April - Cooperative Middle School


April - Cooperative Middle School
April 17th, 2015
Student of the Month Assemblies
Period 1: 7:25-8:15 AM
Water House: Teams 4,6,11
Team 4: Rip Tide:
Eva Melecio
This person is a positive, caring, and focused young lady. When she comes to class, she
immediately gets prepared to be involved in her own learning and is very helpful when it
comes to group work. She willingly shares her ideas and is a good listener when others are
speaking as well. Outside of school, she likes being a mother’s helper, loves sports, cooking,
drawing, teaching her younger sister music lessons and sometimes helping her with her
homework. When she is absent, she is right on top of getting her missed work done and
asking questions if something is not clear to her. For all these reasons, team 4 is glad to
have Eva Melecio as this month’s Student of the Month!
Ethan Van DeWater
Although this student can be very quiet, underneath there's a lot going on. He is a real
sports buff, participating in baseball, swimming and soccer. If that doesn't take up enough
of his time, he also enjoys mowing the lawn, playing outside, messing with remote control
cars, boats and helicopters, making forts in the woods and going camping. In class, he is
always engaged in learning, as an observer can see from the little smile he gets on his face.
He tries to be one step ahead in his studies and is never one step behind. It is obvious that
the other students in the pod like and respect him, as he is always a part of an energetic,
fun-loving group of guys.
We are proud to present Ethan Van DeWater as our April Student of the Month.
Team 6: Tidal Wave
Anna Walker
We have a young lady on our team 6 who exhibits a positive attitude and strong character
at all times. She is a devoted friend and sister which is evident both in and out of school.
She is always willing to put forth the extra effort to make sure she understands the material
learned in class. She will stay after for extra help whenever necessary and asks for extra
practice to build a solid foundation for understanding. This student also offers up her own
time to help others in need as well. She is known to bring in relevant material from home
that adds to topics discussed in her classes to enhance the learning for everyone
As a classmate, friend and sister she is devoted to seeing justice prevail. She will go out of
her way to stand up for others if she feels that someone has been treated poorly. She loves
reading and listening to a variety of musical genres that she shares in common with other
friends on the team. This student also has been involved in the CMS cross country and
track & field programs, where she excels in running. She also can be seen on the stage in
band concerts playing the clarinet.
It is with great pleasure that her teachers acknowledge Anna Walker as the Student of the
Bode Shoukimas
This team six student is as gracious as he is good natured. He is thoughtful, respectful and
extremely hard working. Whether it be in class, chorus, lunch group, or at Coyote Club, he
brings his positive attitude to whatever he does. He brings his polite, poised, presence to
the point of passing it on to others. A classmate recently remarked that "He is the nicest
person on our pod...he is always helping people out, willing to work with everyone, and he
is friendly all the time." Team six is proud and pleased to acknowledge Bode Shoukimas as
recipient of Student of the Month.
Team 11: Tsunami
Ariana White
A classmate describes this young lady as having a style all her own, and isn’t afraid to show
it. Although she has endured a tumultuous adolescence, her perseverance has been an
inspiration to all. Over the last few years she has struggled physically, but she never uses this
as an excuse to forego getting the most she can out of her education. She has learned to adapt
to her limitations, and because of that, she excels in everything she does and uses her
experience to better herself and others.
This month, she shared an ED Talk that was not only deeply personal, but also extremely
informative. During this presentation she explained her journey over the last few years,
constantly being in and out of hospitals and undergoing different kinds of treatment. She made
us not only appreciate the struggles that people with illnesses go through, but also helped us
appreciate what we have, and urged us to make the best of the life we are given.
For these reasons and more, we recognize Ari White as our first student of the month.
Jackson Rosette
Former Red Sox third baseman Wade Boggs once said “A positive attitude causes a chain
reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst, and it sparks extraordinary
results.” This young man is certainly a catalyst among his peers, our team, and the greater
community. He holds himself to a high standard - seeking knowledge for the sake of bettering
himself, not for the grade. He is one of the most supportive friends you will meet, liked by all,
with an his charming and unassuming personality. This guy works hard each day, and always
does it with a smile on his face. In the words of one of his classmates: “I’ve never seen someone
who is so committed and goal-oriented, but still so nice and conscientious at the same time.”
