CV Link - College of Liberal Arts


CV Link - College of Liberal Arts
University of New Hampshire
Department of Education
Morrill Hall
62 College Road
Durham, NH 03824
[email protected]
Ed.D. Human Development and Psychology, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 1997.
Concentration in quantitative research methodology. Title of dissertation: The Exodus from
Mathematics: When and Why? Dissertation advisor: Dr. Judith Singer. Committee members:
Dr. David Perkins, Dr. Paula Rayman.
Ed.M. Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 1990.
Applied Mathematics, Brown University, 1985.
Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire, Department of Education , 2010 to
present. Education statistics and research design. Teach courses in quantitative research methods:
Introduction to Statistics: Inquiry, Analysis, and Decision Making (EDUC 881), Applied Regression Analysis for
Educational Research (EDUC 978), Quantitative Inquiry: Methods and Techniques of Educational Research
(EDUC 981), and Applied Multilevel Modeling (EDUC 979).
Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire, Department of Education, 2004 to 2010.
Education statistics and research design. Taught courses in quantitative research methods and
introductory human development: Introduction to Statistics: Inquiry, Analysis, and Decision Making
(EDUC 881), Applied Regression Analysis for Educational Research (EDUC 978), Quantitative Inquiry:
Methods and Techniques of Educational Research (EDUC 981), Applied Multilevel Modeling (EDUC 979), and
Human Development and Learning (EDUC 701/801).
Lecturer on Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 1997-2004. Taught courses in
quantitative research methods: Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis (S-077), Applied Data Analysis (S052), Answering Complex Questions with Multivariate Methods: A Practical Course in Covariance Structure
Analysis (S-090), Applied Research Design (S-085) and Intermediate Statistics: Applied Regression and Data
Analysis (S-030).
Teaching Fellow, Harvard Graduate School of Education. Courses: Introductory Statistics (Dr.
Terry Tivnan, 1991), Intermediate Statistics (Dr. Judy Singer, 1992-1993), Applied Data Analysis (Dr.
John Willett, 1993-1995), Categorical Data Analysis (Dr. John Willett, 1994), and Applied Research Design,
(Dr. Judy Singer 1993-1996).
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Research Assistant, Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education. South Africa
Project (in collaboration with Goldfields Institute, University of the Western Cape, South Africa;
UPPTRAIL Trust, South Africa). PI: Dr. David Perkins (1990-1992).
Using Multilevel Modeling to Analyze Longitudinal Data. Three-day short course. LudwigMaximilians University; Department of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology; Research
Unit for Biopsychosocial Health; Pettenkofer School of Public Health. Munich, Germany (May,
Using Multilevel Modeling to Analyze Longitudinal Data. Three-day short course.
MARATONE Mental Health Training Through Research Network in Europe. Geneva, Switzerland
(September, 2014).
Using Multilevel Modeling to Analyze Longitudinal Data. Three-day short course. Carsey
Institute Summer Workshop, University of New Hampshire (June 2013, June 2010).
Modeling Individual Change Over Time: Introduction to the Multilevel Model for Change.
VI International Congress on Language Acquisition, University of Barcelona and Universitat
Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain (September, 2010).
Using Multilevel Modeling to Analyze Longitudinal Data . A four-day short course delivered as
part of the Summer Program in Data Analysis (SPIDA), Institute for Social Research, York
University, Toronto, Canada (summers 2007 and 2008).
Visual Presentation of Quantitative Data. Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire. Panel
presentation on visual presentation of results from quantitative data analyses. Co-panelists: David
Pillemer, Larry Hamilton (fall, 2008).
Introduction to Individual Growth Modeling. Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire. A
two-day short course introducing the multilevel model for change (spring, 2007).
Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis. Five-day short course in the Summer Program in Applied
Biostatistical and Epidemiological Methods at The Ohio State University, introducing two methods
of longitudinal data analysis, discrete-time survival analysis and individual growth modeling (summer
Introduction to Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis . Carsey Institute, University of New
Hampshire. Introduction to growth curve modeling and discrete-time survival analysis (spring,
Introduction to Data Analysis. UMASS Donahue Institute, Boston, MA. Two-day workshops
designed to help state employees analyzing Medicaid caseloads understand basic statistical concepts
and research design (1996).
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University of New Hampshire. Statistical consultant for NIH funded R15 grant to PI Summer
Cook (UNH Department of Kinesiology). Title: Comparative Effects of Resistance Training
Protocols in Older Adults at Risk of Mobility Limitations (2012 to present).
