statements, information and data provided in the enclosed formats A to G. and accompanying statements are true and correct to the best of my / our knowledge. c) I / We .…………………………. have read the instructions appended with the qualification document and I / We understand that any contract made between ourselves and the Employer on the basis of the information given by me / us, is liable to be cancelled , if any false information is detected at a later date. d) I / We ……………………………..have also no objection, if enquiries are made on all the projects and works listed by me / us, in the accompanying sheets or any other enquiry, on the information furnished herewith in the accompanying sheets. e) I / We have furnished all information and details as asked for and have no further pertinent information to provide. f) I / We submit, the requisite certified solvency certificate and authorise the Employer to approach the Bank issuing the Solvency Certificate to verify the correctness thereof. I / We also authorise the Employer, to approach individuals, employers, companies, and corporation to verify my / our competency and general reputation. g) I / We submit in Annexure ‘A’ the certificates in support of my / our suitability, technical know-how and capability for having successfully completed the works during the last five years. h) I / We also agree that the decision of the Employer, in the Qualification and selection of Contractors will be final and binding upon me / us. i) I / We agree that the Employer reserves the right to qualify any contractor or to cancel the exercise without assigning any reason for doing so or to incur any liability to any party whatsoever. j) I / We agree not to withdraw from the contract after issue of LOA and before signing the agreement. If so, we attendee by the condition that liquidated damages shall be claimed against us by the Employer 15 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. k) The following are enclosed as enclosures to the letter of transmittal : 1. Certificate of Incorporation from Registrar of Companies 2. Memorandum of Association 3. Annual Report / Audited Balance Sheet & Profit and Loss Statement for the past 4 years 4. Registration with Govt. Departments or Public Bodies. 5. Solvency Certificate from Bankers for the value of Rs 51,00,00,000/- (current and dated, not earlier than 31st March 2015 6. Support Certificate from Bankers for Credit facilities available and cash flow of R………. Crore per month (exclusively available for this work) 7. Letter of support from TENDERERs Bankers required to be enclosed in addition to the subscribers of Bankers solvency certificate for Rs 51,00,00,000/( Rupees fifty one Crores only) 8. Income Tax Clearance certificate / Saral Form giving details of total annual contract receipts for the past five years under relevant paragraph. 9. Sales Tax / Works Contract Tax / VAT / PAN Registration and Clearance certificate. 10. PERT Charts and quality Formats used at site such as pour card for Concrete etc, referred in Formats ‘D’ & ‘E’ 11. Testimonials from Employers / Consultants for completion of works included in Format - D 12. LOI / Work Order issued by the Employers for ongoing works included in Format - E 13. Organization Chart of Company showing the Officer in-Charge who will have direct link with and control of, site organization. 14. Organization Chart and Curriculum Vitae of top two officers, viz, Project Manager and Coordinator. 15. Method Statement: Programming & Planning and Progress monitoring plan, weekly and monthly ; Management of Direct Sub-Contractors from selection through execution of work; Coordination with Specialist contractors ,if any, etc. ;Quality control & quality Assurance at site; Safety Plan 16. Formats ‘A ‘ to ‘H ‘ with complete details., and any certificates other than that listed above. I / we hereby agree to abide by the decisions of the Employer in all matters, relating to this Qualification. Place : Authorized Signature of the TENDERER Date : Common seal of the Company 16 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 1. Do you satisfy requirement of Clause 5.01. a Yes / No 2. Do you satisfy requirement of Clause 5.01. b Yes / No 3. Do you satisfy requirement of Clause 5.01. c Yes / No 4. Do you satisfy requirement of Clause 5.01. d Yes / No 5. Do you satisfy requirement of Clause 5.01. e Yes / No 6. Do you satisfy requirement of Clause 5.01. f Yes / No 7. Do you satisfy requirement of Clause 5.01. g Yes / No 8. Do you satisfy requirement of Clause 5.02 (i) Yes / No 9. Do you satisfy requirement of Clause 5.02 (ii) Yes / No Have you enclosed necessary Documentary evidence for all items Sl.No.1 to 8 above Yes / No 10. Place : Authorized Signature of the TENDERER Date : Common seal of the Company 17 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. FORMAT – A STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION OF TENDERER S.No. To be filled by the Building Construction Company Details required 1 Name of the TENDERER's Company 2 Nationality of TENDERER 3 Establishment of the Company i) Year ii) Location 4. The TENDERER is a company Yes / No (Please enclose attested copy of registration / incorporation under appropriate laws of the TENDERER’s country) Enclosed 5 Address of the TENDERER : i) Registered Office Address Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address Web site ii) Local office address in India , if any: Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address iii) Office address through which this work will be handled and name of officer in-charge. Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address 6 If the TENDERER is a Multinational Company, please furnish the following : a) Whether the foreign company has an office in India? If so, give the following details : 18 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Year of Establishment Location : Name of the Contact Person : Telephone Nos. : Fax No.: Email : b) Please mention the nature of Indian office. If so, please provide the details whether marketing, liaison, capable of undertaking complete project in India etc. c) Whether company has executed / currently executing / tender for any project in India? If so, please furnish the following details : Name of the Employer : Name of the Project : Location of the Project : Nature of Project : Nature of Contract : Project Duration : Project value : Probable Date of Completion d) The TENDERER has to furnish a detailed note on how it will handle the project in India, if successful TENDERER, in terms of (i) Finance,(ii) Manpower, (iii) Tools & equipment,(iv) Use of local agencies and labour, (v) Project control and management plan. 7 Details of the Board of Directors i) Name of the Director ii) Qualification iii) Organisation 19 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. iv) Office address v) Telephone Number vi) Fax Number vii) E-mail Address 8 Enclose Company's Organisation Chart showing the structure of the organisation including the names of the Directors / Chief Executive Officer and position of Officers. 9 Number of years of experience and other Details. a. As a Principal Contractor (Contractor shouldering major responsibility) 10(a) In own country Yes / No No. of Years : ii. Other countries (If yes, pl. specify country) Yes / No No. of Years : Country : Average number of permanent employees in the last 12 months. Managerial Nos. ii) Technical Nos. iii) Administration Nos. iv) Financial Nos. v) Quality Control and Quality Assurance Engineer Nos. vi) Safety Officer Nos. vii) Industrial Relations Officer Nos. viii) Supervisors Nos. ix) Foreman Nos. x) Skilled Labours Nos. xi) Un Skilled Labours Nos. xiii) Others ( to specify) 11 Yes / No i. i) 10(b) Enclosed 1. 2. 3. Nos. Nos. Nos. xii) Apprentices / Trainees Nos. i) How many years has your Company been in business of similar work under its present name & address. 20 ….Years Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. ii) What were your fields of activities from when your Company was established? 1. 2. 3. iii) Whether any new fields were added in your Company? and if so, when and in what fields? 1. 2. 3. 12 Area of business activities other than Civil and associated works, if any. (If yes please furnish specific information). 13 In which fields of Civil and associated works do you claim specialization and interest? Yes / No 1. 2. 3. 14 Whether registered with any Government / Public Sector Undertaking / Local bodies like CPWD / MES / PWD or equivalent applicable in the TENDERER's country. Yes / No. 1. 2. If yes, please furnish details class and type of Registration. 3. 15 Registration Details : i) Sales Tax Registration No or equivalent applicable in the TENDERER's country & Valid upto ii) PF Registration No or equivalent applicable in the TENDERER's country & Valid upto iii) ESI Registration No or equivalent applicable in the TENDERER's country & Valid upto iv) Service Tax registration No or equivalent applicable in the TENDERER's country & Valid upto 16 Whether adequate and satisfactory evidence to indicate financial capacity of the organisation to undertake the said construction work is enclosed. 17 Do you have experience in Modern technology of manufacture and execute large span steel roof structure / concrete structure / Cast in situ or precast structure/Flat slab/If yes, please furnish the details. Yes / No Yes / No. 1. 2. 3. 18 Do you have Latest Survey instruments and Equipment to set out levels at any heights and all type of Special structures? 21 Yes / No If yes mention the name of equipment and the quantity possessed Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 19 Do you have your own Ready mix concrete facility? If yes, pl. give details of location and its production capability in terms of quantity per day. Yes / No. Location : Production : Cum/Day 20 Do you have your own Cement manufacturing Plant? Yes / No If yes, pl. furnish details of your own plant. If no, please specify name of manufacturer for sourcing and the dependency of the manufacture by the TENDERER. 21 Do you have R & D department? Yes / No If yes, give details. 22 i) Do you have and adopt Quality Control and Quality Assurance Manual? ii) Is your company an ISO certified If yes, please furnish the ISO certification no. 23 Company? Enclose QA Plan Yes / No iii) Do you follow Quality Assurance System as per the appropriate ISO series of standards? Yes / No i) Do you have and follow Safety Manual? Yes / No If yes, please give details of health and safety facilities available with you. 24 Yes / No Enclose Environmental Health and Safety Plan. ii) Was there any major, fatal accident occurred at any of your Sites during execution in the last five years? If yes, furnish Details. Yes / No iii) Whether corrective action taken immediately and first-aid facilities provided in the site? Yes / No Propose Methodology: Enclose Statement i) Whether the Programming and planning plan will be prepared in the form of Pert Chart adopting softwares like Primavera / MS Project? Yes / No ii) Whether the coordination plan & report plan will be prepared in the standard format? Yes / No iii) Whether the technically qualified Sub-Contractors are engaged to carry out other than Civil work? Yes / No iv) Please specify method for control and management of SubContractors. 22 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 25 Were you ever required to suspend work for a period of more than three months continuously after you started? If yes, Please furnish the name of project and reasons thereof. Yes / No. 1. Name of Project : Reasons 2. Name of Project : Reasons 26 Have you ever left the work awarded to you incomplete? If yes, Please furnish the name of project and reasons thereof. Yes / No. 1. Name of Project : Reasons 2. Name of Project : Reasons 27 Were any penalties imposed for delays on the completion of the project? If yes, Please furnish the name of project and reasons thereof. Yes / No. 1. Name of Project : Reasons 2. Name of Project : Reasons 28 Were there any terminations of Contracts by the Employer? If yes, please furnish the details. Yes / No. 1. Name of Project : Reasons 2. Name of Project : Reasons 29 Litigation initiated by the Company and against the Company if any? i) Whether cases of litigation proceedings have arisen in your projects during the last three financial years? Yes / No ii) If Yes, How many cases of litigation arisen during the last three financial years? Nos. iii) Furnish the details of the highest claim of Litigation during the last three financial years. Rs. iv) If the TENDERER is a multinational company, please furnish the litigation history initiated by the Company and against the company in India, if any 30 Arbitration : i) Whether cases of arbitration proceedings have arisen in your projects during the last three years? 23 Yes / No Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. ii) If Yes, How many cases of arbitration arisen during the last three years. Furnish name of work, name of the Employer, cost of work, amount of claim. iii) Furnish the details of the highest claim of arbitration during the last three years. 31 Nos. Rs. Details of the Banker Name of the Banker Contact person Office Address Telephone Number Fax Number 32 Are you / Firm a Recipient of any Award in appreciation of your / Firm’s work? If yes, please furnish the details 33 Please give atleast three references of Employers (Engineers, Architects or top Officials of Organisation) for whom you may have executed construction works of importance and similar nature from whom the Employer can verify 1) Name : Designation : Company : 2) Name : Designation : Company : 34 3) Name : Designation : Company : Any special information, which you may like to provide. Place : Authorized Signature of the TENDERER Date : Common seal of the Company 24 Yes / No Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Format - B KEY PERSONNEL TO BE DEPLOYED FOR THE PROJECT S.No. Details required To be filled by TENDERER A Managerial Level - General 1 Individual’s Name 2 Age 3 Qualification 4 Present position 5 Professional experience in the similar nature of works. 6 Years with the TENDERER 7 Language known 8 Name two recent works and nature of involvement of the person B Managerial Level - Technical 1 Individual’s Name 2 Age 3 Qualification 4 Present position 5 Professional experience in the similar nature of works. 6 Years with the TENDERER 7 Language known 8 C Name two recent works and nature of involvement of the person Managerial Level - Administration & Finance 1 Individual’s Name 2 Age 3 Qualification 4 Present position 25 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 5 Professional experience in the similar nature of works. 6 Years with the TENDERER 7 Language known 8 Name two recent works and nature of involvement of the person D Managerial Level - Quality Control and Quality Assurance 1 Individual’s Name 2 Age 3 Qualification 4 Present position 5 Professional experience in the similar nature of works. 6 Years with the TENDERER 7 Language known 8 Name two recent works and nature of involvement of the person E Managerial Level - Safety Officer & Industrial Relation Officer 1 Individual’s Name 2 Age 3 Qualification 4 Present position 5 Professional experience in the similar nature of works. 6 Years with the TENDERER 7 Language known 8 Name two recent works and nature of involvement of the person 26 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. F Managerial Level – Planning 1 Individual’s Name 2 Age 3 Qualification 4 Present position 5 Professional experience in the similar nature of works. 6 Years with the TENDERER 7 Language known 8 Name two recent works and nature of involvement of the person Note : 1) CV of each of the above key personnel and details of their experience should be included in the submission. 2) Organisation Chart (both office and site) specific for this project for all the divisions of work (Main works & Direct Sub works) as an Annexure to this format must be attached. Place : Authorized Signature of the TENDERER Date : Common seal of the Company 27 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Format - C FINANCIAL INFORMATION Sl.No Description Details to be filled in by TENDERER A Annual Turnover in the last five financial years (In INR ) 1 Year : 01st April 2010- 31st March 2011 2 Year : 01st April 2011 - 31st March 2012 3 Year : 01st April 2012 - 31st March 2013 4 Year : 01st April 2013 - 31st March 2014 5 Year : 01st April 2014 - 31st March 2015 B Financial Information (In INR) 1 Year : 01st April 2010 - 31st March 2011 a. Total assets b. Current assets c. Total Liabilities d. Current Liabilities e. Profits before taxes f. Profits after taxes g. Net worth h. Working Capital 2 Year : 01st April 2011 - 31st March 2012 a. Total assets b. Current assets c. Total Liabilities d. Current Liabilities e. Profits before taxes f. Profits after taxes g. Net worth h. Working Capital 3 Year : 01st April 2012 - 31st March 2013 a. Total assets b. Current assets c. Total Liabilities d. Current Liabilities 28 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. e. Profits before taxes f. Profits after taxes g. Net worth h. Working Capital 4 Year : 01st April 2013 - 31st March 2014 a. Total assets b. Current assets c. Total Liabilities d. Current Liabilities e. Profits before taxes f. Profits after taxes g. Net worth h. Working Capital 5 Year : 01st April 2014 - 31st March 2015 a. Total assets b. Current assets c. Total Liabilities d. Current Liabilities e. Profits before taxes f. Profits after taxes g. Net worth h. Working Capital C Solvency Certificate ( In INR ) a. Name of Banker with address b. Date of Certificate c. Amount D Credit facilities available to TENDERER – Fund and non-fund based such as Cash Credit, Working capital term loans, LCs and Bank Guarantees - Banker's or Bankers' Letter must be produced - (In INR) a. Name of Banker with address b. Date of Letter of Support c. Amount E TENDERER's Financial resources for this project a. Own resources b. Banker's or Bankers' credits 29 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. F a. Approximate total value of on-going works b. Total Value of works to be completed as of now Note: 1) The TENDERER should furnish the value of work to be completed as of now along with breakup details of each work in the Proforma enclosed with this Format - C. 2) The TENDERER has to ensure that the list of works covered in this Proforma should be same as the ones listed in Format - E (List & details of Ongoing works) with Proforma of each work. G Anticipated total value of new works for the next financial year i.e. Place : Authorized Signature of the TENDERER Date: Common seal of the Company Format - D Details of completed works in the Last Seven Years (To be furnished for each Project Separately) 30 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. S.No. Details required 1 Name of work 2 Country and location 3 Employer’s name and address To be filled by the TENDERER Name: Address : 4 Consultants name and address. Name : Address : 5 Total tendered cost of work Agreement No. Date INR …………….. Agreement No: Date : 6 Total actual cost of work after completion. INR …………….. Millions 7 Excess / less in percentage. ……………..% 8 Explain if Excess / less is higher by 20% of the tendered cost of work. 9 Date of commencement 10 Period of completion 11 Stipulated date of completion 12 Actual date of completion 13 Extended by the contractor, if any. Reason for non-completion of work in stipulated time limit / extended time limit, if so furnish details Yes / No 14 Extension of time granted by the Employer, if any. Yes / No 15 If yes, please specify the reason for extension of time. Brief description of works including principal features and quantities of main items of the work. 16 Name of Contractor’s Engineer in-charge of the Project & Qualifications. 17 Details of specialised work executed under this Contract. 18 Details of specialised work executed by their own divisions under the Contract 31 Name :Qualification : Millions Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 20 Whether the Programming and planning plan was followed in the form of Pert Chart adopting softwares like Primavera / MS Project? Yes / No 21 Whether the Quality Control and Quality Assurance function was carried out? If yes, Please give details and copies of quality formats used in anyone project Yes / No 22 Whether the safety measures was followed? If yes, Please give details. Yes / No 23 i) Were there any labour strikes in any of your Projects, during the course of Execution of Project? If yes, Please give details. Yes / No ii) Whether corrective action taken immediately? Yes / No 24 Were there any penalties / fines / stop notice / compensation / liquidated damages imposed during execution of the project? Yes / No Amount : Reason : 25 If Yes, Please give amount, details and reason. Whether the contract of the work was terminated? If Yes, furnish the details. Yes / No Name of the Project : Reason : 26 Please specify the details of litigation / arbitration cases, if any, pertaining to works completed. Yes / No If Yes, furnish the details i.e. Nature of litigation / arbitration. Please furnish whether the litigation is initiated by the Company or against the Company. 27 Attach Employer’s certificate, as may be available (Not below the rank of Director or equivalent) Yes / No Place : Authorized Signature of the TENDERER Date : Common seal of the Company 32 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Format - E Details of On-Going works (To be furnished for each Project Separately) S.No. Details required 1 Name of work 2 Country and location 3 Employer's name and address To Be filled by the TENDERER Name : Address : 4 Consultants name and address. Name : Address : 5 Total tendered cost of work (Agreement No. and Date) 6 (a) Brief description of works including principal features and quantities of main items of the work. 7 i) Percentage of physical completion INR …………………. Millions ii) Amount billed for the work completed. iii) Cost of work remaining to be executed as on the date of submission. iv) Stipulated date of completion v) Anticipated date of completion 8 Name of Contractor’s Engineer in-charge of the Project & Qualifications. Name Qualification : 9 Details of specialized works under this Contract 33 : Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 10 Specialised works being executed by their own divisions 11 i) Were there any labour strikes in any of your Projects, during the course of Execution? Yes / No If yes, Please give details. ii) Whether corrective action taken immediately? 12 Yes / No Were there any penalties / fines / stop-notice / compensation / liquidated damages imposed? Amount : Yes / No If Yes, Please give amount, details and reason. Reason : 13 Please specify the details of litigation / arbitration cases, if any, pertaining to works ongoing. Yes / No 14 Attach Employer's certificate, as may be available (Not below the rank of Director or equivalent) Yes / No Place : Authorized Signature of the TENDERER Date : Common seal of the Company 34 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Format - F PLANT, MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT S. No. Name of Equipment* Qty Total requirement No. of units for the Work Equipment in Hand Kind and Make Capacity No. of each Year of Manufacture & Present Condition Equipment to be Procured Num ber Capa city Through Purchase / Lease ** 1 2 3 4 5 6 * Attach list of additional and essential equipment for the works for which qualification has been asked. This will include special requirements, if any, of executing Agency, as stipulated by them ** If leased / hired, indicate the date , when the current / lease expires, Place : Authorized Signature of the TENDERER Date : Common seal of the Company 35 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Format - G Details of Termination of contract by previous Employers in the past, if any (To be furnished for each Project separately, if more than one) S.No. Particulars 1 Name of works 2 Name of the Employer 3 Value of Contract in INR 4 Period of Contract 5 Terminated at what stage 6 Reasons / grounds for termination 7 Approx. value of work completed at the time of termination in INR 8 Approx. value of balance work not completed in INR 9 Remarks To Be filled by the TENDERER Place : Authorized Signature of the TENDERER Date : Common seal of the Company 36 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Format – H STATUS OF CURRENT LITIGATIONS, IF ANY (To be furnished for each Project Separately, if more than one ) The TENDERER is required to disclose as part of tender submission all cases filed against the TENDERER in any Court of Law in any country. The TENDERER shall give the information in the following format in separate sheets for each litigation as applicable: I. General Information: (1) Name of the Petitioner : (2) Name of the Court in which case has been admitted. : (3) Name / designation of the Presiding Authority of the Court : (4) Date of Filing of the case and date of Admittance of the case. : (5) Expected date of next hearing : (6) Has hearing already commenced? so, when was the last hearing? If : (7) Name & Address of the TENDERER’S Counsel : (8) Name & Address of the Petitioner’s Counsel : (9) Current status of the litigation – Whether any interim injunction or injunction award has been given. If so, give the details? : (10) Has any appeal been filed against any interim injunction or such award? : (11) Value of litigation / damages claimed / out standings and disputes, as per the Petitioner : (12) Any arrest warrant or any property attachment or any insolvency proceedings or any such decree issued against the TENDERER? Give the details. : 37 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. I. Financial Value of Dispute / Claim / Damages: The TENDERER should furnish the sum total of claims / damages involved, on account of the litigations currently in operation. Net Worth: The TENDERERS shall also furnish the net worth of the Company for each of the last five years duly certified by a registered Chartered Accountant. The TENDERERS shall furnish the percentage of the total sum of disputes / litigations / claim, currently under litigation in proportion to the average net worth of the Company for the last five years. II. Status of the TENDERER’S Legal Status on account of the Litigation : The TENDERERS shall furnish information whether the litigation in question affects / threatens the fundamental existence / operation of the company (For E.g: insolvency, degree of criminal nature etc.) III. Nature of Submissions : 1. The submissions from the TENDERER in response to the above question under Clause-IV shall be in the form of a statement signed by the authorized signatory on behalf of the TENDERER, who shall hold the Power of Attorney to sign such documents. The Power of Attorney documents shall also be attached. 2. The statement submitted and signed by the Power of Attorney holder shall also be countersigned by the Company Secretary of the Company with official seal. Note : 1) The Employer or his authorized representatives reserves the right to verify any part of the information furnished by the TENDERER in the above statements, without any prejudice to the terms and conditions of the Contract. The TENDERER is deemed to have given his consent, for the right of verification by the Employer, or his authorised representative, when the TENDERER submits the above statements. 2) If it comes to the notice of the Employer, that the TENDERER has suppressed any information, or furnished misleading, or inaccurate information, or in case whether any litigation currently in progress at the time of submission of TENDERS, lead to the decree by the Court of Law, against the TENDERER, the Employer reserves the right, to nullify the Qualification, and to disqualify the TENDERER. If such information becomes available to the Employer, prior to issue of Letter of Intent, the TENDERER will be disqualified, and will not be considered for award of work. If such information comes to the knowledge of the Employer, after the award of work, the Employer reserves the right, to terminate the Contract unilaterally, at the total cost and risk of the TENDERER and such action would include but not limited to forfeiture of all deposits, guarantees etc. furnished in any form. The Employer will also reserve the right, to recover any Retention Money, Mobilization Advance, paid by invoking of Bank Guarantees submitted, including invoking of the Performance Bond. 38 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. The entire work executed upto the stage of such termination including materials procured and delivered at site, will be taken over by the Employer, and adjusted towards any payment due, as per Contract conditions. The Employer can thereafter arrange for a tendering process, for completion of the balance works, for which any additional financial burden to be met by the Employer, will also be recovered, from the Contractor, who has been terminated, without prejudice to the other rights, of the Employer, under the Contract Place : Authorized Signature of the TENDERER Date : Common seal of the Company 39 Part (A) – Qualification Criteria Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. ANNEXURE – ‘A’ CERTIFICATES Enclose Certificates, in support of suitability, technical know-how, and capability for having successfully completed, similar nature of works in the last five calendar years a sending 31st March 2015 Also furnish the following details of the enclosed certificate. S.No Name of The Employer Name, Name & Contract location, address of the price in nature & Architect / E. Indian description R. for Rupees of work supervision Actual Date Contractual Reasons % of Date of Contractual of Contractual for delay, ParticiDate of commenceDate of commence in pation of ment of completion ment of completion Completion the of work Construcof work Construc, if any Company tion tion Place : Authorized Signature of the TENDERER Date : Common seal of the Company 40 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract CHENNAI METRO RAIL LIMITED (A JOINT VENTURE OF GOVERNMENT OF INDIA AND GOVERNMENT OF TAMILNADU) TECHNO COMMERCIAL TENDER TWO COVER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION OF METRO HEAD QUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIES AT ANNA SALAI, NANDANAM, CHENNAI 600 035 COVER - A - TECHNICAL PART PART B - CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT DATE OF SUBMISSION OF TENDER 25-06-2015 at 15.00 Hours DATE OF OPENING OF TENDER 25-06-2015 at 15.30 Hours TO BE SUBMITTED TO: Chief General Manager (EC) Chennai Metro Rail Limited Admin. Building, CMRL Depot Poonnamallee High Road , Koyambedu, Chennai - 600107 TENDER SUBMITTED BY: M/s._________________________ Address_____________________ ____________________________ 1 Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. CHENNAI METRO RAIL LIMITED (A JOINT VENTURE OF GOVERNMENT OF INDIA AND GOVERNMENT OF TAMILNADU) TECHNO COMMERCIAL TENDER (TWO COVER SYSTEM) CONSTRUCTION OF METRO HEAD QUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIES AT ANNA SALAI, NANDANAM, CHENNAI 600 035 TECHNICAL BID - PART B - CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT CONTENTS CONTRACT DATA TENDER FORM 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 1.11. 1.12. 1.13. 1.14. 1.15. 1.16. 1.17. 1.18. 2. THE EMPLOYER 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 3. Background of Organization Project Outline and Summary Instructions to Tenderers General Conditions Definitions Interpretation Communications Law and Language Validity of Tender Priority of Documents Contract Agreement Assignment Care and Supply of Documents Employer’s Use of Contractor’s Documents Contractor’s Use of Employer’s Documents Confidential Details Compliance with Laws Joint and Several Liability Right of Access to the Site Permits, Licences or Approvals Employer’s Representative Employer’s Financial Arrangements Employer’s Claims THE ENGINEER 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. Engineer’s Duties and Authority Delegation by the Engineer Instructions of the Engineer Determinations 2 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 4. THE CONTRACTOR 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. 4.9. 4.10. 4.11. 4.12. 4.13. 4.14. 4.15. 4.16. 4.17. 4.18. 4.19. 4.20. 4.21. 4.22. 4.23. 4.24. 4.25. 4.26. 4.27. 4.28. 4.29. 5. Contractor’s General Obligations Performance Guarantee / Performance Bond Contractor’s Representative Subcontractors Assignment of Benefit of Subcontract Co-operation Setting Out Post Construction Survey Joint Inspection Safety Procedures Quality Assurance Burden for Damage Site Data Sufficiency of the Accepted Contract Amount Unforeseeable Physical Conditions Rights of Way and Facilities Avoidance of Interference Access Route Transport of Goods Contractor’s Equipment Protection of the Environment Electricity and Water Progress Reports Security of the Site Protection of Adjoining Facilities Contractor’s Operations on Site Site office Vector Control Fossils/Antiquities STAFF AND LABOUR 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. 5.8. 5.9. 5.10. 5.11. 6. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Engagement of Staff and Labour Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour Persons in the Service of Employer Labour Laws Working Hours Facilities for Staff and Labour Health and Safety Contractor’s Superintendence Contractor’s Representative Records of Contractor’s Representative and Equipment Disorderly Conduct PLANT, MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. Manner of Execution Samples Inspection Testing 3 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. 6.8. 6.9. 6.10. 6.11. 6.12. 7. Practical Completion of the Works and Sections Practical Completion of Parts of the Works Interference with Tests on Completion Surfaces Requiring Reinstatement DEFECTS LIABILITY 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. 10.5. 10.6. 10.7. 10.8. 10.9. 10.10. 11. Contractor’s Obligations Delayed Tests Retesting Failure to Pass Tests on Completion PRACTICAL COMPLETION AND PRACTICAL COMPLETION CERTIFICATE 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 10. Commencement of Works Period of Completion Programme Delays Extension of time for Completion Rate of Progress Liquidated Damages TESTS ON COMPLETION 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 9. Rejection Remedial Work Employership of Plant and Materials Storage of Materials Temporary Hoardings and Safety netting Pollution and site Hygiene Fire Protection during Construction Royalties COMMENCEMENT, DELAYS AND SUSPENSION 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. 8. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects Cost of Remedying Defects Extension of Defects Liability Period Failure to Remedy Defects Removal of Defective Work Further Tests Right of Access Contractor to Search Unfulfilled Obligations Clearance of Site MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. Works to be Measured Method of Measurement Omissions 4 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 12. VARIATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. 12.5. 13. Suspension of work Consequences of Suspension Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspension Prolonged Suspension Resumption of Work RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY 16.1. 16.2. 16.3. 16.4. 16.5. 16.6. 17. Notice to Correct Termination of the Contract Valuation at Date of Termination Payment after Termination Employer’s Entitlement to Termination SUSPENSION 15.1. 15.2. 15.3. 15.4. 15.5. 16. Item Rate Contract Contract Sum Earnest Money Deposit Mobilisation advance Terms of payment Payment of Part Rates Price Adjustment Interim Payments Final Bill Delayed Payments Payment of Retention money Secured advance on Materials at site Currencies of Payment TERMINATION 14.1. 14.2. 14.3. 14.4. 14.5. 15. Variations, Provisional and Prime Cost Sums Right to Vary Variation Procedure Payment in Applicable Currencies Daywork CONTRACT SUM AND PAYMENT 13.1. 13.2. 13.3. 13.4. 13.5. 13.6. 13.7. 13.8. 13.9. 13.10. 13.11. 13.12. 13.13. 14. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Indemnities Contractor’s Care of the Works Employer’s Risks Consequences of Employer’s Risks Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights Limitation of Liability INSURANCE 17.1. 17.2. 17.3. General Requirements for Insurances Injury to Persons and Property of Employer Insurance for Works and Contractor’s Equipment 5 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 17.4. 17.5. 18. Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property Insurance for Contractor’s Representative FORCE MAJEURE 18.1. 18.2. 18.3. 18.4. 18.5. 18.6. 18.7. 19. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Definition of Force Majeure Notice of Force Majeure Duty to Minimise Delay Consequences of Force Majeure Force Majeure Affecting Subcontractor Optional Termination, Payment and Release Release from Performance under the Law CLAIMS, DISPUTES AND ARBITRATION 19.1. 19.2. 19.3. 19.4. 19.5. 19.6. 19.7. 19.8. 19.9. 19.10. 19.11. 19.12. 19.13. 19.14. Contractor’s Claims Payment for Claims No Legal Action till Dispute Settlement Procedure is Exhausted Notice of Dispute Two Stages for Dispute Restoration Conciliation Conciliation Procedure Termination of Conciliation Proceedings Arbitration Interest on Arbitration Award Cost of Arbitration Jurisdiction of Courts Suspension of Work on Account of Arbitration 20. SPECIAL CONDITIONS - GREEN BUILDING CONCEPT 21. APPENDIX APPENDIX 1 - PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT APPENDIX 2 - ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT APPENDIX 3 - FORM OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE APPENDIX 4 - AFFIDAVIT APPENDIX 5 - PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR MOBILISATION ADVANCE PAYMENT APPENDIX 6 - SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORT 6 Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 21.1. CONTRACT DATA Period of Sale of Tender Document : 08-05-2015 to 23-06-2015 (During office hours –from 10.00 hours to 15.00 hours) Date of submission of tenders : 15.00 Hours on 25-06-2015 Validity of tender : 90 days from last date of submission of tender Time and Date of Pre-Tender clarifications : 11.00 Hours on 28-05-2015 at the office of Chief General Manager (EC), CMRL, Koyambedu, Chennai 600 107. On or before 15:00 Hours, 11-06-2015 Issue of Pre tender Clarifications Earnest Money Deposit : Rs 1,27,50,000/- (Rupees One crore twenty seven lakhs fifty thousand Only) by Demand Draft, drawn from any Nationalized or Scheduled Bank in India payable at Chennai, in favour of Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, Chennai-107, Tamil Nadu, India (OR) by Bank Guarantee on any Nationalized or Scheduled Bankers in India, valid up to 26-09- 2015. Tender Documents to be submitted to : Chief General Manager (EC) Chennai Metro Rail Limited Admin. Building, CMRL Depot Poonnamallee High Road , Koyambedu, Chennai - 600107 Place of Opening of Tender : Office of Chief General Manager (EC) Chennai Metro Rail Limited Admin. Building, CMRL Depot Poonnamallee High Road , Koyambedu, Chennai - 600107 Period of completion of work : 24 (Twenty Four) Months (From the date of signing Agreement) TENDER SUBMITTED BY 7 Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. TENDER FORM To Chief General Manager (EC) Chennai Metro Rail Limited Admin. Building, CMRL Depot Poonnamallee High Road , Koyambedu, Chennai - 600107 Dear Sir, 1. Having examined the drawings, specification, designs and Bill of Quantities, relating to the works specified in the memorandum hereinafter set out, and having visited and examined the site of the works specified in the said tender, and having acquired the requisite information relating thereto as affecting the Tender, I / we, hereby offer to execute the works specified in the said tender within the time specified in the said memorandum at the rates mentioned in the attached Bill of Quantities and in accordance in all respects with the specification, designs, drawings, and instructions in writing referred to in the Conditions of Tender, the Articles of Agreement, Special Conditions, Bill of Quantities, and Conditions of Contract, and with such materials as are provided for by and in all other respects in accordance with such conditions so far as they may be applicable. MEMORANDUM a) Description of works Construction of Metro Head Quarters building and other Metro Rail Amenities at Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai 600 035. b) Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1,27,50,000/- (Rupees One crore twenty seven lakhs fifty thousand Only) by Demand Draft, drawn from any Nationalized or Scheduled Bank in India payable at Chennai, in favour of the Chief General Manager (EC), Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, Chennai-600 107, Tamil Nadu, India (OR) by Bank Guarantee on any Nationalized or Scheduled Bankers in India, valid up to 26-09- 2015. c) Percentage to be deducted 5% (Five Percent) of the value of work billed in which 2.5 % of from bills towards retention final bill value, will be retained for a period of one year, from the money date of handing over the Project, in all respects. (d) Date of Commencement (e) Time allowed from the date commencement for completion of the work : From the date of signing the agreement : 24 (Twenty Four) Months (From the date of signing agreement) 8 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract 2. Should this Tender be accepted, I / we hereby agree to abide by and fulfill the terms and provisions of the said Conditions of Contract annexed hereto or in default thereof to forfeit and pay to Chennai Metro Rail Limited, Chennai -600 107 the amount mentioned in the said Contract. 3. We agree to execute the proposed project works with complete cooperation and coordination with the independent other contractors, if any, to achieve sequential, unhindered and harmonious progress with the objective of completion of the Entire Project within the stipulated time for the entire project works for the Employer’s beneficial use of the Project. 4. I / We have enclosed herewith the Earnest Money Deposit for INR 1,27,50,000/- ( One crore twenty five lakhs and fifty thousand only) in the form of demand draft which amount is not to bear any interest. Should I / we, fail to execute the contract when called upon to do so I / we do hereby agree that this sum shall be forfeited by me / us, to the Chennai Metro Rail Limited, Chennai - 600 107. 5. If this Tender is accepted tenderer to provide a Bank Guarantee from a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in India as Performance Bond for a sum equivalent to Five percent of the Contract value for the due performance of the Contract under the terms of the conditions of Contract within time. 6. We agree to abide by this Tender for the period of ninety days from the last date of submission of tender and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period, without any additional cost. 7. Unless and until, a formal agreement is prepared and executed this Tender together with your written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding contract between us. 8. The lists showing the particulars of large works carried out and the names of manufacturers of specialized items as required are enclosed. 9. Our bankers are: (Please state name, address, and phone No.) i)………………………………………….. ii)…………………………………………. 9 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract The names of Partners of our Firm / Directors, of our company are: (Please state name, address, and Phone No.) i) ………………………………………… ii) ………………………………………… The name of the Partner, of the Firm / Director of our company, authorized to sign : Yours faithfully, Authorized Signature of Tenderer (Should be signed by the authorized signatory. Board Resolution in the case of Company or a letter signed by all partners in the case of Firm to be enclosed.) WITNESSES : i) Signature: Occupation: Address: ii) Signature: Occupation: Address: 10 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 1. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of Organization Construction of Metro Head Quarters building and other Metro Rail Amenities at Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai 600 035. This involves an office building of single basement, Ground + four upper floors, Type – A, and B Supporting Staff Quarters for Metro Rail operation, Ground + Five floors and ground + Nine upper floors respectively. A Utility building of G+1 floor and an Underground Sump, STP have also been proposed. On behalf of the President of India, the Chief General Manager (EC ), CMRL, Koyambedu Depot , Chennai 600 107 Tamil Nadu, India invites tender for Construction of Head Quarters building and other Metro Rail Amenities at Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai 600 035 under the two cover system. 1.2. Project Outline and Summary The Project consists of office building of single basement, Ground + four upper floors, Type – A, and B Supporting Staff Quarters for Metro Rail operation, Ground + Five floors and ground + Nine upper floors respectively. The building will house a comprehensive fire protection system in line with the requirement of TNFRS. Stilt floor will house parking (two and four wheelers), electrical room, Lobby and Common amenities. UG sump and Fire sump with Pump room are planned underground. Plumbing and electrical works for the units are also included in the scope of works. The scope of this tender includes for a. Civil works including framed structure, masonry works, plastering and all related finishing works like Tiling, Painting etc, b. Supply and installation of UPVC windows and Joinery, Fire and Flush doors along with hardware, etc c. Electrical Works including electrical fittings in common area. d. Fire Protection and detection systems including pumps, smoke detectors, hose reel, sprinklers, etc e. Plumbing and sanitation works including supply and installation of all sanitary ware and CP fittings. 1.3. Instructions to Tenderers 1.3.1. Before submission, the Tenderer shall visit the site and familiarize himself with the site conditions including access to site, condition of existing structures, space for stacking of material and auxiliary construction activity, availability of required construction materials locally etc. and also carefully examine the conditions of contract, technical specifications (including drawing and other specifications referred to therein), the schedules and the bill of quantities and if there should be or appear to be any ambiguity in or discrepancy between any of these documents or between figured and measured dimensions upon the drawings, he should immediately refer the matter to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for clarifications. 1.3.2. The Tenderer shall investigate the following items during the site inspection referred above and to provide in his Tender rates for assuming full responsibility for services and amenities therefor, which will not be payable separately by the Employer. 11 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract ● Availability of power for construction ● Availability of water for construction. ● Means of disposal of storm water from the site. ● Means of disposal of water due to de-watering at the site ● Suitability of soil stratum at foundation base. ● A copy of Soil Investigation Report on the investigation done on the site by the Employer is furnished under Appendix 6 for information. 1.3.3. The Employer discourages stipulation of additional conditions by the Tenders, as they are expected to accept the various provisions and conditions in the Tender documents. No conditional offer will be accepted. 1.3.4. Timely completion of the works is the essence of this contract and the period specified for the completion of the works from the date of Letter of Acceptance must be adhered to as indicated. Any deviation proposed shall be clearly mentioned. Commitment on early completion of work will be given due weightage while deciding on the tender. 1.3.5. The Tenderer shall complete the required documentation and fill in the rates and amounts in the bill of quantities. He shall sign and date the Tender documents in the spaces provided for the purpose. The Tenderer shall initial each page of the Tender Documents. 1.3.6. The tender shall be signed by person or persons duly authorised by the Tenderer with signature duly witnessed. In the case of proprietary firm the Tender shall be signed by the proprietor. In case of a partnership firm the Tender shall be signed by partner duly authorised under partnership deed. In the case of a limited company the Tender shall be signed by a person holding Power of Attorney. In the case of consortium authorised signatory of each member of consortium. 1.3.7. The Tender shall contain an address for serving notices required to be served to the Tenderer in connection with the Tender. 1.3.8. The Tender form and the documents attached to it shall not be detached one from the other, and no alteration or mutilation (other than filling in all the blank spaces) shall be made in any of the documents attached hereto. Any modification proposed to the entries in the attached documents shall be pointed out in the covering letter; otherwise it shall not be entertained. 1.3.9. The rates quoted by the Tenderer shall not be subject to any adjustment with variations in wage rates, taxes, levies, prices of material or any other costs except where specific provisions have been made in this document. 1.3.10. The Tender shall be accompanied by the following information, schedules and drawings: Construction programme showing the Tenderer’s proposed sequence of operations together with the estimated time for each activity, including preparation of Shop drawings and designs for approval of the Employer / the Engineer / Employer’s representative manufacture, delivery, erection, commissioning and total completion of the work, etc. The tenderer shall submit a bar chart for fabrication and construction activities for the building. 12 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract The tenderer’s proposals for supervising the work, including the numbers and experience of the various grades of supervisory Representative/officers for each month of the construction period and name of the person proposed to act as site in charge with brief details of his qualification and experience. Schedule of labour requirements showing the total estimated labour force, for each month of construction period. Schedule of proposed sub-contractors / associates. Schedule of monthly electric power consumption including peak power requirement where applicable. List of machinery & equipment to be deployed for the project. The Tenderer should carefully go through the safety & quality norms required for the project. The Tenderer has to strictly adhere to the quality & safety requirements stated therein the Conditions of contract. The Employer reserves the right to adjust arithmetical or other errors in the tender in accordance with the following general rules. In the event of discrepancy between words and figures quoted, the description in words shall prevail. Similarly in the event of an error in the amount column arising as a result of wrong extension, the unit or item rates shall be regarded as firm and extensions amended accordingly. Collection of Information for Tender: The Tenderer must obtain for himself on his own responsibility and at his own expense all the information which may be necessary for the purpose of making a Tender and for entering into a contract and must examine the Drawings and must inspect the site of the work and acquaint himself with all local and site conditions, means of access to the work, nature of the work, nature of soil conditions, availability of any infrastructure and all matters appertaining thereto. Ignorance of the site conditions shall not be accepted by the Employer as a basis for any claim for compensation. 2. GENERAL CONDITIONS 2.1. Definitions The contract document consists of the Agreement, Letter of Intent & Letter of Award, General Instructions, Notice Inviting Tender, General Conditions of the Contract, Special Conditions Technical Specifications and Schedule of quantities, suggested bar chart, Tender drawings including all modifications thereof incorporated in the document before the execution and the Contract Drawings prepared by The Employer from time to time. The following words and expressions shall have the meanings stated. Words indicating persons or parties include corporations and other legal entities, except where the context requires otherwise 2.1.1. The Contract “Contract” means the Contract Agreement, the Letter of Acceptance, the Letter of Tender, these Conditions, the Specification, the Drawings, the Schedules, and the further documents (if any) which are listed in the Contract Agreement or in the Letter of Acceptance. 13 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract “Contract Agreement” means the contract agreement (if any) referred to in Clause 2.7 [Contract Agreement]. “Letter of Acceptance” means the letter of formal acceptance, signed by the Employer, of the Letter of Tender, including any annexed memoranda comprising agreements between and signed by both Parties. If there is no such letter of acceptance, the expression “Letter of Acceptance” means the Contract Agreement and the date of issuing or receiving the Letter of Acceptance means the date of signing the Contract Agreement. “Letter of Tender” means the document entitled letter of tender, which was completed by the Contractor and includes the signed offer to the Employer for the Works. “Specification” means the document entitled specification, as included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications to the specification in accordance with the Contract. Such document specifies the Works. “Drawings” means the drawings of the Works, as included in the Contract, and any additional and modified drawings issued by (or on behalf of) the Employer in accordance with the Contract. “Schedules” means the document(s) entitled schedules, completed by the Contractor and submitted with the Letter of Tender, as included in the Contract. Such document may include the Bill of Quantities, data, lists, and schedules of rates and/or prices. “Tender” means the Letter of Tender and all other documents which the Contractor submitted with the Letter of Tender, as included in the Contract. “Appendix to Tender” means the completed pages entitled appendix to tender which are appended to and form part of the Letter of Tender. “Bill of Quantities “and “Day work Schedule” mean the documents so named (if any) which are comprised in the Schedules. 2.1.2. Parties and Persons “Party” means the Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires. “Employer” means the person named as employer in the Form of tender and the legal successors in title to this person. “Tenderer” means the company which competes with others to get the opportunity to do work for the employer by offering a competitive quote to do the works defined in the tender documents. “Contractor” means the person(s) named as contractor in the Letter of Tender accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title to this person(s). “Engineer” means the person appointed by the Employer to act as the Engineer for the purposes of the Contract and named in the Form to Tender, or other person appointed from time to time by the Employer. 14 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract “Contractor’s Representative” means the person named by the Contractor in the Contract or appointed from time to time by the Contractor under Clause 5.3 [Contractor’s Representative], who acts on behalf of the Contractor. “Employer’s Representative” means the Engineer, the assistants referred to in Clause 4.2 [Delegation by the Engineer] and all other staff, labour and other employees of the Engineer and of the Employer; and any other Representative notified to the Contractor, by the Employer or the Engineer, as Employer’s Representative. “Contractor’s Representative” means the Contractor’s Representative and all Representative whom the Contractor utilises on Site, who may include the staff, labour and other employees of the Contractor and of each Subcontractor; and any other Representative assisting the Contractor in the execution of the Works. “Subcontractor” means any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, or any person appointed as a subcontractor, for a part of the Works; and the legal successors in title to each of these persons. 2.1.3. Dates, Tests, Periods and Completion “Base Date” means the date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of the Tender. “Commencement Date” means 8.1[Commencement of Works]. the date notified under Clause “Time for Completion” means the time for completing the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion],as stated in the Appendix to Tender, calculated from the Commencement Date. “Tests on Completion” means the tests which are specified in the Contract or agreed by both Parties or instructed as a Variation, and which are carried out under Clause 9 [Tests on Completion] before the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over by the Employer. “Practical Completion Certificate” means a certificate issued under Clause 10[Employer’s Practical Completion]. “Tests after Completion” means the tests (if any) which are specified in the Contract and which are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Particular Conditions after the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over by the Employer. “Defects Liability Period” means the period for notifying defects in the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Clause 11.1[Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects], as stated in the Conditions of the contract, calculated from the date on which the Works or Section is completed as certified under Clause 10.1 [Practical Completion of the Works and Sections]. “day” means a calendar day and “year” means 365 days. 15 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 2.1.4. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Money and Payments “Accepted Contract Amount” means the amount accepted in the Letter of Acceptance for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects. “Contract Sum” means the price defined in Clause 14.1 [The Contract Sum], and includes adjustments in accordance with the Contract. “Cost” means all expenditure reasonably incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor, whether on or off the Site, including overhead and similar charges, but does not include profit. “Final Payment Certificate” means the payment certificate issued under Clause 14.17 [Issue of Final Payment Certificate]. “Final Statement” means the statement defined in Clause 14.15[Application for Final Payment Certificate]. “Foreign Currency” means a currency in which part (or all) of the Contract Sum is payable, but not the Local Currency. “Interim Payment Certificate” means a payment certificate issued under Clause 14 [Contract Sum and Payment], other than the Final Payment Certificate. “Local Currency” means the currency of the Country. “Payment Certificate” means a payment certificate issued under Clause 14[ Contract Sum and Payment ]. “Provisional Sum” means a sum (if any) which is specified in the Contract as a provisional sum, for the execution of any part of the Works or for the supply of Plant, Materials or services under Clause 13.1 [Provisional Sums]. “Retention Money” means the accumulated retention moneys which the Employer retains under Clause 14.7 [Application for Interim Payment Certificates] and pays under Clause 14.13 [Payment of Retention Money]. “Statement” means a statement submitted by the Contractor as part of an application, under Clause 14 [Contract Sum and Payment], for a payment certificate. 2.1.5. Works and Goods “Contractor’s Equipment” means all apparatus, machinery, vehicles and other things required for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects. However, Contractor’s Equipment excludes Temporary Works, Employer’s Equipment (if any), Plant, Materials and any other things intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works. “Goods” means Contractor’s Equipment, Materials, Plant and Temporary Works, or any of them as appropriate. 16 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract “Materials” means things of all kinds (other than Plant) intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works, including the supply-only materials (if any) to be supplied by the Contractor under the Contract. “Permanent Works” means the permanent works to be executed by the Contractor under the Contract. “Plant” means the apparatus, machinery and vehicles intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works. “Temporary Works” means all temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor’s Equipment) required on Site for the execution and completion of the Permanent Works and the remedying of any defects. “Works” mean the Permanent Works and the Temporary Works, or either of them as appropriate. 2.1.6. Other Definitions “Contractor’s Documents” means the calculations, computer programs and other software, drawings, manuals, models and other documents of a technical nature (if any) supplied by the Contractor under the Contract. “Country” means the country in which the Site (or most of it) is located,where the Permanent Works are to be executed. “Employer’s Equipment” means the apparatus, machinery and vehicles (if any) made available by the Employer for the use of the Contractor in the execution of the Works, as stated in the Specification; but does not include Plant which has not been taken over by the Employer. “Force Majeure” is defined in Clause 19 [Force Majeure]. “Laws” means all national (or state) legislation, statutes, ordinances and other laws, and regulations and by-laws of any legally constituted public authority. “Performance Guarantee/Performance Bond” means the security (or securities, if any) under Clause 5.2 [Performance Guarantee/Performance Bond]. “Site” means the places where the Permanent Works are to be executed and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered, and any other places as may be specified in the Contract as forming part of the Site. “Unforeseeable” means not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for submission of the Tender. “Variation” means any change to the Works, which is instructed or approved as a variation under Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments]. 17 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 2.2. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Interpretation In the Contract, except where the context requires otherwise: words indicating one gender include all genders; words indicating the singular also include the plural and words indicating the plural also include the singular; provisions including the word “agree”, “agreed” or “agreement” require the agreement to be recorded in writing, and “written” or “in writing” means hand-written, type-written, printed or electronically made, and resulting in a permanent record. The marginal words and other headings shall not be taken into consideration in the interpretation of these Conditions. 2.3. Communications Wherever these Conditions provide for the giving or issuing of approvals, certificates, Consents, determinations, notices and requests, these communications shall be: 2.3.1. in writing and delivered by hand (against receipt), sent by mail or courier, or transmitted using any of the agreed systems of electronic transmission; and 2.3.2. delivered, sent or transmitted to the address for the recipient’s communications as stated in the Conditions of Contract. However: 2.4. 2.3.3. if the recipient gives notice of another address, communications shall thereafter be delivered accordingly; and 2.3.4. if the recipient has not stated otherwise when requesting an approval or consent, it may be sent to the address from which the request was issued. Law and Language The Contract shall be governed by the law of the country (or other jurisdiction). If there are versions of any part of the Contract which are written in more than one language, the version which is in the ruling language shall prevail. The language for communications shall be English. 2.5. Validity of Tender Tender submittals shall remain valid for acceptance by the Employer for a period of 90 (ninety) days from the last date of submission of Tender which period may be extended due to unavoidable administrative reasons and after intimating to all the Tenderer. The Tenderer shall not cancel or withdraw the Tender during this validity period. 18 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 2.6. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Priority of Documents The documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. For the purposes of interpretation, the priority of the documents shall be in accordance with the following sequence: a. the letter of Acceptance, b. Articles of Agreement c. Pre Tender Queries d. Preamble & Bill of Quantities e. Technical Specification f. Conditions of Contract g. Tender Drawings h. IS Code i. Other Codes If an ambiguity or discrepancy is found in the documents or conflicts between descriptions in 2 documents, then the following priority shall govern: 1. Preamble & Bill of Quantities 2. Technical Specifications 3. Conditions of Contract 4. Tender Drawings 5. IS Code 6. Other codes 2.7. Contract Agreement The Parties shall enter into a Contract Agreement within 28 days after the Contractor receives the Letter of Acceptance, unless they agree otherwise. The Articles of Agreement shall be based upon the format in Appendix 2. The costs of stamp duties and similar charges (if any) imposed by law in connection with entry into the Contract Agreement shall be borne by the Employer. 2.8. Assignment Neither Party shall assign the whole or any part of the Contract or any benefit or interest in or under the Contract. However, either Party: 2.8.1. may assign the whole or any part with the prior agreement of the other Party, at the sole discretion of such other Party, and 2.8.2. may, as security in favour of a bank or financial institution, assign its right to any moneys due, or to become due, under the Contract. 19 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 2.9. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Care and Supply of Documents The Specification and Drawings shall be in the custody and care of the Employer. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, two copies of the Contract and of each subsequent Drawing shall be supplied to the Contractor, who may make or request further copies at the cost of the Contractor. Each of the Contractor’s Documents shall be in the custody and care of the Contractor, unless and until taken over by the Employer. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Contractor shall supply to the Engineer six copies of each of the Contractor’s Documents. The Contractor shall keep, on the Site, a copy of the Contract, publications named in the Specification, the Contractor’s Documents (if any), the Drawings and Variations and other communications given under the Contract. The Employer’s Representative shall have the right of access to all these documents at all reasonable times. If a Party becomes aware of an error or defect of a technical nature in a document which was prepared for use in executing the Works, the Party shall promptly give notice to the other Party of such error or defect. 2.10. Employer’s Use of Contractor’s Documents As between the Parties, the Contractor shall retain the copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Contractor’s Documents and other design documents made by (or on behalf of) the Contractor. The Contractor shall be deemed (by signing the Contract) to give to the Employer a non-terminable transferable non-exclusive royalty-free license to copy, use and communicate the Contractor’s Documents, including making and using modifications of them. This license shall: 2.10.1. apply throughout the actual or intended working life (whichever is longer) of the relevant parts of the Works, 2.10.2. entitle any person in proper possession of the relevant part of the Works to copy, use and communicate the Contractor’s Documents for the purposes of completing, operating, maintaining, altering, adjusting, repairing and demolishing the Works, and 2.10.3. in the case of Contractor’s Documents which are in the form of computer programs and other software, permit their use on any computer on the Site and other places as envisaged by the Contract, including replacements of any computers supplied by the Contractor. The Contractor’s Documents and other design documents made by (or on behalf of) the Contractor shall not, without the Contractor’s consent, be used, copied or communicated to a third party by (or on behalf of) the Employer for purposes other than those permitted under this Sub-Clause. 20 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 2.11. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Contractor’s Use of Employer’s Documents As between the Parties, the Employer shall retain the copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Specification, the Drawings and other documents made by (or on behalf of) the Employer. The Contractor may, at his cost, copy, use, and obtain communication of these documents for the purposes of the Contract. They shall not, without the Employer’s consent, be copied, used or communicated to a third party by the Contractor, except as necessary for the purposes of the Contract. 2.12. Confidential Details The Contractor shall disclose all such confidential and other information as the Engineer may reasonably require in order to verify the Contractor’s compliance with the Contract. 2.13. Compliance with Laws The Contractor shall, in performing the Contract, comply with applicable Laws. Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions: 2.14. 2.13.1. The Employer shall have obtained (or shall obtain) the planning, zoning or similar permission for the Permanent Works, and any other permissions described in the Specification as having been (or being) obtained by the Employer; and the Employer shall indemnify and hold the Contractor harmless against and from the consequences of any failure to do so; and 2.13.2. the Contractor shall give all notices, pay all taxes, duties and fees, and obtain all permits, licenses and approvals, as required by the Laws in relation to the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects; and the Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against and from the consequences of any failure to do so. Joint and Several Liability If the Contractor constitutes (under applicable Laws) a joint venture, consortium or other unincorporated grouping of two or more persons: 3. 2.14.1. these persons shall be deemed to be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for the performance of the Contract; 2.14.2. these persons shall notify the Employer of their leader who shall have authority to bind the Contractor and each of these persons; and 2.14.3. the Contractor shall not alter its composition or legal status without the prior consent of the Employer. THE EMPLOYER 3.1. Right of Access to the Site The Employer/ Employer’s Representative or any person authorized by them shall at all times have access to the Works and to the Site and to all workshops and places where work is being prepared or when materials, manufactured articles or machinery 21 Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. are being obtained for the Works and the Contractor shall afford every facility for any/every assistance in or in obtaining the right to such access. The Employer shall give the Contractor right of access to, and possession of, all parts of the Site within the time (or times) stated in the Form to Tender. The right and possession may not be exclusive to the Contractor. If, under the Contract, the Employer is required to give (to the Contractor) possession of any foundation, structure, plant or means of access, the Employer shall do so in the time and manner as required. However, the Employer may withhold any such right or possession until the Performance Security has been received. 3.2. Permits, Licenses or Approvals The Employer shall provide reasonable assistance to the Contractor at the request of the Contractor: 3.2.1. for the Contractor’s applications for any permits, licenses or approvals required by the Laws of the Country: 3.3. which the Contractor is required to obtain under Clause 2.13 [Compliance with Laws], for the delivery of Goods, including clearance through customs, and for the export of Contractor’s Equipment when it is removed from the Site. Employer’s Representative The Employer shall be responsible for ensuring that the Employer’s Representative and the Employer’s other contractors on the Site: 3.3.1. co-operate with the Contractor’s efforts 3.3.2. 3.4. Employer’s Financial Arrangements 3.4.1. 3.5. take actions similar to those which the Contractor is required to take under Clause 5.10 [Safety Procedures] and under Clause 5.21 [Protection of the Environment]. The Employer shall submit, within 28 days after receiving any request from the Contractor, reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made and are being maintained which will enable the Employer to pay the Contract Sum (as estimated at that time) in accordance with Clause 14 [Contract Sum and Payment]. If the Employer intends to make any material change to his financial arrangements, the Employer shall give notice to the Contractor with detailed particulars. Employer’s Claims 3.5.1. If the Employer considers himself to be entitled to any payment under any Clause of these Conditions or otherwise in connection with the Contract, and/or to any extension of the Defects Liability Period, the Employer or the Engineer shall give notice and particulars to the Contractor. However, notice is not required for payments due under 22 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Clause 5.22 [Electricity and Water], or for other services requested by the Contractor. 4. 3.5.2. The notice shall be given as soon as practicable after the Employer became aware of the event or circumstances giving rise to the claim. A notice relating to any extension of the Defects Liability Period shall be given before the expiry of such period 3.5.3. The particulars shall specify the Clause or other basis of the claim, and shall include substantiation of the amount and/or extension to which the Employer considers himself to be entitled in connection with the Contract. The Engineer shall then proceed in accordance with Clause 4.4 [Determinations] to agree or determine (i) the amount (if any) which the Employer is entitled to be paid by the Contractor, and/or (ii) the extension (if any) of the Defects Liability Period in accordance with Clause 11.3 [Extension of Defects Liability Period]. 3.5.4. This amount may be included as a deduction in the Contract Sum and Payment Certificates. The Employer shall only be entitled to set off against or make any deduction from an amount certified in a Payment Certificate, or to otherwise claim against the Contractor, in accordance with this Clause. THE ENGINEER The term “Engineer" shall mean the representative of the Employer, and acting under the orders of the Employer to inspect the works in the absence of the Employer the Contractor shall afford the Engineer every facility and assistance for inspecting the works and materials, and for checking and measuring, time and materials. The Engineer or any representative of the Employer shall have power to give notice to the Contractor or to his representative of non-approval of any work or materials, and such work shall be suspended, or the use of such materials shall be discontinued until the decision of the Employer is obtained. The works will from time to time ,be examined by the Employer the Engineer or the other Engineer’s Representative but such examination shall not in any way exonerate the Contractor from the obligation to remedy any defects which may be found to exist at any stage of the works or after the same is completed. 4.1. Engineer’s Duties and Authority 4.1.1. The duties of the Engineer are to watch and supervise the Works and to test and examine any materials to be used or workmanship employed in connection with the Works. He shall have no authority to relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or obligations under the Contract nor except as expressly provided hereunder or elsewhere in the Contract to order any work involving delay or any extra payment by the Employer nor to make any variation of or in the works. 4.1.2. The Engineer may from time to time in writing delegate to the Engineer any of the powers and authorities vested in the Engineer and shall furnish to the Contractor a copy of all such written 23 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract delegations of powers and authorities. Any written instruction or approval given by the Engineer to the Contractor within the terms of such delegation (but not otherwise) shall bind the Contractor and the Employer, as though it had been given by the Engineer, provided always as follows: Failure of the Engineer to disapprove any work or materials shall not prejudice the power of the Engineer thereafter to disapprove such work or materials and to order the pulling down removal or breaking up thereof. If the Contractor shall be dissatisfied by reason of any decision of the Engineer's Representative he shall be entitled to refer the matter to the Engineer who shall thereupon confirm, reverse or vary such decision. 4.2. Delegation by the Engineer The Engineer may from time to time assign duties and delegate authority to assistants, and may also revoke such assignment or delegation. These assistants may include a resident engineer, and/or independent inspectors appointed to inspect and/or test items of Plant and/or Materials. The assignment, delegation or revocation shall be in writing and shall not take effect until copies have been received by both Parties. However, unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, the Engineer shall not delegate the authority to determine any matter in accordance with Clause 4.4 [Determinations]. Assistants shall be suitably qualified persons, who are competent to carry out these duties and exercise this authority, and who are fluent in the language for communications defined in Clause 2.4 [Law and Language]. Each assistant, to whom duties have been assigned or authority has been delegated, shall only be authorized to issue instructions to the Contractor to the extent defined by the delegation. Any approval, check, certificate, consent, examination, inspection, instruction, notice, proposal, request, test, or similar act by an assistant, in accordance with the delegation, shall have the same effect as though the act had been an act of the Engineer. However: a. any failure to disapprove any work, Plant or Materials shall not constitute approval, and shall therefore not prejudice the right of the Engineer to reject the work, Plant or Materials; b. if the Contractor questions any determination or instruction of an assistant, the Contractor may refer the matter to the Engineer, who shall promptly confirm, reverse or vary the determination or instruction. 4.3. Instructions of the Engineer The Engineer may issue to the Contractor (at any time) instructions and additional or modified Drawings which may be necessary for the execution of the Works and the remedying of any defects, all in accordance with the Contract. The Contractor shall only take instructions from the Engineer, or from an assistant to whom the appropriate authority has been delegated under this Clause. If an instruction constitutes a Variation, Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments] shall apply. 24 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract The Contractor shall comply with the instructions given by the Engineer or delegated assistant, on any matter related to the Contract. Whenever practicable, their instructions shall be given in writing. If the Engineer or a delegated assistant: 1. gives an oral instruction, 2. receives a written confirmation of the instruction, from (or on behalf of) the Contractor, within two working days after giving the instruction, and 3. does not reply by issuing a written rejection and/or instruction within two working days after receiving the confirmation, 4.4. Determination Whenever these Conditions provide that the Engineer shall proceed in accordance with this Clause 4.5 to agree or determine any matter, the Engineer shall consult with each Party in an endeavour to reach agreement. If agreement is not achieved, the Engineer shall make a fair determination in accordance with the Contract, taking due regard of all relevant circumstances. The Engineer shall give notice to both Parties of each agreement or determination, with supporting particulars. Each Party shall give effect to each agreement or determination unless and until revised under Clause 20 [Claims, Disputes and Arbitration]. 5. THE CONTRACTOR 5.1. Contractor’s General Obligations 5.1.1. The Contractor shall Construct (to the extent specified in the Contract), execute, (design to the extent specified in the contract) and complete the Works in accordance with the Contract and with the Engineer’s instructions, and shall remedy any defects in the Works. 5.1.2. The Contractor shall provide the Plant and Contractor’s Documents specified in the Contract, and all Contractor’s Representative, Goods, consumables and other things and services, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required in and for this design, execution, completion and remedying of defects. 5.1.3. The Contractor shall be responsible for the adequacy, stability and safety of all Site operations and of all methods of construction. Except to the extent specified in the Contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for all Contractor’s Documents, Temporary Works, and such design of each item of Plant and Materials as is required for the item to be in accordance with the Contract, and shall not otherwise be responsible for the design or specification of the Permanent Works. 5.1.4. The Contractor shall, whenever required by the Engineer, submit details of the arrangements and methods which the Contractor proposes to adopt for the execution of the Works. No significant alteration to these arrangements and methods shall be made without this having previously been notified to the Engineer. 25 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 5.1.5. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract If the Contract specifies that the Contractor shall Construct any part of the Permanent Works, then unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions: The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the Contractor’s Documents for this part in accordance with the procedures specified in the Contract; These Contractor’s Documents shall be in accordance with the Specification and Drawings, shall be written in the language for communications defined in Clause 2.4 [Law and Language], and shall include additional information required by the Engineer to add to the Drawings for coordination of each Party’s designs; The Contractor shall be responsible for this part and it shall, when the Works are completed, be fit for such purposes for which the part is intended as are specified in the Contract; Prior to the commencement of the Tests on Completion, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the “as-built” documents and operation and maintenance manuals in accordance with the Specification and in sufficient detail for the Employer to operate, maintain, dismantle, reassemble, adjust and repair this part of the Works. Such part shall not be considered to be completed for the purposes of Practical Completion under Clause 10.1 Practical Completion of the Works and Sections] until these documents and manuals have been submitted to the Engineer. 5.2. 5.3. Performance Guarantee/ Performance Bond 5.2.1. The Contractor, within 7 days from the date of issue of LOA, shall submit a Performance Bond from a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in India as Performance Bond for a sum equivalent to five percent (5%) of the Contract value for the due performance of the Contract under the terms of the conditions of Contract within time. 5.2.2. The Performance Bond shall be in the form of Bank Guarantee as per format in Appendix 3 approved by the Employer and shall remain so deposited with the Employer and valid till the end of Defects Liability Period. 5.2.3. The said Performance Bond in the form of Bank Guarantee shall indemnify the Employer against loss from defects arising from any cause under this Contract or due to the failure of the Contractor to promptly carry out any matters arising under this Contract. Contractor’s Representative 5.3.1. The Contractor shall appoint the Contractor’s Representative and shall give him all authority necessary to act on the Contractor’s behalf under the Contract. 5.3.2. Unless the Contractor’s Representative is named in the Contract, the Contractor shall, prior to the Commencement Date, submit to the Engineer for consent the name and particulars of the person the Contractor proposes to appoint as Contractor’s Representative. If 26 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract consent is withheld or subsequently revoked, or if the appointed person fails to act as Contractor’s Representative, the Contractor shall similarly submit the name and particulars of another suitable person for such appointment. 5.4. 5.3.3. The Contractor shall not, without the prior consent of the Engineer, revoke the appointment of the Contractor’s Representative or appoint a replacement. 5.3.4. The whole time of the Contractor’s Representative shall be given to directing the Contractor’s performance of the Contract. If the Contractor’s Representative is to be temporarily absent from the Site during the execution of the Works, a suitable replacement person shall be appointed, subject to the Engineer’s prior consent, and the Engineer shall be notified accordingly. 5.3.5. The Contractor’s Representative may delegate any powers, functions and authority to any competent person, and may at any time revoke the delegation. Any delegation or revocation shall not take effect until the Engineer has received prior notice signed by the Contractor’s Representative, naming the person and specifying the powers, functions and authority being delegated or revoked. Subcontractors 5.4.1. Specialist works such as sanitary & plumbing works, water proofing, structural glazing, and metal cladding, aluminum doors, windows and partitions, suspended false ceiling, granite and stone cladding, special floor finishes, special wall finishes etc., covered in the Main Contract work and any other areas of work identified by the Employer / Employer’s representative / The Engineer shall be undertaken by specialist agencies engaged by the Contractor as Subcontractor on approval of the Employer after adopting the procedures given below. 5.4.2. Names of at least three and up to a maximum of five specialized sub-agencies for each work shall be proposed at the time of submission of Tender itself along with the details of scope, experience, financial standing etc. Such sub-agencies shall be called Subcontractors.. The Employer / Employer’s Representative / The Engineer will have the right to call for additional information as may be required to assess the capability of Subcontractors or even to inspect their previous works for fully satisfying themselves on the performance of the Subcontractors. The Employer, thereafter will convey their approval to the Contractor for selection of Subcontractor, minimum being one number per trade or in the event of a special need for engaging more than one such specialist, upto a maximum of three in each trade. The successful Tenderer shall engage only such approved Subcontractor. If The Employer/ Employer’s Representative / The Engineer is not satisfied with the capacity and experience of the Subcontractor proposed by the Contractor, the Employer / Employer’s Representative / The 27 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Engineer shall have the right to nominate an agency / agencies (called as Nominated Sub-contractors) of their choice whom the Contractor shall be bound to engage forthwith. The decision of the Employer / Employer’s Representative / The Engineer in identifying and selection of Subcontractor shall be final and Tendering on the Contractor. If during execution, the performance of any such Subcontractor / Nominated Sub-contractor is found to be unsatisfactory, the Employer shall reserve the right to order termination of such Subcontractor / Nominated Subcontractor and nominate alternative agency to continue the works. The Contractor shall comply with such instructions promptly and effectively. 5.4.3. All the terms and conditions under this Contract shall be equally enforceable on the Subcontractor / Nominated Subcontractor for each trade and accordingly the Contractor shall have a tie up with each of the Subcontractor / Nominated Subcontractors. 5.4.4. Both Nominated Subcontractor and Subcontractor shall further be governed as under : That the Subcontractor / Nominated Subcontractors shall carry out and complete the sub-contract works in every respect to the reasonable satisfaction of the Contractor and of the Employer’s Representative / The Engineer. That the Subcontractor shall observe, perform and comply with all the provisions of this Contract on the part of the Contractor to be observed, performed and complied with so far as they relate and apply to the Sub Contract works or to any portion of the same. That the Contractor shall indemnify the Employer against the same liabilities in respect of the Subcontract work as those for which the Contractor is liable to indemnify the Employer under this Contract and the Employer will not be liable for any claims made by the Subcontractors against the Contractor. That the Contractor shall indemnify the Employer against claims in respect of any negligence, omission or default of such Subcontractor, his servants or agents or any misuse by him or them of any scaffolding or other plant, and shall insure himself against any such claims and produce the policy, or policies and premium and premium receipts as and when required by the Contractor or Employer’s Representative/ The Engineer. That the Employer’s Representative / The Engineer and his representative shall have right of access to the workshops and other places of the Subcontractor as mentioned in (clause 3.1) of these conditions. That the Subcontract work shall be completed within the period or (where they are to be completed in sections) periods therein specified, that the Contractor shall not without the written consent of the Employer’s Representative / The Engineer grant any extension of time for the completion of Subcontract work or any section thereof, and that the Contractor shall inform the Employer’s Representative / The Engineer of any 28 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract representations made by the Subcontractor as to the cause of any delays in the progress of completion of the Subcontract work or of any section thereof. Before issuing any certificate under clause 14 of these conditions the Employer’s Representative / The Engineer may request the Contractor to furnish to him reasonable proof that all amounts included in the calculation of the amount stated as due on previous certificates in respect of the total value of work materials or goods executed or supplied by any Subcontractor have been duly discharged and if the Contractor fails to comply with any such request the Employer’s Representative / The Engineer shall issue a certificate to that effect and thereupon the Employer may himself pay such amounts to any Subcontractor concerned and deduct the same from any sums due or to become due to the Contractor. The Contractor shall not grant to any Subcontractor any extension of the period within which the Subcontract work or (where the Subcontract works are to be completed in sections) any section thereof is to be completed without the written consent of the Employer’s Representative / The Engineer always provided that the Contractor shall inform the Employer’s Representative / The Engineer of any representation made by the Nominated Direct Subcontract work or any section thereof and that the consent of the Employer’s Representative / The Engineer shall not be unreasonably withheld. If any Subcontractor fails to complete the Subcontract work or (where the Sub Contract works are to be completed in sections) any section thereof within the period specified in the Contract or within the extended time granted by the Contractor with the written consent of the Employer’s Representative / The Engineer then if the same ought reasonably so to have been completed the Employer’s Representative / The Engineer shall certify in writing accordingly. Any such certificates shall be issued to the Contractor and immediately upon issue the Engineer’s Representative / The Engineer shall send a duplicate copy thereof to the Subcontractor. If the Employer’s Representative / The Engineer desires to secure final payment to any Subcontractor before final payment is due to the Contractor, and if such Sub contractor has satisfactorily indemnified the Contractor against any latent defects then the Employer’s Representative / The Engineer may in an Interim Certificate include an amount to cover the said final payment and thereupon the Contractor shall pay such Subcontractor the amount so certified. Upon such final payment the amount named in the Form of Tender to these conditions as limit of retention fund shall be reduced by the sum which bears the same ratio to the said amount as does such Subcontractor’s price to the Contract Sum, and save for latent defects the Contractor shall be discharged from all liability for the work materials or goods executed or supplied by such Subcontractor under the Subcontract to which the payment relates. Neither the existence nor the exercise of the foregoing powers nor anything else contained in these conditions shall render the Employer in any way liable to any Subcontractor. 29 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract It shall be a condition of any Tender accepted under this paragraph that clause 13.1 of these conditions shall apply in respect of the Item Work included in the Tender as if for the reference therein to the Contract Drawings and the Contract Bills there were references to the equivalent documents included or referred in the Tender. The Contractor shall for general attendance upon Subcontractors including free use of plant scaffolding and is to allow them the use of sanitary conveniences, storage facilities for storing materials, other amenities and affording them all reasonable facilities for carrying out their Contracts. 5.5. Assignment of Benefit of Subcontract In respect of the work executed or the goods or materials supplied, in the event of a sub- contractor having undertaken towards the Contractor any continuing obligation extending for a period exceeding that of the Period of Maintenance under this Contract, the Contractor shall at the expiration of the Period of Maintenance, assign to the Employer at Employer's request the benefit of such obligation for the unexpired duration thereof. 5.6. Co-operation The successful Tenderer must co-operate with the other Contractors appointed by The Employer so that the work shall proceed smoothly without hindrance or delays and to the satisfaction of the Employer / The Engineer / Employer’s Representative. 5.7. Setting Out The Contractor shall build and maintain throughout the contract period proper permanent centre line pillars for each column and grid line and datum benchmarks within his quoted rates. These shall not be disturbed at any time of the contract period. Should therefore be any variation in the actual construction with reference to the foregoing, the same shall be made good at his cost and risk before handing over for possession by The Employer / The Engineer / Employer’s Representative. 5.8. Post Construction Survey The Contractor shall make post construction survey and report as soon as the structural works for each floor are completed duly checking all the dimensions as cast, verticality of the columns / walls, levels of slabs / beams soffits / stairs etc. Any defects noticed beyond permissible tolerances shall be made good by the Contractor as per instructions of The Employer / The Engineer / Employer’s Representative without any extra cost and time. 5.9. Joint Inspection The Employer / The Engineer / Employer’s Representative shall conduct a joint inspection with The Contractors’ authorized representative at every stage of the work, immediately upon completion of such stage of works. The purpose of the joint inspection is to observe and record any deviations from the specified tolerances / levels, plumb or any quality defects or any such issues which require immediate attention / action from the Contractor to make good or rectify such defects or 30 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract observations jointly recorded. Such joint inspections can be held at any time as deemed fit and shall be binding on the Contractor to act upon and implement without any extra cost the directions arising out of such joint inspections. Failure / delay in holding such joint inspections shall not absolve the Contractor from his responsibilities to rectify any defects which may be subsequently noticed at any time after the respective stages of work. 5.10. Safety Procedures: The Contractor shall exercise precaution at all times for the protection of persons and their property. The Contractor shall install adequate safety guards and protective devices for all equipment and machinery. The Contractor shall also provide and adequately maintain all proper temporary walks, roads, guards, railings, lights and warning signs. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws relating to safety precautions, including the safety regulations of The Employer’s Representative. If The Contractor designates other employees, its Foreman shall have the duty of prevention of accidents. The Contractor shall institute a safety program, which includes all trades on the site. Renovation, expansion, or remodel work of any existing building may expose workers to lead-containing materials such as paint, flashings and pipe joints. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws addressing such exposure. The Employer and The Employer Representative may bring to the attention of The Contractor a possible hazardous situation in the field regarding the safety of Representative on the site. The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying that all local, state and Government workplace safety guidelines are being observed. In no case shall this right to notify The Contractor absolve The Contractor of its responsibility for monitoring safety conditions. Such notification shall not imply that anyone other than The Contractor has assumed any responsibility for field safety operations. In the event of an accident, The Contractor shall make available to The Employer copies of its accident report to its insurance carrier. The Contractor shall determine the cause of the accident and immediately correct any equipment, procedure or condition contributing to the accident. The contractor shall follow the Hand Book of Health and Safety at Work provided as part of Part 1 (C) Technical Specifications. 5.11. Quality Assurance 5.11.1. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the quality of materials and workers skill in the project. The Contractor shall insist upon and carry out on his own all the inspections and testing. Contractor shall maintain full documentation Quality Control process both in-house and third party and shall make it available to The Employer / The Engineer / Employer’s Representative with free access. The Employer / The Engineer / Employer’s Representative reserve the right to insist upon their being present at special inspections and tests performed by The Employer ’s selected laboratories. All Third party tests / inspections shall be in the form of written reports. 5.11.2. Tenderer shall submit in his own format, checklists and quality manuals in order to achieve quality assurance guidelines. This will include inspection & testing and may include a Quality Assurance plan and structural observations where applicable. All materials and installation shall be tested in line with the BIS Codes and also Local 31 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract authority requirements. The Tenderer has to outline the methodology to be adopted for the execution of the works for ensuring full compliance with the entire testing and validation of materials, workmanship, services and other installation. 5.12. 5.13. Burden for Damage 5.12.1. From the issuance of the official Notice to Proceed until formal acceptance of the project by The Employer, The Contractor shall have the charge and care of and shall bear the risk of damage to the project and materials and equipment for the project. The Contractor, at its own expense, shall promptly rebuild, repair, restore and make good all such damage to any portion or to all of the project and materials therefore before the acceptance of the project by The Employer except for such damage as is proximately caused by acts of The Employer. In case of suspension of work from any cause whatsoever, The Contractor shall be responsible for all materials and shall properly store them, if necessary and shall provide suitable drainage and erect temporary structures where necessary. If The Contractor damages any property belonging to the Employer , The Employer may, in addition to other remedies available to The Employer , retain from the money due to The Contractor an amount sufficient to ensure repair of the damage or an amount to contribute towards repair of the damage. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to the project and materials and equipment for the project. 5.12.2. The Contractor shall also be responsible for handling and resolving all potential objections or hindrances arising out of complaints etc. from neighbours and others who may claim to be affected by the construction activity. Site Data Before Tendering, the Contractor shall have visited and examined the site and satisfied himself as to the nature of the existing roads or other means of communication and the character of the soil and of the excavations, the correct dimensions of the work, and the facilities for obtaining any special articles called for in the Contract Document and shall have obtained generally his own information on all matters affecting the continuation and progress of the works. No extra charge made in consequence of any misunderstanding or incorrect information on any of these points or on the grounds of insufficient description will be allowed. Should the Contractor after visiting the site find any discrepancies, omissions, ambiguities or conflicts in or among the Contract Document or be in doubt as to their meaning he shall bring, the questions to the Employer's attention not later than 48 Hours before the pre-bid meeting, with the Employer. 5.14. Sufficiency of the Accepted Contract Amount The Contractor shall be deemed to: 32 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 5.14.1. 5.14.2. 5.15. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract have satisfied himself as to the correctness and sufficiency of the Accepted Contract Amount, and have based the Accepted Contract Amount on the data, interpretations, necessary information, inspections, examinations and satisfaction as to all relevant matters referred to in Clause 5.13 [Site Data]. Unforeseeable Physical Conditions If, however, during the execution of the Works adverse physical conditions (other than weather conditions or conditions due to weather conditions or soil or groundwater conditions) or artificial obstructions are encountered, the Contractor shall forthwith give written notice thereof to the Engineer and if (in either case) such conditions could not in the opinion of the Engineer have been reasonably foreseen by an experienced contractor, then the Engineer shall certify and the Employer shall pay the additional expense to which the Contractor shall have been put by reason of such conditions including the proper and reasonable expenses: a. of complying with any instruction which the Engineer may issue to the Contractor in connection therewith and b. of any proper reasonable measures approved by the Engineer which the contractor may take in the absence of specific instruction from the Engineer. c. Provided that Engineer shall not certify any additional expenses until the same are approved by the Employer in writing. 5.16. Rights of Way and Facilities The Contractor shall bear all costs and charges for special and/or temporary right ofway which he may require, including those for access to the Site. The Contractor shall also obtain, at his risk and cost, any additional facilities outside the Site which he may require for the purposes of the Works. 5.17. Avoidance of Interference The Contractor shall not interfere unnecessarily or improperly with: 1. the convenience of the public, or 2. the access to and use and occupation of all roads and footpaths, irrespective oF whether they are public or in the possession of the Employer or of others. 5.18. Access Route The Contractor shall be deemed to have been satisfied as to the suitability and availability of access routes to the Site. The Contractor shall use reasonable efforts to prevent any road or bridge from being damaged by the Contractor’s traffic or by the Contractor’s Representative. These efforts shall include the proper use of appropriate vehicles and routes. Except as otherwise stated in these Conditions: a. The Contractor shall (as between the Parties) be responsible for any maintenance which may be required for his use of access routes; b. the Contractor shall provide all necessary signs or directions along access 33 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. c. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract routes, and shall obtain any permission which may be required from the relevant authorities for his use of routes, signs and directions The Employer shall not be responsible for any claims which may arise from the use or otherwise of any access route, d. The Employer does not guarantee the suitability or availability of particular access routes, and e. Costs due to non-suitability or non-availability, for the use required by the Contractor, of access routes shall be borne by the Contractor. 5.19. Transport of Goods Except where otherwise specified, the Contractor shall at his own expense supply and provide all the Constructional plant, Temporary Works, materials both for Temporary and for permanent Works/Plant/Equipment, Labour (including the supervision thereof) transport to or from the Site and in and about the Works and other things of every kind required for the construction, completion and maintenance of the Works/Plant/ Equipment. 5.20. Contractor’s Equipment The Contractor shall provide and install all necessary cranes, hoists, ladders, scaffolding, tools, tackles, plants, dewatering equipment, shoring, strutting etc., all transport for labour, materials and plant necessary, for the proper carrying on execution, and completion of the work, to the satisfaction of the Employer. 5.21. Protection of the Environment The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment (both on and off the Site) and to limit damage and nuisance to people and property resulting from pollution, noise and other results of his operations. The Contractor shall ensure that emissions, surface discharges and effluent from the Contractor’s activities shall not exceed the values indicated in the Specification, and shall not exceed the values prescribed by applicable Laws. 5.22. Electricity and Water The Contractor shall be responsible to supply of electricity and water required for all the works including that of all other agencies directly engaged by him such as Direct Sub-contractors etc. The Contractor shall ensure uninterrupted power and water supply at site by receiving temporary power supply through Electricity Department after arriving with exact demand and keeping in mind the future demands of power. Diesel generators of required numbers also shall be arranged at appropriate places at site as a stand by measure to meet out the demand to run the site 24x7 basis. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account. 5.23. Progress Reports The Contractor shall prepare programme charts according to the Conditions of Contract, and submit the same for approval of the Employer and for his record within two weeks of the Acceptance of the Contract. The charts shall indicate the expected date of commencement and completion of each of the items of the work and shall be, in a form approved by the Engineer. The chart shall also indicate the scheduling of 34 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract samples, Shop Drawings and approvals. Photographs and Video Cassettes: The Main Contractor shall take photos and videos from the locations approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative to show the progress of work at regular intervals, throughout the Construction Period, and furnish three sets of Photographs of minimum size of 200 X 150 MM with date embossed on the Photograph and video Compact Disks of required duration, duly indicating therein the specified number of negative / prints affixed in albums. Each photograph shall be marked with the description of the photograph and location from which it was taken. The negatives shall be dated, location labeled, and retained by the Contractor, to enable further prints, to be obtained, as and when, required by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 5.24. Security of the Site The Contractor shall make his own security arrangements to guard the Site and premises at all times, at his own expense. The security arrangements shall be adequate to maintain strict control on the movement of material and labour.The Contractor shall extend the security arrangements to guard the material stored and/or fixed on the premises by the Sub-Contractors. 5.25. Protection of Adjoining Facilities The Contractor shall protect adjoining property and nearby buildings, roads and other facilities and improvements from dust, dirt, debris and other nuisances arising out of Contractor’s operations. Dust shall be controlled by sprinkling or other effective methods acceptable to The Employer . An erosion and sedimentation control program shall be initiated, which includes measures addressing erosion caused by wind and water and sediment in runoff from site. A regular watering program shall be initiated to adequately control the amount of fugitive dust in accordance with applicable Law. 5.26. Contractor’s Operations on Site The Contractor shall confine his operations to the Site, and to any additional areas which may be obtained by the Contractor and agreed by the Engineer as working areas. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to keep Contractor’s Equipment and Contractor’s Representative within the Site and these additional areas, and to keep them off adjacent land. During the execution of the Works, the Contractor shall keep the Site free from all unnecessary obstruction, and shall store or dispose of any Contractor’s Equipment or surplus materials. The Contractor shall clear away and remove from the Site any wreckage, rubbish and Temporary Works which are no longer required. Upon the issue of a Practical Completion Certificate, the Contractor shall clear away and remove, from that part of the Site and Works to which the Practical Completion Certificate refers, all Contractor’s Equipment, surplus material, wreckage, rubbish and Temporary Works. The Contractor shall leave that part of the Site and the Works in a clean and safe condition. However, the Contractor may retain on Site, during the Defects Liability Period, such Goods as are required for the Contractor to fulfil obligations under the Contract. 35 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 5.27. Site Office: Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract (Accommodation for Employer / Employer’s Representative) The Contractor shall, within the quoted rates provide for fully furnished and airconditioned Site Office Accommodation for the representatives of Employer / Employer’s Representative /The Engineer with necessary DG and UPS back up. The contractor shall maintain and run the facilities till the certification of the final. The quoted rates shall include for this facilities. Such accommodation shall consist of : 5.27.1. An air-conditioned meeting hall to seat 20 persons with necessary facilities for projector, write-on board, soft boards for display etc. 5.27.2. The Employer representative’s air conditioned office space to seat about 8 persons with a minimum of 1.5 mts x 0.6 mts work surface with necessary facilities for storage of drawings and records. 5.27.3. Two air conditioned cabins of 2.4 x 3mts for the Employer / The Engineer / Employer’s Representative. 5.27.4. The Employer / The Engineer / Employer’s Representative air conditioned office to seat about 16 persons with a minimum of 1.5 mts x 0.6 mts work surface with necessary facilities for storage of drawings and records. 5.27.5. Temporary toilet facilities for men & women (All western) 5.27.6. Pantry equipped with a RO drinking water facility / Branded bubble top water dispensers, fridge, sink, microwave and drain board and storage space. 5.27.7. A room for keeping samples, approved materials etc 5.27.8. Facilities such as Pantry including preparation consumables for preparation and serving of Coffee / Tea, dining space for 10 persons, required office boys and maintenance for entire contract period shall be provided. 5.27.9. Provide and Maintain for the exclusive use of the Employer / Employer’s Representative / The Engineer and Consultants 40 safety helmets, 40 fluorescent jacket and 40 pairs of safety boots of assorted sizes as required. 5.27.10. Provide when required, for the use of the Employer / The Engineer / Employer’s Representative a theodolite, level and other instruments together with surveying assistance. 5.27.11. The layout of the site office shall be submitted to the Employer / The Engineer / Employer’s Representative for approval prior to erecting / constructing. 5.27.12. All the above rooms shall be provided with adequate lighting, air conditioners and plug points suitable for operating computers for 36 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract each of the 16 representative and the required software, One Fax and copiers, Two A3 Laser printer, with dedicated internet facilities, stationeries (Papers, files etc) etc. By furnishing, it is meant that all tables, chairs, side units, cupboards etc., shall be provided by the Tenderer. All rooms shall benefit from natural lighting and cross ventilation. Windows and ventilators shall be provided with security grilles and shall also be provided with insect proof mesh. 5.27.13. All the above areas shall be built to avoid water logging around the office accommodation with clear access. The structure shall be weather tight. The Tenderer shall include in his rates the charges for day-to-day cleaning and maintenance as well as housekeeping of the entire Site Office Accommodation. The charges towards electricity consumed in the Site Office and all maintenance and upkeep shall be absorbed within the quoted rates. 5.27.14. The Contractor shall submit layout details etc prior to installation for the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative / The Engineer 5.27.15. At the time of the successful handing over of the project to the Employer or at any time earlier, as directed by the Employer, the Contractor shall arrange to dismantle the entire structure and remove the accommodation including debris and restore the site as directed, all within the quoted rates. 5.28. Vector Control The Contractor is required to implement a comprehensive and effective vector control programme for the site which shall include all necessary measures to prevent the site from becoming favourable to the breeding or harbouring of mosquitoes or other vectors. Vector control work must include the basements and all floors of the building as and when they are being constructed and shall comprise: ● Checking for mosquito breeding at least once a week. ● Larviciding all stagnant water using insecticides or anti-mosquito oil at least once a fortnight. ● Thermal fogging at least once a fortnight. Thermal fogging to site offices and workmen’s accommodation shall be carried out fortnightly and if the Site is located within malaria – sensitive area, residual spraying of the walls at monthly intervals shall be required 5.29. Fossils / Antiquities All fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, and structures and other remains or items of geological or archaeological interest found on the Site shall be placed under the care and authority of the Employer. The Contractor shall take reasonable precautions to prevent Contractor’s Representative or other persons from removing or damaging any of these findings. The Contractor shall, upon discovery of any such finding, promptly give notice to the Employer’s Representative / The Engineer / The Employer, who shall issue instructions for dealing with it. 37 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 6. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract STAFF AND LABOUR 6.1. 6.2. Engagement of Staff and Labour 6.1.1. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for engagement of all labour, local or otherwise, and save in so far as the Contract otherwise provides for the transport, housing (not at the Employer’s site), feeding and payment thereof. 6.1.2. The Contractor shall provide on the Site to the satisfaction of the Employer's Representative’s an adequate supply of drinking and other water for the use of the Contractor 's staff and work people. 6.1.3. The Contractor shall, in all dealings with labor in his employ, have due regard to all recognized festivals, days of rest and religious or other customs. 6.1.4. The Contractor shall be responsible for observance by his subcontractors of the foregoing provisions. 6.1.5. The Contractor shall employ labour in sufficient number to maintain the required rate of progress and of quality to ensure a workmanship of the degree required by the Specification and to the satisfaction of the Employer / The Engineer / Employer’s Representative. He shall be responsible at his own cost for all recruiting, transport, welfare, sanitary and other accommodation, provision of necessary passports or permits for all Representative and employees required for this contract. 6.1.6. All workmen engaged by the Contractor shall be the Contractor’s employees and no such workmen shall have any claim or right whatsoever, against the Employer either during the validity of this contract or after its completion/termination. 6.1.7. The Contractor will bear the cost of any charges levied by the local Authority for the execution of such work by the local Authority on his behalf. Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour The Contractor shall pay rates of wages, and observe conditions of labour, which are not lower than those established for the trade or industry where the work is carried out. If no established rates or conditions are applicable, the Contractor shall pay rates of wages and observe conditions which are not lower than the general level of wages and conditions observed locally by employers whose trade or industry is similar to that of the Contractor. 6.3. Persons in the Service of Employer The Contractor shall not recruit, or attempt to recruit, staff and labour from amongst the Employer’s Representative. 38 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 6.4. 6.5. