May 10, 2015 - Coaldale Mennonite Church
May 10, 2015 - Coaldale Mennonite Church
Coaldale Mennonite Church 2316 – 17 St., Coaldale, Alberta “Committed to Calling, Equipping, and Sending God’s people” Lil Thompson, Pastor to Seniors Shane Janzen, Youth Ministries Eric Giesbrecht, Lay Pastor Amanda Wright, Secretary 403-331-0297 403-894-4983 403-345-3946 *Office: 403-345-3363 *Education Wing: 403-345-5255 *Fax 403-345-5303 E-mail – [email protected] Website – Volume LVIII May 10, 2015 No.19 9:30 am – Intergenerational Christian Education Hour in the Gym 10:45 am – Family Worship Service Coming Up Soon May 17 2:30 pm All ladies are invited to attend a bridal shower for Elisha Tse, fiancée to Cam Klassen, in the church gym. May 17 6:30 pm Sr. Choir is singing at the Sunny South Lodge May 21 6:30 pm Participants from MCC's Planting Peace program will present on their two weeks of learning and their dreams for peace in their home communities at the Lethbridge Mennonite Church. More info: or 403.275.6935. June 21 Sunday School Picnic at Readymade. Fine Arts Sunday – creative expressions of our faith Keeping In Touch Welcome Congregational singing Singing Poetry Singing Offertory Testimony Singing Sewing blankets Personal sharing Congregational singing Benediction Kelsey Janzen Team 1 Janzen Quartet Nick Dyck Zane Klassen, Ethan Klassen, Shane Janzen Irene Penner & Amy Janzen Pam Quinn Janzen Quartet Goodwill Club Ken Klassen Team 1 Kelsey Janzen Art & Photography Bonnie Quinn, Kelsey Janzen, Amy Janzen, Brittany Holzli Youth Mother’s Day flowers Prayer Room is open after the service Participants in: This Sunday’s Service Children’s Church Age3-Gr.3 Piano/Organ Song Leader: Speaker: Worship Leader: Usher Team: Irene Penner Team 1 Team 3 Sound System/ Power Point: Caleb Woelcke Next Sunday’s Service Bill Dyck (Story) Glenda Marriott Ignite Nick Dyck Eric Giesbrecht Team 4 Reynold Woelcke Congratulations to Kathryn Willms and Tanner Clements on the birth of their daughter Emma Rose born on April 7. She is the granddaughter of Eleanor Willms and the late Jake L. Willms. The the eighth great grandchild of George and Mary Wall. Rejoice Subscriptions If you are interested in receiving Rejoice (a daily devotional) for this coming year please contact the office before May 22. Rejoice is $33.51 for the year. MDS is continuing to respond in High River. We are doing some major home rebuilds and some more basements. Your help is needed now – and thru the summer. Please consider responding for a day, a couple of days, or a week. All volunteers are welcome. Lodging and food is provided. If you are able to volunteer please call our High River office at 587-224-7776 or 403-273-8888. Surveys Please return complete surveys to Bonnie by dropping them off at the church office, placing them in her mailbox or emailing them to bonniequinn.quinn@gmail,com as soon as possible. If you or someone you know has not received a survey please talk to Bonnie and she will provide them with one. Nepal Earthquake - Together with local, long-standing partners, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is responding with food and shelter in remote communities. We invite your help. Donations are eligible to be matched by the Canadian government. 403-275-6935 or Help the Church to become a scent-free environment. Please refrain from wearing cologne, aftershave and perfume. THIS WEEK IN OUR CHURCH Today 9:30 am Baptism Class Fine Art’s Sunday Mother’s day. Please find a youth after the service and get a carnation. Tuesday 6:00 pm Walking for Fitness 7:00 pm Jr. Youth 7:00 pm Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Goodwill Meeting at Lena's home. Study lesson 1, our new guide. Wednesday 7:00 pm Sr. Youth Prayer Focus We pray for † Baptismal Candidates as they are currently taking classes. † Mary Wall is in the Lethbridge Regional Hospital with pneumonia. † Erna Janzen’s back surgery was successful. She is recovering in Calgary. Thank you for continued prayers. † Violence around the world to stop. † Sr. Youth Leaders, Sponsors and Students † Staff and Students at: LCC, Briercrest, U of Regina, St Josephs School. † Residents and Staff at: Sunny South Lodge † Rehoboth Christian Ministries † Church of The Week Lethbridge Mennonite Church. Givings for May 3, 2015: $4,665.00 Budget $4415.00, MCC $150.00, Street’s Alive $100.00
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