20/05/15 District - Clinton Primary School


20/05/15 District - Clinton Primary School
C l i n t o n !!P r i m a r y S c h o o l
Halsey Street, Clinton
t: 03 4157151 f: 034157098
District Newsletter
Wednesday 20 May
From the Principal’s pen
Welcome to Week 5 of the second term and the
May district newsletter.
Term two has been incredibly busy here at school
with a variety of events underway.
Our Year 8 Kaiarahi members recently attended the
Young Leaders Day in Dunedin. Once again this
was a very worthwhile day. A huge thank you to the
Oak Fund for supporting this event. The students
who attended got a lot out of the day. Make sure you
read their report later in the newsletter.
The Year 3-6 students are busy preparing for the
upcoming South Otago rippa tournament that is
being held at the end of this month. As well as
training sessions with their class teacher, they have
also had additional coaching from Rory our sports
activator, and Mike Edwards. I'm sure these
students are really looking forward to this
The senior classes are busy preparing for the South
Otago music festival. This is held over two nights,
and Clinton School will be performing on
Wednesday 10 June. Make sure you mark this date
on your calendar, as it is a very enjoyable evening.
A huge thank you to Miguel Herrera Hinojosa who
has been working with our students in preparation
for this.
This week we have Constable Rochelle Gordon, our
Police Education Officer visiting school. She is
working with all the students on the Kia Kaha
programme. Kia Kaha helps to develop stronger
social relationships, and provides students with the
skills necessary to cope with bullying and negative
peer pressure.
We have also had Miss Laura Smith at Clinton
School working with all the students on basic Te
Reo Maori, waiata and Kapa Haka. Miss Smith
teaches part time at Stirling School and has been
spending one afternoon a week at Clinton.
Email: [email protected]
Issue 15, 2015
On the 4th of June, all our students will be travelling to
Balclutha to participate in internet safety workshops. As
our students now have access to the internet through a
variety of digital devices e.g. chrome books, laptops,
tablets and smart phones, it is very important they are
aware of how to keep themselves safe. Staff are busy
planning a range of other activities in Balclutha for this
day including a visit to the museum, a visit to the library,
a dance workshop, and a picnic lunch. A notice with
more information will be sent home to parents later this
!Kia pai tō rā,
Vicki Naeve
Dates for the Diary
22 May
26 May
27 May
28 May
Happy Birthday
29 May
Pool working bee
Rippa tournament Year 3-6
Subway lunch
Technology Year 7 & 8
BOT meeting 7:30pm
Assembly 2:15pm
Many happy returns to - Tirina Anderson who
celebrated her birthday yesterday and a very special
birthday wish to our wonderful Mrs Crawford who will
celebrate her birthday on Friday.
District Newsletter Dates
Term 2 - 24 June - deadline 19 June
!Term 3 - 19 August - deadline 14 August
September - deadline 18 September
!Term 4 - 2123 October
- deadline 16 October
18 November - deadline 13 November
9 December - deadline 4 December
School Fundraiser
2015/2016 Entertainment Books and Applications are
available through Clinton School as a fundraiser.
!Pop in to buy one or hop online to...
wwww.entbook.co.nz/9n26878 to order a book or
download the app.
We welcome all families/caregivers with preschool children to our local Mainly Music group
which is held every Wednesday morning during
the school terms.
It is held in Clarke Hall, Church Street at 10:00
am, with a relaxed, fun half hour of music,
movement and rhymes followed by a provided
morning tea. $3 per family, per session OR $25
for ten sessions. For more information contact:
Roslyn 4157187, Marion 4157230 or Lynley
Clinton Young Farmers
Any New Members Between 18 & 31 Welcome
Meeting 1st Wednesday of the Month 7.30pm
Oak Tree Inn (Pub) Clinton
Or Contact Emma 415 7277
Or txt 021 1103299
or Shane 027 2641111
Clinton Playcentre
We welcome everyone with preschool aged
children to discover a fun filled morning of
activities, outings and experiences your
child will love.