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Labour Laws 6.4.1. The Contractor shall remain liable for the payment of all wages or other monies to his workmen, or employees under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Employees liability Act, 1936, Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 or any other Act or enactments relating thereto and rules framed thereunder from time to time. 6.4.2. The Contractor shall comply fully with local laws dealing with the employment of persons including the Indian Employment of Children Act, 1938, the Indian Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, the Factories Act, 1948, the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948, Contract Labour (Regulations and Abolition) Act, 1970, Employees Provided Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and any statutory amendment or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force. 6.4.3. The Contractor may employ female labour if he chooses but he shall not employ in connection with the works any person who has not completed the minimum age (18 – eighteen) as per law locally applicable. Working Hours The Contractor shall work only on and during the hours of a working day unless he obtains the prior written approval of the Employer /Employer’s Representative to do otherwise. If such approval is given, no liability in respect of any excess cost arising therefrom shall be incurred by the Employer. 6.6. Facilities for Staff and Labour 6.6.1. The Contractor, during the progress of the Works, shall provide, erect and maintain at his own expense and to approved standards and scales all necessary temporary sanitary accommodation required for his workmen on the Site in connection with the execution of the Works. The planning, sitting and erection of these buildings shall be approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative and the whole of such temporary accommodation shall, at all times during the progress of the Works, be kept tidy and in a clean and sanitary condition to the entire satisfaction of the Employer / Employer’s Representative and at the Contractor 's expense. The Contractor shall conform to the sanitary requirement of local Medical and Health authorities, and at all times adopt such precautions as may be necessary to prevent soil pollution of the Site. 6.6.2. The Contractor shall, at his expense, conform to all anti-malarial instructions given to him by the Employer / Employer’s Representative or by any local authority including the filling up of borrow pits. 6.6.3. The Contractor shall, at his own expense, carry out all instructions 39 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract issued to him by the to effect a proper disposal of night soil and other conservancy work in respect of the Contractor’s workmen or employees on the Site. He shall also conform to the sanitary requirements of the Local Medical and Health Authorities. 6.7. 6.6.4. The Contractor shall provide and maintain upon the Works sufficient, proper and efficient life-saving appliances and first-aid equipment to the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative and in accordance with the requirements of I.L.O. Convention No. 62. The appliances and equipment shall be available for use at all times. 6.6.5. If the Site is within an existing industrial establishment belonging to the Employer, the Contractor, Subcontractors and their the Employers shall strictly comply with the Employer's regulations in regard to ingress, egress, traffic, security and conduct for the establishment. The Contractor shall be responsible for observance by his sub-contractors of the foregoing provisions. 6.6.6. In the event of any outbreak of illness of an epidemic nature, the Contractor shall comply with and carry out such regulations, orders and requirements as may be made by the Government or the local medical or sanitary authorities for the purpose of dealing with and overcoming the same. Health and Safety The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to maintain the health and safety of the Contractor’s Representative. In collaboration with local health authorities, the Contractor shall ensure that medical staff, first aid facilities, sick bay and ambulance service are available at all times at the Site and at any accommodation for Contractor’s and Employer’s Representative, and that suitable arrangements are made for all necessary welfare and hygiene requirements and for the prevention of epidemics. 6.7.1. Safety Code and Safety Rules: A. First Aid Facility shall be maintained in a readily accessible place with first aid appliances including adequate supply of sterilized dressings and cotton wool. B. An injured person shall be taken to a public hospital without loss of time, in cases where the injury necessitates hospitalization. C. Suitable and strong scaffolds should be provided for workmen for all works that cannot safely be done from ground. D. No portable single ladder shall be over 8 meters in length. The width between the side rails shall not be less than 30 cm. (clear) and the distance between two adjacent rungs shall not be more than 30cm. When a ladder is used an extra mazdoor shall be engaged for holding the ladder. E. The excavation material shall not be placed within 1.5 meters of the edge of the trench or half of the depth of trench whichever is more. All trenches and excavations shall be provided with necessary fencing and lighting. F. Every opening in the floor of a building or in a working platform be provided 40 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract with suitable means to prevent the fall of persons or materials by providing suitable fencing or railing whose minimum height shall be one metre. G. No floor, roof or other part of the structure shall be so overloaded with debris or materials as to render it unsafe. H. Workers employed on mixing and handling material such as asphalt, cement mortar or concrete and lime mortar shall be provided with protective footwear and rubber hand gloves. I. Those engaged in welding works should be provided with welder's protective eye shields and gloves. All persons at site shall wear shoes and protective safety helmets approved for construction sites. J. No paint containing lead or lead products shall be used except in the form of paste or readymade paint. K. Suitable face masks should be supplied for use by the workers when the paint is applied in the form of spray or surface having lead paint dry rubbed and scrapped. L. Overalls shall be supplied by the Contractor to the painters and adequate facilities shall be provided to enable the working painters to wash during the period of cessation of work. M. Hoisting machines and tackle used in the works, including their attachments, anchorage and supports shall be in perfect condition. N. The ropes used in hoisting or lowering material or as a means of suspension shall be of durable quality and adequate strength and free from defects. O. The safety features like nets, canvas sheets etc. shall be provided while men are working at heights. 6.8. Contractor’s Superintendence Throughout the execution of the Works, and as long thereafter as is necessary to fulfil the Contractor’s obligations, the Contractor shall provide all necessary superintendence to plan, arrange, direct, manage, inspect and test the work. Superintendence shall be given by a sufficient number of persons having adequate knowledge of the language for communications (defined in Clause 2.4 [Law and Language]) and of the operations to be carried out (including the methods and techniques required, the hazards likely to be encountered and methods of preventing accidents), for the satisfactory and safe execution of the Works. 6.9. Contractor’s Representative The Contractor’s Representative shall be appropriately qualified, skilled and experienced in their respective trades or occupations. The Engineer may require the Contractor to remove (or cause to be removed) any person employed on the Site or Works, including the Contractor’s Representative if applicable, who: 1. 2. 3. 4. persists in any misconduct or lack of care, carries out duties incompetently or negligently, fails to conform with any provisions of the Contract, or persists in any conduct which is prejudicial to safety, health, or the protection of the environment. 41 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 6.10. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Records of Contractor’s Representative and Equipment The Contractor shall submit, to the Engineer, details showing the number of each class of Contractor’s Representative and of each type of Contractor’s Equipment on the Site. Details shall be submitted each calendar month, in a form approved by the Engineer, until the Contractor has completed all work which is known to be outstanding at the completion date stated in the Practical Completion Certificate for the Works. 6.11. 7. Disorderly Conduct: 6.11.1. The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful, riotous or disorderly conduct by or amongst his employees and for the preservation of peace and protection of persons and property in the neighbourhood of the Works against the same. 6.11.2. The Contractor will not at any time do, cause or permit any nuisance on the Site or adjoining areas or do anything which shall cause unnecessary disturbance or inconvenience to the Employers, tenants or occupiers of other properties near the Site and to the Authorities or to the public generally and will secure the efficient protection of all land and sea areas against pollution. PLANT, MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP 7.1. Manner of Execution Except where otherwise specified, the Contractor shall at his own expense supply and provide all the Constructional plant, Temporary Works, materials both for Temporary and for permanent Works/Plant/Equipment, Labour (including the supervision thereof) transport to or from the Site and in and about the Works and other things of every kind required for the construction, completion and maintenance of the Works/Plant/ Equipment. 7.2. Samples The Contractor shall submit the following samples of Materials, and relevant information, to the Engineer for consent prior to using the Materials in or for the Works: 1. manufacturer’s standard samples of Materials and samples specified in the Contract, all at the Contractor’s cost, and 2. Additional samples instructed by the Engineer as a Variation. Each sample shall be labeled as to origin and intended use in the Works. 7.3. Inspection The Contractor shall inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and shall satisfy himself before submitting his tender as to the nature of the ground and sub soil and form and nature of the site, the quantities and nature of the work and materials necessary for the completion of the Works and the means of access to the site, the 42 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract accommodation he may require, & in general, shall himself obtain all necessary information as to risk contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect his tender. 7.4. Testing All materials and workmanship shall be of the respective kinds described in the Contract and in accordance with the Engineer's instructions and shall be subjected from time to time to such tests as the Engineer may direct at the place of manufacture or fabrication or on the Site or at all or any of such places. The Contractor shall provide adequate samples and materials as are normally required for examining measuring and testing any work and the quality, weight or quantity of any materials through a third party testing agent before incorporation in the Works as required by the Engineer or Employer. 7.5. Rejection If, as a result of an examination, inspection, measurement or testing, any Plant, Materials or workmanship is found to be defective or otherwise not in accordance with the Contract, The Employer / The Engineer / Employer’s Representative may reject the Plant, Materials or workmanship by giving notice to The Contractor , with reasons. The Contractor shall then promptly make good the defect and ensure that the rejected item complies with the Contract. If The Employer / The Engineer / Employer’s Representative require this Plant, Materials or workmanship to be re tested, the tests shall be repeated under the same terms and conditions. If the rejection and retesting cause the Employer to incur additional costs, The Contractor shall be subject to penalty. 7.6. Remedial Work Notwithstanding any previous test or certification, The Employer / The Engineer / Employer’s Representative may instruct The Contractor to: 7.6.1. 7.6.2. 7.6.3. remove from the Site and replace any Plant or Materials which is not in accordance with the Contract, remove and re-execute any other work which is not in accordance with the Contract, and Execute any work which is urgently required for the safety of the Works, whether because of an accident, unforeseeable event or otherwise. The Contractor shall comply with the instruction within a reasonable time, which shall be the time (if any) specified in the instruction. 7.7. Employership of Plant and Materials: Each item of Plant and Materials shall, to the extent consistent with the Laws of the Country, become the property of the Employer at whichever is the earlier of the following times, free from liens and other encumbrances: a. when it is delivered to the Site; b. when the Contractor is entitled to payment of the value of the Plant and Materials under Clause 16.3 [Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspension. 43 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 7.8. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Storage of Materials The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain proper sheds for the storage and protection of the materials etc. and also for the execution of Work which may be prepared on the Site. Sheds used for the storage of cement, lime and other perishable materials shall have raised floors. All petroleum, explosives and flammable materials shall be stored in fire-proof buildings and precautions taken with regard to siting and fire risks. 7.9. Temporary Hoardings and Safety Netting The site is to be enclosed by a hoarding (with gates) and painted on all exposed surfaces in patterns and colours to the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative. Provide and maintain all other necessary temporary fencing, hoarding, gates, fans, planked footways, guard rails, gantries, safety netting, warning lights and notices for the proper execution of the Works, the security of the Site, the protection of the public and the occupants of any adjoining premises and for meeting the requirements of the Local Authority Alter, shift and adopt from time to time as necessary and clear away on completion. 7.10. 7.11. Pollution and Site Hygiene 7.10.1. Mechanical plant, equipment, etc. which emits smoke, fumes or other obnoxious gases will not be allowed on the site 7.10.2. Provide and maintain temporary channels, drains and the like for keeping the Site clear of water. 7.10.3. Take all reasonable precautions to ensure the efficient protection of all streams and waterways against pollution arising out of or by reason of the execution of the Works. 7.10.4. The Contractor shall not dump unwanted building debris, chemicals, any noxious or polluting matter on any vacant plot of land, roadside or drains thereby causing chokage leading to mosquito breeding or causing contamination of the Site or the drainage system. 7.10.5. Comply with and pay all charges levied by any Government or Public Authority with jurisdiction on matters of pollution or site hygiene Fire Protection during Construction Provide and keep in working order adequate firefighting equipment for emergency use. 7.12. Royalties Unless otherwise stated in the Specification, the Contractor shall pay all royalties, rents and other payments for: 1. Natural Materials obtained from outside the Site, and 2. the disposal of material from demolitions and excavations and of other surplus material (whether natural or man-made), except to the extent that disposal areas within the Site are specified in the Contract. 44 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 8. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract COMMENCEMENT, DELAYS AND SUSPENSION 8.1. Commencement of Works The LOA (letter of acceptance) shall be issued to the successful tenderer within 15 days from the Date of opening the Financial Tender (Part 2). The Agreement shall be signed within 28 days from the date of LOA, unless otherwise agreed. The Contractor shall commence the Works from the Date of signing of the Agreement. Thereafter the Contractor shall proceed with due diligence, without delay, and in accordance with the programme or any revised or modified programme of the Works. Time will be the essence of Contract and time for Completion shall run from the date the Contractor is to commence the Works under this Clause. The Contractor shall not commence the construction, manufacture or installation of the Works or of any part of the Works unless and until the Engineer has endorsed the relevant Working Drawings in accordance with the Employer's Requirements. 8.2. Period of Completion The Contractor shall complete the whole of the Works, and each Section (if any), within the “Period of Completion” 24 months from the date of Signing of the Agreement. a. achieving the passing of the Tests on Completion, and b. completing all work which is stated in the Contract as being required for the Works or Section to be considered to be completed for the purposes of Practical Completion under Clause 10.1 [Practical Completion of the Works and Sections]. 8.3. Programme The Contractor shall submit a detailed time programme to the Engineer within 28 days after receiving the notice under Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Works]. The Contractor shall also submit a revised programme whenever the previous programme is inconsistent with actual progress or with the Contractor’s obligations. Each programme shall include: a. the order in which the Contractor intends to carry out the Works, including the anticipated timing of each stage of design (if any), Contractor’s Documents, procurement, manufacture of Plant, delivery to Site, construction, erection and testing, b. each of these stages for work by each nominated Subcontractor c. the sequence and timing of inspections and tests specified in the Contract and d. a supporting report which includes: i. a general description of the methods which the Contractor intends to adopt, and of the major stages, in the execution of the Works, and ii. details showing the Contractor’s reasonable estimate of the number 45 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract of each class of Contractor’s Representative and of each type of Contractor’s Equipment, required on the Site for each major stage. Unless the Engineer, within 21 days after receiving a programme, gives notice to the Contractor stating the extent to which it does not comply with the Contract, the Contractor shall proceed in accordance with the programme, subject to his other obligations under the Contract. The Employer’s Representative shall be entitled to rely upon the programme when planning their activities. The Contractor shall promptly give notice to the Engineer of specific probable future events or circumstances which may adversely affect the work, increase the Contract Sum or delay the execution of the Works. The Engineer may require the Contractor to submit an estimate of the anticipated effect of the future event or circumstances, and/or a proposal under Clause 13.3 [Variation Procedure]. If, at any time, the Engineer gives notice to the Contractor that a programme fails (to the extent stated) to comply with the Contract or to be consistent with actual progress and the Contractor’s stated intentions, the Contractor shall submit a revised programme to the Engineer in accordance with this Sub-Clause. 8.4. Delays In case of delay on the part of the Contractor, the Contractor shall be liable to pay liquidated damages and any other compensation for the damages suffered by the Employer as per clause 8.6 (Liquidated Damages). This is without prejudice to the right of the Employer to rescind the Contract. Failure or delay by the Employer or the Engineer, to hand over to the Contractor the Site necessary for execution of Works, or any part of the Works or to give necessary notice to commence the works, or to provide necessary Drawings or instructions or clarifications or to supply any material, plant or machinery, which under the Contract is the responsibility of the Employer shall in no way affect or vitiate the Contract or alter the character thereof; or entitle the Contractor to damages or compensation thereof but in any such case, the Engineer shall extend the time period for the completion of the Contract as in his opinion is / are reasonable. 8.5. Extension of Time for Completion 8.5.1. Extension of time The Contractor may apply for an extension of the Time for Completion, if the Work is or will be delayed either before or after the Time for Completion by any of the following causes: a. "Force Majeure" referred to in Clause 19 b. The Contractor's work held up for not being given possession of or access to the Site in accordance with the Contract c. Instruction of the Engineer to suspend the Works and the Contractor not being in default as to reasons of suspension. d. Acts or omissions of other Designated Contractors in executing, work not forming part of this Contract and on whose performance, the performance of the Contractor necessarily depends. e. Any act of prevention or Breach of Contract by the Employer and not 46 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract mentioned in this Clause Any order of Court restraining the performance of the Contract in full or in any part thereof g. Any other event or occurrence which, according to the Employer is not due to the Contractor's failure or fault, and is beyond his control without Employer being responsible for the same. h. An Employer's Variation f. However, the Contractor shall not be entitled to any extension of time where the instructions or acts of the Employer or the Engineer are necessitated by or intended to cure any default of or breach of Contract by the Contractor or where any delay is due to i. ii. iii. iv. the failure of Subcontractor to commence or to carry out work in due time, non-availability, or shortage of Contractor's equipment, labour, utility services, Plant and Materials, Inclement weather conditions, and the Contractor not fulfilling his obligations under Clause 5.1. If the Contractor considers himself to be entitled to an extension of time for Completion, he shall give notice to the Engineer of such intention as soon as Possible and in any event within 28 days of the start of the event giving rise to the delay and full and final supporting details of his application within 21 days of the last day of delay, together with any notice required by the Contract and relevant to such Clause. The Engineer shall proceed in accordance with the Conditions of the Contract to agree or determine either prospectively or retrospectively such extension of the Time for Completion as may be due. The Engineer shall notify the Contractor accordingly. The extension of time including that of key date shall not entitle the Contractor to retain the advance. 8.6. Rate of Progress The whole of the materials plant and labour to be provided by the Contractor under Clause 5 hereof and the mode, manner and speed of execution and maintenance of the Works are to be of a kind and conducted in a manner to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Should the rate of progress of the Works or any part thereof be at any time in the opinion of the Engineer too slow to ensure the completion of the Works by the prescribed time or extended time for completion the Engineer shall so notify the Contractor in writing and the Contractor shall thereupon take such steps as the Contractor may think necessary and the Engineer may approve to expedite progress so as to complete the Works by the prescribed time or extended time for completion. The Employer shall not bear any extra cost that may be incurred by the Contractor in this regard. Any additional cost incurred by the Engineer or Employer due to extended hours of work shall be borne by the contractor. All work at night shall be carried out without unreasonable noise and disturbance. The contractor shall indemnify the Employer from and against any liability for damages on account of noise or other disturbance created while or in carrying out the work and from and against all claims, demands, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in regard or in relation to such liability. 47 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract If any steps taken by the Contractor in meeting his obligations under this Clause cause the Employer to incur additional costs, such costs shall be recoverable from the Contractor by the Employer and shall be deducted by the Employer from any sum due, or to become due, to the Contractor. 8.7. Liquidated Damages If the Contractor fails to complete the works within the period of completion specified in Form of Tender, and the Employer certifies in writing that in his opinion the same ought, reasonably so, to have been completed, the Contractor shall pay or allow to the Employer a sum calculated at the rate stated in the Form of Tender as agreed Liquidated damages (not as a penalty) for the period during which the said work, shall so remain or have remained incomplete. The Employer may deduct such damages from any monies otherwise payable to the Contractor under this Contract. The total amount of liquidated damages in respect of the Works in all stages shall, however, not exceed the limit of liquidated damages stated in the Form of Tender. The Tenderers are required to submit with the Tender a preliminary Bar Chart / Pert Chart showing activities with corresponding resource allocation and time planned for various activities to achieve a coordinated completion as per the specified completion period, taking into account all local weather, site and other, prevailing conditions. The progress of work will be constantly monitored by the Employer and The Engineer. Time is the essence of the contract and the project is time bound. On award of work, the successful Tenderer, within 30 (thirty) days, shall in consultation with the Employer and Engineer produce a detailed and final CPM Working Programme indicating physical progress of work on a weekly basis. Upon acceptance of the CPM Working Programme, by the Employer and Engineer the successful Tenderer shall strive and maintain the planned progress most diligently. The payment or deduction of such damages shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligations to complete the Works or from any other of his duties, obligations or responsibilities under the Contract. The Contractor shall use and continue to use his best endeavours to avoid or reduce further delay to the Works, or any relevant Stages. At any time after the Employer has become entitled to liquidated damages, the Engineer may give notice to the Contractor, requiring the Contractor to complete the Works within a specified reasonable time. Such action shall not Prejudice the Employer’s Entitlement to recovery of liquidated damages, under this Clause and to terminate under Clause 15.2 The decision of the Engineer as to the compensation payable by the Contractor under this Clause shall be final and binding. If on the expiry of agreed contract period, the work remains incomplete, liquidated damages (not as penalty) will be imposed on the Contractor as stipulated in the first part of this condition. Beyond the stipulated period / extended period of completion, the contractor shall, without prejudice to any other right, the contractor shall be liable to pay compensation at 2% per month of delay to be computed on daily basis for having stipulated time of completion more than 6 months. The total amount of compensation for delay to be paid under this condition shall not exceed 10% of the tendered value of the work. 48 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 9. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract TESTS ON COMPLETION 9.1. Contractor’s Obligations: The Contractor shall carry out the Tests on Completion in accordance with this Clause and Clause 7.4 [Testing], after providing the documents in accordance with Clause 5.1 [Contractor’s General Obligations]. The Contractor shall give to the Engineer not less than 21 days’ notice of the date after which the Contractor will be ready to carry out each of the Tests on Completion. Unless otherwise agreed, Tests on Completion shall be carried out within 14 days after this date, on such day or days as the Engineer shall instruct. 9.2. Delayed Tests: If the Tests on Completion are being unduly delayed by the Employer, Clause 7.4 [Testing] and/or Clause 10.3 [Interference with Tests on Completion] shall be applicable. If the Tests on Completion are being unduly delayed by the Contractor, the Engineer may by notice require the Contractor to carry out the Tests within 21 days after receiving the notice. The Contractor shall carry out the Tests on such day or days within that period as the Contractor may fix and of which he shall give notice to the Engineer. If the Contractor fails to carry out the Tests on Completion within the period of 21 days, the Employer’s Representative may proceed with the Tests at the risk and cost of the Contractor. The Tests on Completion shall then be deemed to have been carried out in the presence of the Contractor and the results of the Tests shall be accepted as accurate. 9.3. Retesting If the Works, or a Section, fail to pass the Tests on Completion, Clause 7.5 [Rejection] shall apply, and the Engineer or the Contractor may require the failed Tests, and Tests on Completion on any related work, to be repeated under the same terms and conditions. 9.4. Failure to Pass Tests on Completion If the Works, or a Section, fail to pass the Tests on Completion repeated under Clause 9.3 [Retesting], the Engineer shall be entitled to: a. order further repetition of Tests on Completion under Clause 9.3(Retesting); b. if the failure deprives the Employer of substantially the whole benefit of the Works or Section, reject the Works or Section (as the case may be), in which event the Employer shall have the same remedies as are provided in Clause 11.4 [Failure to Remedy Defects]; or c. issue a Taking-Over Certificate, if the Employer so requests. 49 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 10. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract PRACTICAL COMPLETION and PRACTICAL COMPLETION CERTIFICATE 10.1. Practical Completion of the Works and Sections 10.1.1. The Contractor shall complete the whole of the Works, and each Section (if any), within the Time for Completion for the Works or Section (as the case may be), including: 10.1.2. Achieving the passing of the Tests on Completion, and 10.1.3. Completing all work which is stated in the Contract as being required for the Works or Section to be considered to be completed for the purposes of Practical Completion. 10.1.4. As soon as, in the opinion of the Employer’s Representative / the Employer / the Engineer, the Works/Plant/Equipment shall have been completed and shall have satisfactorily passed any final test that may be prescribed by the Contract, the Engineer shall issue a Practical Certificate of Completion in respect of the Works/Plant/Equipment and the Defects liability period shall commence from the date of such certificate. 10.1.5. Provided that a Practical Completion Certificate given in accordance with the foregoing provisions of any part of the Works occupied and used as aforesaid shall not be deemed to certify completion of any ground or surfaces requiring reinstatement unless such certificate shall expressly so state. 10.1.6. The Contractor may apply by notice to the Employer’s Representative / the Employer / the Engineer for a Practical Completion Certificate not earlier than 14 days before the Works will, in the Contractor’s opinion, be complete and ready for Practical Completion. The Employer’s Representative / the Employer / the Engineer shall, within 28 days after receiving the Contractor’s application: Issue the Practical Completion Certificate to the Contractor, stating the date on which the Works or Section were completed in accordance with the Contract, except for any minor outstanding work and defects which will not substantially affect the use of the Works or Section for their intended purpose (either until or whilst this work is completed and these defects are remedied). or Reject the application, giving reasons and specifying the work required to be done by the Contractor to enable the Practical Completion Certificate to be issued. The Contractor shall then complete this work before issuing a further notice. 10.1.7. If at any time or times before Practical completion of the work the Employer with the consent of the Contractor shall take possession 50 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract of any part or parts of the same as may be needed by the the Employer on any exigencies then notwithstanding anything expressed or implied elsewhere in this Contract. Such part or parts shall not be deemed to be practically complete. Practical completion of such part or parts shall be considered for the purpose of Practical Completion only and all provisions under this contract shall be complied with till the entire work is completed and Employer’s Representative / the Employer / the Engineer’s Certificate issued to that effect. 10.2. Practical Completion of Parts of the Works The Engineer may, at the sole discretion of the Employer, issue a Practical Completion Certificate for any part of the Permanent Works. The Employer shall not use any part of the Works (other than as a temporary measure which is either specified in the Contract or agreed by both Parties) unless and until the Engineer has issued a Practical Completion Certificate for this part. However, if the Employer does use any part of the Works before the Practical Completion Certificate is issued: a. the part which is used shall be deemed to have been taken over as from the date on which it is used, b. the Contractor shall cease to be liable for the care of such part as from this date, when responsibility shall pass to the Employer, and c. if requested by the Contractor, the Engineer shall issue a Practical Completion Certificate for this part. After the Engineer has issued a Practical Completion Certificate for a part of the Works, the Contractor shall be given the earliest opportunity to take such steps as may be necessary to carry out any outstanding Tests on Completion. The Contractor shall carry out these Tests on Completion as soon as practicable before the expiry date of the relevant Defects Liability Period. If the Contractor incurs Cost as a result of the Employer Practical Completion and/or using a part of the Works, other than such use as is specified in the Contract or agreed by the Contractor, the Contractor shall (i) give notice to the Engineer and (ii) be entitled subject to Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims] to payment of any such Cost plus reasonable profit, which shall be included in the Contract Sum. After receiving this notice, the Engineer shall proceed in accordance with Clause 4.4 [Determinations] to agree or determine this Cost and profit. If a Practical Completion Certificate has been issued for a part of the Works (other than a Section), the delay damages thereafter for completion of the remaining of the Works shall be reduced. Similarly, the delay damages for the remaining of the Section (if any) in which this part is included shall also be reduced. For any period of delay after the date stated in this Practical Completion Certificate, the proportional reduction in these delay damages shall be calculated as the proportion which the value of the part so certified bears to the value of the Works or Section (as the case may be) as a whole. The Engineer shall proceed in accordance with Clause 4.4 [Determinations] to agree or determine these proportions. The provisions of this paragraph shall only apply to the daily rate of delay damages under Clause 8.7 [Delay Damages], and shall not affect the maximum amount of these damages. 51 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 10.3. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Interference with Tests on Completion If the Contractor is prevented, for more than 14 days, from carrying out the Tests on Completion by a cause for which the Employer is responsible, the Employer shall be deemed to have taken over the Works or Section (as the case may be) on the date when the Tests on Completion would otherwise have been completed. 10.4. Surfaces Requiring Reinstatement Except as otherwise stated in a Practical Completion Certificate, a certificate for a Section or part of the Works shall not be deemed to certify completion of any ground or other surfaces requiring reinstatement. 11. DEFECTS LIABILITY i. When in the opinion of The Employer, "Practical Completion" of the Works is achieved, it shall forthwith issue a certificate to that effect and "Practical Completion" of Works shall be deemed for all the purposes of this Contract to have taken place on the day stated in such certificate. ii. The Defects Liability Period shall be a period of 730 days (Seven Thirty Days) commencing upon the Date of Issue of Practical Completion Certificate. iii. In case any defects in the work due to bad materials and/or equipment, and/or bad workmanship develop in the work before the expiry of the Defects Liability Period, the Contractor, on notification by The Employer, shall rectify or remedy the defects at their own cost and shall make their own arrangements to provide materials and/or equipment, labour, and any other appliances required in this regard. In case, even on due notification by The Employer, the Contractor fails to rectify or remedy the defects, The Employer shall have the right to get this done and recover the cost incurred by deductions from any amounts due to the Contractor including invoking the Retention Money Bank Guarantee, in case this cost is within the value of the retention amount, and if not, the Contractor shall be liable to pay to The Employer the balance amount. iv. The Employer shall be entitled to an extension of the Defects Liability Period for the Works or a Section if and to the extent that the Works, Section or a major item of Plant (as the case may be, and after Practical Completion) cannot be used for the purposes for which they are intended by reason of a defect or damage. v. If the defect or damage cannot be remedied expeditiously on the Site and the Employer gives consent, the Contractor may remove from the Site for the purposes of repair such items of Plant as are defective or damaged. This consent may require The Contractor to increase the amount of the Retention by the full replacement cost of these items, or to provide other appropriate security. 11.1. Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects In order that the Works and Contractor’s Documents, and each Section, shall be in the condition required by the Contract (fair wear and tear excepted) by the expiry date 52 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract of the relevant Defects Liability Period or as soon as practicable thereafter, the Contractor shall: 1. complete any work which is outstanding on the date stated in a Practical Completion Certificate, within such reasonable time as is instructed by the Engineer, and 2. Execute all work required to remedy defects or damage, as may be notified by (or on behalf of) the Employer on or before the expiry date of the Defects Liability Period for the Works or Section (as the case may be). 11.2. Cost of Remedying Defects All work referred to in Clause 11.1 [Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects] shall be executed at the risk and cost of the Contractor, if and to the extent that the work is attributable to: 1. any design for which the Contractor is responsible, 2. Plant, Materials or workmanship not being in accordance with the Contract, or 3. failure by the Contractor to comply with any other obligation. 11.3. Extension of Defects Liability Period The Employer shall be entitled to an extension of the Defects Liability Period for the Works or a Section if and to the extent that the Works, Section or a major item of Plant (as the case may be, and after Practical Completion) cannot be used for the purposes for which they are intended by reason of a defect or damage. 11.4. Failure to Remedy Defects In case any defects in the work due to bad materials and/or equipment, and/or bad workmanship develop in the work before the expiry of the Defects Liability Period, the Contractor, on notification by the Employer, shall rectify or remedy the defects at their own cost and shall make their own arrangements to provide materials and/or equipment, labour, and any other appliances required in this regard. In case, even on due notification by the Employer, the Contract or fails to rectify or remedy the defects, the Employer shall have the right to get this done and recover the cost incurred by deductions from any amounts due to the Contractor including invoking the Retention Money Bank Guarantee, in case this cost is within the value of the retention amount, and if not, the Contractor shall be liable to pay to the Employer the balance amount. 11.5. Removal of Defective Work If the defect or damage cannot be remedied expeditiously on the Site and the employer gives consent, The Contractor may remove from the Site for the purposes of repair such items of Plant as are defective or damaged. This consent may require The Contractor to increase the amount of the Retention by the full replacement cost of these items, or to provide other appropriate security. 53 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 11.6. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Further Tests If the work of remedying of any defect or damage may affect the performance of the Works, the Engineer may require the repetition of any of the tests described in the Contract. The requirement shall be made by notice within 28 days after the defect or damage is remedied. 11.7. Right of Access Until the Practical Completion Certificate has been issued, the Contractor shall have such right of access to the Works as is reasonably required in order to comply with this Clause, except as may be inconsistent with the Employer’s reasonable security restrictions. 11.8. Contractor to Search The Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer, search for the cause of any defect, under the direction of the Engineer. Unless the defect is to be remedied at the cost of the Contractor under Clause 11.2 [Cost of Remedying Defects], the Cost of the search plus reasonable profit shall be agreed or determined by the Engineer in accordance with Clause 4.4 [Determinations] and shall be included in the Contract Sum. 11.9. Unfulfilled Obligations After the completion of the defects liability period, each Party shall remain liable for the fulfilment of any obligation which remains unperformed at that time. For the purposes of determining the nature and extent of unperformed obligations, the Contract shall be deemed to remain in force. 11.10. Clearance of Site Upon receiving the Practical completion Certificate, The Contractor shall remove any remaining Contractor’s Equipment, surplus material, wreckage, rubbish and Temporary Works from the Site. If all these items have not been removed within 28 days after the issue of Practical Completion Certificate, the Employer may sell or otherwise dispose of any remaining items. The Employer shall be entitled to be paid the costs incurred in connection with, or attributable to, such sale or disposal and restoring the Site. 12. MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION 12.1. Works to be Measured The Engineer shall, except as otherwise stated ascertain and determine by measurement and / or design dimension, at the discussion of the Engineer, to determine the value in accordance with the Contract of Work done in accordance with the Contract. He shall, when he requires any part or parts of the Works to be measured, give notice to the Employer and Contractor's authorized agent or representative who shall forthwith attend or send a qualified agent to assist the Engineer in making such measurement and shall furnish all particulars required by either of them. Should the Contractor not attend or neglect or omit to send such 54 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract agent, then the measurement made by the Engineer or approved by him, either of which must be approved by the Employer, shall be taken to be the correct measurement of the work. For the purpose of measuring such permanent work as is to be measured by record drawings, the Engineer shall prepare record drawings month by month of such work and the Contractor as and when called upon to do so in writing shall, within 14 days, attend to examine and agree such record drawings with the Engineer and shall sign the same when so agreed and if the contractor does not so attend to examine and agree any such record drawings, they shall be taken to be correct. If after examination of such record drawings, the Contractor does not agree to the same or does not sign the same as agreed, they shall nevertheless be taken to be correct unless the Contractor shall, within 14 days of such examination, lodge with the Engineer for decision by the Engineer and Employer, notice in writing of the respects in which such record drawings are claimed by him to be incorrect. 12.2. Method of Measurement Where Works have to be measured for any purpose whatsoever, it shall be in accordance with IS 1200 except where it is otherwise specifically indicate in the respective item under Bill of Quantities or Technical Specification of material and workmanship or conditions of Contract. 12.3. Omissions Whenever the omission of any work forms part (or all) of a Variation, the value of which has not been agreed, if: 1. the Contractor will incur (or has incurred) cost which, if the work had not been omitted, would have been deemed to be covered by a sum forming part of the Accepted Contract Amount; 2. the omission of the work will result (or has resulted) in this sum not forming part of the Contract Sum; and 3. this cost is not deemed to be included in the evaluation of any substituted work; 13. VARIATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS 13.1. Variations, Provisional and Prime Cost Sums 13.1.1. The Employer’s Representative / The Employer / The Engineer may issue instructions requiring a variation and sanction in writing any variation made by the Contractor otherwise than pursuant to an instruction of the Employer’s Representative/ The Employer / The Engineer. No variation required by the Employer’s Representative/ The Employer / The Engineer or subsequently sanctioned by him shall violate this contract. 13.1.2. The term "Variation" as used in these conditions means the alteration or modification of the design, quality or quantity of the work as shown upon the Contract Drawings and desired by or referred to in the Contract Bills, and includes the addition, omission or substitution of any work, the alteration of the kind of standard of any of the materials or goods to be used in the work, and the 55 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract removal from the site of any works materials or goods executed or brought thereon by the Contractor for the purposes of the work other than work, materials or goods which are not in accordance with this Contract. 13.1.3. The Employer's Representative/ The Employer / The Engineer shall issue instructions in regard to the expenditure of Prime Cost and Provisional Sums included in the Contract Bills and of Prime Cost Sums which arise as a result of instructions issued in regard to the expenditure of Provisional Sums. 13.1.4. All variations required by the Employer's Representative/ The Employer / The Engineer or subsequently sanctioned by him in writing and all work executed by The Contractor for which Provisional Sums are included in the Contract Bills shall be measured and valued by the Employer's Representative/ The Employer / The Engineer who shall give to The Contractor an opportunity of being present at the time of such measurement and of taking such notes and measurements as the Contractor may require. The valuation of variations and of work executed by the Contractor for which a Provisional Sum is included in the Contract Bills, (other than work for which a Tender has been accepted as aforesaid) unless otherwise agreed shall be made in accordance with the following rules. 13.1.5. The price in the Contract Bills shall determine the valuation of work of similar character executed under similar conditions as work priced therein 13.1.6. The said prices, where work is not of a similar character or executed under similar conditions as aforesaid, shall be the basis of prices for the same so far as may be reasonable, failing which a fair valuation thereof shall be made. 13.1.7. Where work cannot properly be measured and valued, the Contractor shall be allowed day-work rates on the prices prevailing when such work is carried out (unless otherwise provided in the contract bills): 13.1.8. At the rates if any, inserted by the Contractor in the Contract Bills or in the form of Tender or 13.1.9. When no such rates have been inserted, at the rates prevailing in the market for material and labour and at the control rates for the controlled materials including in all cases the rate for delivery of the material at the work. Over and above the rate so worked out, Contractor's overheads and profits at 15% (Fifteen Percent) shall be added and rate finally arrived for consideration and approval of the Employer. 13.1.10. The above mentioned percentage to be added as overheads and profits to the basic rate analysis for new items / additional items of work shall include all site and office overheads and profits of the 56 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Contractor, all incidental and connected charges / expenditure, whether direct or indirect, all applicable taxes, duties and levies and similar liabilities which the Contractor may have to incur in the process of completing the said item of work and the said overheads and profits shall also include all infrastructure facilities, amenities, transportation, supervision, insurance etc. 13.1.11. Provided that in any case voucher specifying the time daily spent upon the work (and if required by the Employer's Representative/ The Employer /The Engineer, the workmen's names) and the materials employed shall be delivered for verification to the Employer's Representative/ The Employer / The Engineer or his authorized representative not later than the end of the week following that in which the work has been executed. 13.1.12. The prices in the Contract Bills shall determine the valuation of items omitted, provided that if omissions substantially vary the conditions under which any remaining items of work are carried out the prices for such remaining items shall be valued under this clause. 13.1.13. Effect shall be given to the measurement and valuation of variations under this condition in Interim Certificates and by adjustment of the Contract Sum; and effect shall be given to the measurement and valuation of work for which a Provisional Sum is included in the Contract Bills under the said Clause in Interim Certificate and by adjustment of the Contract Sum in accordance with the Conditions of Contract. 13.1.14. If upon written application being made to him by the Contractor, the Employer's Representative / The Employer / The Engineer is of the opinion that a variation or the execution by The Contractor of work for which a Provisional Sum is included in the Contract Bills has involved the Contract in direct loss and/or express for which he would not be reimbursed by payment in respect of a valuation made in accordance with the rules contained in this Clause of the condition and if the said application is made within a reasonable time of the loss or expense having been incurred then the Employer's Representative/ The Employer / The Engineer shall ascertain the amount of such loss or expense. 13.1.15. Any amount from time to time so ascertained shall be added to the Contract Sum, and if an Interim Certificate is issued after the date of ascertainment any such amount shall be added to the amount which would otherwise be stated as due in such certificate. 13.2. Right to Vary Variations may be initiated by the Engineer at any time prior to issuing the Practical Completion Certificate for the Works, either by an instruction or by a request for the Contractor to submit a proposal. The Contractor shall execute and be bound by each Variation, unless the Contractor 57 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract promptly gives notice to the Engineer stating (with supporting particulars) that the Contractor cannot readily obtain the Goods required for the Variation. Upon receiving this notice, the Engineer shall cancel, confirm or vary the instruction. Each Variation may include: a. changes to the quantities of any item of work included in the Contract (however, such changes do not necessarily constitute a Variation), b. changes to the quality and other characteristics of any item of work, c. changes to the levels, positions and/or dimensions of any part of the Works, d. omission of any work unless it is to be carried out by others, e. any additional work, Plant, Materials or services necessary for the Permanent Works, including any associated Tests on Completion, boreholes and other testing and exploratory work, or f. changes to the sequence or timing of the execution of the Works. The Contractor shall not make any alteration and/or modification of the Permanent Works, unless and until the Engineer instructs or approves a Variation. 13.3. Variation Procedure If the Engineer requests a proposal, prior to instructing a Variation, the Contractor shall respond in writing as soon as practicable, either by giving reasons why he cannot comply (if this is the case) or by submitting: A. a description of the proposed work to be performed and a programme for its execution, B. the Contractor’s proposal for any necessary modifications to the programme according to Clause 8.3 [Programme] and to the Time for Completion, and C. the Contractor’s proposal for evaluation of the Variation. The Engineer shall, as soon as practicable after receiving such proposal, respond with approval, disapproval or comments. The Contractor shall not delay any work whilst awaiting a response. Each instruction to execute a Variation, with any requirements for the recording of Costs, shall be issued by the Engineer to the Contractor, who shall acknowledge receipt. Each Variation shall be evaluated in accordance with Clause 12 [Measurement and Evaluation], unless the Engineer instructs or approves otherwise in accordance with this Clause. 13.4. Payment in Applicable Currencies If the Contract provides for payment of the Contract Sum in more than one currency, then whenever an adjustment is agreed, approved or determined as stated above, the amount payable in each of the applicable currencies shall be specified. For this purpose, reference shall be made to the actual or expected currency proportions of the Cost of the varied work, and to the proportions of various currencies specified for payment of the Contract Sum. 58 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 13.5. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Daywork For work of a minor or incidental nature, the Engineer may instruct that a Variation shall be executed on a daywork basis. The work shall then be valued in accordance with the Daywork Schedule included in the Contract, and the following procedure shall apply. If a Daywork Schedule is not included in the Contract, this Clause shall not apply. Before ordering Goods for the work, the Contractor shall submit quotations to the Engineer. When applying for payment, the Contractor shall submit invoices, vouchers and accounts or receipts for any Goods. Except for any items for which the Daywork Schedule specifies that payment is not due, the Contractor shall deliver each day to the Engineer accurate statements in duplicate which shall include the following details of the resources used in executing the previous day’s work: a. the names, occupations and time of Contractor’s Representative, b. the identification, type and time of Contractor’s Equipment and Temporary Works, and c. the quantities and types of Plant and Materials used. One copy of each statement will, if correct, or when agreed, be signed by the Engineer and returned to the Contractor. The Contractor shall then submit priced statements of these resources to the Engineer, prior to their inclusion in the next Statement under Clause 14.9 [Application for Interim Payment Certificates]. 14. CONTRACT SUM AND PAYMENT 14.1. Item Rate Contract 14.1.1. The Contract shall be an item rate contract. The Contractor shall be paid for the actual quantity of work permanently installed and in accordance with the contract documents, at the rates quoted by him in the Contract Bills. Measurement shall be carried out as indicated in the tender specification and as per schedule of quantities and prices. 14.1.2. The schedule of Quantities given in Contract Bill are provisional and are meant to indicate the scope of the work and to provide a uniform basis for Tendering. The Owner reserves the right to increase or decrease any of the quantities or to totally omit any item of work and the Contractor shall not claim any extras or damages on these grounds. 14.1.3. Quantity variation will have no ceiling limit in respect of individual items and individual quantities can vary to any extent. Such variations shall not warrant any claims for modifications to already quoted and accepted rates. However variation to the value of total contract sum can vary to the extent up to Plus (+) or minus (-) 30% without warranting change of rates. In case the total value of contract varies in excess of the above limit, rates of only the variation items and extra items will be re-considered based on actual impact. 59 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 14.2. i. ii. iii. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract 14.1.4. Tax - The rates shall also be firm and shall not be subject to variations in costs of any or all inputs, such as but not limited to, materials, labor, exchange variations, labor conditions, fluctuations in railway freights, or any conditions whatsoever. Tenderers must include in their rates / various tax / Duty / Freight charges such as Value Added Tax on works contract, excise duty, entry, octroi or other tax, duty or, and any other tax and duty or other levy levied by the Central Government or any State Government or local authority except Service tax and cess, as applicable including any variation during the Contract period and any agreed extension thereto. No claim in respect of any variation or introduction taxes or duties or levies as existing or future, shall be entertained by the Employer. 14.1.5. The Service Tax and Cess shall be payable as extra at prevailing rates. However Service Tax shall be paid by the contractor to the concerned department on demand and it will be reimbursed to him by the Employer after the contractor produces the original challan to satisfy the employer that it has been actually and genuinely paid by the contractor. The Contract Sum the Contract Sum shall be agreed or determined and be subject to adjustments in accordance with the Contract; the Contractor shall pay all taxes, duties and fees required to be paid by him under the Contract, and the Contract Sum shall not be adjusted for any of these costs any quantities which may be set out in the Bill of Quantities or other Schedule are estimated quantities and are not to be taken as the actual and correct quantities: a. of the Works which the Contractor is required to execute, or b. for the purposes of Clause 12 [Measurement and Evaluation]; 14.3. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): Intending Tenderers shall pay as earnest money a sum of Rs 1,27,50,000 /-(Rupees One Crore twenty seven lakhs fifty thousand only), produced as Demand Draft issued by a Nationalised, or Scheduled Bank in India, drawn in favour of Chennai Metro Rail Limited, Koyambedu, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, OR by Bank Guarantee as per format in Appendix 1 on any Nationalized or Scheduled Bankers in India valid for 90 days from the last date of submission of Tender. A Tender which is not accompanied by such EMD will not be considered. The Earnest Money will be returned to the chosen Tenderer without any interest after submission of the First Bill. E.M.D. of unsuccessful tenderers’ will be returned, without any interest after the successful tenderer is awarded the work by the Employer and the tender documents are returned. 60 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 14.4. 14.5. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Mobilisation Advance 14.4.1. 10% of tendered amount at 18% simple interest shall be paid as Mobilisation advance (recoverable) payment in two equal installments against Bank Guarantee from a Nationalised / Scheduled Bank in India valid till the completion of work. Payment will be made after the receipt of Performance Bank Guarantee from the Contractor. 14.4.2. The first installment of Mobilisation Advance shall be paid within 14 days from the date of issue of letter of Acceptance subject to furnishing required Bank guarantee valid till the completion of work and also Performance Bank Guarantee. The second installment shall be paid against required Bank Guarantee, on full mobilisation by the Contractor at site to the satisfaction of the Employer / Engineer / Employer’s representative. 14.4.3. The value of the Bank Guarantee for Mobilisation Advance shall be 110% of the Mobilisation Advance. 14.4.4. The recovery shall be commenced after 10% of work is complete and the entire amount together with interest shall be recovered by the time 80% of the work is complete. Terms of Payment: 14.5.1. All payments by the Employer under this contract will be made through banking channel within the specified period based on detailed measurements taken by the contractor in the presence of Employer at the site and it will be checked and recorded by the Employer or his representative. The Tender should be prepared by the contractor based on the above measurement and the payment will be made after the scrutiny and certification of the bill by the Engineers. 14.5.2. All such interim / progressive payments shall be regarded as payment, by way of advances against final payment only, and shall not preclude the requiring of bad, unsound, and imperfect or unskilled work, to be rejected, removed, taken away and re-constructed or reerected. Any Certificate given by the Engineer relating to the work done or materials delivered forming part of such payment, may be modified or corrected by any subsequent such certificate(s), or by the final certificate, and shall not by itself, be conclusive evidence that any work or materials to which it relates is / are in accordance with the Contract and Specification. Any such interim payment or any part thereof shall not in any respect conclude, determine, or affect, in any way the powers of the Engineer under the Contract or any of such payments be treated as final settlement and adjustment of accounts, or in any way vary, or affect the contract or right of the Employer under the terms of the Contract. 61 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 14.6. 14.7. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Payment of Part rates: 14.6.1. Payment at part rates to the extent of work done against agreement rates for certain items may be made in the running account bills at the discretion of the Employer/ Engineer. 14.6.2. The part rate to be allowed for an item shall be as assessed and decided by the Employer/ Engineer, for the extent of work done, and whether the item could be completed in all respects, as per Specification, within the balance amount available. 14.6.3. Reasons for allowing part rates shall be recorded in the bills against the items under remarks column. 14.6.4. Full rate shall be released, in subsequent bills on completion of the item of work in all respects as per Specification after duly deducting the Amount already paid as Part payment. Price Adjustment Price adjustment clause is applicable for this project. 14.7.1. Price Adjustment Clause is eligible for this work subject to the following. Full Price Adjustment on all the Components including cement, steel, bitumen and petroleum oil and lubricants (POL) shall be applicable, if the Contract period is above 12 Months as per specified formula. Price Adjustment on Cement, Steel, Bitumen and petroleum oil and lubricants (POL) shall be applicable, if the contract period is 12 Months and below. Price Adjustment will apply only when the rates exceed or decrease by 3% or more as compared to the estimate rates (RBI Index Price). The Price Adjustment shall be calculated only on the departmental estimated cost of the work. In respect of Bitumen and POL, it may be considered on ‘Pass Through’ basis with payment of actual rates / price at the rates charged by Indian Oil Corporation. All works for which price escalation / variation is contemplated must have milestone fixed in physical terms and have a prefixed time-line for use of inputs – clearly indicating the nature and quantum of eligible inputs to be used for the work for the relevant period between two mile stones. Price variation / escalation will be applicable for those quantities ‘actually’ used by the contractor including additional quantities, if any, used or achieved ahead of the time-line. However, if the contractor does a certain quantity of the work in the third quarter which ought have been done in earlier quarter, price variation / escalation will still be applicable on that quantity at the rates applicable in the relevant quarter as per time-line or period of actual use whichever is less. 62 Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Liquidated damages will be imposed on the contractor for the lapses / shortfall in achieving the rates of progress as per existing schedule. The Price Adjustment mechanism will cease to operate for value of work executed beyond the agreement period. But agreement period shall include the “actual period” for which the work was “suspended officially” and extension of time permitted for any valid reasons such as, war, natural calamities, like flood, earth quake and other risks arising out of acts of God during the agreement period; work delayed due to the land acquisition process; change in design, change in scope of work, etc., which is given in writing by the Tender Calling Officer of the respective work. Price Variation will be calculated once in a quarter (i) in respect of cement and steel for the works with contractor period upto 12 months and (ii) in respect of all components except bitumen and petroleum, Oil & Lubricants (POL) for the works with contract period of more than 12 months, as per the specified formula from the last date of submission of bid upto the end of agreement period provided, if the agreement is signed within the minimum specified time, failing which, the price variation will be applicable from the date of agreement only, based on the wholesale price indexes of RBI. The quarter would be reckoned with reference to the quarter of the calendar year in which the last date on bid submission is fixed. In case of delayed agreement, the quarter in which the agreement is signed will be reckoned for the purpose of calculation of price adjustments. Price Variation will be operated by the respective Executive Engineers. The formula for adjustment of prices are R = Value of work during the quarter under consideration. 14.7.2. Adjustment of cement component. Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of cement procured by the contractor shall be paid in accordance with the following formula if this component is involved in the work executed during the quarter under consideration. Vc = 0.85 X Pc / 100 X R X (C1 – C0) / C0 V = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration due to changes in the rates of cement. Co = The RBI index for cement for the quarter during the date of opening of tenders. C1 = The RBI index for cement for the quarter under consideration. Pc = Percentage for the cement component of the work. 63 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 14.7.3. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Adjustment of Steel Component: Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of steel procured by the contractor shall be paid in accordance with the following formula if this component is involved in the work executed during the quarter under consideration. Vs = 0.85 X Ps / 100 X R X (S1 – S0) / S0 Vs = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration due to changes in the rates of steel. So = The RBI index for steel for the quarter during the date of opening of tenders. S1 = The RBI index for steel for the quarter under consideration. Ps = Percentage for the steel component of the work. 14.7.4. Adjustment of POL component (Fuel and lubricant) Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of POL procured by the contractor shall be paid in accordance with the following formula if this component is involved in the work executed during the quarter under consideration. V1 = 0.85 X P1 / 100 X R X (F1 – F0) / F0. V1 = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration due to changes in the rates of POL. F0 = The average official retain price of High Speed Diesel (HSD) at the existing consumer pumps of IOC on the day thirty days prior to the date of opening of tenders. F1 = The average official retail price of High Speed Diesel (HSD) at the existing consumer pumps of IOC for the 15th day of the middle calendar month for the quarter under consideration. P1 = Percentage for the POL component of the work. Note: For the application of this clause, the price of High Speed Diesel oil has been chosen to represent fuel and lubricants group. 64 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 14.7.5. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Adjustment for labour component Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost due to labour shall be paid in accordance with the following formula: VL = 0.85 x Pl/100 x R x (Li - Lo)/Lo VL = increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration due to changes in rates for local labour. Lo = the average consumer price index for industrial workers for -------------centre for the quarter proceeding the date of opening of Bids as published by Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Government of India. Li = The average consumer price index for industrial workers for --------------centre for the quarter under consideration as published by Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Government of India. Pl = Percentage of labour component of the work. 14.7.6. Adjustment of Bitumen component Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of bitumen shall be paid in accordance with the following formula: Vb = 0.85 x Pb/100 x R x (Bi - Bo)/Bo Vb = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration due to changes in the rate for bitumen. Bo = The average official retail price of bitumen at the IOC depot at -----------on the day 30 days prior to the date of opening of Bids. Bi = The average official retail price of bitumen at IOC depot at ---------------for the 15th day of the middle calendar month of the quarter under consideration. Pb = Percentage of bitumen component of the work. 14.7.7. Adjustment for Plant and Machinery Spares component Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of plant and machinery spares procured by the Contractor shall be paid in accordance with the following formula: Vp = 0.85 x Pp/100 x R x (Pi - Po)/Po Vp = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration due to changes in the rates for plant and machinery spares Po = The all India average wholesale price index for heavy machinery and parts for the quarter proceeding the date of opening of Bids as published by the Ministry of Industrial Development, Government of India, New Delhi 65 Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Pi = The all India average wholesale price index for heavy machinery and parts for the quarter under consideration as published by Ministry of Industrial Development, New Delhi Pp = Percentage of plant and machinery spares component of the work Note: For the application of this clause, index of Heavy Machinery and Parts has been chosen to represent the Plant and Machinery Spares group. 14.7.8. Adjustment of Local materials Price adjustment for increase or decrease in cost of local materials other than cement, steel, bitumen and POL procured by the contractor shall be paid in accordance with the following formula: Vm = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration due to changes in rates for local materials other than cement, steel, bitumen and POL. Mo = The all India average wholesale price index (all commodities) for the quarter proceeding the date of opening of Bids as published by the Ministry of Industrial Development, Government of India, New Delhi. Mi = The all India average wholesale price index (all commodities) for the quarter under consideration as published by Ministry of Industrial Development, Government of India, New Delhi. Pm = Percentage of local material component (other than cement, steel, bitumen and POL) of the work. The following percentages will govern the price adjustment for the entire contract: 1 Labour - Pl 25% 2 Cement - Pc 8% 3 Steel - Ps 4 Bitumen - Pb 0.05% 5 POL - Pf 1.95% 6 Plant & Machinery Spares 7 Other materials - Pm 8 Total 18% - PP 7% 40% 100% 66 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 14.8. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Interim Payments : 14.8.1. Payment for works: Progressive payment shall be made on monthly running account bills. Engineer / Employer’s representative shall certify the running account bills within 14 days from the date of submission of bills in complete shape by the Contractor with all required enclosures, attachments etc. The Employer shall make payment within 21 days from the date of certification of bills by the Engineer / Employer’s Representative Mobilization Advance will be recovered Any other applicable deductions as per Conditions of Contract Other applicable deductions. 14.9. Final Bill: 14.9.1. The Contractor shall submit his final bill for the works within three months of completion of works. The bill shall be based only on works as measured and at accepted agreement rates, including rates for any additional or extra work, which might have been sanctioned by the Employer. All deductions due under the Contract shall be made. 14.9.2. Final bill Payment: a. Final bill shall be submitted by the Contractor, within three months from the date of completion of all the works. b. The Employer shall certify the final bill within two months of submission in complete shape with all the required documents, subject to finalisation of extra claims, if any. c. The Employer shall make payment for the final bill within two months from the date of certification of final bill by the Employer. 14.9.3. Deduction in Final bill : a. Applicable deductions as per Conditions of Contract. b. Any money recoverable from the Contractor. c. All interim payments effected. 14.10. Delayed Payment: No interest is payable on Delayed Payments. 67 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 14.11. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Payment of Retention Money: 14.11.1. Payment on Account and Retention: The Contractor may, at intervals specified in the Tender, submit claims for payment of advances on account of work done and materials delivered at the Site in accordance with the Contract. Such claims which shall be for a net amount not less than the minimum named in the tender shall be computed as under 14.11.2. Retention Amount: In addition to the Performance Bond/Performance Guarantee in the form of Bank Guarantee as required under Clause No.5.2 above, as a further security for the due fulfillment of the contract by the Contractor, 10% of the value of the work done will be deducted by the Employer from each payment to be made to the Contractor until the retention money amounts to a maximum of 5% of the contract sum of the work. Upon the Engineer’s certificate of completion of the works, 50% of the retention money would be refunded and the balance after due completion of all obligations under the contract agreement and defects liability period. The amounts retained by the Employer shall not bear interest. 14.12. Secured Advance on Material at site: Secured Advance against material delivered at site is not payable. 14.13. Currencies of Payment The Contract Sum shall be paid in the currency or currencies named in the Conditions of the Contract. 15. TERMINATION 15.1. Notice to Correct: If the Contractor fails to carry out any obligation under the Contract, the Engineer may by notice require the Contractor to make good the failure and to remedy it within a specified reasonable time. 15.2. Termination of the contract : If the Contractor shall become bankrupt or have a receiving order made against him or shall present his petition in bankruptcy or shall make an arrangement with or assignment in favour of his creditors or shall agree to carry out the Contract under a committee of inspection of his creditors or (being a corporation) shall go into liquidation (other than a voluntary liquidation for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction) or if the Contractor shall assign the Contract without the consent in writing of the Employer first obtained or shall have an execution levied on his goods or if the Engineer / Employer’s Representative shall certify in writing to the Employer that in his opinion the Contractor:- 68 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract i. has abandoned the Contract or ii. without reasonable excuse has failed to commence the Works or has suspended the progress of the Works for 28 days after receiving from the Engineer written notice to proceed or iii. has failed to remove materials from the Site or to pull down and replace work for 28 days after receiving from the Engineer written notice that the said materials or work had been condemned and rejected by the Engineer under these conditions or iv. is not executing the Works in accordance with the Contract or is persistently or flagrantly neglecting to carry out his obligations under the Contract or v. has to the detriment of good workmanship or in defiance of the Engineer's instructions to the contrary sub-let any part of the Contract then the Employer may after 14 days notice in writing to the Contractor enter upon the Site and the Works and expel the Contractor therefrom without thereby voiding the Contract or releasing the Contractor from any of his obligations or liabilities under the Contract or affecting the rights and powers conferred on the Employer or the Engineer by the Contract and may himself complete the Works or may employ any other contractor to complete the Works and the Employer or such other contractor may use for such completion so much of the Constructional Plant Temporary Works and materials which have been deemed to become the property of the Employer under the provisions of the Contract as he or they may think proper and the Employer may at any time sell any of the said Constructional Plant Temporary Works and unused materials and apply the proceeds of sale in or towards the satisfaction of any sums due or which may become due to him from the Contractor under the Contract. 15.3. Valuation at Date of Termination: As soon as may be practicable after any such entry and expulsion by the Employer, the Engineer / Employer’s representative, with the prior written consent of the Employer, shall fix and determine ex-parte or by or after reference to the parties or after such investigation or enquiries as he may think fit to make or institute and shall certify what amount (if any) had at the time of such entry and expulsion been reasonably earned by or would reasonably accrue to the Contractor in respect of work then actually done by him under the contract and what was the value of any unused or partially used materials any Constructional Plant and Temporary Works which have been deemed to become the property of the Employer under the provisions of the Contract. 15.4. Payment after Termination: If the Employer shall enter and expel the Contractor under this Clause the Employer shall not be liable to pay to the Contractor any money on account of the Contract until the expiration of the Period of Maintenance and thereafter until the costs of completion and maintenance damages for delay in completion (if any) and all other 69 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract expenses incurred by the Employer have been ascertained and the amount thereof certified by the Engineer in consultation with the Employer. The Contractor shall then be entitled to receive only such sum or sums (if any) as the Engineer may certify would have been due to him upon due completion by him after deducting the said amount. But if such amount shall exceed the sum which would have been payable to the Contractor on due completion by him then the Contractor shall upon demand pay to the Employer the amount of such excess and it shall be deemed a debt due by the Contractor to the Employer and shall be recoverable accordingly. 15.5. Employer’s Entitlement to Termination: The Employer shall be entitled to terminate the Contract, at any time for the Employer’s convenience, by giving notice of such termination to the Contractor. The termination shall take effect 28 days after the later of the dates on which the Contractor receives this notice or the Employer returns the Performance Security. The Employer shall not terminate the Contract under this Clause in order to execute the Works himself or to arrange for the Works to be executed by another contractor. 16. SUSPENSION 16.1. Suspension of Work The Engineer / Employer’s Representative may at any time instruct the Contractor to suspend progress of part or all of the Works. During suspension, the Contractor shall protect, store and secure such part or whole of the Works against any deterioration, loss or damage. 16.2. Consequences of Suspension The Contractor shall not be entitled to extra cost (if any), incurred by him, during the period of suspension of Work, if such suspension is a. provided for in the Contract, or b. necessary for proper execution of Works or by reasons or weather condition or by some default on the part of the Contractor, or c. necessary for the safety of Works or any part thereof or d. necessary for the safety of adjoining public or other properly or safety of the public or workmen or those who have to be at the site or e. to ensure safety and to avoid disruption of traffic and utilities, as also to permit fast repairs and restoration of any damaged utilities, 70 Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. If suspension is ordered by the Engineer for reasons other than those mentioned in clause 8.8 then the Contractor's entitlement are in the table below : Suspension Period Extension of time Compensation for the suspension period Remarks No No Engineer may, at his sole discretion, give extension of time in exceptional circumstances 15-30 Days YES No Extension of time as considered proper by the Engineer Above 30-90 Days YES No Extension of time as considered proper by the Engineer Above 90 days if Contractor asks for fore Closure. YES As per Daily rate of wages for idle labour/Employees 70% of the rate for hire charges for idle plant and machinery (excluding cost of fuel and lubricants) 15% above all these items to cover overhead costs Compensation as assessed by the Engineer on submission of documentary proof by the Contractor to Engineer’s satisfaction. Upto 14 days 16.3. Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspension The Contractor shall be entitled to payment of the value (as at the date of suspension) of Plant and/or Materials which have not been delivered to Site, if: 1. the work on Plant or delivery of Plant and/or Materials has been suspended for more than 28 days, and 2. the Contractor has marked the Plant and/or Materials as the Employer’s property in accordance with the Engineer’s instructions. 16.4. Prolonged Suspension If the progress of the works or any part thereof is suspended on the written order of the Engineer for more than 90 days, the Contractor may serve a written notice on the Engineer requiring permission within 28 days from the receipt thereof to proceed with the Works or that part thereof in regard to which progress is suspended and if such permission is not granted within that time, the Contractor, by a further written notice so served, may (but is not bound to) elect to treat the suspension where it affects part 71 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract only of the Works as an omission of such part under Clause 12 hereof or where it affects the whole works as an abandonment of the Contract by the Employer/Engineer. 16.5. Resumption of Work After the permission or instruction to proceed is given, the Contractor and the Engineer shall jointly examine the Works and the Plant and Materials affected by the suspension. The Contractor shall make good any deterioration or defect in or loss of the Works or Plant or Materials, which has occurred during the suspension. 17. RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY 17.1. Indemnities: The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Employer, the Employer’s Representative, and their respective agents, against and from all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) in respect of: A. bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, of any person whatsoever arising out of or in the course of or by reason of the Contractor’s design (if any), the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects, unless attributable to any negligence, willful act or breach of the Contract by the Employer, the Employer’s Representative, or any of their respective agents, and B. damage to or loss of any property, real or personal (other than the Works), to the extent that such damage or loss: a. arises out of or in the course of or by reason of the Contractor’s design (if any), the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects, and b. is attributable to any negligence, willful act or breach of the Contract by the Contractor, the Contractor’s Representative, their respective agents, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them. The Employer shall indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor, the Contractor’s Representative, and their respective agents, against and from all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) in respect of (1) bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, which is attributable to any negligence, willful act or breach of the Contract by the Employer, the Employer’s Representative, or any of their respective agents, and (2) the matters for which liability may be excluded from insurance cover, as described in Clause 18.4 [Insurance Against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property]. 17.2. Contractor’s Care of the Works: From the commencement to the completion of the Works/Plant/Equipment, the Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care thereof and of Temporary Works and Constructional Plant and in case any damage, loss or injury shall occur to the Works/Plant/Equipment or to any part thereof or to any Temporary Works or Constructional Plant from any cause whatsoever Contractor shall at his own cost, 72 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract repair and make good the same so that at completion the Work/Plant/Equipment shall be in good order and condition and in conformity in every respect with the requirement of the Contract and the Engineer's instructions. The Contractor also assumes all risks, hazards and conditions in connection with the performance of the Contract. If the performance of the contract involves a greater expenditure than the Contractor anticipated, no allowance will be made on account thereof, and the Contractor shall nevertheless complete the work in accordance with the terms of the contract. The Contractor will be responsible for loss or damage to his own / or Subcontractor’s own equipment or materials which will not form part of the completed project. 17.3. Employer’s Risks: The risks referred to in Clause 17.4 below are: A. war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, B. rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, or civil war, within the Country, C. riot, commotion or disorder within the Country by persons other than the Contractor’s Representative and other employees of the Contractor and Subcontractors, D. munitions of war, explosive materials, ionising radiation or contamination by radio-activity, within the Country, except as may be attributable to the Contractor’s use of such munitions, explosives, radiation or radio-activity, E. pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds, F. use or occupation by the Employer of any part of the Permanent Works, except as may be specified in the Contract, G. design of any part of the Works by the Employer’s Representative or by others for whom the Employer is responsible, and H. any operation of the forces of nature which is Unforeseeable or against which an experienced contractor could not reasonably have been expected to have taken adequate preventative precautions. 17.4. Consequences of Employer’s Risks: If and to the extent that any of the risks listed in Clause 17.3 above results in loss or damage to the Works, Goods or Contractor’s Documents, the Contractor shall promptly give notice to the Engineer and shall rectify this loss or damage to the extent required by the Engineer. If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost from rectifying this loss or damage, the Contractor shall give a further notice to the Engineer and shall be entitled subject to Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims] to: a. an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or will be delayed, b. Payment of any such Cost, which shall be included in the Contract Sum. In the case of Clause 17.3 [Employer’s Risks], reasonable profit on the Cost shall also be included. 73 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 17.5. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights: In this Clause, “infringement” means an infringement (or alleged infringement) of any patent, registered design, copyright, trademark, trade name, trade secret or other intellectual or industrial property right relating to the Works; and “claim” means a claim (or proceedings pursuing a claim) alleging an infringement. Whenever a Party does not give notice to the other Party of any claim within 28 days of receiving the claim, the first Party shall be deemed to have waived any right to indemnity under this Clause. The Employer shall indemnify and hold the Contractor harmless against and from any claim alleging an infringement which is or was: 17.5.1. an unavoidable result of the Contractor’s compliance with the Contract, or 17.5.2. a result of any Works being used by the Employer: for a purpose other than that indicated by, or reasonably to be inferred from, the Contract, or in conjunction with anything not supplied by the Contractor, unless such use was disclosed to the Contractor prior to the Base Date or is stated in the Contract. 17.6. Limitation of Liability Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for loss of use of any Works, loss of profit, loss of any contract or for any indirect or consequential loss or damage which may be suffered by the other Party in connection with the Contract, other than under Clause 16.3 [Payment on Termination] and Clause 17.1 [Indemnities]. The total liability of the Contractor to the Employer, under or in connection with the Contract other than under Clause 5.22 [Electricity, Water], Clause 17.1 [Indemnities] and Clause 17.5 [Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights], shall not exceed the sum stated in the Particular Conditions or (if a sum is not so stated) the Accepted Contract Amount. This Clause shall not limit liability in any case of fraud, deliberate default or reckless misconduct by the defaulting Party. 18. INSURANCE 18.1. General Requirements for Insurances: 18.1.1. It is the Contractor’s responsibility, to take insurance for the work, workmen, and third party liability, and indemnify the Employer, from all claims, arising out of this Contract. the Employer will arrange for insurance only after Practical Completion of the Project from the Contractor. The Contractor has to allow for all risks in his Tender rates and no compensation on any account will be paid by the Employer. Force Majeure will only permit time extension within his Tender rates for contract performance as may be approved by the 74 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Employer. 18.1.2. The Contractor shall be responsible for all injury or damage to persons, animals or things and for all damage to property which may arise from any factor, omission, on the part of The Contractor, or any Subcontractor or any of their employees. 18.1.3. The liability under this clause shall cover also, inter alia, any damage to structures, whether immediately adjacent to the works or otherwise, any damage to roads, streets, footpaths, bridges, as well as damage caused to the buildings and other structures and works, forming the subject matter of this Contract. The Contractor shall also be responsible for any damage caused to the buildings and other structures and works, forming the subject matter of this Contract due to rain, wind, frost, or other inclemency of weather. 18.1.4. The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Employer and hold him harmless in respect of all and any loss and expenses arising from any such injury, or damage to persons, or property as aforesaid and also against any claim made in respect of injury or damage, whether under any statute or otherwise, and also in respect of any award or compensation or damage consequent upon such claim. 18.1.5. Contractor’s All Risk (CAR) Policy The Contractor shall, at his own expense, effect and maintain till the issue of the Virtual Completion Certificate under this Contract with an Indian insurance company approved by the Employer, an All Risks Policy of Insurance including earthquake risk, in the joint names of the the Employer and The Contractor (the name of the former being placed first in the policy) against all risk as per the standard comprehensive All Risk Policy for the amount of Contract and deposit such policy or policies with the Employer before commencing the works. Insurance Cover for Contractor’s All Risk shall include the following but not limited to ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 50/50 Clause 72 Hours Clause Free Automatic Reinstatement Clause upto 10% of SI Loss Minimisation Expenses Professional Fees Waiver of Contribution Clause Expediting cost including Air Freight and Express Freight upto 30% of net claim amount. Amendment in Fire Fighting Endorsement wording. Owner Surrounding Property upto 10% of the policy SI with FLEXA Risk. Debris Removal upto Rs.10 Cr. Cover for offsite storage/fabrication TPL with cross liability till expiry of the Extended Maintenance Period AOA Limit is as 1% of the Contract price 75 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Escalation Cost upto 50% of the policy SI Waiver of Subrogation Clause Design Defect Cover as per DE3 wordings of Munich Re. Extended Maintenance Cover for 24 Months. Earthquake STFI Terrorism 18.1.6. The Contractor shall reinstate all damage of every sort mentioned in this Clause so as to deliver up the whole of the works complete and perfect in every respect and so as to make good or otherwise satisfy all claims for damage to property of third parties. 18.1.7. THIRD PARTY INSURANCE The Contractor shall also indemnify and keep indemnified the Employer against all claims which may be made against the the Employer, by any person, in respect of anything, which may arise in respect of the works or in consequence thereof and shall, at his own expense, effect and maintain until the Virtual Completion of the Contract with an Insurance Company, approved by the Employer, a policy of Insurance in the joint names of the the Employer and The Contractor (name of the former being placed first in the policy) against such risks and deposit such policy or policies before commencement of the works. The minimum limit of the coverage under the Policy shall be One percent (1%) of the Value of the Total Contract Price for any one incident, with number of incidents unlimited. 18.1.8. The Contractor shall, also indemnify the Employer against all which may be upon the Employer, whether under the workmen's compensation Act or any other statute in force during the currency of this Contract or at common Law, in respect of any employee of The Contractor or of any Subcontractor and shall at his own expense, effect and maintain until the Virtual Completion of the Contract with an Indian Insurance Company approved by the Employer, a Policy of Insurance, against such risks and deposit such policy or policies with the Employer from time to time during the currency of this Contract. 18.1.9. In default of the Contractor, insuring as provided above, the Employer may insure him on the above lines and may deduct the premiums paid from any moneys, due or which may become due to The Contractor. 18.1.10. The Contractor shall be responsible, for any liability which may not be covered by the Insurance Policies referred to above, and also for all other damages to any person, animal or things, or defects while carrying out of this Contract, whatever may be the reasons due to which the damage shall have been caused. 18.1.11. The Contractor shall also indemnify and keep indemnified the Employer, against all and any cost, charges or expenses, arising out of any claim, or proceedings, relating to the works and also in respect 76 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract of any award of damages or compensation arising there from. 18.1.12. Without prejudice to the other rights of the Employer against the Contractor in respect of such default, the Employer shall be entitled to deduct from any sums payable to the Contractor the amount of any damages, compensation costs, charges, and other expenses, paid by the Employer and which are payable by The Contractor under this Clause. 18.1.13. The Contractor shall upon settlement by the Insurer of any claim made against the Insurer pursuant to a policy taken under this clause, proceed with due diligence to rebuild or repair the works destroyed or damaged. In this event, all the monies received from the Insurer in respect of such damage shall be paid to The Contractor and The Contractor shall not be entitled to any further payment in respect of the expenditure incurred for rebuilding or repairing of the materials or goods destroyed or damaged. 18.1.14. The Contractors in case of re-building or reinstatement after fire shall be entitled to such Extension of Time for completion as Employer’s Representative / the Employer / the Engineer may deem fit, but shall, however, not be entitled to reimbursement by the Employer of any shortfall or deficiency in the amount finally paid by the Insurer in settlement of any claim arising as set out herein. 18.1.15. Without prejudice to his liability under this Clause, the Contractor shall also cause all Direct Subcontractors to effect for their respective portions of the works, similar policies of insurance in accordance with the provisions of this Clause and shall produce or cause to produce to the Employer, such policies. In the event of failure of the subcontractor to take out such a policy of insurance before commencing the works at the site, The Contractor shall be responsible for any claim or damage attributable to the said SubContractor. 18.2. Injury to persons and property of Employer: 18.2.1. The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Employer against any liability, loss, claim, or proceedings whatsoever arising under any statute or at common law, in respect of personal injury to or the death of any person, whomsoever, arising out of or in the course of or caused by the carrying out of the works, unless such claim arises due to any act, or neglect of the Employer, or of any person for whom the Employer is responsible. 18.2.2. The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Employer against any expense, liability, loss, claim, or proceedings, in respect of any injury, or damage, whatsoever, to any property, movable or immovable, in so far as, such injury or damage arises out of ,or in the course of , or by reason of, the carrying out of the works, and provided always that the same is due to any negligence, omission, or default of The Contractor, his servants or agents or of any Subcontractor, his servant or agent. 77 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 18.3. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Insurance for Works and Contractor’s Equipment: 18.3.1. The Contractor shall in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor , insure against loss or damage by fire, storm, tempest, lightning, flood, earthquake, aircraft or anything dropped there from, aerial objects, riot, and civil commotion, for the full value thereof, all work executed and all unfixed materials, and goods intended for, delivered to, and placed on, or adjacent to the work, but excluding temporary building plant, tools, and equipment, owned or hired by The Contractor, or any Subcontractor, and shall ,keep such work, materials, and goods, so insured until Virtual Completion of the Project. Such insurances shall be with insurers approved by the Employer / Consultant and The Contractor shall deposit with the Employer/Consultant, the policy or policies and the receipts in respect of premiums paid: and should The Contractor make default in insuring or continuing to insure, as aforesaid, the Employer may himself insure against any risk with respect of which the default shall have occurred and deduct, a sum equivalent to the amount paid by him in respect of premium from any monies due to, or to become due to The Contractor. 18.3.2. Provided always, that if The Contractor shall independently of his obligations under this Contract, maintain a policy of Insurance which covers (inter alia) the said work, materials, and goods, against the aforesaid contingencies to the full value thereof, then, the maintenance by The Contractor of such policy shall, if the Employer’s interest is endorsed thereon, be a discharge of The Contractor's obligation to insure in the joint names of the Employer and Contractor and the production by The Contractor as and when may reasonably be required by the Employer of a current Certificate of Insurance from the company or firm which shall have issued the said policy, shall be a discharge of The Contractor's obligation ,to deposit with the Employer ,a policy or policies and the receipts in respect of premiums paid. 18.3.3. Upon settlement of any claim under the Insurances aforesaid, the Contractor with due diligence shall restore, work damaged, replace, or repair, unfixed materials, or goods, which have been destroyed or injured, remove, or dispose of, any debris, and proceed with the carrying out and completion of the work. All monies received from such insurances, shall be paid to The Contractor, by installments, under Certificates of Employer's Representative / the Employer / the Engineer Issued, at the period of interim Certificates, named in the Appendix to these Conditions. The Contractor shall not be entitled to payment, in respect of the restoration of work damaged, the replacement, and repair of any unfixed materials, or goods, and the removal, and disposal of, debris, other than the monies received under the said insurances. 18.3.4. All works executed and all unfixed materials and goods intended for, delivered to, and placed on or adjacent to the works (except temporary buildings, plant, tools and equipment owned or hired by 78 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract the Contractor or his Subcontractor), shall be at the sole risk of the Contractor, as regards loss or damage by fire, storm, tempest, lightning, flood, earthquake, aircraft or anything dropped there from, aerial objects, riot, and civil commotion. If any loss or damage, affecting the work, or any part thereof or any such unfixed materials or goods, is occasioned by, any one or more of the said contingencies, then: 18.3.5. The occurrence of such loss or damage shall be disregarded, in computing any amounts payable to the Contractor under or by virtue of this Contract. 18.3.6. The Contractor with due diligence shall restore work damaged, replace or repair any unfixed materials or goods which have been destroyed or injured, remove and dispose of any debris, and proceed with carrying out and completion of the work. The restoration of work damaged, the replacement and repair of unfixed materials, and goods, and the removal and disposal of debris, shall be deemed to be a variation required by the Consultant. 18.3.7. The existing structure together with all the contents thereof and the works, and all unfixed materials, and goods, intended for, delivered to, and placed on, or adjacent to the works, (except temporary buildings, plant, tools and equipment, owned or hired by The Contractor, or any Subcontractor) shall be at the sole risk of the Employer, as regards loss or damage by fire, storm, tempest, lightning, flood, earthquake, aircraft or anything dropped there from, aerial objects, riot, and civil commotion, and the Employer shall maintain adequate Insurance, against that risk, if any loss or damage, affecting the work, or any part thereof, or any such unfixed materials, or goods, is occasioned, by any one or more of the said contingencies, then : 18.3.8. The occurrence of such loss or damage shall be disregarded, in computing any amounts payable to The Contractor, under or by virtue of this Contract. If it is just and equitable so to do the employment of the Contractor, under this Contract may within 28 days of the occurrence of such loss or damage be determined at the option of either party, by notice by registered post, or recorded delivery, from either party to the other. Within seven days of receiving such notice ,(but not thereafter) either party may give to the other, a written request to concur in the appointment of an Arbitrator under Clause of these Conditions, in order that it may be determined whether such determination will be just and equitable. Upon the giving or receiving by the Employer of such a notice of determination or where a reference to Arbitration is as aforesaid upon the Arbitrator upholding the notice of determination, If no notice of determination is served as aforesaid or where reference to Arbitration is made as aforesaid if the Arbitrator decides against the notice of determination then. 79 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract 18.3.9. The Contractor with due diligence shall reinstate or make good such loss or damage and proceed with the carrying out and completion of the works. 18.3.10. Employer’s Representative / The Employer / The Engineer may issue instructions requiring Contractor to remove and dispose of any debris; and 18.3.11. The reinstatement and making good of such loss or damage and (when required) the removal and disposal of debris, shall be deemed to be a variation required by the Employer. 18.4. Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property : 18.4.1. Without Prejudice to his liability to indemnify the the Employer, under Clause- of these Conditions, The Contractor shall maintain and shall cause any Subcontractor to maintain: 18.4.2. Such Insurances, as are necessary, to cover the liability of The Contractor ,or as the case may be of such Subcontractor, in respect of personal injuries or deaths arising out of or in the course of or caused by the carrying out of the work; and 18.4.3. Such insurances as may be specifically required by the Contract Bills in respect of injury or damage to property, movable or immovable, arising out of or in the course of, or by reason of, the carrying out of the work, and caused by any negligence, omission, or default, of The Contractor, his servants or agents or, as the case may be, of such Sub- Contractor, his servants or agents. 18.4.4. The Contractor shall produce or cause any Subcontractor to produce for inspection, the relevant policy or policies of Insurance together with the receipts, in respect of premiums paid under such policy or policies, as and when required so by the Employer / Consultant, provided always, that as and when may be reasonably required by the Employer, the production by either The Contractor or any Subcontractor, of a current Certificate of Insurance, from the company or firm which shall have issued the policy or policies aforesaid, shall be a good discharge of The Contractor's obligation to produce or to cause the production of the policy or policies, and the receipts in respect of premium paid. 18.4.5. The Contractor shall maintain in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor, such Insurances, as may be required, in respect of any expense, liability, loss, claim or proceedings which the Employer may incur or sustain by reason of injury, or damage to property, real or personal, arising out of, or in the course of, or by reason of ,the carrying out of the work, and caused otherwise than by the negligence, omission, or default of The Contractor, his servants or agents or any Subcontractor, his servants or agents. 80 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 18.5. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract 18.4.6. Any such Insurance as is referred to, in the immediately preceding paragraph shall be placed with insurers to be approved by the Employer, and The Contractor shall have to deposit with the Employer the policy or policies and the receipts in respect of premiums paid for the scrutinizing of the the Employer. 18.4.7. Should The Contractor or any Subcontractor make default in insuring or in continuing to insure as provided in the above Clauses, the Employer may himself insure against any risk with respect to which the default shall have occurred, and may deduct a sum equivalent to the amount paid in respect of premiums from any monies due to or become due to The Contractor. Insurance for Contractor’s Representative: The Contractor shall effect and maintain insurance against liability for claims, damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) arising from injury, sickness, disease or death of any person employed by the Contractor or any other of the Contractor’s Representative. The Employer and the Engineer shall also be indemnified under the policy of insurance, except that this insurance may exclude losses and claims to the extent that they arise from any act or neglect of the Employer or of the Employer’s Representative. The insurance shall be maintained in full force and effect during the whole time that these Representative are assisting in the execution of the Works. For a Subcontractor’s employees, the insurance may be effected by the Subcontractor, but the Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with this Clause. 19. FORCE MAJEURE 19.1. Definition of Force Majeure: In this Clause, “Force Majeure” means an exceptional event or circumstance: a. which is beyond a Party’s control, b. which such Party could not reasonably have provided against before entering into the Contract, c. which, having arisen, such Party could not reasonably have avoided or overcome, and d. which is not substantially attributable to the other Party. Force Majeure may include, but is not limited to, exceptional events or circumstances of the kind listed below, so long as conditions (a) to (d) above are satisfied: i. war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, 81 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 19.2. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract ii. rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, or civil war, iii. riot, commotion, disorder, strike or lockout by persons other than the Contractor’s Representative and other employees of the Contractor and Subcontractors, iv. munitions of war, explosive materials, ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity, except as may be attributable to the Contractor’s use of such munitions, explosives, radiation or radioactivity, and v. natural catastrophes such as earthquake, hurricane, typhoon or volcanic activity. Notice of Force Majeure: If a Party is or will be prevented from performing any of its obligations under the Contract by Force Majeure, then it shall give notice to the other Party of the event or circumstances constituting the Force Majeure and shall specify the obligations, the performance of which is or will be prevented. The notice shall be given within 14 days after the Party became aware, or should have become aware, of the relevant event or circumstance constituting Force Majeure. The Party shall, having given notice, be excused performance of such obligations for so long as such Force Majeure prevents it from performing them. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Clause, Force Majeure shall not apply to obligations of either Party to make payments to the other Party under the Contract. 19.3. Duty to Minimise Delay: Each Party shall at all times use all reasonable endeavours to minimise any delay in the performance of the Contract as a result of Force Majeure. A Party shall give notice to the other Party when it ceases to be affected by the Force Majeure. 19.4. Consequences of Force Majeure: 19.4.1. If the Contractor is prevented from performing any of his obligations under the Contract by Force Majeure of which notice has been given under Clause 19.2 [Notice of Force Majeure], and suffers delay and/or incurs Cost by reason of such 19.4.2. Force Majeure, the Contractor shall be entitled subject to Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims] to: an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or will be delayed, under Conditions of this contract. 82 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract if the event or circumstance is of the kind described in Clause 19.1 [Definition of Force Majeure] and, in the case of subparagraphs (ii) to (iv), occurs in the Country, payment of any such Cost. 19.5. Force Majeure Affecting Subcontractor: If any Subcontractor is entitled under any contract or agreement relating to the Works to relief from force majeure on terms additional to or broader than those specified in this Clause, such additional or broader force majeure events or circumstances shall not excuse the Contractor’s non-performance or entitle him to relief under this Clause. 19.6. Optional Termination, Payment and Release: If the execution of substantially all the Works in progress is prevented for a continuous period of 84 days by reason of Force Majeure of which notice has been given under Clause 19.2 [Notice of Force Majeure], or for multiple periods which total more than 140 days due to the same notified Force Majeure, then either Party may give to the other Party a notice of termination of the Contract. In this event, the termination shall take effect 7 days after the notice is given, and the Contractor shall proceed in accordance with the Conditions of the contract 19.7. 19.6.1. the amounts payable for any work carried out for which a price is stated in the Contract; 19.6.2. the Cost of Plant and Materials ordered for the Works which have been delivered to the Contractor, or of which the Contractor is liable to accept delivery: this Plant and Materials shall become the property of (and be at the risk of) the Employer when paid for by the Employer, and the Contractor shall place the same at the Employer’s disposal; 19.6.3. any other Cost or liability which in the circumstances was reasonably incurred by the Contractor in the expectation of completing the Works; 19.6.4. the Cost of removal of Temporary Works and Contractor’s Equipment from the Site and the return of these items to the Contractor’s works in his country (or to any other destination at no greater cost); 19.6.5. the Cost of repatriation of the Contractor’s staff and labour employed wholly in connection with the Works at the date of termination. Release from Performance under the Law: Notwithstanding any other provision of this Clause, if any event or circumstance outside the control of the Parties (including, but not limited to, Force Majeure) arises which makes it impossible or unlawful for either or both Parties to fulfill its or their contractual obligations or which, under the law governing the Contract, entitles the Parties to be released from further performance of the Contract, then upon notice by either Party to the other Party of such event or circumstance: 83 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 20. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract 19.7.1. the Parties shall be discharged from further performance, without prejudice to the rights of either Party in respect of any previous breach of the Contract, and 19.7.2. the sum payable by the Employer to the Contractor shall be the same as would have been payable under Clause 19.6 [Optional Termination, Payment and Release] if the Contract had been terminated under Clause 19.6 (Optional Termination, Payment and Release.) CLAIMS, DISPUTES, CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION 20.1. Procedure for Claims: If the Contractor intends to claim any additional payment under any clause of these Conditions or otherwise, the Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer as soon as possible and in any event, within 28 days of the start of the event giving rise to the claim. The Contractor shall keep such contemporary records as may be necessary to substantiate any claim either on the Site or at any other location acceptable to the Engineer. Without admitting the Employer's liability, the Engineer shall on receipt of such notice, inspect such records and may instruct the Contractor to keep further contemporary records. The Contractor shall permit the Engineer to inspect all such records and shall (if instructed) submit copies to the Engineer. Within 28 days of such notice or such other time as may be agreed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall send to the Engineer an account, giving detailed particulars of the amount and basis of the claim. Where the event giving rise to the claim has a continuing effect, such amount shall be considered as interim. The Contractor shall then, at such intervals as the Engineer may reasonable require, send further interim accounts giving the accumulated amount of the claim and any further particulars. Where interim accounts are sent to the Engineer, the Contractor shall send a final account within 28 days of the end of the effects resulting from the event. If the Contractor fails be complying with this clause, he shall not be entitled to claim any additional payment. 20.2. Payment for Claims The Contractor shall be entitled to have included in any interim payment certificate such amount for any claim as the Engineer considers due, after taking approval from the Employer. If the particulars supplied are insufficient to substantiate the whole of the claim the Contractor shall be entitled to payment for such part of the claim as has been substantiated. 20.3. No Legal Action Till Dispute Settlement Procedure is Exhausted Any and all Disputes shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of Clause 20. No action at law concerning or arising out of any Dispute shall be commenced unless and until all applicable Dispute resolution procedures set out in Clause 20 shall have been finally exhausted in relation to that Dispute 84 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract or any Dispute out of which that Dispute shall have arisen with which it may be or may have been connected. 20.4. Notice of Dispute A Dispute shall be deemed to arise when one party serves on the other party a notice in writing (herein called a “Dispute of Notice”) stating the nature of the Dispute provided that no such notice shall be served later than 28 days after the completion of the Defects Liability Period. 20.5. Two Stages for Dispute Disputes shall be settled through two stages: 20.6. 