Exam 2
Exam 2
EE 330 Exam 2 Spring 2015 Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Instructions: This is a 50-minute exam. Students may bring 2 pages of notes (front and back) to this exam. The points allocated to each question and each problem are as indicated. Please solve problems in the space provided on this exam and attach extra sheets only if you run out of space in solving a specific problem. If references to semiconductor processes are needed beyond what is given in a specific problem or question, assume a CMOS process is available with the following key process parameters; µnCOX=100µA/v2 ,µpCOX=µnCOX/3 ,VTNO=1V,VTPO= - 1V, γ =0.4V-1/2, , ϕ=0.6V, COX=2fF/µ2 , and λ = 0. If reference to a bipolar process is made, assume this process has key process parameters JS=10-15A/µ2, β=100 and VAF = ∞. The ratio of Boltzmann’s constant to the charge of an electron is k/q= 8.61E-5 V/K. If any other process parameters are needed, use the process parameters associated with the process described on the attachments to this exam. Specify clearly what process parameters you are using in any solution requiring process parameters. Also attached to this exam is a table that has information about large and small signal models of devices. 1. (2pts) We developed the small-signal model of a 3-terminal device in terms of the small-signal parameters y11,y12,y21, and y22 but then used parameters such as gm and go in the small-signal models of the MOSFET and BJT. Why did we use these parameters rather than the y parameters? 2. (2pts) Why is the power dissipation in a Triac relatively small even when it is used to switch very large currents? 3. (2pts) Give the two major reasons the β of the lateral pnp transistor in a standard bipolar process is much less than that of the vertical npn. 4. (2 pts) What is the major processing step in a bipolar process that makes the size of the bipolar transistor so big? 5. (2pts) What is the major difference between an SCR and a Triac? Page 1 of 10 6. (2pts) load line? Why is the Q-point of an amplifier often placed near the middle of the 7. (2pts) Three different regions of operation were identified for the bipolar transistor. Why did we focus on developing the small-signal model of the BJT in the forward active region rather than in one of the other two regions of operation? 8. (2pts) When designing an amplifier with either MOS transistors or BJTs, some circuitry is usually added to establish the Q-point at the desired location. There is a name for this extra circuitry that is used for establishing the Q-point. What is this extra circuitry called? 9 (2pts) Why is it necessary to calculate the Q-point when determining the numerical value of the small signal voltage gain for transistor amplifiers even if it is known that all MOS transistors are operating in the saturation region and all BJTs are operating in the forward active region? 10 (2pts) What region of operation in the MOS process corresponds to the saturation region of operation in a Bipolar process? Page 2 of 10 Problem 1 (16 pt) Consider the following circuit a) Determine RB so that VOUTQ=3V b) Determine the voltage gain with VOUTQ=3V c) If RB is changed so that VOUTQ=11V, determine the voltage gain and compare with that obtained in part b) 12V 5K RB VOUT C1 Q1 VIN Page 3 of 10 Problem 2 (16 pts) Though Triacs are often used to switch loads, MOS transistors also make good switches. In the following circuit, a 25W, 12V lamp is to be switched with a MOS device. The MOS transistor gate is driven with a 2-transistor CMOS inverter biased with a 3.5V dc voltage relative to ground and the Boolean input, VCONT ,is used to turn the lamp on and off. Assume the lamp can be modeled as a resistor characterized by the 25W, 12V specification. a) If the voltage across the lamp is to be 11.5V when it is turned on, determine the width of the MOS switch transistor required if L=2um. b) What is the power dissipation in the MOS switch when the lamp is ON and when it is OFF? 12Vdc 25W Lamp VCONT Page 4 of 10 Problem 3 (16 pts) Consider the following circuit where the capacitor C is very large. a) Determine the W so that the quiescent drain voltage, VD, is 0V b) Draw the small-signal equivalent circuit c) Determine the small-signal voltage gain 2V 10K VD VIN(t) L=2µ W=? C VOUT 10K -2V Page 5 of 10 Problem 4 (16 pts) The nonlinear 3-terminal device is characterized by the equations I1 = 5V13 ( I2 = V1 • 1 + 2V22 ) I2 I1 V1 Threeterminal Device V2 a) Determine the small-signal model if the quiescent voltages are V1Q=2V, V2Q=1V b) Determine the quiescent currents I1Q and I2Q if the quiescent voltages are as specified in part a) c) If the circuit is biased so that the small signal input voltage is applied directly to the input terminal and if the small signal load is a 5Ω resistor, determine the small signal voltage gain. Assume the same quiescent voltages as specified in part a) Page 6 of 10 Problem 5 (16 pts) Draw the small-signal equivalent circuit for the following amplifier structure. Assume all capacitors are large. Do not solve. 8V 500K C1 5K 2K M1 C2 AE=100µ Q1 VIN 30uA 2 Q2 VD 10K 200K VOUT 10K Page 7 of 10 TRANSISTOR PARAMETERS MINIMUM Vth 3.0/0.6 SHORT Idss Vth Vpt 20.0/0.6 WIDE Ids0 20.0/0.6 LARGE Vth Vjbkd Ijlk Gamma 50/50 W/L N-CHANNEL P-CHANNEL UNITS -0.93 volts 439 0.69 10.0 -238 -0.90 -10.0 uA/um volts volts < 2.5 < 2.5 pA/um 0.70 11.4 <50.0 0.50 -0.95 -11.7 <50.0 0.58 volts volts pA V^0.5 56.9 474.57 -18.4 153.46 uA/V^2 cm^2/V*s N+ACTIVE >15.0 P+ACTIVE <-15.0 K' (Uo*Cox/2) Low-field Mobility 0.78 COMMENTS: XL_AMI_C5F FOX TRANSISTORS Vth GATE Poly PROCESS PARAMETERS N+ACTV P+ACTV POLY Sheet Resistance 82.7 103.2 21.7 Contact Resistance 56.2 118.4 14.6 Gate Oxide Thickness 144 PROCESS PARAMETERS Sheet Resistance Contact Resistance MTL3 0.05 0.78 PLY2_HR 984 N\PLY 824 UNITS volts POLY2 39.7 24.0 N_WELL 815 MTL1 0.09 MTL2 UNITS 0.09 ohms/sq 0.78 ohms angstrom UNITS ohms/sq ohms COMMENTS: N\POLY is N-well under polysilicon. CAPACITANCE PARAMETERS N+ACTV P+ACTV Area (substrate) 429 721 Area (N+active) Area (P+active) Area (poly) Area (poly2) Area (metal1) Area (metal2) Fringe (substrate) 311 256 Fringe (poly) Fringe (metal1) Fringe (metal2) Overlap (N+active) Overlap (P+active) POLY 82 2401 2308 POLY2 M1 32 36 M2 17 16 M3 10 12 864 61 53 17 9 34 13 32 39 28 32 48 74 53 206 278 Page 8 of 10 58 40 55 N_WELL 40 UNITS aF/um^2 aF/um^2 aF/um^2 aF/um^2 aF/um^2 aF/um^2 aF/um^2 aF/um aF/um aF/um aF/um aF/um aF/um Page 9 of 10 Page 10 of 10