We are open Tuesday and Thursday
mornings 9.30 – 12 noon at 11 Manse St
Clinton. We take regular visits to Clinton
School and also have family nights and
social events for the parents.
Come along and see for yourself what
Playcentre has to offer, not only your child,
but for you as well. First three sessions are
free. Coffee provided for parents, just bring
your child’s morning tea. For enquiries give
our President Madeline Anderson 4157777
a call on 4157193. We hope to see you
Second Chances
Second Chances, 2 Main Road (beside
Ritchie’s bus depot) is open Monday-Friday
9:00 -5:00pm, phone 4157591 or
0273460202. Giftware, canvas art,
reupholstered furniture in store and
privately. Also stocking: Mary Woodrow’s
“Lighthouse Candles”, Jade McNab’s “The
Black Sparrow” furniture and Cara Wright’s
“Chic Style Jewellery”. Always looking for
unwanted furniture. Pop in for a browse and
stop for coffee. Rebecca Bungard.
Contact Ben @ Offroad Engineering Clinton
Li#le Oaks Early Learning Centre
Clinton Enrolling Now
Children 3 months – 5 years
Full =me, Part =me & Casual Enrolments Please contact Kelly on (03) 4157274 li#[email protected]
For an enrolment pack today! !
Work Wanted
Section tidying, gardens rotary hoed, weed
spraying, any painting jobs, lawn mowing etc.
Please phone Terry 0210442381.
Brian Brockett
For all your building needs
Wanted to Rent
3 bedroom house with garage in the Clinton area.
Please contact Laura 0276952000.
Thank You
Kci, Bille, Khaidyn, Skyla-Lace and myself would like to thank the Clinton community for all your support over
our sudden loss of Ethan.
!We are overwhelmed by the on going support. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
!There are a few unclaimed items still here at our home. If they are yours please feel free to come up home
or ring us on 4157547 or 0276320799. Thanks, Nicki.
Wanted to Buy
Single trundle bed. Please phone Colleen 4182602 in the evenings.
Clinton Squash Club Junior Programme
If your child/ren are interested in playing and coaching for Term 2 please contact Brony 415 7727. We are
looking at this programme being parent run this year so please be prepared to be on a roster system to assist
in running this programme.
Pinecones for Sale
$5 per bag, large bags nice open cones Phone Campbell household 415 7727 - local delivery available.
Anzac Day
We wish to thank those that helped with this years Anzac service. With the support of World War 1 service
men's families we were able to celebrate 100 years of Gallipoli with local history of the Great War.
Many thanks to David Mackie for leading the service. Thanks to the Fire Brigade and all others that made this
day special.
Clinton Lions Club.
Clinton Flower Show
A huge thanks to all who supported the 80th Flower Show and helped to make it a great success. Well done
Apologies for omitting to announce winners of the Bays on the night.
Results: Bays - 1st: Clinton PTA, 2nd: Mainly Music, 3rd equal: Anglican Church and Kuriwao WI.
Most points roses: Anne Restieaux, Champion rose: Anne Restieaux, Dahlias: Glenda Smith, 3 Dahlia
Championship: Glenda Smith, Champion dahlia: Janet Noah, Cut flowers: Jenny Ritchie, Outstanding cut
flower: Anne Restieaux, Produce: Kelly Liggett, Outstanding produce: Kelly Liggett, Floral art novice: Brooke
Anderson, Amateur: Tirina Anderson, Open: Jenny Ritchie, Pot plants: Brenda Rodwell, Baking: Joy Wilson,
Most outstanding baking exhibit: Janet Whiteside, Preserves: Joy Wilson, Handspun: Maria Stuart,
Handknitting: Ailsa Mackie, Handcraft novice: Brooke Anderson, Open: Marion Smith, Photography: Faye
Holden, Pre-school: Liam Nutsford and Hollie Johnson 1st equal, Primary school: Petra Anderson, Best
baking exhibit: Amy Liggett, Overall: Glenda Smith, Area with most points: Township.