20.5.1. Conciliation procedures as established by “The Arbitration and Conciliation Act-1996” (as amended from time to time) and in accordance with this clause. In the event this procedure fails to resolve the Dispute then: 20.5.2. Arbitration procedures undertaken as provided by “The Arbitration and Conciliation Act-1996”(as amended from time to time) and in accordance with this Clause. Conciliation Within 60 days of receipt of Notice of Dispute, either party shall refer the matter in Dispute to Conciliation. Conciliation proceedings shall be initiated within 30 days of one party inviting the other in writing to Conciliation. Conciliation shall commence when the other party accepts in writing this invitation. If the invitation is not accepted then Conciliation shall not take place. If the party initiating Conciliation does not receive a reply within 30 days from the date on which he sends the invitation he may elect to treat this as a rejection of the invitation to conciliate and inform the other party accordingly. The Conciliation shall be undertaken by one Conciliator selected from a panel of Conciliators maintained by the Employer. The Conciliator shall assist the parties to reach an amicable settlement in an independent and impartial manner. 20.7. Conciliation Procedure The Employer shall maintain a panel of Conciliators, who shall be from serving or retired Engineers of Government Departments or of Public Sector Undertakings. Out of this panel a list of three Conciliators shall be sent to the Contractor who shall choose one of them to act as Conciliator and conduct Conciliation proceedings in accordance with "The Arbitration and Conciliation Act - 1996” India. There will be no objection if Conciliator so nominated is a serving employee of CMRL who would be deputy level officer and above. The Employer and the Contractor shall in good faith co-operate with the Conciliator and in particular, shall endeavour to comply with requests by the Conciliator to submit written materials, provide evidence and attend meetings. Each party may, on his own initiative or at the invitation of the Conciliator, submit to the 85 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Conciliator suggestions for the settlements of the Dispute. When it appears to the Conciliator that there exist elements of a settlement which may be acceptable to the parties, he shall formulate the terms of a possible settlement and submit them to the parties for their observations. After receiving the observations of the parties, the Conciliator may reformulate the terms of a possible settlement in the light of such observations. If the parties reach agreement on a settlement of the dispute, they may draw up and sign a written settlement agreement. If requested by the parties, the Conciliator may draw up, or assist the parties in drawing up the settlement agreement. When the parties sign the settlement agreement, it shall be final and binding on the parties and persons claiming under them respectively. The Conciliator shall authenticate the settlement agreement and furnish a copy thereof to each of the parties. As far as possible the conciliation proceedings should be completed within 60 days of the receipt of notice by the Conciliator. The parties shall not initiate, during the conciliation proceedings, any arbitral or judicial proceedings in respect of a Dispute that is the subject matter of the conciliation proceedings. 20.8. Termination of Conciliation proceedings The conciliation proceedings shall be terminated: 20.8.1. by the signing of the settlement agreement by the parties on the date of agreement; or 20.8.2. by written declaration of the Conciliator, after consultation with the parties to the effect further efforts at conciliation are no longer justified, on the date of declaration; or 20.8.3. by a written declaration of the parties to the Conciliator to the effect that the conciliation proceedings are terminated, on the date of declaration; or 20.8.4. by a written declaration of a party to the other party and the Conciliator, if appointed, to the effect that the conciliation proceedings are terminated, on the date of declaration. Upon termination of the conciliation proceedings, the Conciliator shall fix the costs of the conciliation and give written notice thereof to the parties. The costs shall be borne equally by the parties unless settlement agreement provides for a different apportionment. All other expenses incurred by a party shall be borne by that party. 20.9. Arbitration If the efforts to resolve all or any of the dispute through conciliation fails, then such disputes or differences, whatsoever arising between the parties, arising out of touching or relating to construction / manufacture, measuring operation or effect of the contract or the breach thereof shall be referred to Arbitration in accordance with the following provisions: 86 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 20.9.1. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Matters to be arbitrated upon shall be referred to a sole Arbitrator if the total value of the claims is up to Rs.10 million and to a panel of three Arbitrators if total value of claims is more than Rs.10 million. The Employer shall provide a panel of three Arbitrators which may also include CMRL officers for the claims up to Rs.10 Million and a panel of five Arbitrators which may also include CMRL officers for claims of more than Rs.10 million. The Contractor shall have to choose the sole Arbitrator from the panel of three and / or one Arbitrator from the panel of five in case three Arbitrators are to be appointed. The Employer shall also choose one Arbitrator from this panel of five and the two so chosen will choose the third Arbitrator from the panel only. The Arbitrators shall be appointed within a period of 60 days from the date of receipt of written notice/demand of appointment of Arbitrator from either party. Neither party shall be limited in the proceedings before such Arbitrators to the evidence nor arguments put before the Engineer for the purpose of obtaining his decision. No decision given by the Engineer in accordance with foregoing provisions shall disqualify him from being called as a witness and giving evidence before the Arbitrators on any matter, whatsoever, relevant to Dispute or difference referred to Arbitrators. The arbitration proceedings shall be held in Chennai only. The language of proceedings that of documents and communication shall be English. 20.10. 20.9.2. The Employer at the time of offering the panel of Arbitrator(s) to be appointed as Arbitrator shall also supply the information with regards to the qualifications of the said Arbitrator nominated in the panel along with their professional experience, phone numbers and addresses to the Contractor. 20.9.3. The award of the sole Arbitrator or the award by majority of three Arbitrators as the case may be shall be binding on all parties. Interest on Arbitration Award Where the arbitral award is for the payment of money, no interest shall be payable on whole or any part of the money for any period, till the date on which the award is made. 20.11. Cost of Arbitration The cost of arbitration shall be borne by the respective parties. The cost shall, inter alia, include the fees of the Arbitrator(s) as per rates fixed by the Employer from time to time. 20.12. Jurisdiction of Courts Where recourse to a Court is to be made respect of any matter, the Court at Chennai shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to try all disputes between the parties. 87 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 20.13. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Suspension of Work on Account of Arbitration The reference to Conciliation / Arbitration shall proceed notwithstanding that the works shall not then be or be alleged to be complete, provided always that the obligations of the Employer, Engineer and the Contractor shall not be altered by reasons of arbitration being conducted during the progress of the works. Neither party shall be entitled to suspend the work or part of the work to which the dispute relates on account of arbitration and payments to the Contractor shall continue to be made in terms of the Contract. 21. CONDITIONS - GREEN BUILDING CONCEPT : 21.1. Special Conditions and Guidelines to Contractor for maintaining a Sustainable Site during construction. The contractor shall to prevent erosion, plan for sedimentation collection systems, drainage systems, and runoff diversion systems shall be in place before the commencement of construction activity. A soil erosion and sedimentation control plan should be prepared prior to construction and should be applied effectively. It is strongly recommended to design for Sedimentation basin of desired capacities for rainwater catchments from the site during construction. 21.2. Confine construction activity to pre-designated areas: Barricade the areas where construction activities will be carried out so as to protect the remainder of the site from harm/ damage. Proper construction planning should be carried out to ensure minimum disruption to site. Pre designated areas for storage of materials, vehicle access, etc., should be planned. It is also recommended to demarcate areas on the site plan to which the site activities would be limited during construction by the contractor. The demarcated area should be separated from the rest of the site through a physical barrier. 21.3. Proper implementation of staging and spill prevention plan: 21.4. Staging areas: Staging is dividing a construction area into two or more areas to minimize the area of soil that will be exposed at any given time. Staging should be done to separate undisturbed land from land disturbed by construction activity and material storage. Measures shall be followed for collecting drainage water runoff from construction areas and material storage sites; diverting water flow away from such polluted areas, so that pollutants do not mix with storm water runoff from undisturbed areas. Temporary drainage channels, perimeter dike/swale, etc. shall be constructed to carry the pollutant-laden water directly to the treatment device or facility (municipal sewer line). The plan shall indicate how the above is accomplished on-site, well in advance of the commencing of the construction activity. 88 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 21.5. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Spill prevention and control: Spill prevention and control plans should be made, clearly stating measures to stop the source of the spill, to contain the spill, to dispose the contaminated material and hazardous wastes, and stating designation of Representative trained to prevent and control spills. Hazardous wastes include pesticides, paints, cleaners, and petroleum products. 21.6. General instructions for handling & disposal of hazardous waste 21.6.1. Labelling all Hazardous products and waste as ‘Hazardous materials’ in local and other preferred languages should be incorporated as a general practice. 21.6.2. Locations should be identified on the construction site to store the used/scrap wastes and the items should be segregated and stored in the bins accordingly. The waste should be then handed over to the authorized agencies for safe disposal. 21.6.3. In addition to the hazardous materials, following items used for application of hazardous chemicals should also be properly disposed Cotton Hosiery gloves/ Criss cross gloves Arm Guards Corrugated /Thermocol Scrap Plastic and glass ware. 21.6.4. Effective soil erosion and sedimentation control plan: There are two types of soil erosion control. Temporary controls – provide cover to the soil for a short period of time, till the permanent measures are adopted. These are usually applicable during construction. Permanent controls – These measures are incorporated on soil, when activities that disturb the soil are over. These measures could be applicable post construction in the proposed landscape plan. 21.6.5. Temporary control measures Temporary seeding: This is carried out to reduce erosion and sedimentation from disturbed areas that will not be stabilized for long period and where permanent plant growth is not appropriate. Temporary seeding means growing vegetative cover for a short period of time on disturbed site areas that are prone to soil erosion. Fast growing grasses are used in this system whose root systems hold the soil together so that they are not carried away by storm water run-off and wind. Temporary seeding also helps in reducing the problem of dust from 89 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract bare soil due to construction. Temporary seeding should be performed on areas which have been disturbed during construction and which are likely to be disturbed after a few weeks. For this time gap the top soil should be preserved from erosion through temporary measures like temporary seeding. Earth dikes and contour trenching An earth dike is a ridge and channel arrangement constructed parallel to the contours along the face of the slope at regular intervals on the lengths and slopes greater than 10% (1:10). They are used to protect the work areas from upslope runoff and to divert the sediment – laden water to sediment traps. The dike can be made of compacted soil and stone or vegetation to stabilize the channel. Mulching Mulch is simply a protective layer of a material that is spread on the top of the soil. Mulching is a temporary soil stabilization technique. Mulches can either be organic, such as grass, hay, straw, wood chips, and similar materials, or inorganic, such as stones and brick chips. Mulching should be used with seedlings and plantings in steep slope areas (slopes>33%). Steep slopes are prone to heavy erosion. Netting or anchoring should be used to hold it in place. Other surface runoff control measures like contour terracing to break up concentrated flows shall be installed prior to seeding and mulching. Geotextiles Geotextiles are porous fabrics which are manufactured by weaving or bonding fibers made from synthetic materials. Geotextiles like nets when combined with mulch act as stronger mulch. Nets are made from jute or other wood fibers and can be used to stabilize soil while plants are growing. Geotextiles could also be used to stabilize the flow on channels and swales. It could also be used to protect seedlings until they become established. Sediment trap A sediment trap can be constructed by excavating a pond across a low-lying area on the site. The trap should retain the run off enough to allow the sediment to settle before they are released. The outlet is constructed using large stones and aggregate to slow down the release of run off. This system is appropriate for small drainage areas not more than 10 acres (Source: EPA, Chapter 3 – Sediment and Erosion Control). The volume of the storage required depends upon the surface type and rainfall intensity. Application: A temporary sediment trap could be used in conjunction with swales, contour trenches, earth dikes, diversion channels. Sediment traps are suitable for small drainage areas, less than 10 acres. The traps should be maintained till the site area is permanently stabilized through vegetation and or when permanent structures are in place. 90 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 21.6.6. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Sediment trap Preservation & protection of existing vegetation: It is required to preserve and protect existing vegetation by non-disturbance or damage to specified site areas during construction. The project site has many trees – details of which have been shared by the Landscape consultants. It is recommended to preserve and/or transplant the mature trees as much as possible. Following measures shall be followed to protect the retained tree during construction process: Damage to roots should be prevented during trenching, placing backfill, driving or parking heavy equipment, dumping of trash, oil, paint, and other materials detrimental to plant health. These activities should be restricted to the areas outside of the canopy of the tree. The tree should not be used for support; its trunk should not be damaged by cutting and carving or by nailing posters, advertisements, or in any other way. Lighting of fires or carrying out heat or gas emitting construction activity within the ground covered by canopy of the tree shall not be permitted. Existing drainage patterns shall not be modified unless specifically directed by the landscape Consultant/Consultant/ engineer-in-charge. Maintenance activities shall be performed as needed to ensure that the vegetation remains healthy. The preserved vegetated area shall be inspected by the landscape Employer’s Representative/ Employer’s Representative/ Employer at regular intervals so that it remains undisturbed. The date of inspection during construction activity and, type of maintenance or restorative action followed shall be recorded in the logbook. Compensate the loss of trees due to the construction activity by compensatory plantation. Replant the same number of mature or fully-grown trees as eliminated during the construction. Replant the same native and/or non-invasive species, which existed on the site before elimination, in the proportion of 1:3. 21.6.7. Plant in excess of 25% to the minimum requirement (in addition to the above requirement) within the site premises (plantation to follow same criteria as above). 21.6.8. Provide minimum level of sanitation / safety facilities for construction workers Follow the various guidelines laid down in the National Building Code 2005 for construction safety for construction workers. Follow the various guidelines laid down in the National Building Code 2005 for health and sanitation facilities for workers residing on site. 91 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Ensure regular maintenance and repair of heavy machinery, lifts, hoists, lift equipment and other equipment. Maintain them in good working condition. Provide warning and safety signs as appropriate across the site. Ensure the safety nets and harnesses are provided for construction workers working on higher floors. Ensure that the walking boards and formwork are stable. Provide safety equipment like safety helmets, jackets, boots, gloves, etc. Provide fire extinguishers on site. Provide sufficient light for workers to work safely at night. The construction company should develop safety policies and ensure their implementation. 21.7. NBC good practices recommendations: 21.7.1. Provide a minimum illumination level of 100 lux for work on site during night. 21.7.2. Provide overhead protection against falling materials. 21.7.3. Helmets, conforming to accepted standards, should be worn properly at all times. 21.7.4. Safety goggles should be worn during activities which are hazardous to eyes like drilling, cutting, welding, etc. 21.7.5. Welders and gas cutters should have the required safety equipment like gloves, safety boots, hand shields, etc. 21.7.6. Cordon off areas during construction in order to prevent people from hitting the structural components and getting hurt. 21.7.7. Display warning signs wherever required like ‘NO SMOKING‘, ‘MEN AT WORK’, ‘440 VOLTS’, etc. (preferably in a local language or signages) 21.7.8. All electrically operated hand tools must be provided double earthing to make it safe for the workers. 21.7.9. afety belts should always be available on site for use as and when required. The rope used for the belts just be treated to be free of dew and rotting. 21.7.10. All fire extinguishers should be maintained in serviceable condition. 21.7.11. All construction waste on site should be collected daily and disposed of safely. 21.7.12. Workers should not be permitted to wear clothes which enhance their getting involved in an accident. No loose clothes should be permitted. 92 Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 21.7.13. 21.8. Workers working at heights should have sufficient provisions provided to them like safety belts, harnesses, sturdy scaffolding, etc. Reduction air pollution during construction 21.8.1. Site preparation Stage construction on site and clear vegetation only from those areas where work has to begin right away. Provide at least a three meter high hoarding around the perimeter of the site, next to the road or public area. Provide dust screens, sheeting or netting along the perimeter of the building. Vegetate/mulch all areas where vehicles do not ply. In case mulching or vegetating is not possible, apply gravel or landscaping rocks to the areas. Vegetate/mulch all loose soil and exposed earth. Identify areas on site where vehicles have to ply. Limit movement of vehicles only to designated areas on site. Limit vehicle speed on site to a maximum of 10 km/hour. Ensure that the vehicle circulation paths and parking areas are hard paved or covered with gravel, etc. All stationary vehicles on site should not have their engines idling and should be turned off. Ensure constant monitoring on site to ensure various measures are being implemented properly. Put a dust and air pollution control plan in place during construction. 21.8.2. Water spraying Use water as a dust suppressant. Spray water over areas where demolition work is being carried out. Spray water to suppress dust on any unpaved road or pathway. Regularly wash the wheels of vehicles plying in and out of the site to prevent any dust from travelling outside. Dust problems due to vehicles can also be reduced by having a trough of water or metal grills on the roads right at the entrance of the site. This would ensure that the dust in the wheels of the vehicles is either washed in the trough of water or shaken off by travelling over the metal grill. Ensure that all vehicles and gensets use cleaner fossil fuels like Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel, etc. 21.8.3. Cover and enclosure Cover all loose stored material with geotextile or any impervious fabric or covering. 93 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Cover all dusty loads on vehicles with impervious sheeting before they enter or exit the site. Store loose materials in enclosed spaces. Provide wind barriers or fences or wind breakers around the area where loose soil, sand, etc., are stored. Store materials on site in an area away from sensitive areas surrounding the site like schools, hospitals, etc. All gensets should be maintained properly. The gensets used on site should meet the recommended pollution norms. Minimum stack height should be provided for all gensets based on height of the building and capacity of the gensets. Toxicants, contaminants on a building construction site and guidelines for their handling and disposal 21.8.4. Asbestos products – insulation, tiles etc To effectively handle asbestos products several elements need to be considered. Site Engineers and building Employers must: Keep an up-to-date inventory of all asbestos-containing materials on the site/building Ensure that all asbestos-containing materials are clearly identified. Conduct a risk assessment of the potential for exposure to any of the asbestos-containing materials. Develop safe work procedures, including the correct use of personal protective equipment, for workers who may work near asbestos-containing materials Instruct all workers who could be exposed in all aspects of the asbestos handling precautions. Prepare written work procedures specific to each job site and make them available to all workers required to follow the procedures. Ensure that work is carried out under the supervision of experienced and qualified supervisors along with the uses of appropriate safety equipments. Handling and disposal of the asbestos products should be as per instructions and procedures marked in the manufacturers manual. Any asbestos containing building component should be clearly identified and information should be given to the building residents/manager. 94 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 21.8.5. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract All asbestos products for disposal should be kept in a separate marked covered bin and given to authorized agency for disposal. Centering oil, formwork oil prevention of oil spillage at the time of oiling of machinery or metal works on construction site. All vessels used for oil collection/ storage should be appropriately secured to avoid spillage. Vessels should be kept under the equipments for collection of leaked oil during maintenance of equipments or during time of greasing of metal works during construction. Any spilled oil is to be covered with sand immediately. In case of fire/spillage the Fire & safety department should be informed. In case of heavy leakage of oil the Security department should be notified. It is the primary responsibility of the site engineer to ensure that these procedures are adhered to. Mop cloths or other materials used for cleaning up or wiping during oil and diesel works should be disposed off. 21.8.6. Tar and Tar products (bitumen, felt, water proofing compounds etc.) Wear personal protective equipment & clothes (hardhat, gloves, goggles, earmuffs, etc.), as appropriate. Avoid any kind of contacts with the materials. Wear respiratory protection and gloves while working. Wear the chemical goggles when using, applying or handling chemical liquids or powders from containers labeled "Caustic" or "Corrosive." When handling hot tar, wear clothing made of cotton or nonsynthetic fibers. Wear long sleeve shirts, long pants and gloves. Do not smoke or eat while performing tar work. Prevent spillage on the ground and other surfaces. Disposal – All tar and tar products for disposal should be kept in a separate marked covered bin and give to authorized agency for disposal. 95 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 21.8.7. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chemical admixtures, sealants, adhesives solvents etc. Wear safety shoes with non-skid soles. Wear long-sleeve shirts and protect hands with protective gloves and appropriate eye protection. Every worker should use respiratory protective equipment during working with chemical admixture products, sealants, adhesives, solvents etc. Avoid any kind of skin contact with the chemicals used. Wash well with soap and warm water or use special cleansers, especially after direct contact with chemicals, and before drinking and eating. Do not inhale or smell the chemicals when the cans are opened. Disposal of containers of chemical products, materials applied with chemical products etc should be done by segregating and collecting these separately as hazardous waste. These should then be given to an authorized agency for disposal. These materials should never be burnt. 21.8.8. Paints, pigments, dyes and primers Wear safety shoes with non-skid soles. Wear long-sleeve shirts and protect hands with protective gloves and appropriate eye protection. Every worker should use respiratory protective equipment during working with chemical admixture products, sealants, adhesives, solvents etc. Avoid any kind of skin contact with the chemicals used. Lead-based paint should be avoided completely. Wash well with soap and warm water or use special cleansers, especially after direct contact with paints, pigments, etc., and before drinking and eating. Do not inhale or smell the chemicals when the cans are opened. Disposal of containers of paints, pigments, dyes and primers, other products used for its application, or any other products applied with these products should be done by segregating and collecting these separately as hazardous waste. These should then be given to an authorized agency for disposal. 96 Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 21.8.9. Product packaging (cement bags, cartons, containers, plastic covers etc.) Collect all product-packaging material at a designated area. Reuse & recycle to the extent possible the product packaging material. Handover the packaging material to proper recycling agents or Municipal authority for recycling or proper disposal. 21.8.10. Fluorescent Lamps Intact and Crushed, Halogen Lamps, Arc Lamps, UV Lamps, High Pressure Sodium Lamps, Neon Lamps, Incandescent Lamps Collect all the above-mentioned materials separately in properly marked bins. Handover the material to proper recycling agents or Municipal authority. 21.8.11. Mercury Containing Lamps and Tubes, Mercury Vapor Lamps, Mercury Containing Devices – Mercury switches, relays, regulators, thermostats, thermometers, manometers and debris containing mercury First, builder should be encouraged to buy products that do not contain mercury. There are now several products on the market that can be used as substitutes to mercury. Make sure Representative are familiar with the proper cleanup procedures for handling a spill involving mercury. Do not place mercury-containing materials in waste receptacles for bio-hazardous waste because mercury will be released to the atmosphere when the bio-hazardous waste is incinerated. Collect all the mercury containing materials separately in properly marked bins. Handover the material to proper recycling agents or Municipal authority. 21.8.12. All types of batteries Always wear goggles or a visor when working on batteries. Wherever possible, always use a properly designated, wellventilated area for charging. Remove any metallic items from hands, wrists and neck (rings, chains etc) before working on a battery. Used Battery to be disposed of to the Authorized Battery Dealer 97 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 21.8.13. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Electronic Ballasts, PCBs, Transformers, switchgear, Lead Cable, Oil filled / gel filled cables capacitors, Collect all the above-mentioned materials separately in properly marked bins as per manufacturers instructions. Handover the material to proper recycling agents or Municipal authority. 21.8.14. Electronic Waste– computer products, circuit boards, CRTs, electronic parts, solder dross, weld waste Collect all the above-mentioned materials separately in properly marked bins as per manufacturer’s instructions. Store them properly and prevent rusting of the components, so as to maintain its recycling value. Handover the material to proper recycling agents or local authority. 98 Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. APPENDIX - 1 Proforma of Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit Whereas, ………………………………………………………… (hereinafter called “the Tenderer”) has submitted its tender dated, ------------------------- for the “METRO HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIES AT NANDANAM, CHENNAI, TAMILNADU” hereinafter called “the tender”. KNOW ALL MEN, by these presents, that we, …………………………………………. , having our registered office at, . . . . . . . (hereinafter called “the Bank”), are bound unto, the Chief General Manager (EC), Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, Koymbedu Depot, Koyambedu (hereinafter called the “Employer”), in the sum of Chennai 600 107, INR…………. (Indian Rupees………………………………………………… only), for which, payment, well and truly to be made, to the said “Employer, the Bank binds itself, its successors, and assigns by these presents. Sealed with common seal of the said Bank, this ……………… day of …………. 2015. The Conditions of the obligation are : a) if the Tenderer , withdraws his tender, during the period of tender validity. b) if the Tenderer fails to accept the corrections of his errors in the tender documents as determined by the “Employer” c) If the Tenderer having been notified of the acceptance of his tender by the “Employer” during the period of validity of tender : i) fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement. ii) fails or refuses or neglects to furnish the Performance Bank Guarantee. We undertake to pay to the “Employer”, the above amount, upon receipt of his, first written demand, without the “Employer, having to substantiate his demand, provided that in his demand the “Employer“, will note, that the amount claimed by him, is due to him, owing to the occurrence of any of the above conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. This guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date, thirty (30) days after the date of expiry of the period of tender validity, and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the date of expiry of this guarantee. Signature of the Bank Signature of Witness Name of Witness Address 99 Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. APPENDIX – 2 ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT (FORMAT) ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT made on this …...…. day of …........... 2015 between M/s………………, The Chief General Manager (EC) CMRL, Koyambedu Depot, Koyambedu, Chennai 600 107, Tamil Nadu, India, (hereinafter called "the Employer or the Employer") of the one part on behalf of the President of India, New Delhi. and.................................................................... of the other part, whose registered office is situated at,………………………………………………(hereinafter called “the Contractor ) WHEREAS the Employer is desirous of to do “CONSTRUCTION OF METRO HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIES AT NANDANAM, CHENNAI, TAMILNADU”, (hereinafter called "the Work"), and has caused drawings and Bill of Quantities showing and describing the work to be done as prepared by or under the direction of Consultant, M/s. C.R. Narayana Rao, (Consultants) Private Limited Old No. 5, New No. 10, Karpagambal Nagar, Luz, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004, [hereinafter referred to as the “Employer’s Representative“]. AND WHEREAS the said drawings numbered, hereinafter referred to as “the Contract / Tender drawings”, as per list attached to the Tender document covering conditions, the specification and the Bill of Quantities, have been signed by or on behalf of the parties hereto. AND WHEREAS the Contractor has furnished Bank Guarantee for a sum of INR.………………. ( Indian Rupees …………………………………………. only) as Performance Bond valid from the date of commencement of work till the end of Defects Liability Period of 730 days from the date of taking over the work by the Employer with provision for direct revalidation of the Bond, on demand if so required by the Employer, for due performance of this Agreement. AND WHEREAS the Contractor, has supplied the Employer with a fully priced copy of the said Bill of Quantities (which copy is hereinafter referred to as "the Contract Bills") AND WHEREAS the Contract /Tender Drawings and the Contract Bills have been signed by or on behalf of the parties hereto. NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. For the consideration hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor will, upon and subject to the Conditions annexed, carry out and complete the Work shown upon the Contract / Tender Drawings and described by ,or referred to, in the Contract Bills and in the said Conditions. 2. The Employer will pay the Contractor a sum of INR ……. (Indian Rupees……………………….… only) (hereinafter, referred to as "the Contract Sum") or such other sum as shall become payable hereunder at the times and in the manner specified in the said Conditions. 100 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract 3. The term "the Employer’s Representative" in the said Conditions shall mean the said M/s.C.R. Narayana Rao (Consultants) Private Limited or in the event of his ceasing to be the Employer’s Representative for the purpose of this Contract, such other person as the Employer shall nominate for that purpose not being a person objected to by Contractor, for reasons considered to be sufficient by an Arbitrator appointed in accordance with Article-.9. Provided always, that no person subsequently appointed to be the Employer’s Representative under this clause shall be entitled to disregard or overrule any certificate or opinion or decision or approval or instruction given or expressed by the Employer’s Representative(s) for the time being. 4. The said Condition and Appendix thereto shall be read and construed as forming part of this Agreement and the parties hereto shall respectively abide by and submit themselves to the Conditions and perform the agreements on their parts respectively in such Conditions contained. 5. The plans, agreement and documents mentioned herein, shall form part of this Contract. 6. The Contract is not a lump sum contract, but an item rate contract to carry out the work in respect of Construction and associated works. The Contractor shall be paid for the actual quantity of work done as measured at site at the accepted rate contained in the Bill of quantities and Probable quantities, or as provided in the said Conditions. 7. The Employer reserves to himself the right of altering the Drawings and nature of the work by adding to or omitting any items of work, or having portions of the same carried out without prejudice to this Contract. The individual quantities can vary to any extent, however the scope and extent of changes that can be ordered by the Employer will be limited to +/- 30% of the contract sum, and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation or claim due to such change (s) / Order (s) by the Employer. The Contractor will only be paid for the actual quantity of works done, payable at the accepted unit rates. 8. All differences and disputes arising between the Employer / Consultant, on his behalf, and the Contractor, either during the progress or after completion or abandonment of works, shall be settled by referring to Arbitration, as detailed in Clause-20 of Conditions of Contract. If the award issued by Arbitrators is not acceptable, the Contractor / Employer has to approach the court as specified in the contract document elsewhere. 9. Time shall be considered as the essence of this Contract and the Contractor hereby agrees to commence the work within a period of ten days from the date of issue of Letter of Award as provided for in the said Conditions, and to complete the entire work within a period of 24 (Twenty four) months thereof subject nevertheless to the provisions for extension of time. 10. All payments by the Employer, under this contract will be made only through Banking Channel at Chennai in Indian Rupees only. 11. All disputes arising out of, or in any way connected with this Agreement, shall be deemed to 101 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract have arisen at Chennai and only Courts in Chennai shall have jurisdiction over them. 12. That the several parts of this Contract, have been read by the Contractor and fully understood by the Contractor. Signature Clause Contractor Chief General Manager (EC) Chennai Metro Rail Limited Admin. Building, CMRL Depot Poonnamallee High Road , Koyambedu, Chennai - 600107 Signed and Delivered By ………………………………….. …………………… Name & Designation …………………………………… …………………… Address …………………………………… ………………… …………………………………… …………………… WITNESSES : 1) 2) Signature Occupation …………………………………… …………………… Address …………………………………… …………………… Signature …………………………………… …………………… Occupation …………………………………… …………………… Address …………………………………… …………………… The COMMON SEAL OF ………............................................... was hereunto affixed pursuant to the resolutions passed by its Board of Directors, at the meeting held on .....……….. In the presence of : (1) Name and Designation: ……………………………………. (2) Name and Designation: ……………………………………. If the Contractor signs under its common seal, the signature clause, should correspond, with the sealing clause , in the Articles of Association. Directors who have signed, these presents in token thereof , in the presence of : (1) Name and Designation: …………………………………….. 102 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract (2) Name and Designation:……………………………………… 103 Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. APPENDIX- ‘3’ FORM OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE 1. In consideration of the Chief General Manager, ( EC ) CMRL, Koyambedu Chennai 107, Tamil Nadu, India,. (hereinafter, called “Employer” having agreed to allow M/s. ……………………….. (hereinafter called, “the said Contractor(s)”) from the demand under the terms and conditions of an Agreement No. . . . . . . . . . . . . ., for the work of “Construction of Head Quarters building and other Metro Rail Amenities at Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai 600 035., (hereinafter called “the said Agreement” for furnishing Performance Bond for the due fulfillment, by the said Contractor(s) of the terms and conditions in the said Agreement, by production of a BANK GUARANTEE for INR.. . . . . . . . ( Indian Rupees.. . . . . . . . . . . only). We, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of the Bank) having our Head Office at ,. . . . . . . . . . . and having branch at,. . . . . . . . . . referred to as “the Bank” at the request of M/s. ….. . . . . . . Contractor(S), do hereby undertake to pay to the Employer an amount not exceeding INR.... . . . . . ., on demand by the Employer. 2. We, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of the Bank) . . . . . . . . Branch, do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due, and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the Employer, stating that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries due or likely to be due, from the said Contractor(s). Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due, and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding, INR... . . . . . . . ( Indian Rupees.. . . . . . . . only). 3. We undertake to pay to the Employer the amount due under this Guarantee so demanded, notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor(s), in any suit or proceeding pending before any Court, or Tribunal, relating thereto, our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there-under. 4. We , . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of the Bank) . . . . . . . . .. , Branch, further agree, that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period, that would be taken for the performance of the said agreement, and that it shall continue, to be enforceable till the dues of under or by virtue of, the said agreement have been fully p,d and its claims satisfied or discharged ,or till the Engineer in charge on behalf of the Employer certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) accordingly discharges this guarantee. 104 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. 5. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract We, . . . . . . . . . . (Name of the Bank) . . . . . . . . ,Branch, further agree with the Employer, that the Employer, shall have the fullest liberty, without our consent and without affecting in any manner ,our obligations hereunder, to vary any of the terms, and conditions, of the said Agreement ,or to extend time of performance, by the said Contractor(s), from time to time, or to postpone, for any time, or from time to time, any of the powers exercisable, by the Employer ,against the said Contractor(s), and to forbear or enforce, any of the terms and conditions, relating to the said agreement, and we shall not be relieved, from our liability, by reason of any such variation or extension of time being granted to the said Contractor(s), or for any forbearance act or omission, on the part of Employer or any indulgence by the Employer to the said Contractor(s), or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision have effect of so relieving us. 6. This guarantee will not be discharged, due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Contractor(s). 7. We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding, the Contractor, before presenting us, with the demand. 8. We, . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of the Bank) . . . . . . Branch , lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee except with the previous consent, of the Employer in writing. 9. This guarantee shall be valid upto . . . . . . . . . . . . , not –withstanding, anything contained hereinbefore , our liability against this guarantee, is restricted to INR. . . . . . . ( Indian Rupees.….. …. . only) ,and it will remain in force till . . . . . ………..) ,unless, a claim or demand in writing is made against us under this guarantee before the expiry of six months from the aforesaid date that is before . . . . . . . of . . . . ……….. …. ( . . ………………..) ,all your rights under the said guarantee shall be forfeited and, we shall be relieved and discharged from all liability hereunder. Dated the day of ……… for (Name of the Bank) Branch. 105 Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. APPENDIX - 4 (In a Stamp Paper of ………../-) AFFIDAVIT We have submitted Bank Guarantee, for the work of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agreement No. ---------------- from ------------(Name of the Bank) ------------------ Branch, to The Chief General Manager (EC ) , Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, Koyambedu, Chennai 600 107, Tamil Nadu, with a view to furnish Performance Bond. This Bank Guarantee expires on .. . . …….. We undertake, to keep the validity, of the Bank Guarantee in force by getting it, extended from time to time, at our own initiative, up to a further period of six months or as directed by the Chief General Manager, (EC) Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, Chennai -107 . We also indemnify, The Chief General Manager, (EC) CMRL,, Koyambedu, Chennai 600 107, against any losses arising out of non-encashment of the Bank Guarantee, if any. Notary Public Signature Authorised Signature of the Contractor 106 Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. APPENDIX - 5 PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR MOBILISATION ADVANCE PAYMENT In consideration of The Chief General Manager (EC), Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, Koyambedu, Chennai 600 107, Tamil Nadu, India (hereinafter called the “Employer “, having agreed to pay mobilisation advance, under the terms and conditions of letter of acceptance, No............................... dated ……..........., made between M/s. ……………................................………………………………………………………………. ,a company having its registered office, at .............................................................................. ,in .......................................................... in the state of .................... , (hereinafter called "the said CONTRACTOR", which expression, shall unless, the context required otherwise, include its successors and assigns), for the WORK “Construction of Head Quarters building and other Metro Rail Amenities at Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai 600 035., CHENNAI, TAMILNADU” by "the said CONTRACTOR", on production of a Bank Guarantee, for INR. ............................. (Indian Rupees ........................................................only). We, ............................................................ (hereinafter referred to "as the Bank" at the request of M/s..................................................... , do hereby undertake to pay to the Employer an amount not exceeding INR................... (Indian Rupees..............................…………………………………... ................................................................. only). We, ................................................ do hereby undertake. to pay the amounts due. and payable under this guarantee. without any demur, merely on a demand from the Employer, stating that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries due or likely to be due from the said CONTRACTOR. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. However, our liability, under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding INR. ........................... (Indian Rupees .................................. ............................................................... only). We undertake to pay to the Employer any money so demanded ,notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the CONTRACTOR in any suit or proceeding pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made, by us under this guarantee shall be a valid discharge of our liability or payment there-under and the CONTRACTOR shall have no claim against us for making such payment. This Guarantee shall remain in force and effect so long as the said advance or any part thereof,, remaining outstanding ,and shall expire and become ineffectual only after the recovery of the entire sum of INR..________________________ covered by the Guarantee. The Guarantee shall come into force from the date the CONTRACTOR receives from the Employer the said advance. This Guarantee will not be discharged due to change in the constitution of the bank or the CONTRACTOR. 107 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract We, .................................................... ,lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee except with the previous consent of the Employer in writing. This Guarantee shall be valid upto ................................, unless extended on demand by the Employer. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, our liability against this guarantee is restricted to INR............................. (Indian Rupees ........................................………. ................................... only). Witness: For and on behalf of the Bank : Designation 108 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, – Contract No. Part – (B) – Conditions of Contract APPENDIX ‘6’ SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORT (Attached separately) 109 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification CHENNAI METRO RAIL LIMITED (A JOINT VENTURE OF GOVERNMENT OF INDIA AND GOVERNMENT OF TAMILNADU) CONSTRUCTION OF METRO HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIES AT ANNA SALAI, NANDANAM, CHENNAI 600 035 TECHNICAL PART PART 1(C) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION VOLUME III – TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF TENDER ON 25-06-2015 at 15.00 Hours DATE FOR OPENING OF TECHNICAL TENDER ON 25-06-2015 at 15.30 Hours TO BE SUBMITTED TO: The Chief General Manager(EC) Chennai Metro Rail Limited Admn. Building, CMRL Depot Poonnamallee High Road , Koyambedu, Chennai - 600107 TENDER SUBMITTED BY: M/s._________________________ Address_____________________ ____________________________ 1 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION – 1 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 GENERAL 2.0 THE SITE 3.0 THE WORKS 2 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION – 1 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION 1.0 GENERAL 1.1.1 Scope and Applicability This Particular Specification gives the project specific special requirements for the of Construction of Metro Headquarters Building and Other Metro Rail Amenities at Annasalai, Nandanam, Chennai - 600035. herein after referred to as the Works, except where otherwise modified or amended within the Contract. Reference must be made to the General Specification for general requirements and to the appropriate Technical Specification for the corresponding technical requirements of all work. 1.1.2 The Specifications listed in paragraph 1.1.3 (below) have been added for guidance of the Employer / Employer’s Representative responsible for carrying out the Works who shall however ensure that all aspects of the construction of the Works shall comply with Local Standards, Laws and Regulations and accepted good practice in India. The Indian Standards referred to shall be subject to its relevance as appropriate currency and British Standards that are referred herein shall correspond to equivalent Indian Standards (IS) that apply. 1.1.3 1.2 The following specifications shall be applicable to the work in addition to the Technical Specification provided for other sub-heads to the masonry, floor etc. pertains to civil and structural works in general. a) Particular specification b) General specification c) Technical specification for instrumentation and monitoring Statutory Bodies The requirement of statutory bodies connected with the project work shall be complied with by taking timely action without causing any hold up in completion of work as per time schedule. 1.3 Contractor’s Responsibility Apart from carrying out necessary surveying and setting out of the buildings and equipment foundations wherever required collecting all materials, equipment, plant, labour, consumables, tools and services necessary for proper execution, fabrication, ensuring quality control by conducting required tests at the appropriate time and intervals during the execution, disposal of excavated material as instructed, carrying out all associated works like removal, disposal of the debris, getting out, remove temporary facilities on completion of the works, clearance from local bodies / authorities for commissioning of all installation / equipment of the project work shall be obtained and furnished before taking over of the completed work, all within the quoted rates only. Machinery operators, drivers should have valid license. Child labours are strictly prohibited. Top most attention shall be paid to the Health, safety of workers and Environment and the same shall be monitored on daily basis by a qualified and experienced personnel in HSE. .A LMV (PASSENGER VEHICLE) shall be kept available round the clock as ambulance with drivers on shift basis. 3 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 2.0 THE SITE 2.1 Description of the site 2.2 2.1.1 2.1.2 The site is located at Survey No 3871/A part , Block no 76, Nandanam, Chennai The Site covers an area of 9.2 acres. 2.1.3 The full report of the site investigation may be examined during office hours and by prior appointment at the Employer / Employer’s Representative. Site Conditions 2.2.1 2.3 2.4 Monitoring 2.3.1 The Contractor shall allow for providing and maintaining the check points and settlement monitoring points as directed, at the site, the constructed works and adjacent structures / retaining walls and for monitoring them at the frequencies shown. Reference shall be made to the Technical Specification for Instrumentation and Monitoring. Results shall be reported in MS Project / Primevera and graphical format weekly. 2.3.2 Should the monitoring points mentioned in 2.3.1 (above) be existing and serviceable, the Contractor shall conduct an initial conditional and full monitoring survey on site possession and shall thereafter maintain and survey those points as specified. 2.3.3 All adjacent roads, structures and utilities that may be affected by the works shall be surveyed and monitored prior to the commencement of the works to provide a baseline set of readings. In particular, monitoring points shall be installed on and adjacent to the railway and hospital mentioned in 2.4.1 (below). Interfaces – Adjacent Sites, Ground, Roads and Structures 2.4.1 2.5 The Contractor shall forthwith notify the Employer / Employer’s Representative in writing should conditions encountered on the site be significantly different from those generally described in the Contract Documents. Adjacent to the site there is on western side.The works, including all associated temporary works, shall be designed and constructed to minimise the effect on all adjacent roads, structures and utilities and the Contractor shall take all necessary precautions in this respect. Supervision The supervision requirements in terms of grades and numbers of Employer / Employer’s Representative etc. shall be as provided in the Conditions of Contract. 3.0 THE WORKS 3.1 Description The project is for the Construction of Metro Headquarters Building and Other Metro Rail Amenities at Annasalai, Nandanam, Chennai - 600035. including all facilities Key Elements 3.3 Interfaces – Co-ordination and Management The Contractors role and responsibility in Interface Management in terms of management and “team-leading” of Sub-contractors particularly with regard to shared access, work sequencing, 4 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification information requirements and forward planning etc. Long lead-in and procurement times for imported items to be identified to the Contractor to assist his forward planning shall be as provided in the Conditions of Contract. 3.4 Specialist Trades Full method statements on a trade-by-trade basis for all trades not covered in the accompanying TS shall be as provided in the Technical Specification of respective trade should include any requirements in excess of those specified in the Technical Specification. 3.5 Samples 3.6.1 The Contractor shall provide all samples required by the Specification for the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative and provide safe storage including racks for the display, reference and inspection of approved samples. 3.7 3.6.2 Quality samples. 3.6.3 The Contractor shall prepare samples for quality control purposes, of all major work to be constructed using his proposed methods and by his proposed personnel, for approval by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Such samples shall include, without limitation, the civil and structural samples scheduled in Table – 1 below. Until an acceptable standard of finish and quality of work is obtained in the sample no work represented by the sample is to be constructed for the works. Sample Pavement on grade Description 1.2 m x 1.2 m slab including Water Tank 1.2 m x 1.2 m slab and 1.2 m (H) kicker including Quality items Scratched (brushed) non-slip surface tamped (herringbone) ribbed surface Construction joint (CJ) Movement joint (MJ) Isolation joint (IJ) including filler and sealant Saw-cut control joint Expansion joint (EJ) including dowel bars, filler and sealant Concrete CJ Reinforcement and cover blocks Render Fairfaced finish Embedded pipe with puddle flange Guarantees 3.7.1 The Contractor shall provide in a format acceptable to the Employer / Employer’s Representative the following specific item guarantees Caulking materials, sealant, hydrophilic strips. 5 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 2 GENERAL SPECIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 GENERAL 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 3.0 CONTRACT DRAWINGS 4.0 SITE INFORMATION 5.0 SETTING OUT 6.0 MATERIALS 7.0 STORAGE OF MATERIALS 8.0 WORKMANSHIP 9.0 PLANT 10.0 POLLUTION & ENVIRONMENTAL PARTICULARS 11.0 METHODOLOGY AND SEQUENCE OF WORK 12.0 TESTING OF WORK AND MATERIALS 13.0 FIELD LABORATORY 14.0 PROTECTION 15.0 CLEARING OF SITE 16.0 PREPARATION OF BUILDING FOR OCCUPATION 17.0 RATES 6 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION – 2 INSTRUMENTATION AND MONITORING TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 GENERAL 2.0 INSTRUMENTATION USED IN MONITORING 3.0 MONITORING OF CONSTRUCTION. 7 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION – 2 INSTRUMENTATION & MONITORING 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Scope 1.1.1 This Specification gives the technical requirements for instrumentation for and monitoring Construction of Metro Headquarters Building and Other Metro Rail Amenities at Annasalai, Nandanam, Chennai – 600035 except where otherwise modified or amended within the Contract. All general requirements are given in the accompanying General Specification and Particular Specification covering, but not limited to definitions, Contractor’s responsibilities, site conditions, site safety, construction programme, quality control, materials, testing, site transportation and accommodation, temporary works, maintenance and as-built drawings. 2.0 INSTRUMENTATION USED IN MONITORING 2.1 General 2.2 2.1.1 Prior to commencement of any work the Contractor shall be responsible for installing instrumentation, comprising inclinometers, piezometers and standpipes, and building and ground settlement points as shown on the drawings. The Contractor shall obtain instrumentation equipment from an approved supplier. The Contractor may nominate a specialist Sub-contractor for the instrumentation works to the prior approval of the Client / Consultant. 2.1.2 The Contractor shall satisfy himself that the drill whole locations for the instrumentation are free from existing services prior to commencement of drilling. In order to avoid any utilities and services the required drill hole positions may be adjusted onsite to the approval of the Client / Consultant. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage and any claims arising from such damage and shall make every effort to make good the damage or have the damage made good forthwith. 2.1.3 The Contractor shall obtain any and all necessary permits and permissions required in connection with drilling and excavation work for the purpose of instrumentation installation. 2.1.4 Should the Contractor propose alternative locations and instrumentation for monitoring, he shall submit a shop drawing of the proposal for the Client / Consultant’s approval. Inclinometer System Installation 2.2.1 Wherever instructed by the Client / Consultant the Contractor shall install inclinometers in drill holes sunk for this purpose. The inclinometers shall be installed in accordance with the written instructions of the Manufacturer of the equipment. These instructions shall be submitted to the Client / Consultant for approval prior to the commencement of installation. 2.2.2 Drill holes shall be sunk in “H” size unless otherwise specified by the Client / Consultant. The rate of drilling shall be limited to prevent jamming of the casing. Measurers to prevent jamming such as surging of the casing or the use of bentonite as drilling fluid may be used where necessary with the approval of the Client / Consultant. Where inclinometers are to be installed in any pile a 150 mm steel tube to the length specified shall be firmly tied to the reinforcing cage or by other means as appropriate. 8 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 2.3 2.2.3 The back filling grout shall be a bentonite cement mix with strength comparable to that of the surrounding soil. 2.2.4 The Contractor shall submit full details of the proposed grout mix for the approval of the Client / Consultant . When required by the Client / Consultant , the Contractor shall perform trial mixes and tests such as laboratory unconfined triaxial compression tests or vane shear tests to ensure the suitability of the proposed grout mix. 2.2.5 Prior to installation, the end edges and the keyways of the inclinometer tubings shall be examined and the Contractor shall remove any damaged tubings and provide replacements when required to do so by the Client / Consultant . The inclinometer tubings shall be inserted into the drill hole inside the temporary casing. The top and bottom of the inclinometer tubing shall be fitted with an end cap and all tubing couplings shall be riveted connections. During connection of the tubings, the inserted section shall be securely clamped at ground level and the next section connected to it. All completed connections shall be sufficiently wrapped with sealing tape to prevent ingress of grout. The tube shall be filled with water to overcome buoyancy. 2.2.6 After insertion of the inclinometer tubing, the hole shall be back filled by pumping grout through a tremie pipe. All grout mix quantities shall be monitored and records shall be submitted to the Client / Consultant with full details of the installation. Where required by the Client / Consultant, the Contractor shall take samples of the grout being used for curing and subsequent strength testing. The grout shall be pumped initially to fill the top of the temporary casing. The casing shall then be extracted in such a manner that the level of the grout inside the hole shall be at all times higher than the bottom of the casing. In filling grout may be necessary, the adjustment shall be carried out during the grouting work if the time required to extract the casing is considered to be too long. 2.2.7 The Contractor shall flush the tubings after installation to remove all solids and flush again after two days. Piezometer and Standpipe Installation 2.3.1 Piezometer Where instructed by the Client / Consultant , the Contractor shall install piezometers in drill holes sunk for this purpose. The drill holes shall be a minimum of “N” size. Samples shall be taken as instructed for each drill hole. The piezometer pipe shall be rigid PVC tubing not less than 19 mm nominal bore. It shall be supplied and installed in not less than 3 m lengths except for one shorter length as required to suit the total piezometer dimensions. The tubes shall be joined together, and to the porous element, with approved couplings and glue such that the joints remain water proof under the anticipated head of water. The tube shall be connected at its lower end, by a suitable PVC fitting, to a piezometer tip. The tip shall be of rigid PVC perforated pipe, not less than 150 mm having an expanded polystyrene lining moulded to form an inner tube not less than 13 mm bore and retained in position by a moulded flange or of alternative design (such as a porous ceramic pot) to the approval of the Client / Consultant . The piezometer tip shall have permeability of the order of 5 x 10 m/sec. The upper end of the tube shall be set in concrete and fitted with a lockable surface box. Where the depth of the completed hole is greater than the depth at which the porous element and sand filter are to be installed, then the bottom of the hole shall be grouted. The grout used shall consist of 1:1 cement : bentonite prepared by adding sufficient water to form a pumpable grout. Sufficient grout shall be placed in the hole using a tremie pipe reaching to the bottom of 9 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification the hole, such that the upper surface of grout shall be 1.5 m below the proposed filter. A bentonite seal shall be formed using bentonite tables or balls of approved manufacture, that are capable of forming an effective seal in the hole and tamped in position with a suitable shaped tamper to form a homogeneous plug to the hole. The level of the top of the plug shall be recorded. The sand filter surround to the porous element shall be clean sand, falling wholly between the limits of grading 1200 and 210 microns, and the volume of the sand filter to be placed shall be recorded. The sand filter forming the response zone shall extend from 0.5 m below the tip of the porous element to 1.0 m above the tip of the element. In placing the sand the Contractor shall ensure that no sand adheres to the soil n the sides of an unlined hole. Where there is water in a hole the Contractor shall allow sufficient time for all the sand to settle and measurements of the upper surface of the sand shall be taken from time to time to ensure this. The final elevation of the top of this sand shall be recorded. A bentonite seal shall be formed above the sand filter as for the lower seal in (above) and the hole shall then be back filled with cement / bentonite grout. The Contractor shall submit to the Client / Consultant for approval prior to the construction of the piezometer, samples of the bentonite he intends to use. 2.3.2 Standpipes Where instructed by the Client / Consultant the Contractor shall install standpipes in drill holes sunk for this purpose. The drill holes shall be a minimum of “N” size. Samples shall be taken as instructed for each drill hole. The stand pipe installation shall be identical to the piezometer installation described in 2.3.1 (above) except that : 2.3.3 a) No upper bentonite seal shall be installed and the hole shall be back filled with 10 mm single size gravel to a depth of 0.5 m below the ground surface. The remaining hole shall then be filled with cement / bentonite grout, a lockable surface box installed and b) The tube shall be capped at its lower end and perforated for its length with 6 mm diameter holes for a minimum of 5% of its surface area. The upper 1 m shall be free from such perforation. Commissioning and Monitoring of Piezometers and Standpipes Within three working days of the completion of the installation of any piezometer or standpipe the Contractor shall carry out a response test to prove the successful operation of the installation. The Contractor shall give the Client / Consultant a minimum one working days notice prior to such test and shall carry out the test in the following manner : a) Record water level in piezometer / standpipe. 10 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification b) Fill the piezometer / standpipe tube to the top with water. c) Record the fall of the water level as a distance from the top of the tube after the following elapsed time in minutes. The Contractor shall submit to the Client / Consultant the results of all response tests within two working days of completion of each test. 2.4 Ground Surface and Building Settlement Point Installation 2.4.1 Ground surface settlement points The Contractor shall install ground surface settlement points where instructed by the Client / Consultant as described in (below). A hole, of minimum dimensions 400 mm diameter and 600 mm deep (300 mm deep in paved areas) shall be formed. The hole shall be back filled with concrete and trimmed and levelled at ground surface. A 12 mm diameter brass rod of length at least equal to the depth of the hole shall be placed centrally and vertically within the hole containing wet concrete. The upper end of the brass rod shall have a domed surface and shall protrude 3 mm above the final level of the placed concrete. The Contractor shall also install survey nails of approved design in locations as instructed by the Client / Consultant . 2.4.2 Building settlement points The Contractor shall install building settlement points where instructed by the Client / Consultant as described in (below). A hole, of dimensions 30 mm diameter and atleast 80 mm in length shall be drilled into the wall or column. The hole shall be back filled with grout or epoxy material to the approval of the Client / Consultant . A 19 mm anchor socket shall be placed and supported centrally within the hole and shall have a threaded protective cap, the face of which is level with the wall or column face. A sample of the anchor socket and protective plug shall be submitted to the Client / Consultant for approval, and the Contractor shall obtain and use the approved materials. 2.5 Defective Instrumentation 2.5.1 All instrumentation installed shall be to the approval of the Client / Consultant . Any instrument which, in the opinion of the Client / Consultant , cannot satisfactory serve the purpose for which it is installed shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at no extra cost to the Contract. All additional instrumentation shall be installed and functioning to the satisfaction of the Client / Consultant before construction of the work commences. 3.0 MONITORING OF CONSTRUCTION 3.1 General 3.1.1 A comprehensive programme of monitoring of all construction operations and instrumentation shall be carried out as part of this contract. 3.1.2 The clauses of this Specification, the requirements specified on the drawings and any monitoring of construction carried out by the Client / Consultant or his representative, shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities to prevent damage to surrounding buildings, structures, roads or services as a result of his working. The 11 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Contractor shall at all times take any precautions as he sees fit to prevent untoward movement of the adjoining ground or property. 3.2 3.3 Monitoring Equipment 3.2.1 The Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment required to monitor all installations and shall list all such proposed equipment for the Client / Consultant s approval prior to any installation. 3.2.2 All monitoring equipment shall be supplied by a reputable manufacturer acceptable to the Client / Consultant and shall be installed and used by experienced personal in accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions and best current practice. 3.2.3 The same instruments shall be used each time the installations are monitored. In particular only one inclinometer prove and readout unit shall be used unless otherwise approved by the Client / Consultant . 3.2.4 All monitoring equipment shall be stored on site in controlled conditions as recommended by the manufacturers or as otherwise agreed with the Client / Consultant . 3.2.5 The equipment shall be calibrated to the approval of the Client / Consultant and the results shall be submitted to the Client / Consultant prior to commencement of monitoring. 3.2.6 The equipment shall be adequately protected against damage or theft. Contractor shall immediately replace any equipment should it be necessary. The Monitoring of Installations 3.3.1 The Contractor shall carry out monitoring of ground and ground water variations during construction in three sections as given in to (below). Surface Movements a) Once daily throughout the course of the Contract. Ground water Piezometers and Standpipes a) Only daily throughout the course of the Contract and b) On one designated day per week at times corresponding to high and low tide throughout the course of the Contract. Inclinometers a) 3.4 Once in a weekly throughout the course of the Contract. Readings and Reporting 3.4.1 The formats of all reports and record sheets required by this Specification shall be submitted to the Client / Consultant for approval not more than seven days after the award of the Contract. 3.4.2 The Contractor shall keep full details of all drilling and installation and submit a complete record to the Client / Consultant within two working days of installation, is so directed.. 12 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 3.4.3 3.5 Pre-construction Survey 3.5.1 3.6 3.7 The results of all monitoring shall be recorded and submitted in full graphical and / or tubular form to the Client / Consultant within one week of the readings being taken, or at other intervals as agreed with the Engineer. The Contractor is advised to inspect the condition of the surrounding buildings, structures, roads and services and where necessary record the condition of the structures and the finishes of the buildings in case of compliant with respect to possible damage caused by the Works. On Site Observation 3.6.1 The Contractor shall keep adjacent roads and property clear of equipment and spoil and shall regularly inspect the surface of the ground, surrounding buildings, structures, roads and services and shall report to the Client / Consultant forthwith any signs of subsidence or cracking. 3.6.2 The Contractor shall also keep the Site reasonably clear of equipment and spoil and shall regularly inspect the surface of the ground and shall report to the Client / Consultant forthwith any signs of subsidence or cracking. Undue Monitoring Readings and Suspension of Work 3.7.1 If one of the following observations is noted, the Contractor shall inform the Client / Consultant forthwith and all disturbing works shall be suspended pending review. Any undue settlement or a difference greater than 25 mm in the settlement point readings or as otherwise directed by the Client / Consultant . Any undue drawdown or a difference greater than 3 m of the dry season water level in the Piezometer / Standpipe readings. Any undue lateral movement or a difference greater than 1 in 300 in the inclinometer readings. Any sign of subsidence or cracking in the surrounding buildings, structures or roads. 13 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION – 3 GENERAL SPECIFICATION 1.00 GENERAL These specifications are intended for general description of quality and workmanship of materials and finished work. They are not intended to cover minute details. The work shall be executed in accordance with best modern practices. These specifications shall have precedence in case anything contrary to this is stated anywhere in this document. The Engineer-in-Charge’s decision shall be final on any issues arising out of such discrepancies. This specification shall be read in conjunction with the particular specifications for various items of work the relevant drawings, construction logic, schedule of quantities and instructions to the Contractors to ascertain in detail the type and amount of work covered under this scope. The Contractor shall carefully acquaint himself with the general specifications, coordinate the same with any other specifications forming a part of the contract document and determine his contractual obligations or the execution of various items of work in accordance with good Construction Management practice. All works shall be carried out as per this specification, the respective work specifications and the latest Indian Standards, Acts, Codes and best practices. All standards, specifications, code of practice referred to are applicable and shall be considered to be a part of this specification. In case of variation and discrepancy in condition mentioned here, and in particular specifications, the Employer’s representative interpretation and discretion shall govern. All applicable standards, specifications etc. and codes of practice mentioned in respective work specifications shall generally be the latest editions, including all applicable official amendments and revisions. A complete set of all these documents shall generally be available at site, with the Contractor. 2.00 SCOPE OF WORK The work to be carried out under the Contract shall consist of the various items as generally described in the Tender Documents as well as in the Bill of Quantities furnished in the Tender Documents. The works to be performed shall also include all general works preparatory to the construction of civil, structural, Engineer-in-Chargeural, finishing works, water supply and sanitary works, roads, drains, site development, underground sump, substation building, STP/ETP structures special sporting surfaces and all other related service works. The work shall include work of any kind necessary for the due and satisfactory construction, completion and maintenance of the works to the intent and meaning of the drawings and these specifications and further drawings and orders that may be issued by the Employer’s representative from time to time. The scope of work shall include compliance by the Contractor with all general conditions of contract, whether specifically mentioned or not in the various clauses of these specifications, all materials, apparatus, plant, equipment, tools, fuel, water, strutting, timbering, transport, offices, stores, workshop, staff, labour and the provision of proper and sufficient protective works, diversions, temporary fencing lighting. It shall also include safety of workers, first-aid equipment, suitable accommodation for the staff and workmen, with adequate sanitary arrangements, the effecting on maintenance of all insurance, the payment of all wages, salaries, fees, royalties, duties or other charges arising out of the erection of works and the regular clearance of rubbish, reinstatement and clearing up of the site as may be required 14 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification completion of works safety of the public and protection of the works and adjoining land, structures properties etc. The contractor shall ensure that all actions are taken to build in quality assurance in the planning and execution of works. The quality assurance shall cover all stages of work such as setting out, selection of materials, selection of construction methods, selection of equipment and plant, deployment of personnel and supervisory staff, quality control testing, etc. The work of building in quality assurance shall be deemed to be covered in the scope of the work. The Contractor shall furnish, at least 15 days in advance, his programme of commencement of item of work, the method of working he intends to adopt for various items of work. He shall provide information regarding the details of the method of working, and equipment he proposes to employ and satisfy the Engineer-in-Charge about the adequacy and safety of the same. The sole responsibility for the safety and adequacy of the method adopted by the Contractor will, however, rest on the Contractor, irrespective of any approval given by the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall strictly follow, at all stages of work, the stipulations contained in the Indian Standard Safety Code and the provisions of the safety code and the provision of the safety rules as specified in the General Conditions of the Contract for ensuring safety of men and materials. Any approval, instructions, permission, checking, review, etc. whatsoever by the Engineer-inCharge, shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility and obligation regarding adequacy, correctness, completeness, safety, strength, quality, workmanship, etc. 3.00 CONTRACT DRAWINGS The Contract Drawings provided for tendering purposes shall be as contained in the Tender Documents and shall be used as a reference and for guidance only. The Contractor should visualise the nature and type of work contemplated and ensure that the rates and prices quoted by him in the Bill of Quantities have due consideration of the qualitative and quantitative variations, as may be found at the site and complexities of work involved during actual execution/construction. The Contract drawings will also include any other drawings which the Engineer-in-Charge may issue from time to time during the currency of the contract. “Issued for Construction” drawings will be issued to the Contractor during the progress of the work and as further data becomes available to supplement the tender drawings. “Issued for Construction” drawings will be revised and fresh revised copies issued to the Contractor from time to time by the Engineer-in-Charge to adopt the work to the final designs and to suit the physical conditions encountered during the progress of the work. “Issued for Construction” drawings as issued by the Engineer-in-Charge shall form part of this specification. Unless otherwise specified, the plans and specifications are intended to include everything obviously requisite and necessary for the proper and entire completion of the work and accordingly the work shall be carried out in completeness as required whether each item is mentioned herein or not. It shall be understood that drawings furnished to the Contractor shall be interpreted by the use of given dimensions, and nomenclature only, and that the drawing shall not be scaled. Figured dimensions on drawings are in all cases to be accepted in preference to scaled sizes and drawings to a large scale shall take precedence over those to a smaller scale drawings. In case of discrepancy the Contractor shall ask for clarification before proceeding with the work. All dimensions shall be checked on site prior to execution. In case of difference between drawings and specifications, the specifications shall govern. Any thing mentioned in the specifications, and not shown on the drawings, or shown on the drawings and not mentioned in specifications, shall be of like effect as if shown or mentioned in both. 15 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Shop drawings consisting of such detailed drawings as are not included in the contract drawings or larger scale details of certain parts of the work indicated on the contract drawings, shall be complete and shall contain all required detailed information as may be reasonably required for satisfactory execution of the work. Prior to submittal for approval, the Contractor shall be responsible for thoroughly checking all drawings whether prepared by him or by his sub-contractors to ensure that they comply with the intent and the requirements of the contract specifications, and that they fit in with the overall building layout. Examination and/or approval by the Engineer-in-Charge of any drawing or other drawings or other documents submitted by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities or liabilities under the contract. The approval of the drawings by the Engineer-in-Charge shall not be construed as a complete dimensional check, but will indicate only that the general method of construction and detailing is satisfactory. Approval of such drawings will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for any errors or compliance with requirements of the contract plans and specifications not will any discrepancy between shop drawings and contract plans, and specifications constitute a basis for deviation from the requirements of the contract plans, and specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible for the dimensions and design of adequate connections, supports details and satisfactory construction of the work, any fabrication, erection setting or other work done in advance of the receipt of approved drawings shall be done entirely at the Contractor’s risk. Approval of the shop drawings shall not be construed as authorising additional work or increased costs to the Employer. Adjustment in the bid price or any extension of time to cover required changes in the shop drawings to comply with the requirements of the contract specifications shall not be permitted. The tendered rates/prices for the work shall be deemed to include the cost of preparation, supply and delivery of all necessary drawings, prints, tracings and negatives which the contractor is required to provide in accordance with the contract. 4.00 SITE INFORMATION The Contractor shall visit the construction site and examine himself thoroughly the site condition and satisfy himself as to the nature of the existing roads or other means of communications, the character of the soil and the excavations, the extent and magnitude of the work and facilities for obtaining materials and shall obtain generally his own information on all matters affecting the execution of the work. No extra charges made in consequence of any misunderstanding or incorrect information on any of these points or on the grounds of insufficient description will be allowed. All expenses incurred by the Contractor in connection with obtaining information for submitting this tender including his visits to the site or efforts in compiling the tender shall be borne by the tenderer and no claims for reimbursement thereof shall be entertained. 5.00 SETTING OUT The Contractor shall set out the works. Employer will provide one permanent mark in the vicinity of the plant for reference. All further laying out work, temporary bench-mark, grid pillars etc. shall be carried out accurately by the Contractor and maintained till the end of the job. The work of setting out construction of permanent / temporary pillars etc.,shall be deemed to be a part of general works preparatory to the execution of work and no separate payment shall be made for the same. 6.00 MATERIALS The relevant standards for materials, as well as the testing procedures, have been indicated at appropriate places in the Specifications. 16 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Materials shall be of approved quality and the best of their kind available and shall generally conform to I. S. Specifications. The Contractor shall order all the materials required for the execution of work as early as necessary and ensure that such materials are on site well ahead of requirement for use in the work. All material brought on the site of work by Contractor meant to be used in the same, shall be as per the specification and to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall obtain the Engineer-in-Charge’s approval for samples of all materials to be used in the works and shall deposit these samples with him before placing an order for the materials with suppliers. The materials brought on the works, shall conform in every respect to their approved samples, fresh samples shall be deposited with Engineer-in-Charge whenever type or source of any material changes. The Contractor shall check each fresh consignment of materials as it is brought to the site of works to see that they conform in all respects to the specifications of the samples approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer-in-Charge will have the option to have any of the materials tested to find out whether they are in accordance with the specification and the Contractor will bear all expenses for such testing. Any materials that have not been found to conform to the specification will be rejected forthwith and shall be removed from the site by the Contractor at his own cost. The Engineer-in-Charge shall have power to cause the Contractor to purchase and use such materials from any particular source, as may in his opinion be necessary for the proper execution of the work. 7.00 STORAGE OF MATERIALS The Contractor shall store cement on site in a weatherproof and leak proof shed and the shed shall hold atleast 3 months requirement. The Contractor shall store all the other materials in a proper manner to avoid contamination and deterioration, at places at site approved by the Engineer-in-Charge and protect from sun, wind, rain or other natural causes. Should the place where the Contractor stores material be required by the Employer for any other purpose, the Contractor shall forthwith remove the material from that place at his own cost and clear the place for the use of the Employer. The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for storing water, if necessary, in U.G.Sumps or tanks or cisterns, to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. Care shall be exercised to see that water is not contaminated in any way. 8.00 WORKMANSHIP The work-involved calls for high standard of workmanship combined with speed and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. All works shall be true to level, plumb and square and the corners, edges and arises in all cases shall be unbroken and neat. Any work not to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge or his representative will be rejected and the same shall be rectified, or removed and replaced with work of the required standard of workmanship at no extra cost. Child Labour is strictly prohibited. 9.00 PLANT The Contractor will be required to provide and maintain in working order the power driven equipments required during the construction work. 17 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification In addition to the general conditions indicated in the Contract Documents, the following conditions regarding use of equipment in works shall be satisfied: a) The Contractor shall be required to give a trial run of the equipment for establishing their capability to achieve the laid down Specifications and tolerances to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge before commencement of the work ; b) All equipment provided shall be of proven efficiency and shall be operated and maintained at all times in a manner acceptable to the Engineer-in-Charge ; c) All the plant/equipment to be deployed on the works shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge for ensuring their fitness and efficiency before commencement of work /equipment, operators, drivers should have valid license. d) Any material or equipment not meeting the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be removed from the site forthwith ; e) No equipment will be removed from site without permission of the Engineer-in-Charge ; and f) The Contractor shall also make available the equipment for site quality control work as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. g) One passenger vehicle with well experienced drivers should be kept at site on 24 x 7 basis as ambulance. 10.00 POLLUTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION The Contractor shall take all precautions for safeguarding the environment during the course of the construction of the works. He shall abide by all laws, rules and regulations in force governing pollution and environmental protection that are applicable in the area where the works are situated. The Contractor must take all reasonable steps to minimise dust nuisance during the construction of the works. 11.00 METHODOLOGY AND SEQUENCE OF WORK Prior to start of the construction activities at site, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineerin-Charge for approval, the detailed construction methodology including mechanical equipment proposed to be used, sequence of various activities and schedule from start to end of the project. 12.00 TESTING OF WORK AND MATERIALS The Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer-in-Charge, arrange to test materials and / or portions of the works at his own cost in order to prove their soundness and efficiency. If after any such test the work or portion of works is found in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge to be defective or unsound, the Contractor shall pull down and redo the same at his own cost. Defective materials shall immediately be removed from the site. 13.00 FIELD LABORATORY An adequately equipped field laboratory as required for site control on the quality of materials and the works shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor till the completion of works. The rates quoted for all the items of work shall include for the provision and maintenance of field laboratory. 18 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Description The Contractor shall provide fully furnished and adequately equipped field laboratory constructed as shown in drawings or as directed. The field laboratory shall preferably be located adjacent to the site office of the Employer / Employer’s Representatives and provided with amenities like water supply, electric supply etc. The floor space requirement for the field laboratory shall be as indicated in the drawing or as directed. It shall include one room for use of staff of Employer, one room for Contractor staff and a store for the storage of samples. The remaining space shall be provided for the installation of equipment, laboratory tables and cupboards, working space for carrying out various laboratory tests, besides a wash basin, toilet facility and a curing tank for the curing of samples, around 4 m x 2 m x 1 m in size and a fume chamber. Required furniture and furnishing shall be provided in the laboratory. The Contractor shall maintain the field laboratory in a satisfactory manner till the completion of work. There shall be no separate payment for the facility as it is required for site control on quality of materials and the works. The Contractor shall include in his rates for all the facilities. Laboratory Equipment The following items of laboratory equipment shall be provided in the field laboratory. General (i) Oven - Electrically operated, thermostatically 1 No. controlled, range upto 200oC sensitivity 1oC (ii) Platform balance 300 Kg. capacity 1 No. (iii) Balance 20 Kg. capacity-self indicating type 1 No. (iv) Electronic Balance 5 Kg. capacity accuracy 0.5 gm 2 Nos. (v) Water bath-electrically thermostatically controlled shelves, sensitivity 1oC 1 No. (vi) Thermometers : operated and with adjustable Mercury-in-glass thermometer range o 4 Nos o 0 to 250 C Mercury-in-steel thermometer with 30 cm stem, range upto 300oC (vii) Kerosene or gas stove or electric hot plate (viii) Glasswares, spatulas, wire gauzes, steel scales, measuring tape, casseroles, Kara his, enameled trays of assorted sizes, pestle-mortar, porcelain dishes, gunny bags, plastic bags, chemicals, digging tools like pickaxes, shovels etc. Set of IS sieves with lid and pan : 450 mm diameter : (ix) 19 1 No. As required 1 Set Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 63 mm, 53 mm, 37.5 mm, 26.5 mm, 13.2 mm, 9.5 mm 6.7 mm and 4.75 mm size 200 mm diameter : 2.36 mm, 2.0 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 micron, 425 micron, 300 micron, 150 micron and 75 micron 2 Sets (x) Water testing kit 1 Set (xi) First aid box 1 Set For soils and aggregates : (i) Riffle Box 1 No. (ii) Atterberg Limits (liquid determination apparatus (iii) Compaction Test Equipment both 2.5 Kg and 4.5 Kg rammers (Light and Heavy comp active efforts) and plastic limits) 1 Set 1 Set (iv) Dry Bulk Density Test apparatus (sand pouring cylinder, tray can etc.) complete 1 Set (v) Speedy Moisture Meter complete with chemicals 1 Set (vi) Post-hole Auger with extensions 1 Set (vii) Core cutter apparatus 10 cm dia. 10/15 cm height, complete with dolly, rammer etc. 1 Set (viii) Aggregate Impact Value Test apparatus / Los Angles Abrasion Test apparatus 1 Set (ix) Flakiness and Elongation Test Gauges 1 Set (x) Standard measures of 30, 15 and 3 litres capacity along with standard tamping rod. 1 Set (xi) California Bearing Ratio test apparatus 1 Set (xii) Unconfirmed compression test apparatus 1 Set For bitumen and bituminous mixes : (i) Penetrometer with standard needles 1 Set (ii) Riffle box - small size 1 No. (iii) Centrifuge type bitumen operated, complete with benzenes (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (i) extractor, hand petrol/commercial Marshall stability test apparatus, complete with all accessories Field density bottle along with cutting tray, chisel, hammer and standard sand 3 m straight edge Camber board Core cutting machine with 10 cm dia. diamond cutting edge Vacuum pump and 3 specific gravity bottles For cement and cement concrete : Vicat apparatus for testing setting times 20 1 Set 1 Set 2 Nos. 1 No. 1 No 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Slump testing apparatus Compression and Flexural strength testing machine of 200 tonne capacity with additional dial for flexural testing Needle Vibrator Air Meter Vibrating hammer for vibrating dry mix as for Dry Lean Cement concrete sub-base 4 Sets 1 No. 2 Nos. 1 No. 1 No. Note : The items and their numbers listed above in this Clause shall be decided by the Engineer-in-Charge as per requirements of the Project and modified accordingly. 14.00 PROTECTION The Contractor shall properly cover up and protect all work throughout the duration of work until completion, particularly masonry, arrises, mouldings, steps, terrazzo or special floor finishes, staircases and balustrades, doors and window frames, plaster angles / corners lighting and sanitary fittings, glass, paint work and all finishing. 15.00 CLEARING OF SITE The Contractor shall after completion of the work clear the site of all debris and left over materials at his own expense to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge and Municipal or other public authorities. 16.00 PREPARATION OF BUILDING FOR OCCUPATION The whole of the work shall be thoroughly inspected by the Contractor and all deficiencies and defects put right. On completion of such inspection, the Contractor shall inform the Engineer-in-Charge in writing that he has finished the work and it is ready for the Engineer-inCharge inspection. On completion, the Contractor shall clean all windows and doors and all glass panes, including cleaning of all floors, staircases and every part of the building including oiling of all hardware. He will leave the entire building neat and clean and ready for immediate occupation and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. 17.00 RATES The quoted rate shall be for finished work covering all labour, materials, wastage, temporary work, plant, equipment, overhead charges and profit as well as the general liabilities, obligations, insurance and risks arising out of General Conditions of Contract. The items rates quoted by the Contractor shall, unless otherwise specified, also include compliance with / supply of the following: a) General works such as setting out, clearance of site before setting out and clearance of works after completion. b) A detailed programme for the construction and completion of the works (using CPM/PERT techniques) giving, in addition to construction activities, detailed network activities for the submission and approval of materials, procurement of critical materials and equipment, fabrication of special products / equipment and their installation and testing, and for all activities of the Employer that are likely to affect the progress of work, etc. including updating of all such activities on the basis of the decisions taken at the periodic site review meetings or as directed by the Engineer-inCharge . 21 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification c) Samples of various materials proposed to be used on the work for conducting tests thereon as required as per the provisions of the contract. d) Design of concrete mixes as per the relevant clauses of the specifications giving proportions of ingredients, sources of aggregates along with accompanying trial mixes as per the relevant clauses of these specifications to be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for his approval before use on the works ; e) Detailed design calculations and drawings for all Temporary works (such as form work, staging, centering, specialised constructional handling and launching equipment and the like) to be submitted to Engineer-in-Charge for approval. f) Detailed drawings for templates, bar bending and cutting schedules for reinforcement, material lists for fabrication of structural steel etc ; g) Mill test reports for all mild and high tensile steel and cast steel as per relevant provisions of the specifications; h) Testing of various finished items and materials including bitumen, cement, concrete as required under these specifications and furnishing test reports / certificates ; i) Inspection Reports in respect of formwork, staging, reinforcement and other items of work as per the relevant Specifications ; j) Any other data which may be required as per these specifications or the conditions of contract or any other annexures / schedules forming part of the contract; k) Any other item of work which is not specifically provided in the Bill of Quantities but which is necessary for complying with the provisions of the contract l) All temporary works, form work and false work; scaffolding etc. m) Establishing and running a laboratory with facilities for testing for various items of works as specified n) Cost of in-built provisions for quality Assurance o) Cost of safeguarding the environment p) Cost of providing “as-built drawings” in original and two sets of prints and q) Cost of other facilities and requirements connected with the work All expenses incurred by the Contractor in connection with obtaining information for submitting this tender including his visits to the site or efforts in compiling the tender shall be borne by the tenderer and no claims for reimbursement thereof shall be entertained. ********* 22 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 4 EARTHWORK EXCAVATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 GENERAL 2.0 Definition & Classification 3.0 Excavation 4.0 Earthwork 5.0 Filling 6.0 Testing 7.0 Precautions for Heavy Rainfall 8.0 Mode of Measurement 23 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 4 EARTH WORK EXCAVATION GENERAL 1.1 Scope 1.1.1 The technical specification for all excavation and earthworks (including filling), referred herein shall apply to the works, expect where otherwise modified or amended within the contract. EARTHWORK EXCAVATION 1.2.1 1.2.2 All excavation and earthworks shall comply with the requirements of The Indian Building (Construction) Regulations and the latest version of Indian Standards (IS), except where more stringent requirements are specified herein. Some of the relevant Indian standards, Acts and Codes are referred to here below: IS:383 : Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete. IS:2720 (Part-II, IV to VIII, XXIII, XXIV, XXVII to XXIX & XL) : Methods of tests for soils determination XIV, XXI, of water content etc. IS:3764 : Safety code for excavation work IS:4081 : Safety code for blasting and related drilling operations IS:4701 : Code of Practice for earth work in canals IS:9758 : Guide lines for Dewatering during construction. IS:10379 : Code of practice for field control of moisture and compaction of soils for embankment and sub-grade. Indian Explosives Act 1940: as undated. 1.3 Contractor’s Submission 1.3.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-Charge, for his approval, the following information well before the commencement of the work. Schedule of construction plant and haulage vehicles Proposed sources of supply and uses of imported material Method statement for the excavation and filling Method statement for stock piling and disposal methods 24 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 1.3.2 2.0 Method statement for controlling the moisture content of fills material Method statement for controlling ground and surface water and prevention of water damage Method statement for monitoring ground water levels and adjacent ground and structure The Contractor shall prepare a shoring and excavation plan and submit to the Engineer-in-Charge for approval prior to commencement of work well in advance. The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed for all time and costs associated with the preparation of the Plan to the required standard, its approval process and any subsequent amendments deemed necessary to satisfy the Specification or the reasonable requirements of the Engineer-in-Charge. DEFINITION AND CLASSIFICATION 2.1 Definitions 2.1.1 “Top soil” shall mean soil that is capable of supporting vegetation. 2.1.2 “Approved material” shall comprise all that which is acceptable in accordance with the Contract for use in the Works, and which is capable of being compacted in the manner specified in paragraph 5.7 (below) to form a stable fill. 2.1.3 “Unsuitable material” shall mean other than approved material and shall include : a) Material from swamps b) Peat, logs, stumps and perishable materials c) Material susceptible to spontaneous combustion d) Soil of liquid limit exceeding 65% and / or plasticity index exceeding 35% e) Material having an in-situ moisture content greater than the maximum permitted for such material in the Contract, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge. 2.1.4 “Hard Rock” is where both the 90 class machine and D 50 class dozers (or equivalent) are unable to function. 2.1.5 “Type A” rock fill is a well graded and durable material with a maximum particle size of 2m. 2.1.6 “Type B” rock fill is similar, but with max. particle size of 300mm and isolated boulders of < 2m. 2.1.7 “Special filling material” shall mean “approved material” but capable also of passing a 75mm IS sieve. The fraction passing a 75mm IS sieve shall have the following characteristics: a) Liquid limit not exceeding 45% b) Plasticity index not exceeding 20% c) Co-efficient of uniformity shall be greater than 50 25 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification d) The percentage passing a 63 µm IS sieve shall be less than 45% by weight. 2.1.8 “Cohesive soil” includes clay with up to 20% of gravel and having a moisture content not less than the value of the plastic limit minus 4. 2.1.9 “Well-graded granular and dry cohesive soils” includes clays containing more than 20% of gravel and / or having a moisture content less than the value of plastic limit minus 4, well-graded sands and gravels with a uniformity coefficient exceeding 10. 2.1.10 “Uniformly-graded material” includes sands and gravels with a uniformity coefficient of 10 or less, and all silts. Any soil containing 80% or more of material particle size range 60 to 2 mm will be regarded as silt for this purpose. 3.0 EXCAVATION 3.1 General 3.1.1 The Contractor shall be fully responsible for proper setting out of works, profiling in excavation, stacking etc. taking adequate safety measures etc. The contractor shall submit the methodology of excavation to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for approval. 3.1.2 The Contractor shall furnish all skilled and unskilled labour, plant, tools, tackles, equipment, men, materials required for complete execution of the work in accordance with the drawings and as described herein and / or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 3.1.3 Excavation shall be carried out to the dimensions, lines, levels, and slopes as indicated on the drawings. If the Contractor excavates deeper than the depths shown on the drawings or as instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge then he shall, at his own expense, fill in such excessive depths with CC 1:4:8 with 40 mm down size HDG metal to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. 3.1.4 The bottoms of all excavations shall be kept free from mud and water, trimmed clean, protected from the effects of weather and thoroughly compacted and consolidated in an approved manner and means, subject to the requirements as stipulated under paragraph 5.7 (below). 3.1.5 All soft or defective portions of soil below formation level shall be cut out and filled in with approved material well consolidated in layers of approved thickness. 3.1.6 Unless otherwise specified no excavated approved material other than surplus to the requirements of the Contract shall be removed from the Site except on the direction or with the permission of the Engineer-inCharge/Employer. Should the Contractor be permitted to remove approved material from the Site to suit his operation procedures, then he shall make good at his own expense any consequent deficit of filling arising there from with approved material. 3.1.7 Where the excavation reveals a combination of approved and unsuitable materials the Contractor shall, unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer-inCharge, carry out the excavation in such a manner that the approved materials are excavated separately for use in the Works without contamination by the unsuitable materials. 26 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 3.1.8 All materials obtained from excavation shall remain Employer’s property. All salvaged materials of archeological importance or of value (in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge) shall be segregated from the other materials and both stacked separately and in regular manner at locations indicated by the Engineer-in-Charge. 3.1.9 The Contractor shall erect during progress of work caution sign boards, adequate lighting and protective barricades. 3.2 Approval of Excavation 3.2.1 3.3 The Contractor shall report to the Employer / Employer’s Representative when secure bottoms have been obtained to the excavations and are ready to receive the concrete. Any concrete or other work put in before the excavations have been inspected and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge shall, if so directed, be removed and new work substituted in accordance with the Specification after the excavations have been approved, all at the Contractor’s own expense. Cuttings : 3.3.1 Unless otherwise specified or shown on the drawings, the top edges of cutting shall be neatly rounded to the dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Such work shall be deemed to be included in the Contractor's rate for cutting work. 3.3.2 Trenches cut into the toe of a slope can undermine a slopes stability and shall not be permitted. 3.3.3 Trenches excavated may provide a location where infiltration of water into the hillside could cause slope instability. Trenches loosely backfilled with soil can permit almost as much infiltration from the surface as an open trench and will permit lateral flow of water along the trench through the backfilled material. The Contractor shall not normally open up such service (or other) trenches in or above slopes during the rainy season. 3.3.4 Where such trench excavations are permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge, the Contractor shall: (a) protect the trench against ingress or egress of water by means of sand bags, concrete kerbs or compacted earth fill bunds along each side of the trench (b) (c) provide pumps at all low points to maintain the trench bottom in a dry state supervise the functioning and maintenance of the pumps continuously (24 hours per day) even when work is not proceeding and (d) on completion of the work, the Contractor shall backfill the trench in layers not greater than 150mm deep compacted to not less than 95% MDD 3.4 Excavation of foundation pits and trenches 3.4.1 Where required by the nature of the materials to be excavated, the Contractor shall provide all necessary planking, strutting and shoring required upholding the face of the excavation and any necessary staging. The Contractor is responsible for the design, supply, fixing and removal of all planking and strutting required resisting all anticipated loading and to ensure safety and prevent damage to any adjoining property. The Engineer-in-Charge may direct that such supports be left in position. 3.4.2 The Contractor may suitably batter faces of excavations subject to the Engineer-in-Charge’s prior approval. 27 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 3.4.3 The bottoms of all excavations shall be leveled carefully and stepped or benched horizontally as shown on the drawings. Any pockets of soft material or loose rock in the bottom of pits and trenches shall be removed and the resulting cavities and any large fissures filled with 1:4:8 mix concrete. After the placing of any blinding concrete required by the Contract, no trimming of the side faces shall be carried out for 24 hours. 3.4.4 The Contractor shall obtain the Engineer-in-Charges approval to all foundation excavations prior to the placing of any blinding layer or fixing of reinforcement. The Contractor shall also take photographic records of all such excavations and shall provide an as-built level survey of all such excavations, prepared by an independent registered surveyor. 3.4.5 Trenches and pits shall not be wider than is necessary for the efficient laying and jointing of pipes or for other works to be carried out. 3.4.6 No greater length of trench shall be opened at any one time than has been approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. All surplus spoil shall be removed immediately on excavation. Unless otherwise specified sacked spoil for filling shall be kept tidy at all times. The Contractor shall make good with approved material or plain cement concrete 1:4:8 using 40 mm metal and down size blue granite aggregate as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, the following: 3.4.7 3.5 Any additional excavation at or below the bottom of foundations to remove material which the Contractor allows to become unsuitable. Trial Holes 3.5.1 3.6 Any excavation greater than the net volume required for the works as described in the Contract. The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to conditions affecting execution of the Works by visiting and inspecting the site of the proposed works. He may be permitted to inspect the trial holes that have been made and any open excavations in connection with other works should such be in progress, and also to study any available drawings which might be of assistance. The Contractor must clearly understand that all information is given expressly without guarantee and he shall obtain his own information regarding the notices of the excavation, conditions peculiar to the Site, and all other matters affecting the proposed works, and he shall make provision in his rates to cover for the types of materials to be excavated. Proving of Bearing Stratum 3.6.1 Where strip, pad, raft or similar foundations are used, the bearing stratum shall be proven by the Contractor and the results of all such proving tests shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for information along with the records mentioned in 3.4.4 (above) prior to the construction of any such foundation. The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed for all time and costs associated with such proving and reporting of results. 3.6.2 Where foundations as mentioned in 3.6.1 (above) are to be founded on rock, proving tests shall be carried out at each isolated pad footing or at 10m (or other) centres and shall include core drilling to a depth of 5m below the founding stratum and “star-drilling” or other appropriate method to detect weathered seams, voids and the like wherever directed. 3.6.3 Where foundations as mentioned in 3.6.1 (above) are to be founded on material other than rock, proving tests shall be carried out at each isolated pad 28 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification footing or at 10m (or other) centres and shall include plate loading tests or other appropriate method as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 3.7 Excavation in hard rock 3.7.1 Rock which is in solid beds, which can only be removed either by air compressed jack hammer, by wedging or chiseling by using hydraulic rock breaker / chiseling or by using chemical compound approved make and application as per Manufacturer’s Specification shall be treated as hard rock. A boulder or detached rock measuring one cubic metre or more, and existing R.CC STRUCTURES shall also be treated as hard rock if the same cannot be removed without, wedging or chiseling. No blasting will be permitted. 3.7.2 Since blasting is not practicable and is prohibited, excavation shall be done by air compressed jack hammer, by wedging or chiseling by using hydraulic rock breaker / chiseling or by using chemical compound approved make and application as per Manufacturer’s specification and it shall be restricted to the quantity required to enable the necessary foundation etc. to be put in. In case, the dimension of trenches exceed those shown in drawings the excess quantity shall not be paid for. 3.7.3 Benching on rocky strata shall be done wherever required or as directed for foundation beds and drilling of holes at specified spacing for embedment of dowel bars as provided in the work or as shown in the drawing. Excavation in Soft Rock : This shall include all materials which are rock or hard conglomerate, all decomposed weathered rock, highly fissured rock, old masonry, boulders bigger than 0.03 cum, in volume but not bigger than 0.5 cum. and other varieties of soft rock which can be removed only with pick axes, crow bars, wedges and hammers with some difficulty. The mere fact that the contractor resorts to blasting and / or wedging and chiseling of reasons of his own, shall not mean the rock is classifiable as hard rock. All types of Soils, Murrum, Boulders: This includes earth, murrum, top deposits of agricultural soil, reclaimed soil, clay, sand or any combination thereof and soft and hard murrum, shingle etc. which is loose enough to be removed with spades, shovel and pick axes. Boulders not more than 0.03 cum. in volume found during the course of excavation shall also fall under this classification. 4.0 EARTHWORKS 4.1 General 4.1.1 The Contractor shall carry out all earthworks in such a manner as to prevent erosion or slips, shall limit working faces to safe slopes and height, and shall ensure that all surfaces have at all times sufficient gradients to enable them to shed water without causing erosion. He shall also take all other relevant precautions and as noted on the drawings. 4.1.2 At the end of each day, all surfaces shall be left with no area that can retain water. If necessary, the Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary and approved surface or sub-surface drainage system to ensure minimum delay in working progress due to wet weather. Alternatively, adequate means, such as covering all surfaces with polythene, shall be provided and maintained. 4.1.3 The Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary temporary access 29 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification roads and shall divert and reinstate permanent drainage system. All temporary roads shall be provided with drainage ditches over full length. 4.2 Surplus Earth 4.2.1 The Contractor shall remove, deposit, spread and level surplus excavated materials after filling where directed within the confines of the site. Rate of excavation shall inclusive of backfilling with the available excavated earth and multiple handling if required. 4.2.2 The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any spillages or soiling of the Public Roads during the earth removal operation. The contractor shall remove all surplus and unusable excavated earth from the site and dispose to places approved by the local authority at the quoted price. 4.2.3 4.3 4.4 Existing Services 4.3.1 The Contractor shall notify the Employer / Employer’s Representative of any mains, pipes or conduits met with during the excavation and where any excavation is carried out adjacent to or under any existing cable, and the like the Contractor shall prevent damage by subsidence, as the Employer / Employer’s Representative may direct, whether such work is shown on the drawings or not. 4.3.2 In the event that damage is done to the public services due the Contractor’s work or otherwise, all expenditure for such necessary repairs, etc. shall be borne by the Contractor. Should these repairs be carried out by the relevant Authorities, the Contractor shall reimburse the Authorities for the cost of carrying out the repairs, failing which the Employer / Employer’s Representative reserves the right to pay the Authorities directly and deduct same from any monies due or becoming due to the Contractor. Dealing with Water 4.4.1 The Contractor shall keep the excavations well drained and dry at all times and shall take all precautions to prevent surface water from entering the excavations. He shall maintain on the site, at all times, pumps of sufficient capacity to deal with any surface or subterranean water, which may arise from the excavations. The Contractor shall also provide all pumps, hoses and other equipment necessary for the drainage and de-watering. 