University of New Hampshire. Evaluator for NSF funded project: The Robert Noyce Scholarship
Program at the University of New Hampshire: Expanding STEM Opportunities Through Rural
Education. PI: Sharon McCrone, Mathematics Department (2010 to present).
Carsey Institute Summer Research Grant. Title of project: Trajectories of mathematics
achievement between kindergarten and 8th grade for rural, urban, and suburban students. Summer
Carsey Institute Summer Research Grant. Title of project: Comparing the third grade reading
levels of rural, urban, and suburban students. Summer 2010.
Education Development Center, Newton, MA. Member of advisory board for NSF funded
research project: Project RISE (Role of Informal Science Education) Pilot Study: Addressing
Methodological Challenges in Longitudinal Studies of Informal Science Education Outcomes. PI:
Caroline Parker, Education Development Center, Newton, MA (2007 to 2009).
President’s Excellence Award, University of New Hampshire. Title of project: A comparison of
infants born to mothers under chronic stress: A pilot study that examines the potential effect of stress reduction
interventions during pregnancy. Funding amount: $64,850. This study examined the effects of a stress
reduction intervention on at-risk pregnant teens and their infants. I collaborated on this project with
PI’s: Barbara White (UNH HHS, Occupational Therapy) and Robert Drugan (UNH COLA,
Psychology) (2005 to 2009).
Brown University, Providence, RI. Project: Substance Use in Adolescents from High-risk
Neighborhoods: Risk and Protection (funded by NIH). PI: Jasmina Burdzovic Andreas, Center for
Population Health and Clinical Epidemiology, Brown University, Providence, RI. I provided
ongoing quantitative consultation to Dr. Andreas on data analysis and interpretation (2007-2008).
Institute on Disabilities, University of New Hampshire. Project: Granite Ladders Project
(funded by IES). PI: Jeffrey Priest. I conducted multilevel modeling of change to investigate the
impact of an early literacy preschool curriculum, Ladders to Literacy, on the pre-reading and writing
skills of young children living in poverty in New Hampshire (2005-2007).
Teaching Curriculum Quality Fund, Harvard Graduate School of Education. Title of project:
Changing S-030 (Intermediate Statistics: Applied Regression and Data Analysis) to PC SAS (2002).
Teaching Curriculum Quality Fund, Harvard Graduate School of Education. Title of project:
Revising S-030 (Applied Regression and Data Analysis) and S-052 (Applied Data Analysis) (2001).
Teaching Curriculum Quality Fund, Harvard Graduate School of Education. Title of project:
Developing materials for S-077 (Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis) (1998).
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Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire. Member of Research Development Working
Group, a group of research methodologists providing support to faculty submitting research
proposals or conducting data analysis. Consultation provided primarily on longitudinal analysis and
multilevel modeling (2005 to 2012).
Wellesley Centers for Research on Women, Wellesley, MA. Consultation on design and analysis
for various projects (1998-2003).
Abt Associates, Cambridge, MA. Consultation on major national reading study report (2000).
Harvard Graduate School of Education. Dissertation consultant. Helped graduate students learn
and apply statistical methods to their dissertation data analyses (1990-1997).
JSI, Boston, MA. Used discrete-time survival analysis to model career paths of physicians in
community and rural health centers (1994-1995).
Educational Development Center, Newton, MA. Statistical analyses of data for Aggressors,
Victims, and Bystanders Project. PI: Dr. Ronald Slaby (1993-1994).
Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education. Statistical analyses of data for MacArthur
Project on thinking dispositions. PI: Dr. David Perkins (1993-1996).
Framingham State College, Framingham, MA. Conducted an evaluation of the Quantitative
Literacy Workshop, organized by Dr. Ann Sevin (1993).
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA. Used individual growth modeling to analyze data on
change in children's self-esteem. PI: Dr. Maureen Killeen (1991).
Actuarial Analyst. Assisted in ratemaking for homeowners’ and workers’ compensation insurance.
Passed Exams 1 - 4 administered by the Casualty Actuarial Society. Liberty Mutual Insurance
Company, Boston, MA (1985-1991).
Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts, University of New Hampshire, 2014.
ADVANCing Your Career at UNH and Beyond, funded by NSF. University of New Hampshire,
ELS:2002 (Education Longitudinal Study of 2002) and NELS:88 (National Educational
Longitudinal Study of 1988) Database Training Seminar, sponsored by the National Center for
Education Statistics (NCES), Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education (July,
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Carsey Institute College of Liberal Arts Fellowship. University of New Hampshire (spring 2009).
American Educational Research Association Dissertation Grant. AERA Grants
Program (1996-1997).