A Flower Show general meeting will be held on Monday 25th May, 7:45pm at the Clinton Community Centre.
Inquiries to: Doug Sinclair 4157417 or Lana Read 4157654.
Clinton Community Pools
A huge thank you to the many farmers who donated lambs, calves and grazing to help fund our
pools. We couldn't keep going without you!!
At the moment we are in the process of getting a new thermal cover for the big pool. We
purchased a new one for the small pool at the start of the season. We are also getting quotes
for reroofing the changing rooms and pumpsheds, not enough pitch or ventilation has led to
major deterioration.
Thank you to those who have already returned your keys to school, if you haven't, please do it
soon or an off-season account will be sent.
Pool Kindling Working Bee
A truckload of kindling has been kindly donated by KD McKee Contracting and we will be
bagging it Friday 22 May afterschool. Cockburn Contracting (Cabbage) has lent us his shed for
the afternoon (behind the Golf Club).
Many hands make light work, come and help please, bring grass seed bags and buy a bagful
for $10 or put your order in with Lisa 03 2058888 / 0273 888 205.
Assembly Certificates
Congratulations to the following students who received certificates at Fridays assembly.
Room 1 - Eve McKenzie: For helping staff and making good learning decisions, Rhys Miller: For fantastic learning
and staying focused on completing tasks to an impressive standard.
Room 2 - Destiny Ngamoki: For showing leadership during Kapa Haka and being a good role model, Lucas
Anderson: For fantastic problem solving skills during MST maths with Mrs Neave.
Room 3 - Lucy Williams: For showing leadership both in the classroom and outside the classroom, stepping up
and caring for others, Ruby Williams: For being well organised, showing increased responsibility for her learning,
and making the most of leadership opportunities.
!Room 5 - Khaidyn Stevens: For wonderful story writing today, Courtney Anderson: For using the sounds you
know in your writing.
!Room 7 - Casey Dodd: For trying hard to add descriptive words to her writing, Zayne Haitana: For showing
increased leadership skills in the classroom.
From Room 5
Friday was an exciting day at Clinton Primary School.
Khaidyn Stevens wrote:
I am having a mufti day today and I am going to have a great time. I am going on my
I have gone to the skate park with my Nanny and Uncle. My sister was at home with
my Mum.
From Room 7
Johnston has been learning to add more detail to his sentences. He took the sentence below and added
exciting descriptive words to it to make it more interesting.
!Original sentence - I rode my bike.
!New sentence - I was going really fast down a steep hill with loads of bumps on my
BMX. It was really fun. When I got to the bottom I put my brakes on and stopped.
By Johnson Phillips
From Room
Last week Room 1 experimented with 'telescopic text' an online text builder where we started with a 3 word
sentence and built our stories up to better describe those 3 words.
!Bailey's example is below;
!I made lego. (Which turned into ....)
!I made an awesome lego car with lego technic and then pulled it apart in my freezing cold room. I then made
a different car with a motor. This technical car could drive and steer. My big brother was helping me make
this car with a motor in it! When it was done, I put the cool, drifty wheels on it. It was a speedy machine
driving like mad.
By Bailey Williams
From Room 2
The commi)ee would sincerely like to thank those who so generously gave dona7ons of stock and cash towards the ashphal7ng of the car park beside the community centre. We appreciate that this has been a very challenging season for everyone and your generosity has been astonishing! We also take this opportunity to thank the Clinton Lions for their generous support shown to us. We are hopeful that work will start on the drainage soon, but the 7ming of this is down to the Council. We have applied to Trusts Community Founda7on for some funding towards this, but as this goes to print we have yet to hear whether we have been successful ,fingers crossed. We are keen to see some new faces on our commi)ee as we have all been here over ten years now. The hard yards have been done and now it is mostly rou7ne and some maintenance to keep things right. Mee7ngs are not long or painful so if you have couple hours to spare we would love to hear from you. Alterna7vely you might like to talk to one of the commi)ee to find out more! It is not a demanding role!! We are really proud of this versa7le facility that Clinton has and we trust that you are all as equally proud of the facility that your generosity has provided for us all If anyone wishes to make a financial contribu7on towards the asphal7ng you are able to direct credit to our bank account BNZ 02 0918 000348300 ref….carpark. Thank you!!!! We are a registered charity so any dona7ons are tax deduc7ble and we are happy to provide receipts as required. Hoping that winter is kind to you all. NEWS FLASH As of the 13 of May we have received confirma7on that we have been successful with our grant from TTCF. As work has just commenced on the drainage, hopefully it wont be too long before we see the end result. Missing!!