Recently, this student has been demonstrated an intense interest in our new biology unit, and
he has shown an active leadership in class with his excitement and class participation. He also
gave us an inspiring ED Talk that helped us learn about social anxiety in teens, and he did it in his
trademark way: filled with wit and kindness. In fact, we can use the metaphor from his speech to
describe what he brings to Team 11. If our team is the Oxalis Triangularis flower, then Jackson
Rosette is the sun, water, and nourishment that keeps us happy and bright.
Period 2: 8:15-9:10 AM
Air House: Teams 1,7,12
Team 1: Windstorm
Sadie DiCarlo
This next student has the ability to impact those around her in a positive way. She has been
a valued member of our classes as well as the school at large. Like Jake, she has devoted
herself to working hard at school. Her perseverance has and will serve her well. She has
high expectations of herself and is willing to put in the effort it takes to be successful. This
student has been involved with our “Hope for Humanities” club at CMS and has volunteered
her talents by playing music for senior citizens in our community. In addition to all that she
does here and in the Exeter Area, she is also an avid outdoors person. She has summited
many 4,000 ft. mountains in the White Mts. and has traveled extensively both in the US and
abroad. She, like many of our “Students of the Month”, has a great sense of community and
is willing to lend a helping hand. Her smile and work ethic are infectious. She is a leader
among her peers. For all these reasons and more, Team 1, selected Sadie DiCarlo as this
month’s Student of the Month.
Jake Kingsbury
ee cummings said, “The most wasted of all days, is one without laughter. This student just
makes us laugh. It’s always nice as a teacher, to have that student who understands how
appropriate humor can enhance the classroom and our CMS community, this student does
and just that smile of acknowledgement can often make the difference in someone’s day. In
addition, it is nice to also observe this student work hard to earn his grades. He has
progressively improved over the year through his efforts. Outside of the classroom this
student is very busy. He has a passion for baseball and it’s clearly evident as he plays for
both the Exeter team and the USA Training Mavericks. Last year, his team won the New
England Regional Elite Baseball League Championship. Being a left-handed pitcher was
certainly a factor in that game! Although baseball takes up much of this student’s free time,
he still finds time to involve himself in community service. Helping with the goody bags for
the troops, doing yard work and a lot of shoveling, this winter, as well as watching his
younger sister are just some of the ways he has given back. It is for these reasons that Team
1 selected Jake Kingsbury as our April Student of the month.
Team 7:Tornado
Emily Tan
Hard working, polite, engaged, and helpful are all adjectives that are often used to describe
our students receiving this award. And these are all true about this student as well.
However, there is a quality about her that is more difficult to describe. She is a very serious
student who takes pride in working hard. Yet she also knows when to to be lighthearted
and funny. She diligently goes about her work, not knowing that she is inspiring those
around her to work harder through her leadership. Something that stood out recently was
the work she did on a challenging social studies project about the Holocaust. The time and
effort given that was devoted to this project made it stand out in regard to showing her
depth of knowledge, creativity, passion for learning and, most importantly with this
assignment, kindness and understanding. For this, and all her other great qualities, Team 7
is proud to announce Emily Tan as Student of the Month.
Ben Wilson
Whether in or out of the classroom this student’s natural curiosity has him focused on obtaining
new information all of the time. He shares his new learning with his classmates and teachers so
that all may grow and learn from his personal inquisitiveness. Not only is he showing others how
pursuing an interest can inspire you to learn more, but he also demonstrates how to help others. If
he sees somebody performing a job he will, on his own volition, ask if he can do it for them. He does
not do this as a means to gain something in return, he does it to make the life of the other person
better. This student is also in the process of creating a Chess Club here at CMS so that others can
have a place to gather and share a common interest. Recently, this student even brightened up my
day by writing a joke on his test as a way to break up my long night of grading. These acts and
gestures are just a few examples of how he has made a positive difference in the lives of those
around him. He is rarely seen without a smile on his face, a skip to his walk, and a positive
comment being freely given out. Team 7 is proud to recognize Ben Wilson for April’s Student of the
Team 12: Hurricane
Lauren Comeau
We Team 12 teachers look to nominate students who show they can rise above the crowd
and carve their own paths. We honor those of you who have the bravery to be your own
person at a stage of life when many people’s greatest wish is to blend into the crowd. Our
first student of the month is a young lady who has made remarkable growth over her past
three years at CMS. She works extremely hard to do well in her academics, yet she also is
willing to tackle hard questions and challenge conventional thought. She has a sly sense of
humor, and often is seen giggling about a quip or a pun that most of the people around her
didn’t catch. The word that comes to mind most frequently when talking about this young
lady is that she is genuine - she is truly interested in her peers, concerned about social
justice, and engaged in her learning. She is active in music and drama, plays guitar, and
serves on the Diversity club. She consistently tries to better herself, her mind, and the
world around her. For all these reasons and many more, Team 12 is delighted to nominate
“LauCo” - Lauren Comeau - as our April Student of the Month!
