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Christ Lutheran School Newsletter April 2015 Terry Mooney, Principal 1311 S. Faraday Ave. / Peoria Il 61605 Web Site: Email: [email protected] Phone: (309) 637-1512 / Fax: (309) 637-7829 Dear Parents and Friends of Christ Lutheran, Our annual school musical promises to be extra special this year as the all students in kindergarten through 5 th grade and selected 6th – 8th graders will present Down by the Creek Bank. The students and teachers have been practicing their skits and songs. You won’t want to miss it, so mark your calendars for Thursday, April 23rd at 6:30 p.m. The advance price of admission is $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for seniors and children up to 8th grade. Tickets at the door are $1.00 more. Advance tickets can be purchased in the office. Easter Blessings! Terry Mooney SUMMER PLANS Our child care will offer a summer program for children entering 1st and 2nd grades. The cost is $100.00 per week. The program is available 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and runs from June 1st through August 14th. Breakfast, lunch and a snack will be provided and there is a host of activities planned. Please call Julie Burch at 637-4755 for more information. RE-ENROLLMENT FORM Our re-enrollment of “old families” began the week of March 16th. We sent re-enrollment forms home with each student. The “yes” replies are coming in quickly. If you know of someone with school age children, why not mention Christ Lutheran? Or, give Mr. Mooney their name and phone number and he will follow up. PANCAKES!!! The 43rd annual Sausage and Pancake Supper hosted by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is scheduled for Saturday, April 18th from 4:00-6:30 p.m. Cost is $7.00 for adults and $4.00 for students K-8. Tickets for the all-you-can-eat dinner can be purchased at the door. The menu includes delicious sausage, regular pancakes, potato pancakes and applesauce. Proceeds will go toward the Social Ministry Fund at Christ Lutheran Church. Page 2 of 4 April 2015 CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS Thu Apr 2 Maundy Thursday Worship 10 AM & 7 PM Fri Apr 3 April 6-10 Mon Apr 13 Wed Apr 15 Fri Apr 17 Sat Apt 18 Wed Apr 22 Thu Apr 23 Fri Apr 24 Good Friday Worship noon & 7 PM Easter Break – No School Classes Resume Fundraiser Delivery $2.00 Casual Day Pancake Supper 4-6:30 Fundraiser Money Due Spring Musical 6:30 p.m. $2.00 Casual Day FUN FUNDS PROGRAM AT GFS If you shop at GFS Marketplace on University you can earn money for our school by signing up for a free membership card. Then each time you shop, the school earns a rebate on your purchase. Plus you get a coupon for $10.00 off a $50.00 purchase. Applications are available in the office. SPRING CLEANING TIME Just a reminder to our CLS families that we will be having our 12th annual CLS Garage Sale soon! This year the sale will be Friday-Saturday, August 14th, 15th. If you have one or more items you would like to donate, please contact Christel VandeVoorde at 635-3998 or the school office (6371512). We are accepting any clean, usable items. Your help is greatly appreciated! Helping to set up and run the sale is also a great way to earn volunteer hours. MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW! On Tuesday, May 12th, the 3rd-5th Grade Choir, the Comet Chorale, the band students and the children’s bell choir will present their annual spring concert at 5:30 p.m. Then on Wednesday, May 13th, the Comet Chorale and the Concert Band will be performing at the monument at the Peoria County Court House at 11:30 as part of the Spring Arts in Education Celebration. Why not pack a “brown bag” and enjoy lunch and some great music from our own CLS kids! School Newsletter TUITION AND FEES All outstanding fees must be paid in order for students to receive their report cards at the end of the school year. SPRING IS HERE! If your child is in need of new school clothing, why not take a look in CLS’s Uniform Store? We have a large inventory of gently used shortsleeved shirts and shorts, reasonably priced at $2.00 each. Thank you to those of you who have donated outgrown uniforms to our store. SAVABLES Don’t forget that we save Campbell’s labels, Boxtops for Education, ink jet and laser cartridges and old cell phones. In addition, we save Frito Lay chip bags and Capri Sun juice pouches. If you have any questions, you can contact Mr. Teske ([email protected]). SPRING FUNDRAISER Our Spring fundraiser delivery is scheduled for Wednesday, April 15th between 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. Please plan ahead so that you can pick up your order on time and have freezer space available for those items that need to be kept frozen until they are delivered. SCRIP Spring is here, and that means graduations, confirmations and summer weddings are coming up. Gift certificates are always welcome. If you purchase them through the school scrip program, you and the school earn money. You can designate 50% of the profit to go toward your tuition or other school fees or those of a family member. Your total can really grow if you get family or friends to participate as