4.4.2 The Contractor shall allow for the construction of all necessary temporary earth drains, 300 mm half round drains and pipe culverts and the maintenance and temporary diversion or damming of any existing drains. If required, any drains or water course so diverted shall be reconstructed in original position upon completion of the works. 4.4.3 The Contractor shall provide a network of temporary drains to adequately drain the site. The drainage system should comply with the requirements of the appropriate local authorities. The Contractor shall obtain the necessary approvals and pay all costs and expenses in this respect. 4.4.4 The drains shall be sufficiently large so that no mud or water will spill onto the roads or pavements. The Contractor shall also keep the main Authorities drains in the immediate and surrounding areas free from silting up owing to the effluent from the site. If the water is muddy, it will be necessary to place strutted and supported boarding near the exposed surface. The space in between the boarding and the surface shall be filled in with graded stone chippings and coarse sand which will act as a filter to prevent the loss of soil. 30 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 4.5 Well point and deep well pumps 4.5.1 The Contractor shall, when using well points or deep well points for de-watering the site, comply with the following requirements: 4.5.2 The Contractor shall provide full details of the proposed well point or deep-well pump system duly taking into consideration the soil profile and the grain size analysis curve as to permeability characteristics of different layers based on bore hole data for deciding the spacing and size of Steiner pipes. 4.5.3 The Contractor shall conduct preliminary site trials to determine the final layout of the system and verify its effectiveness and shall determine the spacing and depth of the points and the number of stages required based upon these trials. Two stages of de-watering shall however be a minimum. 4.5.4 The manner of installation of the well points shall not cause weakening or subsidence of either the surrounding area or any slips in nearby slopes. 4.5.5 The jetting operation during installation of Steiner shall not cause disturbance to sub-soil stratification. The Contractor shall install measuring device to determine water head and flow rate for purposes of control. The system shall provide for sufficient valves in leaders and pipes to maintain control over separate sections of the system. 4.6 Withdrawal of stages shall be done as decided by the Employer / Employer’s Representative at site, while removal of lowest stage, which is mandatory, shall be only after completion of roof of the lowest basement. The water table shall be lowered by not less than 10 metre and maintain the level to ensure that the bottom of excavation is reasonably dry till the basement work is completed. 4.5.6 Where auxiliary sand drains are installed, they shall be considered an integral part of the system. 4.5.7 The arrangement of the system shall go well with excavation operation and shall have adequate stand by pumps etc. 4.5.8 The contract sum shall be deemed to include for the provisions of paragraphs 4.5.1 to 4.5.7 above. Planking and Strutting 4.6.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the design, supply, fixing and removal of all planking and strutting, shoring, etc. required by the Works or as otherwise deemed appropriate by the Engineer-in-Charge. 4.6.2 All such shoring etc. shall be sufficiently strong to resist earth pressure, insure the safety of the workpeople and the works and to prevent damage to any adjoining property. The Contractor at his own expense shall clear any falls of earth into the excavations. The Contractor at his own cost shall similarly carry out any consequential back filling or reinstatement. 31 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 4.7 Steel Sheet Piling 4.7.1 Necessity The sides of excavation in foundations whether of shallow or deep, depending on site conditions, shall be protected and taken care of by the Contractor. Steel sheet piles used for protection of sides of excavation shall be driven adequately below excavation levels to give stability. The sheet piles shall be supported at several points, by soldier beams, wales and struts. Wherever the excavation width is more inclined bracing or rakes shall be provided to support the sheet pile. 4.7.2 Contractors Responsibilities The Contractor shall submit his plans on sheet piling for the pits and trenches, shoring and strutting system along with the tender. The Contractor shall responsible for the design of the shoring which shall be strong enough to resist side thrust and prevent slips / blows and damage to adjacent works and property. It shall be capable of safe removal when all the items of work for which it is required are completed, without causing damage to adjacent property or the foundations already completed. Adequate protective measures shall be taken to see that the foundation excavation does not affect or damage adjoining structures and sides of foundations. The Contractor shall take all measures required for ensuring stability of the excavation and safety of the property and people in the vicinity. 4.7.3 Shapes of Sheet Piling Steel piling comprises a row of piles engaging with or interlocked with one another so as to form a continuous wall, which may be a temporary retaining wall to protect the sides of vertical cut for deep foundations or shallow foundation depending on specific site condition. Steel sheet piling shall have suitable joints, which do not deform during driving and shall form a continuous protection wall. The pile length can be increased either by welding or bolting. The shapes of steel sheet piles shall be of either straight sheet piling, shallow arch-web piling, arch-web piles and or Z- piles. The deep arch-web and Z-piles shall be used in cases where the large bending moments are to be resisted. Where the bending moments are less, the shallow arch piles with corresponding smaller section module shall be used. Straight-web sheet piles shall be used where the web will be subjected to tension. 4.7.4 Driving steel sheet piles Steel sheeting shall be driven by a pile frame with hammers or by an automatic double acting hammer suspended from a derrick. The pile shall be guided to an interlock system. A drop hammer or a double acting hammer shall be used for clay and non-cohesive soils such as coarse sand and gravel respectively for non-cohesive soils. Alignment of the piling shall be maintained. Double acting hammers shall be operated either by steam or by compressed air. The operation of a double acting hammer shall be in such a manner that the whole weight of the hammer always rest on the head of the pile. The hammer shall hit directly on the pile or on a suitable head fixed on the pile. 32 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Steel sheet piles shall be interlocked in pairs with helmets. Steel sheet piles with web section shall be reinforced by steel strips bolted or welded on to minimise skin friction on the pile driven in stiff cohesive soil. 4.7.5 5.0 Extraction of sheet piles The driven steel sheet piles shall be withdrawn on completion of foundation, carefully without disturbing / damaging the newly laid foundation or the adjoining area using either double acting hammers fitted with an extracting attachment or an extractor suspended from a derrick. FILLING 5.1 5.2 5.3 Filling Generally 5.1.1. End tipping of fill shall not be permitted except in special circumstances and then only with the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. Such approval shall not exempt the Contractor from compacting of the end-tipped material to the requirements as specified in paragraph 5.7 (below). 5.1.2 When the state of the weather is such that in the opinion of the Engineer-inCharge, it would adversely affect the placing of specially compacted fill, all such shall be stopped. 5.1.3 All filling material, whether placed and / or compacted or awaiting placing and / or compaction which, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge, does not comply with the Specification, or has been damaged by weather or in any other way, shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s expense. 5.1.4 The Contractor shall also observe all requirements of section 4 (above). Ground Preparation for Roads and Ground slabs 5.2.1 All unsuitable material evident on the surface shall be removed. The cleared site shall then be scarified to a minimum depth of 300mm. Any areas where visual examination reveals the presence of unsuitable material shall be excavated as necessary to remove such material. Any soft spots indicating underlying pockets of unsuitable material shall also be excavated. 5.2.2 The Contractor shall undertake thorough compaction of all perimeter and entrance areas where non-suspended ground slab has been specified. Similarly, all areas for internal roads construction shall be thoroughly compacted as specified herein. 5.2.3 At all times during ground preparation / earthworks the surface shall be gently sloped to temporary ditches to enable surface water to run off. Any ponding evident after rain shall immediately be pumped dry and the area filled and compacted with suitable material. Filling of Foundation pits and trenches and removal of supports 5.3.1 5.3.2 Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, or directed by the Engineer-inCharge, all filling for this purpose shall consist of approved material, deposited and compacted by approved plan in accordance with paragraph 5.7 (below). Timber sheeting and other excavation supports shall be carefully removed as the filling proceeds except where such are required by the Contract to be left in position, but the removal of such supports will not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities for the stability of the works. Fill adjacent to pipes shall be free of stones, concrete, etc. and shall be hand placed and compacted uniformly on both sides of the pipe and where practicable upto a minimum depth of 300 mm over the top of pipes. While 33 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification tamping around the pipes, care should be taken to avoid unequal pressure. 5.4 5.5 Embankments 5.4.1 Embankment construction (founding on fill) shall include the preparation and compaction to the degree as specified under paragraph 5.7 (below) of the areas upon which embankments are to be placed, the placing and compacting of approved material within areas from which unsuitable material has been removed as specified, and the placing and compacting of embankment material in holes, pits and other depressions within the foundation area. 5.4.2 Unless otherwise specified, the natural ground over which filling is to be placed shall be cleared of all loose boulders, grass, top soil, bushes, trees, roots and other vegetation. If the Engineer-in-Charge considers that any under lying material is unstable or unsuitable, he may direct it to be removed and replaced with approved material. 5.4.3 The Contractor is to provide all necessary de-watering measures for the completion of the works. 5.4.4 The construction of any section of fill shall not be commenced until the Engineer-in-Charge has approved that section. Placing Fill 5.5.1 Fill shall be placed in even horizontal layers over the full width laid in thickness appropriate to the compaction plant used and compacted to satisfy the requirement as specified in paragraph 5.7 (below). At all times the embankments shall be maintained with a sufficient camber and a surface sufficiently even to enable the surface water to drain readily from them. 5.5.2 If the material deposited as fill subsequently reaches a condition such that it cannot be compacted in accordance with the requirements of the Contract, the Contractor shall at his own expense either. Make good by removing the material off the fill either to tip or elsewhere until it is in a suitable physical condition for re-use, and replacing it with suitable materials or Make good the material by mechanical or chemical means to improve its stability or 5.5.3 5.6 Cease work on the material until its physical condition is again such that it can be compacted as described in the contract. Rock material shall be broken down to dimensions not exceeding the compacted thickness of the layer in which it is placed. Rock material shall be well distributed in layers extending the full width of the fill, and sufficient fine material shall be placed around the larger material as it is deposited to fill the voids and produced a dense compacted fill. Where insufficient fine material is present to fill the voids, additional fine material shall be obtained from other sources of Contractor’s expense. In-situ Ground Compaction 5.6.1 Following ground preparation, the Contractor shall thoroughly compact the whole using a vibrating roller of approximately 5000 kg. Dead weight, e.g. Dynapac CA25 or Ingersoll-Rand DA30 roller as specified herein. 5.6.2 Where small deep areas have to be compacted following local excavation of unsuitable material, the Contractor shall place fill in layers not exceeding 34 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 200mm loose, compaction shall be carried out using approved vibratory tampers or as specified in to be included 5.7 5.8 Compaction of Fill 5.7.1 All material shall be compacted in layers as soon as practicable after deposition. The thickness of each layer shall be compatible with the compaction plant used and shall be agreed with the Engineer-in-Charge. Earth moving plant shall not be accepted as compaction equipment under this clause. 5.7.2 Each class of material to be compacted shall be tested, prior to compaction, by approved agencies, to determine its maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for compaction. 5.7.3 The moisture content of the in-situ material during compaction shall be maintained as close to the optimum moisture content as possible. If necessary, this shall be adjusted by wetting or drying on site to establish required in-situ field densities of the fill material to be obtained consistently. 5.7.4 Other than site formation compaction specified under paragraph 5.6.1 (above) and small localised compaction specified under paragraph 5.6.2 (above), shall be used as a guide for the Contractor in establishing general compaction arrangements. However, site trials shall be carried out to ensure that the density requirement is achieved. Definitions and Requirements (Associated with Table 2) 5.8.1 The depth of compacted layer is the height by which an embankment is raised by each successive compacted layer. 5.8.2 For items marked the rollers shall be towed by track laying tractors. Self propelled rollers are unsuitable. 5.8.3 Where combinations of different types of categories of plant are used, the compaction requirements shall be : The depth of layer shall be that for the type of plant requiring the least depth of layer; and 5.8.4 The number of passes shall be that for the type of plant requiring the greatest number of passes However, where the Contractor uses a lighter type of plant to provide some preliminary compaction only to assist the use of heavier plant, this shall be disregarded in assessing the above requirements. 35 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Table 2 : Compaction Requirement Type of compacti on plant Smooth wheeled roller Category Force per 100mm width 2.1 – 2.6 kN 2.61 – 5.5 kN Cohesive Soil Well-graded Granular and Dry Cohesive soils Uniformly graded materials Max. depth of compac ted layer (mm) Min. no. of passes Max. depth of compac ted layer (mm) Min. no. of passes Max. depth of compacted layer (mm) Min. no. of passe s 125 8 125 10 125 10* 125 6 125 8 125 8* 150 4 150 8 Unsuitable Unsuit able 150 10 10 8 Unsuitab le 150 150 Unsuitab le Unsuitable 125 12 Unsuit able 150 12 Unsuitab le Unsuitab le Unsuitab le Unsuitable > 5.2 kN Grid Roller Force per 100mm width 2.6 – 5.2 kN 5.3 – 7.8 kN 150 4 > 7.8 kN Pneumatic Tyred Roller Unsuitable Unsuit able Wheel Load 1 – 1.5 ton 125 6 1.5 – 2 ton 150 5 150 10* Unsuitable Unsuit able 2 – 2.5 ton 175 4 Unsuitab le 2.5 – 4 ton 225 4 125 12 Unsuitable 4 – 6 ton 300 4 125 10 Unsuitable 6 – 8 ton 350 4 125 10 Unsuitable 8 – 12 ton 400 4 159 8 Unsuitable > 12 ton 450 4 175 8 Unsuitable 175 6 Unsuit able Unsuit able Unsuit able Unsuit able Unsuit able Vibratory Roller Force per 100mm width 0.25 – 0.45 kN 0.46 – 0.70 kN 0.71 – 1.25 kn 1.26 – 1.75 kN 1.76 – 2.30 kN 75 16 150 16 75 12 150 12 125 12 150 6 12 150 8 200 10* 125 8 150 4 225 12* 150 4 175 4 250 10* Unsuitab le Unsuita ble Unsuitab le Unsuita ble 100 36 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Vibratory Compactor 2.31 – 2.80 kN 175 4 200 4 275 8* 2.81 – 3.50 kN 200 4 225 4 300 8* 3.51 – 4.20 kN 225 4 250 4 300 8* 4.21 – 4.90 kN 250 4 Unsuitab le Unsuita ble Unsuitab le Unsuitab le 75 6 100 6 Unsuitab le Unsuita ble 75 10 150 4 75 6 Unsuitab le Unsuita ble 150 4 125 6 200 4 100 6 150 5 250 4 150 6 200 5 200 6 50 – 65 100 3 100 3 150 3 65 – 75 125 3 125 3 200 3 > 75 200 3 150 3 225 3 100 150 4 150 6 Unsuitable > 100 275 8 275 12 Unsuitable Unsuit able Static pressure under base plate 8.6 – 10.3 kN/m 10.3 – 12.1 kN/m 12.1 – 13.8 kN/m 13.8 – 17.2 kN/m 17.2 – 20.7 kN/m > 20.7 kN/m Vibro Tamper Mass Kilogram Power Rammer Mass Kilogram Unsuit able 5.9 5.10 6.0 Settlement 5.9.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for making good to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge all settlement in filling and back filling which may occur up to the end of the Defects Liability Period. Hardcore 5.10.1 Hardcore where noted, shall be well graded hard, dry stone, brick, concrete, block or other sound hard material to the Engineer-in-Charge’s approval broken to a maximum gauge of 50 mm thick well consolidated in layers not exceeding 150 mm thick. The surface shall be dense and well watered prior to placing concrete. TESTING 6.1 General 6.1.1 Following the compaction process, in-situ density test, moisture content test, maximum dry density test and optimum moisture content test shall be carried as specified by the Engineer-in-Charge. Each layer shall be tested in the field QC lab and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge prior to the placing of the next layer where filling is required for construction of roads or non-suspended ground slabs. The Engineer-in-Charge may require additional in-situ density tests by an external agency. 6.1.2 Field density tests shall form the basis for acceptance of the compaction. These tests shall be carried out at the surface and at depths 1.0m and 3.0m 37 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification below the surface. Each layer of fill shall be well compacted and have obtained the required density before subsequent layer can be laid. The Engineer-inCharge shall approve Field density tests procedure. The Contractor shall undertake density and moisture control tests as and wherever directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 6.1.3 6.2 Reports 6.2.1 6.3 As a measure of quality control the Contractor shall undertake field density tests at 10m centres as a minimum requirement around the areas of nonsuspended ground slabs and at 10m centres along all roads. All tests shall be reported in a format acceptable to the Engineer-in-Charge and shall be submitted for his approval. Daily records of field tests shall be kept available at the site for the Engineer-in-Charge’s inspection. All sampling and testing shall be undertaken by a laboratory to be approved by the Engineer-inCharge. The Contractor shall propose the names of at least 3 laboratories for approval and shall allow for all costs to comply with this specification and tests. Acceptance Criteria 6.3.1 The following in-situ field densities of compacted materials given as percentages of the maximum dry density (MDD) shall be obtained : Within 500mm of formation level (subgrade or foundation) – 95% MDD From 500mm to 1500mm below formation level – 95% MDD. More than 1500mm below formation level – 90% MDD. Face zone of any embankment 95% MDD. 6.3.2 The Contractor may chose to establish by site trials the relationship among the in-situ material for compaction, compaction plant used, thickness of each layer, and compacting effort in terms of number of passes. If so established and agreed by the Engineer-in-Charge, the Contractor shall follow the same compaction. However, the Employer / Employer’s Representative may at any time carry out in-situ field density tests to determine whether the degree of compaction has satisfied the requirement in paragraph 5.7 (above). 6.3.3 The agreed compaction arrangement as mentioned in paragraph 5.7 (above) shall be adjusted to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge when the compaction is found inadequate. 7.0 PRECAUTIONS FOR HEAVY RAINFALL 7.1 During Rainy Season 7.1.1 The Contractor shall intercept and conduct from the site to an indicated safe discharge point, all surface water flowing into the site. At each intersection and abrupt change in direction of surface drainage channels, an accessible catch pit shall be provided within the quoted rate. All drainage works shall be kept clear of debris at all times. 7.1.2 Where partially completed permanent drainage works discharge within the site, the Contractor shall provide a temporary conduit to the approved discharge point at no extra cost 7.1.3 The Contractor shall grade all earthworks to ensure run-off and to avoid ponding. 7.1.4 The Contractor shall adopt a method of working in which the minimum of bare soil is exposed at any time. The Contractor shall provide a channel or bund wall at the head 38 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification of basement excavation and an adequate number of sump pits at the base. The sump pits shall be lined with chunam and contain operational submersible pumps to pump water to approved discharge points. 7.1.5 7.2 Where slope faces are to be temporarily exposed for more than two weeks temporary hard surfacing such as chunam shall be provided and temporary drains shall be installed. When heavy rainfall is imminent, or as and when determined by the Engineer-inCharge or the Engineer-in-Charge 7.2.1 Excavations shall not be left open on or adjacent to a slope. 7.2.2 In trenches on or adjacent to slopes are to be excavated, this shall be done with extreme care and in short sections. The Contractor shall take precautions to prevent water entering and collecting in the trench. 7.2.3 The Contractor shall seal bare earth slope faces with a suitable hard surfacing or by sheeting well secured against the wind. 7.2.4 The Contractor shall seal earthworks to the satisfaction of the Engineer-inCharge. 8.0 MODE OF MEASUREMENT Unless noted otherwise in the bills of quantities, the method of measurement for various items shall be generally in accordance with IS 1200….subject to the following. 8.1 EXCAVATION 8.1.1 Raft slab and Base slab: Depth of Excavation for Raft slab / base slab requires mass / open excavation, mechanically or manually shall be measured from average natural ground level (as decided by Engineer-in-Charge) upto bottom of raft slab / base slab and size equal to size of slabs. If a levelling course is ordered, its shall be measured upto the bottom of levelling course. Any additional excavation taken for working space, providing shoring, strutting and for any kind of works including water proof treatment on the side walls shall not be measured and paid for. 8.1.2 Column Footings: Depth of Excavation for footing requires mass / open excavation shall be measured from average natural ground level (as decided by Engineer-inCharge) upto bottom of footing and size equal to size of footing. If a levelling course is ordered, it shall be measured upto the bottom of levelling course. Any additional excavation taken for working space, providing shoring, strutting and for any kind of works including water proof treatment on the side walls shall not be measured and paid for. 8.1.3 Plinth Beams : Depth of excavation for plinth beam shall be measured from ground level upto bottom of beam and width equal to width of beam. If a levelling course is ordered, it shall be measured upto the bottom of the levelling course. 8.1.4 Where excavation is made in trenches, measurements for cutting shall be taken by means of tape and staff and the width of concrete or rubble packing as shown on the drawing shall be considered as width of excavation. 8.1.5 Where excavation is made for levelling the site, levels shall be taken before start and after completion of work and total quantity of excavation computed from these levels in manner approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. 8.1.6 Where soil including soft rock and hard rock and mixed, hard rock after excavation shall be stacked separately. Measurement of the entire excavation shall be taken as indicated above. Excavation of hard rock shall be measured from stacks of excavated hard rock and reduced by 40% for bulkage and voids. The quantity so arrived at shall 39 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification be paid for under hard rock. The difference between the quantity of entire excavation and quantity payable under hard rock shall be paid as soil including soft rock. 8.2 In open spaces : Filling shall be measured from cross sections of embankments, levels of which are recorded by means of levels before start of work and after completion of work. When it is not possible to measure filling from cross sections, it may be measured from loose stacks or lorry measurements with previous written permission from the Engineer-inCharge and 20% deduction shall be made from the measured quantity to arrive at the net quantity payable. 40 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 5 ANTI-TERMITE TREATMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Scope 2.0 General Requirements 3.0 Codes and Standards 4.0 Materials 5.0 Applications 6.0 Guarantee 7.0 Mode of Measurement 8.0 Proforma of Guarantee Certificate 41 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 5 ANTI-TERMITE TREATMENT 1.00 SCOPE 1.01 This specification covers the general requirements for pre-constructional antitermite treatment to the buildings to protect against attack by sub-terranean termites by suitable chemical treatment measures. 2.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.01 The building shall be adequately protected against attack by subterranean termites by suitable chemical treatment measures. The work shall be carried out by a specialist pest control agency approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . The work to be carried out by the specialist firm shall carry a guarantee for the satisfactory performance of the treatment for a minimum period of 10 years. Material Safety Data Sheets shall be furnished for the material to be used for anti termite treatment. 3.0 2.02 The Contractor shall submit manufacturer’s literature, specifications and application instructions for insecticide materials for the reference of Employer / Employer’s Representative . 2.03 The treatment shall be carried out generally in accordance with the stipulations laid down by IS 6313 - Part II, Latest (code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings- Part II - pre-constructional chemical treatment measures) subject to the minimum requirements given in this specification. 2.04 The earth filling immediately under the stone soling (under floors) bottom and side fills of all foundations (excepting foundations) and soil along external perimeter of all buildings shall be chemically treated against termites. 2.05 The Contractor shall furnish all skilled and unskilled labour, plant, tools, tackle, equipment, men, materials, chemicals required for complete execution of the work in accordance with the specification as described herein and / or as directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 2.06 The Contractor shall strictly follow, at all stages of work, the stipulations contained in the Indian Standard Safety Code and the provisions of the Safety Rules as specified in the General Conditions of the Contract for ensuring safety of men and materials. CODES AND STANDARDS The applicable Indian Standard and Code is given below: IS : 6313 Part II: Code of practice for anti-termite measure (Latest edition) in buildings pre-constructional chemical treatment measures. 42 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 4.00 MATERIALS 4.01 The chemical to be used as insecticide for the treatment shall be Biflex Tc, TC stands for Termiticide Concentrate for Termite Control (Bifenthrin) and the application shall be diluted 1 part of chemical Biflex Tc with 49 parts of water to get 0.05% emulsion and strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification. 5.00 APPLICATION 5.01 Latest IS 6313 (Part-II) shall be followed as general guidance for preparation and application of chemicals. The chemical solution shall be prepared by mixing the chemical with the appropriate quantity of water to obtain a chemical emulsion of the correct concentration as stipulated in IS : 6313 (Part - II). The application shall be as follows : Dilute 1 part of chemical Biflex Tc with 49 parts of water to get 0.05% emulsion. The prepared emulsion shall be applied by trained operators strictly in accordance with the Manufacturer’s Specifications / directions. Health and safety precautions recommended by manufacturer shall be observed during the treatment. The Contractor shall protect surfaces not intended to have treatment. To facilitate proper penetration of the chemical into the soil, a pressure pump of adequate capacity and sprayers shall be employed to apply the solution. 5.02 Foundations and basement The treatment is applied essentially to masonry foundations in trenches/ Raft foundation/ Foundation in basements where there are voids in the joints through which termites may move above to seek entry into buildings. Hence the masonry foundations in trenches / Raft foundation/ Foundation in basements and the areas as specified in the bills of materials are required to be completely enveloped by a chemical barrier. The treatment shall start at a depth of 500mm below the ground level in the case of masonry foundation and the treatment shall start at a depth of 500mm below the horizontal excavated surface at the raft slab level in case of foundation in basements except when such ground level is raised or lowered by filling or cutting after the foundations have been cast. In such cases, the depth of 500mm shall be determined from the new soil level resulting from the filling or cutting mentioned above and in soil in immediate contact with the Horizontal / vertical surfaces of foundations shall be treated at the rate of 7.5 litres per sq.metre. 5.03 Top Surface of Plinth Filling The top surface of the consolidated earth within plinth walls shall be treated with chemical emulsion at the rate of 5 liters per sqm of the surface before the stone bed or sand bed is laid. If the filled earth has been well consolidated and the surface does not permit the emulsion to seep through, holes up to 50 to 75 mm deep at 150 mm centres both ways may be made with 12 mm dia. mild 43 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification steel rod on the surfaces to facilitate saturation of the soil with the chemical emulsion. 5.04 External Perimeter of Building After the building is complete, the earth along the external perimeter of the building should be roded at intervals of 150 mm and to a depth of 300 mm. The rods should be moved backward and forward parallel to the wall to breakup the earth and chemical emulsion poured along the wall at the rate of 7.5 litres per square metre of vertical surfaces. After the treatment, the earth should be tamped back into place. Should the earth outside the building be graded on completion of building, this treatment should be carried out on completion of such grading. 5.05 Soil Surrounding Pipes Wherever any service pipes enter the soil inside the area of the foundation of any building, the soil surrounding the point of entry of each pipe at the foundation, floor etc. shall be fully soaked with the chemical solution for a distance of atleast one meter from the point of such entry. 5.06 Expansion Joints Soil beneath expansion joints at ground floor level shall be specially treated as directed. The joint itself shall also be treated as directed by the Employer’s Employer / Employer’s Representative . 5.07 Treatment Under Apron The soil below the concrete for stone aprons to be provided around the perimeter walls of all buildings shall also be treated with the chemical solution. 5.08 Treatment Over DPC Top of concrete damp proof course in external and internal walls shall be given a liberal coat of chemical solution when the concrete is still green. 6.00 GUARANTEE The Contractor shall provide a written guarantee in the format given in the next page that the building covered in this contract will be protected from termites for a period of ten years from the date of substantial completion of work covered under this contract. The Guarantee shall be in legal paper in an acceptable form. 7.00 MODE OF MEASUREMENT The measurement shall be in square metre for the plinth area of the building /area of raft slab in the case basement floor treated. 44 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification PROFORMA OF GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE Name of the Firm/Company and its address. Dear Sirs, Pest Control Pre-Construction Anti-termite Treatment Guarantee regarding. We hereby certify that the foundation(s) and Structure(s) of the premises of the ....................................... described in the schedule below, have been pre-treated by us against subterranean termite infestation in accordance with our procedure for pre- treatment set out in our letter(s) dated ......... and in accordance with the terms and conditions under which the said work has been awarded to us. We hereby guarantee that the foundation(s) and structure(s) of the said premises of the ....................................... shall be safe against subterranean termite attack or infestation for a period of TEN YEARS from ………............................................. to. ..................................... In the event of the said structure(s) and foundation(s) of the premises of the ......................................... being or becoming subject to subterranean termite attack or infestation at any time during the guaranteed period of Ten years, we agree to carryout as often as it becomes necessary, at our cost and expense, all and every treatment that may be necessary to render the said foundations and structures free from such subterranean termite attack or infestation. The question whether the foundation(s) and structure(s) of the premises are or become subject to subterranean termite attack or infestation and whether any anti-termite treatment is or has become necessary shall be decided by the .................................. ....... and we agree that their decision in this regard shall be final and binding on us. Yours faithfully Signature : Name of the Company : Address : Seal : *** 45 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION – 6 CONCRETE WORKS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 General 2.0 Materials 3.0 Concrete – Workmanship 4.0 Mode of measurement 46 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 6 CONCRETE WORKS 1.0 CONCRETE - GENERAL 1.1 Scope 1.1.1 1.2 This section gives the technical requirements for all structural concrete in building and civil Construction Management works except where otherwise modified or amended within the Contract. All general requirements are given in this specification and in the Bill of quantities covering, but not limited to; definitions; Contractor’s responsibilities; site conditions; site safety; construction programme; quality control; materials; testing; site transportation and accommodation; temporary works; maintenance and as-built drawings. Building Regulations and Authoritative Standards and Codes of Practice 1.2.1 Where the structural concrete is to be used in any building works in the concrete shall comply with the requirements of the latest version of Indian Standards (IS), except where more stringent requirements are specified herein. A complete set of all these documents shall generally be available at site with the Contractor. 1.2.2 List of certain important Indian Standards and Codes applicable to this work is given below. However, the applicable standards and codes shall be as per, but not limited to the list given below : IS:383 : Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete. IS:432 : Specification for mild steel, medium bars and hard drawn steel wire reinforcement. IS:455 : Portland slag cement tensile steel for concrete IS:456 : Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete. IS:457 : Code of practice for general construction of plain & reinforced concrete for dams massive structures. IS:516 : Method of test for strength of concrete IS:650 : Standard sand for testing of cement IS:1199 : Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete IS:1200 : Methods of measurement of building and civil Engineer-in-Charge /Engineer ing works IS:1489 : Portland-pozzolana cement Fly ash based &Calcined clay based 47 & other Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification IS : 1566 : Hard drawn steel wire fabric for Concrete reinforcement IS : 1786 : Specification for cold-worked steel high strength deformed bars for concrete reinforcement. IS : 1791 : Batch type concrete mixers. IS : 1834 : Hot applied sealing compound for joint in concrete. IS : 1838 : Preformed fillers for expansion joint in concrete pavements and structures IS : 2062 : Steel for general structural purposes. IS : 2074 : Ready mixed paint, air drying, red oxide -Zinc, chrome priming. IS : 2204 : Code of practice for construction of reinforced concrete shell roof. IS : 2210 : Criteria for the design of reinforced concrete shell structures and folded plates. IS : 2386 : Methods of test of aggregates for concrete IS : 2430 : Methods of sampling of aggregates for concrete. IS : 2438 : Roller pan mixer IS : 2502 : Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement. IS : 2505 : Concrete vibrators - immersion type IS : 2506 : General requirements for screed board concrete vibrators IS : 2514 : Concrete vibrating tables IS : 2571 : Code of practice for laying in-situ cement concrete flooring IS : 2722 : Portable swing weigh batchers for concrete (Single and double bucket type) IS : 3025 : Methods of sampling and test (physical and chemical) for water and waste water. IS : 3067 : Code of practice for general design details and preparatory work for damp proofing & water proofing of buildings. 48 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification IS : 3370 : Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids. IS : 3414 : Code of practice for design and installation of joints in buildings. IS : 3558 : Code of practice for use of immersion vibrators for consolidating concrete. IS : 4031 : Methods for physical tests for hydraulic cement. IS : 4082 : Recommendation on stacking and storage of construction materials at site. IS : 4326 : Code of practice for earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings. IS : 4656 : Form vibrators for concrete. IS : 4671 : Expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation purposes. IS : 4925 : Batching and mixing plant. IS : 4995 : Criteria for design of reinforced concrete bins for the storage of granular and powdery materials IS:4998 : Criteria chimneys for design of reinforced IS : 5256 : Code of practice for sealing expansion joints in concrete lining on canals. IS : 5816 : Method of test for splitting tensile strength of concrete cylinders. IS : 6452 : Specification for high alumina cement for structural use. IS : 64 61 : Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete. IS : 6494 : Code of practice for water underground water reservoirs and swimming pools. IS : 6509 : Code of practice for installation of joints In concrete pavements. IS : 6909 : Specification for supersulphated Cement. IS : 7293 : Safety code for working with Construction machinery. 49 concrete proofing and Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification IS : 7861 : Code of practice for extreme weather Concreting IS : 8041 : Specification for rapid hardening Portland cement (first revision) IS : 8042 : IS : 8043 : Specification for white Portland cement (first revision) Specification for hydrophobic Portland Cement (first revision) IS : 8112 : 43 Grade ordinary Portland cement IS : 9012 : Recommended practice for shotcreting. : Method of making, curing and determining strength of accelerated cured concrete test specimens. IS : 9103 : Admixtures for concrete. IS : 10262 : Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design. IS : 11384 : Code of practice for composite construction in structural steel and concrete. IS : 12118 : Two part polysulphide based sealant. IS:1220 : Code of practice for prosvision of water Stops at transverse contraction joints in masonry and concrete dams. IS:12269 : 53 Grade ordinary Portland cement. IS:12600 : Low heats Portland cement. SP : 23 : Handbook of concrete mixes SP : 24 : Explanatory Hand book on Indian Standard code for plain and reinforced concrete(IS:456-1978) IS : 9013 compressive 1.2.3 The Contractor must understand thoroughly any such requirements stated by the foregoing Codes and Regulations before tendering. He shall also construct the work in strict accordance with this Specification, working drawings and written instructions issued by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 1.2.4 If the Contractor wishes to substitute any other authoritative standard or code of practice for any listed above he shall submit details of any such together with two complete copies to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for approval. Approval for such substitution shall be at the discretion of the Employer / Employer’s Representative and will not be given unless the Employer / Employer’s Representative considers the proposed standard or code of practice will give a quality of finished work equal to or better than the specified standard. 1.2.5 The Employer / Employer’s Representative reserves the right to check the work constructed by the Contractor, and his setting out at such times as he may deem fit. There is however no duty on his part to make such checks and any omission by him to observe errors shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities in these respects. 50 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 1.3 Preliminary Information from Contractor 1.3.1 The Contractor shall submit the following information on his proposals for the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative before work is commenced. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) 1.4 Bar bending Schedules 1.4.1 1.5 Reinforcement bar bending schedules shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Employer / Employer’s Representative on this project as and when directed. Use of Concrete 1.5.1 1.6 Source of supply of all aggregates / concrete / bricks / solid & hollow blocks Source of supply of cement Source of supply of water Grading curves for coarse and fine aggregate Certificate of soundness of cement Results of tests for organic and inorganic impurities of aggregates and water Results of tests drying shrinkage of aggregates Source of supply of reinforcing steel Test certificates for reinforcing steel Types of water bars Types of joint fillers and sealant Positions of all construction joints Types of form work No concrete of any particular mix proportions shall be incorporated into the Works until all the requirements of this specification have been met in respect of those mix proportions and have been approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Approvals 1.6.1 A minimum of 14 working days before construction commences the Contractor shall supply to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for his approval details of his proposed layouts of concrete plant and on site workshop, details of form work systems and construction devices, eg. Cranes, chutes, scaffolding, which he proposes to use for structural concrete. The information is to be sufficiently detailed to enable the Employer / Employer’s Representative to approve or otherwise. 1.6.2 Where the Contractor proposed to use climbing tower cranes or any type of plant which places any load on the reinforced concrete structure, he must furnish full details of such plant to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for approval a minimum 14 days before the work is commenced. If approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative, the structure will be strengthened to carry such loads and the Contractor shall be responsible for any resulting additional design and construction costs or time incurred. Loads from such plant or equipment shall only be imposed on such completed storey of the structure where the loaded concrete has already attained the minimum specified 28 days compressive strength. 1.6.3 The Contractor should note that further approvals are required by the Specification before construction starts. The Contractor is wholly responsible for obtaining these approvals and no claim for delays or additional payments will be entertained due to the Contractors failure to obtain such approvals in adequate time. 1.6.4 Any approval, instructions, permission, checking, review etc. whatsoever by the Employer / Employer’s Representative , shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility and obligation regarding adequacy, correctness, completeness, safety, strength, quality, workmanship etc. 51 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 1.7 Contractors Responsibility and Defects 1.8 1.7.1 The Contractor shall furnish all skilled and unskilled labour, plant, equipment, scaffolding, all materials etc. required for complete execution of the work in accordance with the drawings and as described herein and / or as directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 1.7.2 The fact that the Contractor has used materials, etc. to the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities of producing a concrete of the required minimum strength, workability, shrinkage characteristics etc. for the purpose to which it is put. 1.7.3 Any defects due to materials and workmanship not being in accordance with this specification shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Employer / Employer’s Representative by the Contractor at the Contractor’s own expense. 1.7.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for making good to the satisfaction of the Employer / Employer’s Representative any damage to the permanent structure which may be caused by his plant. 1.7.5 If the Contractor desires to leave any permanently embedded supports for his shuttering, etc. in the concrete, he must furnish in writing exact details of his proposals and approval must be obtained from the Employer / Employer’s Representative Source of Supply 1.8.1 1.9 The Contractor shall not alter the source of supply of any material from that initially approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative without the prior written permission of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Supervision 1.9.1 1.10 The Contractor shall employ competent personnel whose first duty will be the supervision of all stages of mixing, placing and site testing of all concrete and for the supervising of the preparation of cubes for testing. Safety and Site Conditions 1.10.1 The Contractor shall strictly follow, at all stages of work, the stipulations contained in the Indian Standard Safety Code and the provisions of the safety code and the provision of the safety rules as specified in the General Conditions of the Contract for ensuring safety of men and materials and in the event of an accident shall hold the Employer blameless. 1.11 Quality Control 1.11.1 Reference shall be made to the accompanying General Specification for Quality Control Requirements 1.11.2 The Contractor shall submit to the Employer / Employer’s Representative , within 14 days of award, a Quality Manual in accordance with ISO 9001. The Quality Manual shall outline the Quality Control measures that the Contractor shall put in place to carry out the Works and shall include the Quality Control of the Sub-contractors. The Quality Manual shall include a Project Quality Plan. The Quality Manual shall be reviewed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative and, upon acceptance, shall be implemented by the Contractor. 52 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 1.11.3 The Contractor shall submit to the Employer / Employer’s Representative , within 14 days of award, a list of the Quality Control Personnel proposed for the Works and shall outline roles and responsibilities. Staff listed shall include the Employer, Quality Control Superintendent and Project Foreman. If, for some reason, a person so listed is unable to fulfill their role in this Works, then the Contractor shall find an equivalently qualified person to fill that vacancy. Details of the proposed replacement shall be submitted to the Employer / Employer’s Representative s before. 1.11.4 The Contractor shall establish, document and maintain an inspection and testing system capable of producing objective evidence that the Works conform to the Specification, whether carried out by the Contractor or his sub-contractors, or procured from vendors. A summary of this system shall be included in the Quality Manual. 2.0 MATERIALS 2.1 General 2.1.1 All materials shall conform to the requirements laid down in this section the Indian Construction Regulations and the relevant current Indian Standards, and also subject to the satisfaction and approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . The Contractor shall maintain a current copy of all such regulations and standards on site for the use of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 2.1.2 After specific materials have been accepted, the source of supply of such materials shall not be changed without prior approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 2.1.3 Any material considered being sub-standard, or not upto satisfaction of the Employer / Employer’s Representative , shall not be used by the Contractor and shall be removed from the site immediately. 2.1.4 Representative samples shall be procured by the Contractor and submitted to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for approval before bulk procurement. The approved representative samples shall be retained by the Employer / Employer’s Representative for future comparison and reference. 2.1.5 The Employer / Employer’s Representative shall have the right to inspect the sources of materials, method of procurement and storage of materials, quality control procedures, etc. 2.1.6 Generally, all materials shall be stacked and stored by the Contractor as described in IS: 4082 unless otherwise mentioned and in a manner affording convenient access for identification and inspection at all times. The storage area and arrangements shall be subject to the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Any material rendered unserviceable during the Contractor’s custody, shall be replaced or repaired by the Contractor as determined by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 2.1.7 All materials shall be as stored as to prevent deterioration or intrusion of foreign matter and to ensure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. Any material which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is otherwise considered defective by the Employer / Employer’s Representative , shall not be used and shall be removed immediately and the cost thereof, shall be realized from the Contractor’s dues. The Contractor shall maintain up to date accounts of receipts, issue and balance (stock wise) of all materials. 53 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 2.2 Cement 2.2.1 Type of Cement The cement used shall be any of the following with prior approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . I. High strength ordinary Portland cement (Grade 43) conforming to IS: 8112. II. Portland Pozzolana cements conforming IS: 1489. III. Portland slag cements conforming to IS: 455. 2.2.2 2.2.3 Unless otherwise specified ordinary Portland cement of 43 grade conforming to latest IS - 8112 shall be used for all concrete works. Ordinary Portland cement (53 Grade) conforming to IS : 12269 shall be used for important concrete works and wherever higher grade of concrete is specified. White or coloured Portland cement shall comply with physical requirements of IS 8112 and pigments shall be inorganic oxide pigments, either natural or synthetic in origin complying with the requirements of BS : 1014 Pigments whether added just before mixing or by the cement manufacturer shall only be incorporated in the proportions approved. Supersulphate and high alumina cement shall not be used in any part of the works unless specified. Certification and Testing of Cement The Contractor shall obtain a manufacturer’s certificate of test in accordance with the appropriate standard for each consignment of cement delivered to the site and shall immediately forward these certificates to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for his retention. Not withstanding the manufacturer’s certificate the Employer / Employer’s Representative may require that any cement delivered to the site, or elsewhere for use in the works, shall be sampled and tested. Any batch of cement so tested which fails to comply with this specification will be rejected. The cost of any such testing shall be borne by the Contractor. Delivery and Storage of Cement Cement of different types and manufacture shall not be mixed one with another. Cement shall be transported to site in covered vehicles adequately protected against water. All cement shall be delivered to the Site or elsewhere for use in the Works in the original sealed bags of the manufacturer or in approved bulk containers. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the storage of adequate quantity of cement and all cement shall at all times be protected from deterioration. Cement, unless delivered in bulk, shall be stored and neatly stacked in piles not exceeding 10 bags high in weather proof closed sheds well away from walls, the floor of which shall be with raised wooden plank flooring to prevent deterioration by dampness or intrusion of foreign matter, Storage under tarpaulins shall not be permitted. Cement delivered in bulk shall be stored in a weather proof silo. 54 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 2.2.4 Each consignment of cement shall be clearly identified, stored separately with clear identifiable stack number and used in chronological order of receipt ie. the first received being first used. Daily record of cement received and consumed shall be maintained by the Contractor in an approved form and a copy submitted to the Employer / Employer’s Representative once a week. Inspection of Cement Any cement which, upon inspection, is considered by the Employer / Employer’s Representative to have deteriorated in any way will be rejected. Any type and grade of cement more than 3 months old shall invariably be tested to ascertain that it satisfies the acceptability requirements. All cement rejected for any cause shall be removed from the site i immediately. Bulk cement shall be used only if the Employer / Employer’s Representative ’s approval in writing has been obtained. Bulk cement shall conform in all respects to the relevant clauses above. Automatic weighing equipment shall be used for weighing the cement to be added to each batch. 2.2.5 2.3 Cement for use in all concrete floor slabs and beams shall be obtained from a single source to maintain uniformity of colour. Aggregates for Concrete 2.3.1 Type of Aggregates Aggregates mean both coarse and fine inert materials used in the preparation of concrete. Aggregates shall consist of natural sands, crushed stone and gravel from a source known to produce satisfactory aggregate for concrete complying with IS: 383 and shall be chemically inert, clean, hard, strong, durable against weathering of limited porosity and free from such quantities of deleterious materials as may cause corrosion of reinforcement or may impair the strength and / or durability of the concrete. Additionally, the flakiness index when determined by the sieve method described in IS 2386 shall not exceed 35 for any size of concrete aggregate. Total percentage of all deleterious materials, including coal, lignite, clay lumps, materials finer than 75 microns, soft fragments and shale but excluding mica shall not exceed 5%. However, for crushed fine aggregate, total percentage of coal and lignite and clay lumps, shall be limited to 2%. Aggregates shall not contain water soluble sulphur trioxide in excess of 0.1% The chloride ion content of the fine and coarse aggregate shall not exceed 0.06% and 0.02% respectively by mass of dry aggregate. If either aggregate exceeds these limits the material may still be considered acceptable by the Employer / Employer’s Representative provided that the total chloride ion concentration derived from the aggregates is not greater than 0.35% by mass of the cement in the mix. All aggregates shall comply with IS – 2386 and IS 383 in respect of impurities and additionally with the following a) Absorption 6% maximum by weight for ordinary construction 55 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 2% maximum for water proof construction b) Salt 1% maximum (equivalent anhydrous calcium percentage by weight of cement). c) Shell 8% maximum by weight d) Carbonates 10% maximum by weigh The drying shrinkage of the aggregates measured in accordance with IS : 2386 shall not exceed. a) 0.06% for general purpose concrete b) 0.04% for pre-cast concrete, concrete for special purposes and water proof concrete. For reinforced concrete work, aggregates conforming to IS:383 & IS:2386 having a maximum size of 20 mm shall be used. For certain reinforced concrete works, aggregates having a maximum size other than 20 mm size shall also be used as called for in the drawings. However, for lean concrete provided as mud mat below structural concrete, maximum size upto 40 mm shall be used. Aggregates (coarse or fine) with a specific gravity below 2.6 shall not be used without special permission of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Sand and crushed rock shall be prepared for use by such screening or washing, or both, as necessary to remove all objectionable foreign matter at contractors cost. Fine Aggregate: Fine aggregate shall mean aggregate which pass through IS Sieve 4.75 mm (3/16 B.S.) test sieve to IS: 2430, leaving a residue not more than 5% and shall conform to IS : 383. It shall be sand from a natural source approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Machinemade sand will be acceptable provided the constituent (rock/gravel) is sound, hard, dense and is acceptable to the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Sand containing any trace of salt shall be rejected. The fine aggregate for concrete shall be graded within limits as specified in Table – 1 of IS : 383 -1970 and the fineness modules shall range between 2.60 to 3.20. 56 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Table – 1 IS Sieve Designation Grading Zone I Percentage Passing Grading Grading Zone II Zone III Grading Zone IV 10 mm 100 100 100 100 4.75 mm 90 - 100 90 - 100 90 - 100 95 - 100 2.36 mm 60 - 95 75 - 100 85 - 100 95 - 100 1.18 mm 30 - 70 55 - 90 75 - 100 90 - 100 600 Micron 15 - 34 35 - 59 60 - 79 80 - 100 300 Micron 5 - 20 8 - 30 12 - 40 15 - 50 150 Micron 0 - 10 0 - 10 0 - 10 0 - 15 Coarse Aggregate : Coarse aggregate shall mean aggregate of which not less than 95% by weight is retained on a 4.75 mm mesh IS test sieve to IS : 2430 and shall conform to Table – 2 of IS : 383 – 1970 It shall be obtained from crushed granite, trap, basalt or similar approved stones from approved quarry. Coarse aggregate shall be chemically inert when mixed with cement and shall be angular in shape and free from soft friable thin porous laminated or flaky pieces. It shall be free from dust and other foreign matter. Unless otherwise specifically stated, for all RCC works the size of coarse aggregate shall be 20 mm and down size. Table – 2 IS Sieve Desig-nation A % Passing for single sized aggregate of nominal size 63 mm 40 20 16 12.5 10 mm mm mm mm mm B % Passing of graded aggregate of nominal size 40 20 16 12.5 mm mm mm mm 80 mm 100 - - - - - 100 - - - 63 mm 85 - 100 100 - - - - - - - - 40 mm 0 - 30 85 100 100 - - - 95 100 100 - - 20 mm 0-5 0-20 85 100 100 - - 30 70 95 100 100 100 16 mm - - - 85 100 100 - - - 90 100 - 12.5 mm - - - - 85 100 100 - - - 90 100 10 mm 0-5 0-5 0-20 0-30 0-45 85 100 1035 2555 3070 40-85 57 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification IS Sieve Desig-nation B % Passing of graded aggregate of nominal size 40 20 16 12.5 mm mm mm mm 4.75 mm - - 0-5 0-5 0-10 0-20 0-5 0-10 0-10 0-10 2.36 mm - - - - - 0-5 - - - - 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 A % Passing for single sized aggregate of nominal size 63 mm 40 20 16 12.5 10 mm mm mm mm mm Between the limits specified for coarse and fine aggregates the grading shall be such as to produce dense concrete of a consistency, which will work into position without segregation, and without the use of excess water content. Aggregates for water proof concrete shall be non-porous not subject to internal movement, change in volume, shape or structure and suitable in every respect for use in water proof concrete. Lightweight aggregate shall be 5mm exfoliated vermiculite or similar material approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative Approval of Aggregate A minimum of 14 working days before the commencement of any concrete work, the Contractor shall forward to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for approval, details of his proposed source of supply of aggregates giving the aggregate group classification and typical physical properties as required by IS : 383. The Employer / Employer’s Representative shall be given advance notice of any alteration in the source of supply of aggregate. Certification of Aggregates The Contractor shall provide the Employer / Employer’s Representative with a certificate for his retention at such regular intervals as the Employer / Employer’s Representative may prescribe from time to time showing that all aggregates have been re-tested since the date of the last such certificate and showing that they continue to comply with the requirements of this specification. Samples of aggregates of different sizes or types shall be sent to an approved laboratory for testing prior to the commencement of any concrete works. The cost of such testing shall be borne by the Contractor. Not withstanding any certificate of compliance the Employer / Employer’s Representative may at any time require that any aggregate delivered to the site, or elsewhere for use in the works be sampled and tested. Any aggregate so tested which fails to comply with this specification will be rejected. Delivery and Storage of Aggregates No deliveries in bulk shall be commenced until the Contractor has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Employer / Employer’s Representative that the samples comply with this specification. 58 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification The samples approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative shall be representative of the grading and general quality of the aggregate delivered during the course of the work. Graded aggregate as recommended / shown in Table 2 in the document, only shall be used for all R.C.C. Works. Any aggregate, which in the opinion of the Employer / Employer’s Representative , has become contaminated or does not conform to the foregoing requirements may be rejected by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 2.3.5 Testing of Aggregates Tests shall be carried out on samples obtained from the delivered aggregates taken at intervals required by the Employer / Employer’s Representative in accordance with IS : 2386. Tests shall be carried out in the presence of the Employer / Employer’s Representative and to the expense of the Contractor. Should a sample fail to comply with any of the tests the Employer / Employer’s Representative may, at his discretion, either reject the batch from which the sample was taken, order it to be washed and / or screened, or permit it to be used with variations in the proportions or the concrete mixes specified. Any batch of aggregate rejected by the Employer / Employer’s Representative shall be removed from site forthwith. 2.3.6 Grading Aggregate Aggregates will be subjected to sieve analysis to IS: 2386, and the limits of acceptance are as shown in Table 1 and 2 in the document. The Employer / Employer’s Representative may require further analysis to be made if there is any alteration in the type of aggregate. The cost of any such analysis is to be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor is to provide a set of IS sieves and weighing equipment with accuracy to 0.5% of the mass of test sample and carry out sieve analysis to IS : 2386 on site as required by the Employer / Employer’s Representative at the expense of the Contractor. The Contractor shall carry out sieve analysis for coarse and fine aggregates at the minimum of one per week at each stockpile. At the start of the contract, sieve analysis should be taken twice per week at each stockpile until the consistency of grading is evident and agreed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 2.4 Water and Ice for Concrete 2.4.1 Water for use in mixing and curing concrete shall be clean, fresh and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, sugar, organic materials or other substances that may be deleterious to concrete or steel. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing concrete. The maximum permissible values of impurities shall be as given in clause no. 5.4 of IS: 456 - 2000. Water storage tanks shall be covered to the satisfaction of the Employer / Employer’s Representative to prevent contamination. 2.4.2 In case of doubt regarding development of strength, the suitability of water for making concrete shall be ascertained by the compressive strength and initial setting time tests specified in IS:456. 59 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 2.5 2.4.3 The Employer / Employer’s Representative may require that any water be sampled and tested at the expense of the Contractor by the method given in IS: 3025. Water failing the criteria given in the appendix to IS: 3025 will be rejected. 2.4.4 The Contractor shall produce test results of water proposed to be used on the job for approval by the Employer / Employer’s Representative before using for concrete works. 2.4.5 Water for use in mixing with cement shall neither be hotter than 25oC nor colder than 5oC at the time of mixing. 2.4.6 Wherever temperature controlled concrete is specified, the Contractor may establish an ice making plant of required capacity at site. Measures for Controlling Alkali – Aggregate Reaction 2.5.1 Measures to control the occurrence of alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) in concrete shall be submitted to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for approval. In the absence of alternative proposals, such control shall be achieved by limiting the reactive alkali content of the concrete as described in clauses 2.5.2 to 2.5.4 below unless in the opinion of the Employer / Employer’s Representative the concrete element will not be subjected to moisture ingress throughout its design life. 2.5.2 The reactive alkali of concrete expressed as the equivalent sodium oxide per cubic metre of concrete shall not exceed 3.0 kg. 2.5.3 The equivalent sodium oxide (Na2O) content of the concrete shall be determined in accordance with the following steps : The equivalent Na2O shall be calculated by the expression : Equivalent Na2O = A + B + C Where; A is the sum of the acid-soluble alkalis (expressed as equivalent Na2O) of cement, admixture and water B is equal to 1/6 the total alkalis of pulverised fuel ash (PFA) (expressed as equivalent Na2O) and C is equal to 0.76 times the chloride ion (Cl) of the aggregate The acid-soluble alkali content of the cement shall be determined in accordance with IS : 4032 and shall be taken as the average of the latest 25 daily determination of equivalent sodium oxide plus twice the standard deviation of the results. The acid soluble alkali content of admixtures shall be determined in accordance with IS : 4032. The acid-soluble alkali content of water shall be determined in accordance with American Public health Association (APHA) 17 ed. 1989) Sections 3500K and 3500-Na. The total alkali content of the PFA shall be determined in accordance with IS : 4032 and shall be taken as the average of 25 weekly determination plus twice the standard deviation of the results. 60 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 2.5.4 The equivalent sodium oxide content of the coarse and fine aggregates shall be calculated from the quantity of chloride ion present measured in accordance with IS : 2386. Test Certificates and Calculations The following particulars of the concrete mix should be submitted by the concrete supplier to the Employer / Employer’s Representative . a) 2.6 Calculation of the reactive alkali of the proposed mix. Admixtures 2.6.1 No admixtures of cements containing additive shall be used in concrete unless specified or approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Such approval will not be given unless in the Employer / Employer’s Representative ’s opinion specific benefit to the density or quality of the concrete will result. Additives so approved shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and written instructions. Admixtures should not have detrimental effect on reinforcement. 2.6.2 The Contractor shall obtain the written approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative for use of additives if they differ from those specified by the Employer / Employer’s Representative , and their use is proposed by the Contractor but not specified by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 2.6.3 The Contractor shall submit the following details of any admixtures or cement containing additives for approval before using : Brand name and manufacturer’s literature Proposed dosage and detrimental effects, if any, of under dosage and/or over dosage Method of adding to the concrete mix and Details of the Chloride content 2.7 2.6.4 The chloride ion content of admixtures for concrete containing embedded metal or for concrete containing sulphate resisting Portland cement shall not exceed 2% by mass of admixture or 0.03% by mass of the cementitious content, whichever is the less. 2.6.5 Calcium chloride as accelerating admixture is not permitted to be used other than in mass concrete works. 2.6.6 Where the use of admixtures is specified or approved they shall comply with the requirements of IS: 9103 and shall be of proven make and from a reputed manufacturer. 2.6.7 The Contractor shall produce latest test results carried out at approved Government Test Houses for the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative , before use. 2.6.8 Approved admixtures shall be stored in water tight weatherproof containers clearly marked to show the contents. Steel bar Reinforcement 2.7.1 Refer separate specification given elsewhere. 61 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 2.8 Joint Fillers and Sealants 2.8.1 Joint fillers shall be preformed and of a proprietary brand in accordance with the drawings or similar approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative and shall be placed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and written instructions. 2.8.2 Joint sealants shall be as described in the drawings, or similar approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative and shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and written instructions. 2.8.3 Poured joint sealing compound shall be a hot poured rubber bitumen compound complying with the requirements of IS: 1580 or BS: 2499 unless otherwise specified. 2.9 Water Stops 2.9.1 2.9.2 2.9.3 2.10 Water stops shall be either metallic like copper or non-metallic like PVC. Water stops shall be preformed and of a proprietary brand in accordance with the drawings, or similar approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Water stops shall be used at all construction joints in Water Tanks or other structures designated water proof concrete. Curing Compounds 2.10.1 Concrete curing compound for structures shall be a liquid resin or wax-resin base membrane curing compound of an approved proprietary brand. It shall have a minimum curing efficiency of 75% and shall contain a fugitive dye. 2.10.2 Aluminised curing compound shall, when applied at the rate of approximately 0.25 litres / m2 by a mechanical sprayer with low pressure fine spray, become stable and impervious to evaporation of water from the concrete surface within 60 minutes after application. 2.10.3 The curing compound shall contain sufficient flake aluminium in finely divided dispersion to produce a complete coverage of the sprayed surface with a metallic finish. The curing compound shall not react chemically with the concrete to be cured and shall not crack, peel or disintegrate within three weeks after application. 2.10.4 Concrete curing compound for carriage ways shall be a non-pigmented liquid resin or wax-resin base membrane curing compound of a proprietary brand. It shall achieve a 96% efficiency index and shall be available both with and without a fugitive dye. 2.10.5 The Contractor shall supply test certificates, prepared by an approved testing laboratory, to show that the compound will provide the required curing efficiency. 2.10.6 Curing compounds shall not be detrimental to the applied finish and surface treatments specified on the drawings. 2.11 Damp-proof Membranes 2.11.1 Damp-proof Membranes (DPM) generally for use below non-suspended ground floor slabs, shall be 1200 gauge (0.3mm) polythene sheet complying with Packaging and Industrial Film Association Standard 6/83 and shall be laid and jointed in strict accordance with the manufacturers printed instructions. 3.0 CONCRETE - WORKMANSHIP 3.1 Steel Reinforcement 3.1.1 Refer separate specification given elsewhere. 62 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 3.2 Form work and False work 3.2.1 Type of Form work Form work shall include all temporary or permanent forming for the concrete, together with all temporary construction required for its support. False work shall include any temporary structure used to support a permanent structure during its erection and until it becomes self-supporting. The Contractor shall be responsible for the design, stability, supply, fixing, alignment and safe removal of all form work, false work and supports in accordance with BS: 5975 or corresponding IS code. Strutting shall be so arranged that it can be removed without undue shock to the concrete. The Contractor shall submit the design of false work and form work to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for approval before construction. In the case of folded plates and shell roofs the Contractor should take approval for the pattern of centering and shuttering along with programme for deshuttering. The Contractor shall construct form work and false work to support safely the worst combined effects of all loads as given below so that the final concrete structure is within the limits of acceptable dimensional tolerances and without causing bulging or deflection: a) Total weight of form work, reinforcement and wet concrete b) Construction loads, including dynamic effects of placing, compacting and construction traffic and c) Wind loads All form work shall be watertight and so constructed that there shall be no loss of material from the concrete. After the concrete has hardened and the form work has been removed, the concrete shall be in the position and of the shape, dimensions, and surface finish described in this specification or on the drawings. The form work shall so designed and positioned that can be removed without damage to concrete. In the case of beams, slabs or like members the form work shall be so arranged that the sides or edges may be removed without disturbance to the soffit or propping system. Form work shall compose of steel, best quality wood or non-absorbent type plywood. Timber shall be free from significant knots and shall be of medium grain as far as possible and hard woods shall be used as caps and wedges under or over posts. Timber shall be well seasoned, free from sap, shakes, worm holes, warps or other surface defects and shall have smooth finish. Staging, unless specified otherwise, shall generally be of mild steel tubes, steel beams and channels etc. Plywood shall be used in exposed surfaces (fair faced finish specified) as shown on drawings or as directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative where a specially fair faced finish is required. Such surfaces shall be formed using approved brand of heavy quality water resistant plywood to produce a perfectly levelled, uniform and smooth surface. 63 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Form work for Engineer-in-Chargeural shapes for columns, ring beams, circular or spherical walls, shell roofs or bottoms in the case of water reservoirs or any other structure shall be made from approved plywood or steel plates and frames. Form work composed of steel and or approved good quality (seasoned) wood may be used in places where ordinary surface finish in required, plywood shuttering can also be used by the Contractor. The staging shall be true and rigid and thoroughly braced in both directions as well as cross braced, strutted and propped such that it will not deform unduly under weight of concrete and other loads due to men, equipment, etc. Vertical member or props should not be supported on an un-propped lower suspended floor or beam unless it is ensured by the Contractor that the lower floor or beam can safely carry the loads. No propping shall take place until the Employer / Employer’s Representative ’s approval has been given to the Contractor’s scheme submitted along with supporting calculations. To achieve the desired rigidity, ample studs, braces, bolts, spacer blocks, wires, clamps, ties, straps, shores, etc. shall be used to hold the form in proper position without undue distortion. Temporary openings for cleaning, inspection and for pouring concrete shall be provided at the base of vertical forms and at other places, where these are necessary and as may be directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . The temporary openings shall be so formed that they can be conveniently closed rigidly when required and must not leave any mark on the concrete. Provision shall be made for traffic on form work not to bear directly on reinforcing steel. 3.2.2 The mould used for manufacturing precast components normally consist of two parts, (a) bottom mould and (b) side moulds. The bottom mould can be made out of timber, masonry, concrete, steel FRP, plastic or any other material acceptable to the Employer / Employer’s Representative . The side moulds similarly can be of timber, steel FRP, or plastic. When using masonry or concrete moulds, the top surface shall be finished to the required accuracy and made smooth. In case of masonry moulds, the use of chicken mesh or fibre reinforcements in the top surfaces will help in making the mould last longer for higher efficiency. In the case of cored units can be created either by an extrusion process, by inflated tubes, Mild steel tubes, timber, cardboard / hard paper or any other materials. Pre-cambering of Form work In general, and unless otherwise shown or specified in the contract, all form work for beams and slabs shall be set with an upward camber at mid span of 2 mm per 1.0m of span for all spans in excess of 5.0 m. Cantilevers shall be set with an upward camber at end of span of 4mm per 1.0m. Pre-camber of 40 mm at mid span of flat slab shall be provided. 3.2.3 Joints in Form work All joints in form work shall be either horizontal or vertical, end form work being square across the mass of concrete. The design of the form work shall permit it to be struck and removed without injury to the concrete. The joints shall be 64 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification sufficiently tight to prevent any leakage of mortar. The Contractor shall use grout checks at all horizontal construction joints and shall adopt such other approved expedients, eg. foam rubber sealing strips, polyester crack filler in joints, or taping of joints, as may be necessary to obtain satisfactory results at joints in form work. 3.2.4 Internal Metal Ties for Form work Where internal metal ties are permitted they or their removable parts shall be extracted without damage to the concrete and the remaining holes shall be carefully pressure grouted using epoxy grout. No permanently embedded metal part shall have less cover than that indicated for adjacent steel reinforcement. Internal metal ties in fair faced concrete work shall be arranged in an approved neat, regular, consistent pattern throughout the work. 3.2.5 Details of internal metal ties shall be submitted to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for approval well in advance prior to their use in the works. The Employer / Employer’s Representative may at his discretion allow the Contractor to use tie-bolts running through the concrete and the Contractor shall decide the location and size of such tie-bolts in consultation with the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Holes left in the concrete by these tie-bolts shall be filled as specified by the Employer / Employer’s Representative at no extra cost. No through tie will be permitted in all liquid / earth retaining walls / slabs, basement walls etc. Holes in Form Work When holes are to be provided in form work for pipes, weep holes and the like they shall be neatly trimmed to fir the pipe and caulked with an approved material to form a grout-tight joint. 3.2.6 Sloping Form Work When concrete is to be deposited to a steeper slope than 15o from the horizontal top forms shall be used to enable the concrete to be properly compacted. 3.2.7 Cast in Pipes / Sleeves Where required in external walls, retaining walls and like structural elements, cast in pipes and sleeves shall be fixed securely in place and shall be provided with puddle flanges and hydrophilic caulking compounds as specified on the drawings. 3.2.8 The Contractor shall fix pipe sleeves and inserts or box out to form holes and chases to specified size and incorrect positions before placing concrete. Hardened concrete shall not be cut to provide holes or chases without prior approval. Where reinforcement passes through form work, the form work shall be designed and constructed to maintain the reinforcement in it correct position and to minimise leakage of concrete or grout. Approval of Form Work For each concrete pour requiring form work propping, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer / Employer’s Representative , well in advance prior to commencement of form work and propping, details and / or calculations of all proposed 65 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification form work and props, along with a detailed programme of the work. Such approval, if given, shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the safety or adequacy of such form work for its purposes. 3.2.9 Coating of Form Work The inside surface of forms, except for permanent form work, or unless otherwise agreed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative , shall be coated with an approved material to prevent adhesion of the concrete. Surface retarders or release agents shall not be used without prior approval. Release agents shall not be used where surface treatments require bonding adhesives to be applied. Mould oils or release agents shall be of a type, which will have no adverse effect to concrete and on any finishes to be applied to the concrete or on the appearance of fair faced concrete. Release agents shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and shall not come into contact with reinforcement or pre-stressing tendons. Different release agents shall not be used in form work to concrete, which will be visible in the finished works. Care should be taken that mould oils or release agents do not accumulate at the bottom of form work. If the form work is not used within 24 hours, a further coat of mould oil or release agent shall be applied before casting the concrete. 3.2.10 Cleaning of Form Work All rubbish, particularly chippings, shavings and sawdust, shall be removed from the interior of all form work immediately before concrete is placed. In the case of deep sections an opening shall be left at the base to enable such cleaning to be adequately completed. The Contractor shall provide compressed air jet and / or a water jet free from any oil or other contamination for the cleaning of form work. 3.2.11 Inspection of Form work Concreting shall not commence until the Employer / Employer’s Representative has had an opportunity to inspect the form work and any enclosed reinforcement and given his approval to commence concreting. The erection, casing and striking of the form work shall be done under the personal supervision of a competent foreman. 3.2.12 Stripping of Form Work Form work shall be stripped with the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative at such a time and in such a manner without disturbing, damaging or overloading the finished concrete work or the structure. The Contractor shall inform the Employer / Employer’s Representative before removal of any form work. The time at which the form work is removed shall be the Contractor’s responsibility subject to the minimum periods between completion of any concreting and removal of forms as given below : In normal circumstances forms shall not be released until the concrete has achieved a strength of at least twice the stress to which the concrete may be subjected as the time of removal of form work in accordance to clause no. 11.3 of IS:456-2000 66 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Table – 3 Minimum Period Before striking formwork Type of Formwork a) Vertical formwork to columns,walls,beams 16 – 24 h b) Soffit formwork to slabs ( props to be refixed immediately after removal of formwork) 3 days c) Soffit formwork to beams ( props to be refixed immediately after removal of formwork) 7 days d) Props to slabs: 7 days 1) Spanning upto 4.5 m 14 days 2) Spanning over 4.5 m e) Props to beams and arches: 14 days 1) Spanning upto 6.0 m 21 days 2) Spanning over 6.0 m For other cements and lower temperature, the stripping time recommended above may be suitably modified. Adverse weather conditions or different cement may cause the above periods to be increased. Should the Contractor wish to reduce these striking times, he must satisfy the Employer / Employer’s Representative that the strength of the concrete at such time and the structural system is adequate to withstand the dead and imposed loads applied to it. Before reducing the striking times the Employer / Employer’s Representative ’s agreement shall be obtained in writing. In case of special structures, such as shells, folded plates, etc., the sequence of removal of forms shall be as per drawings or as directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . In case of cantilever slabs, the removal of forms shall begin from the outer edge and proceed towards the support, where as in the case of slabs supported on two/four sides, the removal of forms shall begin from centre to supports. Form work to cantilevers shall be removed only with the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative. Form work props shall be positioned between permanent supports such that the members are supported at maximum 3m centres in both directions. When, in the opinion of the Employer / Employer’s Representative , the striking of form work should be detrimental to or may prejudice the safety of the structure, the form work shall be left in. The Contractor shall be responsible for the demolition and re-concreting of any damaged or defective work howsoever caused at his own expense. The use of epoxy for bonding fresh concrete shall be carried out as directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative at no extra cost. If the props are to be left in place whilst the soffit forms to slabs and beams are to be removed, the props shall be so designed as to remain in position 67 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification throughout the striking process without having to be temporarily removed. The use of props designed so that a few can be taken away at a time and replaced immediately shall be subject to the Employer / Employer’s Representative ’s prior approval. 3.2.13 No construction loads shall be supported from any un-shored portion of the structure under construction. The number of floors requiring propping shall be as instructed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative according to the design loads of such floors. Reuse of Forms The Contractor shall obtain permission for reusing of forms. Before reuse, all forms shall be thoroughly scraped, cleaned, all nails and adhering substances removed, holes and leaks satisfactorily plugged, joints examined and wherever necessary repaired and inside surfaces treated as specified herein before. Form work materials shall be cleaned after use and maintained in good condition. Any timber which has shrunk, warped or split and any forms which are damaged to such an extent as to weaken the form or to affect the quality or appearance of the concrete shall be replaced or repaired. If the strength and composition of the form work has so far deteriorated due to repeated uses that in the opinion of the Employer / Employer’s Representative it will not longer adequately perform its function, then it shall not be used again and is to be removed from site. 3.2.14 Nominal Cover to Reinforcement Nominal Cover Nominal cover is the design depth of concrete cover to all steel reinforcement, including links. It is the dimension used in design and indicated in the drawings. It shall be not less than the diameter of the bar. Nominal cover to meet durability requirement. Minimum values for the nominal cover of normal-weight aggregate concrete which should be provided to all reinforcement, including links depending on the condition of exposure described given in Table 16 of IS 456 – 2000 Table – 4 Table 16 of IS 456 – 2000 Nominal Cover to Meet Durability Requirements. Nominal Concrete Cover in mm Exposure not less than Mild 20 Moderate 30 Severe 45 Very Severe 50 Extreme 75 3.3 FORMED FINISHES FOR CONCRETE 3.3.1 General Where a sawn form work finish is specified or in all cases where no alternative finish is specified, the surface of the concrete shall be not worse than that obtained by the use of properly designed moulds of close jointed 68 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification swan boards. Small surface blemishes caused by entrapped air will be permitted but the surface should be free of voids, honey combing or other defects. 3.3.2 Samples of Finishes 3.3.3 3.3.4 Should any concrete in the works, in the opinion of the Employer / Employer’s Representative , fail to match the standard sample in surface finish then the Employer / Employer’s Representative may for this sole reason order the removal of all such –substandard concrete which shall be replaced with acceptable concrete all at the Contractor’s expense. For all specified finishes apart from sawn form work the Contractor shall provide a sample panel at least 2.4m x 1.2m in vertical surface area including a typical horizontal and vertical joint in the form work and the construction techniques that the Contractor proposes for the actual works. The sample when approved shall form the standard for the entire works. All unsuccessful samples shall be removed from the site. Fair Faced Finish (F1) Where fair faced finish (F1) is specified the irregularities of the finish shall be no greater than those obtained from the use of wrought thickness square edged boards. The boards shall be arranged in a uniform patter as specified or approved. The concrete surface shall be smooth, free from fins, lippings, board marks or other irregularities and shall be even with sharp true arises. Only very minor blemishes or voids shall occur and there shall be no staining and no dis-colouration. The finish is intended to be left as struck and the only treatment generally permitted is light manual abrasion with a carborandum stone to remove minor marks. Patching of any description will not normally be permitted. Isolated blow holes not exceeding 10mm diameter will be permitted, but otherwise surface is to be free from voids, honey combing or other large defects. Small defects shall be made good and blow holes filled with mortar specially mixed to match the colour and texture of the concrete. Abrupt irregularities shall not exceed 2mm. Rough Board Finish (F0) Where rough board finish (F0) is specified it shall be produced using form work or form work linings of approved rough textured seasoned wood boards with moisture content of between 10% and 20%. These boards to be of varying textures and to be arranged to give uniform overall effect. Boards shall be assembled to prevent penetration or loss of grout between them. Gaps greater than 5mm shall be filled. Form work shall be soaked with water before erecting, and shall be kept damp until concrete is placed. Cover spacers and bolts shall be positioned to the satisfaction of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . The number of uses of form work linings will be limited to their ability to provide the required finish. The finish shall be left as struck. Any blemishes shall not be made good until inspected by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . After inspection 69 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification minor voids and irregularities on surfaces shall be filled with a matching mortar to the Employer / Employer’s Representative ’s approval, using a sponge rubber faced float Discolouration will not be permitted. 3.3.5 Worked Surface Finish The surface of concrete after casting shall be generally be finished level or to falls as specified with one of the following surface finishes as indicated on the drawings. Type U1 : The concrete shall be uniformly levelled and screeded to produce a plain surface. No further work shall be carried out to the surface unless it is to be used as a first stage for a type U2 or U3 finish. Type U2: After the concrete has stiffened sufficiently, the type U1 finish shall be floated by hand or machine sufficiently just to produce a uniform surface free from screed marks. Type U3 : When the surface moisture has diappeared and the concrete stiffened sufficiently to prevent laitance from being worked to the surface, a Type U1 finish shall be steel trowelled under firm pressure to produce a dense, smooth uniform surface free from trowel marks. The following methods may also be specified in conjunction with the above to provided specific qualities of finish. a) b) Wood float to give an even textured surface Steel trowel or power float to give a smooth un-textured surface c) d) e) Scratch with a stiff brush to give a slightly roughened even texture Tamp with the edge of a board to give an even texture of parallel ribs Other finishes as specified and executed in an approved manner. The Contractor shall not wet the concrete surface to assist working and shall not add cement to produce the specified finish without the prior approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 3.4 Construction, Contraction and Expansion Joints 3.4.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the position and detail of construction joints not specified in the Contract subject to the Indicative acceptable spacing given in Table 3 (below). Such joints shall be arranged so as to minimise the possibility of the occurrence of shrinkage cracks. Table 5 - Indicative Acceptable Spacing of Construction Joints Element Maximum Area (m2) Minimum Dimension (m) Waterproof concrete walls 25 5 Waterproof concrete slabs 100 10 Slabs with major restraint at both ends 100 13 Slabs with major restraint at one end only 250 20 Slabs with little restraint in any direction 500 30 Walls (other than above) 40 10 70 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 3.4.2 Vertical construction joints shall be properly made to form a vertical grout tight joint. Where reinforcement passes through the face of the joint the stopping off board shall be drilled so that the bars pass through, or the board shall be made in sections with half round indentations in the joint faces for each bar. 3.4.3 Where the Contractor’s proposed construction joints result in alterations to the reinforcement, he shall provide full revised details for the Employer / Employer’s Representative s approval a minimum 14 working days prior to commencement of the works. 3.4.4 The Contractor shall furnish the upper surface of lifts of concrete walls and columns horizontal and clean the form work of adhering concrete before the next lift is placed. 3.4.6 At all construction joints, both horizontal and vertical, the surface of the previously placed concrete shall be suitably treated to remove laitance and to expose the coarse aggregate thus forming an irregular surface key for adjacent concrete. This work shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Employer / Employer’s Representative by the following or other approved methods (in either case the surface shall thoroughly washed and cleaned after roughening). a) After the initial set has taken place but before final set (a minimum period of 4 hours after casting) the coarse aggregate shall be exposed by the use of water jet and stiff brushing or an air-and-water jet. b) After final set has taken place (a minimum period of 4 hours after casting) the laitance shall be removed and coarse aggregate shall be exposed by bush hammering taking care not to loosen the aggregate in the face of the concrete matrix. 3.4.7 The Contractor shall ensure the surface of the construction joint is coated with approved polymer bonding agent prior to concreting afresh immediately. 3.4.8 At least 72 hours shall be left between completion of concreting one bay and the start of concreting any adjacent bay. 3.4.9 Panels of walls and slabs shall be cast in such a sequence as to minimise and control the effect of shrinkage at construction joints. 3.4.10 Form work to construction joints shall be rigid and shall accommodate projecting reinforcement without bending or displacement. 3.4.11 Where kickers are cast at base of walls and columns, these shall be cast monolithically with the base slab. 3.4.12 if placing of concrete has to be unexpectedly stopped, the Contractor shall form construction joints as directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 3.4.13 Contraction joints and Expansion joints shall be formed as detailed where shown on the Drawings. 3.4.14 Concrete shall not be placed on both sides of Contraction or Expansion joint at the same time. 3.4.15 Water stops shall be provided at all construction joints in water retaining structures. The details of all such joints shall be approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 71 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 3.5 Concrete Mixes 3.5.1 General Reference shall be made to concrete mixes as Nominal mix concrete or Designed Mix concrete. Nominal mix concrete is denoted by proportions of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate such as 1:5:10, 1:4:8, 1:3:6 or 1:2:4. The proportion referred to is by weight (mass). Designed mix concrete is denoted by grade such as M-20,M-25,M-30,M-35 etc. where M refers to mix and the number to the characteristic strength of concrete in N/mm2 to be established by 28 days of 15 cm works cube tests. The particular mix to be used shall be as described in the Contract or on the Drawings. The characteristic strength of Designed Mix concrete with any type of cement shall be the 28 days cube strength below which not more than 5% of the test results are expected to fall. The quality and strength of concrete shall be determined by test on samples taken on Site from the member during concreting and tested at an approved Laboratory as directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . The maximum size of aggregate for structural work shall generally be 20 mm. For thin sections and where reinforcement is congested, 10 mm aggregate may be approved or required. For large sections where the reinforcement is widely spaced and for mass concrete, 40 mm aggregate may be approved. The free water / cement ratio will generally be chosen to suit strength and workability requirements but may be limited by the considerations of durability given in Table 6 (below). The cement content not including fly ash and blast furnace slag in excess of 450 kg/m3 should not be used unless special consideration has been given in design to the increased risk of cracking due to drying shrinkage in thin sections, or to early thermal cracking and to the increased risk of damage due to alkali silica reactions. Table – 6 Table 5 of IS 456 – 2000 Minimum Cement Content, Maximum Water- Cement Ratio and minimum Grade of Concrete for Different Exposures with Normal Weight Aggregate of 20mm and Nominal Maximum size S.No Exposure Minimum Cement Content Kg/m3 i) ii) iii) iv) v) Mild Moderate Severe Very Severe Extreme Plain Concrete Maximum Minimum Free Grade of water concrete Cement Ratio Reinforced Concrete Minimum Maximum Minimum Cement Free Grade of Content water concrete Kg/m3 Cement Ratio 220 240 250 260 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.45 M 15 M 20 M 20 300 300 320 340 0.55 0.50 0.45 0.45 M20 M25 M 30 M 35 280 0.40 M 25 360 0.40 M 40 72 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 3.5.2 Nominal Mix Concrete Nominal mix concrete shall normally be used only for plain cement concrete works and less important reinforced concrete works where shown on drawings or specifically allowed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Such concrete shall not require preparation of trial mixes and all such concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer. Proportions for nominal mix concrete shall be according to Table-9 of IS: 456-2000. In addition, standard proportion by volume shall be used wherever specified. In proportioning concrete, the cement shall be measured by weight (mass). The quantities of fine and coarse aggregates may be determined by volume (for corresponding weight) but preferably by weight. If fine aggregates are moist, the amount of surface water shall be determined. Also an allowance shall be made for bulking in case of volume batching, in accordance with IS:2386 (Part-III). The weight of aggregate shall be measured when the aggregates are dry. Due allowance shall be made for the water content of moist aggregates. All the above data shall be maintained properly, to the satisfaction of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Table – 7 Table 9 of IS 456 – 2000 Proportions for Nominal Mix Concrete Grade of Concrete M5 M 7.5 M 10 M 15 M 20 Total Quantity of Dry aggregate by Mass per 50 kg of cement, to be taken as the cum of the Individual masses of fine and coarse aggregate kg. 800 625 480 330 250 3.5.3 Proportion of fine aggregate to coarse aggregate (by mass) Generally 1:2 but subject to an upper limit of 1:1 ½ and a lower limit of 1:2 1/2 Quantity of water per 50 kg of cement,max1 60 45 34 32 30 Design Mix Concrete Design mix shall be in accordance with IS 456, IS 10262 and SP 23. The Contractor shall design the mix and submit for the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . No concreting works shall be commenced without the approval of the design mix of concrete. The Contractor is responsible for the design of the concrete mix. Grades of concrete lower than M-15 shall not be used in reinforced concrete. Mixes for each class of Designed Mix concrete specified or shown on the Drawings shall be designed by the Contractor to achieve the specified minimum cube strength combined with high density and adequate workability for the purpose. In order to allow for unavoidable variation the design strength shall exceed the specified characteristic strength by twice the expected standard deviation. In the absence of previous information, the value of standard deviation given in the following Table – 8 may be assumed (conforming to Table 8 of IS 456 – 2000). Assumed values of standard deviation shall only be used until sufficient data are available to determine the standard deviation. Prior approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative shall, however, be obtained in the event of use of higher grade of design mix concrete not covered herein. 73 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Table - 8 Grade of Concrete Assumed Standard Deviation (N/mm2) 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 M10 M15 M20 M25 M30 M35 M40 M45 M50 Classes of Design Mix concrete will be referred to by the minimum 28 days Works cube strength and by the maximum size of aggregate. Classes of concrete shall meet the criteria. The maximum water / cement ratio is herein defined as the ratio of the weight of the free water to the weight of the cement. The free water is that quantity of water available to combine with the cement. Any water required to be absorbed by aggregate is excluded. To keep the water-cement ratio to the designed value, allowance shall be made for the moisture contents in both fine and coarse aggregates and determination of the same in accordance with IS:2386 shall be made as frequently as directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Details of any proposed mix design shall be forwarded to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for his approval in principle well in advance before that class of concrete is required to be used on the works. The details shall include at least the following information : (a) Source, nature and grading of coarse and fine aggregates (b) Source of cement (c) Nominal maximum size of aggregate (d) Cement content (e) Aggregate / cement ratio (f) Water / cement ratio (g) Design density (h) Design slump or compacting factor (i) Design strength (j) Proposed admixtures (k) Nominal grading details (tabular & graphical) of the combined aggregate together with details of the proportions in which the fine and coarse aggregates are combined. (l) Type of plant to be used and location if ready-mixed off site. The cement content of concrete shall be not less than the appropriate amount given in Table 5 of IS 456 – 2000. For water retaining structures, 74 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification the minimum cement content shall be 320 kg/m3.Minimum cement contents, from durability consideration, or different exposures and sulphate attack shall be as given in Table-4 of IS:456 – 2000 . In case, higher value is obtained from trial mix from strength consideration, same shall be considered. Where a Designed mix is to be used, the Contractor shall carry out trial mixes to determine the suitability of the proposed mix proportions for production of concrete of the required quality, workability and computability for the location specified. The Contractor shall prepare trial mixes on receipt of the Employer / Employer’s Representative ’s provisional approval of the mix design and complete well before commencement of concreting. Failure on the part of the Contractor to do so and the consequent delay in the completion of the works will not entitle him for any compensation whatsoever, either financially or by way of extension of time. The proportions, once decided for different grades of concrete, shall be adhered to, during all concreting operations as long as the quality of the materials does not change. Each batch of concrete shall be sampled and the following prepared. (a) six 150 mm cubes – three for test at 7 days, and three for test at 28 days (b) three slump tests (for design slump greater than 25 mm) or (c) three compacting than 25mm). factor tests (for design slump less Variations in the proportions and sources of materials or in the type, size and grading of aggregates for approved mixes shall not be made without the consent of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 3.6 Mixing and Transporting Concrete: 3.6.1 All materials for concrete shall be measured as per approved design mix by weight in approved weight batching equipment of adequate capacity. Such equipment shall be checked at weekly intervals at the Contractor’s expense and shall be accurate to within 2%. Certificates of accuracy shall be submitted immediately to the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 3.6.2 Mixing Concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer. The mixer should comply with IS 1791 and IS 12119. The mixers shall be fitted with water measuring (metering) devices. The mixing shall be continued until there is a uniform distribution of the materials and the mass in uniform in colour and consistency. If there is segregation after unloading from the mixer, the concrete should be remixed. 3.6.3 A water / cement ratio shall be maintained to produce concrete of adequate workability. The workability of fresh concrete shall be at the discretion of the Contractor but subject to approval by the Employer / Employer’s Representative and shall be the minimum consistent with producing a dense, well compacted mass. Due regard shall be paid to the size and shape of the section together with any congestion of reinforcement. A guide to the degree of workability required for various types of work is shown in Table 10 (below). 3.6.4 The slump for concrete as determined by slump tests as per IS: 1199 shall not exceed 75 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification the maximum slumps indicated in Table 9 below for each type of construction using high frequency vibration unless otherwise approved or directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . The Contractor shall not place concrete having a slump outside the limits specified without the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . At least one slump test shall be made for every compressive strength test carried out. More frequent tests shall be made if there is a distinct change in job conditions, or if required by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Table – 9 Nature of Concrete Slump in mm Workability Min. Max. Type of Construction Conventional Medium 50 100 All RCC works Pumpable High 100 150 All RCC works. 3.6.5 All materials shall be thoroughly mixed dry before water is added and the mixing of each batch shall continue for a period of not less than two minutes after the water is added or such longer period as recommended by the manufacturer of the mixer. The mixture shall be of uniform colour and distribution on discharge and the entire contents of the mixer shall be discharged without segregation before recharging. The volume of mixed material shall not exceed the rated capacity of the mixer. 3.6.6 Prior to the first mix each day being agitated in the mixer a rich cement / sand mix shall be used to coat the inside of the drum, the surplus material being emptied away and not used in the works. Each time if the work stops for more than 30 minutes, the mixer shall be thoroughly cleaned and when the next mixing commences the first batch shall have 10% additional cement. 3.6.7 Volume batching of materials and hand mixing of concrete will be allowed only at the discretion of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Where approved, hand mixing of concrete shall be done on a clean close boarded platform. The materials shall be turned over not less than three times dry, water shall then be sprayed on through a hose and the materials again turned over not less than three times in a set condition and worked together until a mixture of uniform consistency is obtained. 3.6.8 For hand mixed or volume batched concrete the specified quantities of cement shall be increased by 10 per cent and not more than 0.5 cubic metre shall be mixed at one time. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment in respect of any extra cost of hand mixing by reason of the additional cement or otherwise. However, the extra cement shall be considered for reconciliation purposes. 3.6.9 Workability of Concrete The concrete mix proportions chosen should be such that the concrete is of adequate workability for the placing conditions of he concrete and can properly be compacted with the means available. Suggested ranges of workability f concrete measured in accordance with IS 1199 are given below. 76 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Placing Conditions Blinding concrete, Shallow sections, pavements using pavers Mass Concrete Lightly reinforced sections in labs, beams, walls, columns, floors, Hand placed pavements, Canal lining, Strip footings. Degree of Workability Very low Heavily reinforced sections slabs,beams,walls,columns, Medium 50-100 Medium 75-100 High Very High 100-150 b)Refer IS 9103 in Slip form work, pumped concrete Trench fill-In-situ piling Termite concrete 3.6.9 Slump(mm) a)Refer IS 1199 Low 25-75 The moisture content of the coarse and fine aggregates shall be checked by the Contractor at frequent intervals and the amount of water added to the mix shall be adjusted to maintain the design workability. For the determination of moisture content in the aggregates IS: 2386 shall be referred to. 3.6.10 Concrete shall be discharged from the mixer directly into the works or onto a clean, level, water tight platform or into a clean water tight container. It shall be transported as rapidly as practicable in a manner which ensures that it is of the correct quality and consistency at the point of deposition. Normally, not more than 30 minutes shall laps between mixing and consolidation in position. All platforms and containers shall be cleaned of the old concrete before the fresh concrete is discharged onto them. 3.6.11 Conveying equipment for concrete shall be mortar tight, well maintained and thoroughly cleaned before commencement of concrete mixing. Concrete shall be transported by transit mixers. 3.6.12 Concrete shall not be dropped from a height, thrown or otherwise treated so that segregation, un-desirable finishes, or defective structural quality results. The maximum drop shall be 2.1m unless otherwise approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 3.6.13 No extra water shall be added to the concrete mix after it has left the batching plant. 3.6.14 The Contractor shall take adequate precautions to protect concrete in transit from the effects of the weather. 3.6.15 Pumping of concrete, which will require a special Design Mix, will only be permitted with the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . The Employer / Employer’s Representative shall also review the entire scheme for which comprehensive details shall be furnished by the Contractor. Pumping operation whenever commenced shall proceed continuously so as to prevent "cold" joints between placed sections. The delivery line of the pump shall be of 100 mm diameter or greater and the pump shall be capable of pumping concrete containing a 20 mm nom. Size aggregate. The pump shall have a receiving hopper and pumping chamber capable of displacing at least 15 cu. Metres of concrete per hour against a horizontal delivery head of at least 90 metres and/or a vertical delivery head of 20 metres. 77 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Pumping lines shall be of approved metallic type laid to avoid bends. The Joints in pumping lines shall be sealed tight to prevent leakages. Pulsating lines shall be isolated from the structure and shall be supported from the deck on stands. The feet of such stands shall be placed on timbers or similar material to prevent movement of the line and stand scuffing the deck. Timbers shall not be embedded in finished work. Stands shall be kept clear of reinforcement. All equipment, pump chamber, hoppers, lines and rubber hoses shall be kept clean at all times. Any build-up in the lines of material from previous operations shall be cleaned out preparatory to pumping. In the event of a breakdown in the equipment causing delay not exceeding twenty (20) minutes, during which time concrete cannot be placed, the following procedures shall be carried out:- With the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative at site the concrete already in place shall have the "wet edges" maintained by depositing small quantities of hand mixed concrete placed by hand against the "wet edge" and vibrated into the mass. Where atmospheric temperature exceeds 30 degrees C, the receiving hopper and lines shall be cleaned out and the concrete contained therein discarded and immediately removed from the site. The concrete shall be discarded if initial setting of the concrete has begun in the hopper or discharge lines. All lines shall be cleaned free of concrete prior to resumption of pumping after each breakdown Concrete in the lines shall be pumped at approximately eight (8) minute intervals to ensure the concrete in the line is live, whenever delivery of concrete to the pump is delayed. This pumping interval shall be reduced to five (5) minutes during extra hot weather conditions. Delivery lines where exposed to hot sun, shall be protected by covering with bags, wet Hessian or other approved means. 3.6.16 Should the concreting be stopped due to mechanical malfunction, accident, or other similar cause then the Contractor shall inform the Employer / Employer’s Representative immediately so that necessary measures and precautions can be taken. The cost of any additional work caused by these stoppages shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. 3.6.17 No concreting shall be commenced until the form work and reinforcement and all other preparations for the pour have been inspected by the Employer / Employer’s Representative who shall be given a minimum 24 hours notice. 3.7 Placing and Compacting Concrete 3.7.1 Concrete shall be transported and placed by an approved method which ensures that there shall be no contamination, segregation or loss of the constituent materials. 78 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 3.7.2 If concrete is placed by pumping, the consistency shall be the minimum necessary for such conveyance of concrete. Before commencement of regular pumping, the pipeline shall be lubricated by cement mortar (1:2), and once pumping commences, stoppages shall be avoided. 3.7.3 All areas where concrete is to be placed shall be clean and rendered free from standing water immediately before the placing of concrete, except for concrete placed under water. 3.7.4 Concrete shall not be placed in foundations on soft areas or where there is standing water or debris. Such soft areas shall be removed and filled with 1:4:8/1:3:6 nominal mix concrete, as directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 3.7.5 For rock surfaces, it shall be ensured that the rock is not unsound. On sloping rock faces, rough steps or benches shall be formed and concrete shall not be placed on a sloping rock surface. Prior to pouring concrete, the rock surface shall be cleaned with a high pressure water and air jet and kept wet for three hours. Also, before placing concrete, water shall be removed from depressions, the rock surface shall be dried and a 10 mm thick cement sand mortar (1:6) layer shall be placed and worked into all crevices, cracks, depression, etc. 3.7.6 Concrete shall not be placed in any part of the structure until approval has been given, and if concreting is not started within 24 hours of that approval being given, approval shall be obtained again. Approval by the Employer / Employer’s Representative of any of the materials and / or work as required herein shall not relieve the Contractor of his obligation to produce finished concrete in accordance with the drawings and specifications. 