Ryan Lipsitt
The other student we wish to honor this month is a young man who truly deserves to be
called a gentleman. He is conscientious, well-liked by peers, and a good friend. In class, he
behaves in a way that elevates others around him. He is attentive and thoughtful during
class activities, and can be relied upon to cue a classmate or steer a conversation back to
the topic at hand when others let their attention wander. At the same time, he is capable of
enjoying a joke and making others feel socially at ease. In the halls, he sets the example of a
student who can have fun with his friends while also behaving respectfully and
appropriately with others. We appreciate the balance of good humor, intellectual curiosity,
and well-mannered behavior that he brings to the table. Congratulations go to Ryan Lipsitt
for being a Team 12 Student of the Month!
Period 3: 9:10-10:00 AM
Fire House: Teams 3,5,9
Team 3: Spark
Kelly Marshall
Our first student of the month is a confident girl who has big dreams. She is responsible,
kind and respectful to those around her. She is friendly to her peers and teachers. In school
she is a conscientious student who consistently studies hard and completes her
assignments with pride. Outside of school she likes to sing, act dance and play sports. She
also enjoys traveling with her family. She is a person that others look up to. For these
reasons, Team 3 is happy to name Kelly Marshall as Student of the Month.
Charlie Abbott
Our next student of the month is a polite and thoughtful person. He enjoys building things
and enjoys learning about history and World War II in particular. In his free time he also
helps around his house, plays baseball, soccer, hockey and is in the film club. We are so
happy to have this boy on our team as he is a positive role model and good friend to others.
We would like to congratulate Charlie Abbott on being named Team 3's Student of the
Team 5: Wildfire
Kendyl Silverwood
Kendyl is considerate and kind, and never fails to delight us with her unique and
mischievous wit. She is upbeat, fun-loving, and dances to the beat of her own drum. Her
creativity is unstoppable - she even wrote a science paper once in the form of a poem. In
addition to being a lovely presence on our team, Kendyl has been an invaluable presence on
the yearbook staff where she displays "a great attitude" and an "intuitive" ability to run
with a task and get it done correctly without needing much direction. All in all, Kendyl has
a set of traits and talents that make her an outstanding contributor to our team. We are
grateful to have her!
Jamie Lowell
Jamie balances a strong commitment to athletics with an equally intense dedication to his
academics. He knows how to take care of business in a respectful and focused way. He is
always sure to put his most gentlemanly self forward whenever he addresses adults, yet
maturity is balanced by a keen sense of fun and light-heartedness. He routinely thanks his
teachers after each class, and is an active class participant in class. All in all, he is a pleasure
to know in and out of the classroom. We are lucky to have Jamie on our team.
Team 9: Inferno
Chloe Henriksen
William Arthur Ward said, “The more generous we are, the more joyous we become. The
more cooperative we are, the more valuable we become. The more enthusiastic we are, the
more productive we become. The more serving we are, the more prosperous we become.”
This student absolutely embodies the meaning of the word “enthusiasm.” She makes people
around her feel happy through her joyous zest for life, learning, and friendship. She is one
of the most genuine people we have ever met, and she throws herself into all of her
endeavors with ease. She participates frequently in class discussions and takes on a
leadership role in small groups. She has learned how to bake this year as a part of her
Learn Something New project, and happily, has shared her successes with her grateful
teachers! Team Inferno is thrilled to announce Chloe “KP” Henriksen as April’s Student of
the Month!