well. We have certificates from a number of retailers and restaurants as well as grocery stores. Call the school office or Mary Ryan (697-4374) for more information. Page 3 of 4 April 2015 MUSIC CONTESTS Several of our student recently competed in the Illinois Grade School Music Association contests at Illinois Central College. They performed in various vocal and/or instrumental solos and ensembles for ratings. All of our contestants did very well, receiving mostly 1st or 2nd place ratings. Especially noteworthy is the fact that 7th grader Ta’Naijah Taylor received a perfect score on her vocal solo. Congratulations to them and to Mrs. VonBehren and Mrs. Filzen. BASKETBALL AND VOLLEYBALL CAMPS Forms will be sent home with Monday/Tuesday notes. We will host camps on the following dates: School Newsletter DON’T FORGET PHYSICALS, DENTAL AND VISION EXAMS OVER THE SUMMER. Be ready for the first day of school by scheduling appointments for exams and immunizations now. Information about requirements and where you can find providers is available from the Peoria City County Health Department at 679-6000. BASKETS, SILVERWARE, ETC. As you begin your annual bargain hunting at garage sales, please keep the school in mind. We are always in need of good sized baskets for the school auction and spoons and forks for our lunch program. We have a need for a vacuum cleaner as well. Also, while shopping at stores, please keep an eye out for clearance items and bargains-toogood-to-ignore that we can use for our auction. May 27th and 28th - Volleyball clinic for girls 8:00-9:30 entering K – 3rd May 27th and 28th - Basketball clinic for boys and girls 9:30-10:30 entering K – 3nd June 1st – 4th - Basketball camp for boys and girls entering 4th – 9th August 8th – 11th - Volleyball camp for girls entering 4th – 8th TRACK SEASON is underway with Mr. Teske and Gayle Vollrath serving as coaches. Following is a schedule of meets: Thu Tue Sat Apr Apr Apr Sat May 2 CID Meet Heyworth High / 9 AM Sat May 9 LSA Decatur Meet at Maroa-Forsyth High 9 AM ARE YOU READING YOUR NOTES? We do our best to communicate important information to you (monthly newsletters, calendars, weekly teacher notes and other notes from the office and PTL). But, they don’t have any value if you don’t receive the notes or if you don’t read them. This is especially true with upper grade students. Remind your child to bring home all notes and take a few minutes to read them. Don’t forget to look on the school’s website as well. And if you think we should have something on our website that would be helpful, let us know, and we will make sure it is there. 9 Monroe Grade School @ Monroe 4:00 p.m. 14 at Limestone High School 4:00 p.m. 25 Bethel Invitational @ Tremont High 9:00 Sa/Su May 16-17 State Track at Elmwood Park High School and Concordia University, River Forrest CHAPEL OFFERINGS Christ Lutheran students recently donated a total of $95.44 to the “Pennies for Life” campaign. During this last quarter of the school year, chapel offerings will go toward buying a cow through Lutheran World Relief that will help a farmer work his way out of poverty by providing milk to drink and to sell. If we reach the $375 needed to purchase the cow, we will put additional monies toward the purchase Pageducks 4 of or4 goats. April of chicks, CAMP TIME Camp CILCA, located near Springfield, is gearing up for another great summer of camping opportunities for all ages. Most camp sessions are one week long and the weeks are divided among different age groups. More information is available in the school office or at 2015 School Newsletter HOLY WEEK WORSHIP You are cordially invited to join us for Holy Week services as we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Maundy Thursday worship April 2nd at 10 AM & 7 PM COLLEGE FOR KIDS Illinois Central College will again have their college for kids summer programs. A wide variety of classes is offered in two-week sessions (June 9-19 and July 14-24) and open to children in 4th through 9th Grade. Good Friday worship April 3rd at noon & 7 PM Easter Sunday – April 5th Easter Sunrise Service at 7:00 AM Easter breakfast following the sunrise service Sunday School & Bible Class 9:30 AM Easter Festival Service at 10:45 AM School will dismiss at 1:15 p.m. on Good Friday and we will be out of school April 6th through 10th for Easter break. Classes will resume on Monday, April 13th. BOOK FAIR The Scholastic Book Fair was a success. Thank you for all that attended. We earned $422.00 in books for the for the classrooms and library. Special thanks to Laurie Hibbs, Nancy Knoll and Linda Wenzel for working at the book fair. STUDENT COUNCIL WORK DAY Our student council is planning a “clean-up what the snow left behind” day on the grounds of our church, school and immediate neighborhood. If you would like to join us on Friday, April 24th, call the school office. We will work from 1:00-3:00. You could even come early and join for lunch at 12:30. 3/4 DONE! This is the second to last newsletter of the current school year! Coming up in Field Trips Staff Appreciation Week Accelerated Reader Week Band & Choir Concert Graduation and LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!