3.7.7 Concreting shall proceed continuously between predetermined construction joints and shall rise uniformly in the form work at a rate of not less than 2m per hour. Concrete shall not be placed directly against a vertical form face but shall be caused to flow to this surface during the compaction process. Unless the Employer / Employer’s Representative agrees otherwise, fresh concrete shall not be placed against in-situ concrete which has been in position for more than 30 minutes unless the in-situ concrete has been kept damp with a layer of wet hessian and protected from the weather. 3.7.8 When in-situ concrete has been in place for 4 hours or in the opinion of the Employer / Employer’s Representative the concrete has stiffened to such an extent that it no longer responds to the action of an internal vibrator, no further fresh concrete shall be placed against it for a further 20 hours and a construction joint shall be formed. 3.7.9 Concrete shall be compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of discharge from the mixer unless it is carried in continuously operating purpose made agitators when the applicable time shall be within 2 hours of the introduction of water to the mix and within 30 minutes of discharge from the agitator. Concrete, which in the opinion of the Employer / Employer’s Representative is no longer sufficiently workable, shall be rejected. 3.7.10 All concrete shall be vibrated unless otherwise specified. Experienced operatives using immersion type vibrators to the Employer / Employer’s Representative ’s satisfaction shall carry out the vibration. 3.7.11 Internal vibrators shall operate at not less than 10000 cycles per minute and external vibrators not less than 3000 cycles per minutes. Vibrating tables operating at a minimum of 5000 oscillations per minute may be used for pre-cast elements subject to approval. Do not use external clamp-on type vibrators without prior approval. 3.7.12 Placing of concrete shall be carried out in layers not exceeding 600 mm deep and in 79 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification sequence from one end of the form to the other. 3.7.13 Placing of concrete shall be carried out in lifts not exceeding 3m in height. This restriction may be reduced to 2 m or less when casting thin or congested sections at the discretion of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 3.7.14 Concrete in foundations and other underground work shall be protected from contamination by falling earth or rock during and after placing 3.7.15 Sufficient vibrators shall be provided to correspond with the rate of placing of concrete. The vibration shall be continuous throughout the placing of the concrete. Standby vibrators shall be on Site during all concrete placing. 3.7.16 Vibration shall not be allowed to disturb any recently placed concrete that has begun set. Any water accumulating on the surface of newly placed concrete shall be removed by approved means and no further concrete shall be placed thereon until such water is removed. 3.7.17 Concrete shall be placed and compacted in such a way as to avoid disturbance to the form work and reinforcement. Where sections of the Works are carried out in lifts, the reinforcement projecting above the lift being cast shall be supported to prevent movement of the bars during the casting and setting of concrete. 3.7.18 Vibration shall not be used as a means of distributing concrete into position, and concrete shall not be vibrated between 4 and 24 hours after placing. 3.7.19 Any concrete, which in the opinion of the Employer / Employer’s Representative shows signs of initial setting before or during placing, shall not be used and it shall be removed at the Contractor’s expense. 3.7.20 The Contractor shall take special precautions when concreting in hot weather. Any form work made of concrete, metal or other material of high thermal capacity shall be cooled with water before concrete is placed against it. Curing of concrete shall commence immediately after compaction. Protection from direct radiation shall be in place within 30 minutes after final surface tamping. 3.7.21 Suitable means shall be provided to ensure that the temperature of the concrete on placing does not exceed 30 deg. C. Concrete shall not be placed around reinforcement or against surfaces, which are at temperatures above 30 deg. C. All surfaces shall be thoroughly dampened immediately prior to placing fresh concrete to prevent excessive absorption of water by the form work. 3.7.22 Special care shall be taken in accordance with IS: 456 while laying concrete under extreme weather. 3.7.23 under water concrete shall be placed in accordance with the recommendations given in BS 8004 or corresponding IS Code. 3.8 Testing of Concrete 3.8.1 Sampling For all structural concrete the following representative samples shall be taken for each concreting day and shall be used and tested by an accredited laboratory. a) 150 mm concrete test cubes b) Two slump tests or 80 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification c) Two compacting factor tests The rate of sampling fresh concrete shall be at least that specified in Table 10 (below) and at least one sample shall be taken from each grade of concrete produced on any one day. A technically competent person shall supervise the sampling of fresh concrete and the making of concrete test cubes. Table – 10 Table 11 of IS 456 – 2000 Characteristic Compressive Strength Compliance Requirement Specified Grade M 15 M 20 or above Mean of the Group of 4Nonoverlapping consecutive Test results in N/mm2 > f ck + 0.825 x established standard deviation (rounded off to nearest 0.5 N/mm2) or f ck + 3 N/mm2 whichever is greater > f ck + 0.825 x established standard deviation (rounded off to nearest 0.5 N/mm2) Individual Test results in N/mm2 > f ck - 3 N/mm2 > f ck - 3 N/mm2 or f ck + 3 N/mm2 whichever is greater The names and qualifications of the supervisory personnel representing the Employer / Employer’s Representative and the Contractor respectively shall be entered into an inspection log book. All inspections shall be clearly recorded with date, time and location of inspections, structural members’ references, names or personnel present and details of site activities. The logbook shall be provided by the Contractor and kept on site by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . The supervisory personnel shall mark and sign on the concrete test cubes a unique reference number and sufficient to allow the testing laboratory to identify clearly the date and time of casting and the position in which the batch of concrete (from which the cube was made) was placed. 3.8.2 Concrete Test Cubes Make six cubes from a single sample taken from a batch of concrete selected at random. Taken the sample at the point of discharge from the mixer, or elsewhere as directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . On completion of curing one set of three cubes is tested for 7 days strength and the remaining tested for 28 days strength. The average of the three results shall be taken as the test result. The strength requirement shall be as per clause no 15.2.2, 15.4 & 16.1 of IS456 – 2000 latest version 81 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Acceptance criteria shall be based on test results on 28 days strength only subject to clause 16.1 of IS-456 – 2000 latest version 3.8.3. The variation between the lowest and highest shall not be more than 15% of the mean of the three. In addition to the water tank curing method specified in IS-516, cubes may be cured on Site or in the laboratory in approved mist rooms. Where mist rooms are used, they shall comply with ASTM C511-75 except that the temperature shall be maintained at 27 ºC + 3 ºC. If concrete represented by test cubes in any concreting day fails to meet the standard of acceptance specified in accordance with the IS codes, the Employer / Employer’s Representative may order the taking of core samples from finished concrete work in same concreting day for test at the Contractor’s expense. The locations of these cores to be taken shall be decided by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . These cores shall be treated as in 3.8.3 below. Concrete Test Cores : (Non-destructive testing on concrete will be carried out at the discretion of the Employer / Employer’s Representative based on the cube test results and review of concrete executed). Concrete core samples, from the finished concrete work, shall be taken in the locations directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . The diameter of the concrete cores should be 150 mm for 40 mm aggregate concrete, 100 mm for 20 mm (or smaller) aggregate concrete and must not be less than 75 mm. The length of the test sample cut from the concrete core shall be at least 95% of the diameter. All coring shall be completed within 7 working days of the date the instruction is given by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . All cores shall be drilled and tested by an accredited laboratory. Cored holes shall be made good to the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative with cement mortar or concrete of similar strength to that of the parent concrete. Results of the cores for the same concreting day will be examined individually. In assessing the results of compressive tests on cores the concrete represented by the core shall be deemed not to comply with the specification if the strength of the core when adjusted for length / diameter ratio and converted to estimated cube strength as follows: a) The average result of the cores is less than 85% of the specified grade strength or b) An individual result is less than 75% of the specified grade strength Concrete cores should not show evidence of segregation of constituent materials There should be no honeycombing in the cores and the extent of the voids in the cores should not be more than “few”. Cores shall not be tested for strength at ages less than 28 days and no adjustment shall be made to the measured strength in respect of the age of the core when tested. 82 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 3.8.4 3.8.5 Testing and Test Record The concrete cubes tested at 7 days are intended to be indicative only and the target works strengths at 7 days are not mandatory. It should be noted however that it is unlikely that cubes failing the 7 days target will subsequently pass the 28 days cube strength. The concrete cubes tested at 28 days shall be taken to represent the concrete placed in the works. The standard of acceptance for cube strength tests shall be calculated from the maximum load sustained by the cube at failure. The appropriate compressive strength compliance requirement as given in Table 11 of IS 456 – 2000 shall be considered to be satisfied if the test results comply with the acceptance criteria. Workability The standard of acceptance for the slump test during the production of concrete shall be the design slump + 10 mm. The standard of acceptance for the compacting factor test during the production of concrete shall be the design compacting factor (as specified in Table 10) + 0.03. 3.8.6 Testing The standard of acceptance of any preliminary tests will be similar to the standard for normal works cubes, cores, slump or compacting factor, except that the minimum cube strengths required shall be those given under minimum Preliminary Cube Strength at 28 days in Table 2 of IS 456 -2000. The Employer / Employer’s Representative shall, during the progress of the work, have the power to order tests, other than cube tests, including slump tests as far as practicable due to local conditions. If the strength requirement is not satisfied the Employer / Employer’s Representative may order such further testing, including chemical analysis of samples of hardened concrete in the structure, as he considers necessary. Any concrete which fails to meet the above standards of acceptance shall he be either further tested, or rejected at the discretion of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . The costs of any such tests or of the removal of rejected concrete and its replacement and associated costs shall be borne by the Contractor. If the strengths required are not attained or maintained throughout the contract, the Employer / Employer’s Representative may instruct the Contractor to take any one of the following steps or a combination thereof as the Employer / Employer’s Representative considers appropriate.:a) Adjust the mix proportion and carry out further trial mixes until a new mix proportion satisfying the requirements of the foregoing test is obtained and approved. b) Improve the standard of quality control c) Carryout, at the Contractor’s expense, other tests as directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 83 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification d) 3.9 Replace any site concrete condemned as a result of failing to comply with the standards of acceptance specified and meet all costs arising from such replacement. Submit for approval the method statement for replacing the condemned concrete before the replacement is carried out. In certain cases, the Employer / Employer’s Representative may require the method statement to be prepared and the remedial work to be supervised by a qualified Engineer-in-Charge /Structural Engineer. Curing and Protecting Concrete 3.9.1 All freshly placed concrete surfaces shall be protected from damages by workmen equipment or any other cause. 3.9.2 Newly placed concrete shall be protected by approved means from harmful effects of weather including rain, sun and wind. Concrete placed below ground level, shall be protected from falling earth, during and after placing. Concrete placed in ground containing any deleterious substances, shall be kept free from contact with such ground or with water draining from such ground, during placing of concrete and for a period of at least three days or as otherwise instructed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 3.9.3 Steps, as approved by the Employer / Employer’s Representative , shall be taken to protect immature concrete from damage by debris, excessive loading, vibration, abrasion, mixing with earth or other deleterious materials, etc. that may impair the strength and durability of the concrete. 3.9.4 Immediately after compaction and for 7 days thereafter concrete shall be prevented from drying out too rapidly and protected against harmful effects of weather including rain, rapid temperature changes, and wind. This period may be extended, at the discretion of the Employer / Employer’s Representative , up to 14 days. The methods of protection used shall be subject to the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . The method of curing used shall prevent loss of moisture from the concrete. 3.9.5 During the curing period horizontal surfaces shall be protected by one or more of the following or other approved means. 3.9.6 a) Covering with damp hessian canvas sacks or similar absorbent materials kept constantly damp and wholly covering the exposed concrete surface. b) Covering with impermeable materials raised approximately 50 mm over the surface so as to prevent loss of moisture. c) an approved sprayed membrane curing compound d) Flooding with water (potable water free from sediments of any kinds shall be used). During the curing period other surfaces shall be provided by the following or other approved means : a) b) Form work in close contact with the concrete covering as in 3.9.5 above 3.9.7 All concrete faces or edges, particularly those, which are exposed without rendering in the final structure, shall be adequately protected from damage and discoloration at all times. 3.9.8 Concrete structures shall not be loaded until the concrete is at least 21 days in the case of cantilevers. With the prior approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative the 84 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification structure may be loaded after this time but in no case will loading greater than the final design loading be permitted. 3.10 Cleaning and Finishing of Concrete 3.10.1 All concrete surfaces shall have an even and clean finish free from honeycombs, air bubbles, fins or other blemishes unmarred, reasonable smooth. The form work joint marks on concrete work exposed to view shall be rubbed with carborandum stone and defects patched up with paste of cement sand mortar (1:1) and cured. The finish shall be made to the satisfaction of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Concrete surfaces to be subsequently plastered or where brick work is to be built against them, shall be adequately hacked as soon as the form is stripped off so that proper bond can develop. 3.10.2 Immediately after removal of forms, the concrete shall be inspected and defective areas as pointed out by the Employer / Employer’s Representative shall be removed partially or entirely as directed. Holes, left by form bolts, etc. shall be filled-up and made good with cement sand mortar of approved mix. All superficial defects such as honeycombing, rough patches, etc. shall be similarly made good. If the defective area is at a vulnerable location, e.g. at the ends of beams & columns etc. then it may be necessary to cut out the member completely or in part and reconstruct as directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . If epoxies have to be used, the same shall be subject to the approval of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Poured concrete affected by faulty form work shall be removed totally and replaced. If so directed, the Contractor shall have to resort to grouting / shotcreting. 3.10.3 A smooth finish shall be obtained with the use of forms having smooth and even surfaces and edges. Panels and form linings shall be of uniform size and be as large as practicable and installed with closed joints. Upon removal of forms, the joint marks shall be smoothened off and all blemishes, projections etc. removed leaving the surfaces reasonably smooth and unmarred. 3.10.4 Where integral cement concrete finish is called for, the surface shall be compacted and then floated and treated with a straight edge and any high and low spots eliminated. The work shall be carried out as per IS:2571. 3.11 Tolerances 3.11.1 All other cast in place concrete work shall be dimensionally accurate to within the tolerances given in Table 11 (below), unless closer tolerances are further specified or shown on the drawings 3.11.2 Closer tolerances will generally be specified for: a) b) c) d) Pre-cast concrete Measuring flume contours Filter bed and drying bed floors Machinery bases 85 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Table – 11 Item 1 1a) 1b) 2. Tolerance Variations from the plumb In the lines and surfaces of columns, piers, walls and arises In 3m 5 mm In any storey or 6 m maximum 10 mm In 12 mm or more 20 mm For exposed corner columns, control-joint grooves and other conspicuous lines In any storey or 6 m maximum 5 mm In 12 mm or more 10 mm Variation from the level, or from the grades indicated on the drawings ** At any point (from true elevation) + 10 mm 3. but not more than 5 mm variation between two points within 6 m in a horizontal plane. Variation of the linear building lines from established position in plan and related position of columns, walls and partitions. In any bay or 6 m maximum 10 mm IN 12 m or more 25 mm No tolerance that would result in encroachment on adjoining properties is permissible 4. 5. Variation in the sizes and locations of sleeves, floor openings and wall openings 5 mm Cross sections of columns and beams, thickness of walls, slabs and other parts of the building Upto 0.5 m +5/-3mm Over 0.5 m +/-5 mm 6. Footings 6a. Variation in dimensions in plan 6b. Misplacement or eccentricity +25 mm#/10mm 2% 6c. Reduction in thickness 50 mm 86 of the footing width in the direction of misplacement but nor more than +25 mm# of specified thickness Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Item Tolerance 7. Variation in steps 7a. IN a flight of stairs 7b. Rise 3 mm Tread 5 mm In consecutive steps Rise 2 mm Tread 3 mm ** Variation in floor level are to be measured before removal of supporting shores # Applies to concrete only, not to reinforcing bars or dowels Except otherwise shown on drawings, these are maximum allowable tolerances. 3.12 Miscellaneous 3.12.1 Holes, chases, indentations and the like shall be provided where indicated on the drawings. All such shall be formed in the concrete and not cut after the concrete has hardened. Should the Contractor or any subcontractor require additional case-in items, holes or the like these requirements shall be submitted to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for his approval a minimum of 14 working days prior to concreting. Pipes, conduits, fixing bolts and other such cast-in items shall be provided where indicated on the drawings. 3.13 Concrete (Non-Structural) 3.13.1 Lightweight aggregate concrete shall be proportioned, mixed and placed as required by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Unless otherwise shown, the mixes shall be one of the following, the type to be directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . a) Breeze Concrete 1 Part cement to 6 Parts of coke breeze aggregate by volume. b) Polystyrene aggregate concrete i) 1:2:4 mix (913 kg.m3): 45 kg. Cement and 0.056m3 sand to 2.25 kg. Expanded polystyrene particles. ii) 1:3:6 mix (800 kg.m3): 45 kg. Cement and 0.084m3 sand to 3.06 kg. Expanded polystyrene particles. iii) 1:1:4 mix (640 kg.m3): 45 kg. Cement and 0.028m3 sand to 2.155 kg. Expanded polystyrene particles. 87 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification c) Vermiculite aggregate concrete 1 Part cement to 6 Part vermiculite by volume 3.13.2 Lightweight “air entrained” concrete to be proportioned and mixed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and placed as required by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . 3.14 Water proofness of non-structural – External walls 3.14.1 Non structural walls shall be constructed from block work, brick work, non – structural reinforced concrete etc. as described on the Engineer-in-Chargeural drawings and in the specification. 3.14.2 The Contractor shall be completed and solely responsible for the water proofness of the nonstructural external walls and shall satisfy himself that the materials, details and construction sequences are such as to provide a water proof external facade. 3.14.3 Any water leakage, dripping or dampness is unacceptable and shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Employer / Employer’s Representative at no extra cost. 3.14.4 The Contractor shall review the drawings and specification and shall propose whatever changes he considers necessary, at no extra cost to the contract, including reviewing construction sequence, pour lengths, movement joint locations and water proofing details, caulking materials, shrinkage reinforcement, etc. and supervision of the work to ensure the agreed construction meets the requirements of clause 3.14.3 above. 3.14.5 Prior to applying finishes the contractor shall make a detailed inspection and repair any defects which could impair the water proofness of such non-structural external walls. Remedial proposals for such repair shall be submitted to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for his agreement. 3.14.6 Any remedial works shall be carried out and all caulking / water proofing materials and details shall be applied to the supplier / manufacturers recommendations. The Contractor shall submit the relevant manufacturers guarantees and test results to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for his agreement. 3.15 Cantilevered Canopies 3.15.1 Construction joints for cantilevered canopy slabs must not be located along the external edge of the supporting beams or walls. Cantilevered canopy slabs shall be cast monolithically with supporting beams and walls. 3.15.2 Adequate bar spacers shall be provided to maintain the position and alignment of the steel bar reinforcement. 3.15.3 Effective water proofing should be provided on the top of the canopy slab. 3.15.4 Upon the completion of the canopy structure, the Contractor shall submit a report including the following to the Employer / Employer’s Representative for his approval and / or retention : a) An as-built plan showing i. Locations and dimensions of members ii. Direction and gradient of falls iii. Location of drainage outlets / down pipes 88 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification iv. The thickness of screeding and finishes v. Locations and details of any construction joints for the canopy Structure vi. Grades of concrete and steel vii. Diameter and spacing of steel reinforcement in the canopy slab viii. Date on which the concrete was cast ix. b) Concrete cover to steel reinforcement at critical positions of the canopy slab as measured by cover meter and Record photographs showing clearly and in detail. Conditions and arrangement of the fabricated steel reinforcement in the canopy slab and all the supporting members prior to concreting and Condition of the canopy slab and the supporting members after concreting but before laying of the finishes and water proofing materials. 3.15.5 A statement confirming that the Contractor has inspected and supervised the construction of the canopy structure and that it has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans. 4.0 Mode of measurement Unless noted otherwise in the bills of quantities, the method of measurement for various items shall be generally in accordance with IS 1200 ******** 89 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 7 FORM WORK 1 Formwork 4.1 Related Work • Concrete • Reinforcement 4.2 4.3 Applicable Standards IS - 4990 Specification for plywood for concrete shuttering work IS - 1629 Rules for grading of cut size of timber IS - 2750 Specification for steel scaffoldings. IS - 4014 Code of practice for steel tubular, scaffolding Section Includes Design, Fabrication, erection and striking of formwork for in - situ concrete 4.4 Quality Assurance Design and construction shall be executed and supervised by fully qualified personnel. In accordance with quality assurance programme, the Contractor shall provide the Employer / Employer’s Representative with information demonstrating that a system will be used to ensure that the work carried out under this section (including that done by sub-Contractors) will comply with the requirements of the specifications. 4.5 Formwork Related Work • Concrete Form Work • Concrete Reinforcement • Cast - in situ Concrete 4.5.1 Quality Assurance a. Supervisory staff shall have qualification and experience in the above field. c. IS Standards – Note: Latest amendments shall be followed. 4.5.2 Design Criteria Formwork system shall be executed and designed by specialist, qualified, to the shapes, lines, forms and dimensions shown on drawings. The Contractor shall submit to the Employer a method statement backed by design calculations. Required drawings and sketches shall be enclosed 90 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification along with the statement for the proposed area to be taken up for working at a time. The number of repetitions expected, type of material used, etc shall be detailed therein. Formwork shall start only after written approval from the Employer / Employer’s Representative has been received. Approval of the proposal in submitted form an acceptance of modification does not relieve the Contractor of its obligation to achieve its required line finish within accepted tolerance limits in terms of quality of works completed and safety. Neither will it diminish the Contractor’s responsibility for the satisfactory performance of formwork. Basic points to be understood in designing the formwork are stated below: a) Erected Form work shall be watertight, shall conform to shape, lines, dimensions, verticality, rigid during placing, vibrating and configuring the concrete b) Formwork system shall be of steel or timber or 12mm thick water resistant Ply board, and shall be continuous, straight and without any warping. c) Design of formwork shall take into account: • Height of pour • Thickness of member • Rate of pour • Concrete slump • Texture of finish • Placing temperature • Concrete density • Construction joints • Wind load • Method of Discharge d) Form work design shall have • Dimensional tolerance • De mountable without shock, disturbance or damage to concrete e) All construction joints in beams and slabs shall be provided as shown in drawings. f) Ties shall be provided where required g) Cambers shall be provided where shown. h) Props / supports of extra ceiling height shall be specially designed. 4.6 Form Work Material Construction formwork with smooth faced plywood, steel or timber to produce smooth straight level and sharp profiles shall be used for the works. Panels to be of design of optimum size to reduce the number of joints. 91 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification a) Form material shall have strength adequate to withstand pressure of newly placed concrete without excessive and adjustable bow or deflection. b) Factory fabricated, adjustable length removable or snap of metal form ties, design to prevent from deflection and to prevent spilling concrete surfaces on removal. c) Ties shall be such that • A portion remaining within the concrete shall be at least 38mm from the outer concrete surface. • d) That will not leave a hole larger than 25mm dia meter on the concrete surface. Form coating compound that will not bond with, stain, not adversely effect concrete for required bond or adhesion not hamper the wetting of surface to be covered with water or curing compound. All propping and centering shall be of adjustable steel supports (built-up sections of rolled steel) and tubular props to full height without joints, and with sufficient bracing to take into account the construction loads, namely full load of concrete with any live load and impact load likely to occur during concreting. Steel shuttering used for concreting shall be sufficiently stiffened. The steel shuttering shall also be properly repaired before sue and properly cleaned to avoid stains and defects in concreting. 4.7 Workmanship Formwork shall be classified based on the ultimate finishes required of the concrete surface as: • Textured or decorative finish • Fair-faced finish • Rough finish 4.7.1 The Contractor shall account for all material and labour to achieve the above finishes to the satisfaction of the Employer in his quoted price. 4.7.2 Guidelines for Good Workmanship Following are a few points as guidelines for good workmanship in formwork and shall be accounted for in his quoted price. • Erection of formwork may be from pre-moulded, pre-fabricated, pre-assembled plates or form reasonable enough to transport and erect at site to correct lines and levels as set at site. • Supports shall be firm and maintained in position by nails, cross bracing, tie-rods, locking bolts, nuts, etc. It shall be rigid and stiff so as to retain its shape during and after concreting. • Joints shall be water-tight and no cement slurry shall be allowed to get through 92 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification • Pre-fabricated or site forms shall be assembled so as to de-shutter without any jerk to the green concrete. For this double wedges shall be used. The wedges shall be nailed. The heads left with, allowing easy removal while de-shuttering. • Pre-fabricated or site formwork shall be sufficient thickness with supporting spans in both directions. These shall be standardised in size for easy replacement and universal use at site • Props shall be of steel only. Its spacing shall be as per design. It shall be vertical and plumbed. Base shall be of proper steel plate or timber plank for equal distribution of load • Contractor’s shall remove the tag provided by the plywood manufactures present on plywood board while using he same. • In case of multi-storied buildings, any upper floor shall be suitably supported on at least one floor below the same, or as approved by the Employer. • Props shall be adequately cross-braced horizontally • At the design and erection stage following additional points shall be considered and be incorporated into the setting • Opening of cleaning prior to the start of concreting • Pouring points shall avoid high drops and provide easy access to vibrating needles • Surfaces shall be treated with suitable releasing oil or emulsion prior to the reinforcement laying. Such releasing oil shall be got approved from the Employer. • Ensure that forms and adjacent surfaces are thoroughly cleaned to receive concrete and debris. • Locate construction joints in a manner so as not to impair strength and appearance of structure. Following points shall be observed very carefully: • Joints of formwork shall be watertight. It is easy to check from the bottom and make sure no light is visible • Props shall be on solid base, plumbed, in straight line, braced horizontally and cross • Tie-bars, bracing and spacers in beams, walls and columns shall be at correct place/location and fully tight • Wedges shall be fully secured and nailed with heads left out for easy removal • All saw dust, dirt, shavings and any other unwanted material shall be cleaned and hosed out • Provision shall be made for watching formwork while concreting and any other platform needed for movement of workers without any disturbance to the reinforcement • Provision is made for traffic on formwork : not to bear directly on reinforcing steel. • Number of reuses shall be decided by the Employer on examining the condition of formwork after each use. If during concreting any weakness develops or formwork shows any distress, the work shall be stopped and remedial action taken. 93 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 4.7.3 Finishing Formed Surfaces The Contractor shall: - Repair and patch defective areas with fins and other projections completely removed or smoothed. - To smooth concrete where fins and other projections have formed moisten concrete surface within a day after forms have been removed and rub with carborundum stone until surface is a uniform colour and texture within the projection limits. - Not apply cement ground other than that produced by the rubbing process. - Remove and replace concrete having defective surfaces if defects cannot be repaired to the satisfaction of the superintendent. Surface defects shall include colour and texture irregularities, cracks, spills, air bubbles, honeycombs, rock pockets, fins and other projection on the surface, stain and form tie holes. The Contractor shall: - Undercut voids larger than 25mm diameter and fill with fresh concrete after thoroughly wetting concrete surfaces. - Fill small holes and irregularities using 2:1 (Portland cement to fine sand by volume) grout mixed with approved bonding admixture according to manufacturer’s specification. - Blend standard Portland cement with white Portland cement if necessary so that final colour of dry grout will match adjacent surfaces. - After applying grout to repair area, wipe with Hessian cloth to match adjacent texture and within the specified surface tolerances. - Keep concrete patch damp with fog *spray for at least 36 hours. 4.8 Measurements Formwork shall be measured as the area (in square meters) of shuttering in contact with the concrete including covers, angles, splays, mitres, bevels, etc. for which no special rate shall be allowed. • It shall be measured to the nearest centimeter and the area worked out correct to two decimal places • No deduction shall be made for openings up to 0.4 square meter in plan • Area of voids shall deducted from the face area of shuttering. • No deductions shall be made from formwork of main beams where a secondary beam intersects it. Formwork for secondary beams shall be measured up to sides of the main beams. • No deduction shall be made from the formwork to column casings at intersection of beams. 94 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification • Lapping of formwork with previously laid out concrete will not be measured and will not be paid for. • The quoted rate shall be applicable for all working conditions and at all heights and depths or lifts specified in the drawings. The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour for various operations involved including, but not limited to the following: • Provision of formwork, its erection and treatment of the concrete surface immediately after removal of the formwork • Holes to be made in the formwork for inserting electrical conduits, piping for plumbing works, etc • Centering, bracing, tightening with bolts and nuts, staging, etc. • Splayed edges, notchings, allowance for overlaps, centering, shuttering, strutting, bolting, nailing, welding, casing striking and removal. • Filling to form stop chamfered edges or splayed external angles to footings, beams, columns and the like. • Temporary openings in the forms for pouring concrete and removing rubbish. • Dressing with oil/approved emulsion to prevent adhesion of concrete with shuttering. • Raking or cutting. • Fixing inserts and openings at the correct line and level and at any stage to support the same at the directed height and place. • Platforms if any to check forms while concreting is in progress. • Filling and making joints watertight to the satisfaction of the Employer. • Cleaning of the shuttering. • Cleaning the complete floor immediately on deshuttering complete to enable the start of next activity. • Cleaning and washing of the complete floor during and after concreting to avoid any damage to finished surface. It will be responsibility of the Contractor to protect and retain all finished surfaces. Should there be any laitance due to concreting of upper floors or other construction activities within the said floor the Contractor shall be responsible to do all that is required to bring the finish back to the original or as specified in the Technical Specification/ directed by the Employer. No payment shall be made for temporary formwork used in concreting nor for formwork required for joints or buttheads, in floors or elsewhere whether such joints are to be covered late with concrete or mastic or other material. 4.9 Tolerances Tolerance is a specified permissible variation from lines, grades or dimensions given in drawings. No tolerances are specified for horizontal or vertical encroachments beyond the legal boundaries. 95 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Unless otherwise specified, tolerances given in the following sections shall be permitted. 4.9.1 Tolerance for RCC Buildings Variation from plumb should be as follows: • In the lines and surface of columns, walls, and other vertical members, viz inside face of lift shaft, etc. 3 mm per 3.0 meter but not exceeding 10mm for the full height of the building. • • • • For exposed corner column and other conspicuous lines In any bay up to 5 m maximum 3 mm In 10 m or more bays 5 mm Soffits of slabs, ceilings and beams 2.5 m bays 3 mm 5.0 m bays 3 mm 10.0 m or more 10 mm Lintels, sills, parapets, grooves and other conspicuous lines In any bay up to 5 m maximum 3 mm In 10 m or more 5 mm Variation of the linear building lines from established positions in plan and related position of columns, wall and partitions In bay up to 5 m maximum 5 mm In 10 m or more • 10 mm Deviation from dimensions of footing / foundation: (i) Dimension in plan (+) 50mm (ii) Eccentricity in plan: 0.02 times the width of the footings in the direction of deviation but not more than 50mm (iii) Thickness: (+) 0.05 times the specified thickness. (iv) Surface of foundation against ground: -5mm, +10mm (v) • Top surface of foundations, bases, piers: +5mm, -20mm Variation in sizes and location of sleeves, opening in walls and floors to be 5 mm (except for anchor bolts) • Variation in cross-sectional dimension of columns and beams and thickness of slabs and walls -5 mm, +10 mm • Variation in steps In a flight of stairs Risers Treads In flight of stairs 3 mm 5 mm In consecutive steps 1.5 mm 3 mm 96 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification All the tolerances mentioned above shall apply to concrete dimensions only, and not to positioning of vertical steel or dowels. 4.10 Removal of Formwork: Formwork shall not be struck until the concrete has reached a strength at least twice the stress to which the concrete may be subjected at the time of removal of formwork. • Formwork shall be removed carefully without jarring the concrete and curing of the concrete shall commence immediately. Sudden shocks / vibrations during removal of wedges shall be avoided. Where finished edges have re-entrant angles, remove formwork as early as possible to avoid shrinkage cracks. • Concrete surfaces to be exposed shall where required by the Employer, be rubbed with carborandum stone to give a smooth and even finish. • Where concrete requires plastering or other finish later, the concrete surface shall be hacked as directed. • 4.10.1 No extra charge will be allowed to the Contractor for such work. Minimum time Requirements For other cements the stripping time shall be suitably modified in consultation with the Employer. For precast moulds the stripping time shall be 24 hours. Striking time shall be as follows: Type of Formwork Minimum period before striking (excluding the day of casting) i. Walls, columns 12 hrs ii. Vertical faces 12 hrs iii Removal of formwork with props fully left under spanning over 6m 7 days iv Between ribs not more than 1 to 2 m 7 days v. Ribs, joists, beams, soffits - Up 3m clear span - Beams 7 days - Between 3m to 6m - Beams 14 days - Above 6m clear span beams 21 days vi. One way floor slabs - up to 3m 7 days vii. One way floor slabs - between 3m to 6m 97 10 days Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification viii One way floor slabs - over 6m 14 days ix Beams and Girder Sides 12 days x. Removal of props below slabs spanning over 6m 21 days Striking of Formwork within the time limits listed above is subject to successful crushing of cubes compressive strength results. However re-shuttering and re-propping can be done if the required strength is attained as per the instructions of Employer / Employer’s Representative 4.11 Cleaning and Oiling of Forms The contactor shall ensure that the surface of the forms that will touch the concrete shall be free from encrustations of mortar, grout, or other foreign material. Temporary openings shall be left at the bottom of formwork to enable sawdust, shavings, wire off-cuts and other foreign material to be removed from the interior of the forms before the concrete is placed. Compressed air shall be used to clean the complete formwork and remove all traces of duct and debris before pouring concrete the temporary holes shall then be closed. The surface of the forms to be in contact with the concrete shall be coated with a reliable coating that will effectively prevent the adherence of concrete and will not stain the concrete surfaces. After each use, the surfaces of forms which have been in contact with concrete shall be cleaned of mortar and any other material sticking to them, then well wetted and treated with form oil approved by the Employer. The Contractor shall provide commercial form release agent that will not bond with, stain or adversely affect concrete surfaces and will not impair subsequent treatment of concrete surfaces. 4.12 Openings / Inserts Contractor shall provide all required openings, pockets, inserts as detailed in drawings. The Contractor shall provide required material and labour for fixing and supporting during concreting. In its quoted price, it is imperative to consider that all openings and pockets shall be de-shuttered with care and all corners of openings shall be preserved, ie shall be in correct line and level. After concreting the openings shall be secured against any accident by proper covering and guard rail, warning notice, lighting, etc for which no extra cost is payable to the Contractor. 98 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 8 STEEL REINFORCEMENT 1.1 Related Works A. Concrete Formwork B. Cast in-situ Concrete 3.1.a Applicable Standards IS - 432 Specification for Mild steel and medium tensile bars and hard drawn steel wire. IS - 1139 Specification for hot rolled mild steel, medium tensile steel and high yield strength steel deformed bars for concrete reinforcement. IS - 1566 Specification for plain hard drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement IS - 1785 Specification for plain hard drawn steel wire for prestressed concrete. IS - 1786 Specification for cold twisted steel high strength deformed bars for concrete reinforcement. IS - 2080 Specification for high tensile steel bars used in prestressed concrete IS - 2751 Code of practice for welding of mild steel structures are folded plates IS - 2502 Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement 1.2 Steel Grades Reinforcements for concrete may be from any of the “grades” of steel indicated below, conforming to the relevant Indian Standards and their latest amendments mentioned against each: Grade Description Conforming to Fe 250 Mild Steel IS 432 (Part I) Fe 490 Hard drawn steel wire IS 432 (Part II) Fe 415 High strength deformed/ ribbed steel IS 1786 Fe 500 High strength deformed / ribbed steel IS 1786 Fe 550 High strength deformed / ribbed steel IS 1786 99 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Reinforcing steel may be any of the following types: Type I Plain round bars (PR) Type II Welded wire Fabrics (WWF) Type III Cold Twisted Deformed Bars / Corrosion resistant bars. (CTD-CR) Type IV Thermo-Mechanically Treated Ribbed bars (TMT) Type V Thermo-Mechanically Treated Ribbed Corrosion Resistant bars (Copper) Bearing (TMT-CR) 1.3 BIS Certification Material received at the Site shall have BIS Certification mark. Such bundle or coil containing the bars shall be suitably marked with BIS Certification mark. Bars shall also be marked to identify categories. This shall be done as per IS: 1387. In case bars are without BIS Certification mark, the manufacturer shall give a certificate stating the process of manufacture, chemical composition and mechanical properties. Each certificate shall indicate the number or identification mark of the cart to which it applies, corresponding to the number or identification mark to be found on the material. All reinforcements shall be free from loose mill scale, excessive rust, loose rust, pitting, oil, grease, paint, mud or any other foreign deleterious material present on the surface. Cleaning should be done to the satisfaction of the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Each batch of steel brought to the Site shall be tested prior to use. Cost of all tests shall be borne by the Contractor. Material acceptable as per IS Specifications will be allowed into the Project. All rejected material shall be removed from the Site by the Contractor within 30 days of its rejection. If the same is not done, the Employer can get work done by third party at the Contractor’s risk and cost shall impose a penalty of Rs 500 (Rupees Five Hundred only) per metric ton per day. This will be without any appeal and shall not be subjected to arbitration. 1.4 Storage Reinforcement bars received at the Site shall be stored on hard, concreted platform and clear of the ground to a minimum of 200 mm with the use of timber sleepers or any other means. Reinforcements shall be kept covered by tarpaulins or plastic to avoid excessive corrosion or any other contamination. It is advised to follow storage methods as described in IS: 4082. 100 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Reinforcement steel shall be stored in such a manner as to avoid distortion and to prevent deterioration and corrosion. Prior to assembly of reinforcement no account any oily substance shall be used for removing the rust. 1.5 Quality Assurance a. Supervisory staff shall have qualification and experience in the above field. b. Welders qualified and having approved certificates for welding shall be employed. 1.6 Handling a. Bend / rebend test requirements shall conform to the following and shall be based on 1800 bends of full size bars around pins. Bar diameter (mm) Pin diameter for test bend 10, 12,16 3.5 x bar dia 20, 22, 25 5.0 x bar dia 28, 30, 32 7.0 x bar dia b.Spacers of same dia shall be used with any of the following: i. Wire ii. Precast concrete iii. Moulded plastic Spacer material shall be of durable quality and shall not lead to corrosion of reinforcement or spilling of concrete. Precast concrete spacers shall be of the same mix as that of surrounding concrete. c. Tying wire shall be of 18 G black annealed mild steel wire or other approved type double fold to tie the reinforcements. d. Cover blocks shall be non-corrosive material such as plastic, but not wooden or broken bricks or stone. Specially made concrete blocks shall be used. Such cover blocks shall be cast from concrete and not from cement mortar; strength of these blocks shall be equal to the concrete in use. e.Binding wire for fixing reinforcement shall be either no.16 gauge soft Galvanised annealed iron wire, or no.18 gauge stainless steel wires. 101 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 1.7 Unit Weights: Unit weights payable per meter shall be as follows: 6 mm ∅ 0.22 kg/ rm 8 mm ∅ 0.39 kg/ rm 10 mm ∅ 0.62 kg/ rm 12 mm ∅ 0.89 kg/ rm 14 mm ∅ 1.21 kg/ rm 16 mm ∅ 1.58 kg/ rm 18 mm ∅ 2.00 kg/ rm 20 mm ∅ 2.47 kg/ rm 22 mm ∅ 2.98 kg/ rm 25 mm ∅ 3.85 kg/ rm 28 mm ∅ 4.83 kg/ rm 32 mm ∅ 6.31 kg/ rm 36 mm ∅ 7.99 kg/ rm 40 mm ∅ 9.86 kg/ rm 1.8 Execution 1.8.1 Cutting and Bending a. Flame cut and hot bending is absolutely forbidden. b. Cut and bend reinforcement to approved shop drawings and details shall be used. c. Bars to be cold-bend, either mechanically or by hand, but to correct radius using proper tools, machine and platform and confirming to IS 2502-1963. d. Do not rebend without approval. In case of re bending, care shall be taken that the rating of bend is not less than 4 x bar dia at construction joints for plain steel bars and 6 x bar dia for high strength bars. e. Reinforcement projecting from concrete shall not be bent without approval. Bar bending schedule to be submitted for approval of the Structural Consultant to the Employer prior to commencement of any cutting, bending and binding of steel at site. F Cracked end of bars shall not be used on this Project. g. Bars should be inspected for visible defects such as cracks, brittleness, excessive rust, loose mills scale, etc. 102 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 1.8.2 a. Welding Do not weld reinforcement unless authorized by the Employer / Employer’s Representative and recommended by the manufacturers. b. Site welding shall be done with suitable safeguards and techniques. c. Welding, if approved, may be used for: i. Lapping reinforcement in position ii. Fixing reinforcement to other steel members. d. The length of run deposited in a single pass shall not exceed 5 x bar diameters. If a longer welded length is required divide into sections with the space between runs not less than 5 x bar diameters. e. Welded joints: i. Shall not be made at bends in reinforcement. ii. Stagger joints in parallel bars of principal reinforcement unless otherwise approved. iii. The distance between staggered joints shall not be less than the end anchorage length joints. 1.8.3 Mechanical Splicing a. To comply with ISI 456-2000. ACI 318-1983 and ACI 439-3R-83 b. Use as indicated in structural drawings. c. Consultant has to approve mechanical splices before using it at site. Inspection a. Ensure that the reinforcement placing is checked by Employer / Employer’s Representative . b. Ensure that the Formwork to receive the reinforcement is clean and free from debris. c. Cracked end of bars to be cut out. 1.8.4 Anchoring Anchoring of bars and stirrups shall be provided exactly as detailed in the structural drawings or as directed by Employer / Employer’s Representative . In case of reinforcement steel in tension, deformed bars may be used without end anchorage provided the development length requirement is satisfied. Hocks shall normally be provided for plain bars in tension. Development length of the bars shall be determined as per relevant clauses of IS: 456 - 2000. The anchorage length of straight bar in compression shall be equal to the Development length of the bars in compression as specified in relevant clause of IS: 456 - 2000. 1.8.5 Lapping of Bars Laps shall be strictly as per the structural drawing or as directed by the Development 103 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Manager/Structural Consultant. For general guidance the following principles shall be followed as given in IS: 456 - 2000 • As far as possible bars of the maximum length available shall be used. • Laps shown on drawings or otherwise specified by the Structural Consultant will be based on the Contractor using bars of maximum length. • In case Contractor wishes to use bars of shorter length, laps shall be provided at the Contractor’s expense in the manner and the locations approved by the Structural Consultant. • Splices shall be provided as far as possible away from the sections of maximum stress and be staggered. • Not more than half of the bars shall be spliced at a section • If more than half of the bars shall be spliced at a section, special case shall be ensured such as increasing length of lap or closer spacing of stirrups around the length of splice. • Lap splice shall not be used for bars having diameter larger than 36 mm. For larger diameters bars it may be welded. Lap length including anchorage value of hooks in flexural tension shall be La (as defined in Article 25.2.1 of IS: 456-2000) or 30 times the diameter of the bar whichever is greater and for direct tension 2La or 30 times the diameter of the bar whichever is greater. The straight length of lap shall not be greater than 15D or 20 cm, whereas D is the diameter of the bar. • Lap length in compression shall be equal to the development length in compression calculated as described in relevant clause of IS: 456-2000 or as specified in the structural drawing but not less than 24 times the diameter of the bar. • Overlapping bars shall not touch each other and these shall be kept apart with concrete between them by 25mm or 1.25 times the maximum size of the coarse aggregate, whichever is greater. • When above is not possible, the overlapping bars shall be bound together at intervals not exceeding twice the diameter of such bars with two strands of annealed binding wire of 0.90mm to 1.6mm diameter twisted together tightly. • As and when necessary welded laps shall be proved as specified by the Structural Consultant. 1.8.6 Securing Reinforcement a. Adequately secure with tying wire or approved steel clips. b. Bend the tying wires well back clear of forms. 104 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 1.8.7 Concrete Cover a. Shall be in accordance with ISI: 456-2000 and as per the instructions in structural drawings. i.Footings, retaining walls and Similar members in contact with earth but not cast against earth - 50 mm ii. Slabs - 20 mm iii. Walls, ribs - 20 mm iv. Beams: v. vi. vii 1.8.8 For main bars - Min.25 mm or dia. of the bar For stirrups - 15 mm Columns - 40 mm Columns less than 20 cms - 25 mm Water tanks: In contact with water - 40 mm In contact with air - 20 mm Walls in contact with water / Earth - 40mm Spacers Chairs and Other Supports a. Provide necessary supports to maintain reinforcement in its correct position. b. Provide spacer bars of same diameter as longitudinal bars but not less than 25mm diameter between two layers at 1.5 mm centers except where bundled bars are detailed. 1.8.9 Precautionary Measures a. Do not insert bars into placed concrete. b. Do not damage forms and form linings, if any when fixing reinforcement. 1.8.10 Adjustment and Cleaning a. Check reinforcement prior to and during placing concrete with particular attention to the top reinforcement in Cantilever sections. b. Ensure that reinforcement is clean and free from corrosive pitting, loose rust, loose mill scale, oil and other substances, which may adversely affect reinforcement concrete or the bond between the two. c. Protect the projecting reinforcement from weather where the rust staining of exposed concrete surfaces may occur. 105 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 1.9 Measurements The method of measurement shall be accordance with the IS: 1200 subject to the following. Reinforcement shall be measured in lengths of bars as actually placed in position on standard weight basis, no allowance being made in the weight for rolling margin. Wastage and binding wire shall not be measured.Authorised overlaps and splices shall only be measured. Rate quoted shall include the cost of welding if specified. 106 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 9 MASONRY WORKS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Scope 2.0 General Requirements 3.0 Codes and Standards 4.0 Materials 5.0 Scaffolding 6.0 Mortar 7.0 Brick Masonry 8.0 Hollow / Solid Block Masonry 9.0 Stone Masonry 10.0 Mode of Measurement 107 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 9 MASONRY WORKS 1.00 SCOPE 1.01 This specification covers the general requirements for brick masonry, stone masonry and concrete hollow / solid block masonry and allied works. 2.00 3.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.01 The Contractor shall furnish all skilled and unskilled labour, plant, equipment, scaffolding, materials, etc. required for complete execution of the work in accordance with the drawings and as described herein and/or as directed by the Engineer-inCharge. 2.02 All workmanship shall be in accordance with the latest standards and best possible practice. Masonry work shall be true to line & level as shown on drawings. All such masonry shall be tightly built against structural members and bonded with dowels, anchors, inserts, etc, as shown on the drawings. 2.03 The Contractor shall strictly follow, at all stages of work, the stipulations contained in the Indian Standard Safety Code and the provisions of the Safety Rules as specified in the General Conditions of the Contract for ensuring safety of men and materials. 2.03 Any approval, instructions, permission, checking, review, etc. whatsoever by the Engineer-in-Charge shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility and obligation regarding adequacy, correctness, completeness, safety, strength, quality, workmanship, etc. CODES AND STANDARDS 3.01 All applicable standards, acts and codes of practice referred to shall be the latest editions including all applicable official amendments and revisions. A complete set of all these documents shall generally be available at site, with the Contractor. 3.02 List of certain important Indian Standards, Acts and Codes applicable to this work is given below. However, the applicable standards and codes shall be as per but not limited to the list given below : IS : 383 Coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for concrete IS : 455 Portland slag cement IS:456 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete IS : 712 Building lines IS : 1077 Common burnt clay building bricks IS : 1124 Method of test for determination of water obsorption apparent specific gravity and porosity of natural building stones IS : 1127 Recommendations for dimensions and workmanship of natural building stones for masonry work. IS : 1489 Portland Pozzolana cement 108 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 4.00 IS : 1597 Code of masonry. practice for construction IS : 1905 Code of practice reinforced masonry. IS : 2116 Sand for masonry mortars. IS : 2185 Concrete masonry concrete blocks. IS : 2212 Code of practice for brickwork. IS : 2250 Code of practice masonry mortars. IS : 2386 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete IS : 2572 Code of practice for hollow concrete block masonry IS : 2691 Burnt clay facing bricks IS : 3414 Code of practice joints in buildings. IS : 3696 Safety code for scaffolds and ladders. IS : 4326 Code of practice for earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings IS : 8112 43 grade ordinary Portland cement IS : 12894 Fly ash lime bricks. SP : 20 Handbook on masonry design and construction. for units for for structural - design stone use of un- hollow preparation of and and use construction and installation solid of of of MATERIALS 4.01 Bricks Burnt clay bricks, for general masonry work, shall conform to IS:1077 and for face brick work, shall conform to IS:2691. Fly ash lime bricks shall conform to IS:12894. First class table moulded chamber burnt bricks of nominal size 8-3/4” x 4-1/2” x 2-3/4” shall be used for general masonry work Bricks shall generally conform to IS 1077-1992. In any case minimum crushing strength shall not be less than 35 kg/sq.cm and water absorption shall not be more than 25% by weight. The EMPLOYER shall have the right to reject bricks obtained from any field where the soils have an appreciable quantity of sulphates and chlorides. The specifications for cement, sand and water shall be same as described herein before under cement concrete. Bricks shall be thoroughly soaked in water before using till the bubbles ceases to come up. No half or quarter brick shall be used except as closer. The closers shall be cut to required size and used near the end of the walls. The walls shall be raised truly to plumb. The type of bond to be adopted shall be decided by the EMPLOYER, but vertical joints shall be laid staggered. 109 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Bricks shall be stacked on dry firm ground in regular tiers even as they are unloaded to minimize breakage and defacement of bricks. Bricks of different class, selected for various categories of use in the work, shall be stacked separately. Each stack shall contain equal number of bricks, preferably not more than 3000. Representative samples of bricks shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for approval before supply to site and the approved samples shall remain with the Engineer-in-Charge. All bricks proposed to be used shall conform to the approved samples in all respects. Bricks picked up at random from the stacks shall be tested as to ascertain to satisfy the acceptability requirements as and when desired by the Engineer-in-Charge at the Contractor’s cost. 4.02 Stones The stone shall be of the type specified, such as granite, sand stone, quartzite and /or best locally available stone which shall be subject to approval of the Engineer-inCharge. All stones shall be from approved quarries. These shall be hard, tough, durable, compact grained, uniform the texture and colour and free from decay, flaws, veins, cracks and sand holes. The surface of a freshly broken stone shall be bright, clean and sharp and shall show uniformity of texture, without loose grains and free from any dull, chalky or earthy appearance. Stone with round surface shall not be used. Stones showing mottled colours shall not be used for face work. A stone shall not absorb more than 5% of its weight of water after 24 hours immersion. The type of stone shall be as specified or shown on drawings and/or as instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Stones used for masonry work shall conform to IS:1597 (part-I) No soft stone shall be used for masonry or for filling purpose. The minimum crushing strength of stone shall be 200 kg/sq cm unless otherwise specified. Normally, stones used should be small enough to be lifted and placed by hand. the length of stone, shall not exceed three times the height and the breadth on base shall not be greater than three fourth of the thickness of wall not less than 15 cm. The height of stone may be upto 30 cm. Any stone not found upto the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge shall be removed immediately from site by the Contractor. Dressed stone for all facing, paving etc. shall be stored with special care to avoid defacement of faces and edges or damp and rust stains. 4.03 Hollow / Solid Concrete Blocks Manufacture Mix The Concrete mix used for blocks shall not be leaner than one part by volume of cement to 6 parts of combined fine and coarse aggregate unless otherwise specified, the concrete shall be of CC 1:2:4 by using 12 mm and down size aggregate. Mixing The concrete shall normally be mixed in a mechanical mixer. Mixing shall be continued until there is a uniform distribution of the materials, and the mass is uniform in colour and consistency. Placing And Compaction The mould shall be filled upto a height of above the mould appropriate to the machine used, vibrated or mechanically tamped and struck off level. 110 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Immediately the block is made, it shall be released from the mould and removed with the pallet to a covered shed, to protect it against sun and strong winds. The blocks shall be stored in the shed until they are sufficiently hardened to permit handling without damage but in no case shall this period be less than 12 hours. Curing The blocks hardened as above shall then removed from the pallets and placed in a curing water tank or taken to the curing yard, where these shall be kept continuously moist for atleast 21 days. When the blocks are cured in an immersion tank, the water of the tank shall be changed atleast every 4 days. The curing yard is a paved yard, which are provided with water fountains in the centre. The blocks are stacked on the platform around the fountains, which work continuously. The foundation tank are connected to an elevated water, storage tank, if directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Steam curing of blocks may be adopted instead of normal curing by pressure or no pressure steam curing as directed by the Engineer-in-Charges, for non pressure steam curing, the blocks shall be subjected to the action of thoroughly saturated steam at a temperature of 38 to 54C for a period of not less than 24 hours or when necessary, for such additional time as may be necessary to meet the physical requirements. Drying After curing the blocks shall be dried under shade for a period of 4 weeks before being used on the work. They shall be stacked with voids horizontal to facilitate through passage of air. The blocks shall be allowed to complete their initial shrinkage before they are laid in a wall. Surface Texture and Finish Concrete masonry units shall be given surface textures ranging from a very fine close texture to a course open texture by proper selection, grading and proportioning of the aggregate at the time of manufacture and as directed by the Employer / Employer’s Representative . Colour may be introduced by incorporating non-bading mineral pigments in the facing concrete, or by applying a coloured portland cement grout or paint to the face of the units soon after they are removed from the moulds, all as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Physical Requirements All units shall be sound and free of cracks or other defects which interfare with the proper placing of the unit or impair the strength or performance of the construction. Compressive Strength The minimum compressive strength, being the average of eight units, and the minimum compressive strength of individual units, when tested in the manner described shall be as prescribed below : 111 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Physical Requirements IS 2185 ( Part – I ) : 2005 Type Grade 1 Hollow (Open and closed cavity)load bearing unit Minimum Average Compressive Strength of Units N/mm2 Minimum Compressive Strength of Individual Units N/mm2 3 4 3.5 4.5 5.5 7.0 8.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 5 2.8 3.6 4.4 5.6 7.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 3.5 5.0 2.8 4.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 3.2 2 A(3.5) A(4.5) A(5.5) A(7.0) A(8.5) A(10.0) A(12.5) A15.0) B(3.5) B(5.0) Solid Load Bearing Unit 4.03 Density of Block Kg/m2 C(5.0) C(4.0) Not les than 1 500 Less than 1 500 but not less than 1 100 Not less than 1 800 Drying Shrinkage The drying shrinkage of the units when unrestrained being the average of three units, shall be determined in the manner described in method of test for the determination of drying shrinkage shall confirm to IS 2185 – latest issue. a) Load – bearing light-weight concrete masonry units, hollow (open are closed cavity) or solid. Grade A Grade B b) 4.05 : : 0.08percent, max; and 0.09 percent, max Non-Load bearing light-weight – 0.09 percent, max. concrete masonry units. Test Procedure The blocks required for carrying out the tests laid down in this standard shall be taken by one of the methods as given below : a) Sampling Blocks in Motion Whenever practicable, samples of blocks shall be taken when the blocks are being moved as in the case of loading, unloading, etc. The batch from where samples are to be drawn shall be divided into a number of convenient portions such that when one sample is drawn from each of these portions the minimum number of blocks specified under 10.1 is provided. b) Sampling Blocks from a Stack The number of blocks required for the test shall be taken at random from across the top of the stacks, the sides accessible, and from the interior of the stacks by opening trenches from the top. In either case, a sample of 20 blocks shall be taken from every consignment of 5,000 blocks or part thereof of the same size and same batch of manufacture. From these samples, the blocks shall be taken at random for conducting the tests. c) Number of Tests All the 20 blocks shall be checked for dimensions and inspected for visual defects. Out of the 20 blocks, 3 blocks shall be subjected to the test for blocks density, 8 blocks to the test for compressive strength, 3 blocks to the test for water 112 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification absorption and 3 blocks to the test for drying shrinkage and later to the test for moisture movement. The remaining 3 blocks shall be reserved for retest for drying shrinkage and moisture movement if a need arises. The above tests shall be carried out in accordance with IS : 2185 (Part – II) latest issue and no extra payment will be paid for conducting the above tests. 4.06 Cement The cement used shall be the Ordinary Portland cement conforming to and IS : 8112. Unless otherwise specified ordinary Portland cement of 43 grade conforming to latest IS - 8112 shall be used for all masonry and concrete works. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the storage of adequate quantity of cement. Cement shall be stored in closed weather proof sheds with raised wooden plank flooring to prevent deterioration by damages or intrusion of foreign matter away from walls. 5.00 4.07 Sand Sand shall conform to IS : 383 and IS : 2116. Sand shall have fineness modulus between 2.1 and 2.5. Sand shall be hard, durable, clear and free from dirt clay organic materials or other impurities. Silt content of sand shall not exceed 5% by volume. Sand containing any trace of salt shall be rejected. 4.08 Water Water used for mortar and curing shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of deleterious matter such as oils, acids, alkalis, sugar, organic materials etc. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing mortar and curing. 4.09 Lime Lime shall be stone lime and it shall conform to IS:712. Hydrated lime shall be mixed with water to form a putty. This shall be stored with reasonable care to prevent evaporation of water for atleast 24 hours before use. Quick lime shall be slaked with enough water to make a cream and then stored with reasonable care to prevent evaporation of water for atleast seven days before use. SCAFFOLDING : Unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge, double scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports shall be provided for all building work. The supports shall be sound, strong and tied together with horizontal pieces over which scaffolding planks shall be fixed. The contractor shall be responsible for providing and maintaining sufficiently strong scaffolding so as to with stand all loads likely to come upon it. 6.00 MORTAR 6.01 IS : 2250 shall be followed as general guidance for preparation and use of mortar. Mixing of mortar shall be done in a mechanical mixer. Cement and sand shall be mixed dry in specified proportions thoroughly and then water shall be added gradually. Wet mixing shall be continued till mortar of the consistency of a stiff paste and uniform colour is obtained. Only the quantity of mortar which can be used within thirty minutes of its mixing shall be prepared at a time. Hand mixing may be allowed by the Engineer-in-Charge on clean approved platform in special cases only. 6.02 Mortar shall be used as soon as possible after mixing and before it has begun to set and in any case within thirty minutes after the water is added to the dry mixture. Mortar left unused for more than thirty minutes after mixing shall be rejected and removed from the site of work. 113 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 6.03 7.00 Surplus mortar droppings while laying masonry, if received on a surface free from dirt, may be mixed with fresh mortar if permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge, where directed for addition of extra cement and this shall be implemented. BRICK MASONRY : 7.01 7.02 Only cement-sand mortar shall be used. Lime shall be added for composite mortar with specific approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. Unless otherwise specified, mortar for brickwork having one or more brick thickness shall be as specified in BOQ . Mortar for half-brick thick walls shall be 1 part cement and 4 parts sand by volume. Richer mix proportion shall be used, whenever specified or as per design requirement. Mortar shall meet the compressive strength requirement as per IS:2250 and IS:1905. Laying IS:2212 shall be followed as general guidance for construction of brick masonry. Bricks shall be soaked in water before use for a period generally not less than 6 hours so that the water just penetrates the whole depth of the bricks. Bricks shall be laid in English Bond unless otherwise specified. Half or cut bricks shall not be used except where necessary to complete the bond. Closer in such cases shall be cut to the required size and used near the ends of the walls, next to quoin headers. Bricks shall be laid generally with frogs upwards. A layer of mortar shall be spread on the full width and over a suitable length of the lower course. Each brick shall be properly bedded and set home (in position) by gently tapping with the trowel handle or with a wooden mallet. Its inside face shall be buttered with mortar before the next brick is laid and pressed against it. On completion of a course, all vertical joints shall be fully filled from the top with mortar. The thickness of joints shall be kept uniform and shall not exceed 10 mm. Bricks shall be so laid that all joints are full of mortar. All face joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 15 mm by raking tools during the progress of brickwork, when the mortar is still green, so as to provide proper key for the plaster or pointing to be done. When plastering or pointing is not required to be done, the joints shall be struck flush and finished at the time of laying. Brickwork in walls shall be taken up truly plumb. All courses shall normally be laid truly horizontal unless indicated to be laid on slope and all vertical joints shall be truly vertical. Vertical joints in alternate courses shall come directly one over the other. Brick wall shall be construed with atleast one plain face with proper alignment. All connected brickwork shall be carried up simultaneously and no portion of work shall be left more than one metre below the rest of the work. Where this is not possible, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge, the work shall be raked back according to bond (and not toothed) at an angle not steeper than 45 deg. The work done per day should not be more than one metre height All iron fixtures, pipes, water outlets, hold fasts for doors and windows, etc. which are required to be built into the brickwork shall be embedded in their correct position in mortar or cement concrete as the work proceeds as per directions of the Engineer-inCharge. All brickwork shall be built tightly against columns, floor slabs or other structural parts and around door and window frames with proper distance to permit caulked joint. Where drawings indicate that structural steel columns and spandrel beams are to be partly or wholly covered with brickwork, the bricks shall be laid closely against all flanges and webs with all spaces between the steel and brickwork filled solid with mortar not less than 10mm in thickness. 114 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification The top courses of all plinth, parapet, steps and top wall shall be laid with brick on edge unless otherwise specified. Care shall be taken that the bricks forming the top courses and ends of walls are properly radiated and keyed into position as shown on the drawings. Scaffolding shall be strong enough to withstand all the dead, live and impact loads which are likely to come upon it. It shall also be so designed as to ensure the safety of the workmen using them. In case of joining old brickwork with new brick work, the old work shall be toothed to the full width of the new wall and to the depth of quarter of a brick in alternate courses. It shall be cleaned of all dust, loose mortar, etc., and thoroughly wetted before starting new brick work. Thickness of each course of new work shall be made equal to the thickness of the corresponding course of the old work by adjusting thickness of horizontal mortar joints. The face of the brickwork shall be cleaned on the same day on which brickwork is laid and all mortar dropping removed promptly. Template (bed-block) of plain or reinforced cement concrete shall generally be provided to support ends of RCC beams. Top surface of the wall shall be suitably treated as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge so as to minimise the friction to movement of the concrete slab over the bearing. Brickwork shall be protected from rain by suitable covering when the mortar is green. Masonry work shall be cured by keeping it constantly moist on all faces for a minimum period of seven days. Brickwork carried out during the day shall be suitably marked indicating the date on which the work is done so as to keep a watch on the curing period. 7.03 Half brick masonry The work shall be done in the same manner, as mentioned in 7.02 except that all courses shall be laid with stretchers. Unless otherwise specified the walls will be provided with RCC (1:2:4) binders reinforced with 2 nos. of 8 mm tor steel bars and 6 mm MS tie bars at 230 intervals. The cost of half brick work shall include the cost of reinforcement and form work for binders. RCC band shall be of size 115 mm wide x 80 mm high and shall be continuous, unless where broken by openings in walls, and the R.C.binders should be provided at 1m intervals regularly. 7.04 Exposed brickwork Exposed brickwork i.e brickwork in superstructure which is not covered by plaster shall be as shown on the drawings and shall be done by specially skilled masons. All courses shall be laid truly horizontal and all vertical joints shall be truly vertical. Vertical joints in alternate courses shall come directly one over the other. Thickness of brick courses shall be kept uniform and for this purpose wooden straight edge with graduations indicating thickness of each course including joint shall be used. The height of window sills, bottom of lintels and other such important points in the height of the wall shall be marked on the graduated straight edge. Masons must check workmanship frequently with plumb, spirit level, rule and string. For all exposed brick work, double scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports shall be provided. The supports shall be sound and strong, tied together with horizontal pieces over which scaffolding planks shall be fixed. If face bricks are specified on the drawings, the brickwork shall be in composite work with face bricks on the exposed face and balance in standard bricks, but maintaining the bond fully. Where face bricks are not specified, bricks for the exposed face shall 115 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification be specially selected from available stack of bricks. All exposed brickwork on completion of work shall be rubbed down, washed clean and pointed as specified. Where face bricks are used, carborandum stone shall be used for rubbing down. 7.05 Reinforcing Anchorage For external walls, the anchorage in the form of flats or rods from spandrel beams and columns and any other anchoring and reinforcement as shown on the drawing shall be adequately embedded in the masonry. 8.00 HOLLOW / SOLID BLOCK MASONRY 8.01 Laying All Hollow / Solid block masonry work should be carried out as shown on the drawings with set blocks, projections. Cuttings, toothings etc., wherever the projection of cement mortar for pointing in the proportion of 1:5 shall be used. Mortar shall consists of cement and clean, sharp coarse sand. The mortar mixed with high sulphate resistance cement shall be used upto ground floor level and above Portland cement shall be used confirming to IS 269 – Latest issue. Sand shall be clean, not too fine, not to coarse and shall fall with in the grading bones I to IV given in Table – III of IS 383 – latest issue. The silt content of sand shall not exceed 5% by volume. Water used for mixing mortar shall be in accordance with Clause 4.3 of IS : 456 – Latest issue. Unless otherwise specified, the size of blocks shall be as follows: i. ii. iii. Main walls: Length = 400 mm, Width = 300/200 mm and Depth 100 mm. Partition Walls : Length = 400 mm, Width = 100 mm and Depth 100 mm. Half length blocks shall be of 200mm length iv. and it shall be used for obtaining the bond and where absolutely necessary as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The blocks shall be bedded and jointed with mortar in such a manner as not to leave voids. Each block shall be correctly bedded into position by topping with the handle of the trowel, grouting of mortar slurry will not be allowed except where necessary for special reasons and in such cases, prior permission of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be obtained. Care shall be taken that each coarse of block masonry work is truly horizontal and perfect in bond and the face of the wall is straight, plumb and even. The mortar joints shall be 12 mm thickness, except where extra thickness is required for the purpose of bringing the block to the required height or level. All junctions of main walls, partition walls and cross walls shall be carefully bonded into the main walls. The rate of laying masonry will be upto a height of 100 cm per day if cement mortar is used. Greater heights may be built only if permitted by the Engineerin-Charge. During rains, the work shall be carefully covered to prevent mortar from being washed away, should any mortar or cement be washed away, the work shall be removed and rebuilt at the contractor’s expense. Unless otherwise specified the Hollow / Solid block walls will be provided with RCC 1:2:4 binders 75 mm thick, reinforced with 2 nos. of 8 mm dia. mild steel bars with 6 mm dia. mild steel tie bars at 230 mm centres at every 1 metre interval from floor 116 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification level. The cost of Hollow / Solid block work shall include the cost of reinforcement and form work for binders. 9.00 10.0 STONE MASONRY 9.01 IS : 1597 shall be followed as general guidance for construction of stone masonry. 9.02 Mortar Unless otherwise specified, mortar for stone masonry shall be 1 part of and 6 parts sand by volume. Properties, preparation and use of mortar shall be same as specified under clause 6.00. 9.03 Dressing of Stone The dressing of stone shall be as specified below for individual types of masonry work and it shall also conform to the general requirements for stone covered in IS:1129. a) For Random Rubble Stone Masonry, stone shall be hammered the face, the sides and the beds to enable it to come into close with the neighbouring stone. the bushing on the face shall be 4 cm on an exposed face. b) For coursed Rubble Masonry (First sort) Face stones, shall dressed on all beds, and joints, so as to give them approx. angular shape. MODE OF MEASUREMENT Unless noted otherwise in the bills of quantities, the method of measurement for various items shall be generally in accordance with IS 1200….subject to the following. Except where otherwise described, stone work and stone walling generally shall be given in cubic metres and fascia work in square metres. When measuring walls, the thickness shall be measured to the nearest one centimetre. Deductions shall made as described in IS : 1200. 117 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 10 WOOD WORK TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Scope 2.0 General Requirements 3.0 Codes and Standards 4.0 Samples and Shop Drawings 5.0 Materials 6.0 Doors, Windows and Ventilators 7.0 Panelling for Wall Lining and Partition 8.0 Installation 9.0 Hardware Fittings 10.0 Preservative Treatment 11.0 Mode of Measurements 12.0 List of approved brand / manufacturer of Materials 118 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 10 WOOD WORK 1.00 SCOPE This specification covers the general requirements for wood work. 2.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.01 The contractor shall furnish all materials, labour, operations, equipment, tools and plants, scaffolding and incidental necessary and required for the completion of all carpentry and joinery work as called for in the drawings and Bill of Quantities. 2.02 The carpentry and joinery work shall include the provision of fixing of fastening devices and hardware in accordance with the drawings and attached hardware schedule. Hardware and other materials will be supplied by the contractor after obtaining prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge of samples for each item of hardware. 2.03 The Contractor shall strictly follow, at all stages of work, the stipulations contained in the Indian Standard Safety Code and the provisions of the Safety Rules as specified in the General Conditions of the Contract for ensuring safety of men and materials. 2.04 Any approval, instructions, permission, checking, review etc. whatsoever by the Engineer-in-Charge shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility and obligation regarding adequacy, correctness, completeness, safety, strength, workmanship etc. 3.00 CODES AND STANDARDS 3.01 All standards, specifications, acts, and codes of practice referred to herein shall be the latest editions including all applicable official amendments and revisions. 3.02 List of certain important Indian Standards, Acts and Codes applicable to this work is given below. However, the applicable standards and codes shall be as per but not limited to the list given below : IS : 205 Non-ferrous metal butt hinges IS : 281 Mild steel sliding door bolts for use with pad locks IS : 287 Permissible purposes IS : 303 Plywood for general purposes IS : 848 Synthetic resin adhesives for plywood. IS : 883 Code of building IS : 1003 Timber panelled and glazed shutters IS : 1141 Seasoning of timber - Code of practice IS : 1328 Veneered decorative plywood. IS : 1659 Block boards. moisture practice content for 119 for design timber of used structural for different timber in Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 4.00 IS : 2202 Wooden flush door shutters IS : 2835 Flat transparent sheet glass. IS : 3087 Wooden purposes IS : 3097 Veneered particle boards. IS : 3809 Fire resistant test for structures IS : 4021 Timber door, window and ventilator frames particle boards (medium density) for general SAMPLES AND SHOP DRAWINGS The contractor shall, before proceeding with the work, submit to the Engineer-in-Charge for his approval complete samples of the various materials including hardware and fastening devices and shop drawings and large scale details covering all joinery works. 5.00 MATERIALS 5.01 Timber : Timber used shall be of type as stated in the Schedule and of best quality. All timber shall be of natural growth and uniform in texture and shall be well and properly seasoned. It shall be free from large, loose, dead, or cluster of knots, waves, injurious open shakes, borer holes, rot, decay, knots, discolouration, soft or spongy spots, hollow pockets with or centre heart and all other defects and blemishes. Timber shall conform to IS 883. The seasoning of timber shall be as laid down in IS : 1141. 5.02 Teak wood : Teak should be from the forests of Dandeli and Mysore in Karnataka, Malabar in Kerala, Ballarshah in MP, Bulsar in Gujarat. It shall have uniform colour reasonably straight grains and shall be free from large loose dead knots cracks, shakes, warp, twists, bends bore holes, sap wood. For first class no individual hard and sound knot shall be more than 1 Sq.cm and the aggregate area of all knots shall not exceed 1/2% the area of piece and for second class 1.5 Sq.cm and 2% respectively. It shall be close grained and there shall not be less than 2 growth rings per cm width. The wood shall be well seasoned. It shall be considered well seasoned if its moisture content does not exceed the limits as per IS 287. The moisture content shall be determined as per IS 287. Unless otherwise specified tolerance for door and window frames and shutters should not exceed provisions in IS 4021 & IS 1003 (part I & II). a) b) 5.03 Frames Planking, shutters etc. 14% 12% Country wood & Malaysian Sal : Country wood and Malaysian Sal are wood that are not classified as teak wood, honey wood, nandi and mathi wood. It shall have uniform colour, reasonably straight grains and shall be generally free from large loose dead knots, cracks, shakes, warp, twists, bends, bore holes, sap wood. No individual hard and sound knot shall be more than 1.5 Sq.cm and the aggregate area of all knots shall not exceed 2% of the area of piece. It shall be close grained and there shall not be less than 2 rings per cm width. The wood shall be well seasoned. It shall be considered well seasoned if its moisture content does not exceed the limits as per IS 287. The moisture content shall be determined as per IS 287. Unless otherwise specified tolerance for door and window frames and shutters should not exceed provisions in IS 4021 & 1003 - Part I & II. 120 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 6.00 5.04 Laminated Particles Board: Laminated particles board of approved shade bonded with phenol formaldehyde with all cut edges provided with teak lipping 12 mm thick with moisture proof coating with aluminium paint and chlorinated rubber paint along edges. The particle board shall conform to IS 3087. 5.05 Veneered Particle Board : Particle board bonded with Phenol Formaldehyde resin shall comply with the specification as per IS 3087 and shall have veneering on both sides with teak veneer faces. The exposed surface of veneered boards on both sides shall be polished fully. 5.06 Glass: All glass shall be of superior quality from approved manufacturer like Pilkington, Ashahi, St.Gobain, or approved equivalent, having uniform refractive index and free from flaws, speaks and bubbles. Sheet glass for glazing and framing purposes shall conform to IS : 2835 latest edition. The glass shall be brought to site in the original packing from the manufacturer and cut to size at site. The cut edges shall be straight and free from chips, spalls or any other damages. Wherever clear sheet glass is specified, it shall be flat drawn sheet glass and shall be atleast 4 mm thick or as specified. Where wire glass is mentioned, it shall be thick rolled glass with centrally embedded wire mesh or Georgian type. Where obscure glass is mentioned it shall have a cast surface on one side. The Contractor shall submit samples of glass for prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. 5.07 Putty : In general, the putty shall conform to IS : 420 latest edition. The putty shall be of best quality from approved manufacturer. It shall be brought to site in the manufacturer’s original packing. Quick setting putty shall be used for windows and sashes except when glare reducing glass is used where it shall be of non-setting type. DOORS, WINDOWS AND VENTILATORS 6.01 Doors, windows and ventilators etc. shall be in accordance with the drawing in every detail and all joiner's work shall be accurately set out, framed and finished in a proper workman like manner. Frames of doors, windows and ventilators, shutter styles and rails shall be of best solid wood of quality specified in the schedule of quantities. The scantlings shall be accurately planed smooth. Rebates, roundings and mouldings shall be made as shown on the drawings. Patching or plugging of any kind shall not be allowed. Joints shall be simple, neat and strong. Framed joints shall be coated with suitable adhesive like glue or synthetic resin before the frames are put together. All mortice and tenon joints shall fit in fully and accurately without wedging or filling. The joints shall be pinned with hard wood or bamboo pins of 10 mm to 12 mm dia. or rust resisting star shaped metal pins of 8 mm diameter. All portions of timber abutting against or embedded in masonry or concrete shall be treated against termites by giving a coat of an approved wood preservative, for which no extra cost will be paid. Putty shall not be used to cover any defects. Unless otherwise specified, all door frames shall have six holdfasts. Holdfasts shall be provided to the ventilators if directed. Size of holdfasts shall be 400 mm x 40 mm x 5 mm M.S. flat bent to shape with fish tail and shall be fixed to frame with sufficient number of screws as directed. When door/window frames are to be fixed to RCC column or RCC wall, holdfasts shall be substituted by suitable arrangements such as coach screws, rawl bolts/grip bolts etc. to secure frames to RCC column or RCC wall as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The frame shall be fixed only after getting the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. 6.02 Fire Resistence Door : The fire resistance door one hour / two hours fire rated or as specified shall be provided. The fire rating to doors shall conform to PS 47648 and IS 3809 and as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. 121 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 6.03 Toilet Doors a) External Doors : Laminate shall be provided on inner face and decorative veneer or as per specification/ BOQ shall be provided on outer face of door shutters unless otherwise specified in the Bill of Quantities and all as per manufacturer specifications including necessary finishing and fittings etc. b)Internal doors : Laminate shall be provided on inner face and on outer face of door shutters unless otherwise specified in the Bill of Quantities and all as per manufacturer specifications including necessary finishing and fittings etc. 6.04 Frames : These shall be cut and planed from first class timber of respective kind and of sizes as stated in the Schedule of Quantities or as detailed on the drawings, in the case of main frames as well as sub-frames. 6.05 Architraves : Architraves shall be cut and planed from best quality seasoned timber to sizes as shown in the drawings and fixed to the door or window frames with wood screws. Screw heads shall be sunk into frames. The side abutting the frame shall be finished with a coat of wood primer. 6.06 Interior door shutters a) Flush shutters : Interior wood door shutters, unless otherwise noted or specified, shall be 38 / 32 mm thick phenol formal-dehyde synthetic resin thermo pressed flush shutters, teak veneered face on both faces as specified The shutters shall conform to IS:2202 (Part-I). Shutter make shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The solid core shall be wood laminate prepared from battens of well seasoned and treated good quality wood having straight grains. The battens shall be of uniform size of about 2.5 cm width. These shall be properly glued and machine pressed together , with grains of each piece reversed from that of adjoining one. The Longitudinal joints of the battens shall be staggered and no piece shall be less than 50 cm. in length. Alternatively, the core shall be of solid teak particle board. Edges of the core shall be lipped internally with first class teak wood battens of 4 cm. minimum depth, glued and machine pressed along with the core. The core surface shall then have two or three veneers firmly glued on each face. The first veneer (called cross band) shall be laid with its grains at right angles to those of the core and the second and the third veneers with their grains parallel to those of the core. The under veneers shall be of good quality, durable and well seasoned wood. The face veneers shall be of minimum 1 mm thickness and of well matched and seasoned first class teak, laid along with grains of the core battens. The combined thickness of all the veneers on each face shall not be less than 4 mm. Thermosetting synthetic resin conforming to I.S. 303 or moisture-proof plywood grade M.P.F.I. shall be used in manufacture. All doors shall have external lipping alround 6 to 10 mm thick in addition to internal lipping. Block boards and ply for various items of work called for shall be of approved make. Unless otherwise shown all block boards and ply shall be teak veneered faced on both faces. Samples of flush doors, block boards, etc., shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for his approval and all shutters, etc., to be used in the work shall conform to the approved sample in all respects. 122 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 7.00 b) Panelled Shutters : i) The thickness of the panels shall be 15 mm for 25 mm shutters and 20 mm for shutters of larger thickness. The edges of the panels shall be tapered symmetrically on all the sides for insertion into the styles and rails. The depth of rebate in frames for housing the shutters shall in all cases be 1.25 cm and the rebate in shutters, for closing, in double leaf shutter doors, andwindows shall not be less than 2 cm. The edges of styles and rails all round the panels shall be moulded, rounded or chamfered on both faces of the shutter as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. ii) Factory made, kiln seasoned and chemically treated panelled shutters - The thickness and quality of wood of the shutters shall be as indicated in the item. Styles and rails of teak wood and panels made of 12 mm thick teak veneered particle board or similar material bonded with phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin adhesive conforming to IS : 3097 shall be used. PANELLING FOR WALL LINING AND PARTITION The boarding for wall lining shall be of commercial plywood, black board, plywood with teak veneer, laminate or any other materials as directed; fixed on to the frame. The boarding shall be of sizes shown in the drawing or as directed. In case of partitions, the facing materials like plywood with approved teak veneers, or formica, or any other material as directed shall be fixed. 8.00 INSTALLATION All timber for joinery work or wrought form work shall be of best Indian Teakwood unless otherwise specified and or specified quality, carefully selected free from sap and subject to inspection and approved before delivery. All teakwood to be used in this work shall be seasoned in an approved manner. All workmanship pertaining to wood work shall be of best standard and all joinery work shall fit freely and without wedging or filling and of the kind directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Wood work in frames shall be wrought and all frames joints shall be put together with white lead and pinned with hard wood pins. All exposed faces of joinery shall be thoroughly planed. Jointing shall be by means of mortice and tenon, dovetailed joints or as directed by the Engineer-inCharge. The joiner work shall be framed and put together immediately but not to be wedged up until required for fixing. The approval of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be obtained before any primer coat is applied. The whole of joinery to be finished to the dimensions and sizes indicated in the drawings are subject to a tolerance to 1.50 mm of each planed face, but no allowance shall be given to flush doors, shutters, ply and other manufactured board etc. All black boards etc. shall correspond to respective IS specifications. Flush doors shall correspond to relevant IS specifications. Samples of all black board, plywood, flush doors, etc. shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before placing order. All such items shall be of standard manufacture of reputed quality. Unless otherwise specified, all flush shutters shall be teak veneered on both sides. All flush shutters shall be of solid core and shall be provided with teakwood external lipping. If after execution any shrinkage or bad workmanship is found, the Contractor shall forthwith replace or refix the same at his own cost, all as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Rate quoted shall include for all framing, usual waste and cuttings and no extra rates or claims will be entertained on this account. 123 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification The rate for wood work shall include the cost of all sawing, planing, jointing, framing, labour and materials for raising and fixing and all workmanship and fixing and supplying of all strips, bolts, nails, trenails, spikes, keys, wedges, pins, screws etc. necessary for the framing as per specification and drawings. Edges of the beams, joists, posts, frames etc. shall be rounded, moulded or chamfered as directed without extra charges. The Contractors shall be responsible to deliver all items at site of work. The Contractor will submit a programme of work in such a way that requirements for each floor commencing from ground floor is completed before the requirement of the next floor and arrange to have them fixed in position as the General Builders work progresses. Timber in contact with masonry or concrete shall be treated with solignum paint or any approved anti-termite treatment before fixing. The Contractor will be making necessary holes in concrete and masonry for fixing in position and grouting. The Contractor will be responsible for the proper fixing of partitions true to plumb and alignment until completion and grouting pockets with cement concrete and make good affected portions without claim to any extra. The iron monger fittings shall be of heavy type cast brass oxidised and of approved manufacture. Samples of all iron monger items shall be got approved by the Engineer-inCharge prior to procurement. 9.00 HARDWARE FITTINGS All hardware fittings and fixtures shall be made with structural properties to sustain safety and withstand strains and stresses to which they are normally subjected to such as opening and closing, wind pressure etc. The fittings shall generally conform to relevant specifications. They shall be made true, clean, straight, with sharply defined profiles and unless otherwise shown or specified, with true smooth surfaces and edges, free from defects, screw holes shall be counter sunk to suit the head of wood screws. The metal shall be treated with finish as specified in the Bill of Quantities. 9.01 Butt Hinges These shall be treated with finish as specified in the Bill of Quantities. M.S. Butt Hinges shall conform generally to the latest version of I.S.205. M.S Butt hinges shall be manufactured from M.S sheets of approved gauges. Hinges shall be finished as specified in the respective items. The size of butt hinges shall be taken as length of the hinge. 9.02 Aldrops These shall be of anodised aluminium or as specified and shall be capable of smooth sliding action. Aldrops shall be finished as specified and shall conform generally to the latest version of I.S.281. In case of single leaf door, hole of suitable size shall be made in the door frame and a plate cut to shape shall be fixed at the face of the hole. The size of aldrop shall be taken as the length of the rod. 9.03 Sliding bolts/Latches These shall be of S.S.Brass or as specified and shall be capable of smooth sliding action. These shall be finished as specified. The size of latch shall be taken as the length of the bolt catch. 124 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 9.04 Tower Bolts These shall be as specified viz., anodised aluminium tower bolts from external section. In the case of brass and aluminium tower bolts, steel spring and ball shall be provided between the sheet and the barrel. The size of tower bolts shall be taken as the length of barrel without top socket. The bolt shall be finished as specified. 9.05 Handles: These shall be as described in the Bill of Quantities and finished as specified. 10.00 PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT All wood work in contact with masonry shall be painted with approved sphalt or bitumen paint before placing. Care shall be taken to keep exposed faces clear from tar, etc. Tarfelt shall be used to isolate wood from masonry wherever practically possible. All concealed wood members in ceiling, partitions, cabinet work, etc., shall be treated fully and liberally with solignum before placing in position. 11.00 MODE OF MEASUREMENT Unless noted otherwise in the bills of quantities, the method of measurement for various items shall be generally in accordance with IS 1200 subject to the following: 1) All work shall be measured net as fixed. No extra measurement will be given for shape, joints, splayed, meeting stiles of doors and windows and shall be measured in unit of square metre. Door frames shall be in cubic metre, if measured separately. 2) Area over one face inclusive of exposed frame thickness (excluding width of cover mould) shall be measured in case of doors, windows and ventilators when frames are included in the item. Portions embedded in masonry or flooring shall not be measured. 125 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION – 11 FLOORING AND DADOING WORKS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Scope 2.0 General Requirements 3.0 Codes & Standards 4.0 Materials 5.0 Storage Materials 6.0 Base Concrete 7.0 Workmanship 8.0 Preparation of the Base Surface 9.0 Granolithic Flooring 10.0 Ceramic Tiles 11.0 Cement based Colour and patterned Tiles 12.0 Shahabad, Tandur, Kotah and Cuddapah Flooring 13.0 Granite flooring / Dadoing 14.0 Acceptance Criteria 15.0 Mode of Measurement 126 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 11 FLOORING AND DADOING WORKS 1.0 SCOPE 1.01 2.00 3.00 This specification covers the general requirements for flooring and dadoing of various types of finishes including supplying, installation, finishing, curing, testing, protecting, maintaining until handing over. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.01 The Contractor shall furnish all skilled and unskilled labour, plant, equipment, scaffolding, materials etc., required for complete execution of the work in accordance with the drawings and as described herein and / or as directed by the Engineer. 2.02 The Contractor shall follow all safety requirements / rules during execution of the work. 2.03 The Contractor should have adequate experience in execution of such works. Alternatively, he should engage specialised agency for executing the work after obtaining approval from the Engineer. 2.04 All works shall be carried out as per relevant Indian Standard Specifications, as per the instructions of manufacturer and as directed by Engineer. The Contractor shall carryout all works including preparation of base, chipping extra concrete, roughening of surface and skin removing, cleaning, screeding, levelling, curing, protecting the slab / tile by using pop over plastic sheet etc. 2.05 The commencement, scheduling and sequence of the finishing works shall be planned in details and must be specifically approved by the Engineer, keeping in view the activities of other agencies working in the area. However, the Contractor shall remain fully responsible for all normal precautions and vigilance to prevent and damage whatsoever till handing over to the Employer. 2.06 Only approved make, colour, size of tiles / slabs to form any pattern in combination of any specified colour shall be used. CODES AND STANDARDS 3.01 IS Codes Some of the important applicable Indian Codes for this section are listed below. Latest editions of these codes shall be followed: IS : 1237 - Cement concrete flooring tiles IS : 4457 - Ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resisting tiles IS : 5491 - Code of practice for concrete flooring topping IS : 13753 - Dust pressed ceramic tiles with water absorption of E 10%. IS : 13755 - Dust pressed ceramic tiles with water absorption 3% of E 6% (Group B II.a) 127 laying of in-situ Granolithic Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 4.00 MATERIALS 4.01 Cement : 4.02 Coarse Aggregate As specified IS: 383. 4.03 Fine Aggregates: As 4.04 Water As specified under concrete works generally potable water 4.05 Special Materials : Ordinary Portland cement of 43 Grade conforming to IS : 8112 and as specified under concrete work of Technical Specification. under concrete works and conforming to specified under concrete and conforming to IS : 383. works Materials required for individual finishing items are specified under respective items. In general, all such materials shall be in accordance with the relevant IS Codes where applicable. In all cases these materials shall be of the best indigenous quality unless specified otherwise. The materials for finishing items must be procured from well-reputed approved specialised manufactures and on the basis of approval of samples by the Engineer. The materials shall be ordered, procured and stored well in advance to avoid possible delays to the construction programme. 5.0 STORAGE OF MATERIALS Storage of cement, aggregates and water shall be as specified under concrete works. 6.0 BASE CONCRETE 6.01 7.00 The base concrete may be deposited as per specification and as directed. Before placing the concrete the sub-base shall be properly wetted and well rammed. The concrete shall then be deposited between the forms where necessary, thoroughly compacted and the surface finished level with the top edges of the forms. The surface of base concrete shall be left rough to provide adequate bond for the topping. Two or three hours after the concrete has been laid in position, the surface shall be brushed with a hard brush to remove any scum or laitance and swept clean so that coarse aggregate is exposed. WORKMANSHIP 7.01 8.00 Workers specially experienced in particular items of finishing work shall carry out the work. Where such workers are not readily available, experienced supervisors recommended by the manufacturer shall be engaged with the prior permission and based on approval of the Engineer. In particular cases, Engineer may desire the installation of finishing items by the manufacturer. This arrangement shall be made by the Contractor. PREPARATION OF THE BASE SURFACE 8.01 For all types of flooring, skirting, dado, the base (base concrete / structural slab / masonry wall / concrete wall etc.) to receive the finish shall be adequately roughened, joints raked, thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, grease, loose particle, caked mortar droppings, and laitance, if any by scrubbing with coir or steel wire brush before the operation of laying the topping is started. Where the concrete is hardened so much that roughening the surface by wire brush is not possible, the entire surface shall be roughened by chipping or hacking and the skin removed. The surface shall be 128 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification thoroughly cleaned and soaked with water, atleast for twelve hours and the surplus water shall be removed by mopping immediately before the topping is laid in position. The prepared surface has to be approved by the Engineer before commencing the finishing work. 9.00 GRANOLITHIC FLOORING 9.01 General The work shall be carried out in accordance with Indian Standard Specification 5491 latest. The flooring shall be of specified thickness and shall consist of CC 1:1.5:3 granolithic flooring. Floor finish shall be divided into suitable panels so as to reduce and avoid the risk of cracking. The granolithic flooring shall be laid with the specified strips in panels not exceeding 20 Sqm in plan. The screed strips shall be fixed on the base concrete dividing it into suitable panels not exceeding 20 Sqm in plan. The intermediate panels shall be filled in after one or two days. If glass or aluminium or other metal strips are provided for effective separation of panels, the topping may be laid in all the panels simultaneously or as specified. 9.02 Laying a. Before the operation of laying the topping is started, the surface of base concrete shall be prepared as described earlier, screed strips shall be fixed over the base as divided. b. The flooring concrete shall be of using 6 to 10 mm graded crushed granite stone. The ingredients shall be thoroughly mixed with sufficient water to obtain the required plasticity. The free water on the surface of the base shall be removed and a coat of cement slurry of the consistency of thick cream shall be brushed on the surface. c. The prepared concrete shall be laid immediately after mixing on the fresh grouted base. The concrete shall be spread evenly and levelled carefully and compacted. Then the surface shall be tested with the straight edge and mason’s spirit level to detect any inequalities in the surface. Low places shall be filled, humps removed and the whole surface again levelled. The layer shall be thoroughly compacted to the finished thickness by ramming and power trowelled and allowed to set. Just sufficient trowelling shall be made to give a level surface. The surface should not be over trowelled as excessive trowelling will bring the cement to the surface which shall be strictly avoided. When the initial set takes place further compaction by power trowelling shall be done and final trowelling shall be done well before the topping becomes too hard. d. The surface shall be trowelled three times at intervals so as to produce a uniform, hard and smooth surface. No mortar or cement will be allowed to be added in this process. The screed strips should be removed the next day after the concrete has been deposited in the panels and the edges of panels shall be examined for any honeycombing or undulation which, if found, shall be repaired straight and smooth by cement mortar; if the intermediate panels are not to be filled the next day, the screed strips shall then be cleared and put back against the edge of panels till the concrete in the alternate panels is to be deposited. When the concrete is being deposited in the alternate panels the screed strips shall be removed. When the concrete is being compacted in new panels, care shall be taken to avoid damage to the panels already laid. When desired by the Engineer, the surface while still ‘green’ shall be intended by pressing strings. The markings and forming a groove shall be of even size and depth, in straight lines and the panels shall be of uniform and symmetrical patterns. 129 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 9.03 Curing - As soon as the surface is hard enough, it shall be covered with sacking or sand and kept continuously wet for a period of atleast one week. 9.04 Protection - The surface shall be protected with a layer of pop to a required thickness over a plastic sheet. 10.0 CERAMIC TILES 10.01 Types of Ceramic Tile a) Glazed Ceramic Tiles Glazed ceramic tiles shall be highly pressed, single fired, red body, top glazed white or coloured, plain or with designs. The body of glazed ceramic tiles should consist of high grade clay and minerals and well pressed in hydraulic presses and glaze should be a combination of different minerals. Varied combination of the body materials, glaze coating and the firing temperature will give tiles of varied strength, abrasion resistance, surface hardness, antiskid properties. The top surface shall be glazed with stable gloss / semi gloss / matt finish of uniform colour and texture and free from flaws, cracks, chips, craze, specks, crawling or other imperfections. These shall be sound, true to shape with true and straight edges, non-absorbing and non-fading. A fractured section shall appear fine grained in texture, dense and homogenous. The edges and the underside of the tiles shall be completely free from glaze so that these may adhere properly to the surface below. The under side of tiles shall have ribs or indentations for better anchorage with the base mortar / adhesive specified The group and quality of tiles specified in the bill of quantities and as shown on the drawings shall be used as directed by the Engineer, even though the group of tiles specified below : i) Floor Tiles These tiles should have high strength, good resistance to wear and tear, low water absorption and sufficient antiskid properties and shall conform to IS : 13755 and BLLA EN177 (European Standard). Based on the properties of the glaze and their hardness, floor tiles are categorized abrasion resistance wise as Group – II to V / V+. According to the intensity of foot traffic, the tile group shall be selected and used as given below. Group II tiles shall be used for areas destined to medium foot traffic, to be trod on with leather or rubber footwear. Group III tiles shall be used for areas destined to frequent foot traffic with medium abrasion. Group IV tiles shall be used for areas destined to a strong passage and intensive foot traffic with heavy abrasion. Group V – Floor tiles having very high Abrasive Resistance shall be used for areas destined to high intensive foot traffic with heavy abrasion. ii) Wall tiles Ceramic wall tiles shall be single fast fired tiles having medium water absorption and high strength characteristics. These tiles should have high glaze and better adhesion to wall and shall conform to IS : 13753 and EN 159 standards. Wall tiles shall be glossy / semi glossy / matt glaze finish, white or coloured, plain or printed, special printed and premium printed. These tiles 130 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification shall be sound, uniform colour, true to shape with true and straight edges and non-fading. b) Vitrified (Unglazed) Ceramic Unpolished / Polished Tiles These tiles are of different shades having monolithic body which is pressed in very high tonnage press and fired to high temperature. The tiles shall be homogeneous and compact through out the entire body with very high strength, low porosity and extreme surface hardness, high resistance to abrasion resistant to chemicals etc. and shall conform to IS : 4457 and EN 98 standards. The tiles shall be sound, non-absorbing flat and true to shape with straight edges. The tiles shall be with smooth surface or textured antiskid finish surface. The tiles should be free from any warping, deformation any chipping and any scratches. The tiles shall be in absolute level. The under side of tiles shall have ribs or indentations for better anchorage with the base mortar / adhesive as specified. Polished vitrified ceramic floor tiles shall be homogeneous heavy and tough with highly reflective polished surface but non-slippery. The tiles shall be in different shades and shall have uniform colour, size and thickness. 10.05 Samples Samples of each type / design / finish / print / size / colours of tiles shall be submitted well in advance to the Engineer for approval at Contractor cost. Approved sample tiles will be retained by the Engineer. All tiles procured should be exactly as per approved samples. Tiles shall be procured from a single approved source / manufacturers who can provide products of consistent quality and physical properties. The manufacturer of tiles should be an approved company specializing in ceramic tiles. Tiles of approved make, colour, design, finish, size etc. as stipulated in item description and /or as shown in the drawings only should be procured and used on the works. 10.03 Storage of Materials The delivery of tiles shall be in original containers with seals unbroken. Adequate precaution shall be taken to prevent accidental damage to tiles while unloading and these shall be stored under cover in a manner approved by the Engineer. Adhesives shall be stored as per the manufacturers instructions. 