Missing from the Clinton Community Centre - 1 urn. PLEASE have a look around at home for this as they
are expensive to replace. If you have it drop it off at the hall no questions asked.
!Also missing from the Rugby Clubrooms - 2 large pots. If you have these please let Tania know 4157068.
Young Leaders Day
On the 11th of May the Year 8 Kaiarahi leaders attended the 2015 Young Leaders Day. They were really
grateful to the Oak Fund for funding the cost of the event. They gained many valuable ideas on how to be the
best they can and to lead others. The students that attended Young Leaders Day have chosen their favourite
part to share:
!My favourite speaker was Jamie McDell. Jamie was very inspiring. Not only is she is a famous singer, but she
also believes in being herself and never giving up. I love how she is passionate about her life and intends to live
life to the fullest. Overall I think it was a very good day and it was a great motivation for us as Young Leaders.
By Faith Batt
!Phoenix Puleanga was my favourite speaker. He spoke in an inspiring way, a way that made me feel like I
could do anything. He told us that you can do anything, you just need to believe. Because of his great attitude,
he is now a main person in the new movie Born to Dance with Stan Walker and others.
By Nic Anderson
!William Pike was a very inspirational person. He only has one leg after his leg was crushed in an accident
following a volcanic eruption on a mountain. He told us to never give up on what your dreams are. He went
back to the mountain where his leg was smashed and achieved his dream of climbing up that mountain. He told
us not to be afraid to try something new, and always have a go.
By Ruby Williams
!I think the speaker I liked the most was William Pike, who had to get his leg amputated to save his life. He
climbed Mount Ruapehu with a friend and whilst they were walking towards an active volcano it erupted.
William got stuck in the rock and mush. While his friend went to get help he found it hard to remain positive. But
told us that “Every day is a good day”. This has inspired me to make the most of each day and to push the
limits more often. Even though he only has one good foot to put forward he still carries on and pushes the
limits to achieve a goal.
By Zoe Keenan
!Tamsin Cooper was my favourite speaker because she started off as a tween with a dream. She inspired me,
because she was about our age when she had a dream that she begun to pursue. She started off selling little
things like coin purses. She expanded and asked businesses if they could sell her products. I have been
inspired by her to dream big and achieve.
By Grace Beattie
!Many of the speakers were inspirational as they had their own stories to tell. William Pike was an inspiring
speaker. He proved that no matter what happens to you that you can still do what you love. Not long after he
lost his leg in a volcanic eruption, he was back climbing up mountains and hiking like he had done before. He
proved that no matter what happens to you, you can carry on like before. All passion - no limits.
By Holly Haslett
!Phoenix was also one of my favourites as he was a year 13 student from Papakura school. He talked to us
about his love and passion for Hip-Hop dancing and how asking one simple question to be a part of his
brothers’ dance crew took his career to the next level. He was such an inspiration and I definitely look up to him
and his story.
By Flavian Behrens
!William Pike was one of the speakers at the young leaders day. If you have ever heard of William Pike you will
know that he lost his leg while climbing Mount Ruapehu. The good thing was that when he was on the stage he
always had a smile on his face and a good attitude. He even took off his leg and showed us how it works and
how it is fitted just for him. At the end William said something that was my favourite; “All Passion No Limits”
and that is what inspired me.
By Joanna Burnby