Ian Hitchcock
George Burns said, “Someone who makes you laugh is a comedian. Someone who makes
you think and then laugh is a humorist.” This fellow could be considered a humorist of
Team Inferno. He never fails to bring a smile to the faces of those around him, but his good
humor also comes with a side helping of thoughtful commentary. He is a very kind young
man with a great sense of humor. One of his good friends wrote, “He always seems to
lighten up my day whenever he says something funny or entertaining.” He is involved in the
drum section here at CMS, as well as being an incredibly active member of class discussions
and group work. He is a true and loyal friend, and a kind and thoughtful member of our
team. We are very happy to announce Ian Hitchcock as April’s Student of the Month.
Period 7: 12:30-1:20 PM
Earth House: Teams 2, 8, 10
Team 2: Sandstorm
Evelyn Houston
Our female student for the month of April is a girl who is active in and out of school. She
plays basketball and soccer, and is also a musician, playing the piano. She is very
conscientious, always coming to class prepared, with materials, a positive attitude, and
ready to work. She volunteers to help, or share her work. In class, she will ask questions, if
she is unclear about material presented. This young lady’s qualities go beyond her
aforementioned attributes. She tries very hard to make CMS a better place while she is
here. She will hold the door for everyone coming in from recess outside, standing there as
over 200 students rush by on their way to their next class. When a room full of students
knew of something unjust that had happened, only this girl had the courage to alert an
adult. She doesn’t walk by trash on the floor; she picks it up. When a fellow student’s
binder exploded at the end of class, this girl helped the boy gather all of his papers,
organize them and put them back in his binder. Our nominated student is mature,
considerate, enthusiastic, and kind. She goes through each day, happy, friendly and polite
to adults and kids, and willing to help others. Team Two is happy to select Evie Houston as
our April Female Student of the Month.
Jacob Dawson
Our male student for the month of April is a friendly and personable young man. He
participates in class regularly and always has a positive attitude. Many of his classmates
enjoy working with him. He is compassionate, kind, and caring and leads by example. In
his spare time he enjoys playing sports, especially basketball. He is an avid
reader. Another wonderful quality about this young man is that he always tries his best
and is a very conscientious student. He has learned that hard work pays off. It is with great
pleasure that Team 2 recognizes Jake Dawson as our Male Student of the Month.
Team 8: Landslide
Emma O’Brien
Team 8’s girl Student of the Month for April is quiet, soft-spoken, conscientious, and
introspective. She sets an example to her peers, not by showing off, but quietly excelling in
class and beyond. She leads our team in community service hours and wrote a “dog gone good”
persuasive speech. She is well respected by her peers and is always respectful to others.
Sam Quitkin
Our male of the month for April is a very well-rounded student. He is very respectful to his
peers and adults. He always does his best and cares about others. This person actively
participates in his education by asking relevant questions, and does not hesitate to ask
questions when he is not clear about something. Along with all these wonderful traits, this
person has a wonderful sense of humor and is always prepared and motivated. With all
this said, it is easy to see how he is an excellent role model. Congratulations go to Sam
Team 10: Earthquake
Jordan Heiser
This young lady is a very committed, hard worker. In basketball, she constantly hustles,
plays hard, and always goes for the ball. These skills transfer to class, where she is also a
team player, leading by example. She’s a deep thinker who shows maturity in her thinking.
She doesn’t shy away from more complex issues that might be difficult for some.
She will set high goals for herself and work until she achieves them. For example, she had a
goal to get a perfect score in math, and this past quarter 3, she was the only student who
received a perfect 100%! Perhaps her greatest quality, though, is her perseverance. When
faced with disappointment, she doesn’t complain, but carries on and shows good
sportsmanship. She led the charge, along with some of her classmates, twice this year to
make 2 beautiful team-spirit banners, and although they did not take 1st place, she handled
herself with maturity and grace. We are proud to award Jordan Heiser as April’s Student of
the Month!
Evan MacArthur
This young man is a team player who is also incredibly polite. Every day, he puts forth his
best effort in all of his classes. Whenever we’re in teaching mode, he’s always locked in and
focused on the teacher with a smile. He’s very engaged, and shows an appreciation and
respect for learning. He’s also a very warm and caring member of his class. For example, in
one of his classes, he was in a friendly competition to see who in the class would win the
prize - a piece of candy. After going back and forth with his final contender, he won, and
graciously accepted the candy. Then, while he was returning to his seat and no one was
noticing, he went over to his classmate, split the candy in half, and shared it with his
competitor. This is just one example of how he lives each day - with kindness. We are
pleased to recognize Evan MacArthur as our April Student of the Month.