10.04 Laying and Finishing of Floor tiles Preparation of base shall be as specified under head “Preparation of Base Surface”. The under bed for flooring shall be of 20 mm average thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 part cement and 4 parts sand) or as specified in item specification. The bedding shall be laid evenly over the surface, tamped and corrected to desired levels and allowed to harden enough to offer a fairly rigid cushion to tiles. Before fixing the tiles, the bed mortar shall be roughened by scratching diagonal lines at closed intervals and grey cement slurry of honey like consistency shall be applied over the bedding. Tiles shall be well soaked in water washed clean and fixed in cement grout one after the other, each tile being gently tapped in its position with a wooden mallet till it is properly bedded and in level with the adjoining tiles. The joints shall be kept as thin as possible and in straight lines or to suit the required pattern. Where the full tiles cannot be fixed these shall be cut (sawn) to the required size and their edges rubbed smooth to ensure straight and true joints. When grouting the tiles special care shall be taken to prevent scratch. After the tiles have been laid, surplus cement grout shall be cleaned off. The 131 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification joints shall be cleaned off the grey cement grout with a wire brush or trowel to a depth of 5 mm and all dust and loose mortar removed. Joints shall then be flush pointed with grout of white cement mixed with “Roff Rainbow Tile Mate” or approved equivalent, to match the colour of tiles as per Manufacturer’s specification. The floor shall then be kept wet for 7 days. After curing, the surface shall be washed with mild hydrochloric acid and clean water. The finished floor shall not sound hollow when tapped with a wooden mallet. 10.05 Laying and Finishing of Wall Tiles Preparation of wall surface shall be as specified under head “Preparation of Base Surface” A 12 mm thick plaster of cement mortar 1:3 mix or as specified in item shall be applied and allowed to harden. The plaster shall be roughened with wire brushes or by scratching diagonal at closed intervals and cured properly. The tiles should be washed clean and a coat of cement slurry applied liberally at the back of tiles and set in the bedding mortar and for pointing the tiles. If specified in the item, chemical adhesive of approved make shall be used for setting the tiles in the bedding mortar. For maintaining uniform gap and alignment plastic spacer should be used. The tiles shall be tamped and corrected to proper plan and lines. The tiles shall be set in the required pattern and jointed true to plumb. The joints shall be as fine as possible. Top of skirting or dado shall be truly horizontal and joints truly vertical except where otherwise indicated or as directed by Engineer. Skirting / dado shall rest on the top of the flooring where full size tiles cannot be fixed these shall be cut (swan) to the required size and height as specified and their edges rubbed smooth. The joints shall be cleaned off with wire / coir brush or trowel and all dust and loose mortar removed. Joints than shall be flush pointed with grout of white cement mixed with “Roff Rainbow Tile Mate” or approved equivalent to match the colour of tiles as per manufacturer specification. The work shall then be kept wet for 7 days. After curing, the surface shall be washed with mild hydrochloric acid and clean water. The finished work shall not sound hollow when tapped with a wooden mallet. 10.06 11.0 The finished surface shall be protected with a layer of pop to a required thickness over a plastic sheet. CEMENT BASED COLOUR AND PATTERNED TILES 11.01 Cement tile to be used for external and internal applications shall be manufactured using very high quality raw materials, high strength cement, colour pigments etc. to withstand all conditions of sever intensity in terms of temperature, vagaries of the nature, traffic, extreme heat and cold etc. and shall conform to IS 1237. The tiles shall be heavy, dense, homogeneous in texture with high strength and surface hardness, high resistance to abrasion and low porosity. Thickness of floor tiles shall be 22 mm and wall tiles shall be 12 mm. Tiles of approved make, colour, design, plain chequered or grooved pattern etc. as shown on the drawings, as specified in the Bill of Quantities shall be used in the 132 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification works as directed by the Engineer. Laying of tiles in any pattern in combination of any colour tiles desired by the Engineer shall be carried out without any extra cost. 11.02 Samples - Samples of each type / design / finish / print / size / colours of tiles shall be submitted well in advance to the Engineer for approval at Contractor cost. Approved sample tiles will be retained by the Engineer. All tiles procured should be exactly as per approved samples. Tiles shall be procured from a single approved source Tiles of approved make, colour, design, finish, size etc. as stipulated in item description and / or as shown in the drawings only should be procured and used on the works. 11.03 Storage - Tiles shall be stacked and stored as per instructions of the manufacturer. 11.04 Laying And Finishing Of Floor Tiles A bedding of 20 mm thick with cement mortar 1:4 (one part of cement and four parts of coarse sand) or as specified shall be laid over the prepared base after setting the levels for the floor. Neat cement slurry of honey like consistency shall be spread over the levelled base mortar. The tiles after wetting the reverse side, shall be fixed in the cement grout one after the other, each tile being gently tapped with a wooden mallet to obtain perfect levels. The laid surface shall be cleaned with water immediately with wet sponge. It shall be ensured that the cement grout which squeezes through joints does not settle on the tile. The joints, after cleaning, shall be pointed with white cement mixed with colour pigment of tile finish like “Roff Rainbow Tile make or approved equivalent. The surface shall be cured for 7 days. The surface shall be maintained by cleaning the tiles regularly with water and detergent. 11.05 12.0 Laying and finishing of wall tiles - Laying of wall tiles shall be in the same manner as described above for floor tiles. SHAHABAD, TANDUR, KOTAH AND CUDDAPAH FLOORING The slabs shall be of selected quality, hard sound, dense, homogenous in texture, free from cracks, decay, weathering and flaws and of thickness as specified. The top exposed faces should have been roughly polished before bringing it to site. Unless otherwise specified the slabs should be cut to the required shape and size, by machine cut as specified. All pieces should be of uniform colour. A bed of cement mortar 1:4 shall be laid and properly levelled to an average thickness of 20 mm and the surface should be kept slightly rough to form a satisfactory key for the tiles. Neat cement paste of honey like consistency shall be spread over mortar bed over such an area so that the paste will not harden before laying tiles. Slabs shall be soaked in water for 15 minutes and allowed to dry. The slabs shall then be fixed as per approved pattern with thin coat of cement paste on back of each slab. They will be tapped with a wooden mallet till it is properly bedded in level with adjoining slabs. Joints shall be kept as thin as possible and in straight lines or to suit the required pattern. The surplus cement grout that may have come out of the joints has to be wiped off gently and joints cleaned. The joints shall be filled up with grey or 133 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification white cement with an admixture of pigments to match the shade of the slab. The flooring shall be cured for 14 days. Protection - The surface shall be protected with a layer of pop to a required thickness over a plastic sheet. 13.00 GRANITE FLOORING / DADOING The slabs must be of uniform thickness as specified the variation in the thickness not exceeding 2 mm and must be from the same source. They shall be of uniform texture and colour free of any veins and streaks. All the edge shall be chiseled true to line, square and shape. The brushes in the joints are not more than specified thickness. 13.01 Rough Finish The surface should be rough dressed/one line dressed/two lines dressed/three line dressed finish using palmane tools as specified. a) Rough dressing : The stone surface to be chisel dressed to one plane by removing all bushings so that the maximum depression is not more than 6 mm. b) One line dressing - This is done after the rough dressing is completed by point chiselling so that the variations are not more than 4 mm. Work includes rough dressing also. c) Two line dressing : This is done after one line dressing is done by chiselling so that variations are not more than 2.5 mm. Work includes rough and one line dressing also. 13.02 d) Three lines dressing : This is done after two lines dressing is over by chiselling so that the variations are not more than 1.5 mm. Work includes rough, one line & two line dressing also. e) Palmane dressing : After the three line dressing is over the surface is smoothened by using a special palmane tool to further even out the 3 line dressed surface so that the maximum variation in surface evenness is not more than 1.0 mm. Work includes rough, one line, two line & three line dressing also unless otherwise stated. Mirror Finish The surface will be polished by grinding using manual or mechanical process to give a smooth, even, perfect plane surface or as may be directed. The polished surface should reflect light like a mirror free from scratches and depressions. 13.04 Protection Granite slabs in flooring shall be protected with layer of pop to a required thickness over a plastic sheet. The pop and plastic sheet shall be removed and one coat of polishing to be carried out if required before handing over. 16.00 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The finish shall be checked specially for : a) Level, slope, plumb as the case may be (The surface of the finish shall be smooth and within +/-5 mm of the specified level or position. Local irregularities shall be within +/-3 mm when measured against a 3 metre straight edge. Abrupt changes of alignment shall not exceed 2 mm). 134 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 17.00 b) Pattern and symmetry c) Alignment of joints, dividing strips, etc. d) Colour, texture e) Surface finish f) Thickness of joints g) Details of edges, junctions, etc. h) Performance i) Precautions specified for durability MODE OF MEASUREMENT The method of measurement for various items shall be generally in accordance with the IS : 1200 subject to the following : i) Floor Flooring shall be measured from skirting to skirting and where the wall surfaces are plastered or provided with dado it shall be measured from plaster to plaster or dado to dado. The measurements shall be in square metre. ii) Skirting: The measurement for skirting shall be in running metre. specified in bill of quantities. The height of skirting shall be iii) Dado: Dadoing shall be measured from finished floor level to specified height in the Bill of Materials. The measurements shall be in square metre. 135 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 12 INTERNAL & EXTERNAL FINISH (PLASTERING WORKS) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Scope 2.0 General Requirements 3.0 Codes and Standards 4.0 Materials 5.0 Mortar 6.0 Samples 7.0 Chasings and Cuttings 8.0 Preparation of Surface 9.0 Application of Plaster 10.0 Pointing 11.0 Mode of Measurements 136 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 12 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL FINISH (PLASTERING WORKS) 1.00 1.01 SCOPE This specification covers the general requirements for plastering and allied works on all types of masonry and concrete surfaces and pointing works. 2.00 2.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall furnish all skilled and unskilled labour, plant, equipment, scaffolding, materials, etc. required for complete execution of the work in accordance with the drawings and as described herein and/or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 2.02 IS : 1661 shall be followed as a general guidance for plastering work. All plaster work and other wall finishes shall be executed by skilled workmen in a workmanlike manner and shall be of the best workmanship and in strict accordance with the dimensions on drawings subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. 2.03 The primary requirement of plaster work shall be to provide absolutely water tight enclosure, dense, smooth and hard and devoid of any cracks on the interior and/or exterior. The contractor shall do all that is necessary to ensure that this objective is achieved. All plastering shall be finished to true plane, without any imperfections and shall be square with adjoining work and form proper foundation for finishing materials such as paint etc. 2.04 Masonry and concrete surfaces which call for applications of plaster shall be clean, free from efflorescence, damp and sufficiently rough and keyed to ensure proper bond, subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. 2.05 Wherever directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, all joints between concrete frames and masonry in filling shall be expressed by a groove cut in the plaster. The said groove shall coincide with the joints beneath as directed. Where grooves are not called for, the joints between concrete members and masonry in filling shall be covered by 24 gauge galvanised chicken mesh strips 400 mm wide or as called for on drawings / documents which shall be in position before plastering. 2.04 The Contractor shall strictly follow, at all stages of work, the stipulations contained in the Indian Standard Safety Code and the provisions of the Safety Rules as specified in the General Conditions of the Contract for ensuring safety of men and materials. 2.07 Any approval, instructions, permission, checking, review etc. whatsoever by the Engineer-in-Charge shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility and obligation regarding adequacy, correctness, completeness, safety, strength, workmanship etc. 3.00 CODES AND STANDARDS 3.01 All applicable standards, acts and codes of practice referred to shall be the latest editions including all applicable official amendments and revisions. A complete set of all these documents shall generally be available at site with the Contractor. 3.02 List of certain important Indian Standards, Acts and Codes applicable to this work is given below. However, the applicable standards and codes shall be as per but not limited to the list given below : 137 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification IS : 383 Coarse and fine sources for concrete. IS : 712 Building limes. from natural IS : 1542 Sand for plaster. IS : 1635 Code of practice for field slaking of building preparation of putty. lime and IS : 1661 4.00 aggregates Code of practice for application of cement and cement-lime plaster finishes IS : 2250 Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry mortars. IS : 2547 Gypsum building plaster. IS : 3150 Hexagonal wire netting for general purposes. MATERIALS 4.01 Cement The cement used shall be Ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS:269 or IS : 8112. Unless otherwise specified Ordinary Portland cement of 43 grade conforming to latest IS - 8112 shall be used for all plastering works. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the storage of adequate quantity of cement. Cement shall be a stored in closed weather proof shed on raised wooden plank flooring away from wall to prevent deterioration by dampness or intrusion of foreign matter etc. 4.02 Sand Sand shall conform to IS : 1542, IS : 383 and IS : 2116. It shall be from a natural source or crushed stone sand. The sand shall be hard, durable, clean and free from adherent coatings and organic matter, and shall not contain any appreciable amount of clay balls or pellets. The sand shall not contain any harmful impurities. The sand shall be properly graded and of medium size with a fineness modules of 2.0 to 2.2. Sand containing any trace of salt shall be rejected. Sand shall be washed if required by the Engineer-in-Charge. 4.03 Coarse aggregate shall conform to IS : 383. Coarse aggregate of size 6 to 12 mm shall be used for rough cast plaster in finishing coat. 4.04 Water Water used for mortar and curing shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, sugar, organic materials etc. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing mortar and curing. 4.05 Lime Lime shall be stone lime and it shall conform to IS:712. Hydrated lime shall be mixed with water to form a putty. This shall be stored with reasonable care to prevent 138 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification evaporation of water for atleast 24 hours before use. Quick lime shall be slaked with enough water to make a cream and then stored with reasonable care to prevent evaporation of water for atleast seven days before use. 4.06 Water Proofing Compound CICO No.1 or equivalent approved quality shall be used. 5.00 MORTAR 5.01 Unless otherwise specified cement-sand mortar shall be used. Cement mortar shall be of proportion specified for each type of work. Cement mortar shall be prepared by mixing cement and sand in specified proportions by volume. Sand shall be measured on the basis of its dry volume using gauge boxes. Suitable allowance in quantity shall be made to cater for the bulkage. Cement shall preferably be measured by weight. For the purpose of determining the corresponding volume, one cubic metre of cement shall be taken to weigh 1440 Kg. 5.02 Cement mortar mix is specified as 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5 etc. The first figure will mean one part of Portland cement by volume, the second figure will mean so many parts of sand by volume. For example, cement mortar 1:4 would mean one part of cement and four parts of sand. 5.03 The mixing of mortars shall be done in mechanical mixer. However. depending on nature, magnitude and location of the work, the Engineer-in-Charge may relax the condition of use of mechanical mixer and allow hand mixing. Cement and sand in the specified proportions shall be fed into the mixer and mixed dry thoroughly in the mixer. Water shall then be added gradually and the wet mixing continued for atleast 3 minutes. If hand mixing is allowed it shall be carried out on a clean, water tight platform. The accurately gauged materials shall be put on platform, and thoroughly mixed dry. Water shall then be added and the whole mixed thoroughly until the mix is homogeneous and of uniform colour. Only that quantity of mortar, which can be used within 30 minutes of its mixing shall generally be prepared at a time. Care shall be taken, not to add more water than required. IS:2250 and IS:1661 shall be referred for ascertaining the quantity of water. Cement mortar shall be used as soon as possible after mixing and before it begins to set, preferably within half an hour from the time water is added to cement during mixing. Any mortar for plaster partially set shall be rejected and removed from the site. Sweep mortar shall not be used. 6.00 SAMPLES Samples of each type of plaster and other wall finish shall be prepared well in advance of undertaking the work for approval by the Engineer-in-Charge. 7.00 CHASINGS AND CUTTINGS All chasings, installations of conduits, inserts, boxes, etc. shall be completed and finished with cement mortar with galvanised chicken mesh before any plastering or other wall finish is commenced on a surface. No chasing or cutting of plaster or other finish on a surface shall be permitted. Broken corners shall be cut back not less than 150 mm on both sides and patched with plaster of paris as directed. 8.00 PREPARATION OF SURFACE The surface shall be cleaned of all dust, loose mortar droppings, traces of algae, efflorescence and other foreign matter by water or by brushing. Smooth surfaces shall be 139 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification roughened by wire brushing, if it is not hard and by heckling when it is hard. In case of concrete surface, if a chemical retarder has been applied to the framework, the surface shall be roughened by wire brushing and all the resulting dust and loose particles cleaned off and care shall be taken that none of the retarders is left on the surface. Galvanised chicken mesh (24 gauge, 12 mm size) shall be provided at junctions of brick masonry and concrete members, to be plastered and other locations 150 mm on either sides of the junction in double fold or as called for, properly stretched and nailed, ensuring equal thickness of plaster on both sides of the mesh. The rate includes in the plaster works. Trimming of projections, wherever necessary shall be done to achieve an even surface. The joints in all walls shall be raked out to a depth of at least 10 mm, brush cleaned with wire brushes, dusted and thoroughly wetted before plastering work. For ceiling plaster, the concrete surface shall be pock marked with a pointed tool to ensure a proper key for the plaster. The wall shall be dampened evenly and not soaked before application of plaster. If the surface becomes dry in spots, such areas shall be moistened again. 9.00 APPLICATION OF PLASTER 9.01 Plaster application shall be commenced only after the preparatory work is approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. To ensure even thickness and a true surface, plaster about 10 cm to 15 cm square shall be first applied horizontally and vertically, at not more than 2m intervals over the entire surface to serve as gauges. The surfaces of those gauged areas shall be truly in the plane of the finished plastered surface and finished as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge to give a smooth, true and even surface. Plastering of cornices, decorative features etc. shall be completed before the finishing coat is applied. In all plaster work, mortar shall be firmly applied with some what more than the required thickness and spread evenly well pressed in to the joint and on the surface and rubbed, levelled and smoothened with straight edge, wooden float and trowel to the required thickness and finished as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge to give a smooth true and even surface. Plaster when more than 15 mm thick, shall be applied in two coats a base coat followed by the finishing coat. Thickness of the base coat shall be just sufficient to fill up all unevenness in the surface, no single coat, however shall exceed 12 mm in thickness. The lower coat shall be thicker than the upper coat. The overall thickness of the coats shall not be less than the minimum thickness shown on the drawings. The undercoat shall be allowed to dry and shrink before applying the second coat of plaster. After a suitable time interval (Preferably not more than 5 days) the second coat may be applied. The under coat shall be scratched or roughened before it is fully hardened to form a mechanical key. The finished wall surface shall be true to plumb, and the Contractor shall, without any extra cost, make up any irregularity in the masonry and concrete work with plaster. All vertical edges of brick pillars door jambs etc. shall be chamfered or rounded off as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. All corners must be finished to their true angles or rounded. Any plastering that is damaged shall be repaired and left in good condition at the completion of the job. 9.02 Grooves in Plaster Where specified in drawings, rectangular grooves 12 to 20 mm wide and 8 to 10 mm deep at the quoted rate shall be provided in external plaster by means of timber battens or metal strips, fixed on plaster when plaster is still green. Battens or strips shall be carefully removed after initial set of plaster and broken edges and corners 140 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification made good. All grooves shall be uniform in width and depth and shall be truly plumb and correctly aligned. 9.03 Drip Course Drip course wherever indicated in the drawings shall be provided at the time of plastering to prevent travelling of water drops from the projections. Unless otherwise, specified, projected strip form drip course shall be provided with the quoted rate. 9.04 Thickness of plaster shall be as specified. Any extra thickness of plaster required to be plastered in the case of brick masonry or extra thickness required due to raking of the joints or filling up depressions formed in concrete surface during the course of roughening or due to bad casting or centering shall not be paid separately, but shall be covered by the general rate for plastering. 9.05 The rate for plastering shall include the cost of scaffolding, platform, swing etc. needed for carrying out the plaster work and shall cover the extra labour for plastering the joints, sills and soffits of openings. No extra payment shall be made for roughening the surface to obtain key for plastering work. 9.06 Finishes The interior plaster shall generally be finished to a smooth surface. Wherever punning is indicated, the interior plaster shall be finished rough. The exterior surface, shall generally be finished with a wooden float. Wherever any +/*-+special treatment to the plastered surface is indicated, the work shall be done exactly as shown on the drawings, to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge regarding the texture, colour and finish. Ceiling Plaster – Plaster to ceilings, soffits or stairs flight slabs and similar locations, where called for, shall be as specified in the Schedule of Quantities. 9.07 Rough Cast Finish The plaster shall be laid in two coats. The first coat shall consist of one part of cement and four parts of clean sharp sand or as specified. The thickness of the first coat shall be just sufficient to fillup all unevenness in the surface under treatment but shall not exceed 12 mm. The plaster shall be laid by throwing the mortar by using a strong whipping motion on the prepared surface with a trowel in a uniform layer and pressed to form a good bond. The surface shall not be smoothened. The second coat shall consist of one part of cement, one part of specially selected and graded sand, one parts of gravel / crushed stone of size 6 to 12 mm or as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The thickness of this coat shall be 7 mm to 8 mm. The cement and aggregates shall be mixed dry in the proportion by volume as specified. Water shall be added to form a plastic mix easily workable. The second coat shall be applied while the first coat is still soft and plastic. The plastic mix shall be flung upon the first coat with large trowel to form an even and decorative coat. 9.08 Rough cast plaster with colour finish This finish shall be similar to “Rough Cast Finish” above except a high grade mineral pigment of approved shade shall be mixed with white cement instead of ordinary grey cement while preparing the mortar for finishing coat. 141 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 9.09 Sand Faced Finish The plaster shall be applied in two coats consisting of an undercoat of cement mortar (1:4), 12 mm thick and a finishing coat with cement mortar (1:3), 6 mm thick. The sand used in the finishing coat shall pass through 4.75 mm sieve and be retained on 2.36 mm sieve. Key should be formed on the uniformly levelled surface of base coat by thoroughly combing it in many horizontal lines about 12 mm apart and 3 mm deep when the mortar is still plastic. The finishing coat shall be applied a day or two after. The surfaces of the finishing coat shall be tapped and treated to obtain a uniform fine grained texture with the help of sponges, felt pads, etc. Care shall be taken to see that the cement used is of the same shade throughout the work. 9.10 Pebble Dash Finish Mortar of required thickness consisting of one part cement and four parts sand by volume or as specified shall be applied to form a base coat in the usual manner as described under plastering. While the mortar is still plastic, small pebbles or crushed stone of size generally from 10 mm to 20 mm as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be thrown to the plastered surface. The aggregate shall be lightly tapped into the mortar with a wooden unit float or the flat end of a trowel, in order to ensure satisfactory bond between the dashing and the mortar. 9.11 Curing Finished plaster shall be kept wet for atleast 7 days after completion. In hot weather, walls exposed to such shall be screened with matting kept constantly wet or by any other approved means. 10.00 POINTING 10.01 The materials, preparation of mortar etc. shall be same as specified for cement plaster works. The mix proportion shall not be leaner than 1:3, unless otherwise specified. For all exposed brickwork or stone masonry work, self supporting double scaffolding, having two sets of vertical supports shall be provided so as to avoid openings in the wall. 10.02 Preparation of surface The joints shall be raked out properly to such a depth that the minimum depth of the new mortar measured from either the sunk surface of the finished pointing or from the edge of the brick shall not be less than 10 mm. Dust and loose mortar shall be brushed out. Efflorescence, if any shall be removed by brushing and scraping. The surface shall then be thoroughly washed with water, cleaned and kept wet before commencement of pointing. 10.03 Application of mortar and Finishing The mortar shall be pressed into the raked out joints, with a pointing trowel, flush, sunk or raked, according to the type of pointing required. The mortar shall not spread over the corner, edges or surface of the masonry. The pointing shall then be finished with the proper tool according to the type of pointing required. 10.04 Type of Pointing a) Ruled pointing Unless otherwise specified ruled pointing shall be adopted for all exposed brick/block masonry work. However, for rubble masonry works, recessed pointing shall be adopted. 142 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification The mortar shall be pressed into the raked out joints and shall be finished off flush and then while the mortar is still green, a groove of shape and size as shown in drawings shall be formed by running a forming tool straight along the centre line of joints. This operation shall be continued till a smooth and hard surface is obtained. The vertical joints shall also be finished in a similar way. The vertical joints shall make true right angles at their junctions with the horizontal lines and shall not project beyond the same. For recessed pointing in rubble masonry recess shall be provided along the centre line of the joint profile. b) Flush pointing The mortar shall be pressed into the joints and shall be finished off flush and level with the edges of the brick, tiles or stones so as to give a smooth appearance. The edges shall be neatly trimmed with a trowel and straight edge. Unless otherwise specified, flush pointing shall be adopted for drains and brick on edge paving. c) Raised and cut pointing Raised and cut pointing shall project from the wall facing with its edges cut parallel so as to have a uniformly raised band about 6 mm raised and width 10 mm or more as directed. The superfluous mortar shall be cut off from the edges of the lines and the surface of the masonry shall also be cleaned off all mortar. Unless otherwise specified, raised and cut pointing shall be adopted for stone masonry pointing, and shall be provided along the Centre line of the joint profile. 10.05 Curing The pointing shall be kept wet for 7 days. 11.00 MODE OF MEASUREMENT Unless noted otherwise in the bills of quantities, the method of measurement for various items shall be generally in accordance with IS 1200 subject to the following: All plastering work shall be measured in square metres unless otherwise described. Net area of surface plastered shall be measured. No deductions will be made for ends of joists, beams, posts, etc. and openings not exceeding 0.5 sqm. each and no addition shall be made for reveals, jambs, soffits, sills, etc. of these openings. 143 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 13 INTERNAL & EXTERNAL FINISH (PAINTING WORKS) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Scope 2.0 General Requirements 3.0 Codes and Standards 4.0 Materials 5.0 Storage 6.0 Preparation of Surface 7.0 Application 8.0 Protection 9.0 Cleaning up 10.0 Acceptance Criteria 11.0 Mode of Measurements 144 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION - 13 INTERNAL & EXTERNAL FINISH (PAINTING WORKS) 1.00 SCOPE This specification covers the general requirements for painting, white washing, etc. of both interior and exterior surfaces of masonry, concrete, plaster and all carpentry works, structural and miscellaneous steel works. This also includes furnishing of all materials, labour, scaffolding, tools and appliances etc. 2.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.01 Before commencing painting, the Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge in writing regarding the scheduling of work to minimise damage, disfiguration or staining by other trades. He shall also undertake necessary precautions to prevent damage, disfiguration or staining of other trades or other installations. 2.02 Contractor shall protect not only his own work at all times but also all the adjacent work and materials by suitable covering, protection or other methods acceptable to the Engineer-in-Charge during progress of painting. It is the responsibility of the contractor upon completion of painting work to remove all paint and varnish spots from floors, walls, glass panes and other surfaces and restore them to the original conditions. The work generally to be touched up shall be attended to after all other workmen have left. All accumulated material, rubbish etc. have to be cleared and the premises left in clean, orderly and acceptable conditions. 2.03 Contractor shall provide scaffolding wherever necessary erected on double supports tied together by horizontals, no ballies, bamboos or planks shall rest on or touch the surface which is being painted. Contractor is deemed to have considered the following while tendering and no extra claim on account of these will be entertained. a) Supplying the paint and other materials required of approved colour and brand. b) Preparing the surface to be painted c) Providing and erecting scaffolding and removing the same after completion of the work. d) Lifting of materials to any height and painting at all levels. e) Application of paint as per the specification and to Manufacturer’s instructions. f) 2.04 Curing, protecting the painted surface, adjacent work and thoroughly cleaning of the premises. The Contractor shall furnish all skilled and unskilled labour, plant, equipment, scaffolding, all materials etc. required for complete execution of the work in accordance with the drawings and as described herein and / or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 2.05 The Contractor shall strictly follow, at all stages of work, the stipulations contained in the Indian Standard Safety Code and the provisions of the Safety Rules as specified in the General Conditions of the Contract for ensuring safety of men and materials. 145 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 2.06 Any approval, instructions, permission, checking, review etc. whatsoever by the Engineer-in-Charge shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility and obligation regarding adequacy, correctness, completeness, safety, strength, workmanship etc. 3.00 CODES AND STANDARDS 3.01 All standards, specifications, acts, and codes of practice referred to herein shall be the latest editions including all applicable official amendments and revisions. 3.02 List of certain important Indian Standards, Acts and Codes applicable to this work is given below. However, the applicable standards and codes shall be as per but not limited to the list given below : IS : 157 : Chemical resistant paint. IS : 161 : Oil resistant paint IS : 162 : Ready mixed paint, brushing, fire esisting, silicate type for use on wood, colour as required IS : 348 : French Polish IS : 423 : Plastic wood for joiners filter IS : 427 : Distemper, dry, colour as required IS : 428 : Distemper, oil emulsion, colour as required IS : 712 : Building limes IS : 1200 : Method of measurement of building and civil Engineering works. IS : 1477 4.00 : Code of practice for ferrous metals and buildings. painting IS : 2074 : Ready mixed paint, red oxide – zinc chrome priming. air IS : 2922 : Specification for wooden tent mallets IS : 2932 : Enamel, synthetic, undercoating, (b) finishing IS : 2933 : Enamel exterior (a) undercoating, (b) finishing IS : 5410 : Cement paint exterior of drying, (a) MATERIALS 4.01 General Paint shall be ready mixed and of first quality of the approved brand and manufacturer. The paint shall generally conform to the chemical composition and other characteristics laid down in the relevant Indian standard specification. Mixing of paint by the Contractor at site will not be allowed. However, in the case of selection of special shades and colours (not available standard shades) theContractor shall mix different shades of ready mixed paints as per Manufacturer’s instructions and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 146 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Materials shall be the highest grade products of well known approved manufacturers and shall be delivered to the site in original sealed containers, bearing brand name, manufacturer’s name and colour shade, with labels intact and seals unbroken. All materials shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Engineer-in-Charge. It is desired that materials of one manufacturer only shall be used as far as possible and paint of one shade be obtained from the same manufacturing batch. All paints shall be subjected to analysis from random samples taken at site from the painter’s bucket, if so desired by the Engineer-in-Charge. All unspecified materials shall be of the highest quality available and shall conform to the latest IS standards. All such materials shall be made by reputable recognised manufacturers and shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Any materials found not conforming to the relevant specification shall have to be removed by the Contractor from the site at his own expenses. All colours shall be as per the painting schedule and tinting and matching shall be done to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. In such cases, where samples are required, they shall be executed in advance with the specified materials for the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. All primer coats shall be compatible to the material of the surface to be finished as well as to the finishing coats to be applied. 4.02 Synthetic Enamel Paint Shall be made from synthetic resins and drying oil with rutile titanium dioxide and other selected pigments to give a smooth, hard, durable and glossy finish to all exterior and interior surfaces. White and pastel shades shall resist yellowing and darkening with ageing, The paint shall conform to IS:2932 and IS:2933. 4.03 Waterproof Cement Paint Shall be made from best quality white cement and lime resistant colours with accelerators, waterproofing agents and fungicides. The paint shall conform to IS:5410. 4.04 Dry Distemper Dry distemper of required colour conforming to IS:427 and of approved brand and manufacturer shall be used. The primer where used shall be cement primer or distemper primer. These shall be of same manufacturer as that of distemper. 4.05 Lime for White Washing Lime for white washing shall be pure shell lime or fat lime, or a mixture of both and shall conform to IS:712 (latest edition) Samples of lime shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for approval and lime as per the approved samples shall be brought to site in an unslaked condition. 4.06 Lime and Mineral for Colour Wash Shall be done with mineral colours not affected by lime added to white wash. No colour wash shall be done until a sample of the colour wash to the required tint or shade has been approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The colour shall be of even tint or shade over the whole surface. If it is blotchy or otherwise badly applied, it shall be redone by the Contractor at his own cost. 4.07 Acrylic Emulsion Paint : Shall be water based acrylic copolymer emulsion with rutile titanium dioxide and other selected pigment and fungicide. It shall exhibit 147 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification excellent adhesion to plaster and cement surface and shall resist deterioration by alkali salts. The paint film shall allow the moisture in wall to escape without pelling or blistering the paint. After it is dried, the paint should be able to withstand washing with mild soap and water without any deterioration in colour or without showing flaking, blistering or peeling. 5.00 4.08 Oil Bound Distemper ; Oil bound distemper (IS:428-1969) of approved brand and manufacture shall be used. The primer where used be cement primer or distemper primer. These Shall be of same manufacturer as that of distemper. The distemper shall be diluted with prescribed thinner in a manner recommended by the manufacturer. Only sufficient quality of distemper required for a day’s work shall be prepared. 4.09 Chemical Resistant Paint : Chemical resistant paint as per IS:157 of approved brand and manufacture shall be used. Primer coat to be used shall be as per manufacturer’s specifications. 4.10 Fire Resistant Paint : Fire resisting paint (silicate type) shall be as per IS:162 and of approved brand and manufacture. Primer to be used shall be as per manufacturer’s specifications. 4.11 Oil Resistant Paint : Oil resistant paint shall be as per IS:161 and of approved brand and manufacturer. Primer coat shall be as per manufacturer’s specifications. 4.12 French Polish : French polish shall be an approved make conforming to IS : 348. STORAGE The Contractor shall arrange for safe and proper storage of all materials and tools. Paints shall be kept covered at all times and mixing shall be done in suitable containers. All necessary precautions shall be taken by the Contractor to prevent fire. 6.00 PREPARATION OF SURFACE 6.01 Wood Work : Pretruding timber fibre shall be removed and all holes shall be filled with teakwood batten. the nail marks shall be covered with putty. The work shall then be sanded first with G/80 sand paper followed by G/120 or G/150 sand paper. Sanding should be taken up only when it can be followed immediately by painting. 6.02 Steel work : The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned sand prepared and / or rubbed with emery cloth if necessary to remove grease, mortar or any other foreign materials. In case of rusted surface, it shall be first cleaned with steel wire brushes till the corroded crust is removed. The cleaned surface shall be shiny and free from brush marks, patches, blisters and other irregularities. The surface thus finished shall be got approved before painting. 6.03 Masonry, concrete and plastered surface : Concrete / masonry surface and cement plastered surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of mortar droppings and other stickings. All loose scales and flakes shall be removed by rubbing with hessian cloth or sand papering. All holes shall be filled and the surface rubbed smooth to get evenness of the existing surface. The surface shall be free from all oil, grease, efflorescence, mildew, loose paint or other foreign and loose materials. Masonry cracks shall be cleaned out and patch filled with mortar similar to the original surface and uniformly textured. Where this type of resurfacing may lead to the finishing paint being different in shade from the original surfaces, the resurfaced area shall be treated with a minimum of one coat of cement primer and should be continued to the surrounding area for a distance of atleast 100mm. Surfaces with mildew or efflorescence shall be treated as below : 148 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification (a) MildewN : All mildewed surfaces shall be treated with an approved fungicide such as ammonia wash consisting of 7 gm. of copper carbonate dissolved in 80 ml liquor and diluted to 1 liter with water or 2.5 percent magnesium silica fluoride solution and allowed to dry thoroughly before paint is applied. (b) Efflorescence : All efflorescence shall be removed by scrubbing the affected surface with a solution of mariatic acid and in water (1:6 to 1:8) and then washed fully with clear water and allowed to dry thoroughly. Area to be distempered shall be applied with one coat of white chalk solution mixed with required quantity of glue or plaster of paris and shall be sand papered before distempering. The area to be cement painted shall be wetted by sprinkling of water with fine spray. The surface shall be sprayed several times with a few minutes intervals between each spraying to allow the moisture to seek into the surface. 6.04 Iron and Steel Surface Surface of steel work to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned of all grease, oil dirt, rust, foreign matter like cement splashings, etc. by suitable solvent and mild rubbing with abrasive paper / hand scrapping to the full satisfaction of the Engineer-inCharge. Clearing with solvents / scraping shall be limited to the affected areas only. All galvanised iron surfaces shall be pretreated with a compatible primer according to the manufacturer’s direction. Any abrasion in shop coat shall be touched up with the same quality of paint as the original coat. 6.05 7.00 Before starting the work, the Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer-inCharge regarding the soundness and readiness of the surface to be painted on. APPLICATION 7.01 General Before the commencement of the work the Contractor shall provide sample panels of painting at his own cost for the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge to enable him to keep an accurate check on the materials supplied and final shade to be painted. It is however the express responsibility of the Contractor to provide any deviations and defects shall have to be rectified by the Contractor at his own cost. The method of application shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. In case of selection of a special shade and colour (not available in standard shades) the Contractor shall prepare test panels in different shades of minimum size 1 metre square as instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge and obtain his approval prior to applications of the finishing paints. Proper tools and implements shall be used. Scaffolding if used shall be independent of the surface to be painted to avoid shade differences of the freshly repaired anchor holes. Painting shall be done by skilled labour in a workman like manner. All materials shall be evenly applied, so as to be free of sags, runs, crawls or other defects. All coats shall be of proper consistency. In case of application by brush, no brush marks shall be visible. The brushes shall be clean and in good condition before application of the paint. All priming undercoats for painting shall be applied by brush only. Roller and spray equipment, etc., shall not be used. The cleaned surface shall be dusted and a primer shall be applied. 149 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification One shop coat of red oxide or zinc chromate primer or as specified shall be given to all iron surfaces. Painting work on steel and iron surface shall conform to IS : 1477 (Part I and II). All primer coats shall be compatible to the material of the surface to be finished as well as to the finishing coat to be applied. No work shall be done under conditions that are unsuitable for the production of good results. No painting shall be done when plastering is in progress or is drying. Paint which seals the surfaces to moisture shall be applied only after the moisture on and below the surface has dried out. All coats shall be thoroughly dry before being sand papered or before the succeeding coat is applied. Coats of painting as specified are intended to cover surfaces perfectly. In case the surface is not covered properly by applying the specified number of coats, further coats shall be applied by the Contractor when so directed by the Engineer-in-Charge at no extra cost. All primers and under coats shall be tinted to approximate the colour of the finishing coats. Finished coats shall be of exact colour and shade as approved samples and all finish shall be uniform in colour and texture. All parts of mouldings and ornaments shall be left clean and true to finish. Stopping and filling carpentry work should be done when the primer is just dry. For deep scratches, holes etc. stopping shall be done with putty of plastic wood (IS 423). Putty can be white lead with linseed oil base or synthetic metal putty. For all minor scratches and rough surfaces, like flush door’s faces filling made out of one part of white lead, two parts of whiting (powdered chalk) mixed and kneaded in double boiled linseed oil shall be evenly applied and rubbed down with G/220 or G/240 sand paper after allowing it to dry overnight. Painting shall be done by skilled labourers in a workmanlike manner. All materials shall be evenly applied so as to be free from sags, runs, crawls, or other defects. All coats shall be of proper consistency and shall be well brushed out, so that no brush marks are visible, except varnish and enamels which shall be uniformly flowed on. The brushes shall be clean and in good condition before application of paint. No work shall be done under conditions that are unsuitable for production of good results. The undercoating should be nearest to the specified colour of the finishing coat. Ready mixed synthetic enamel paint or fill paint may be used for the undercoat. The undercoat shall be uniform and free of all brush marks. Undercoats should be completely dry before finishing coat is taken up. For synthetic enamels overnight and for oil paints, a whole day shall be left between undercoat and finishing coat. The undercoat shall then be rubbed with G/240 sand paper and dusted clean. The finishing coat of approved paint shall then be applied. If the surface is not satisfactory additional finish coats shall be applied at no extra cost. The paints shall be applied with bristle brushes and not horse hair ones. 7.02 Oil / Enamel / Aluminium Paint Ready mixed oil paint, synthetic enamel paint, Aluminium paint, etc. shall be brought in original containers and in sealed tins. If for any reason thinner is necessary the brand and quantity of thinner recommended by the manufacturer or as instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be used. After allowing 24 hours for drying of primer coat specified quality paint shall be applied evenly and smoothly. If required a filler putty coating may be given to give 150 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification smooth finish. A filler putty coating has to be given after primer coat in the case of wooden surfaces. The putty shall be made from pure whiting mixed to the proper consisting with new linseed oil. A little white lead being mixed to help hardening of putty. On no account putty is to be used before primary coat. Each coat shall be allowed to dry out thoroughly and then lightly rubbed down with sand paper and cleaned of dust before the next coat is applied. Number of coats shall be as specified in the item and if however the finish of the surface is not uniform additional coats as required shall be applied to get good and uniform finish at no extra cost. After completion no hair marks from the brush or clogging of paint puddles in the corners of panel angles of mouldings shall be left on the work. The glass panes floor etc., shall be cleaned of stains. When the final coat is applied, if directed, the surface shall be rolled with a roller or if directed it shall be stipplied with a stippling brush. 7.03 Cement Paint The number of coats shall be indicated in the bill of quantities. The surface to be cement painted shall be prepared as described above. The cement paint shall be prepared in exact conformity and workable consistency as per specifications of the manufacturer. Approval of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be obtained in regard to the exact shade and colour before applying the cement paint. Cement paint shall be applied with good quality flat brush horizontally or vertically to ensure perfect covering. The first coat should be well brushed into the surface to form a good film appearance. The second or subsequent coats shall be applied carefully to give a good final satisfactory finish and may be applied by brushing or spraying. Each cement paint application should be wetted at the end of the day with a fine water spray. Twenty four hours after the first coat has been applied, saturate the surface with water and second or subsequent coats can be applied when the surface is damp to touch. Rewater the surface with ample water after 24 hours to ensure perfect setting of the paint film. 7.04 Dry Distemper New plastered surface shall be allowed to dry for atleast two months. New lime or lime plastered surface shall be washed with a solution of 1 part of vinegar to 12 parts water or 1:50 sulphuric acid solution and left for 24 hours after which the wall shall be thoroughly washed with clean water. For cement plastered surface, the surface shall be washed with a solution of 100 gms of zinc sulphate to 1 litre of water and then allowed to dry. Dry distempering shall be done as per manufacturer’s instruction. In applying the distempers, the brush should first be applied horizontally and immediately crossed off perpendicularly. Brushing shall not be continued too long as otherwise brush marks may result. 7.05 White washing walls and ceilings White wash shall be prepared from fat lime or shell lime slaked onsite mixed with just enough water to make a thick paste and allowed to remain for atleast 7 days before use. At the time of using, the paste shall be diluted with just sufficient water and stirred through clean and coarse cloth. Four kgs. of gum dissolved in hot water shall be added to each cu. metre of the lime used. Ultra marine blue shall be added to give required whiteness. The number of coats shall be specified in the bill of quantities and shall be applied by using flat brushes or spray pumps, on surface prepared. The wash shall be applied with brush with alternate coats of horizontals and verticals. When a coat is being given it shall be ensured that the previous one has dried up completely. Two or more coats of wash (as specified in the schedule of quantities) shall be applied to give uniform finished surface without any patches or cracks and brush marks. It should not come off when rubbed hard with hand. One 151 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification coat of white wash shall consist of one stroke from top downwards, another from bottom upward over the first stroke, and another from left to right before the previous one dries up. The final coat shall be perfectly uniform in appearance and free from brush marks. 7.06 Colour Wash Colour wash shall be prepared by adding mineral colours or approved pigments not affected by lime or light to the lime solution prepared for white wash. Colour wash shall be applied as specified under “white wash”. Approval of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be obtained in regard to exact shade before applying colour wash. 7.07 Acrylic Emulsion Paint Acrylic emulsion paint, shall be brought in original containers and in sealed tins. After allowing 24 hours for drying of primer coat specified approved quality paint shall be applied evenly and smoothly. If required a filler putty coating may be given to give smooth finish. Each coat shall be allowed to dry out thoroughly and then lightly rubbed down with sand paper and cleaned of dust before the next coat is applied. Number of coats shall be as specified in the item and if however the finish of the surface is not uniform additional coats as required shall be applied to get good and uniform finish at no extra cost. After completion no hair marks from the brush or clogging of paint puddles in the corners of panel angles of mouldings shall be left on the work. When the final coat is applied, if directed, the surface shall be rolled with a roller or if directed it shall be stipplied with a stippling brush. Lime gauged cement plastered surfaces shall not be painted for at least one month after plastering. All sample patch shall be painted to check alkali reaction if so desired by the Engineer-in-Charge. Painting shall be strictly as per manufacturer’s specification. 7.08 Oil Bound Distemper Any unevenness in surface shall be made good by applying putty. The patched surface shall be allowed to dry thoroughly before the coat of distemper is applied. One coat of distemper properly diluted with thinner as specified by the manufacturer shall be applied by brush in horizontal strokes followed immediately by vertical ones which together will constitute one coat. Two or more coats of distemper as found necessary shall be applied to obtain even shade. 7.09 Chemical Resistant, Fire Resistant and Oil Resistant Paints In general, method of application of these paints shall be strictly as per manufacturer’s specification. 7.10 Polishing and Varnishing a) Colourless Lacquer Polish Polish Nitro cellulose lacquer polish of approved brand manufacture and finish shall be used. Preparation of Surface The surface shall be cleaned and all unevenness shall be rubbed down smooth with suitable grade sand paper and well dusted. Knots if visible shall 152 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification be made good as per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charges. Holes and indentation on the surface shall be stopped with glaziers putty. The surface then shall be given a coat of ready made ragging wood filler and allowed to dry for maximum 4 hours. The surface again shall be rubbed down perfectly smooth with suitable emery paper and wiped clean. There after a finishing touch up with ragging wood filler is to be given and allowed to dry. To receive the polishing the surface is again rubbed down smooth. Application Nitro cellulose sealer coat of approved manufacturer shall be applied strictly as per the manufacturers specification. The polish shall be applied with a sprayer at suitable pressure and viscocity as recommended by the manufacturer, and allowed to dry for 4 to 6 hours and rubbed down with suitable grade emery. The surface shall be again sprayed with 3 coats of NC lacquer (3 wet on wet coat). Finally the surface shall be given wax polishing by using rubbing compound. b) Melamine Polish Glossy / Matt Apcolite Natural Wood finish clear glossy / matt is a premium quality melaminised coating specially formulated as a protective and decorative finishing clear coating for wood. Technical Data Method of application : Brushing at 25-30 seconds Ford Cup B4 at 30 degree C. by Spraying at 20-25 seconds Ford Cup at 30 degree C by . Thinner recommended : Brushing - Thinner 106 Spraying - Thinner 124 Thinner intake : 20-25% by volume Mixing ratio : Base to volume Drying Time : 8 hours hardener in 10:1 by Surface dry less minutes Hard dry 16-20 hours Recoating period - Overnight than 30 Finish : 25 microns film smooth and glossy / matt Flash point : Above 14 degree C (57o F) thickness Sand the surface along the grains with Emery Paper No.180 or with a suitable grade sand paper. Brush the surface free of loose dust. Fill the wood using Apcolite Wood Filler. Remove excess filler immediately after applications. Allow 2-3 hours of drying, before sanding with Emery Paper No.240 or 280. If desired, apply Apcolite Natural Wood Finish upto 20% by volume and apply by spraying after Sealer Coat. In application by ragging allow a drying time of 5-10 minutes in between coats and 30-60 minutes before over coating with finish coats. Apply a coat of Apcolite Natural Wood Finish Clear Sealer. After overnight drying, 153 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification smooth sand with Emery Paper No.320 and wipe the surface free of loose dust. Apply Apcolite Natural Wood Finish Clear Glossy / Matt as follows. Ensure that the surface to be coated is free from loose matter. Apcolite Natural Wood Finish Clear Glossy / Matt is a two component system consisting of base and hardener. These should be mixed in the recommended ratio. The two components should be mixed in a glass, plastic or enamelled container. Allow the mixture to stand for 30 minutes and then apply by brushing or spraying using the recommended thinner for consistency adjustment. The mixture of base and hardener should be used within 8 hours. c) French Polishing French spirit polish shall be an approved make conforming to IS 348. If it has to be prepared on site,the polish shall be made by dissolving 0.7 Kg of best shellac in 4.5 litres of methylated spirit without heating. To obtain required shade, pigment may be added and mixed. Surface shall be cleaned. All unevenness shall be rubbed down smooth with sand paper and well dusted. Knots if visible shall be covered with a preparation of red lead and blue. Resinous or loose knots and gaps filled with seasoned timber pieces made level with reset of the surface. Holes and indentations on surface shall be filled with putty made of whiting and linsed oil. Surface shall be given a coat of filler made of 2.25 kg. of whiting in 1.5 litre of methylated spirit. When it dries surface shall again be rubbed down perfectly smooth with sand paper and wiped clean. Piece of clean fine cotton cloth and cotton wool made into shape of pad shall be used to apply polish. The pad shall be moistures with polish and rubbed hard on the surface applying the polish sparingly but uniformly and completely over the entire surface. It shall be allowed to dry and another coat applied in the same way. To give finishing coat, the pad shall be covered with a fresh piece of clean fine cotton cloth, slightly damped with mythylated spirit and rubbed lightly and quickly with a circular motion, till the finished surface attains uniform texture and high gloss. d) Wax Polishing Wax polish shall either be prepared on site or obtained ready made from market. Polish made on the site shall be prepared from a mixture of pure bees wax, linseed oil, turpentine oil and varnish in the ration of 2: 1 1/2 : 1 1/2 by weight. The bees wax and the boiled linseed oil shall be heated over a slow fire when the wax is completely dissolved the mixture shall be cooled till it is just warm, and turpentine oil and varnish added to it in the required proportions and the entire mixture is well stirred. Surface shall be prepared as described under French Spirit Polish except that the final rubbing shall be done with sand paper which has been slightly moistures with linseed oil. Mixture of polish shall be applied evenly with a clean cloth pad in such a way that no blank patches are left and rubbed continuously for half an hour. When the surface is quite dry a second coat shall be applied in the same manner and rubbed continuously for half an hour or until the surface is dry. Final coat shall then be applied and rubbed for 2 hours or more if necessary, until the surface has assumed an uniform Gloss and is quite dry showing no sign of stickiness when touched. Gloss of the polish depends on the amount of rubbing, therefore rubbing must be continuous and with uniform pressure and frequent change in direction. 154 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification e) Varnishing Surface shall be prepared as described above. After preparation of surface, two coats of clean boiled linseed oil shall be applied at sufficient interval of time. After the linseed oil has dried two coats of varnish obtained from approved manufacturer shall be applied at sufficient interval of time. If the surface fails to produce the required gloss an additional coat shall be applied without any extra cost. 8.00 PROTECTION Contractor shall provide and use sufficient number of drop clothes, covers, tarpaulins and other screens to protect adjacent surfaces and shall remove all splatter and stains from such surfaces. The contractor shall also protect his own work. Furniture and other movable objects, equipment, fittings and accessories shall be moved, protected and replaced upon completion of the painting work. All stationary items of equipment shall be well covered so that no paint can fall on them. Work finished by other agencies shall be well protected. All protection shall be as per instruction of the Engineer-inCharge. 9.00 CLEANING UP The Contractor shall upon completion of painting etc. remove all marks and make good surfaces, where paint has spilled, splashed or splattered, including all equipment, fixtures, glass furniture, fittings, etc. to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. 10.00 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 10.01 All painted surfaces shall be uniform and pleasing the appearance. 11.00 10.02 The colour, texture etc. shall match exactly with approved samples. 10.03 All stains, splashes and splatters of paint shall be removed from surrounding surfaces. MODE OF MEASUREMENT Unless noted otherwise in the bills of quantities, the method of measurement for various items shall be generally in accordance with IS 1200 subject to the following: The following multiplying factors for obtaining equivalent areas shall be adopted. S.No. Description of work (1) How Measured Multiplying Factor (2) (3) 1. Panelled, or framed and braced or ledged and battened and braced joinery Measured flat (not girthed),including CHOWKAT or frame. Edges, chocks, cleats, etc., shall be deemed to be included in the item. 1.30 (for each side) 2. Flush joinery Measured flat (not girthed) including 1.20 (for each side) 155 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification CHOWKAT or Frame. Edges, chocks, cleats, etc., shall be deemed to be included in the item. 3. Fully glazed or gauzed joinery Measured flat (not girthed), including CHOWKAT or frame. Edges, chocks, cleats, etc., shall be deemed to be included in the item. 0.80 (for each side) 4. Partly Panelled and Partly glazed or gauzed joinery Measured flat (not girthed), including CHOWKAT or frame. Edges, chocks, cleats, etc., shall be deemed to be included in the item. 1.00 (for each side) 5. Fully venetioned or louvred joinery or gauzed joinery Measured flat (not girthed), including CHOWKAT or frame. Edges, chocks, cleats, etc., shall be deemed to be included in the item. 1.80 (for each side) 6. Weather boarding Measured flat (not girthed), supporting framework shall not be measured separately. 1.20 (for each side) 7. Wood shingle roofing Measured flat (not girthed) 1.10 (for each side) 8. Boarding with cover fillets and match boarding. Measured flat (not girthed) 1.05 (for each side) 9. Tile and slate battening. Measured flat (not all) no deduction shall be made for open spaces. 0.80 (for painting all over) 10. Trellis (or JAFRI work) one-way or two-way. Measured flat over all; no deduction shall be made for open spaces; supporting members 2.00 (for painting all over) 156 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification shall not be measured separately. 11. Guard bars, balustrades, gates, gratings, grills expanded metal and railings. Measured flat over all; no deduction shall be made for open spaces; supporting members shall not be measured separately. 1.00 (for painting all over) 12. Gates, and open palisade fencing, including standards, braces, rails, stays, etc. Measured flat over all; no deduction shall be made for open spaces; supporting members shall not be measured separately. 1.00 (for painting all over) 13. Carved or enriched Measured flat 2.00 14. Steel roller shutters Measured flat (size of opening) Overall Jamb guides, bottom rails and locking arrangement, etc. shall be included in the item (top cover shall be measured separately). 1.10 (for each side) 15. Plain sheet steel doors and windows. Measured flat (not girthed) including frame, edges, etc. 1.10 (for each side) 16. Fully glazed or gauzed steel doors and windows. Measured flat (not girthed) including frame, edges, etc. 0.50 (for each side) 17. Partly Panelled and Partly glazed or gauzed steel doors. Measured flat (not girthed) including frame, edges, etc. 0.80 (for each side) 18. Collapsible gate. Measured Flat (size of opening) 1.50 (for painting all over NOTE : The height shall be taken from the bottom of the lowest rail, if the palisades do not go below it (or from the lower end of palisades, if they project below the lowest rail) upto the top of palisades, but not upto the top of the standards, if they are higher than the palisades. Similarly for gates depth of roller shall not be considered while measuring the height. ********* 157 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION – 14 FALSE CEILING 1.0 METAL FALSE CEILING Eco Perforated metal Lay in ceilings System (Fameline/Armstrong or approved equivalent make) consisting of 600x600mm Lay in tiles made of Aluminium Alloy 1100 with powder coated(polyester base) to 60 microns in 0.7 mm thickness in approved colour with standard perforation of 2.6mm dia & open area of 17% and Freudenberg Soundtex acoustical fleece glued to the back of the tile to be laid on grid systems with 15mm wide T section flanges colour white having rotary stitching on the Main Runner, 1200 mm & 600 mm Cross Tees. The T Sections have a Galvanizing of 120 grams per M2 & passed through 500 hrs of Salt test. The tiles should have Humidity Resistance (RH) of 100%, NRC of 0.70, Fire Performance A2-s1.d0 in module size of 600 X 600 mm, suitable for Green Building application, with Recycled content of 50%. The Tile & Grid system used together should carry a 15 year warrantee. INSTALLATION: To comprise main runner spaced at 1200mm centers securely fixed to the structural suffix at 1200mm maximum centre & not more than 150mm from spliced joints. The First/Last suspension system at the end of each main runner should not be greater than 600mm from the adjacent wall. 1800mm long cross tees to be interlocked between main runners at 300mm centre to form 1800 x 300 mm module. Cut cross tees longer than 600mm require independent support. Perimeter trim to be wall angles, secured to walls at 450 mm maximum centers. 2.0 GYPSUM FALSE CEILING Mositure resistant seamless gypsum ceiling with Gyproc MR or approved equivalent make of 12.5 mm thick, fixed to the underside of the suspended grid formed of GI perimeter channel of size 20 x 28 x 30 mm fixed along the wall by using wood screws and metal expansion rawl plugs. The GI intermediate channel of size 15 x 45 x 15 x 0.90 mm shall be fixed to the suspended strap hanger / GI ceiling angle at intervals not more than 1220 mm. The suspended GI ceiling angle /. Strap hanger is to be connected with GI soffit cleat of size 37 x 27 x 25 x 1.6 mm and it should be fixed on the roof slab / beam, by using metal expansion fasteners (wt. Type) of 12.5 mm dia. to a length of 35 mm with 6 mm dia. bolt / screw at top ends. The GI ceiling section of size 80 x 26 x 0.5 mm (MF 5) is to be provided across the intermediate channel at intervals not more than 457 mm centres at bottom and the same shall be fixed by GI connection clips 2.64 mm dia. at the intersection points. The ends of ceiling section channel by adopting an overlap length of minimum 150 mm, connected with intermediate channel shall be fixed to perimeter channel in insertion. The gypboard shall be fixed to the under side of the suspended grid by using 25 mm long dry wall screws. The joints shall be finished with joint paper tape by using jointing compound of Saint Gobain Gyproc or approved equivalent make and applying over it 3 layers of the filler compound to provide a smooth surface. The ceiling surface shall be painted with three coats of approved first quality acrylic emulsion over a coat of primer etc. complete. 158 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION – 15 FALSE FLOORING Access floor systems of Unitile® or approved equivalent make all as per following specifications confirming to PSA MOB - PF2 PS/SPU or NFPA 262 standards. System : Access floor system to be installed shall provide a maximum finished floor height of upto 600mm from the existing floor level. The system shall provide for suitable pedestal and under-structure designed to withstand various static loads and rolling loads subjected to it in an office / server / DCS / panel / rack area. The entire Access floor system shall provide for adequate fire resistance, acoustic barrier and air leakage resistance. Panels : Access Floor panel of size 600x600 mm shall be all steel welded construction, with an enclosed bottom pan of 64 hemispherical cones and top plain sheet which are fuse welded at 124 locations to form a panel of an overall depth of 37 mm. The inner empty core of the panel is injected with a light weight fire retardant, non combustible cementitious compound at high pressure to fill in all the crevices of the panel and ensures support of not less than 85% of the top surface area of the panel. The panel after cleaning, degreasing, phosphate by 7 tank process is coated with 40 micron epoxy coat and is heated to achieve maximum adhesion and surface resistance. The Panels shall be UL listed/ FM approved. The panel is then laminated with 1.5 mm thick fire retardant floor grade antistatic laminate/pvc on a semi -automated lamination line to ensure maximum bonding to the steel surface. The edges of the laminated/PVC are protected with black PVC edge trim 5mm wide on all sides. This edge trim is mechanically locked and sealed in place to avoid detachment Pedestals : Pedestal installed to support the panel shall be suitable to achieve a finished floor height of 75 to 600mm. Pedestal design shall confirm speedy assembly and removal for relocation and maintenance. Pedestal base to be permanently secured to position on the sub floor. Pedestal assembly shall provide for easy adjustment of leveling and accurately align panels to ensure lateral restrain. Pedestals shall support an axial load of 2000 Kgs, without permanent deflection and an ultimate load of 3500 Kegs. Pedestal head shall be designed to avoid any rattle or squeaks. Pedestal Assembly : Consisting of 100 x 100 x 2mm thick galvanized epoxy polyester coated MS Base plate die-pressed orbitally riveted to a 21mm O.D. 2.5mm thick epoxy coated MS pipe to engage the pedestal head assembly. The pedestal head assembly consists of an embossed steel plate having 4 holes with ¼ th tapping for fastening and locating of tile ; orbitally riveted to a corresponding threaded stud 16mmdia. (O.D), length 100mm which is designed to engage the pedestal base assembly. The assembly shall provide a range of height adjustment upto 25mm, with the help of check nuts. Understructure : Understructure system consists of stringers of size 570 x 32x 20 x 1.5mm to form a grid of 600 x 600mm. These stringers are locked into the pedestal head and run both ways. The US system shall provide adequate solid, rigid and quiet support for access floor panels. The US system shall provide a minimum clear, uninterrupted height of 550 mm between the bottom of the floor and bottom of the access floor for electrical conduiting and wiring. 159 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Stringers : Stringer system is all steel construction, rectangular channels 30 x 20 x 1.6mm thick with pre-punched counter sunk holes at both ends for securing the stringers onto the pedestal head ensuring maximum lateral stability in all directions. The grid formed by the pedestal and stringer assembly shall receive the floor panel. Panel Loading: The panel dimensions and performance must confirm with PSA MOB - PF2 PS/SPU standards for a heavy duty panel and must comply with the, Concentrated Point Load : 450 kgs on a 25 x 25 mm square on the centre of the panel with a maximum permissible deflecting of not more than 2.5mm & Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL): 1200 kg/M2 with a maximum permissible deflection of not more than 2.0mm. Fire Rating : The Panels shall confirm to Class O & Class 1 Fire Ratings tested as per BS 476 Part 6 & 7 The height of the jacks shall be 450 mm . 160 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION – 16 WATERPROOFING TREATMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Scope 2.0 General Requirements 3.0 Codes and Standards 4.0 Materials 5.0 Surface Preparation 6.0 Different Stages Treatment to Underground Structures 7.0 Treatment to Roof slab 8.0 Treatment to Sunken Slab 9.0 Guarantee 10.0 Mode of Measurements 11.0 Proforma of Guarantee Certificate 161 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification WATERPROOFING TREATMENT 1.00 SCOPE 1.01 This specification covers the general requirements for water proofing to the underground structure, machinery foundation, pits, trenches, lift pits, pile and pile cap, roof slab, toilet sunken slab etc. 2.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.00 2.01 Waterproofing treatment shall be done with waterproofing materials of approved reputed manufacturers and applied by specialist firms with long experience in the particular trade and proven track record. 2.02 The Contractor shall furnish all skilled and unskilled labour, plant, tools, tackle, equipment, men, materials required for complete execution of the work in accordance with the drawings and as described herein and/or as directed by the Engineer-inCharge. 2.03 The Contractor shall strictly follow, at all stages of work, the stipulations contained in the Indian Standard Safety Code and the provisions of the Safety Rules as specified in the General Conditions of the Contract for ensuring safety of men and materials. 2.04 Any approval, instructions, permission, checking, review etc. whatsoever by the Engineer-in-Charge shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility and obligation regarding adequacy, correctness, completeness, safety, strength, workmanship etc. 2.05 The treatment shall include both external and internal type at different stages of execution involving various operations of preparation, application and induction of chemicals as water proof barrier in order of sequence. 2.06 The treatment shall be done as per the specifications and instructions of manufacturers including cost of all materials all leads and lifts, cleaning, scaffolding, curing, conducting, leakage test etc. CODES AND STANDARDS The applicable Indian Standard and Code is given below : 4.00 IS : 2645 : Integral cement water proofing compounds. IS : 9103 : Admixtures for Concrete : Ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS : 8112 shall be used. MATERIALS Cement Coarse Aggregate : Sand : Water : of 43 Coarse aggregate shall conform to IS:383 Sand shall conform to IS : 383, IS 1542 and IS : 2116 Water shall conform to IS : 456. Water Proofing Compound : Water proofing compound shall conform to IS 2645. 162 Grade Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 5.00 SURFACE PREPARATION The surface to receive the waterproofing shall be cleaned of all dust, dirt, loose material, debris, mortar droppings, laitance, oil, grease or any other form of foreign matter which might affect adhesion and left in a saturated, surface dried condition and approval of Engineer-in-Charge taken before starting the work. The surface to be treated in underground structures shall be kept dry by continuous pumping of water. The surface preparation shall be done as per specification and instructions of the manufacturer. 6.00 DIFFERENT STAGES OF TREATMENT TO UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES 6.01 Treatment on PCC levelling course : Treatment on the top surface of PCC levelling course before casting of base slab : a) After laying of PCC to proper level and line, the surface shall be cured for the required period. b) The PCC surface shall be prepared as described above and kept dry by continuous pumping of water. c) 20 mm thick Cement concrete slurry 1:2:4 – using 6 mm and down size aggregate admixed with approved normal setting integral cement water proofing compound like CICO No.1 – (Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound) Conforming to IS : 2645 @ 2% by weight of cement, or approved equivalent at the rate specified by the manufacturer shall be laid on top of the PCC surface as per specifications and instructions of the manufacturer. The plaster shall be finished smooth with a steel trowel and cured for 1day. d) The plastered surface shall then be coated with two (2) coats of TAPECRETE – Acrylic Polymer modified cementitous coating, or approved equivalent as per manufacturer's specification and instructions. The coating shall be cured with water for 1 day. e) The surface shall then be covered with another 20 mm thick Cement concrete slurry 1:2:4 – using 6 mm and down size aggregate as described under clause (c) above. The treated surface shall be cured for 5 days. f) Base slab concrete admixed with CICO No.1 (Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound) Conforming to IS : 2645 or CICO SUPAPLAST Super Plasticiser-cum-High Range Water Reducing Admixture-CumWaterproofer conforming to IS : 9103 as Plasticiser and IS : 2645 as Integral Waterproofer as per recommended dosage or approved equivalent shall be laid over this treated surface. This item no. (a) shall be operated if so specifically ordered in the bills of quantities. Note : Applicable to PCC levelling course below base slab of under ground sump, under ground structure, lift pit, pile and pile cap, machinery foundations, trenches etc. In the case of waterproofing for pile cap specified in the B.O.Q.the junctions of treatment for pile and pile cap shall provide the following ;G.I.Nozzles 19mm dia projecting out to the required height and to be inclined form the natural Ground level so as to facilitate grouting the junctions of pile and pile cap through the nozzles by waterproofing agency. 163 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 6.02 Chemical injection treatment to base slab : Chemical injection treatment in the form of pressure grouting to the concrete mass of base slab : The treatment shall be as per manufacturers specification adopting following general operation details : a) After casting of base slab and side wall, the surface shall be cured as per the standard practice. b) 18 mm dia. holes shall be drilled on top of base slab to required depth using pneumatic hammer drill in grid pattern at a spacing not exceeding 1 M centre to centre. Particular care should be taken to drill holes and fix GI nozzles along the construction joint line wherever it occurs and on other vulnerable areas. c) The depth of GI nozzles shall be adequate to push the grout at all depth. GI nozzles shall be fixed in the holes drilled using single component rapid setting mortar like CICO No.3, or approved equivalent. d) Cement slurry mixed with grout admixture like CICO Non-Shrink Polymer Waterproof Grouting Compound at 2% by weight of cement or approved equivalent as per specification and instruction of the manufacturer shall be prepared to the required consistency. e) The prepared slurry shall be injected through the prefixed nozzles under pressure using grout pump to fill all possible pores and gaps left within the concrete mass. When the flow of the grout stops the grout mains shall be disconnected. f) The GI nozzles shall be sealed off with single component rapid setting mortar like CICO NO. 3, or approved equivalent after the injection operation is over. g) The grout holes shall then be finished after cutting the projected nozzles. Note : Applicable to base slab of underground sump, underground structure, pile and pipe cap, lift pit, trenches etc. 6.03 Treatment to side wall Treatment to side wall from exterior surface a. Casting of RCC walls shall be done with specified grade of concrete admixed with CICO No.1 (Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound) Conforming to IS : 2645 or CICO SUPAPLAST Super Plasticiser-cum-High Range Water Reducing Admixture-Cum-Waterproofer conforming to IS : 9103 as Plasticiser and IS : 2645 as Integral Waterproofer as per recommended dosage or approved equivalent, shall be laid over this treated surface. This item no. (a) shall be operated if so specifically ordered in the bills of quantities. b) After casting of side wall to the required height, the surface shall be cured as per the standard practice. c) Chemical injection treatment in the form of pressure grouting shall be done as given below : i. 18 mm dia. holes shall be drilled on exterior surface of wall to required depth using pneumatic hammer drill in grid pattern at a spacing not exceeding 1 M centre to centre. Particular care should be taken to drill holes and fix GI nozzles along the construction joint line wherever it occurs and on other vulnerable areas. 164 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification ii. The depth of GI nozzles shall be adequate to push the grout at all depth. GI nozzles shall be fixed in the holes drilled using single component rapid setting mortar like CICO No.3, or approved equivalent. iii. Cement slurry mixed with grout admixture like CICO Non-Shrink Polymer Waterproof Grouting Compound at 2% by weight of cement or approved equivalent as per specification and instruction of the manufacturer shall be prepared to the required consistency. iv. The prepared slurry shall be injected through the prefixed nozzles under pressure using grout pump to fill all possible pores and gaps left within the concrete mass. When the flow of the grout stops the grout mains shall be disconnected. v. The GI nozzles shall be sealed off with single component rapid setting mortar like CICO NO. 3, or approved equivalent after the injection operation is over. vi. The grout holes shall then be finished after cutting the projected nozzles. d) The outside surface of wall shall be prepared as described under head "Surface Preparation" after the chemical injection treatment is over. e) The prepared exterior surface shall be coated (2 coats) with TAPECRETE – Acrylic Polymer modified cementitous coating, or approved equivalent as per Manufacturer's Specification and instructions. The surface shall be cured with water for 1 day. f) On top of the coating a 15 mm thick plaster with cement sand mortar (1:4) admixed with CICO NO. 1 – Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound conforming to IS : 2645, or approved equivalent at the rate specified by the manufacturer shall be applied as per specifications and instructions of the manufacturer. The plaster shall be finished smooth with a steel trowel and cured for 5 days. g) In case of nil accessibility owing to constructional hazards, etc. the interior surface of wall may be treated as mentioned above to produce same effect. Note : Applicable to side walls of underground sump, underground structure, lift pit, trenches and retaining wall. In the case of underground sump interior surface of walls shall be treated. 6.04 Treatment to cover slab : a) After casting of cover slab with specified grade of concrete admixed with CICO No.1 (Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound) Conforming to IS : 2645 or CICO SUPAPLAST Super Plasticiser-cum-High Range Water Reducing Admixture-Cum-Waterproofer conforming to IS : 9103 as Plasticiser and IS : 2645 as Integral Waterproofer as per recommended dosage or approved equivalent, the surface shall be cured for the required period. This item no. (a) shall be operated if so specifically ordered in the bills of quantities b) Treatment - to side walls including chemical injection treatment as described above shall be adopted for cover slab also. Note : Applicable to cover slab of under ground structure, under ground sump etc. 165 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 7.00 TREATMENT TO ROOF SLABS 7.01 Method - I a) After casting of roof slab with specified grade of concrete admixed with CICO No.1 (Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound) Conforming to IS : 2645 or CICO SUPAPLAST Super Plasticiser-cum-High Range Water Reducing Admixture-Cum-Waterproofer conforming to IS : 9103 as Plasticiser and IS : 2645 as Integral Waterproofer as per recommended dosage or approved equivalent, the surface shall be cured for the required period. This item no. (a) shall be operated if so specifically ordered in the bills of quantities b) Parapet wall shall be constructed and plastered. c) The surface shall then be prepared as described above under head "Surface preparation". d) Two coats of TAPECRETE – Acrylic Polymer modified cementitous slurry coat shall be applied over the RCC morter roof slab surface and to be taken to the vertical parapet walls and turned down the exterior surface of the parapet walls. e) A layer of fibre glass water proofing cloth ( MGI - 207 - T2 ) is laid over the first coat of cement slurry coat as specified under point (d) above. Fibre Glass Cloth shall be laid over the TAPECRETE applied surface when the coating is still green. f) A layer of 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 admixed with CICO NO - 1 (normal setting integral water proofing compound) or other approved equivalent make compound shall be spread over the operation specified in point (e) above. g) On the layer of ccement mortar water proofing cloths specified under point (f) above, screed concrete 1:2:4 mix using 20mm and down size Course greaded blue granite Aggregate to an average minimum thickness of 125 mm (i.e. minimum 75 mm thickness at lower end/near rainwater outlet and 175 mm thickness at higher end/at the ridge). An additional layer of Screed concrete shall be laid over the existing concrete surface if required to get the required gradient for adequate drainage giving a slope of approximately 1 in 100,which will be measured separately under relevant item. Screed concrete shall be laid with one layer of IRC mesh no 65 and concrete shall be mixed with Fibermesh Harbourite or equivalent100% virgin fine fibrillated polypropylene fibers containing no reprocessed olefin materials to ISO 1873 - PP -H, FN 28-02-045 and the fibres shall be mixed at the rate of 0.90 Kg/Cum.and curing shall be carried out for minimum three days. Fibers shall confirm to ASTM C -1116 & ACI 524 R - 93. h) On the spread mortar (specified under point (g) above) provide and lay a layer of fibre glass water proofing cloth ( MGI - 207 - T6) i) A final layer of cement mortar 1:4 admixed with water proofing compound like CICO NO:1 or approved equivalent make shall be laid to a thickness of 20 mm over the treatment specified in point (h) above. j) Making machine cut grooves of size 4 x 4mm on a grid of 5 x 5 M (Plan area not exceeding 25 Sqm) and the grooves shall be filled with Polysulphite sealent -" VULKEM - 202 PU" from supreme or approved equivalent make and finish the surface neatly and the surface shall be cured for 15 days as per manufacturer's specification.This treatment shall be carried out in the openings provided in the terrace for rain water down take pipes. Leakage test shall be conducted by storing water on the terrace for about 25 mm depth continuously for a period of for a period of 7days. 166 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 7.02 Method - II a) After casting of roof slab with specified grade of concrete admixed with CICO No.1 (Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound) Conforming to IS : 2645 or CICO SUPAPLAST Super Plasticiser-cum-High Range Water Reducing Admixture-Cum-Waterproofer conforming to IS : 9103 as Plasticiser and IS : 2645 as Integral Waterproofer as per recommended dosage or approved equivalent, the surface shall be cured for the required period. This item no. (a) shall be operated if so specifically ordered in the bills of quantities b) The surface shall then be prepared as described above under head "Surface preparation". c) Two coats of TAPECRETE Acrylic Polymer Cementitous coating shall be applied over the prepared surface of roof slab. d) A layer of 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 admixed with water proofing compound like CICO No.1 – Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound conforming to IS : 2645, or approved equivalent shall be laid over the TAPECRETE applied surface. e) On this surface well burnt best quality brick bats shall be laid to required gradient for easy drainage giving a slope of approximately 1 in 100. The gap between brick bats shall be filled with cement mortar 1:4 admixed with water proofing compound like CICO No.1 – Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound conforming to IS : 2645, or approved equivalent and the surface shall be cured for 2 days. f) A final layer of 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 admixed with water proofing compound like CICO No.1 – Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound conforming to IS : 2645, or approved equivalent shall be laid on the brick bats and top neatly finished with false square of size 300 x 300 mm and cured for 15 days. Treatment of Parapet wall a) The parapet wall shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all dust particles. b) A layer of 15 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 admixed with water proofing compound like CICO No.1 – Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound conforming to IS : 2645, or approved equivalent shall be applied on the parapet wall. c) A vatta (gola) is then prepared with brick bats using cement mortar 1:4 admixed with water compound like CICO No.1 – Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound conforming to IS : 2645, or approved equivalent at the junction between the slab and wall. d) The vatta is further plastered with 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 mixed with water proofing compound like CICO No.1 – Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound conforming to IS : 2645, or approved equivalent. Leakage test shall be conducted by storing water on the terrace for about 25 mm depth continuously for a period of 7 days. Note : The above work shall be got executed by an approved applicator . In case the Contractor proposed to execute the work by other specialised equivalent firm, should be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. 167 the firm Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 8.00 TREATMENT TO SUNKEN SLAB a) After casting the sunken slab, the surface shall be cured for required period. b) The inner surface shall be prepared as described above under head "Surface Preparation". c) The prepared surface shall be plastered with cement mortar 1:4 – 15 mm thick admixed with CICO No.1 – Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound conforming to IS : 2645, or approved equivalent at 2% by weight of cement. d) Two coats of TAPECRETE – Acrylic Polymer Modified Cementitous Slurry Coating shall be applied over the plastered surface. e) The surface shall then be covered with another 15 mm thick plaster as described under clause ( c ) above. f) Well burnt best quality brick bats shall be laid in sunken area with C.M 1:4 admixed with CICO No.1 – Normal Setting Integral Waterproofing Compound conforming to IS : 2645, or approved equivalent at 2% by weight of cement. g) The top shall be finished with 15 mm thick plaster as described under clause ( c) above. h) Tiles shall be laid over this treated surface with base mortar by the main contractor. 9.00 GUARANTEE Guarantee for watertight performance of the structure for a minimum period of 10 years from the date of completion shall be given in the prescribed form given below. This guarantee shall be in legal paper in an acceptable form. The guarantee shall be enforceable by the Employer. If, during the guarantee period, water leaks are noticed in the structure from the portions treated by the Contractor, the same shall be rectified when called upon immediately, all at no extra cost to the entire satisfaction of the Employer. 168 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 10.00 MODE OF MEASUREMENT 10.01 Base Slab On PCC levelling course : Measurements shall be in square metre for the areas actually treated. Injection Treatment : Measurements shall be in square metre for the plan areas actually treated for all thickness / depths. 10.02 Side Walls Injection Treatment : Measurements shall be in square metre for the area actually treated for all thickness. Surface treatment shall be measured in square metre for the areas actually treated. 10.03 Cover Slab Injection Treatment : Measurements shall be in square metre for the plan area actually treated for all thickness. Surface Treatment : Measurements shall be in square metre for the areas actually treated. 10.04 Roof Slab, Terraces : Measurements shall be in square metre for the plan area actually treated. Parapet shall be measured in squaremetre. 10.05 Toilet Sunken Slab : Bottom : The actual area treated in square metre. Sides : The actual area treated in square metre above the treated bottom. Top : The actual area treated in square metre. 169 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 11.0 PROFORMA OF GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE FOR WATERPROOF WORK. Name of the Firm/Company at its address Dear Sirs Water proofing work to ...................................... - Free maintenance guarantee for 10 (Ten) years - Reg. Agreement No. ...........……. dated ..........………….. We hereby certify that the work of water proofing to ..................................... has been executed and completed by us as per specification and in accordance with terms and conditions of contract. We hereby guarantee that the water proofing treatment given by us to .......................... shall be safe against any leakage, forming wet patches, dampness etc. for a period of 10 (ten) years from the date of virtual completion of whole work, from ………........ to ..............………. If at any time or times during the guaranteed period of 10 (Ten) years the underground structure lift pit, trenches, roofs, moris, toilets, water tanks and other portion thus treated by us starts leaking or in any way give way to the influence of water including forming wet patches, dampness etc. due to the inadequacy of the work carried out or due to any other reason whatsoever relating to the specification, workmanship etc. including the responsibility for any surface treatment and plumbing etc, we agree to carry out necessary remedial measures to such extent and so often as may be necessary to free the said premises from leakage etc without any extra cost to the Employer or to the occupants. The question of whether there is any leakage or the treatment has given way to water or moisture after the date of virtual completion of whole work ie. from ………............ to ………........... shall be decided by the Employer and the decision of the Employer in this regard shall be final and binding on us. We shall reinstate the surface to its original condition after carrying out the rectification work, if necessary by bringing new materials at no extra cost to the Employer. Signature of Contractor : Name of Company : Address : Seal : 170 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification SECTION – 17 STEEL DOORS 1.00 SCOPE 1.01 This specification covers the design, supply of materials, fabrication and installation of factory made special type of approved make steel fire doors and general purpose doors with all accessories and including supply and installation of hardwares. 2.00 2.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall furnish all materials, labour, operations, equipment, tools & plant, scaffolding and incidentals necessary and required for the completion of all metal work in connection with steel doors, as called for in the drawings, specifications and bill of quantities which cover the major requirements only. Anything called for in the tender documents shall be considered as applicable to the items of work concerned. The supply and installation of additional fastenings, accessory features and other items not specifically mentioned, but which are necessary to make a complete functioning installation shall form a part of this contract. 2.02 All metal work shall be free from defects, impairing strength, durability and appearance and shall be of the best quality for purposes specified made with structural properties to withstand safely strains, stresses to which they shall normally be subjected to. 2.03 All fittings shall be of high quality and as specified and as per approval of Engineer-in-Charge. 2.04 The Contractor shall strictly follow, at all stages of work, the stipulations contained in the Indian Standard Safety Code and the provisions of the safety code and the provision of the safety rules as specified in the General Conditions of the Contract for ensuring safety of men and materials. 2.05 Any approval, instructions, permission, checking, review, etc. whatsoever by the Engineer-inCharge, shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility and obligation regarding adequacy, correctness, completeness, safety, strength, quality, workmanship, etc. 3.00 CODES AND STANDARDS 3.01 All standards, specifications, acts, and codes of practice referred to herein shall be the latest editions including all applicable official amendments and revisions. 3.02 List of certain important Indian Standards, Acts and Codes applicable to this work is given below. However, the applicable standards and codes shall be as per but not limited to the list given below : IS : 277 Galvanised steel sheet (plain and corrugated) IS : 3614 Metallic and non-metallic fire and Part – 2 performance criteria. check doors - Resistance test 4.00 HOLLOW METAL FIRE DOOR WITH HONEY COMB CORE 4.01 Fire door shall be 2 hour fire rated and door quality shall be approved by TAC/CBRI and tested conformed to IS : 3614. The door should meet the requirements of Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC). Unless otherwise specified, maximum size of door in this type : Single shutter door : 1150 mm x 3000 mm Double shutter door : 2000 mm x 3000 mm. 171 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification For doors of size 3000 mm height, the options shall be : 4.02 a) A man operation door of size above 2400 mm height shall be provided with a removable panel / fixed panel on top with glazing or without glazing as required. b) The construction of above panel shall be designed similar to that of a shutter in case of flush panel to match the exteriors. In the case of glazing a 6 mm thick toughened glass with clipping arrangement on top shall be provided which shall be mounted on a transom of approved design. Frame a) Material - Frame to be manufactured from 1.60 mm (16 gauge) galvanized steel sheets complying with latest IS 277 coating class zinc coating mill phosphatized. b) Profile - Door frame profile to be double rebated of dimensions 143 mm x 57 mm (+/- 0.3) with bending radius of 1.4 mm. c) Fabrication - Frame to be fabricated from 1.60 mm thick galvanised steel sheet to the specified profile and dimensions. Frames fabricated at factory shall be in knock down form with butt joints for bolted assembly at site. d) Door frame preparations - Frames to be provided with a 3 mm thick back plates on all jambs with provision for anchor bolt fixing to wall openings. All frames to have reinforcement pads for fixing of door closer, at appropriate location as per manufacturer’s details. e) Frames to have factory finish-pre-punched cut outs to receive specific hardware and iron mongery. f) Frames to be provided with hinge plates 3 mm thick pre-drilled to receive hinges for screw mounted fixing. All cut outs including hinge plates, strike plates to have mortar guard covers from inside to prevent cement, dust ingress into cut outs at the time of grouting. g) Frames to have rubber shutter silencer on strike jambs for single shutter frames and on the head jambs for double shutter frames. h) Finish: Door frames to be suitably cleaned with solvents and etch primered for receiving primer and top coats. Door frames to be primered in zinc phosphate stoving DFT). primer (35 microns Door frames to be finished in thermo setting paint (35 microns DFT) of approved colour and make as specified by Engineer-in-Charge. 4.02 Fire door shutter a) Material - Fire door shutter to be manufactured from 1.25 mm (18 gauge) galvanized sheets conforming to latest IS : 277 coating class zinc coating, mill phosphatized. b) Fabrication - Shutters to be press formed to 46 mm thick double skin hollow door with lock seam joints at stile edges. Shutters to have no visible screws or fasteners on either face. Internal reinforcement to be provided at top, bottom and stile edges for desired fire rating. 172 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification c) Door shutter cores - Shutters to be provided with honeycomb paper core to be bounded to the inner faces of the shutter. d) Door shutter preparations - Shutters to be factory prepared with pre-punched cutouts and reinforcements to receive iron mongery as per final finish hardware schedule. The shutter should have an interlocking arrangement at this stile edges for flat surface on either side. Shutters to have pre-drilled hinge plates with hinge guard covers. Shutters with locks to have concealed lock box with lock fixing brackets with pre-tapped holes. e) For shutter with door closer reinforcement pads to be provided at appropriate location as per manufacturer’s design. All iron mongery preparation to have adequate reinforcement for flushes fixing at site. f) Vision panel for Fire rated door : Vision panel to be provided with Boroslicate clear float glass of the thickness 6 mm for upto two hours fire rating. Glass to be fixed with clip on frames for square and rectangular vision panels and with spin turned rings for circular vision panels. Unless otherwise specified, standard sizes are 200 mm x 200 mm, and 380 mm diameter. g) Finish: Shutters to be suitably cleaned with solvents and etch primered for receiving primer and top coats. Shutters to be primered in zinc phosphate stoving primer (35 microns DFT). Shutters to be finished in thermo setting paint (35 microns DFT) of approved colour and make as specified by Engineer-in-Charge. 4.04 4.05 PACKING a) Frame: Individual frames members to be wrapped in polyethene sheets and placed in individual card board boxes. Individual boxes to be sealed. Frames to be assembled at site with aid of roofing bolts. b) Shutters: Shutters to be wrapped in polyethene sheets and further packed in card board and duly strapped. All frames and shutters duly marked as per door schedule for easy identification at site. STORAGE All knocked down frames shall be stacked flat and shutters vertically on wooden runners and suitably covered as per the instructions of manufacturer to prevent rust and damage. 4.06 INSTALLATION i. Door frame fixing : The door frames should be assembled adjacent to the place of installation as the frames are not designed for transporting in an assembled condition. After assembly it is to be ensured that all threaded preparations are covered from the back of the frame using 15 x 10 self adhesive sponge strip to prevent penetration of mortar back- fill into screw threads. The head member of assembled frame shall be positioned against jambs ensuring correct alignment and secured using M8 x 20 long plated bolts together with nuts spring and flat washers. The assembled frame shall be kept in position within the opening by means of bracing. In order to correctly position the frame against finished floor level or equalise on adjustable floor anchors where specified, shim shall be used under jambs. The frame shall be checked for squareness, alignment, twist etc. with carpenters bevel and plumb. 173 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification A tie rod shall be fixed to the frame during installation to ensure the correct dimensions between the frame rebates and the same may be removed after installation. Where a 2nd fix application is required a shim detail is suggested to take up gap between frame and existing opening. Existing masonry wall openings - Metal expansion shields ii) a) Brace, position, level etc. b) Mark all positions of fixings on wall. c) Remove frame and drill wall to appropriate specified size. d) Fit rod anchor shells metal expansion bolts into the wall. e) Fit jamb spacer bracket into back of frame profile. f) Reposition frame back into opening and realign. g) Lightly screw CSK HD machine screws into shells, shim behind frame. h) Slowly tighten screws continually checking plumb, square etc. Finally ensure frames are not deformed as tightened. i) After fixing the frame shall be grouted with cement mortar 1:3 or Plaster of Paris or Gypsum powder as approved. Gap between frame and wall to be closed by cement pointing using cement mortar 1:3. j) Back fill the frame through holes provided and insert nylon plugs. Door shutter fixing: Fix all the hardware to the door shutter like hinges, flush bolts, bolts, mortice locks, door closer, door stoppers, handles etc. with the appropriate screws and bolts supplied. The shutter is to be then fixed to the frame which is already installed. Align the shutter to match the hardware to the cutouts in the frame. Tighten the hinge screws. iii) Application of ‘FLAT’ seal (for smoke check if specifically required) Clean door jamb rebate surfaces of all dust, oil etc. Affix self-adhesive ‘FLAT’ seal on the door frame rebates as indicated by the manufacturer on hinge jambs, strike jambs, head member and sill. 4.07 FIRE DOOR - HARDWARE SCHEDULE a) Where locking / provision is required latching : Mortice sashlock 50/60 mm backset. Double action deadbolt brass / nickel finish of Dorset make. 5 pin tumbler brass cylinder 70 mm length. One side key one side knob operation and Brass/Nickel lever handles with independent escutcheon of Dorset make. b) Where latching required provision is : Mortice latch 50 mm backset field reversible latch, brass/nickel finish of 174 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification Dorset make. and Brass lever handles of Dorset make. c) Hinges : Stainless steel double bearing butt hinges 102 x 89 x 3 mm thick. Hinge holes template drilled as per ANSI of approved make. d) Door closer : Hydraulic door closer double speed pressure die cast body with steel rack and pinion of Dorma make. e) Flush bolts (Double doors) : Concealed steel flush bolts for fixing on inactive shutter 300 mm length of Superbright / Ryobi make. f) Smoke seal : Self adhesive EPDM smoke seal ‘FLAT’ type (Polyethylene cross linked foam of size 2 mm thick and 12.5 mm width) of Monarch Make. Stainless Steel “D” handle : Stainless steel “D” handle 19 mm x 300 mm length. Through bolt fixing with estruction in satin finish of Dorma or Dline make. g) h) Panic Emergency exist device : Rim latch of advance design for single door with or without locking arrangements of Dorma or Briton make. Note : If the locking arrangement is required the above devices shall be married with Dorset lock. 5.00 HOLLOW GENERAL PURPOSE DOORS WITH HONEYCOMB CORE 5.01 Unless otherwise specified, maximum size of door in this type : Single shutter door Double shutter door : 1150 mm x 3000 mm : 2000 mm x 3000 mm For doors of size 3000 mm height, the options shall be : a) A man operation door of size above 2049 mm height shall be provided with a removable panel / fixed panel on top with glazing or without glazing as required. b) The construction of above panel shall be designed similar to that of a shutter in case of flush panel to match the exteriors. In the case of glazing a 6 mm thick toughened glass with clipping arrangement on top shall be provided which shall be mounted on a transom of approved design. 175 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 5.02 FRAME a) Material - Frame to be manufactured from 1.25 mm (18 gauge) galvanised steel sheets complying with latest IS 277 coating class zinc coating mill phosphatized. b) Profile - Door frame profile to be single rebated of dimensions 100 mm x 57 mm (+/- 0.3) with bending radius of 1.2 mm. c) Fabrication - Frame to be fabricated from 1.25 mm thick galvanised steel sheet to the specified profile and dimensions. Frames fabricated at factory shall be in knock down form with butt joints for bolted assembly at site. d) Door frame preparations - Frames to be provided with a 3 mm thick back plates on all jambs with provision for anchor bolt fixing to wall openings. All frames to have reinforcement pads for fixing of door closer at appropriate location as per manufacturer’s details. e) Frames to have factory finish - prepunched cut outs to receive specific hardware and iron mongery. f) Frames to be provided with hinge plates 3 mm thick pre-drilled to receive hinges for screw mounted fixing. All cut outs including hinge plates, strike plates to have mortar guard covers to prevent cement, dust ingress into cut outs. g) Frames to have rubber shutter silencer on strike jambs for single shutter frames and on the head jambs for double shutter frames. h) Finish - Door frames to be suitably cleaned with solvents and etch primered for receiving primer and top coats. Door frames to be primered in zinc phosphate stoving DFT). primer (35 mircons Door frames to be finished in thermo setting paint (35 microns DFT) of approved colour and make as specified by Engineer-in-Charge. 5.03 GENERAL PURPOSE DOOR SHUTTER a) Material : General purpose door shutter to be manufactured from 0.80 mm (22 gauge) galvanised sheets conforming to latest IS : 277 coating class zinc coating, mill phosphatized. b) Fabrication: Shutters to be press formed to 46 mm thick double skin hollow door with lock seam joints at stile edges. Shutters to have no visible screws or fasteners on either face. c) Door shutter core : Shutters to be provided with honeycomb paper core to be bounded to the inner faces of the shutter. d) Door shutter preparations: Shutters to be factory prepared with pre-punched cutouts and reinforcements to receive iron mongery as per final finish hardware schedule. The shutter should have an interlocking arrangement at this stile edges for flat surface on either side. Shutters to have pre-drilled hinge plates with hinge guard covers. Shutters with locks to have concealed lock box with lock fixing brackets with pre-tapped holes. All iron mongery preparation to have adequate reinforcement for flush fixing at site. 176 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification e) For shutter with door closer reinforcement pads to be provided at appropriate location as per manufacturer’s design. f) Vision panel: Vision panel to be provided with toughened float glass of the thickness 6 mm. Glass to be fixed with clip on frames for square and rectangular vision panels and with spin turned rings for circular vision panels. Unless otherwise specified, standard sizes are 130 mm x 270 mm, 200 mm x 300 mm, 450 mm x 750 mm and 360 mm diameter. g) Finish: Shutters to be suitably cleaned with solvents and etch primered for receiving primer and top coats. Shutters to be primered in zinc phosphate stoving primer (35 microns DFT). Shutters to be finished in thermo setting polyurethane aliphtic grade paint (35 microns DFT) of approved colour and make as specified by Engineer-in-Charge. 5.04 5.05 PACKING a) Frame; Individual frames members to be wrapped in polyethene sheets and placed in individual card board boxes. Individual boxes to be sealed. Frames to be assembled at site with aid of roofing bolts. b) Shutters: Shutters to be wrapped in polyethene sheets and further packed in card board and duly strapped. All frames and shutters duly marked as per door schedule for easy identification at site. STORAGE Storage shall be the same as specified in clause 4.05 for fire door. 5.06 INSTALLATION Installation shall be the same as specified in clause 4.06 for fire door. 5.07 GENERAL PURPOSE DOOR - HARDWARE SCHEDULE a) Where locking / provision is required b) Where latching required c) Where required d) e) locking latching provision : is : provision Mortice sashlock 50/60 mm backset. Double action deadbolt brass / nickel finish of Dorset make. 5 pin tumbler brass cylinder 70 mm length. One side key one side knob operation and Nickel / Brass lever handles with independent escutcheon of Dorset make. Mortice latch 50 mm backset field reversible latch, brass/nickel finish of Dorset make. And Nickel / Brass lever handles of Dorset make. : Mortice dead bolt double action 50 mm backset saw resistance bolt - brass / nickel finish of Dorset make. Cylindrical knob Lock set : Hinges : One side key one side push button stainless steel satin finish of ACME or Brass / Satin finish Godrej. Stainless steel double bearing butt hinges 102 x 89 x 3 mm thick hinge 177 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification holes template drilled as per ANSI of approved make. f) Door Closer : Hydraulic heavy duty double speed pressure die cast body with steel rack and pinion door closer of Dorma make. g) Flush bolts (Double doors) : Concealed flush bolts 300 mm length with steel bolt of approved make. h) Stainless Steel “D” handle : Stainless steel “D” handles 19 mm x 300 mm length. Through bolt fixing with estruction in satin finish of Dorma or d-line make. i) Stainless steel push plate : Stainless steel push plate of size surface fixed size 300 x 75 x 1.6 mm. Of Dorma make. j) Stainless Steel “D/SS” push plate : k) 6.00 Smoke seal : Where only one side handle is required and one side Push Plate shall be as detailed below. • 300 mm x 19 mm dia. SS “D” handle with inside bolt fixing. • 300 x 75 x 1.6 mm SS push plate fixed with surface mounted Philips head screw. Self adhesive EPDM Smoke Seal ‘FLAT’ type (Polyethylene cross linked foam of size 2 mm thick and 12.5 mm width) of Monarch make. FIELD INSPECTION After installing the door, the Contractor shall test the performance of the shutter in the presence of the Engineer-in-Charge. The doors shall be smoothly operable under all ambient conditions. All control and locking devices shall give fault free performance. 7.00 MODE OF MEASUREMENT Measurement shall be in square metre for clear area over one face inclusive of exposed frame. Portions embedded in masonry / concrete / flooring shall not be measured. **** 178 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification LIST OF APPROVED MAKES A S.No CIVIL WORKS Materials Approved Makes 1 Anti termite treatment Biflex 2 Grey Cement (43/53 Grade) Ultra tech / Birla/ACC/Dalmia/Zuari 3 White Cement Birla / JK 4 Tor Steel (TMT) SAIL / VIZAG /TISCO /RNIL 5 Structural steel SAIL / VIZAG/ TISCO 6 Polyrutherene Board Armour Board / SIL-FIL. 7 Polysulphide Sealant Dr.Fixit 8 Alumium extrusion Bhoruka / Jindal / Hindalco 9 Water Swelling bars Synkoflex 10 Non-Absorbent Closed Cell PE Board Tristar intech /Supreme Ind 11 Polymeric Polyethylene Felt Bitumat Co. Ltd / Soprema / Tamco 12 Expanded Polystyrene (Thermocole) Beardshell / Toshiba/Supreme 13 Hessian Based Felt Bitumat Co. Ltd / Soprema/Tamco 14 Tile/ Stone Joint Grout/ Adhesive Laticrete/ Bal Eudura / Dr.Fixit 15 Building Lime Satna 16 White Washing Lime Dehradun 17 Paints/ Primer ICI / Asian Paints/ Nerolac 18 Concrete admixture BASF / Mc Bauchemie /Ceracem 19 Non Metallic Floor Hardener EMALITE OF Structural 20 False Ceiling ( Mineral Fibre ) USG / Armstrong 21 False Ceiling (Metal Ceiling ) Fameline/ Hunter Douglas / Armstrong 22 Fasteners for Anchors Hilti / Fischer 23 Acrylic/polymer modified coatings Ployplus/BASF / CICO / SIKA 24 Injection grouts Polyplus/BASF / CICO / SIKA 25 Membrane water proofing De boer / Polyplus/ Henkel/BASF 26 27 28 29 Interlocking Pavers and Grass paver RCC Factory made Kerbs & Cover Slabs SS Drains with channels and grating cover Column Guards ( Rubber ) Basant Beton / Aeon Basant Beton Chilli /Aco NECO Catex / Arpitha / Dural 179 Chennai Metro Rail Limited Part 1 ( c ) Technical Specification 30 Flush Door Archid /Greenply/Anchor /Diamond/Jacons 31 Hardware Fittings Dorma / Stanley 32 Wood Preservatives Berger / Wood guard / Termisil 33 Epoxy / PU flooring Cipy / BASF / Fosroc 34 Ceramic Tiles Euro / Kajaria / Nitco / RAK/Somany/Bellisimo 35 Vitrified Tiles Euro / Kajaria / Nitco / RAK/Somany/Bellisimo 36 Ceramics for dado Johnson / Kajaria / NITCO/Somany 37 Laminate Vir / greenlam / Marino 38 Venner Sharon / Durian / Jacsons 39 Tile Grout and Adhesive Laticrete / Keracol / Bal Endura 40 Rolling Shutter Gandhi / Hormann 41 Solid concrete Blocks Aeons / Bessar 42 Gratings Indiana / NECO 43 Barrier Mat Gradus/ Interface/ Millken 44 Plywood Greenply / Uniply / Euro 45 Light Weight Concrete Hemalite/ Vermiculite 46 S.S. Handrail D-Line 47 Frosting films 3M 48 Autoclaved Cellular (Aerated) Concrete Blocks Aerocon Blocks and Conmat India 49 RCC hume pipes Premier Spun Pipe/ Rashmi enterprises/Sabarmani 50 Manhole Cover NECO 51 PP Rungs Arpitha 52 Lacqured Glass Saint Gobin 53 Calcium Silicate Hilux 180 Chennai Metro Rail Ltd Part 2 – Bill Of Quantities ` CHENNAI METRO RAIL LIMITED (A JOINT VENTURE OF GOVERNMENT OF INDIA AND GOVERNMENT OF TAMILNADU) TECHNO COMMERCIAL TENDER TWO COVER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION OF METRO HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIESAT ANNA SALAI, NANDANAM, CHENNAI, TAMIL NADU, INDIA Cover B – Part II - Bill of Quantities DATE OF SUBMISSION OF TENDER ON 25-06-2015 at 15.00 Hours DATE OF OPENING OF TENDER 25-06-2015 at 15.30 Hours TO BE SUBMITTED TO: The Chief General Manager (EC) Chennai Metro Rail Limited Admin Builoding, CMRL Depot Poonnamallee High Road Koyambedu, Chennai - 600107 TENDER SUBMITTED BY: M/s._________________________ Address_____________________ ____________________________ Chennai Metro Rail Limited CONSTRUCTION OF METRO HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIES AT NANDANAM,CHENNAI GENERAL SUMMARY S.No Description of Works Amount in Rs…. Schedule - I - Civil works Schedule - II - Plumbing and Sanitary works Schedule - III - External Façade and Associated works Schedule - IV - Electrical Works Schedule - V - DG Set Works Schedule - VI - Fire Protection System Schedule - VII - Air -Conditioning System Schedule - VIII - Integrated Building Management System Schedule - IX - Lifts Grand Total Amount in Rs……. ( I to IX ) Service tax to be quoted by the contractor in % on Total Amount Service tax to be quoted by the contractor in Amount Grand Total including Service Tax Grand Total including Service Tax in words …………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………… ……………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………. Date : Signature of the Contractor with seal Place : 1 Gen.Summary Chennai Metro Rail Limited CONSTRUCTION OF METRO HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIES AT NANDANAM,CHENNAI SUMMARY S.No Description of Works Amount in Rs…. Schedule - A - Civil works A Earthwork Excavation B Anti-Termite Treatment C Plain Cement Concrete and RCC Works D Masonry Works E Joinery Works F Steel Work G Flooring Works ( Interiors ) H Water Proofing Works I Finishing Works J Painting Works K Miscellaneous Works L Road & Pavement Works Total Amount of Schedule - A in Rs……. Schedule - II - Plumbing and Sanitary works Sanitary Fixtures and CP Fittings: (Installation) Water Supply Pipes and Fittings (Internal and External) Soil,Waste,Vent Pipes and Fitttings (Internal & External) Rain Water Pipes and Fittings Pumps & Accessories Sewage Treatment Plant Total Amount of Schedule - II in Rs……. Schedule - III - External Façade and Associated works Glazing & Glazed Doors Windows and Louvers Cladding Works Roofing works Associated works for Glazing & Cladding Total Amount of Schedule - III in Rs……. 2 Summary Chennai Metro Rail Limited S.No Description of Works Amount in Rs…. Schedule - IV - Electrical Works Transformers and HT Breakers & LT Busducts LT Panel Boards Raising Mains and Tap-Off Boxes UPS and Batteries Distribution Boards Isolators and Starter Panels Wiring and Connected Accessories Power and Control Cables / Terminations Earthing System , Cable Tray and MS Items Safety Equipments Lighting Luminaires & Fans External Works Lighting Protection System Solar system Total Amount of Schedule - IV in Rs……. Schedule - V - DG Set Works DG works Total Amount of Schedule - V in Rs……. Schedule - VI - Fire Protection System Standby Diesel Engine Pump Hydrant System Sprinkler System Portable Fire Extinguishers Transformer Sprinkler Total Amount of Schedule - IV in Rs……. Schedule - VII - Air -Conditioning System Water Cooled Screw Chillers Chilled Water and Condenser Water Pumps Cooling Tower Pipes and Valves Air Handling Units Precision Air -Conditioning (PAC) System DX System VRV System Air Distribution System Ventilation System Electrical Works Total Amount of Schedule - IV in Rs……. Schedule - VIII - Integrated Building Management System 3 Summary Chennai Metro Rail Limited S.No Description of Works Amount in Rs…. Fire Alarm System Public Address System Access Control System IP Based CCTV Camera Building Management System Automatic Fire Detection and Supression System for HT Panel , MPCCs Miscellaneous Items Total Amount of Schedule - IV in Rs……. Schedule - IX - Lifts Lifts Total Amount of Schedule - IX in Rs……. 4 Summary Chennai Metro Rail Limited CONSTRUCTION OF METRO HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIES AT NANDANAM,CHENNAI BILLS OF QUANTITIES MAIN CIVIL WORKS Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity A Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Earthwork Excavation 1 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means over areas (exceeding 30cm in depth. 1.5m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including disposal of excavated earth, within the construction site / campus and disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. All kinds of soil for the following lift a 2,689.01 2 Cum Upto 1.50 m from the existing ground level Cum Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 m or part thereof in excavation /banking excavated or stacked materials. a 1,876.73 Cum Above 1.50 upto 3.00 m depth Cum b 1,809.67 Cum Above 3.00 upto 4.50 m depth Cum 5 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures c 1,797.84 Cum Above 4.50 upto 6.00 m depth Cum d 392.51 Cum Above 6.00 upto 7.50 m depth Cum 3 a Filling using available excavated earth lying or stocked elsewhere inside the campus (excluding rock) to be filled in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations, pilecaps and the like at all heights and depths etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering etc complete in all respects as directed. 29.59 4 Cum Available excavated earth Cum Supplying and filling in plinth with river sand under floors, including watering, ramming, consolidating and dressing complete. 1,142.57 5 Cum River sand filling Cum Supplying and filling in plinth, under floors and foundation with stone dust, including watering, ramming, consolidating and dressing etc complete in all respects. 1,054.59 6 Amount in Rs…. In Words Cum Stone dust Cum Supplying and filling in plinth, under floors and foundation with moorum including watering, ramming, consolidating and dressing etc complete in all respects. 6 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 3,166.97 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Cum Moorum Amount in Rs…. In Words Cum Total Amount C/o to Summary - (A ) …….. B Anti-Termite Treatment Providing Pre - construction Anti - termite treatment and creating a chemical barrier to the building by injecting chemical emulsion of required concentration under grade slab and grade beam, all round the Pile Caps, Catch basins, trenches, pits, tunnels, wall trenches, back fill, plinth filling, junction of wall and floor. External perimeter of building, surrounding of pipes, expansion joints, below U.G. sump and retaining/side walls etc. as per instructions of chemical manufacturer as directed by the Department officer/ Architect. The treatment shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the technical specification and conforming to IS 6313 or equivalent BS specification. The chemical to be used as insecticide for the treatment shall be Biflex Tc, TC stands for Termiticide Concentrate for Termite Control (Bifenthrin) and the application shall be diluted 1 part of chemical Biflex Tc with 49 parts of water to get 0.05% emulsion and strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification. The work should be carried out by an approved and registered specialist pest control agency only. Tenderer to furnish the name of the proposed specialist firm. A 10 years post application guarantee against defects shall be furnished by the main Contractor. Note : Horizontal plan area at ground floor level of the building will be measured and paid. The chemical to be used for the treatment and concentration of the chemical solutions should be as laid down in IS - 6313 Part II.as directed by the Engineerin-charge. 7 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No a Total Quantity 10,629.30 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sqm Termite Treatment Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Total Amount C/o to Summary - (A ) …….. Plain Cement Concrete and RCC Works C 8 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level : Cum 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). a 1,035.07 b 95.02 Cum 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size). Cum 9 184.42 Sqm Making plinth protection 50mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement :3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) over 75mm thick bed of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand including finishing the top smooth Sqm 10 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : Sqm All plain / RC works for Foundations, footings, pilecaps, raft slab, bases of columns, sides of grade slab etc. for mass concrete. Cum a 4,824.59 b 30,821.50 Sqm Walls (any thickness) including shear wall , retaining wall, lift wall, edges of wall including attached pilasters, butteresses, plinth and string courses etc. Sqm c 25,466.47 Sqm Suspended floors, roofs, Post tensioned slab, landings, balconies and access platform. Sqm 8 Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures d 15,904.00 Sqm Lintels, beams, plinth beams, RC binders, girders, bressumers and cantilevers. Sqm e 10,497.40 Sqm Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts. Sqm f 1,527.31 Sqm Stairs, (excluding landings) except spiral-staircases. Sqm g 293.89 Sqm Circular / curved shape Columns of any size Sqm h 1,754.84 Sqm Walls of any size in circular / curved shape Sqm i 118.35 Sqm Weather shade, Chajjas, corbels etc., including edges. Sqm j 5,123.66 Sqm Post tensioned beams, using water proof ply of 12 mm thick Sqm 11 27,417.58 12 Extra for additional height in centering, shuttering where ever required with adequate bracing, propping etc. including cost of de-shuttering and decentering at all levels, over a height of 3.5 m, for every additional height of 1 metre or part thereof (Plan area to be measured) Sqm Suspended floors, roofs, landing, beams and balconies (Plan area to be measured). Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete at all level. 9 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No a Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures 3,132.00 M.Ton Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars. e 13 M.Tone Providing ,laying , tensioning/ stressing of tendons for post tensioning works in slabs and beams with specified Tendons at all levels including supplying and laying of HT strands sheathing duct 80mmx20mm or 65mm dia. or 85mm dia., as required ,made of 0.3 mm thick GI corrugated sheeting to facilitate the threading of HT strands,jointing with couplers, fixing of ducts into the anchorages,decoiling the strands,cutting to the required lengths, threading of strands into the ducts , including all necessary profiling by fixing of all necessary tendon support bars,fixing of dead end of HT strands including flowering the strands,fixing of grout vents, fixing of live end anchorages including the supply of stressing anchorages (SS) suitable for 5-4, 5-5 tendons, supervising the fabrication and fixing of anti bursting reinforcement,stressing the cables,end trimming of cables after stressing ,grouting the annular space around the cable in the ducts with cement slurry mixed with approved admixtures with required tools, plants, machineries and consumables 81.86 M.Ton including providing ,cement and admixture for grouting, packing of sheathing e and anchorages blockings, filling of recess pockets after stressing using grouts (cement slurry mixed with approved admixtures) including providing access to post tensioning at all heights including all leads, lifts etc. all complete as per particular specification and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge but excluding shuttering , concreting & reinforcement steel which shall be payable under respective items separately. 14 Amount in Rs…. In Words 1,557.20 Rmt Add for plaster drip course/ groove in plastered surface or moulding to R.C.C. projections. 10 M.Tone Rmt Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 15 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and laying in position machine batched and machine mixed design mix for the following grade cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work, using cement content as per approved design mix, including pumping of concrete to site of laying but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement, including admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. M25 Grade a 1.02 Cum All works upto plinth level Cum b 11.18 Cum All works above plinth level up to floor V level. (M25 Grade) Cum c 1.02 Cum All works above floor V level upto floor IX level (M25 Grade) Cum 16 M30 Grade of any shape and size for pilecap, raftslab, grade beam, walls, shear walls, retaining walls, columns, beams, slabs, ramps, staircase, steps, landing, sills, chajjas, lintels, pergolas, fins. facia, drops and the like for the following levels a 877.72 b 2,108.00 Cum All works upto plinth level Cum Cum All works above plinth level up to floor V level. (M30 Grade) Cum 11 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity c 1,037.48 d 333.34 e - 17 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Cum All works above floor V level upto floor IX level (M30 Grade) Cum Cum All works above floor IX level upto floor XIII level (M30 Grade)\ Cum Cum All works above floor XIII level uoto floor XVII level (M30 Grade) Cum M40 Grade of any shape and size for pilecap, raftslab, grade beam, walls, shear walls, retaining walls, columns, conventional beams and slabs, Post tensioned slab and beams, ramps, staircase, steps, landing, and the like for the following levels Cum All works upto plinth level Cum a 14,476.65 b 6,733.09 Cum All works above plinth level up to floor V level. (M40 Grade) Cum c 904.46 Cum All works above floor V level upto floor IX level (M40 Grade) Cum 18 62.87 Cum Providing and laying Plum concrete1: 5: 10 (lean mix ) ( 1 cement :5 coarse sand : 10 aggregate of 40 mm and down size ) for extension of columns wherever specified including sub grade preparation, leveling, all leads and lifts, rough finishing at the top surface, curing etc complete. Cum 12 Amount in Rs…. In Words Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Total Amount C/o to Summary - (A ) …….. D Masonry Works 19 Providing and laying precast machine moulded cement concrete solid block in block masonary of specified thickness with blocks of Grade M10 and laying in position with cement mortar 1 :5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand ) including racking, scaffolding all complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. I a 1,254.57 b 12,787.08 c 3,878.43 d 654.84 e - 20 Block masonary of thickness 190mm with block of nominal size 400mmx 200mmx 200mm Sqm All work upto plinth level Sqm Sqm Above plinth level upto floor five level (for any floor height) Sqm Sqm Above floor five level upto floor nine level for any height Sqm Sqm Above floor nine level and upto floor thirteen level Sqm Sqm Above floor thirteenth floor level and upto Seventeenth floor level Sqm Block masonary of thickness 90mm with block of nominal size 400mmx 200mmx 100mm 13 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity a 1,265.29 b Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sqm Above plinth level upto floor five level (for any floor height) Sqm 852.08 Sqm Above floor five level upto floor nine level for any height Sqm c 180.48 Sqm Above floor nine level and upto floor thirteen level Sqm d - Sqm Above floor thirteenth level and upto floor seventeen level Sqm 21 Amount in Rs…. In Words Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) a 110.46 Sqm Sqm Above plinth level up to floor V level. b 51.29 c 7.89 Sqm Above floor five level upto floor nine level for any height Sqm Sqm Above floor nine level and upto floor thirteen level Sqm 14 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity d - 22 - I Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sqm Above floor thirteenth level and upto floor seventeen level Sqm Extra rate over & above any type of Masonry work for providing R.C.Binder - 80 mm thick with 1:2:4 reinforced cement concrete using coarse graded aggregate of 20 mm and downsize, reinforced with 4 nos. of 8 mm dia. Tor steel and 6 mm dia. Mild steel stirrups at 200 mm c/c and binders placed at intervals not more than 1000 mm, including cost of reinforcements and tying in position using binding wire made out of 16 gauge GI annealed or 18 gauge SS, form work, scaffolding, all labour, hire and fuel charges for all tools and plants employed and all other incidental charges etc. all complete, as directed by the Engineer-incharge. For 200 mm thick maosnry wall a 6,258.74 Rmt Up to Floor V level Rmt b 1,162.98 Rmt Above floor five level upto floor nine level for any height Rmt c 75.94 Rmt Above floor nine level and upto floor thirteen level Rmt d - Rmt Above floor thirteenth level and upto floor seventeen level Rmt II Amount in Rs…. In Words For 100 mm thick maosnry wall 15 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity a 1,532.55 b Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Rmt Up to Floor V level Rmt 822.49 Rmt Above floor five level upto floor nine level for any height Rmt c 605.53 Rmt Above floor nine level and upto floor thirteen level Rmt d 254.44 Rmt Above floor thirteenth level and upto floor seventeen level Rmt 23 a Amount in Rs…. In Words For 115 mm thick Masonry wall 73.97 Rmt Up to Floor V level Rmt Total Amount C/o to Summary - (A ) …….. E 24 Joinery Works Providing and fixing in position teak wood frames of any size and section for Doors, Windows, Ventilators, any openings and in Jambs, shaped, planed and fixed with necessary jointing method approved including pins, nails, screws and bolts etc. Rate shall include for cost of bolts, nuts, screws, nails, pins, Hot dip galvanised MS approved hold fast and concrete block grouting for fixing hold fast, anchor fasteners / coach screws and including a coat of suitable primer on the frames and 2 coats of Duco paint finish of approved colour etc. complete, as directed. 16 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures a 4.49 Cum Second class Teak wood frame Cum b 9.97 Cum Padauk wood frame Cum 25 Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and fixing of 35mm thk. Teak wood panelled shutter of approved size and shape as per drawing. All the wooden surfaces are duly with one coat of sealer, two coats of melamine polish after sanding & filler the surface to get a smooth finish. The shutter shall be shop prepared for taking suitable lock block of wood may be provided for fixing the hardware, including polish. The size of block, shall perfectly correspond to the maximum size of lock, covered in IS 2209. All the four edges of the door shutter shall be square. The shutter shall be free from twist or warp in its plane and of required size etc. 81.27 26 Sqm The rate shall be excluding the cost of hardwares etc. which will be paid separately in the relevant item. The door shall be factory made Finish. Sqm Providing and fixing hardware set of YALE or approved equivalent make with necessary screws etc., for the below said item. Nos Hinges - Yale -100 x 75 x 3 mm SS 304 Grade Each a 186.00 b 31.00 Nos Mortise Lock Body - Yale 28P- Entrance function Each c 62.00 Nos Lever Handle suiting Mortise Lock - Yale Lever on Plate Each 17 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures d 31.00 Nos Cylinder X Thumbturn Suiting Mortise Lock - 60 mm TT SN Regular Keys Each e 31.00 Nos Door Eye - Yale V0401A Each f 31.00 Nos Tower Bolt - PAG 3026- 10" Each g 31.00 Nos Tower Bolt - PAG 3026- 6" Each h 31.00 Nos Door Stopper - PAG 3043 Each 27 Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and fixing 35 mm thick flush door pre hung door set ( factory made ) of M/s.Shree sakthi doors or approved equivalent make single leaf of saurland german particle board with perimeter hardwood frame of size 35 x 40 all around with 3 mm thick PVC edge band to a appropriate width. The finishing of door on both sides with 0.6mm thick decorative shade laminate over 3 mm thick HDF/Plywood the rate also include for fixing 75 x 12 mm laminate finish engineered hardwood architrave beading.All frames to be fixed with necessary anchor fasteners with a 10 mm thick gripping PU foam between the masonry and hardwood.are as per detailed drawing. The rate shall be excluding the cost of hardwares etc. which will be paid separately in the relevant item. The door shall be factory made Finish. 18 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No a Total Quantity 168.00 28 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Nos 900 x 2100 mm Amount in Rs…. In Words Each Providing and fixing hardware set of YALE or approved equivalent make with necessary screws etc., for the below said item. Nos Yale -100 x 75 x 3 mm SS 304 Grade - Hinges Each a 1,008.00 b 168.00 Nos Yale CA5127 US32D - Cylindrical Knob Lock - Entrance Function Each c 168.00 Nos Tower Bolt - PAG 3026- 10" Each d 168.00 Nos Door Stopper - PAG 3043 Each 19 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 29 Total Quantity 286.00 30 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sqm Providing and fixing thick 30mm thick Fully flush shutter with 1.5 mm thick lamintate on both sides.The shutter shall be made of solid core of block board type bonded with PF synthetic resin conforming to BWP grade of IS 848 with 6 mm thick teak wood lippingfinished with DUCO paint of approved make, colour.The construction procedure of the shutter should be as per IS 2202. The shutter shall be shop prepared for taking mortice lock or latches suitable lock block of wood may be provided for fixing the hardware, including painting and the lipping works.The size of block, shall perfectly correspond to the maximum size of lock, covered in IS 2209. All the four edges of the door shutter shall be square. The shutter shall be free from twist or warp in its plane and of required size etc. complete as directed. Rate shall include for fixing all door hardwares of like lock, hinges, handle, tower bolts, and other accesories etc..as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification, as directed by the Employer/ Employer's Representative. Finishes shall made at Factory only installation at site. Sqm Providing and fixing hardware set of YALE or approved equivalent make with necessary screws etc., for the below said item. Nos Yale -100 x 75 x 3 mm SS 304 Grade - Hinges Each a 1,023.00 b 170.00 Nos Yale CA5122 US32D - Cylindrical Knob Lock - Privacy Function Each c 217.00 Nos Tower Bolt - PAG 3026- 6" Each 20 Amount in Rs…. In Words Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 31 368.84 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Supply and fixing of UPVC Sliding window 2Track 4Panel without flyscreen duly manufactured using uPVC reinforced profiles of 60X49X2.5 mm for outer frames, 62x41x2.5mm for sliding shutter. The minimum wall thickness for the external surfaces shall be 2.2 +/- 0.3mm. The windows has to be design as per applicable wind pressure at various heights for the location of the building as stipulated in IS codes. The window system shall be designed for water tightness.The system must have 2 sealed chambers for frame and 1 sealed chamber for sliding shutter, capable of mounting single/ double glazing system, structurally reinforced with hot dip galvanized steel with 120 GSM of minimum thickness of 1.5mm prefabricated and welded through fusion welding, the window shall be fitted with 5mm thick toughened glass of Saint gobain / Asahi or equivalent make duly fitted with EPDM weathering seal resistant accessories like clipping locking system made of aluminium 1 No. per set of sashes and the system is to be installed at site using anchor fasteners, silicion sealent, easy glazing / deglazing at site etc.. Sqm The rate shall be include for preaparing & submitting shop drawings, calculations etc.. and for conducting the necessary test to check for water tightness at various heights etc.. and also inclusive of cost and conveyance of all materials, accessories, labour charges for transportation, erection at site complete for finished item of work, as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard codes & specification, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Windows, W1- 1800 X 1350 mm/ W2- 1500 X 1350 mm/ W3- 1200 X 1350mm (2T 2P W/O FS type & Single Point lock). Sizes are indicative only. 21 Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 32 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Kitchen Window - Supply and fixing of uPVC Sliding window 2Track 4Panel without flyscreen duly manufactured using uPVC reinforced profiles of 60X49X2.5 mm for outer frames, 62x41x2.5mm for sliding shutter. The minimum wall thickness for the external surfaces shall be 2.2 +/- 0.3mm. The windows has to be design as per applicable wind pressure at various heights for the location of the building as stipulated in IS codes. The window system shall be designed for water tightness.The system must have 2 sealed chambers for frame and 1 sealed chamber for sliding shutter, capable of mounting single/ double glazing system, structurally reinforced with hot dip galvanized steel with 120 GSM of minimum thickness of 1.2mm prefabricated and welded through fusion welding, the window shall be fitted with 5mm thick toughened glass of Saint gobain / Asahi or equivalent make duly fitted with EPDM weathering seal resistant accessories like clipping locking system made of aluminium 1 No. per set of sashes and the system is to be installed at site using anchor fasteners, silicion sealent, easy glazing / deglazing at site etc.. 111.13 Sqm The rate shall be include for preaparing & submitting shop drawings, calculations etc.. and for conducting the necessary test to check for water tightness at various heights etc.. and also inclusive of cost and conveyance of all materials, accessories, labour charges for transportation, erection at site complete for finished item of work, as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard codes & specification, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Kitchen Windows, KW1- 1200 X 1050 mm/ KW2- 1000 X 1050 mm (2T 2P W/O FS type & Single Point lock). Size are indicative only. 22 Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 33 70.02 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Supply and fixing of UPVC Louver Window/ Ventilators duly manufactured using uPVC reinforced profiles of 60X60X2.5 mm for outer frames. The system has to be design as per applicable wind pressure at various heights for the location of the building as stipulated in IS codes. The system shall be designed for water tightness. The Louver/ Ventilator frame section capable of mounting pinhead glass as per manucfacturing standard, frame structurally reinforced with hot dip galvanized steel with 120 GSM of minimum thickness of 1.2mm prefabricated and welded through fusion welding, the window shall be fitted with pinhead glass of Saint gobain / Asahi or equivalent make duly fitted and the system is to be installed at site using anchor fasteners, silicion sealent at site etc.. Sqm The rate shall be include for preaparing & submitting shop drawings, calculations etc.. and for conducting the necessary test to check for water tightness at various heights etc.. and also inclusive of cost and conveyance of all materials, accessories, labour charges for transportation, erection at site complete for finished item of work, as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard codes & specification, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Ventilators, V1- 750 X 750mm/ V2- 750 X 700mm/ V3- 750 X 675mm (Fixed louvers). Size are indicative only. 23 Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 34 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Sliding Doors - Supply and fixing of UPVC Sliding Door 2Track 4Panel without flyscreen duly manufactured using uPVC reinforced profiles of 60X49X2.5 mm for outer frames, 85x41x2.5mm for sliding shutter. The minimum wall thickness for the external surfaces shall be 2.2 +/- 0.3mm. The system has to be design as per applicable wind pressure at various heights for the location of the building as stipulated in IS codes. The system shall be designed for water tightness.The system must have 2 sealed chambers for frame and 1 sealed chamber for sliding shutter, capable of mounting single/ double glazing system, structurally reinforced with hot dip galvanized steel with 120 GSM of minimum thickness of 1.2mm prefabricated (1.2mm for Sash) and welded through fusion welding, the window shall be fitted with 5mm thick toughened glass of Saint gobain / Asahi or equivalent make duly fitted with EPDM weathering seal resistant accessories like clipping locking system made of aluminium 1 No. per set of sashes and the system is to be installed at site using anchor fasteners, silicion sealent, easy glazing / deglazing at site etc.. 288.96 Sqm The rate shall be include for preaparing & submitting shop drawings, calculations etc.. and for conducting the necessary test to check for water tightness at various heights etc.. and also inclusive of cost and conveyance of all materials, accessories, labour charges for transportation, erection at site complete for finished item of work, as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard codes & specification, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Door cum Window, DW1- 3000 X 2100 mm/ DW2- 2500 X 2100 mm (2T 4P W/O FS type & Multi Point lock). Sizes are indicative only. Sqm 2hr. Fire rated hollow metal doors - Painted 24 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 35 Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and fixing of Hollow metal fire rated doors at all levels from ISO 90012000 certified Manufacturer. Fire door should be as per IS 3614 part-1 & part-2 and BS 476 part 2 or EN 1634. Recommended fire door shall be tested and certified by a third party evaluation program from approved international agency like CERTIFIER and labeled. Where third party evaluation is not required fire doors should be tested at CBRI or ARAI for maximum rating of 2hrs both with vision panel and without vision panel. Pressed Galvanized steel Single /Double leaf door of approved make shakti met-dor or approved equivalent which consists of frame, shutter, infill and finish as detailed below and conforming to IS 277. Door frame shall be double rebate profile of size 143 x 57 mm made out of 1.60mm (16gauge) thick galvanized steel sheet. Frames shall be Mitered and field assembled with self tabs. All provision should be mortised, drilled and tapped for receiving appropriate hardware. Rubber door silencers should be provided on the striking jamb. Frames should be provided with back plate bracket and anchor fasteners for installation on a finished plastered masonry wall opening. Once frame installed should be grouted with cement & sand slurry necessary for fire doors on the clear masonry opening. Door leaf shall be 46mm thick fully flush double skin door with or without vision lite. Door leaf shall be manufactured from 1.2mm (18guage) thick galvanized steel sheet. The internal construction of the door should be rigid reinforcement pads for receiving appropriate hardware. The infill material shall be resin bonded honeycomb core. All doors shall be factory prepped for receiving appropriate hardware and provided with necessary reinforcement for hinges, locks, and door closers. The edges should be interlocked with a bending radius of 1.4mm. For pair of doors astragals has to be provided on the meeting stile for both active and inactive leaf. Vision lite wherever applicable should be of size 200x300mm provided as per manufacturers recommendation with a beading and screws from inside. The glass should be 6mm clear borosilicate fire rated glass of relevant rating of the door. 25 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words All doors and frames shall be finished with etched primer coating, stove zinc phosphate primer and thermosetting polyurethane aliphatic grade paint of approved RAL colour. The door leaf and frame shall have passed minimum 250 hours of salt spray test. Rate should include supply and installation of door and hardware size as mentioned below a 188.57 Sqm 2Hrs Fire Rated Door Single leaf of size : 600x1500mm without vision panel (shaft door) Sqm b 46.36 Sqm 2Hrs Fire Rated Door Single leaf of size : 900x2100mm with vision panel with Self adhesive sponge seal for frames 188S Sqm c 67.07 Sqm 2Hrs Fire Rated Door Single leaf of size : 1000x2100mm with vision panel with Self adhesive sponge seal for frames 188S, Sqm d 28.41 Sqm 2Hrs Fire Rated Door Single leaf of size : 1200x2100mm with vision panel with Self adhesive sponge seal for frames 188S, Sqm e 27.82 Sqm 2Hrs Fire Rated Door Double leaf of size : 1500x2100mm with vision panel with Self adhesive sponge seal for frames 188S. Sqm 36 a 606.00 Supplying and fixing hardware set of GEZE or approved equivalent make with necessary screws etc., for the below said item. Nos GEZE GS series Two ball bearing flat button button hinge with machine Screws Size : 102mm x76mm x3mm Material : Stainless Steel Finish: Satin (Code No.8011008) 26 Each Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words b 64.00 Nos 19mm dia Lever handle sprung loaded on with 8mm rose. (for steel doors) Supplied with both wood screws and bolt through fixing. Suitable for 40 to 50mm door thickness Grub screw fixing onto 8mm x 100mm spindle. longer spindle available for thicker door. Material: Stainless Steel 304 Finish : Satin Size: 140mm x 70mm projection from door surface. (Code No.8012136) Each c 80.00 Nos GEZE GP Series 'D' type pull handle size Ø19 x 250mm single side application includes accessories for 50mm thick door.Material : SS 304, Finsih : SSS (Code No.8163107) Each d 182.00 Nos MORTICE SHAFT LOCK with Allen Key Each e 57.00 Nos GEZE Overhead rack and pinion door closer GEZE TS 2000 V with variable closing force size 2,4 and 5 as per EN 1154, closing speed adjustable at front, standard type of installation: door mount on hinge side, also available with optional mounting plate (Code No.1010008) Each f 33.00 Nos Geze Reversible cross bar panic latch in Silver ( single point ) includes strike plate and accessories. Suit for leaf size upto 2440mm high and 1220mm width. Finish: Silver (for steel doors) (Code no.8026366) Each g 64.00 Nos GEZE GS Series, 12" flush bolt for metal door. (Code no.90817041) Each Total Amount C/o to Summary - (A ) …….. F Steel Work 27 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures 37 986.20 Kg Structural steel work in single section fixed with or without connecting plate including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete. Kg 38 6,988.17 Kg Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete: Kg 39 32.55 40 4.00 41 3.95 Sqm Extra for providing mechanical device chain and crank operation for operating rolling shutters. Sqm 42 1.98 Sqm Exceeding 16.80 sqm in area. Sqm 43 2.96 Sqm Extra for providing grilled rolling shutters manufactured out of 8 mm dia M.S. bar instead of laths as per design approved by Engineer-in- charge, (area of grill to be measured) Sqm Sqm Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of required size M.S. laths, interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push and pull operation complete, including the cost of providing and fixing necessary 27.5 cm long wire springs manufactured from high tensile steel wire of adequate strength conforming to IS: 4454 -part 1 and M.S. top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters. Each Providing and fixing ball bearing for rolling shutters. 28 Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Each Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit 17,704.15 Kg 45 a Per In Figures 44 a Description of Work Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required In stringers, treads, landings etc. of stair cases, including use of chequered plate wherever required, all complete Amount in Rs…. In Words Kg Providing and fixing hand rail of approved size by welding etc. to steel ladder railing, balcony railing, staircase railing and similar works, including applying priming coat of approved steel primer 3,550.30 Kg Kg Using GI pipes 46 3,254.05 Kg Providing and fixing stainless steel ( Grade 304) railing made of Hollow tubes, channels, plates etc., including welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and making curvature (wherever required) and fitting the same with necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete, i/c fixing the railing with necessary accessories & stainless steel dash fasteners, stainless steel bolts etc., of required size, on the top of the floor or the side of waist slab with suitable arrangement as per approval of Engineer-in-charge, (for payment purpose only weight of stainless steel members shall be considered excluding fixing accessories such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.) Kg Total Amount C/o to Summary - (A ) …….. G Flooring Works ( Interiors ) 29 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 47 Total Quantity 628.21 48 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sqm 52 mm thick cement concrete flooring with concrete hardener topping, under layer 40 mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) and top layer 12 mm thick cement hardener consisting of mix 1:2 (1 cement hardener mix : 2 graded stone aggregate 6 mm nominal size) by volume, hardening compound mixed @ 2 litre per 50 kg of cement or as per manufacturer’s specifications. This includes cost of cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete. Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Providing and laying in panels not more than 20 sqm. in plan granolithic flooring with cement concrete 1:2:4 by using coarse graded aggregate of 6 to 12 mm size laid monolithic with floor concrete and finished smooth with power trowel including preparation of concrete surface and form work. The screed shall be laid for effective separation of panels not exceeding 20 sqm. in plan etc. complete as per Specifications and as directed. Unevenness in floor finish shall not exceed +2mm in one square meter area. Rate to include lead , lift at all levels, pumping, placing, necessary formwork, curing etc., complete a 497.05 49 28.60 Sqm 50 mm thick Sqm Sqm Providing and laying self levelling epoxy of 1000 micron thick joint less floor topping from approved make, application over the granolithic flooring as per approved manufacturer's specification, including preparation of surface, application, wastage, equipment, tools and plants, work at all levels etc. complete as directed by theEmployer/Employer's Representative Sqm 30 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 50 Total Quantity 8,907.30 51 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sqm Providing,laying decorative coloured stamping for the required ordinary colours and pattern over the concrete and with sealant on the top of Bomanite of approved shade and colour with controlled cement concrete mix of M25 grade to a thickness of 65 mm for side form work, expansion joint / control joint curing, lighting, power, water laid to required slope and camber in panels confirming to IRC standard Rate shall also include for Color hardners, releasing Agents, stamping, men, tools & tackles etc. Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Providing and fixing of flooring with Premium quality approved make of full bodied vitrified floor tiles (seamless joint) confirming to IS 13006/EN 176 Group BIa with tech.specification as Mohs scratch hardness greater than 6,Water Absorption of 0.06%, Modulus of Rupture greater than 27 N/mm, Deep Abrasion resistant less than 204 mm cube, Surface flatness, Straightness of sides ± 0.25%, thickness ± 5% of size of approved colour and size & thick as specified below, set in 20mm thick C.M.1:4 and pointing with approved make epoxy grout of to matching colour shade as per Manufacturer's Specification and as directed. Rate shall include wastages, for preparation of base surface, cleaning, acid wash, and finished surface, protection with Gypsum / Pop layer over Plastic sheet and removing the same before handing over,work at all levels and as directed.Rate shall be inclusive of forming pattern as shown in dwg and wastages etc; as complete in all respects and complying with relevant standard specifications and as directed by the department officers/Architect. a 3,032.55 Sqm 800mmx800mmx12mm. Sqm b 3,692.16 Sqm 600mmx600mmx10mm. Sqm 52 500.77 Sqm Same as above specification but the tile shall be Matt finish, outdoor full bodied vitrified tiles 8mm thick of 300x300 size. Sqm 31 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures 53 355.65 Sqm Providing flooring with best quality approved make Anti Skid Ceramic tiles ranges, sizes as listed below shall 8.0mm thick set in CM 1:4, 20mm thick and pointing the joints with Laticrete adhesive L 290 and pointing with Laticrete make Latapoxy SP 100 of approved make as per Manufacturer's Specification and as directed. Rate shall include for preparation of base surface, and finishing the surface, cleaning the surface, and protecting and with Gypsum / POP layer over Plastic sheet and removing the same before handing over, work at all levels etc. as complete in all respects and complying with relevant standard specifications and as directed by the Employer/Employer's Representative. Size of tiles shall be 300mmx300mm. Sqm 54 1,923.08 Sqm Providing and fixing of flooring with Premium quality approved make of full bodied vitrified floor tiles (seamless joint) confirming to IS 13006/EN 176 Group BIa with tech.specification as Mohs scratch hardness greater than 6,Water Absorption of 0.06%, Modulus of Rupture greater than 27 N/mm, Deep Abrasion resistant less than 204 mm cube, Surface flatness, Straightness of sides ± 0.25%, thickness ± 5% of size of approved colour and size & thick as specified, the tile shall be laid with 4mm thick spacer semi glossi / honed finish joints are fillied with approved make Epoxy grout (office area) and tile set in combination of Laticrete adhesive L 111 and L 73 ( cementtiious powder and latex rubberised liquid ) or Equivalent approved make to a thick not less than 6mm (for surface contact of the bottom of the granite slab) as per approved pattern/design using irrespective of size and shape, Rate shall include for preparation of base surface & finishing as per manufacturer's Specification and as directed.- 600 x 600 mm Sqm 32 Amount in Rs…. In Words Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 55 1,608.31 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Providing flooring with best quality approved colour natural marble slab thick 18mm of size not less than 1200 x 900 mm/ 900 x 600mm, machine cut with water ( without kerosene ), set in combination of Laticrete adhesive L 111 and L 73 ( cementtiious powder and latex rubberised liquid ) or Equivalent approved make to a thick not less than 9mm (for surface contact of the bottom of the granite slab) as per approved pattern/design drawing using irrespective of size and shape, including finishing the joints with Laticrete make Unsanded Cementitious grout L 600 series or Rate shall include for preparation of base surface & finishing the joints with white cement slurry, cutting, edge chamfering and polishing rough, medium, nice and acid wash and tin-oxide polish as per manufacturer's Specification and as directed. Sqm Rate shall include for preparation of base surface & finished the surface, protection with gypsum/pop layer over plastic sheet and removing the same before handing over, work at all levels and as complete in all respects and complying with relevant standard specifications and as directed by the Employer/Employer's Representative. The tolerance in level shall be +/-1mm. (Basic cost Rs.850/Sqm) Sqm 56 1,985.89 Sqm Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) - 25 mm thixk Sqm 57 731.38 Sqm Kota stone slabs 20 mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid on 12 mm (average) thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing and polishing complete Sqm 33 Amount in Rs…. In Words Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 58 330.76 59 26.12 60 623.09 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sqm Providing flooring with best quality of approved colour leather finish granite slab not less than 18 mm thick of size not less than 1200 x 900 mm/ 900 x 600, machine cut and machine high pre-polished, set in C.M 1:4, 20 mm thick topped with white cement slurry (for surface contact of the bottom of the granite slab) as per approved pattern/design drawing, including finishing the joints with white cement slurry, cutting, edge chamfering and polishing rough, medium, nice and acid wash and tin-oxide polish as per manufacturer's Specification and as directed. Rate shall include for preparation of base surface & finished the surface, protection with gypsum/pop layer over plastic sheet and removing the same before handing over, work at all levels and as complete in all respects and complying with relevant standard specifications and as directed by the Employer/Employer's Representative The tolerance in level shall be +/1mm. Sqm Providing and fixing flooring with cement based pressed button tile of approved make, thick not not less than 22 mm thick of approved colour / pattern of specified shape & size (as per drg), over a bed of CM 1:4, 20mm thick including jointed with matching cement slurry including preparation of base surface, and finished the surface, cleaning the surface, work at all levels etc.,as complete in all respects and complying with relevant standard specifications and as directed by the Employer/Employer's Representative Sqm Providing flooring with best quality approved make White Glossy ceramic tiles ranges, sizes as listed below shall 8.0mm thick set in CM 1:4, 20mm thick and pointing the joints with Laticrete and pointing with Laticrete of approved make and as directed. Rate shall include for preparation of base surface, and finishing the surface, cleaning the surface, and protecting and with Gypsum / POP layer over Plastic sheet and removing the same before handing over, work at all levels etc. as complete in all respects and complying with relevant standard specifications and as directed by theEmployer/Employer's Representative( Over Head Tanks & U.G.Sump) Size of tiles shall be 6mm thick of 305 x 305 mm size. 34 Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Sqm Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 61 Total Quantity 262.92 62 359.97 63 73.97 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sqm Supplying and fixing 20 mm thick granite of approved colur for counter top for wash basin laid in 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 over the concrete surface and edge chamfering and providing the hole in the granite for fixing the pillar cock tap etc., complete and as directed. Providing and laying with best qualityof approved colur Italian marble perlato sicilio 20mm of size not less than 1200 x 900 mm/ 900 x 600mm, machine cut with water ( without kerosene ), set in combination of Laticrete adhesive L 111 and L 73 ( cementtiious powder and latex rubberised liquid ) or Equivalent approved make to a thick not less than 9mm (for surface contact of the bottom of the granite slab) as per approved pattern/design drawing using irrespective of size and shape, including finishing the joints with Laticrete make Unsanded Cementitious grout L 600 series or Rate shall include for preparation of base surface & finishing the joints with white cement slurry, cutting, edge chamfering and polishing rough, medium, nice and acid wash and tin-oxide polish as per manufacturer's Specification and as directed. Sqm Rate shall include for preparation of base surface & finished the surface, protection with gypsum/pop layer over plastic sheet and removing the same before handing over, work at all levels and as complete in all respects and complying with relevant standard specifications and as directed by the Engineers In-charge/Consultant. The tolerance in level shall be +/-1mm. Sqm Providing and laying of laminated wooden flooring but in general it shall be provided with 8mm thick HDF planks of size 194mmx1286mm with factory tongue and groove joints, glue fixed and edges finished with necessary profiles of skirting / reducer as per manufactures specification. Rate shall be inclusive of providing 4mm polyethene sheets as under lay on the existing floor. The tolerance in level shall be +/-1mm. Note: Approved make shall be Tarkett Sommer or equivalent, as completed with all respect and complying with relevant standard specification as directed by the Engineer-Incharge/Consultant and as per drawing. 35 Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Sqm Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 64 65 Total Quantity 118.35 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sqm Supplying and fixing Imported Vinyl flooring with roll form vinyl tile of approved make & shade 2mm mm thick of standard sizes as per IS –3462 / BS 3261 of manufacturers specification over the existing floor. The rate shall include all cuttings and wastages, cutting and providing tile above electrical trunking, cost of all materials adhesives of SR-505 FEVICOL of M/s. PIDILITE Industries Ltd., make etc, including welding of joints., complete. Only laid area will be measured for payment. Rate quoted shall be for the complete finished work including all the materials and labour mentioned above. Providing, supplying & installing imported Broad loom carpet / ROLL TYPE of approved make in the specified areas as per specifications, patterns/drawing specified below. Face Construction Construction - Roll Type Yarn- recyclable Nylon Gauge - 1/10 to 1/12 Pile stitches per inch : 9 to 12 Pile Height Average : 5mm Density factor Minimum 25000 to 37500 oz/cubic yard Over All Thickness : 7 to 8 mm Fiber System : Nylon Dye Method - Solution dyed yarn Soil / stain protection - suitable pretreatment required (protect) Backing System Backing System : Polypropylene Product Testing Surface Flammability Flooring radiant panel -Class1 Electrostatic property-3.0 kv or lower Colour fastness to light-great->_4 after 100 hours Adhesive system Tackifier applied to the floor meeting low VOC (Volatile Organic compound) specifications Installation Method 36 Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 3,875.74 66 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Adhesive applied on the floor. Warranties Minimum 15 year warranty with replacement against excessive wear, edge ravel, zippering & backing reiliency loss. Warranty certificate from manufacturer to be furnished. Product Size : 3.66m width Cost Sqm Cost to include plastic covering protection after installation, shampooing before hand over, 2% attic stock, all handling, transportation, wastage, taxes and duties that are applicable etc; complete. Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm False Flooring Providing and fixing Access floor systems of Unitile® or approved equivalent make all as per following specifications confirming to PSA MOB PF2 PS/SPU or NFPA 262 standards. System : Access floor system to be installed shall provide a maximum finished floor height of upto 600mm from the existing floor level. The system shall provide for suitable pedestal and under-structure designed to withstand various static loads and rolling loads subjected to it in an office / server / DCS / panel / rack area. The entire Access floor system shall provide for adequate fire resistance, acoustic barrier and air leakage resistance. Panels : Access Floor panel of size 600x600 mm shall be all steel welded construction, with an enclosed bottom pan of 64 hemispherical cones and top plain sheet which are fuse welded at 124 locations to form a panel of an overall depth of 37 mm. The inner empty core of the panel is injected with a light weight fire retardant, non combustible cementitious compound at high pressure to fill in all the crevices of the panel and ensures support of not less than 85% of the top surface area of the panel. The panel after cleaning, degreasing, phosphate by 7 tank process is coated with 40 micron epoxy coat and is heated to achieve maximum adhesion and surface resistance. The Panels shall be UL listed/ FM approved. 37 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words The panel is then laminated with 1.5 mm thick fire retardant floor grade antistatic laminate/pvc on a semi -automated lamination line to ensure maximum bonding to the steel surface. The edges of the laminated/PVC are protected with black PVC edge trim 5mm wide on all sides. This edge trim is mechanically locked and sealed in place to avoid detachment Pedestals : Pedestal installed to support the panel shall be suitable to achieve a finished floor height of 75 to 600mm. Pedestal design shall confirm speedy assembly and removal for relocation and maintenance. Pedestal base to be permanently secured to position on the sub floor. Pedestal assembly shall provide for easy adjustment of leveling and accurately align panels to ensure lateral restrain. Pedestals shall support an axial load of 2000 Kgs, without permanent deflection and an ultimate load of 3500 Kegs. Pedestal head shall be designed to avoid any rattle or squeaks. Pedestal Assembly : Consisting of 100 x 100 x 2mm thick galvanized epoxy polyester coated MS Base plate die-pressed orbitally riveted to a 21mm O.D. 2.5mm thick epoxy coated MS pipe to engage the pedestal head assembly. The pedestal head assembly consists of an embossed steel plate having 4 holes with ¼ th tapping for fastening and locating of tile ; orbitally riveted to a corresponding threaded stud 16mmdia. (O.D), length 100mm which is designed to engage the pedestal base assembly. The assembly shall provide a range of height adjustment upto 25mm, with the help of check nuts. Understructure : Understructure system consists of stringers of size 570 x 32x 20 x 1.5mm to form a grid of 600 x 600mm. These stringers are locked into the pedestal head and run both ways. The US system shall provide adequate solid, rigid and quiet support for access floor panels. The US system shall provide a minimum clear, uninterrupted height of 550 mm between the bottom of the floor and bottom of the access floor for electrical conduiting and wiring. 38 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Stringers : Stringer system is all steel construction, rectangular channels 30 x 20 x 1.6mm thick with pre-punched counter sunk holes at both ends for securing the stringers onto the pedestal head ensuring maximum lateral stability in all directions. The grid formed by the pedestal and stringer assembly shall receive the floor panel. Panel Loading: The panel dimensions and performance must confirm with PSA MOB - PF2 PS/SPU standards for a heavy duty panel and must comply with the, Concentrated Point Load : 450 kgs on a 25 x 25 mm square on the centre of the panel with a maximum permissible deflecting of not more than 2.5mm & Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL): 1250 kg/M2 with a maximum permissible deflection of not more than 2.0mm. Fire Rating : The Panels shall confirm to Class O & Class 1 Fire Ratings tested as per BS 476 Part 6 & 7 Rate shall include to produce a test certificate for the above load of approved laboratory, preparation of surface, cutting for supply/return Air Grills and for Grommet of required size, wastages, lead & lift, grouting the system with anchor fastener, removing all debris from the premises etc. complete, as directed and for providing class O Armaflex Nitrile rubber of 15mm thick as a sub floor insulation with SSR 98 adhesives to the entire area of existing (Below false flooring) as per manufacturer's specification. Rate shall inclusive of providing ramp/Steps in false flooring in the entry as shown in drawing. a 335.31 Sqm The height of the jacks shall be 300 mm . Sqm b 335.31 Sqm The height of the jacks shall be 450 mm . Sqm 39 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 67 2.00 68 44.38 69 a 29.59 70 823.48 71 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Nos Providing and fixing Unitile® or approved equivalent makes panel lifter. The panel lifter having special two cup suction panel lifting tool, designed for heavy duty load carrying capacities with safety lever attachment which requires deliberate manual movement to unlock the panel. Sqm Supplying and fixing of barrier mat of Esplanade Plus from GRADUS MATTING. The rate inclusive of necessary edging strips/mat well frame ect, all as per manufacture slandered specification. Size as per approved drawings. Providing and fixing of SS Box section for edge guard to barrier mat as per approved drawing Rmt Size 25x25mm Sqm Providing and laying 3mm thk self smoothing Epoxy floor topping over the grano flooring in recreational block areas.Grinding the surfaces, cleaning the surface thoroughly & removing laitance completely and then applying solvent free primer on the concrete surface and seeding with fine aggregates so as to get a good mechanical key and allow it dry and then applying and laying 3mm thick self-smoothing epoxy topping flowshield SL or approved equivalent make in approved colour and allow it dry. Rate shall include chipping, levelling, applying, tool & tackles,electricity, water etc.. as directed by the EngineerIncharge/Consultant.(Guarantee shall be given by the authorized applicator for a period of one year) Amount in Rs…. In Words Each Sqm Rmt Sqm Skirting Works Providing skirting 100 mm high with full bodied vitrified floor tiles of approved equivalent make, 7.5 / 9 mm thick set in Laticrete adhesive L290 including pointing with Latapoxy SP 100 joint filler compound of Laticrete or approved matching shade and all as per Manufacturer's Specification. Rate shall include for chasing of wall for flushing the tile inline with wall surface, preparation of base surface and acid wash at all levels and as per drawing. 40 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures a 1,912.69 Rmt Vitrified tile – Matt finish. Rmt b 5,443.20 Rmt Vitrified tile – Polished. Rmt 72 1,207.44 Rmt 73 1,787.92 Rmt Providing 100 mm high skirting with best quality approved colour marble slab of thickness not less than 18 mm, machine cut and machine high prepolished set in Laticrete adhesive L 290 to a thick of 4mm uniformly and finishing the joints with Latapoxy SP 100 of Laticrete or equivalent make, at all levels and all as per drawing directed. Rate shall include for preparation of surface, with tin-oxide / high gloss factory polish. Rate also to include filleting/ chamfering of the edges along with partial recessing of the skirting into masonry / gypsum wall Rmt Providing 100 mm high skirting with best quality approved Kotah slab of thickness not less than 20 mm, machine cut and machine high pre-polished set in Laticrete adhesive L 290 to a thick of 4mm uniformly and finishing the joints with Latapoxy SP 100 of Laticrete or equivalent make, at all levels and all as per drawing . Rate shall include for preparation of surface, with tin-oxide / high gloss factory polish. Rate also to include filleting/ chamfering of the edges along with partial recessing of the skirting into masonry / gypsum wall 74 263.32 Rmt Providing 100 mm high skirting with best quality approved Jet Black granite slab of thickness not less than 18 mm, machine cut and machine high prepolished set in Laticrete adhesive L 290 to a thick of 4mm uniformly and finishing the joints with Latapoxy SP 100 of Laticrete or equivalent make, at all levels and all as per drawing. Rate shall include for preparation of surface, with tin-oxide / high gloss factory polish. Rate also to include filleting/ chamfering of the edges along with partial recessing of the skirting into masonry / gypsum wall(basic cost of granite Rs.150/Sq.ft) 41 Amount in Rs…. In Words Rmt Rmt Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 75 374.76 76 1,829.39 77 322.43 78 5,620.36 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Rmt Providing and fixing 100 mm high skirting made from 12 mm thick BWP board finished with 1.5mm laminate of approved shade & colour, bottom and top edge covered with 4mm thick polished teak wood lipping as per architectural drawing with 4 mm grooves at top enamel painted of approved colour. The ply being grouted to the GI channel. Rmt Providing and fixing of aluminium skirting(Gradus/ALLOY or approved equivalent make) 100mm high and 1mm thick of aluminium profile of approved colour fixed at wall/partition. Dadoing works Sqm Providing dadoing with machine cut and machine high pre-polished best quality approved colour granite tile of thickness not less than 10mm of size 600x600mm/600x300mm, set in cement mortar 1:3, pointing the joints with approved Tile’ joint filler grout compound matching to the granite color and as directed. Rate shall include for preparation of base surface, such as hacking, cleaning, wastages, smooth joint, necessary corner/edge guards of matching color, cleaning and acid wash etc. complete and as per drawing as directed.( Lift Lobby, Corridor ) Sqm Providing Dadoing with best quality Ceramic tile of approved make and size of 300x450mm set in cement mortar 1:3, pointing the joints with approved Tile’ joint filler grout compound as per Manufacturer's Specification and as directed. Rate shall include for preparation of base surface, such as hacking, cleaning and acid wash complete all as directed. Rate shall include wastages, smooth joint, necessary corner/edge guards of matching color, cleaning and acid wash etc. complete and as per drawing as directed. (toilets) 42 Amount in Rs…. In Words Rmt Rmt Sqm Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures 79 Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and fixing Natural Marble Cladding slab of thickness not less than 25 mm size of approved colour & shade of size not less than 900x600 / 1200x600 mm or approved size, using dry fixing method. Each marble slab is to be individually supported using 4 Nos. of stainless steel cramps, screws & bolts are 316 'L' grade two each at top and bottom. Each SS cramp will be of size 75 x 50 x 5 mm thickness as shown in drawing and as directed. Each SS cramp will be fixed to the wall using two numbers of MS oxidized non-corrosive expansion anchor fasteners of size 10 mm head, 6 mm dia. and 100 mm length for masonry work , 10 mm head, 6 mm dia. and 50 mm length for RCC areas. Each marble slab will have two SS cramps at the bottom with the lipping of 12 mm height embedded in the groove cut in the marble, the groove depth being 20 mm and width being 6 mm. 429.00 Sqm Each slab will also have similar 2 cramps at the top, balance gaps in the grooves will be filled with metal paste. There will be no gaps seen between the marble slabs in elevation. Any corner or junction slab which may be of smaller size should also be supported similarly. It has to be ensured that the slabs are perfectly vertical and in plumb. The gaps between the marble slabs is to be filled with water proof cement paste GRIPFIX (CICO, powder and liquid mix) as per manufacturer specifications, using matching colour pigments depending on the slabs. The gaps on the top and sides of the marble fixing will have to be closed using coping slabs to prevent water from coming in. Rate shall include for fabrication and fixing of SS cramps, anchor fasteners, supplying and fixing ‘M-seal’, water proofing compound, groove cutting in granite and double scaffolding to the required heights, wastages etc; complete and all directed. for lift lobby. 43 Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 80 a Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and fixing in wall dado with best quality approved make Screen printed ceramic tiles ranges, sizes as listed below shall 6.0mm thick with matching borders and set in CM 1:4, 15 mm thick and pointing the joints with Laticrete adhesive L 290 and pointing with Laticrete make Latapoxy SP 100 of approved make as per Manufacturer's Specification and as directed. Rate shall include for preparation of base surface, and finishing the surface, cleaning the surface, and work at all levels etc. as complete in all respects and complying with relevant standard specifications. Rate shall include wastages, smooth joint, necessary corner/edge guards of matching color, cleaning and acid wash etc. complete and as per drawing as directed by the Employer/Employer's Representative. 262.13 Sqm Size of tiles shall be 300mmx300mm (Kitchen, utility etc..) Sqm FALSE CEILING WORKS 81 Providing & Fixing of Eco Perforated metal Lay in ceilings System (Fameline/Armstrong or approved equivalent make) consisting of 600x600mm Lay in tiles made of Aluminium Alloy 1100 with powder coated(polyester base) to 60 microns in 0.7 mm thickness in approved colour with standard perforation of 2.6mm dia & open area of 17% and Freudenberg Soundtex acoustical fleece glued to the back of the tile to be laid on grid systems with 15mm wide T section flanges colour white having rotary stitching on the Main Runner, 1200 mm & 600 mm Cross Tees. The T Sections have a Galvanizing of 120 grams per M2 & passed through 500 hrs of Salt test. The tiles should have Humidity Resistance (RH) of 100%, NRC of 0.70, Fire Performance A2-s1.d0 in module size of 600 X 600 mm, suitable for Green Building application, with Recycled content of 50%. The Tile & Grid system used together should carry a 15 year warrantee. 44 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words INSTALLATION: To comprise main runner spaced at 1200mm centers securely fixed to the structural suffix at 1200mm maximum centre & not more than 150mm from spliced joints. The First/Last suspension system at the end of each main runner should not be greater than 600mm from the adjacent wall. 1800mm long cross tees to be interlocked between main runners at 300mm centre to form 1800 x 300 mm module. Cut cross tees longer than 600mm require independent support. Perimeter trim to be wall angles, secured to walls at 450 mm maximum centers. The rate shall be inclusive of making openings for light fittings, grills, diffusers, cutouts, wastage and necessary hardware etc. as complete in all respects complying with relevant standard specifications and as directed by theEmployer/Employer's Representative(hall ) a 4,546.36 Sqm For the above specification for Grid system Sqm b 4,193.30 Sqm For the above specification for board (measurement only laid area) Sqm 82 Providing and fixing in true horizontal level false ceiling of 15mm T-section grid system Manufactured by M/s. Saint Gobain/Armstrong/USG/Daiken or approved equivalent make using hot dipped galvanized steel section, exposed surface chemically cleaned capping pre-finished in baked polyester paint, wall angle of size 3000 x 19 x 19mm used in the periphery of the ceiling fixed to the wall partition / R.C. Column / band walls with the help of screws at 600 mm C/C. Main runner spaced at a 1200mm C/C suspended by using 2mm dia G.I. wire hanger securely fixed to the structural soffit of RC slab by using 6mm anchor fastener at every 1200mm (max) and 1200mm long cross tee to be interlocked between in Main runner at 600mm C/C (max) to form a grid of 1200 x 600mm. 600mm long cross tee fixed in between 1200mm long cross tee for forming a grid of 600 x 600mm. 45 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity a 2,647.93 b 2,647.93 83 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Laying of FINE FISSURED (MICRO LOOK) tiles should have Humidity Resistance (RH) of 99%, NRC 0.55, Light Reflectance >85%, Thermal Conductivity k = 0.052- 0.057 w/m K, Colour White, Fire Performance Class 0/ Class 1 (BS476 Part 6&7) in module size of 600 X 600 X 16 mm with Bio Block coating on the face of the tile, suitable for Green Building application, with Recycled content of 63%. as complete in all respects complying with relevant standard specifications and as directed by theEmployer/Employer's Representative Sqm For the above specification for Grid system Sqm For the above specification for Fine fissured board (measurement only laid area) Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Sqm Providing and fixing mositure resistant seamless gypsum ceiling with Gyproc MR or approved equivalent make of 12.5 mm thick, fixed to the underside of the suspended grid formed of GI perimeter channel of size 20 x 28 x 30 mm fixed along the wall by using wood screws and metal expansion rawl plugs. The GI intermediate channel of size 15 x 45 x 15 x 0.90 mm shall be fixed to the suspended strap hanger / GI ceiling angle at intervals not more than 1220 mm. The suspended GI ceiling angle /. Strap hanger is to be connected with GI soffit cleat of size 37 x 27 x 25 x 1.6 mm and it should be fixed on the roof slab / beam, by using metal expansion fasteners (wt. Type) of 12.5 mm dia. to a length of 35 mm with 6 mm dia. bolt / screw at top ends. 46 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words The GI ceiling section of size 80 x 26 x 0.5 mm (MF 5) is to be provided across the intermediate channel at intervals not more than 457 mm centres at bottom and the same shall be fixed by GI connection clips 2.64 mm dia. at the intersection points. The ends of ceiling section channel by adopting an overlap length of minimum 150 mm, connected with intermediate channel shall be fixed to perimeter channel in insertion. The gypboard shall be fixed to the under side of the suspended grid by using 25 mm long dry wall screws. The joints shall be finished with joint paper tape by using jointing compound of Saint Gobain Gyproc or approved equivalent make and applying over it 3 layers of the filler compound to provide a smooth surface. The ceiling surface shall be painted with three coats of approved first quality acrylic emulsion over a coat of primer etc. complete. The rate shall include making cutouts for tube lights, spot lights, duct doors, for specified size, grills etc. for which no extra will be paid separately. 7,421.11 Sqm Rate shall include providing additional trimming around cutouts for light fittings etc. and grills also for providing additional supports from ceiling where main / cross members are cut for light fittings etc. Rate shall include vertical as well as horizontal surfaces as per detailed drawing. Actual “seen” surface of horizontal and vertical will be measured and paid for, as complete in all respects complying with relevant standard specifications and as directed by theEmployer/Employer's Representative Sqm PARTITIONS 47 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 85 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and fixing of Partition total four layers of GYPROC FIBRE CEMENT BOARD or approved equivalent, each layer 12mm thick (in staggered pattern) is screw fixed with drywall screws(zinc chromium plated, self drilling ) of 25mm/35mm at 300mm centres two layers on each side of 70mm Rondo™/Gypsteel ultra GI C-stud {0.5mm thick having one flange of 34mm and another flange of 36mm) placed at 610mm centre to centre in 72mm Rondo™/Gypsteel ultra GI floor Channel (0.55 mm thick have equal flanges of 32mm) which is anchored to the floor & true ceiling using anchor fasteners. Finally square and tapered edges of the boards are to be jointed and finished so as to have a flush look which includes filling and finishing with Jointing compound, Joint Paper tape. The additional supports shall be provided to the vertical stud and RCC slab above the false ceiling at top with 'Y' type supports. Air gap between the plasterboards is lined with 50mm rock wool of density 48 Kg/m3 of approved make shall be placed in the cavity rock wool rapped with 40GSM fiber glass tissue. The contractor must ensure that the wool is wire-braced to prevent it from ‘lumping down’ over a period of time. Fixing of channels shall also to provide suitable for attachment of fixtures to the partitions and the perimeter opening should be trimmed with studs packed with best quality treated timber frame to a required size and shape with 2 coats of fire proof paint over a coat of anti-termite treatment / anti-corrosive primer to receive screws / anchor fasteners to fix Joinery frame in position etc. as per drawing as complete in all respects complying with relevant standard specifications and as directed by the Employer/Employer's Representative. a 3,249.51 b 2,248.53 Sqm Rate shall include for providing resin bonded rockwool - 50 mm ( Acoustic Insulation Material ) .In solid partition to make it as acoustic proof.Rate also shall be inclusive of 12mm thick BWR ply boxing for fixing Switches, sockets, Backup box etc on the partition to a required size and shape. Sqm Specification same as above but providing one layers of board only one side of the stud for wall paneling/column panelings etc., 48 Sqm Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 86 1,548.33 87 1,139.06 88 567.07 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sqm Providing and fixing of 1.0mm thick laminate of approved color and shade with grooves and lines and in patterns drawing on specified area as instructed by Engineer-Incharge/Consultant . The cost of necessary hardware's, adhesives, wastages etc; as required for complete the works. Base cost of 1.0mm laminate is Rs.375/1sqmt. Actual visible surfaces only will be measured and paid. Sqm Providing and fixing of 3.5mm thick veneer of approved color and shade with grooves and lines and in patterns drawing on specified area as instructed by Engineer-Incharge/Consultant, exposed surfaces of veneer shall be finished with melamine polish of required level. The cost of necessary hardware's, adhesives, wastages etc; as required for complete the works. Actual visible surfaces only will be measured and paid. Basic cost of veneer Rs.900/Sqm Finishes shall made at Factory only installation at site(portal and DH cabin) Sqm Sqm Providing and fixing Partition above the false ceiling level using total two layers of GYPROC FIBRE CEMENT BOARD or approved equivalent, each layer 12mm thick (in staggered pattern) is screw fixed with drywall screws of 25mm / 35mm at 300mm centres one layers on each side of 70mm Rondo™/Gypsteel ultra GI C-stud {0.5mm thick having one flange of 34mm and another flange of 36mm) placed at 610mm centre to centre in 72 mm Rondo™/Gypsteel Ultra GI floor Channel (0.55 mm thick have equal flanges of 32mm) which is anchored to the partition bottom & true ceiling using an anchor fasteners. Finally square and tapered edges of the boards are to be jointed and finished so as to have a flush look which includes filling and finishing with Jointing compound, Joint Paper tape as per manufacturers specification, as complete in all respects complying with relevant standard specifications and as directed by the Employer/Employer's Representative. Sqm 49 Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 89 833.34 90 880.68 91 695.27 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sqm Providing and fixing of single layer 9mm thick calcium silicate board in the existing aluminium/GI partitions except the cost of aluminium/GI frame work. The joints are to be finished with jointing compound as per manufacturers specification. The boards shall be fixed with counter sunk stainless steel / fully threaded self tapping screws of suitable dia and length at every 300 mm c/c. The rate shall be inclusive of necessary scaffolding, hardware etc.complete. (above false ceiling solid partition) Sqm Providing and fixing Straight Glazed Partition-(Type "A" partition) Slim line partition of JEB/Alloy Make or equivalent approved make: Supply and installation of full height straight glass partition 12mm thick toughened glass and proprietary anodized aluminium sections of the SLIM LINE series of 40x18mm size as per drawing as directed. The sections shall be matt natural anodized and Alloy sections combination of 40.02 , 40.03, 40.05 & 40.06 and 40.07 would be used on all four sides as per specifications and shall be inclusive of all accessories. for FFL to the bottom of false ceiling height. Sqm Providing and fixing Wide line Section at around Door as per drawing, JEB/ALLOY Make or equivalent approved make at three sides of door opening : Supply and installation of wide line door frames using Alloy sections combination 100.02 , 100.03, 100.05 & 100.06 and 100.07 would be used at sides and top etc. as per specifications and shall be inclusive of all accessories.. The section shall be matt natural anodized as per manufacturer's specification. The rate shall be inclusive of necessary additional plate provision for fixing of card reader and access control switch etc. 50 Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Sqm Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 92 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures a 138.07 Supplying and fixing Fully openable Patch Fitting partition and door of ' DORMA' "PT" range Fittings to get a clear height with top & Side Fixed panels as per drawing as directed. In general, the openable door cum Fixed panel consists of sliding channel with all fitting and Corner Fittings PT90/91, Standard Spindle US10, corner lock at bottom and US20 with GK50, Euro profile cylinder with 4keys, lock keeper plate, Pull handle(TGDI35025) SS Satin Finish and 12mm thick clear toughened glass as per design and all confirming to manufacturers specification. SS fixtures shall conform Grade SS 304 to BS 7352. Rate shall include for providing Glass Fin to support the Patch Fitting Door, transport charges, handling, loading and unloading, Installation, protecting the module and glass till handing over, testing, commissioning all necessary hardware's, Structural supports if any, etc. complete and all as per manufacturers specifications as directed. Sqm Rate for partition only b 335.31 Sqm Rate for single/double leaf doors only. Sqm 93 991.13 Rmt Glass Etching: Fixing to glass panels using 3M film stickers as per required pattern drawing and shape and as directed by the Engineer-Incharge/Consultant. Rmt 51 Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 94 Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and fixing of 2hr fire rated partition total four layers of GYPROC FIRELINE BOARD or approved equivalent, each layer 15mm thick (in staggered pattern) is screw fixed with drywall screws of 25mm/35mm at 300mm centres two layers on each side of 70mm Gypsteel Ultra / Rondo™ GI C-stud {0.50mm thick having one flange of 33.5mm and another flange of 35mm) placed at 610mm centre to centre in 72mm Gypsteel Ultra / Rondo™ GI floor Channel (0.55 mm thick have equal flanges of 32mm) which is anchored to the floor & true ceiling using M6 x 40 anchor fasteners. Finally square and tapered edges of the boards are to be jointed and finished so as to have a flush look which includes filling and finishing with Jointing compound, Joint Paper tape. The additional supports shall be provided to the vertical stud and RCC slab above the false ceiling at top with 'Y' type supports. Air gap between the plasterboards is lined with 50mm rock wool of density 64 Kg/m3 of approved make shall be placed in the cavity rock wool rapped with 40GSM fiber glass tissue. The contractor must ensure that the wool is wire-braced to prevent it from ‘lumping down’ over a period of time. Fixing of channels shall also to provide suitable for attachment of fixtures to the partitions and the perimeter opening should be trimmed with studs packed with best quality treated timber frame to a required size and shape with 2 coats of fire proof paint over a coat of anti-termite treatment / anti-corrosive primer to receive screws / anchor fasteners to fix Joinery frame in position etc. complete as per drawing as complete in all respects complying with relevant standard specifications and as directed by the Employer/Employer's Representative. Rate shall be inclusive of 12mm thick BWR ply boxing for fixing Switches, sockets, Backup box etc on the partition to a required size and shape.(all lab partition) 52 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 95 a 49.31 b 9.87 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Providing and fixing of fully glazed steel fire rated partition and door with 120 minutes of integrity (E=120) fabricated with 1.6 mm thick galvanized steel sheet. The door frames are manufactured from 1.6 mm galvanized steel sheet pressed to form a profile of 35 mm x 60 mm on the vertical sides and 50 x 60 mm on the horizontal side. The door shutter would have a top rail and side rail 60 mm x 60 mm and a bottom rail of 110 mm x 60 mm. The overall door opening is 1800 mm x 2100+fixed 1800x1700mm. The test is conducted in CBRI, Roorkee as per BS 476 Part 22. The glass should be SGGCFDL 11mm clear 120 min rated ( E120) Non Wired Toughened glass with a light transmission of 89% and a sound reduction of 32 db. The glass should be class 1C1 category of Impact Resistance as per EN 12600. The glass should be held in its place with the help of 2 mm GI beading and a special ceramic tape with cross section of 5 x 20 mm.. The shutters should be fixed to the frame using 4nos of Dorma SS Ball Bearing Hinges of size 100 mm x 75 mm and 3 mm thickness. Beading should be attached using 4 mm x 35 mm SS screws at a distance of 75 mm from the edges and 150 mm c/c henceforth. The door should be fitted with Dorma Mortise Sash lock 952F and door closer TS 68 of Dorma make or equivalent. The inactive leaf should be fixed to the frame using 1200mm long Dorma tower bolt no 9114306 or equivalent. (SAINT GOBAIN 11mm CONTRA FLAME or approved equivalent make) Sqm For partition only(UPS and server) Sqm Sqm For single/double leaf doors only(lobby) Sqm 53 Amount in Rs…. In Words Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 96 601.58 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR OPTRA ACOUSTICAL WALL PANELLING: Providing and supplying Armstrong ‘Optra Acoustical Wall Panelling’ or approved equivalent make with square edges made of fibre glass substrate 25mm thick and wrapped on the front side with an acoustically transparent and fire-resistant fabric with an option of colours as per the choice of the Employer/Employer's Representative of size 2100x600 or 600x600 mm providing a minimum sound absorption level of 0.90 NRC to be affixed to wall using Wall panel impalers supplied by M/s Armstrong Industries India Pvt. Ltd and construction adhesives as per the instructions laid down by the manufacturer. Sqm INSTALLATION: Armstrong or approved equivalent wall panel impalers of adequate quantity as specified by the manufacturer shall be fixed to the wall surface using self tapping screws. Silica based construction adhesive shall be dabbed on to the projecting elements (spikes) of the impalers. Armstrong Optra wall panels shall be pierced through the spikes of the impalers ensuring the line and level of the panels are maintained. The rate shall be inclusive of wastage, hardware and necessary backings etc. 54 Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 97 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ARMSTRONG OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT MAKE CHANNELED WOODWORKS WALL PANELLING OF SIZE: 128X2440X16MM Providing and Fixing Armstrong Channeled Woodworks perforated panels of width 128mm, thickness of 16mm and length 2440 mm or as required by the Employer/Employer's Representative, made of a high density particle board substrate with a laminated facing as per the approved shade/ species & finish and a melamine balancing layer on the reverse side. The boards shall have a special perforation pattern where the visible surface has a (“Helmholtz” fluted perforation of 2mm width and 14mm of visible panel / 4mm width and 28mm visible panel) each. The panels shall provide a minimum sag resistance of RH90 and a fire rating class of 1 as per Part 7 of BS 476. The edges of the panels shall be “tongue-and-grooved” to receive special clips for installation. The back of the perforated panel shall have sound absorbing non-woven acoustical fleece. The panels shall be mounted on special aluminium splines using clips provided by Armstrong or approved equivalent make and approved by the Employer/Employer's Representative. 147.93 Sqm INSTALLATION: Install wooden battens (provided by others) of section 50mmx50mm or as approved by the Employer/Employer's Representative on the solid wall horizontally using screws and plugs at spacing of 600mm centre-to-centre. Screw the aluminium extruded keel for channelled woodworks (GTPT001) over the lowest and second wooden batten at an on-center distance of 600mm. Install the first set of wooden panels by inserting the clips for border channelled woodworks (GTPT002) and insert the groove of the panel into the projecting flange of the aluminium clip. Continue installing rows of panels by inserting the tongue into the groove of the earlier inserted panel and progressively installing clips for inside channelled woodworks (GTPT003) into the next keel till the actual height is achieved. Use clips for border channelled woodworks (GTPT002) to finish off the installation. Finish off the edges using wooden moulding of matching colour. The rate shall be inclusive of wastage, hardware and necessary backing etc. 55 Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Total Amount C/o to Summary - (A ) …….. H Water Proofing Works PILE CAP OVER PCC Providing and laying integral cement based treatment for water proofing on top of PCC laid for Pile Cap and lift pit, raft slab, UG Sump, STP in the following order and consisting of following operations. : 98 Providing plastering over the PCC with CM 1 : 3 - 12 mm thick admixed with CICO No. 1 @ 2% by weight of cement Application 2 coats of TAPECRETE Acrylic Polymer Modified Cementitious Coating over plastered surface 9,924.66 99 Sqm Providing plastering over treated area with CM 1 : 3 - 12 mm thick admixed with CICO No. 1 at 2 % by weight of cement Sqm Providing and Fixing 18 mm dia GI nozzles on pile cap, lift pits, raft slab, UG sump, STP consisting of following operations 56 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and Fixing 18 mm dia GI nozzles (the nozzle shall be embedded about half the depth of the member to be grouted) in grid pattern at a spacing not more than 1.0 metre c/c while casting the raft slab and along construction joints at a spacing not more than 1.0 metre c/c along the construction joints. Nozzles can also be post fixed by drilling holes using drill machine and to be fixed with cement putty admixed with quick setting integral Waterproofing compound CICO NO.3 or approved equivalent in the ratio 1:1by weight .The Caps shall be fixed in the mouth of the nozzles to avoid chocking of cement slurry etc, while concreting or Post fixing the Nozzle. (Nothing extra shall be paid for post fixing) Applying injection grouting through the nozzles grouting pumps with a minimum pressure of 2 kg/sqcm with cement slurry admixed with CICO Non shrink Polymeric Water Proof Grouting Compound or approved equivalent at the rate of 2% by weight of cement .Grouting operations to be taken up after the raft / slab concrete reached the full strength, i.e. 28 days after casting of concrete. 11,054.84 Sealing off the nozzles after grouting operation is over with cement putty admixed with quick setting integral Waterproofing compound CICO NO.3 or approved equivalent in the ratio 1:1by weight. Cut the projected nozzles if required over the concrete surface and fill with cement putty admixed with quick setting integral Waterproofing compound CICO NO.3 or approved equivalent in the ratio 1:1by weight. Application of two coats of TAPECRETE Acrylic Polymer Cementitious Coating over well prepared surface Providing concrete screed with CC 1 : 2 : 4 at an average thickness of 40 mm admixed with CICO No. 1 @ 2 % by weight of cement Sqm Note- The area of the foundation to be treated shall be measured correct to a cm and its area for payment shall be calculated in square metres correct to two places of decimal. The rate includes preparation of surface, treatment and sealing of all joints, corners, junctions of pipes and masonry with polymer mixed slurry all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge. 57 Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 100 7,003.95 101 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Providing and laying water proofing treatment on the external surfaces of pile cap, retaining walls of basement, Lift pit side walls, sump, OHT in the following sequences. Making ' V ' grooves at the construction joints of size 20 x 20 mm and clean the surface with wire brush . Application 2 coats of TAPECRETE Acrylic Polymer Modified Cementitious Coating over well prepared surface Sqm Providing plastering over treat ed area with CM 1 : 3 - 12 mm thick admixed with CICO No.1 at 2 % by weight of cement Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Providing and applying injection grouting on internal surfaces of Basement Retaining walls, Lift pit side walls, OHT and STP using cement admixed with water proofing compound in the following order and as directed by Engineer–in–Charge : Making ' V ' grooves at the construction joints of size 20 x 20 mm and clean the surface with wire brush . Providing and Fixing 18 mm dia GI nozzles (the nozzle shall be embedded about half the depth of the member to be grouted) in grid pattern at a spacing not more than 1m c/c while casting the retaining wall and along construction joints at a spacing not more than 1m c/c . Nozzles (can also) shall be post fixed by drilling holes using drill machine and to be fixed with cement putty admixed with quick setting integral Waterproofing compound CICO NO.3 or approved equivalent in the ratio 1:1by weight .The Caps shall be fixed in the mouth of the nozzles to avoid chocking of cement slurry etc, while concreting or Post fixing the Nozzle. (Nothing extra shall be paid if nozzles are post fixed) pplying injection grouting through the nozzles by hand operated grouting pumps with a minimum pressure of 2 kg/sqcm with cement slurry admixed with CICO Non shrink Polymeric Water Proof Grouting Compound or approved equivalent at the rate of 2% by weight of cement .Grouting operations to be taken up after the concrete reached the full strength, i.e 28 days after casting of concrete. 58 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 9,929.99 102 627.22 103 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sealing off the nozzles after grouting operation is over with cement putty admixed with quick setting integral Waterproofing compound CICO NO.3 or approved equivalent in the ratio 1:1by weight. Cut the projected nozzles if required over the concrete surface and fill with cement putty admixed with quick setting integral Waterproofing compound CICO NO.3 or approved equivalent in the ratio 1:1by weight. Application of two coats of TAPECRETE Acrylic Polymer Cementitious Coating over well prepared surface Providing Plastering over treated area with CM 1 : 3 - 20 mm thick admixed with CICO No. 1 @ 2 % by weight of cement Sqm Note- The area of the RCC to be treated shall be measured correct to a cm and its area for payment shall be calculated in square metres correct to two places of decimal BALCONY AREA WATERPROOFING (WITH BRICK BAT COBA) :GENERAL:1. Preparation of surface on Plain cement concrete by mechanical upgrading to remove all loose mortar, laitance, oil, grease and wash the surface by using fine dressed tools and tackles. Application of two coats of TAPECRETE - RTU Polymer Based Elastomeric Coating over well prepared surface Sqm Providing plastering over treated area with CM 1 : 3 - 20 mm thick admixed with CICO No. 1 @ 2 % by weight of cement Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Sqm TOILET SUNKEN AREA WATERPROOFING Treatment to bottom and sides of toilet sunken slab covering the following sequence of operations : 59 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 104 Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words a). Providing, supplying, mixing, laying cement plaster 12 mm thick with cement sand mortar 1:3 mixed with approved water proofing compound like CICO No.1 or approved equivalent conforming to IS 2645 at the rate specified by the manufacturer over coated surface of operation (a) above including preparation of surface, dewatering, finishing, curing, etc. all complete as per manufacturer's specifications and as directed. b) Providing, supplying, mixing, applying two coats of TAPECRETE Acrylic Polymer Modified Cementitious Coating, flexible water proofing to a thickness of 2 mm over the surface of bottom and sides of toilet sunken slab including preparation of surface, finishing, curing etc. all complete at all levels as per manufacturer's specifications and as directed. c) Final coat of plaster as per operation (a) above over the coated surface of operation (b) above all complete as directed. Treatment to top of brick jelly concrete / BRICK - BAT COBA in sunken slab covering the following sequence of operations : a) Providing, supplying, mixing, laying cement plaster 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 mixed with approved water proofing compound like CICO NO:1 or approved equivalent conforming to IS 2645 at the rate specified by the manufacturer over BRICKBAT COBA Elevations and heights including preparation of surfaces, finishing, curing etc. all complete as per manufacturer’s specification and as directed. b) Providing, supplying, mixing, applying 2 coats of TAPECRETE Acrylic Polymer Modified Cementitious Coating, flexible, water proofing to a thickness of 2 mm over the plastered surface of operation (a) above including preparation of surface, dewatering, finishing, curing etc. all complete as per manufacturer's specification and as directed. c) Final coat of plaster as per operation (a) above over the coated surface of operation (b) above to receive floor finish all complete as directed. 60 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 1,170.62 105 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sqm NOTE: Specialized agency to be approved by Engineer in Charge. PRINCIPAL MANUFACTURER SHALL GIVE GUARANTEE FOR STIPULATED TIME FOR THE WATERPROOFING WORKS DONE AT SITE. All surfaces to be waterproofed should be sound, clean and dry. Concrete surfaces should have a light steel-trowel followed by a fine hair-broom or equivalent finish, which is dry and free of dust, oil and other contaminants. All high spots should be removed. Moss and lichen must be removed physically followed by treatment with fungicidal wash to kill any spores and inhibit further growth. After treatment wash down thoroughly with clean water and allow to dry. Grouting periphery of spout pipes with water insensitive epoxy, pressure grouting of construction joints and honey comb areas with cement grout, proper preparation of the concrete surface by mechanical means/hydro blasting to ensure a good bond between the topping and the substrate,Testing of the surfaces prior to start the work,after completion and after a period of one month after completion by ponding,grouting or sealing of joints,making vatta at corners/junctions etc are deemed to be included for all items while quoting rates Contractor shall give both material and preformance guarantee in the approved format. Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm TERRACE WATERPROOFING WITH OVERDECK INSULATION :GENERAL:1. Preparation of surface on Plain cement concrete by mechanical upgrading to remove all loose mortar, laitance, oil, grease and wash the surface by using fine dressed tools and tackles. Application of two coats of TAPECRETE - RTU Polymer Based Elastomeric Coating over well prepared surface Providing plastering over treated area with CM 1 : 3 - 20 mm thick admixed with CICO No. 1 @ 2 % by weight of cement Providing and laying brick bat coba over a bed mortar with CM 1 : 4 - 20 mm thick and the gaps between the brick bats shall be filled with CM 1 : 3 and the top surface shall be finished with CM 1 : 4 - 20 mm thick and draw a false line of 300 mm x 300 mm. All CM shall be mixed with CICO No. 1 @ 2 % by weight of cement 61 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and laying XPS Board - 50 mm / 75 mm over a brick bat coba laid area Providing and laying Fibre Glass Cloth over XPS Board Providing and laying 50 mm thick M25 grade concrete precast tile using 20mm and down graded granite aggregates over fibre glass cloth laid area The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of two weeks for curing and for final test. Rectification of leakage if any and conducting the test again to ensure there is no leakage after rectification. 106 5,096.65 Sqm The all above sequences should be executed as per the manufacturer's specifications prior to the approval of PMC / Architect. Sqm 600.40 Cum Providing and laying Brickbat Coba with Cement Mortar mixed in1:2:4(1 cement : 2 sand : 4 brick bats) using 40 - 60 mm size brickbats incl.mixing of "CICO NO. 1 waterproofing compound @ 2% by weight of cement in toilet sunk portions / terraces with necessary slope towards nahani trap/ rain water pipe, finishing the surface, curing,ponding / flooding the area for a minimum period of 72 Hrs, etc complete as directed. Cum Total Amount C/o to Summary - (A ) …….. I 107 Finishing Works 45,582.06 Sqm Plastering for internal surfaces with 12 mm thick in Cement Mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 six sand ) and as directed. Rate shall include for necessary hacking, staging, scafolding and curing at all levels and elevations as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.. 62 Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 108 Total Quantity 7,694.29 109 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sqm Plastering for external surfaces with18 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12 mm thick cement plaster 1:5 (1 cement: 5 coarse sand) and a top layer 6 mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished rough with sponge. Rate shall include for necessary hacking, staging, scafolding and curing to the height of 10m from the ground level as directed by the Engineer-incharge.. Sqm a 1,162.73 Extra for plastering exterior walls of height more than 10 m from ground level for every additional height of 3 m or part thereof. Sqm 10m to 13m lvl b 1,236.69 Sqm 13m to 16m lvl Sqm c 1,028.60 Sqm 16m to 19m lvl Sqm d 599.61 Sqm 19m to 22m lvl Sqm e 508.88 Sqm 22m to 25m lvl Sqm f 508.88 Sqm 25m to 28m lvl Sqm 63 Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures g 508.88 Sqm 28m to 31m lvl Sqm h 424.07 Sqm 31m to 34m lvl Sqm i 177.52 Sqm 34m to 37m lvl Sqm j - Sqm 37m to 40m lvl Sqm k - Sqm 40m to 43m lvl Sqm l - Sqm 43m to 46m lvl Sqm m - Sqm 46m to 49m lvl Sqm Sqm Plastering to R.C walls, slabs, peripheral beams and columns with Cement Mortar 1:3,(1cement : 3 fine sand) 6 mm thick according to the specification. Rate shall include for necessary hacking, staging, scafolding and curing at all levels and elevations etc.complete as directed. and as directed by the Engineerincharge. Sqm 110 52,796.85 64 Amount in Rs…. In Words Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Total Amount C/o to Summary - (A ) …….. J Painting Works 111 28,115.39 Sqm Providing Acrylic emulsion paint - Painting with acrylic emulsion paint of Low VOC paint ( complying with all green rating systems) and of approved make and colour or equivalent make two or more coats as per manufacturers specifications and as directed. The rate shall be inclusive of necessary scaffolding or staging etc.as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification, as directed by the Engineer-Incharge/Consultant Sqm 112 7,140.04 Sqm Providing & applying POP punning plaster 2 mm thick over exposed wall surface including scaffolding etc. complete. Rate to include for making the wall with plumb line and get smooth surface to receive the paint.( all plaster surface) and also include cost of material, labour, unloading and shifting of material,water etc..as complete and as directed by EngineerIncharge/Consultant. Sqm 113 49.31 Sqm Providing two coats of Enamel paint to wooden / M.S grill of approved colour over a coat primer including preparation of surface by through cleaning as per manufacture's specification fully to give an even shade. Sqm 114 14,945.76 Sqm Supplying and applying "RENOVA" Synthetic plaster over the prepared external plastered surface at three coats of approved colour shade & pattern . The first coat of application to be done with Renova ASP by trowel. The second coat with brush and the final coat should also be applied with brush. The rate shall include for carrying out work at all levels as per manufacture specification and all necessary surface preparation, tools, scaffolding, water, electricity,taxes etc..as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification, as directed Sqm 65 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 115 Total Quantity 4,759.37 116 a b - 3,784.03 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Sqm Applying white washing three coats to ceilings and walls with pure shell lime or fat lime conforming to IS-712 all as per Specification and as directed. complying with relevant standard specification, as directed. Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Preparing the surface, making and fixing of POP cornice at the junction of wall and ceiling. The rate shall be inclusive wastage, mould, scaffolding, cleaning the surface etc. size as mentioned below Rmt size diagonally 150mm Rmt Rmt size diagonally 200mm Rmt Total Amount C/o to Summary - (A ) …….. K 117 Miscellaneous Works 587.78 Sqm Providing, supplying and spraying/spreading the Fire sealing in shaft chequered plate for pipe outlets, trays, cables, openings of required dia outlets using penetration seals of approved make including necessary mechanical equipments, tools and tackles etc complete.The rate should include cotton pads, sealing of joints using self sealing, non shrink cement penetration seals / grouts of approved makes either single or double component with necessary formwork, staging, tools, etc., complete with minimum of 30 mm depth for two hours fire rating.Hilti or Promat or Equivalent make or approved by the Engineerin-charge/consultant 66 Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures 118 Making Core Cutting in slabs / beams / retaining walls and any other R.C members to any dia & depth by using 'HILTI' or equivalent make diamond drilling machine with tolerance for any type of inserts, anchor fasteners etc. Rate shall include for all charge, preparation of surface, cutting of reinforcement, cleaning the surface, staging, scaffolding application of necessary chemical / foil (HAV) as per manufactures specification with necessary tools and equipments water and power, removal of debris from the site, staging scaffolding etc complete, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 119 75 to 100 mm dia to the following depth: a 9.00 Nos 150 mm Depth Nos b 9.00 Nos 200 mm Depth Nos c 9.00 Nos 250 mm Depth Nos d 9.00 Nos 300 mm Depth Nos 120 Amount in Rs…. In Words 100 to 150 mm dia to the following depth: 67 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures a 9.00 Nos 150 mm Depth Nos b 9.00 Nos 200 mm Depth Nos c 9.00 Nos 250 mm Depth Nos d 9.00 Nos 300 mm Depth Nos 121 Amount in Rs…. In Words 150 to 225 mm dia to the following depth: a 9.00 Nos 150 mm Depth Nos b 9.00 Nos 200 mm Depth Nos c 9.00 Nos 250 mm Depth Nos d 9.00 Nos 300 mm Depth Nos 68 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures 122 Amount in Rs…. In Words 225 to 300 mm dia to the following depth: a 9.00 Nos 150 mm Depth Nos b 9.00 Nos 200 mm Depth Nos c 9.00 Nos 250 mm Depth Nos d 9.00 Nos 300 mm Depth Nos 123 300 to 450 mm dia to the following depth: a 9.00 Nos 150 mm Depth Nos b 9.00 Nos 200 mm Depth Nos c 9.00 Nos 250 mm Depth Nos 69 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No d Total Quantity 9.00 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Nos 300 mm Depth Amount in Rs…. In Words Nos 124 460.00 No's Supplying and fixing poly-propelene rungs of 25 mm square bar of size 260 x 170 mm for access way including anchorage in walls to a minimum depth of 100 mm with C.C 1:2:4 (one cement,two fine aggregate and four coarse aggregate) etc. complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.( Duct ,Shafts & UG sump,Over Head Tank and wherever necessary) Note: Rungs to be fixed before concreting and necessary provision to be made in the shuttering.etc complete, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. No's 125 9.87 Cum Providing and laying of light weight concrete fill on structural slab using Hemalite/Vermiculite cement based composition having physical elasticity , chemical inertness, firm adhesion, fire resistance with thermal / acoustic insulation properties, anti-corrosion, anti-condensation, etc in the required proportion to get the desired density, mixing, transportation, placing, compacting and finishing to the required level with necessary side supports, equipments and its density is 600kg/cum wherever necessary areas to be fill as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.etc as complete with all respects complying with relevant standarad specification as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Cum 126 9.00 No's Supplying and fixing 40mm dia. and 150mm or more long G.I. pipe spouts in sun shades including painting two coats of first quality synthetic enamel paint of approved make and tint over one coat of primer as complete in all respects complying with relevant standard specification and as directed by the Engineerin-charge. No's 70 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Amount in Rs…. In Words Supplying and fixing Ductile Iron manhole cover and frame as per approved make ,cover weight and being size mentioned below and specified size in the drawing etc., including painting with two coats of anticorrosive paint over a coat of primer etc., fixing locking arrangements, fixing Man-hole over, grouting the anchors with CC 1:2:4 (one cement,two fine aggregate and four coarse aggregate), as complete in all respects complying with relevant standard specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 79.00 No's 600X600 mm Medium duty DI manhole cover not less than 65kgs 128 No's Providing and laying in position the RCC humepipes (NP2) of approved quality and make including collars,. necessary Excavation, PCC 1:2:4 supports, Sand cushion of 150mm on all sides, Refilling with earth, Compaction and making good the level, alignment etc.,complete as directed by the Engineer-incharge. 394.48 RMT 300 mm dia 129 a Per In Figures 127 a Description of Work RMT Providing, Fabricating and fixing puddle flanges made of GI 'c' class pipe with 6mm thick MS plate alround 50 mm fixed to sump and water tank etc. all complete as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 59.00 Nos 50mm dia - 1000mm long Each 71 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures b 39.00 Nos 80mm dia - 1000mm long Each c 47.00 Nos 100mm dia - 1000mm long Each 130 a Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and fixing in position single component, self sealing water swelling bars made up of flexible polymer composites at construction joints of retaining walls and water retaining structures and wherever specified with proper overlaps at joints of approved makes as per consultants approval. 9.86 b Rmt Syncoflex make (Vertical joints) Rmt Masterflex 610 of MBT make i 14.79 Rmt 20mm x 20mm Rmt ii 14.79 Rmt 10mm x10mm (Horizontal joints) Rmt 72 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 131 49.00 132 18,540.44 133 299.81 134 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Each Providing of rain water collection well chamber of 1.20m inner dia to a clear depth of 3.0m including necessary earth work excavation, providing PCC 1:4:8 for the circular wall to 100mm thick levelling course, and the wall should be constructed with Brickwork in C.M.1:5 in step foundation to a varying height and thickness, providing necessary extra heavy duty RC precast cover slab of size 150mm thick. The well shall be filled with brickbats upto existing average ground level and making provision for PVC pipe in/outlet pipe making the connection etc. complete as per approved drawing and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. kg Providing and fixing Heavy duty grating for trenches, drains and water collection sump etc., of various size od opening in drain trenches made out of galvanized steel and all as per manufacture's specification of M/s Indiana / M/s. Nico or approved equivalent gratings including necessary supports, suitable angle iron frames, grouting the supports using C.C 1:2:4 and finishing the surface neatly, welding the angle / Flat with consumables, Painting iron frame with 2 coats of Synthetic Enamel paint over a coat of Zinc phosphate primer etc. complete and all as directed. Note : Clear opening will be measured and paid for. Rmt Providing and fixing of 50mmx50mm size Column Corner Guard (DURAL or equivalent make), for vertical corner's of RCC columns, Brick pillars, Brick walls, Partitions, using sub frame of 1.5mm thick aluminium profile fixed in to the above corner surfaces by using anchor fasteners. Then the top covering with Rigid PVC panel profile is to be fixed on the sub frame by interlocking. The rate shall be inclusive of necessary hardwares etc; complete as per drawing as directed. Amount in Rs…. In Words Each kg Rmt Supplying, Fabricating and commissioning of Centralized Garbage chute of approved make (SS430 X 1.2mm thk), 450mm dia with a provision of autoclosing intake down at every floor level and a fire rated door (90 minutes rating-UL label 10B) at the discharged end, with required garbage trolley, etc., complete as per BS 1703:2005,IS6924-2001& NBC 2005 specification. The rate shall include all installation components, scaffolding for erection, required structural brackets with anchor fasteners, Sprinklers for fire and cleaning, necessary vent with bird netting etc.. as directed. 73 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No a Total Quantity 1.00 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Nos Amount in Rs…. In Words Each Ground Floor to Sixth Floor b 1.00 Nos Each Ground Floor to Fourtenth Floor 135 4.00 Nos Supplying and fixing of MS powder coated Letter Box of approved size and shape as per drawing as directed 1150 ht x 900 w x 100D. Cluster of 21 Boxes Each 136 81.86 Sqm Providing and fixing of mirror But in general 6mm thick mirror with aluminium frame for backing frame fixing with 12MM thick BWR ply fixing with stainless steel studs. Sqm 137 Providing and fixing Reception table made to shape and pattern identical as per Drawing. and to a height of two levels 1050 mm/ 750 mm , but in general it shall be made of 18mm thick BWR plywood as table top, sides, front and rear side with adequate supports as directed in both horizontal and vertical directions. Providing drawers unit with three drawer as per drawing, and side storage with openable postformed edge shutters and one intermediate shelf at one sides of the table. All the front, side’s surfaces finished with combination of corian material of approved color and 6mm thick milky white glass with inside light provision as per drawing detail, Table top at 750mm with 25mm thick exterior grade particle board with postformed laminate (campagne shade from Merino) and at 1050mm ht top shall be finished with corian material of approved color. 74 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 138 Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures 7.89 Rmt Rate shall be inclusive of providing edge molding of approved shape, making cut open in the table as per drawing detail, storage shutter and drawer are made with 18mm thick BWR ply finished with 1.5mm thick laminate of approved colour and other recessed surfaces are finished with 1mm thick laminate. Rate shall include for necessary wastages, hardware's(Hettich) like sliding runners, auto closing hinges, locking facility with one master key for Two drawers and storage, araldite adhesive for fixing corian etc. Rate to include for providing teakwood lipping, teak wood foot rest duly finished with melamine polish etc. All factory finished as per drawing. Rmt 26.63 Sqm a 611.44 Sqm Providing and fixing soft board panel of specified sizes having 12 mm thick soft board covered with felt fabric of approved make and shade of premium quality The board shall have beech wood beading, lipping all-round. The board shall be fixed on prepared surface with necessary hardware fittings etc. complete. All concealed wood works shall have sealer polish as directed. Rate quoted shall be for the complete finished work including all the materials and labour mentioned above. Providing and fixing Pelmet made to shape and sizes as given in below, but in general it shall be made out of 18mm thick BWR plywood and lined with 1.5mm thick lamination of approved colour as directed. The rate shall be inclusive of necessary accessories like hangers rods/ Hilti anchor fasteners, sunken screws etc; complete. All factory finished Rmt Same as above specification but the size of the pelmet shall be 150x150mm b 591.72 Rmt Same as above specification but the size of the pelmet shall be 300x150mm Rmt 140 897.44 Rmt Providing and fixing Drapery rod, using decorative aluminium tubular pipe with approved color powder coating of required length. Rate to include side covering heads, required number of holding bracket and necessary hardwares etc. Rmt 139 75 Amount in Rs…. In Words Rmt Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures 145 123.28 Sqm Providing and fixing of Digitally reproduced Scotch print decorative 3M graphics (with controltac & comply feature for direct, bubble-free application on walls) as per the theme selected by clients with UV protective matte over laminate. Customized imagery. The rate shall be inclusive of material, Hardware for fixing the graphics and fixing charges etc. Sqm 141 118.35 Sqm Providing and fixing of imported wall paper of approved design, fixing details as per manufacturer standard. Sqm 142 Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and fixing matt finish white mark writing board of enamelled sheet steel front, GI back over approved inner core, of specified size black or chocolate colour anodised aluminium beading to form the screen including the necessary accessories such as magnetic symbols, magnetic letters, magnetic strips, magnetic eraser, magnetic dry marker 4 Nos., spare felt for eraser, board fixing clips etc. and the board shall be made out of enamelled sheet with backing of AC sheet to suitable thickness etc. complete and all as per manufacturer's specification and as directed by the EngineerIncharge/Consultant. The rate include excise duty, sales tax and surcharge, central excise duty, delivery charges and fixing charges, if any etc. complete and all as directed by the Engineer-Incharge/Consultant. Rate shall inclusive of making and fixing wooden ledge for full length of the board for keeping marker pen, eraser etc. Rate quoted shall be for the complete finished work including ledgeboard to keep accesories , and all materials and labour mentioned above. a 4.00 Nos Size of 2400 x 1200mm(meeting room) Each b 36.00 Nos Size of 1800 x 1200mm Each 76 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures c 64.00 Nos Size of 1500 x 1200mm (Head room) Each d 11.00 Nos Size of 450x600mm(cabins) Each 143 Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and fixing vertical blinds with 89/75 mm wide imported superior polyster base fabric vanes with Scotchguard application as per approved sample, make of Vista Levellor or approvred equivalent make and the ranges of louver shall be in ' Select and Classsic'. The vertical blinds shall have a head rail of extruded anodised high strength aluminium alloy, shall be 25 mm x 50 mm high or equivalent with wall thickness of 1.2 mm or equivalent. End control units consists of reduction gearbox having the reduction ratio of 3.:5:1 for a very smooth operation of the blind.This unit consists of planetry gear in the outer housing,four small tranmission gears fitted in the middle assembly and a end receiving gear attached to central sprocket unit. Tilter chain is made of 4.5mm plastic beads moulded on 2.2mm thick polyster card.The pitch of the beads is 6mm.The end control unit have the facility to rotate the louver by 180 degrees.Tilt rod is made of extruded aluminium having 3 keyways and the average dia shasll be 5.8 mm .Carrier ( Runner ) is made of moulded plastic having anti friction additive.It consists of polymer housing with wheels mounted on sides & has a gear and worm mechanism with vertical worm fixed with a tongued poly-carbonate stem to hold the louvers. Spacer is made of Moulded Derlin having friction additive. 468.45 Sqm The vanes shall be capable of 180 deg. rotation in position and shall be of polyester / viscose yarn dyed in fast colors a strain resistant chemicals treatment or equivalent protective coating shall be applied on vanes. The installation shall be complete in all respects.(N&S) 77 Sqm Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No a 144 145 Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures 1,380.68 Sqm Specification same as above but the fabric shall be made of specially coated non-curl Blackout fabric to repel oil / water / stains, with complete fittings and front valance as per approved sample and make including reduction gear tilter louver (E) 143.00 Rmt Providing and fixing storage unit to a width of 600mm and 2100mm height as per drawing but in general, it shall be made out of 19 mm thick BWR plywood on all sides and intermediate shelves with necessary and the openable shutter shall be made out of 19mm thick BWR plywood with necessary teakwood supports etc complete. All exposed surfaces shall be finished with 1.5 mm thick Laminate of approved shade and all inner / recessed surfaces shall have 1mm thick laminate finish of approved shade. Rate to include all hardware's, auto closing cabinet heavy duty hinges, handles - of approved make, including locking arrangements with master key of approved make etc. complete.(lab sample record) 12.33 Rmt Counter with Storage Cabinet: Providing and fixing granite counter to a minimum width of 600 mm and to a specified height as shown in drawing(750 to 900mm) but in general, the counter top shall be made of 18mm thick water proof plywood topped with granite slab of 18 mm thick Black colour. The rate shall include for the providing storage unit below with openable shutters. The top, bottom and intermediate shelf having 18 mm thick water proof plywood with 1.5 mm thick laminate. The openable shutter shall be made of 18 mm thick BWR plywood finished with laminate including hardwares like handles,hinges, ball catches etc.complete. Rate shall be inclusive of providing SS sink with drain board, garbo drain of approved make at specified location. Rate shall be inclusive providing water supply inlet and drainage outlet for each floor as per site condition. The rate shall be inclusive of all CP sanitary accessories such as pillar cock, bottle trap, angle valve etc. of Jaguar make. 78 Amount in Rs…. In Words Sqm Rmt Rmt Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 146 147 148 Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures 109.97 Rmt 4.94 Sink and wash basin bottom covered with louvered shutter: Providing and fixing of to a specified height as shown in drawing(750 to 900mm) but in general the counter bottom frame of 75x37mm first class teak wood at top and verticals at 900mm c/c. The openable shutter shall be made of 18 mm thick BWR plywood with louvered all the exposed surfaces of ply finished with 1.5mm thick laminate including hardwares like handles, tower bolt, hinges, ball catches etc.complete. All the exposed edges of ply shall covered with teak wood lipping. Rate shall be inclusive of applying melamine polish at all the teak wood surfaces and other hidden inside surfaces are covered with sealer polish. Sqm Providing and fixing of backdrop at reception as per drawing and as directed, in general it shall be made with 12mm thick BWR ply with Acrylic sheet CMRL logo and necessary backing lighting of LED etc all as per drawing details. Amount in Rs…. In Words Rmt Sqm Wardrobe Providing and fixing Wardrobe including loft as per drawing but in general, it shall be made out of 18 mm thick Particle Board of Action Tesa make or approved equivalent on all sides including top, with intermediate shelves with necessary PVC supports, finished with approved shades of Laminate. The open able shutter and shall be post formed and shall be made out of 18mm thick Particle Board and external surface shall be finished with MR Grade Laminate of Merino or approved equivalent. Rate shall include for providing matching 2mm PVC Lipping for shelves and dividers, made of Particle Board of Action Tesa make or approved equivalent ,as required. All exposed surfaces shall be finished with 1.5 mm thick laminate of approved shade and all inner / recessed surfaces shall finished with 1mm laminate. Shutter back side shall be finished with 1mm thick Laminate of approved shade. 79 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words a 63.00 Set Rate shall be inclusive of providing and fixing mirror on shutter as per drawing. The rate shall also include for fixing all the hardware and accessories fixing labour, electricity, all complete from Hettich / Haffele / Blum or approved equivalent. The hardware shall be inclusive of but not limited to the following hardware and accessories in Hettich or approved equivalent makeEcomat series hinges, Garment Rails 30x15mm for required length as per drawing including supports as necessary, telescopic runner channel for drawers, locking arrangements for all internal drawers and external shutter including master key with Multipurpose Drawer Square Lock 32mm etc. complete. Note: All wire baskets, accessories, handles etc shall be of SS 304 grade. Wardrobe of size 3000x600mm x 2850mm Ht. (incl Loft) b 36.00 Set Wardrobe of size 1550x500mm x 2850mm Ht. (incl Loft) Nos c 27.00 Set Wardrobe of size 1900x600mm x 2850mm Ht. (incl Loft) Nos Nos Kitchen 80 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 149 Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and fixing Modular Kitchen of approved make including loft as per drawing but in general, it shall be made out of 18 mm thick BWR Ply of Action Tesa make or approved equivalent on all sides including top, with accessories, drawers and intermediate shelves as per drawings and specification with necessary PVC / Steel supports. The open able shutter and drawer front shall be post formed on 2 sides and 2 mm pvc edge banding on other 2 sides and shall be made out of 18mm thick BWR Ply and external surface shall be finished with MR Grade Laminate of Merino or approved equivalent. Rate shall include for providing matching 2mm PVC Lipping for shelves and dividers, made of 18mm thk BWR Ply of Action Tesa make or approved equivalent ,as required. All exposed surfaces shall be finished with 1.5 mm thick laminate of approved shade and all inner / recessed surfaces shall finished with 1mm laminate. The counter top shall be finished with suitable supports and shall be made of two layers of 18mm thick BWR plywood. Rate shall be inclusive providing and fixing of SS sink with drain board of Nirali or approved equivalent make (Model: Super Slider Satin finish-850X510mm), garbo drain of approved make at specified location etc., complete. Rate shall be inclusive of making provision for fixing of Chimney hood including ducting till the external wall and exhaust outlet point, of approved make at specified location etc., complete, as directed. The rate shall include for fixing all the hardware and accessories fixing labour, electricity, all complete from Hettich / Haffele / Blum or approved equivalent. The hardware shall be inclusive of but not limited to the following hardware and accessories in Hettich or approved equivalent makeEcomat series hinges, Intermat-9943 Alu Frame Hinge '0' Crank hinges including supports as necessary, telescopic runner channel for drawers, skirting clip, etc. complete. 150 Kitchen of size 2700x600mm x 1900mm Ht. (incl Loft) as per drawing. Rate shall include for providing and fixing Accessories as mentioned below in Hettich or approved equivalent makeNote: All wire baskets, accessories, handles etc shall be of minimum SS 304 grade. 81 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words 2 nos Wire Basket Plain with Channels, hardware and supports as required for drawer of Size 900 x 600 x Ht 325mm each with 300mm Handle 4 nos Wire Basket Plain with Channels, hardware and supports as required for drawer of Size 450 x 600 x Ht 325mm each with 150mm Handle 2 nos Wire Basket - Plate with Channels, hardware and supports as required for drawer of Size 600 x 600 x Ht 300mm each with 150mm Handle 2 nos Wire Basket - Cup & Saucer with Channels, hardware and supports as required for drawer of Size 600 x 600 x Ht 200mm each with 150mm Handle 2 nos Cutlery Tray with Channels, hardware and supports as required for drawer of Size 600 x 600 x Ht 150mm each with 150mm Handle 1 nos Bottle Pull Out with Frame Silent H599 Silver, Frame Silent Front Angle, 2 nos Frame Baskets of 160mm each, hardware and supports as required for drawer of Size 300 x 600 x Ht 650mm each with 150mm Handle 1 nos Tall Unit with Dispensa Frame Silver 362/1900-2300, Dispensa Full Extension Silent 1000 N Silver, 2 nos Dispensa Front Stabilisator Silver, 5 nos Dispensa Clip-On Basket of 400mm each, hardware and supports as required for tall unit of Size 450 x 600 x Ht 2100mm each with 450mm Handle 1 nos Dish Drainer Rack Set SS 600 with shutter in cabinet of size of size 600 x 300 x Ht 650mm each with shutter, hardware and supports as required for each with 150mm Handle 6 nos Above Counter wall cabinets with 2 Flap Stay Basic in each shutter, hardware and supports as required for cabinets of size 600mm Width x 350mm Ht each with 150mm Handle 1 nos Waste Bin It Classic 13lts capacity fixed to the inside of shutter in the cabinet below the sink of size 600x 600 x Ht 650mm with shutter, hardware and supports as required for each with 150mm Handle 82 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 36.00 151 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Set Remaining cabinets and loft with size as per drawing with shutters, ecomat hinges, hardware and supports as required for each with 150mm Handles Amount in Rs…. In Words Nos Providing and fixing PVC (6 Kg/sqcm class) pipe of specified dia below and approved make as water down take pipe with all specials, accessories and joints with solvent cement solution according to manufacturer’s specification. a 641.03 Rmt 150 mm dia Rmt b 16.77 Rmt 110 mm dia Rmt 152 37.87 Sqm Providing and fixing glass block partition using approved make of glass blocks of size 200 x 200 75 mm with jointing compound, adhesives mixed with white cement and the joint shall be finished neatly as per the manufacture's specification.Item shall be inclusive of providing 12 mm thick ply with 1.50 mm thick metallic laminate band alround on the exposed edges,hardwares etc., as shown in the approved drawing etc all complete as directed by the engineer-incharge. Sqm 153 798.82 Sqm Design and fixing Atrium roof with hollow pipes & tensile fabric structure using 20% translucency as per the drawing CMRL/HQ/MNB/AR-20/01/01/176563. Sqm Total Amount C/o to Summary - (A ) …….. 83 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity L Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Road & Pavement Works 154 5,680.48 Sqm Preparation & sectioning the area road surface and compacting with 10 ton power roller including forming camber and gradients watering and rolling to reach required density as complete.as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Sqm 155 1,704.15 Cum Construction of 300mm the Granular subbase (GSB) by providing coarse graded material 53mm to 4.75 mm ,spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, as complete in all respects complying with relevant standard IRC,MORTH and MOST Specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Cum 156 6,146.95 Cum Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting 45 mm to 4.75 mm graded stone aggregate of 200mm the wet mix macadam (WMM) specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant,carriage of mixed material by tipper to site,laying in uniform layers with paver in subbase / sub course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density,as complete in all respects complying with relevant standard MOST specification,as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Cum 157 572.00 Cum Providing and laying 100mm the. Plain cement concrete1:3:6 (One cement, three fine aggregate and six coarse aggregate) by using coarse graded aggregate of 25 mm and down size for levelling course in road and pavement areas wherever necessary (as per drawing) including laying in layers of thickness not exceeding 100mm and in alternative bays not exceeding 40 sqm as directed including form work wherever necessary and well compacted etc. as complete in all respects complying with relevant standard specification as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Cum 84 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 158 159 Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words Providing and laying controlled cement concrete mix of M20 grade to a thickness of 150 mm for roads and pavements laid to required slope and camber in panels confirming to IRC standard. Rate shall include for providing IRC Weldmesh of size 100x100 - 12 Gauge - one layers confirming to IS: 1566 & IS: 4948 or equivalent BS, necessary formwork, shuttering,props, bracing and wedges, sufficiently strong & stable, providing 10 to 25 mm wide expansion joints and construction joints & closing the joints using polyurethane sealant "VULKEM" - 202 PU from Supreme or approved equivalent make etc.complete, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge . 857.99 Cum Rate shall include for preparation of surface, laying the concrete in panels of area not more than 40 Sqm with construction joints and such joints shall be made in the position hereinafter specified or elsewhere as approved. Such joints shall be truly vertical or horizontal as the case may be, except that in an inclined or curved members the joints shall be strictly at right angles to the axis of the member.Concrete shall be compacted by mechanical vibrating machine until a dense concrete is obtained. The vibration continues during entire period of placing concrete with top shall be provided with broom finish. Compaction shall be complete before the initial setting starts confirming to specification and over vibration shall be avoided and all confirming to IRC standards or equivalent BS specification etc complete, as directed by the Engineer-incharge. Note: Actual laid plan area will be Measured. 85 Cum Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description of Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs…. In Words 160 5,223.87 Sqm Supplying and laying Shotblasted Flexi Pavers of approved design - 65 mm thick, total weight shall be 25 kg approximately per one set or 1.94 Sft of flexi pavers contains five pieces including transportation of the blocks to the site ,preparation of surface,supplying and filling with dry river sand to 50 mm thick, leveling and compacting with plate vibrator and laying of the flexi paver blocks with sand binding and final compaction with plate vibrator of 3 tone capacity finishing the surface including cutting of blocks at the edges including all labour and materials etc as complete in all respects complying with relevant standard specification, as directed by the Engineer-incharge. (For Pathway) Sqm 161 719.93 RMT Providing thermoplastic painting for car park and road line and arrow marks with 100mm wide involving cleaning the surface free of dirt and loose particles applying one coat of primer and applying one layer of thermoplastic paint with drop on glass beads. Rate shall include for all materials & labour components etc., as complete all respects complying with relevant IRC specifications, as directed by the Engineer-incharge. RMT Total Amount C/o to Summary - (A ) …….. 86 Civil Chennai Metro Rail Limited CONSTRUCTION OF METRO HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIES AT NANDANAM,CHENNAI BILLS OF QUANTITIES SCHEDULE - II - PLUMBING WORKS Rate in INR S.No A Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. SANITARY FIXTURES AND CP FITTINGS: (SUPPLY & INSTALLATION) General Notes Detail of Sanitary fixture are for the information of the Contractor, however model / makes of all sanitary fixture shall be selected by Architect / Interior designer / client and the same shall be binding for execution All sanitary fixture and accessories / CP fittings shall be issued free of cost by the employer alongwith standard accessories. The contractor shall supply all fixing / supporting devices, nuts, bolts, screws, hangers as required and install the fixture / fitting in a neat workman like manner No additional all fixing cost shall be paid for change in type of sanitary fixture or fitting. Provision of extension piece for final connection of CP fitting shall be supplied and installed by the contractor accordingly (as required) 87 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 1 120 Unit Description In Figures Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European type W.C. pan) with seat and lid, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with anually controlled device (handle lever), conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required : Nos. 17.2.1.W.C. pan with ISI marked white solid plastic seat and lid In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Each Note: EWC with accessories will be provided by Client necessary consumables like brass screws, CP extension nipple of approved make, dia and length, wooden plugs, white cement, sealants etc., required if any, shall be arranged by the contractor. 2 Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European type) with seat and lid, 10 litre low level white vitreous china flushing cistern & C.P. flush bend with fittings & C.I.brackets, 40 mm flush bend, overflow arrangement with specials of standard make and mosquito proof coupling of approved municipal design complete, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required : 91 Nos. 17.3.1 W.C. pan with ISI marked white solid plastic seat and lid 88 Each Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Note: EWC with accessories will be provided by Client necessary consumables like brass screws, CP extension nipple of approved make, dia and length, wooden plugs, white cement, sealants etc., required if any, shall be arranged by the contractor. 3 200 4 30 Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever require: Nos. 17.7.1 White Vitreous China Wash basin size 630x450 mm with a pair of 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps Providing and fixing white vitreous china flat back half stall urinal of size 580x380x350 mm with white PVC automatic flushing cistern, with fittings, standard size C.P. brass flush pipe, spreaders with unions and clamps (all in C.P. brass) with waste fitting as per IS : 2556, C.I. trap with outlet grating and other couplings in C.P. brass, including painting of fittings and cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required : Nos. 17.5.1 Single half stall urinal with 5 litre P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern 89 Each Each Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per 5 12 Nos. Providing and fixing to the place of installation and fixing testing and commissioning of approved make and model for shower assembly units consisting of two in one wall mixer with conversion bend for overhead shower with wall flanges etc., complete in every respect including, cutting, chasing & making good the walls. Each 6 108 Nos. Providing&Fixing Concealed bath shower divertor, Single lever divertor exposed parts, spout, shower arm, overhead shower and wall flanges complete and as complete, as directed by Engineer-Incharge (Make :- Jaquar/ Equal approved make, Model:- ALD - 065, OPL 15065K, SPJ- 429, SHA - 483 L 450, and OHS-1779). Each 7 211 Providing and fixing to the place of installation and fixing testing and commissioning of approved make and model for CP health faucet consisting of: Nos. CP flexible pipe Model No : 573 Each 211 Nos. PTMT Angle Stop cock with Flange 15 mm Each 90 Amount in Rs…. Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per 8 48 Nos. Providing and fixing to the place of installation and fixing testing and commissioning of approved make and model for best quality stainless steel sink with drain board 510x1040 mm bowl depth 178 mm,38mm dia CP waste couplings, 38mm dia bottle trap etc complete. The working shall include fixing the sink in position setting in CM etc, complete and also cutting holes in wall and floors and making good the floor. Each 9 1 Nos. Providing and fixing to the place of installation and fixing testing and commissioning of approved make and model for best quality and approved make stainless steel kitchen sink with single bowl only size 610x460 bowl depth 200 mm made of 18 gauge sheet 40mm dia CP waste coupling, 40mm PVC waste pipe etc, complete. Each 10 109 Nos. Providing and fixing to the place of installation and fixing testing and commissioning of approved make and model for 15mm dia CP sink cock with swinging spout (wall mounted model) for kitchen sink with CP wall flange etc. Notes: Conditions mentioned in item no.1 shall be applicable. Each 11 48 Nos. Providing and fixing to the place of installation and fixing testing and commissioning of approved make and model for 15mm dia CP brass angle stop cock with wall flange and 15mm dia PVC connecting pipe for aquaguard / modular RO plant of floor kitchen area as specified in the drawings. Each 91 Amount in Rs…. Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per 12 10 Nos. Providing and fixing to the place of installation and fixing testing and commissioning of approved make and model for 15mm dia CP long body bib cock with CP wall flange etc. Each 13 62 Nos. Providing and fixing to the place of installation and fixing testing and commissioning of approved make and model for 600mm long 25mm dia CP brass superior quality towel rail with brackets, and flange with concealed brass screws etc., including cutting & making good the walls. Notes: Conditions mentioned in item no.1 shall be applicable. Each 14 62 Nos. Providing and fixing to the place of installation and fixing testing and commissioning of approved make and model for CP brass liquid soap container fixed on wooden cleats with CP brass screws & washers including driling hole in walls with dril gun and making good the walls. Each 15 211 Nos. Providing and fixing to the place of installation and fixing testing and commissioning of approved make and model for C.P. brass toilet paper holder 150 x 150mm with aluminium roller including cutting and setting in walls with cement joints and making good the wall. Each 16 182 Nos. Providing and fixing to the place of installation and fixing testing and commissioning of approved make and model for stainless steel soap dish 138x102x75 mm including cutting and setting in walls with cement joints and making good the wall. Each 92 Amount in Rs…. Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per 17 211 Nos. Providing & fixing C.P. brass Double coat hook with PVC rawl plug & C.P. brass screw complete as required and as complete, as directed by Engineer-Incharge (Make :- Jaquar/ Equal approved make, Model:AKB - 35761). Each 18 170 Nos. PTMT Towel Ring 215x200x37 mm. Each 19 176 Nos. P.T.M.T. Stop cock (concealed) 15 mm Each 20 120 Nos. Providing and fixing to the place of installation and fixing testing and commissioning of approved make and model for racold / venus / equalent make electically operated storage water heater having 25lts. Capacity, inner container made from copper or stainless steel including the remal instalation safety valve, vacuum relief valve, neon lamp, mounting brackets, installing in position with coach screws or bolts, nuts, 2nos angle stop cock and 2nos flexible hose etc, complete. Notes: a) Conditions mentioned in item no.1 shall be applicable. (Venus - Magma-Vertical-Model 15GV) 15 lit. capacity. Each 93 Amount in Rs…. Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per 21 10 Nos. Providing&Fixing solid state, no touch operting, fully hygienic hand drier of approved shade with single/double blower, with time delay, summer & winter control, music while drying, volume ON/OFF controls including providing necessary brackets, cable from drier to Plug, Plug top key and lock etc, complete as directed by the Engineerincharge.(Make-Eronics / Equal approved make, Model No. - EH06S ) Each 22 2 Nos. Providing&Fixing, testing and commissioning of Adjustable Type of Washbasin 65x35 with one pair of mounting brackets, EWC and cistern complete with fittings and seat cover, one no hinged rail, 76 cm and five no grab rails 60 cm and as complete, as directed by Engineer-Incharge (Make :- ROCA/ Equal approved make, Model:(Carron PP Closet with Antimicrobial seat cover - C0250 + C8094), (Hand Rails 600 - C8154), (Hinged Arms - C8153), (Plastic cistern C8157), Indus basin (500*400mm - C0471), (Pillar Cock with Aerator T1602A1)) Each 23 462 Providing and fixing CI grating 150X150mm floor finish as per architect requirement & suitable for waste and FD and as complete, as directed by Engineer-Incharge(Make :- Chilly- India King or equal approved make,) Nos. Code No:1336 Amount in Rs…. Each Total Amount C/o to Summary…….. B WATER SUPPLY PIPES AND FITTNGS (INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ): INTERNAL: 94 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 1 Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Providing & fixing testing and commissioning of CPVC (Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride) water supply pipes with pipe as per CTS SDR - 11 at a working pressure of 320 PSI at 23 deg C & 80 PSI at 82 deg C, using solvent welded CPVC fittings i.e. Tees, Elbows, Couplers, Unions, Reducers, brushings etc. including transition fittings connection between CPVC & metal pipe/GI) ie. Brass Adaptors (both Male & Female threaded) conforming to ASTM D-2846 with only CPVC solvent cement conforming to ASTM F-493 with fabricated & subsequently hot dip galvanized clamps / structural steel supports as required / directed at site including cutting chasing and fixing the same with cement concrete / cement mortar as required, including painting the exposed pipes with one coat of desired shade of enamel paint. All termination points for installation of faucets shall have brass termination fittings. Installation shall be to the satisfaction of PMC /Consultant / manufacturer of pipes & fittings. Notes: Rate Quoted shall be inclusive of cost of other consumables like hacksaw blade, solvent for CPVC pipe of make flowguard etc. 1.1 2656 Cold,Flush&Hot water Supply: Mtr. 20 mm dia Mtr 1.2 372 Mtr. 25 mm dia Mtr 95 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 1.3 14 Unit Description In Figures Mtr. 32 mm dia In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Mtr Shaft,terrace ground and basement Piping 2 Providing & fixing testing and commissioning of CPVC (Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride) water supply pipes with pipe as per CTS SDR - 11 at a working pressure of 320 PSI at 23 deg C & 80 PSI at 82 deg C, using solvent welded CPVC fittings i.e. Tees, Elbows, Couplers, Unions, Reducers, brushings etc. including transition fittings connection between CPVC & metal pipe/GI) ie. Brass Adaptors (both Male & Female threaded) conforming to ASTM D-2846 with only CPVC solvent cement conforming to ASTM F-493 with fabricated & subsequently hot dip galvanized clamps / structural steel supports as required / directed at site including cutting chasing and fixing the same with cement concrete / cement mortar as required, including painting the exposed pipes with one coat of desired shade of enamel paint. All termination points for installation of faucets shall have brass termination fittings. Installation shall be to the satisfaction of PMC /Consultant / manufacturer of pipes & fittings. Notes: Rate Quoted shall be inclusive of cost of other consumables like hacksaw blade, solvent for CPVC pipe of make flowguard etc. Cold,Flush&Hot water Supply: 2.1 402 Mtr. 20 mm dia Mtr 96 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 2.2 982 Mtr. 25 mm dia Mtr 2.3 920 Mtr. 32 mm dia Mtr 2.4 442 Mtr. 40 mm dia Mtr 2.5 787 Mtr. 50 mm dia Mtr 2.6 308 Mtr. 65 mm dia Mtr 2.7 304 Mtr. 80 mm dia Mtr 2.8 296 Mtr. 100 mm dia Mtr Unit Description In Figures 97 In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 3 Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Providing & fixing male/ female screwed end full way lever operated forged brass ball valve of brass body with forged brass hard chromeplated ball & teflon seat tested to a pressure 15 Kg / sqcm with (threaded joints) complete as required and as complete, as directed by Engineer-Incharge/Consultant. 3.1 477 Nos. 20 mm dia Each 3.2 52 Nos. 25 mm dia Each 3.3 30 Nos. 32 mm dia Each 3.4 13 Nos. 40 mm dia Each 3.5 23 Nos. 50 mm dia Each 98 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 4 Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Providing and fixing C.I. Butterfly valve (Body : Grey Cast Iron, shaft : SS, Disc : SG Iron (nickel plated), Liner : HT - EPDM/Nylon) of approved make with flange, washer, nuts & bolts and PN 16 pressure rating including rubber gasket & painting complete.and as directed by Engineer-Incharge. 4.1 8 Nos. 65 mm dia Each 4.2 2 Nos. 80 mm dia Each 5 Providing & fixing dual flanged C.I. `Y' Strainer with stainless steel fine wire mesh perforated sheet basket with necessary flange/ unions nuts, bolts and washers complete as required and as complete, as directed by Engineer-Incharge 5.1 2 Nos. 40 mm dia Each 5.2 3 Nos. 50 mm dia Each 99 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 5.3 1 Nos. 65 mm dia Each 5.4 1 Nos. 80 mm dia Each 6 Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Providing and fixing testing and commissioning of 600mm long puddle flange consisting of 6mm thick welded MS plate, flanges of sutible size property fixed in walls of water tanks as per specifications and approved drawings of following diameters. 6.1 5 Nos. 32 mm dia Each 6.2 3 Nos. 40 mm dia Each 6.3 10 Nos. 50 mm dia Each 100 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 6.4 6 7 2 8 8.1 Unit Description In Figures Nos. 65 mm dia In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Each Constructing masonry Chamber 60x60x75 cm inside, in brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) for sluice valve, with C.I. surface box 100mm top diameter, 160 mm bottom diameter and 180 mm deep ( inside) with chained lid and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size ) , i/c necessary excavation, foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand: 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick, finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design : Nos. 18.33.1 With common burnt clay F.P.S.(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 Each Providing and fixing in position of approved quality high pressure rated Gun Metal Float Valve with copper ball float and brass rods of required length suitable for test pressure of not less than 15 Kg/sqcm of the following sizes and as complete,over head water tank. as directed by Engineer-Incharge. 2 Nos. 32 mm dia Each 101 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 8.2 2 Nos. 40 mm dia Each 8.3 1 Nos. 50 mm dia Each 9 9.1 Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Providing & fixing Auto Air vent for cold water supply risers, suitable for pressure not less than 15 Kg/Sq.cm. 60 10 Nos. 25 mm dia Each Providing, fixing , testing and commissioning water metre with direct reading dial in KL with all necessary fitting such as threaded pieces, unions pressure gauge, isolation cock, flanges piece for future removal, flanges / unions complete with all necessary testing charges and obtaining test certificates from municipal authorities and as complete, as directed by Engineer-Incharge., on following size pipe lines (1 no. strainer shall be provided at inlet & outlet and cost shall be inclusive for the same). 1 Nos. 50 mm dia CI Each 102 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per 11 91 Nos. Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning of PVC encappsulated foot steps 300 mm staggered apart for UG sump tank as per standard make of SFRC or equivalent make fixing in RCC walls during casting of RCC walls as per location shown in drawings. Each 12 23 Nos. Rectangular shape 500x500 mm precast R.C.C. manhole cover with frame - M.D. - 10 Each 13 18 Nos. Rectangular shape 600x450 mm precast R.C.C. manhole cover with frame - L.D. - 25 in as per location shown in drawings. Each 14 Amount in Rs…. Providing and fixing pressure reducing station for cold water supply comprising of 2 Nos Gun Metal ball valves on inlet & outlet & 1 no. globe valve for by-pass 1 No pressure reducing valve with flanged/ screwed connection, 1 No. `Y' strainer, 2 Nos Pressure gauge on inlet & outlet, and 1 No. 15 mm dia safety valve. The complete system is tested to a pressure not less than 15 Kg/Sq.cm and suitable to reduce the pressure upto 2 Kg/Sq.cm) Including necessary pipe & fittings; i.e. flanges/ unions, nuts, bolts and washers complete as required and as complete, as directed by EngineerIncharge/Consultant. 103 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 14.1 12 Nos. 25 mm dia Each 14.2 10 Nos. 32 mm dia Each 14.3 9 Nos. 40 mm dia Each Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Total Amount C/o to Summary…….. C SOIL,WASTE,VENT PIPES AND FITTINGS ( INTERNAL & EXTERNAL) 1 Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning of uPVC soil, waste and vent pipe confirming to IS : 13592 -and confirming to IS : 4985 of Pipe Class II- 6 kg / sq.cm pressure rated self fit type with socket and solvent cement joint including all fittings, like Bends, Tees, Elbows, Collars, junction, inspection doors, cowls, offsets, access pipes, jointing with solvent cement followed by application of leak proof adhesive like FRP paste & laid on floors inside the toilets kitchen and utility to the required slope including making necessary bores in walls / foundations / concrete slab as applicable, making good the bores with CM 1:3 or cement concrete 1:2:4 as applicable, curing etc., complete. Cost shall be inclusive of providing protection to pipe all round / haunches as per specification. (Running at toilet sunken/balcony&Basement ). 104 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Notes: Wall chasing shall be done with chasing machine to required lines and levels. Rate Quoted shall be inclusive of cost of cement, sand and other consumables like hacksaw blade etc. INTERNAL: 1.1 1320 Mtr. 75mm dia Mtr 1.2 829 Mtr. 110mm dia Mtr 2 a) b) c) Providing, fixing, jointing, testing and commissioning of UPVC pipe confirming to IS : 13592, and confirming to IS : 4985 (Pipe Class II - 6 kg / sq.cm) cut to required lengths including all necessary fittings and specials such as bends, junctions offsets, access pieces (plain or door) & vent cowl. Fixing at wall / ceiling level supported by G.I. clamps, hangers etc. duly epoxy coated and as complete, as directed by Engineer-Incharge(Location for Shaft ) Notes: Rate Quoted shall be inclusive of cost of cement, sand and other consumables like hacksaw blade etc. The vertical downtake pipes running in shaft shall be rubber ring joint The horizontal pipes running suspended in the ceiling lvl shall be to self fit type with solvent cement joint. 105 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 2.1 1343 Mtr. 75mm dia Mtr 2.2 1027 Mtr. 110mm dia Mtr 2.3 83 Mtr. 160mm dia Mtr 3 a) b) Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Providing, fixing, jointing and testing in position the following UPVC pipes confirming to IS:4985 of 6 Kg / Sq.cm for drainage system cut to required length. Pipe to be laid below ground level in trenches upto required depth including excavation in all kind of soil (hard rock), dewatering, refilling, watering, ramming and removing the surplus excavated material and making good the same complete as required. Cost shall be inclusive of providing protection to pipe all round / haunches as per specification and also as complete, as directed by Engineer-Incharge (For sewer and Sullage line) Notes: Rate is excluding for earthwork and backfilling. It shall be measured separate and paid for. Rate Quoted shall be inclusive of cost of cement, sand and other consumables like hacksaw blade etc. 106 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 3.1 52 Mtr. 75 mm dia Mtr 3.2 89 Mtr. 110 mm dia Mtr 3.3 292 Mtr. 160 mm dia Mtr 3.4 65 Mtr. 200 mm dia Mtr 4 Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Providing & fixing UPVC soil, waste, vent pipework comprising UPVC pipe conforming to IS :4985-1983 and of required class as specified below and fittings (moulded as well as fabricated) like elbows, bends, reducers, threaded tail pieces, caps, suitable elbow with suitable extension piece for drain point and other specials. jointing with cement solvent, chasing, cutting and making good the walls & floors pipes laid in floors shall be encased with 40 mm thick concrete all around, complete in all respects including testing of complete installation. 107 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 4.1 372 Mtr. 40 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 ( Class III ) Mtr 4.2 101 Mtr. 50 mm dia 6 kg/cm2 ( Class III ) Mtr 5 462 Nos. Supplying and fixing of approved make UPVC multi inlet floor trap with110mm dia inlet & 75mm dia outlet and it is fixed in Sunken slab .and as complete, as directed by Engineer-Incharge. 6 6.1 7 Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Each Providing and fixing uPVC `P' trap of self cleansing design with or without vent arm complete including cutting and making good the walls and floors. 4 Nos. 110mm dia inlet 110mm dia out let Each Providing and fixing square mouth cast iron gully trap complete in brick masonry 300 x 300 mm chamber of standard detail with first class bricks and water tight double seal CI cover with frame of 300 x 300 mm internal size. The weight of cover and frame to be not less than 10 Kg as per standard design and also as complete, as directed by Engineer-Incharge/Consultant. (Note : Cost shall include excavation dewatering and watering proofing of chambers as directed at site) 108 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 7.1 19 8 Unit Description In Figures Nos. 300 x 300 mm chamber with 150 x 100 mm size “GULLY” trap In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Each Designing and constructing brick masonry inspection chamber of the following sizes in brick work of class 75 in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement:5 fine sand), R.C.C. top slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm. nominal size) embeded with frame for manhole, RCC foundation slab. 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand:4 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) both inside and outside of plastering 12 mm thick with cement motar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) with a floating coat of neat cement on inside face, proper water proofing to ensure no ground water seepage in the manhole, Poly propylene (conforming to ASTMD - 4101) foot rests (meeting the 224 kg load requirement as per IS 5455) at 300 mm spacing, benching and making channels with 1:2:4 cement concrete neatly finished, including necessary centering and shuttering, reinforcement, excavation, in all kind of soil, dewatering, refilling, watering, ramming and removing the surplus excavated earth, making good the same complete as required. Contractor shall submit the structural design and drawings for the approval of Project Manager prior to execution. 8.1 16 Nos. 900 x 800 mm size (UP TO 900mm) Each 109 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 8.2 8 Nos. 1200 x 900 mm size (UP TO 2.4M) Each 8.3 3 Nos. 1500mm Dia Circular (2.4 to 9.0m Depth) Each 4 4.1 Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Providing & fixing Cast Iron Manhole cover with frame in Cement concrete 1:2:4 (one of cement two of sand and four of hardbroken stone jally) finished neatly etc..as complete, as directed by EngineerIncharge.- For inspection chamber 27 Nos. 600 x 600 mm, Heavy Duty (B-125), Wt 115 kg Each Total Amount C/o to Summary…….. D RAIN WATER PIPES AND FITTINGS 1 Providing, fixing, jointing, testing and commissioning PVC (Class III) of pressure rating 0.6 Mpa Rain water downtake pipe conforming to IS:4985 cut to required lengths including all necessary fittings and specials. Fixing at wall/ceiling level supported by galvanized steel clamps & hangers etc. Making proper connection with cement solvent joint as per BIS / manufacturer. Cutting chases/holes in floors/walls/slab. 110 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 1.1 734 Mtr 75mm dia Mtr 1.2 954 Mtr 160mm dia Mtr 2 Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Providing, fixing, jointing and testing in position the following UPVC pipes confirming to IS:4985 of 6 Kg / Sq.cm for rain water pipe cut to required length. Pipe to be laid below ground level in trenches upto required depth including excavation in all kind of rain water pipes (hard rock), dewatering, refilling, watering, ramming and removing the surplus excavated material and making good the same complete as required. Cost shall be inclusive of providing protection to pipe all round / haunches as per specification. (For Rain water line) 2.1 51 Mtr 75mm dia Mtr 2.2 49 Mtr 160mm dia Mtr 111 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 2.3 140 3 35 4 Unit Description In Figures Mtr 200mm dia In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Mtr Nos. Providing & fixing rain water `Khurras' size 450x450 mm required depth with lead flashing around the pipe with one piece lead sheet of 3 mm thick set on a layer of cold bitumen. Including Heavy duty CI/MS grating as per drawing complete as required and as directed by Engineer-Incharge Each Providing and fixing Constructing storm water catch basin internal clear dimension as mentioned below with 230 mm thick brick masonry wall using 1st class table moulded brick in 1:4 over a bed of 150 mm thick 1:4:8 PCC in cement motar 1:5 (1cement: 5 fine sand),sand), precast perforated RCC top slab in 1:2:4 Mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 8 graded stone aggregate),with angle iron frame, inside plastring 15 mm thick with CM 1:3 (1cement: 3 fine sand) finished very smooth with floating coat of neat cement & making channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 gradedstone aggregate) neatly finished complete as per standard design and as per drawing. (The rate shall include necessary earth work excavation in all types of soil excluding soft and hard rock, back filling including consolidation disposing the excess earth to all leads curing, finishing etc., and back filling and completion) Note: Rate Quoted shall be inclusive of cost of cement, sand and other consumables like hacksaw blade etc including curing. 112 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 4.1 17 5 5.1 Description In Figures Nos. Inside size of 450 x 450mm & depth not exceeding 600mm including providing 450 x450mm precast perforated RCC cover with 50 x 50 x 6mm thick with MS L angle frame. In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Each Providing & fixing of uPVC nahani trap of self cleansing design moulded or fabricated, if not available in size mentioned below, with or without vent arm, connecting to balcony rain water pipe, complete including cutting and making good the walls and floors. 180 Nos. 110mm x 75mm dia Each 180 Providing and fixing CP grating of 6mm thick with rim including setting in floor with white cement mortar and making good the floor (Chilli Make). Nos. P.T.M.T. Grating square slit 150 mm Each 6 7 Unit Construction of percolation well / rain water harvest pit of 1.0 m dia and 3m deep with precast RCC rings, coveringthe top with RCC slab including supply and fixing 600 x 600 RCC MH cover CI / MS rungs etc. The quoted rate shall include earth work excavation, back filling, removing excess earth and making good the floor. The percolation well harvest pit shall be constructed as per the detail drawings and specification shall conssit of: 113 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Allernate layers of brick bats, activated charcoal, gravel, pebbles and toped with fine sand for good infiltration. 5 Nos. bore holes of 160 mm dia from the bottom of percolation pit for a depth of 6m, drilled by using auger manually. Bore hole to be filled with medium sized pebbles to provide meehamical strength to the holes and enhance infiltration. 7.1 68 set Rate quoted shall be inclusive of earthwosk excavation, back filling, removing of excess earth as per the instructions of engineer - in charge. set Total Amount C/o to Summary…….. E PUMPS & ACCESSORIES 1 HYDRO-PNEUMATIC SYSTEM Supply, Installation, Testing And Commissioning Of Compact Self Contained Skid Mounted Hydropneumatic System As Follows: a. Vertical, In-Line, Multisage, centrifugal pumps with SS-304 casing and impeller and SS-316 shaft, CI base & head TEFC motor (with mechanical seal) (Vendor to submit performance curves and technical catalog of the proposed model for review & information) 114 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. The pump shall be selected for performance at best efficiency point. However, the pump selection shall be suitable for performance with set point @ + 20% of the rated head. b. External Pump mounted or wall mounted microprocessor PID controller and frequency inverter integrated in a single body or as separate components with pressure sensor transmitter minimum two lined LCD display, diodes to indicate pump ready, pump running and fault and capable to communicate with other controllers following MODBUS-RTU or BACNET Class-2 protocall through RS485 port. System should be capable to compensate for frictional losses at lower flows. All alarms should be displayed in the controller. System should be equiped with dry running protection - Quantity : 1 No. c. Complete (Skid mounted wall mounted / floor mounted) electrical control panel comprising of all accessories such as PLCs, pressure switches, pressure transducers, control wiring and any other necessary imports etc. (list to be provided by the vendor) d. Precharged diaphram pressure vessel with food grade membrane, charging connection, connected to outlet header with necessary flanges, gaskets, isolating valves, nuts/bolts etc complete. e. Set of accessories such as pressure switches, pressure transducers, inter connecting power and control cabling etc. complete f. Accessories like pressure gauge, MS base frame (Synthetic enamel painted over a coat of primer) 115 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. g. GI suction and delivery header with flanges for inlet connection, common outlet header with flanges for outlet connections as required, and inter connecting piping with flexible connections, eccentric type reducers etc. all necessary indigenous accessories as required to complete the installation. Note: Contractor to note that the suction header is required to have inlet connection from the Puddle Flange @ water tanks and to the pump suction. Provision of delivery header is required to have outlet connection from the pumps. Suitable outlet flanges from the delivery mainfold / header shall be provided as required. 1.1 1.2 2 1 1 Nos. of Pumps : 3 (2W + 1S) Water Flow Rate : 1.95LPS (EACH) Head : 55M Set Purpose :- Domestic water supply for Admin Block - Low Zone (Present) Nos. of Pumps : 2 (1W + 1S) Water Flow Rate : 1.90LPS (EACH) Head : 45M Set Purpose :- Domestic water supply for Type A&B and Guest houseLow Zone (Present) Set Set Metro Water Transfer Pumps: 116 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 2.1 2.2 3 Total Quantity 1 1 Unit Description In Figures Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing over of 2 nos.Pumps, one no. working and one no. stand-by, for transfering municipal water from Treated Metro water ug sump to Metro / RO water over head tanks. The pump set shall be of monobloc type with bronze impeller and SS shaft. The motor shall be directly coupled to the pump set and shall be of TEFC Squirrel Cage type. The pump shall be fitted with mechanical seal. The pump shall be selected for handling water at 15-40 deg. C. The pump shall be supplied complete with FRP coated MS fabricated base frame, foundation bolts, base plate bolts etc. The duty condition of the pump shall be as under: Nos. of Pumps : 4(3W + 1S) Water Flow Rate : 0.55LPS Head : 90M Set Purpose :- Drinking water supply for Guest house & Quarters Type A&B Block (Present) Nos. of Pumps : 2(1W + 1S) Water Flow Rate : 0.55LPS Head : 45M Set Purpose :- Drinking water supply for Admin, Block (Present) In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Set Set HYDRO-PNEUMATIC SYSTEM Supply, Installation, Testing And Commissioning Of Compact Self Contained Skid Mounted Hydropneumatic System As Follows: 117 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. a. Vertical, In-Line, Multisage, centrifugal pumps with SS-304 casing and impeller and SS-316 shaft, CI base & head TEFC motor (with mechanical seal) (Vendor to submit performance curves and technical catalog of the proposed model for review & information) The pump shall be selected for performance at best efficiency point. However, the pump selection shall be suitable for performance with set point @ + 20% of the rated head. b. External Pump mounted or wall mounted microprocessor PID controller and frequency inverter integrated in a single body or as separate components with pressure sensor transmitter minimum two lined LCD display, diodes to indicate pump ready, pump running and fault and capable to communicate with other controllers following MODBUS-RTU or BACNET Class-2 protocall through RS485 port. System should be capable to compensate for frictional losses at lower flows. All alarms should be displayed in the controller. System should be equiped with dry running protection - Quantity : 1 No. c. Complete (Skid mounted wall mounted / floor mounted) electrical control panel comprising of all accessories such as PLCs, pressure switches, pressure transducers, control wiring and any other necessary imports etc. (list to be provided by the vendor) 118 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. d. Precharged diaphram pressure vessel with food grade membrane, charging connection, connected to outlet header with necessary flanges, gaskets, isolating valves, nuts/bolts etc complete. e. Set of accessories such as pressure switches, pressure transducers, inter connecting power and control cabling etc. complete f. Accessories like pressure gauge, MS base frame (Synthetic enamel painted over a coat of primer) g. GI suction and delivery header with flanges for inlet connection, common outlet header with flanges for outlet connections as required, and inter connecting piping with flexible connections, eccentric type reducers etc. all necessary indigenous accessories as required to complete the installation. Note: Contractor to note that the suction header is required to have inlet connection from the Puddle Flange @ water tanks and to the pump suction. Provision of delivery header is required to have outlet connection from the pumps. Suitable outlet flanges from the delivery mainfold / header shall be provided as required. 3.1 1 Nos. of Pumps : 4(3W + 1S) Water Flow Rate : 2.94LPS Head : 55M Set Purpose :- Recycled Treated / Flushing water supply for Admin Block Low Zone (Present) 119 Set Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No 3.2 4 Total Quantity 1 Unit Description In Figures Nos. of Pumps : 4 (3W+1S) Water Flow Rate : 0.70LPS Head : 90M Set Purpose :- Recycled Treated / Flushing water supply for Type A&B and Guest house- Low Zone (Present)) Automatic Level Control for Over Head Domestic,Recycled treated/Flushing & Metro Water: Tank In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Set - Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and handing over of automatic tank level controller comprising of the following installed in each over head tank and wired up to the basement floor pump room: . Magnetic type Level sensor for tank with High Level cut-out and Low level cut-in - 1 set. Wiring with 2cx2.5 sqmm PVC insulated, PVC sheathed armoured cables with copper conductors, duly clamped on walls, under side of ceiling slabs, etc., interconnecting the level sensor at the OHT and the control panel in the basement pump room. Consider 300 RMT. Control panel located at the basement pump room comprising of incoming disconnect 32 A SFU, O/L relay and DOL / star-delta starters for the 2 nos. pumps, auto/manual selector switch, pump1/pump2 selector switch, manual on/off PBs, on, off, trip indication lamps, 24 hr timer for automatic running and cycling of pumps (each pump cycles for 24 hrs.), earthing, etc., 120 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 4.1 3 5 5.1 Unit Description In Figures Nos. 1 panel for metro water tank. In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Each Magnetic type Level sensor installed in the basment tank for low water level cut-out for preventing dry-run of the pumps. 3 Nos. Installed in Metro water tank Each Power Cable: Necessary incoming cables to the panel shall be provided by the Electrical contractor. 6 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Submersible type Pumps with open type impellers with solid handling capacity of minimum 20mm, for rain water collection sump pump-out. The pump shall be supplied with pump mounting clamps, lifting chain of approximately 3 mtrs. lengths, flexible LDPE helically ribbed / braided rubber hose discharge pipe fitted to the pump discharge and of sufficient length and with flanged connections at both ends to suit pump side & the outlet puddle flanges provided in the basement floor rain water collection sump near ramp area. 121 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. The pumps shall be supplied with integral or external level controllers, common control panel with starting contactors for the 2 nos. pumps, dry run preventors, O/L protection etc., complete. The works shall include control and power wiring between the level probes & the panel and power wiring between the panel and the pumps. Necessary incoming cables to the panel shall be provided by the Electrical contractor. Two nos. pumps (1 working & 1 standby) shall be installed in the basement floor rain water collection sump near ramp area. 6.1 4 7 Nos. of Pumps : 2 (1W + 1S) Water Flow Rate : 1LPS Head : 20M Set Purpose :- Rain water Disposal to neat Storm water drain (Present) Set Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Submersible type Pumps with open type impellers with solid handling capacity of minimum 20mm, for Back wash water collection sump pump-out. The pump shall be supplied with pump mounting clamps, lifting chain of approximately 3 mtrs. lengths, flexible LDPE helically ribbed / braided rubber hose discharge pipe fitted to the pump discharge and of sufficient length and with flanged connections at both ends to suit pump side & the outlet puddle flanges provided in the basement floor Back wash water collection sump in Pump room area. 122 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. The pumps shall be supplied with integral or external level controllers, common control panel with starting contactors for the 2 nos. pumps, dry run preventors, O/L protection etc., complete. The works shall include control and power wiring between the level probes & the panel and power wiring between the panel and the pumps. Necessary incoming cables to the panel shall be provided by the Electrical contractor. Two nos. pumps (1 working & 1 standby) shall be installed in the Pump room area 7.1 2 Nos. of Pumps : 2 (1W + 1S) Water Flow Rate : 1LPS Head : 20M Set Purpose :- pump room drain pump Set 8 Pipes,Valves&Accessories for Transfer Pumps within the pump room. 8.1 Ball Valves 8.1.1 6 Nos. 25 mm Each 123 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 8.1.2 1 8.2 Unit Description In Figures Nos. 40 mm In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Each Butterfly Valves 8.2.1 1 Nos. 50 mm Each 8.2.2 2 Nos. 65 mm Each 8.2.3 21 Nos. 80 mm Each 8.2.4 3 Nos. 100 mm Each 8.2.5 1 Nos. 150 mm Each 124 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 8.3 Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Dual plate check valves. 8.3.1 0 Nos. 32 mm Each 8.3.2 1 Nos. 40 mm Each 8.3.3 1 Nos. 50 mm Each 8.3.4 1 Nos. 65 mm Each 8.3.5 14 Nos. 80 mm Each 8.3.6 2 Nos. 100 mm Each 125 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 8.4 Unit Description In Figures In Words Per "Y" type strainer 8.4.1 1 Nos. 50 mm Each 8.4.2 1 Nos. 65 mm Each 8.4.3 2 Nos. 80 mm Each 8.4.4 2 Nos. 100 mm Each 8.4.5 1 Nos. 150 mm Each 9 Amount in Rs…. Providing & fixing G.I. (Heavy Class) header complete for submersiable pump discharge manifold comprising of flanges, unions, check nuts, Tee, Elbow etc. 126 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 9.1 93 Nos. 50 mm Each 10.1 44 Providing and fixing in position Class C GI pipe work for all pump suction / discharge line with common header complete with all fittings like elbow, tee, reducer, flange, union etc. conforming to IS:1239 (Part 1) for pipes and IS : 1879 (Part 1 to 10) for fittings including fixing in wall / ceiling / floor level, supported by galvanized clamps, hangers, vertical pipe support etc. Nos. 32 mm Each 10.2 8 Nos. 40 mm Each 10.3 44 Nos. 50 mm Each 10.4 52 Nos. 65 mm Each 10 Unit Description In Figures 127 In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity 10.5 34 Nos. 80 mm Each 10.6 52 Nos. 100 mm Each 10.7 6 Nos. 150 mm Each 11 6 Nos. Automatic air vents of 15-mm dia., complete with 15-mm ball valves. Each 12 6 Nos. 100mm dial pressure guage with syphon and pet cock. Each Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Total Amount C/o to Summary…….. Sewage treatment plant: Design and build the STP plant considering the following parameters: 128 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Capacity 80KLD Operating hours 20 hours Flow rate 4.0 m3/hr Treated sewage quality at the outlet of the Activated Carbon Filter will be as follows: PARAMETERS - VALUES – at the outlet of ACF pH - 6.5 – 9.0 BOD < 20 ppm TSS < 30 ppm Oil & Gr ease < 10 ppm 129 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Bar Screen Chamber No. Offered - One No Size - 1.5 m x 0.5 m Type - Vertical barred with manual cleaning rake. Space between bars - 20 mm Material of construction - MSEP Oil Skimmer Quantity offered - One Capacity - 10 LPH Type - Motorized belt type Size of the belt - 4” wide x 8 m – 10 m long Material of construction - Belt: Oleophilic Make of skimmer - Vens/Eqv. Drive rating - 0.25 HP Skimmed oil Tank - 50 liter 130 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Raw Sewage Transfer Pump No. Offered - Two Nos(1W+1S) Capacity - 4 m3/hr Head - 10mwc Type - Horizontal Centrifugal, Self Priming Material of construction - CI Drive rating - 1.0 HP Make - Kirloskar/ Eqv. Aeration System FBBR Media Quantity - 4 m3 Surface area - 400 m2/m3 Material of construction - PP Make - Energy Equipment 131 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Air Blowers No. of air blowers - Two (1w + 1s) Capacity - 69 m3/hr -42 m3/hr for Aeration Tank - 24 m3/hr for Equalization Tank / 3 m3/hr for Sludge Holding Tank Head - 5 MWC Motor rating - 5.0 HP Blower make - Kay International or equivalent Motor Make - Bharat Bijlee or equivalent Coarse diffusers (Eq.T) No. of Diffusers - 1 Lot Material of construction - PVC Type - Course Bubble 132 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Fine Bubble Diffusers for AT Quantity Offered - 5 Nos. Capacity of each - 10 m3/hr Type - Fine Bubble Material of construction - EPDM Tube Settler- Internals Quantity Offered - One No. Volume of media - 2 m3 Type - Tube Dek Media MOC - PVC Hypo Dosing System Dosing Pump No. offered - One No Capacity - 0-4 liters/hr Type - Electronic, diaphragm Material of construction - PP Make - Xeed or Eqv 133 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Dosing Tank No. offered - One No Volume - 100 ltrs Material of construction - LDPE Make - Sintex/Reno Sludge Recirculation Pump No. offered - Two (1w + 1s) Capacity - 2.2 m3/hr Head - 10 mwc Type - Horizontal, centrifugal, self priming Material of construction - CI Drive rating - 1.0 HP Make - Kirloskar or Eqv Filter Feed Pumps No. offered - Two Nos(1W+1S) Capacity - 4.0 m3/hr Head - 30 mwc Type - Horizontal centrifugal MOC - CI Drive rating - 1.5 HP Make - Kirloskar or Eqv. 134 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Pressure Sand Filter Quantity - One Service flow - 4.0 m3/hr Diameter - 30” Height - 72” Filtering Media - Graded Sand & Pebbles Material Construction - FRP Valve type - Manually operated Multi port valve Activated Carbon Filter Quantity - One Service flow - 4.0 m3/hr Diameter - 24” Height on straight - 72” Filtering Media - Granular Sand, Pebbles & Activated Carbon Material Construction - FRP Valve type - Manually operated Multi port valve 135 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Sludge Handling System Filter Press Feed Pumps No. of pumps - Two Nos(1W+1S) Capacity - 1.0 m3/hr Head - 60 mwc Type - Helical screw type Material of construction - CI Motor rating 1.0 HP Poly Dosing System Dosing Pump No. offered - One No Capacity - 0-4 liters/hr Material of construction - PP Make - Xeed/Eqv Dosing Tank No. offered - One No Volume - 100 ltrs Material of construction - LDPE Make - Sintex/ Reno 136 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited Rate in INR S.No Total Quantity Unit Description In Figures In Words Per Amount in Rs…. Filter Press Nos. offered - One No of Batches - One Type - Sliding, Recessed – Plate and Frame type Size - 18” X 18” Cake Holding Capacity - 70 Ltrs/Batch No. of plates - 15 Nos. No. of chambers - 14 Nos. MOC of plates - PP MOC of filter press - MS Drive Rating - 1.0 HP Make - Icura or Eqv 2 Nos In Plant Piping & Valves Each Quantity of Pipes - One lot Material of construction Air line : - MS Sewage lines : - UPVC Quantity of valves - One lot Material of construction - Air line : CI Sewage line : - Poly Propylene/CI 137 Plumbing Chennai Metro Rail Limited CONSTRUCTION OF METRO HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIES AT NANDANAM,CHENNAI BILLS OF QUANTITIES SCHEDILE - III - EXTERNAL FAÇADE AND ASSOCIATED WORKS Rate in INR S.No Description of Items Unit Quantity In Figures In Words Per Amount General Note : Refer Particular specifications and Technical specification, while quoting the rate for the respective items under this schedule. Also, the BOQ item descriptions shall be read in conjunction with corresponding material specification and design criteria as specified in the tender specification as well as particular specification, in addition to the detailed specification and standards specified in the corresponding codes and standards. The quoted rate under this schedule shall be deemed to have considered Technical specification and particular specification. A Glazing & Glazed Doors 1.00 Unitized Glazing system 1.01 Unitized Glazing system with Vision, Vision on Spandrel panel (System without Glass): Quote rate for complete system designing, providing and fixing Unitized structural glazing vision panel & vision on spandrel panel structurally held in position by Structural sealant and factory fabricated with Aluminium frames of suitable size in order to satisfy the structural design criteria specified in the Technical specification. In general, the system comprising Aluminium anodized extruded frames, HDG brackets, SS anchors & bolts and bolts, flashing etc with Insulated Glass of 24 mm thick / Monolithic glass 6 mm thick . Rate shall exclude the cost of supplying Glass, top hung window hardwares and insulation, which will be measured and paid separately under the respective item below. Rate shall include the cost of fixing of Glass & Top hung window hardwares. 138 Stru. Glazing Chennai Metro Rail Limited S.No Description of Items Unit Quantity In Figures In Words Per a Vision Panel & Vision on Spandrel panel Sqm 1,700 Sqm b Spandrel panel Sqm 1,550 Sqm 1.02 Spandrel panel with ACP (System with ACP): Quote rate for complete Sqm system designing, providing and fixing Unitized structural glazing spandrel panel structurally held in position by Structural sealant and factory fabricated with Aluminium frames of suitable size in order to satisfy the structural design criteria specified in the Technical specification. In general, the system comprising Aluminium anodized extruded frames, HDG brackets, SS anchors & bolts and bolts, flashing etc with Spandrel panel having Laminated sandwiched composite panel of Alucobond or Alpolic or Knauf of Fameline make with approved colour and shade (4 mm (0.5 + 3.0 + 0.5) ACP with 5000 series coil and 100% virgin white core FR Grade - Class - B1). Refer Technical specification for detailed specification of Laminated sandwiched composite panel, which shall form part of this item. Rate shall include the cost for Supplying and fixing of Laminated sandwiched composite panel with Mineral core (ACP), sealant and etc complete. Refer Particular Specification item - 22.01 - Provisional Qty 80 Sqm 1.03 Hardware for top hung window: Quote rate Extra rate over & above Each the Semi unitized structural glazing item above for designing, providing and fixing hardwares for top hung openable outward shutter as per particular specification. Rate shall exclude cost of Glass and main frame, but include cost of sub frame for shutter. Refer Particular Specification item - 22.01 65 Each 139 Amount Stru. Glazing Chennai Metro Rail Limited S.No Description of Items Unit Quantity 2.01 Glass for Vision Panel, Spandrel panel, Vision on Spandrel panel Sqm (Continuous Glazing, Strip window and Punched window) : Insulated glass of 24 mm thick having 6 mm thick Reflective coated low E glass on # 2 surface with Bluelite LH 37/24 of Asahi make or Solarban 70 XL(2) Solar blue of PPG Make as outer pane and 12 mm airgap and 6 mm thick glass uncoated clear as inner pane of same make. Both panes are shall be heat strengthened. 3,250 In Figures In Words Per Amount 2.00 Glass for Structural Glazing system: Quote rate for complete supply of glass as per the options given below to the respective place to fix the glass on the system as described above. Fixing the glass shall form part of the system cost quoted under respective item in Schedule. Refer attached Annexure - I for the glass performance requirement of 24 mm thick (6 + 12 Air gap + 6) Double glazed unit (DGU), processing, thickness and coating of glass, tint and other parametres like heat treatment process etc. All panes of glass shall be heat strengthened. Rate shall include the cost of necessary wastages, transporting etc complete. Mode of Measurement : Glass on structural Glazing & others : Length and breadth of the superficial area of the finished work shall be measured centre to centre of the grooves on the external surface viewed externally correct to a centimetre under the respective items. Areas shall be calculated in a square metre correct to two places of decimal. Attic stock Glass: Actual size of the glass shall be measured correct to a centimetre. Areas shall be calculated in a square metre correct to two places of decimal. Refer Particular Specification Item. No. 22.04 3.00 FRAMELESS GLAZING (POINT FIXED / SPIDER GLAZING) SYSTEM. 140 Stru. Glazing Chennai Metro Rail Limited S.No Description of Items Unit Quantity Sqm 3.01 System for Frameless glazing: Quote rate for complete point fixed glazing system using 2 way spider / GT Spiders as mentioned in Particular Specification including supplying and fixing of 19.52 mm thick laminated glass having 10 mm thick as outer panel and 8 mm thick as inner panel with interlayer of 1.52 mm thick Sentry Glas (R) of DuPont make. Outer pane glass shall be reflective coated glass - Spring (SC60/52) clear of Asahi make or Equivalent glass of PPG make. Inner pane shall be heat soak tested un coated clear glass and both panes shall be heat treated. Rate shall include cost of spiders, Articulated bolts, PVC clear edge strip for all exposed laminated edges and supply and fixing the Glass fin with required size to satisfy the structural criteria, but excluding the cost of door, which will be measured separately under the respective item. The thickness of glass fin shall be 21.52mm thick (Min) laminated toughened and heat soak tested as per specification.System to be designed to with stand design wind pressure and other load parameters specified. Refer Particular Specification Item. No. 22.02 & 22.05 75 141 In Figures In Words Per Amount Sqm Stru. Glazing Chennai Metro Rail Limited S.No Description of Items Unit Quantity Sqm 4.00 System for Standard Sliding Door: Quote rate for complete system for providing and fixing the Standard sliding door with ES 200 STANDARD operator with ST Flex profile with both side fixed panel of Dorma make or EC Drive operator with ST Flex profile with both side fixed panel of Geze make with the required structural support. Rate shall include the cost for supplying and fixing 13.52 mm thick laminated glass having 6 mm thick as outer panel and 6 mm thick as inner panel with interlayer of 1.52 mm thick PVB - sentry Glas (R) of Dupont make. Outer pane glass shall be reflective coated glass - Outer pane glass shall be reflective coated glass - Spring (SC60/52) clear of Asahi make or Equivalent glass of PPG make. Inner pane shall clear glass and both panes shall heat treated and inner pane shall be heat soak tested. System to be designed to with stand design wind pressure and other load parameters specified. (Size of door including both side fixed panel - 4.3 x 3.0 M - 8 Nos). Refer Particular Specification Item. No. 22.02 & 22.05 21 In Figures In Words Per Amount Sqm 5.00 Providing and fixing colour anodized aluminium Swing Door as part of Glazing system and fabricated as per drawing and fixed at all levels, elevations and heights by using aluminium frames for Doors with thickness not less than 2.0mm of approved size subject to design criteria. The door frame shall be fixed in to the adjoining mullion and transom. All glass panels shall be fixed by using snap fit aluminium colour anodized beading with special water proof cascades, Neoprene, hardwares etc. complete, as directed. All aluminium sections shall be 63400 (H9) grade conforming to IS 8147, finished with AC25 grade Architectural quality electrolytic colour anodic coating conforming to IS 1868 of approved colour and weight ratio joints mitered adjoined with heavy duty aluminium pressure die cast cleats with fins to match the sections of frames. The section unit weight per running meter is subjected to tolerance on the wall thickness as per IS 6977/ Equivalent BS. 142 Stru. Glazing Chennai Metro Rail Limited S.No Description of Items Unit Quantity 5.01 Single Leaf door (1.00 x 2.40 M) Sqm 11 Sqm 5.02 Double Leaf door (2.0 x 2.40 M) Sqm 11 Sqm In Figures In Words Per Amount Door shall be provided with necessary hardwares such as Consealed Door closer - ITS 96 EN 2 - 4 (Opening restrict to 85 deg), Mortise dead lock - Model No. 278 (both side key operation) SS forend and SS strike plate (Suitable for both single / double leaf shutter) of Satin finish - Grade SS 316, SS satin finish handle - TG9377- 25 (Angled Spacer) - 600 mm long with back to back handle SS 316 grade, SS hinges (Minimum 4 Nos / Shutter) SS Door stoppers floor mounted, Door buffers etc. complete and as directed. All Hardwares shall be Dorma / Kinlong / Geze Make. Rate shall include the cost of supplying & fixing 13.52 mm thick laminated glass for door having 6 mm thick as outer panel and 6 mm thick as inner panel with interlayer of 1.52 mm thick - PVB of Dupont make. Outer pane glass shall be reflective coated glass - Outer pane glass shall be reflective coated glass - Spring (SC60/52) clear of Asahi make or Equivalent glass of PPG make. Inner pane of un coated clear glass heat soak tested but both panes shall be heat treated. Refer Particular Specification Item. No. 22.01 & 22.05 Total Amount C/o to Summary…….. B Windows and Louvers 143 Stru. Glazing Chennai Metro Rail Limited S.No Description of Items Unit 6.00 Quote rate for providing and fixing aluminium extruded louver "Z" type as described below and to be designed to with stand the design wind pressure and as directed by Site Incharge / Consultant. Refer Particular Specification item - 22.13 6.01 Support system to fix the Louver: Kg Quote rate for complete system having colour anodized aluminium box frame, aluminium flat to receive the louvers and aluminium angles around the louvered window to protect the water ingress through the outer frame etc.and to be designed to with stand design wind pressure specified. Note : Weight will be considered only for the assembled frame part and hence necessary wastage shall form part of the rate quoted. 6.02 Louver : Quote rate for complete colour anodized extruded profile louver Sqm system to be designed to with stand design wind pressure specified. . Rate shall include supply and fixing of Louver at the pitch specified below, but excluding cost frame and other accessories, which shall part of Item above. Fixed Louver: Providing and fixing Storm proof louver "Z" type or Aerofoil 100 made out of specially extruded aluminium with anodized finish and as specified in Particular specifications and to be fixed with pitch not less than 50 mm and overlapping shall be 25 mm as minimum as shown in the drawing. 7.00 Quote rate for providing and fixing Luxalon SL - 4 Stringer with 84R Sqm plain Louvers panel of Hunter Douglas make or equivalent Fameline make with Luxacote finish and the louver system shall be designed to with stand the design wind pressure. Rate shall include louver Panel, Carrier, Carrier Splice, Panel Splice and accessories etc and as directed by Site Incharge / Consultant. Refer Particular Specification item - 22.14 Provisional Qty 144 Quantity In Figures In Words Per 300 Kg 25 Sqm 10 Sqm Amount Stru. Glazing Chennai Metro Rail Limited S.No Description of Items Unit Quantity Sqm 10 Sqm 6,650 Sqm In Figures In Words Per Amount 8.00 Quote rate for providing and fixing Aluminium Grille of Fameline make with specified product code as below PVDF finish and the louver system shall be designed to with stand the design wind pressure with pitch not less than 75 mm as shown in the drawing. Louver thickness not less than 0.8mm. Rate shall include louver Panel, aluminium frames, aluminium end caps, aluminium brackets / clamps, SS anchors, bolts and accessories etc and as directed by Site Incharge / Consultant. Refer Particular Specification item - 22.15 8.01 Product code 2050RT Total Amount C/o to Summary…….. C Cladding works 9.00 Laminated sandwiched composite panel cladding and Associated works 9.01 Dry wall cladding : Providing and fixing the system to clad the Sqm Laminated sandwiched composite panel of Alucobond or Alpolic or Knauf of Fameline make with approved colour and shade (4 mm (0.5 + 3.0 + 0.5) ACP with 5000 series coil and 100% virgin white core FR Grade - Class - B1) as per the specification described in Technical specifications, on the external surface the external surface like column, wall, jambs, sills, projected area, ceiling or any surface to any profile and shape, horizontally, vertically, sloped, curved, circular etc complete. 145 Stru. Glazing Chennai Metro Rail Limited S.No Description of Items Unit Quantity 9.02 Canopy / Pergola cladding: Designing, Providing and fixing the system Sqm to clad the Laminated sandwiched composite panel of Alucobond or Alpolic or Knauf of Fameline make with approved colour and shade (4 mm (0.5 + 3.0 + 0.5) ACP with 5000 series coil and 100% virgin white core FR Grade - Class - B1) as per the specification described in Technical specifications for Canopy and Pergola as per profile and shape shown in the Drawing with necessary Hot dip Galvanized Structural steel support to clad the ACP and all support to be designed to withstand the Design wind pressure and the specification specified in specifications etc complete. Main structural steel support will consider under respective item separately. Also drip mould on the canopy shall be cosidered at suitable location by using aluminium powder coated channel matching to ACP. 1,900 In Figures In Words Per Amount Rate shall include the cost of supplying and fixing of Laminated sandwiched composite panel (ACP), Non staining weather for Vertical & horizontal joints in general the frame work for ACP cladding consists of aluminium box frame with thickness of not less than 2.0mm with suitable size of box frame to satisfying the design criteria with require nos of cleat (spacing not more than 300 mm) having thickness not less than 2.0mm to hold the ACP and HDG bracket with maximum 600mm c/c spacing with minimum 2 Nos of Chemical Anchors etc, complete. All anchors, bolts and screws shall be SS 316 grade of Hilti / Fischer make. 146 Sqm Stru. Glazing Chennai Metro Rail Limited S.No Description of Items Unit Quantity 10.00 Dry wall granite cladding: Quote rate for providing and fixing Granite Sqm slab - Dry type fixing using Silver grey or approved shade granite slab cladding the external surface on any surface to any profile and shape, horizontally, vertically, sloped, curved, circular etc with approved shade of Granite thickness not less than 25 mm thick and as per the sizes shown in the Drawing etc complete and as directed and to be designed to with stand design wind pressure specified.(On the Facade areas). Granite shall be fixed with a groove of 6mm and to be filled with weather sealant recessed by 2mm and the granite joints at corners shall be chamfered as per Architectural requirements and granite shall be fixed in the M.S / RCC wall with SS brackets and SS anchor bolts. Projection upto 200 mm from the Main base structure either RCC / Masonry / steel. Granite shall be fixed in the RCC / Masonry / steel with SS brackets and SS anchor bolts. Granite basic cost of Rs.160/- per Sq.ft shall be considered subject to compliance of the above specification. Refer Particular Specification Item. No. 22.15. 500 In Figures In Words Per Amount Rate shall include the cost of supplying and fixing of Laminated sandwiched composite panel (ACP), Drip mould, Non staining weather for Vertical & horizontal joints in general the frame work for ACP cladding consists of aluminium box frame with thickness of not less than 2.0mm with suitable size of box frame to satisfying the design criteria with require nos of cleat (spacing not more than 300 mm) having thickness not less than 2.0mm to hold the ACP and HDG bracket with maximum 600mm c/c spacing etc, complete. All anchors, bolts and screws shall be SS 316 grade of Hilti / Fischer make. NOTE :- Main structural steel frame work for Canopy and Pergola to clad the canopy with ACP shall consider under respective Items, but the aluminium frame work and supporting bracket required for cladding shall be part of the rate quoted under this item. 147 Sqm Stru. Glazing Chennai Metro Rail Limited S.No Description of Items Unit Quantity In Figures In Words Per Amount Total Amount C/o to Summary…….. D Roofing works 11.00 Design, Supply, Fabricate & Install Tensile roof structure using Ferrari Sqm make Fabric of product code no. 702 T2 at all levels and elevation as per drawing with the approved Profile. In General, the Fabric shall have thickness not less than 0.55 mm with tensile strength 280/280 daN/5cm,Tear resistance of 30/28 daN - 750g/sqm and the Fabric shall made out of PES HT 1100Dtex yarn with flame Retardancy to meet Euro Class B-s2.do/EN 1350-1 and the Surface treatment shall be Floutop® T2 (High concentration PVDF) having coating thickness not less than 240 µ and back side treatment shall be weldable PVDF (for a better resistance to pollution of the back side of the fabric) with a minimum Manufacturere warrenty of 10 yeras. Rate Shall include patterning, form finding, cutting, welding & installation of fabric at site, primary steel in MS of TATA,JINDAL or Equivalent make with YST 310 grade as minimum including fabrication and erection of structural elements duly painted with two coats of Pu based Metallic shade paint of approved shade over one coat of epoxy primer to a total DFT of 230 Microns of Akzo noble or Jotun make. 550 Sqm Rate to include necessay tensining hardwares for fabric in SS inclusive of Wireropes (GI hot dip galvanized cables), Swage ends & membrane plates etc as per drawings and Manufacturers Specification. 148 Stru. Glazing Chennai Metro Rail Limited S.No Description of Items Unit Quantity In Figures In Words Per Amount Also, the quoted rate shall include the following : (a) Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Spring washers, Welding, Gusset plates, base plates, etc for the total area covered. (c) Rate shall include Primer, epoxy coating , PU painting etc and necessary wastage, lead, lift etc. (d) Electricity, water, Staging, scaffolding, platform, ladders, chain pulley blocks, ropes, Transport Charges, Loading and Unloading charges, Storage of materials at site, Preparation of Temp.Storage arrangement with Contractor's own risk on protection of materials (Free Space will be provided for storage), etc required for erection work including cranes of appropriate capacity, if needed. (e) Preparation of shop drawings for approval of the Client / PMC / Architect / Consultant including giving four sets of approved shop drawings for their record. e) Taxes as applicable including all other statutory approvals and Compliance of Statutory requirements, Insurance policies etc.No labour stay at site is allowed. f) Necessary related civil works shall be executed in-coordination with Civil agenecy based on the technical drawings submitted by Tensile Vendor and approved. Mode of Measurement - Fabric Coverage area as installed from end to end shall be measured. No Folds and trims will be considered for payment. Total Amount C/o to Summary…….. E Associated works for Glazing & Cladding 149 Stru. Glazing Chennai Metro Rail Limited S.No Description of Items Unit Quantity 12.00 Insulation for Spandrel: Rock wool slab - 64 Kg/cum and having 'K' Sqm value of 0.033 w/Mok - 50 mm thick wrapped with factory pressed Black glass tissue and using 1.0mm thick Aluminium anodized tray with fold alround to a height of 100mm minimum as thermal insulation to be fixed behind Spandrel glass / Composite panel cladding area as mentioned. All the edges between aluminium anodized tray and frame to be sealed with Non-Staining weather silicon sealant of approved make. Refer Particular Specification item - 22.01 1,650 Sqm 13.00 Quote rate for providing and applying Cold Bituminous coating Sqm (Vapour barrier) on the External wall behind Composite panel / Granite cladding area etc and as directed by Site Incharge / Consultant. Refer Particular Specification item - 22.11 7,150 Sqm 14.00 Quote rate for providing and fixing in position Hot rolled structural steel Tone Members / Sections at all levels. All MS members shall be painted with anti corrosive, low VOC PU paint (metallic finish) with compatible primer to a minimum film thickness of 75 microns and 2 coats of low VOC PU paint of Akzonoble make and total dry film thickness 225 microns and as directed by Site Incharge / Consultant. Refer Particular Specification item - 22.12 15.00 Quote rate for providing and fixing 3M tape (Code No: 4412N Rmt Translucent white) of approved type and pattern with minimum 50 mm wide in addition to the Sealant at the desired location. 3M Tape shall be provided as per manufacturer specification and methodology and as directed by Site Incharge / Consultant. 16.00 Quote rate for providing and applying over the granite / stone surface Sqm one coat of environment friendly silicon based Water Repellent as per manufacturers specification with no undulations and waviness as per the specification and as directed by Site Incharge / Consultant. Provisional Qty 5 Tone 300 Rmt 500 Sqm In Figures In Words Per Amount Total Amount C/o to Summary…….. 150 Stru. Glazing Chennai Metro Rail Limited CHENNAI METRO RAIL LIMITED PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF HEADQUARTERS AT CHENNAI TENDER FOR EXTERNAL FAÇADE AND ASSOCIATED WORKS ANNEXURE - I - GLASS SPECTRAL VALUES Insulated Glass 24 mm Thick Insulated Glass - 24 mm thick (Outer Pane - 6 mm + Air Gap 12 mm + 6 mm thick ) - Both panes are Heat strengthened. BLUE TINTED GLASS 1 Type of Glass Details of the Glass Colour / Appearance 2 Make Product Code Air Gap - 12 mm thick Inner pane -6 mm thick Heat strengthened Outer pane - 6 mm thick Heat strengthened Optimum Performance Outer Pane a Option - I - Asahi Bluelite LH 37/24 Blue b Option - II - PPG Solarban 70 XL(2) Solar blue Blue c Option - III Asahi Green Vision LN 34/22 Green d Option - IV PPG Solarban R100 (2) Atlantica Green Green - Inner Pane Type of Coating Un coated Neutral of similar make Un coated Neutral of similar make Un coated Neutral of similar make Un coated Neutral of similar make Reflective Low e coating Reflective Low e coating Reflective Low e coating Reflective Low e coating 151 Surface of Coating Place of Coating Place of Processing #2 As per Manufacturer India 37% 7% #2 As per Manufacturer India 39% #2 As per Manufacturer India #2 As per Manufacturer India Visual Light Light Ref Light Ref Trans (Ext) (Int) Solar Factor Sha.C U Value (European) 15% 0.24 0.28 1.70 7% 12% 0.21 0.24 1.50 34% 19% 13% 0.22 0.25 1.70 32% 20% 13% 0.19 0.22 1.60 Annex - I - Glass perfomanc Chennai Metro Rail Limited CONSTRUCTION OF METRO HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND OTHER METRO RAIL AMENITIES AT NANDANAM,CHENNAI BILLS OF QUANTITIES SCHEDULE - IV - Electrical Works Rate in INR S.No Quantity Unit Description of Item / Work Per In Figures Amount in Rs….. In Words ELECTRICAL WORKS SECTION-A: TRANSFORMERS AND HT BREAKERS & LT BUSDUCTS All installation works should be as complete and as directed by Employer / Employer's representative. The rate includes necessary connected minor civil works if required and necessary supports as required at site. No extra payment will be made for the same. 1 1 1 No Ring Main Switichgear (Indoor) - 11KV Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of OUTDOOR Weather & Dust proof Type, floor mounting, free standing 11kV Ring Main Gear unit made out of M.S sheet steel clad dust and vermin proof with 630A Copper Busbars, Interconnections, necessary protections, Measuring Instruments, Indicating Instruments, Protection Relays, CTs, PT with necessary control fuses/MCBs, Termination arrangements for Incoming and Outgoing Cable of 11 kV 3Core 300 Sq mm XLPE Alu.Armoured earthed cable, Terminal Blocks, Earthing,Powder coated painting, Sign writing and Base channels etc., with complete all accessories as required for satisfactory operations and as per the detailed Technical Specifications enclosed and as per EB Requirements comprising of the INCOMER (2 Sources) : 11kV, 630A, 500MVA LOAD Break Switch (Air Break) with necessary required accessories - 2Nos OUTGOING : 11kV, 630A, 500MVA VACCUM Circuit Breaker with necessary required accessories : 1No The RMG panel shall be manufactured as required by the electrical authorities and approval shall be obtained including testing & commissioning and any additional features required by the supply authorities shall be carried out at no extra cost. 152 No Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 2 3 4 1 1 2 5 250 6 110 No Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 11KV 630A, 500MVA, 26.2kA VCB Breaker HT outdoor single panel board with all accessories and all metreing protection for satisfactory operation and as required by the statutory Electrical authorities as per the detailed specification and drawing enclosed. No No Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of VCB 4 panel, comprising of 1No. of 11KV, 630A, 500MVA, 26.2kA VCB as incomer and 3 Nos of 11KV, 630A, 500MVA, 26.2kA VCB as outgoings, HT Indoor 4 Panel VCB Board with all accessories and all metering, protection for satisfactory operation and as required by the statutory Electrical authorities as per the detailed specification and SLD enclosed. The panel shall be extendable at both sides. No Nos HT CABLES Design, supply, laying, testing and commissioning of 3 core 300 sqmm 11KV, XLPE Aluminium conductor individual core screened, flat steel strip armoured, PVC sheathed RMT cable inside the building in the prepared trench/under ground (From 11KV RMG to outdoor HT single VCB panel and outdoor single VCB to HT indoor VCB 4 panel) RMT 7 a Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 2000KVA, 11kV/433V ONAN, outdoor type, Oil cooled Transformer with on load tap changer & RTCC panel as per the detailed specification enclosed. Transformer Protection relays should be provided at each Transformer such as Transformer Buchholz relay, restricted earth fault relay,OLTC surge relay, Oil temperature relay, winding temp relay, Magnetic oil level gauge, Pressure release valve, Auxiliary relays as per standards. The transformer shall be provided with cable termination box on HT side to terminate 3 core 240 Sqmm XLPE cable and suitable for terminating sandwich type copper busduct on LT side 3200A Amps rating all as per the detailed specification and drawing enclosed. (THE TRANSFORMER SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH FIRST FILL OF OIL) Design, supply, laying, testing and commissioning of 3 core 240 sqmm 11KV, XLPE Aluminium conductor individual core screened, flat steel strip armoured, PVC sheathed cable inside the building in the prepared trench/under ground (From 11KV HT indoor VCB panel to transformer) Nos RMT RMT HT Terminations: 2 No Design, supply, termination, testing and commissioning of OUTDOOR type termination kit and accessories suitable for 11KV, 3 core 300 Sqmm XLPE cable. 153 No Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited b 6 No Design, supply, termination, testing and commissioning of INDOOR type termination kit and accessories suitable for 11KV, 3 core 300 Sqmm XLPE cable. No c 2 No Design, supply, termination, testing and commissioning of OUTDOOR type termination kit and accessories suitable for 11KV, 3 core 240 Sqmm XLPE cable. No d 4 No Design, supply, termination, testing and commissioning of INDOOR type termination kit and accessories suitable for 11KV, 3 core 240 Sqmm XLPE cable. No 8 1 No Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Battery Charger 110V DC 100 AH Trip unit combined with trickle & boost charge facilities with battery bank(SMF) & Distribuition Board and as per the detailed specification / drawing enclosed. No 9 120 Providing 2.4 mtr height weldmesh fencing with vertical angle iron supports spaced as required, 2M X 2.4M double side gate with hinged lock and key, painting with one coat red oxide and two coat aluminium paint, levelling yard with sand cussain of 150mm depth and Sq.mtr 40mm blue metal of 150mm depth above grade level, Construction of 300mm high Curbwall all around Covering the Switchyard / transformer yard area as required and Necessary MS channel / angle iron support shall be provided. Sq.mtr LT BUSDUCTS 10 50 Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 3200 Amps outdoor sandwich type copper 4Pole busduct and with suitable support from ceiling as per the detailed specification enclosed. The busduct should be with straight run, 90 deg. horizontal and Vertical bends., busbar trunking fittings (elbow, tees, end End (Cable) feed Box, end RMT covers, horizontal fixing devices,etc.) The horizontal runs of busbar trunking system shall be supported by hangers at every 2 metre. Vertical runs of busbar trunking system shall be supported by hangers not more than 4m apart. The busduct shall run from Transformer secondary to MPCC. The bus duct shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. 154 RMT Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 60 Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 3200 Amps indoor sandwich type copper 4Pole busduct and with suitable support from ceiling as per the detailed specification enclosed. The busduct should be with straight run, 90 deg. horizontal and Vertical bends., busbar trunking fittings (elbow, tees, end End (Cable) feed Box, end RMT covers, horizontal fixing devices,etc.) The horizontal runs of busbar trunking system shall be supported by hangers at every 2 metre. Vertical runs of busbar trunking system shall be supported by hangers not more than 4m apart. The busduct shall run from Transformer secondary to MPCC. The bus duct shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. RMT 30 Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 2500 Amps indoor sandwich type copper 4Pole busduct and with suitable support from ceiling as per the detailed specification enclosed. The busduct should be with straight run, 90 deg. horizontal and Vertical bends., busbar trunking fittings (elbow, tees, end End (Cable) feed Box, end RMT covers, horizontal fixing devices,etc.) The horizontal runs of busbar trunking system shall be supported by hangers at every 2 metre. Vertical runs of busbar trunking system shall be supported by hangers not more than 4m apart. The busduct shall run from DG sync. panel to MPCC panel. The bus duct shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. RMT 13 30 Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 1600 Amps indoor sandwich type copper TPN busduct and with suitable support from ceiling as per the detailed specification enclosed. The busduct should be with straight run, 90 deg. horizontal and Vertical bends., busbar trunking fittings (elbow, tees, end End (Cable) feed Box, end covers, horizontal RMT fixing devices,etc.) The horizontal runs of busbar trunking system shall be supported by hangers at every 2 metre. Vertical runs of busbar trunking system shall be supported by hangers not more than 4m apart. The busduct shall run from MPCC panel to APFC panel. The bus duct shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. RMT 14 4 Sets Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 3200 Amps flexible joints suitable for sandwich type 4P copper bus duct at end terminals including all accessories.(RYBN=1 set) Sets 15 4 Sets Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 2500 Amps flexible joints suitable for sandwich type 4pole copper bus duct at end terminals including all accessories.(RYBN=1 set) Sets 16 2 Sets Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 1600 Amps flexible joints suitable for sandwich type TPN copper bus duct at end terminals including all accessories.(RYBN=1 set) Sets 11 12 155 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 17 1 Sets Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 3200 Amps Phase cross changeover box suitable for sandwich type 4P copper bus duct including all accessories. (it will operate in case of phase change over is required as per site condition) (RYBN=1 set) 18 1 Sets Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 2500 Amps Phase cross changeover box suitable for sandwich type 4pole copper bus duct including all accessories. (it will operate in case of phase change over is required as per site condition) (RYBN=1 set) Sets Sets Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 1600 Amps Phase cross changeover box suitable for sandwich type TPN copper bus duct including all accessories. (it will operate in case of phase change over is required as per site condition) (RYBN=1 set) Sets 19 1 Sets Total Amount C/o to Summary…….. SECTION – B : LT PANEL BOARDS All installation works should be as complete and as directed by Employer / Employer's representative. For all Panel boards in section-B, the rate includes necessary connected minor civil works if required and necessary supports as required at site. No extra payment will be made for the same. As mentioned in SLD, MFM shall be provided in all panels incomer and MPCC panel's outgoings with necessary CTs, PTs, control switches like MPCB, MCB, ELCB, RCBOs and all other necessary accessories as per the specification and drawing. All the meters should have RS 485 modbus output for BMS integration and also All ACB & MCCB should have dedicated potential free contacts (ON/OFF) & TRIP status to monitor mentioned status from BMS system 156 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited i) All ACB feeders shall be draw out type, MCCB feeders shall be fixed type ii) Above 250A rated breaker should be provided with Microprocessor based release and 250A & below the rated breaker should be provided with thermal magnetic release. iii) All panels should comply with IEC 61439-1&2. iv) All breakers should have minimum kA rating as mentioned in BOQ. On non availability of specified braker, immediate higher rating breaker must be provided. v) All live parts should be shrouded by FRP transparent polycarbonate sheet of 2mm thick vi) All panels incoming breaker and outgoing breakers of MPCC panel should have over current, Time adjustable short circuit and earth fault releases (LSIG). vii) All LT panels (Except MPCC panel) outgoing breakers should have over current and Time adjustable short circuit (LSI). viii) All panels incoming feeder and outgoing feeders of MPCC panel should have Multi function meter with RS 485. ix) Surge Arrester to be provided in all panels incoming feeder x) All meters should be digital type and all relays should be numerical type. 20 Design, Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed APFC PANEL with Harmonic filters . Incoming 1600A, 50KA, TPN MDO ACB with all connected accessories - 1No. as incomer. Instrumental compartment Multi function meter, Voltmeter and Ammeter with selector switches, R,Y,B and On/Off/Trip indication lamp, Control fuses/MCBs, necessary CTs, PTs, PF meter etc. as per the specification and SLD. 1 No. Intelligent Automatic Power Factor Controller Relay and Voltage & Power Factor Monitoring Relay can control up to 12 Capacitor Banks with LED indiication for Alarm code, No.of Banks selected, PF status-Lead / Lag / Unity, Auto & Manual Mode, DIP Switches selection for No. of Banks / Time Relay and Bank ratios etc., with control wiring and all other required necessary accessories. Outgoing: Total 700 KVAR 2 Sets of 150 KVAR Capacitor (6 x 25 KVAR) with suitable 630A TP MCCB 50KA with SSR(Thyristor), High speed fuses for SSR, control MCBs, On & Off Indicating Lamp, Push Buttons, Ammeter with Selector switch, CTs etc.,Including interconnection busbars, control wiring with all other required necessary accessories. 157 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 2 Sets of 100 KVAR Capacitor (4 x 25 KVAR) with suitable 315A TP MCCB 50KA with SSR(Thyristor), High speed fuses for SSR, control MCBs, On & Off Indicating Lamp, Push Buttons, Ammeter with Selector switch, CTs etc.,Including interconnection busbars, control wiring with all other required necessary accessories. 2 Sets of 50 KVAR Capacitor (2 x 25 KVAR) with suitable 160A TP MCCB 50KA with SSR(Thyristor), High speed fuses for SSR, control MCBs, On & Off Indicating Lamp, Push Buttons, Ammeter with Selector switch, CTs etc.,Including interconnection busbars, contrring with all other required necessary accessories. 3 Sets of 25 KVAR Capacitor (1 x 25 KVAR) with suitable 63A TP MCCB 50KA with SSR(Thyristor), High speed fuses for SSR, control MCBs, On & Off Indicating Lamp, Push Buttons, Ammeter with Selector switch, CTs etc.,Including interconnection busbars, contrring with all other required necessary accessories. 2 Set of 10 KVAR Capacitor (1 x 10 KVAR) with suitable 32A TP MCCB 50KA with SSR(Thyristor), High speed fuses for SSR, control MCBs, On & Off Indicating Lamp, Push Buttons, Ammeter with Selector switch, CTs etc.,Including interconnection busbars, contrring with all other required necessary accessories. 1 Set of 5 KVAR Capacitor (1 x 5 KVAR) with suitable 32A TP MCCB 50KA with SSR(Thyristor), High speed fuses for SSR, control MCBs, On & Off Indicating Lamp, Push Buttons, Ammeter with Selector switch, CTs etc.,Including interconnection busbars, contrring with all other required necessary accessories. Each KVAR capacitor bank in a separate compartment with necessary ventilation arrangemnts or weld mesh arrangements as required by the Electrical Authorities . With necessary copper busbars, interconnections, providing Ammeter with selector switches, phase indication lamp, control fuse and switch control, PFmetre etc. with RS 485 BMS integration as per the specification. Capacitor Panel - 700KVAR 2 Nos 1600 Amps TPN copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have half the capacity of phase busbars Nos CAPACITOR PANEL: Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed POWER FACTOR CORRECTION CONTROL PANEL with Harmonic reactor. Incoming 125A, 50kA, TPN MCCB with all connected accessories - 1No. as incomer. Instrumental compartment 158 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited Voltmeter and Ammeter with selector switches, R,Y,B and On/Off/Trip indication lamp,Control MPCB/RCBO/ELCB/MCBs, necessary CTs, PTs, surge protection device etc. for each incomer as per the specification and SLD. Outgoing: Total 40 KVAR 1 Set of 40 KVAR Capacitor (2 x 20 KVAR ) with SSR (Thyristor), High speed fuses for SSR, control fuses, On & Off Indicating Lamp, Push Buttons, Ammeter with Selector switch etc.,Including interconnection busbars, control wiring with all other required necessary accessories. Capacitor bank (with 7% series reactor) in a separate compartment with necessary ventilation arrangemnts with wire mesh arrangements as required by the Electrical Authorities . 2 Nos. Nos. CAPACITOR PANEL Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. UTILITY LIGHTING PANEL 21 Incoming 100A 4P MCCB 25kA with all connected accessories – 1No. as incomer Outgoing 32A 4P MCCB 25kA - 5 Nos. 32A 4P MCCB 25kA with 4P contactor, timer (24hr.) and auto/manual selector switch with all other necessary accessories. - 3Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, providing Combined Digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.all MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. 1 Nos 100 Amps 4P copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. 159 Nos Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. UTILITY PANEL Incoming 400A 4P MCCB 36kA with all connected accessories – 1No. as incomer Outgoing 200A 4P MCCB 36kA - 2 Nos. 22 125A 4P MCCB 36kA - 2 Nos. 100A 4P MCCB 36kA - 1 No. 63A 4P MCCB 36kA - 3 Nos. 32A 4P MCCB 36kA - 2 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, providing Combined Digital type Mulitifunction Meter (in both incoming & outgoing feeder), Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.all MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. 1 23 Nos 400 Amps 4P copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. PLUMBING PANEL Incoming 200A 4P MCCB 25kA with all connected accessories – 1No. as incomer Outgoing 100A TPN MCCB 25kA - 2 Nos. 63A TPN MCCB 25kA - 7 Nos. 32A TPN MCCB 25kA - 5 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, providing Combined Digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.all MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. 160 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 1 Nos 200 Amps TPN copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have half the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. COOLING TOWER & PUMP PANEL 24 Incoming 400A 4P MCCB 36kA with all connected accessories – 1No. as incomer Outgoing 63A TPN MCCB 36kA - 20 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, providing Combined Digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.all MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. 1 25 Nos 400 Amps TPN copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have half the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. VENTILATION PANEL-1. Incoming 630A 4P MCCB 36 kA with all connected accessories – 1No. as incomer Outgoing 63A TPN MCCB 36 kA - 16 Nos. 32A TPN MCCB 36 kA - 7 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, providing Combined Digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.all MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. 161 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 1 Nos 630 Amps TPN copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have half the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. VENTILATION PANEL-2. Incoming 630A 4P MCCB 36 kA with all connected accessories – 1No. as incomer Outgoing 250A TPN MCCB 36 kA - 2 Nos 63A TPN MCCB 36 kA - 5 Nos. 26 With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. 1 27 Nos 630 Amps TPN copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have half the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. SUB VENTILATION PANEL Incoming 250A 4P MCCB 25 kA with all connected accessories – 1No. as incomer Outgoing 63A TPN MCCB 25 kA - 5 Nos. 32A TPN MCCB 25 kA - 23 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with 162 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 1 Nos 250 Amps TPN copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have half the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. AHU PANEL - 1. Incoming 125A 4P MCCB 16kA with all connected accessories – 2Nos. as incomer Outgoing 63A 4P MCCB 16kA - 4 Nos. 32A 4P MCCB 16kA - 2 Nos. 28 With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 1 29 Nos 125Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. AHU PANEL - 2. Incoming 160A 4P MCCB 25kA with all connected accessories – 2Nos. as incomer Outgoing 63A 4P MCCB 25kA - 2 Nos. 32A 4P MCCB 25kA - 4 Nos. 163 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 1 30 Nos 160Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. AHU PANEL - 3 Incoming 250A 4P MCCB 25kA with all connected accessories – 2Nos. as incomer Outgoing 63A 4P MCCB 25kA - 2 Nos. 32A 4P MCCB 25kA - 10 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 164 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 1 Nos 250Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. AHU PANEL - 4 Incoming 31 100A 4P MCCB 16kA with all connected accessories – 2Nos. as incomer Outgoing 63A 4P MCCB 16kA - 2 Nos. 32A 4P MCCB 16kA - 3 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 1 32 Nos 100Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. AHU PANEL - 5 Incoming 160A 4P MCCB 16kA with all connected accessories – 2Nos. as incomer Outgoing 63A 4P MCCB 16kA - 6 Nos. 32A 4P MCCB 16kA - 5 Nos. 165 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 1 33 Nos 160Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. UPSB- 1 Incoming 100A 4P MCCB 16kA with all connected accessories – 2Nos. as incomer Outgoing 32A 4P MCCB 16kA - 10 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 166 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 1 Nos 100Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. UPSB- 2,3,4 & 5 Incoming 100A 4P MCCB 16kA with all connected accessories – 2Nos. as incomer Outgoing 32A 4P MCCB 16kA - 9 Nos. 34 With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 4 35 Nos 100Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. PSB- 1 & 5 Incoming 100A 4P MCCB 16kA with all connected accessories – 2Nos. as incomer Outgoing 32A TPN MCCB 16kA - 5 Nos. 167 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 2 36 Nos 100Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. PSB- 2 & 3 Incoming 125A 4P MCCB 16kA with all connected accessories – 2Nos. as incomer Outgoing 63A 4P MCCB 16kA - 6 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 168 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 2 Nos 125Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. PSB- 4 Incoming 100A 4P MCCB 16kA with all connected accessories – 2Nos. as incomer Outgoing 63A 4P MCCB 16kA - 6 Nos. 37 With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 1 38 Nos 100Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. PSB- 6 Incoming 160A 4P MCCB 16kA with all connected accessories – 2Nos. as incomer Outgoing 63A 4P MCCB 16kA - 6 Nos. 169 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 1 39 Nos 160Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. LSB -1 Incoming 100A 4P MCCB 16kA with all connected accessories – 2Nos. as incomer Outgoing 32A 4P MCCB 16kA - 7 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 170 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 1 Nos 100Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. LSB - 2,3,4,5 & 6 40 Incoming 100A 4P MCCB 16kA with all connected accessories – 2Nos. as incomer Outgoing 32A 4P MCCB 16kA - 6 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 5 41 Nos 100Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. UPS INCOMING PANEL (For Safety system) Incoming 63A 4P MCCB 16kA with all connected accessories – 2Nos. as incomer Outgoing 171 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 63A 4P MCCB 16kA - 2 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 1 42 Nos 63Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. (For safety system) Incoming 63A 4P MCCB 16kA with all connected accessories – 2No. as incomer Outgoing 32A 4P MCB 10kA - 4 Nos. 20A 4P MCB 10kA - 16 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. The panel should be suitable for parellel operation for 2 nos of UPS system. 172 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 1 Nos 63Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. MAIN LIFT PANEL 43 Incoming 315A 4P MCCB 36 kA with all connected accessories – 1 No. as incomer Outgoing 125A TPN MCCB 36 kA - 5 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, providing Combined Digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.all MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. 1 44 Nos 315Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. SUB LIFT PANEL -1 Incoming 125A 4P MCCB 25 kA with all connected accessories – 2 Nos. as incomer Outgoing 63A TPN MCCB 36 kA - 4 Nos. 32A TPN MCCB 36 kA - 2 Nos. With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, electrical / mechanical interlock arrangements between both the incomers and providing combined digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical arrangements. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. 173 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited The panel should be suitable for changeover the power automatically from source-1 (I/C-1) to source-2 (I/C-2) and vise versa while power failure happened at any one source with necessary contactors and all required accessories. And also provide the selector switch for selecting auto / manual mode. In normal case the power shall be feed from source-1. 1 Nos 125Amps 4P Copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos METERING PANEL BOARD (For residential block) Design, Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. EB METERING PANEL (For type A) 45 Incoming 250A TPN FSU with connected accessories – 1No. as incomer with lock and sealing fecility. Outgoings 3 sets of 100A TP rewireable cutout with neutral link, Space Provision for 3phase EB metering and 100A TPN 16kA MCCB with all other necessary accessories. 14 sets of 63A TP rewireable cutout with neutral link, Space Provision for 3phase EB metering and 63A TPN 10kA MCB with all other necessary accessories. 3 sets of 32A TP rewireable cutout with neutral link, Space Provision for 3phase EB metering and 32A TPN 10kA MCB with all other necessary accessories. Cable Entry : Top Cable Gland Plate : 3mm thick MS sheets Energy meters for individual consumers shall be purchased by the consumer/Promoter at his own cost.These meters shall be got tested and certified by Electrical Inspectorate of TNEB. Note : All switch boards shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. Suitable size outgoing cable chamber and extra busbars should be provided for connecting the number of outgoing cables and refer also the Schematic drawing. 1 Nos 250 Amps 4P copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. 174 Nos Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited Design, Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. DG METERING PANEL (For type A) 46 Incoming 250A TPN MCCB with connected accessories – 1No. as incomer Outgoings 3 sets of 100A TPN 16kA MCCB, Energy (which is having the parameters of KWH, A& V) meter with RS485 port and 100A 4P 16kA ATS with Auto/Manual selector switch and all other necessary accessories. 14 sets 63A TPN 10kA MCB, Energy (which is having the parameters of KWH, A & V) meter with RS485 port and 63A 4P10kA ATS with Auto/Manual selector switch and all other necessary accessories. 3 sets 32A TPN 10kA MCB, Energy (which is having the parameters of KWH, A & V) meter with RS485 port and 32A 4P10kA ATS with Auto/Manual selector switch and all other necessary accessories. Cable Entry : Top Cable Gland Plate : 3mm thick MS sheets With necessary copper busbars, interconnections, providing energy meter for DG power reading, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs & necessary CTs, PTs etc. and all as per the detailed specification and drawings enclosed. 1 47 Nos 250 Amps 4P copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. LIFT PANEL (For residential block) Incoming 100A TPN MCCB 16kA with all connected accessories – 1No. as incomer Outgoing 63A TPN MCCB 16 kA - 3 Nos. 32A TPN MCCB 16 kA - 2 Nos. 175 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited With necessary Copper busbars, interconnections, providing Combined Digital type Mulitifunction Meter, Surge protection device, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs, and necessary CTs, PTs etc.and both the incomer's shall be interlocked with mechanical and electrical arrangements by hardware control wiring. All MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter with RS485 port. with Modebus TCP provisions, as per the specification and drawings. 2 Nos 100Amps 4P copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. EB METERING PANEL-1 (For type B) 48 Incoming 250A TPN FSU with connected accessories – 1No. as incomer with lock and sealing fecility. Outgoings 2 sets of 100A TP rewireable cutout with neutral link, Space Provision for 3phase EB metering and 100A TPN 16kA MCCB with all other necessary accessories. 17 sets of 32A TP rewireable cutout with neutral link, Space Provision for 3phase EB metering and 32A TPN 10kA MCB with all other necessary accessories. Cable Entry : Top Cable Gland Plate : 3mm thick MS sheets Energy meters for individual consumers shall be purchased by the consumer/Promoter at his own cost.These meters shall be got tested and certified by Electrical Inspectorate of TNEB. Note : All switch boards shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. Suitable size outgoing cable chamber and extra busbars should be provided for connecting the number of outgoing cables and refer also the Schematic drawing. 1 Nos 250 Amps 4P copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. 176 Nos Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited Design, Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. DG METERING PANEL-1 (For type B) 49 Incoming 250A TPN MCCB with connected accessories – 1No. as incomer Outgoings 2 sets of 100A TPN 16kA MCCB, Energy (which is having the parameters of KWH, A & V) meter with RS485 port and 100A 4P 16kA ATS with Auto/Manual selector switch and all other necessary accessories. 17 sets of 32A TPN 10kA MCB, Energy (which is having the parameters of KWH, A & V) meter with RS485 port and 32A 4P 10kA ATS with Auto/Manual selector switch and all other necessary accessories. Cable Entry : Top Cable Gland Plate : 3mm thick MS sheets With necessary copper busbars, interconnections, providing energy meter for DG power reading, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs & necessary CTs, PTs etc. and all as per the detailed specification and drawings enclosed. 1 50 Nos 250 Amps 4P copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. EB METERING PANEL-2 & 3 (For type B) Incoming 250A TPN FSU with connected accessories – 1No. as incomer with lock and sealing fecility. Outgoings 3 sets of 63A TP rewireable cutout with neutral link, Space Provision for 3phase EB metering and 63A TPN 10kA MCB with all other necessary accessories. 17 sets of 32A TP rewireable cutout with neutral link, Space Provision for 3phase EB metering and 32A TPN 10kA MCB with all other necessary accessories. Cable Entry : Top Cable Gland Plate : 3mm thick MS sheets 177 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited Energy meters for individual consumers shall be purchased by the consumer/Promoter at his own cost.These meters shall be got tested and certified by Electrical Inspectorate of TNEB. Note : All switch boards shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. Suitable size outgoing cable chamber and extra busbars should be provided for connecting the number of outgoing cables and refer also the Schematic drawing. 2 Nos 250 Amps 4P copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have half the capacity of phase busbars. Nos Design, Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. DG METERING PANEL-2 & 3 (For type B) 51 Incoming 250A TPN MCCB with connected accessories – 1No. as incomer Outgoings 3 sets of 63A TPN 10kA MCB, Energy (which is having the parameters of KWH, A & meter with RS485 port and 63A 4P 10kA ATS with Auto/Manual selector switch and other necessary accessories. 18 sets of 32A TPN 10kA MCB, Energy (which is having the parameters of KWH, A & meter with RS485 port and 32A 4P 10kA ATS with Auto/Manual selector switch and other necessary accessories. Cable Entry : Top V) all V) all Cable Gland Plate : 3mm thick MS sheets With necessary copper busbars, interconnections, providing energy meter for DG power reading, ON,OFF,TRIP, phase indication lamps with control MCB/MPCB/ELCB/RCBOs & necessary CTs, PTs etc. and all as per the detailed specification and drawings enclosed. 2 52 Nos 250 Amps 4P copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. Nos DG PANEL (For Residential block -A & B) 178 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited Design, Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of cubicle type floor mounting switch board comprising of the following, the board shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. DG PANEL (For type A&B) 1 No. of 1250 Amps 4 Pole 50kA electrical draw out type Air circuit breaker with earth fault relay and shunt release shutter assembly, door interlock and all other accessories. Instrumental compartment Digital multi function meter (Similar to SOCOMEC - Diris A40) with RS 485, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Instantaneous over current, earthfault relay (2 O/C+ 1 E/F), necessary CTs, PTs, control MPCB/MCB/ ELCB/RCBOs, RYB Indication lamps and “ON/OFF/Trip/Rest" indicating lamp, voltage surge protection with emergency lockable push buttons and also refer the specification and SLD. OUTGOINGS 250A TPN MCCB 36 KA - 6 nos All the Outgoing feeder shall be ON/OFF/Trip indication lamps with emergency lockable push buttons, all MCCBs should have one (spare) potential free contactor, Combined digital type Multi function meter (Similar to SOCOMEC - Countis E53) with LAN port. Each LAN port of the meter connected through individual cable., The rate shall inclusive of necessary CTs, control switches, Front operating handles etc., All switch boards shall be fabricated as per the detailed specification enclosed. Suitable size outgoing cable chamber and extra busbars should be provided for connecting the number of outgoing cables as per the schematic drawing.The board shall be fabricated for future extension of the panel board. 1 No. 1250 Amps 4P copper busbars:- All the neutral busbars shall have same the capacity of phase busbars. No. Total Amount C/o to Summary…….. SECTION-C: RAISNG MAINS AND TAP-OFF BOXES All installation works should be as complete and as directed by Employer / Employer's representative. The rate includes necessary connected minor civil works if required and necessary supports as required at site. No extra payment will be made for the same. 179 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 53 1250A Copper conductor Sandwich type Rising Main for Lighting and Raw Power 50 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 4P, 4Wire, 1250A Copper condutor sandwich type Rising Mains with 50X6 mm (2) External Copper earthing, Plug in Point at RMT every 500mm, Fire Barriers at every Floor Crossing : Indoor : 36kA The product shall be based on Temp. rise & not on current density and as per techical specification and drawing. RMT 2 Nos 1250A End Feed Unit with 36kA 4P ACB Nos 2 Nos End Covers Nos 35 Nos Mounting Brackets (Recommended 1No. per 1.5 Mtrs) Nos 2 Nos 250A Tap Off Box with 25kA 4P MCCB Nos 4 Nos 160A Tap Off Box with 25kA 4P MCCB Nos 8 Nos 125A Tap Off Box with 25kA 4P MCCB Nos 22 Nos 100A Tap Off Box with 25kA 4P MCCB Nos 180 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 54 400A Copper conductor Sandwich type Rising Main for UPS Power 50 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 4P, 4Wire, 400A Copper condutor sandwich type Rising Mains with 25X3 mm (2) External Copper earthing, Plug in Point at RMT every 500mm, Fire Barriers at every Floor Crossing : Indoor : 25kA The product shall be based on temperature rise & not on current density and as per technical specification and drawing. RMT 2 Nos 400A End Feed Unit with 25kA 4P MCCB Nos 2 Nos End Covers Nos 35 Nos Mounting Brackets (Recommended 1No. per 1.5 Mtrs) Nos 10 Nos 100A Tap Off Box with 16kA 4P MCCB Nos Total Amount C/o to Summary…….. SECTION-D :UPS AND BATTERIES All UPS should have at least one spare potential free contacts to integrate with BMS system to know the status like ON, OFF, TRIP, etc., 55 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 160 KVA UPS system 3 phase input and three phase output and as per the detailed specification enclosed.(For UPS power for Server, computers & Emergency lighting) Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Sealed Maintenance Free Batteries to support 160KVA for 30 minutes complete with intercell connectors & copper cables, battery stand made out of Powder Coated MS Angles with adequate supports to carry the load of the batteries. 181 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited 2 Nos The vendor shall submit dimensional GA drawing of complete UPS system, battery rack with batteries,Service bypass Panel and Battery bank calculations along with offer. Nos Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 20 KVA UPS system 3 phase input and three phase output and as per the detailed specification enclosed.(For Safety systems). Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Sealed Maintenance Free Batteries to support 20KVA for 2 hours complete with intercell connectors & copper cables, battery stand made out of Powder Coated MS Angles with adequate supports to carry the load of the batteries. 56 2 Nos The vendor shall submit dimensional GA drawing of complete UPS system, battery rack with batteries,Service bypass Panel and Battery bank calculations along with offer. Nos Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 5 KVA Inverter system 3 phase input and three phase output and as per the detailed specification enclosed. (For Safety systems). Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Sealed Maintenance Free Batteries to support 5 KVA for 30 minutes complete with intercell connectors & copper cables, battery stand made out of Powder Coated MS Angles with adequate supports to carry the load of the batteries. 57 1 Nos The vendor shall submit dimensional GA drawing of complete Inverter system, battery rack with batteries,Service bypass Panel and Battery bank calculations along with offer. Nos Total Amount C/o to Summary…….. SECTION – E : DISTRIBUTION BOARDS All installation works should be as complete and as directed by Employer / Empolyer's representative. The rate includes necessary connected minor civil works if required and necessary supports as required at site. No extra payment will be made for the same. 55 PDB (VTPN DB) - 12 WAY: 182 Electrical Chennai Metro Rail Limited Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of the double door type VTPN 12way MCCB DB comprising of the following : 125A 4P MCCB 16KA with ELM and all other required accessories – 1 No. as incomer. 16/20/32A TP MCB 10KA – 12 Nos. as outgoings. 1 Nos 56 With necessary tinned copper busbars, interconnections, separate earth bus, separate neutral bus for each phases. The board shall be powder coated type fixed with concealed system in wall. The rate shall include necessary connected civil works like chipping, rough plastering etc. Nos PDB (VTPN DB) - 12 WAY: (PLUMBING) Supply, fixing, testing and