Spencer Mentor Fellowship. Mentors Dr. Judy Singer and Dr. John Willett. Harvard Graduate
School of Education (1994-1996).
American Educational Research Association Institute on Statistical Analysis for Education
Policy. Focused on issues involved in secondary analysis of the National Household Education
Survey (an NCES dataset). AERA Grants Program (1996).
Thesis Proposal elected exemplary. Harvard Graduate School of Education Committee
on Degrees (June, 1995).
Qualifying Paper elected exemplary. Harvard Graduate School of Education Committee on
Degrees (March, 1994). Title of QP: At Odds With Probability?
Qualifying Paper Proposal elected exemplary. Harvard Graduate School of Education
Committee on Degrees (January, 1993).
Graham, S. E., Willett, J. B., & Singer, J. D. (in press). Survival analysis. In J. Wright & D. J. Rog (Eds.),
International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition. Elsevier.
Willett, J. B., Singer, J. D., & Graham, S. E. (2012). Survival analysis. In I. B. Weiner, J. A. Schinka, & W.
F. Velicer (Eds.), Handbook of Psychology: Volume 2, Research Methods in Psychology, Second Edition.
New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
Oja, S. N., Graham, S. E., & Andrew, M. D. (2011). The development of moral judgment of
teaching interns in a full-year internship. Journal of Research in Character Education, 9(1), 35–56.
Graham, S. E., Willett, J. B., & Singer, J. D. (2011). Using discrete-time survival analysis to study event
occurrence. In J. T. Newsom, R. N. Jones, & S. M. Hofer (Eds.), Longitudinal data analysis: A
practical guide for researchers in aging health, and social sciences. London: Sage.
Graham, S. E., & Kurlaender, M. (2011). Using propensity scores in educational research: General
principles and practical applications. The Journal of Educational Research, 104(5), 340–353.
Graham, S. E. (2010). Using propensity scores to reduce selection bias in mathematics education
research. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 41(2), 147–168.
Graham, S. E., Singer, J. D., & Willett, J. B. (2009). Modeling individual change over time. In R. Milsap,
A. Maydeu-Olivares (Eds.), Handbook of quantitative methods in psychology. London: Sage.
Connelly, V.J., & Graham, S. E. (2009). The importance of student teaching: A study of teacher
attrition in special education. Teacher Education and Special Education, 32(3), 257–269.
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Graham, S. E., Singer, J. D., & Willett, J. B. (2009). Longitudinal research. In E. M. Anderman, L. H.
Anderman (Eds.), Psychology of classroom learning: An encyclopedia. Detroit, MI: Macmillan
Reference USA/Gale Cengage Learning.
Graham, S. E., Singer, J. D., & Willett, J. B. (2008). An introduction to the multilevel model for change.
In P. Alasuutari, L. Bickman, & J. Brannon (Eds.), Handbook of social research methods. London:
Graham, S. E. & Singer, J. D. (2007). Using discrete-time survival analysis to study gender differences in
leaving mathematics. In S. S.Sawilowsky (Ed.), Real data analysis . Charlotte, NC: Information
Bempechat, J., Graham, S. E., & Jimenez, N. V. (1999). The socialization of achievement in poor and
minority children: A comparative study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 30(2), 139–158.
Singer, J. D., Davidson, S. M., Graham, S. G., Davidson, H. S. (1998). Physician retention in
community and migrant health centers: Who stays and for how long? Medical Care, 36(8),
Bempechat, J., Jimenez, N. V., & Graham, S. E. (1996). Motivational and cultural factors in learning:
Implications for poor and minority children, youth, and families. The Journal of Child and
Youth Care Work, 11, 48–60.
Graham, S. E., & Provost, L.E. (2012). Mathematics achievement gains of rural, urban, and
suburban students between kindergarten and eighth grade. Issue Brief No. 52. Carsey
Institute, University of New Hampshire.
Graham, S. E., & Teague, C. (2011). Reading levels of rural and urban third graders lag behind their
suburban peers. Issue Brief No. 28. Durham, NH: Carsey Institute, University of New
Graham, S. E. (2009). Students in rural schools have limited access to advanced mathematics
courses. Issue Brief No. 7. Durham, NH: Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire.
Graham, S. E., & DeMitchell, T. A. (2006). Third grade state testing: A comparison of 2004 and
2005 data. In Research briefs for policy and practice. Durham, NH: Department of Education,
University of New Hampshire.
Graham, S. E., & Provost, L.E. Trajectories of math achievement from kindergarten to eighth grade:
Comparing children from rural, urban, and suburban schools.
Graham, S. E., & Oja, S. N. Using multilevel modeling to study the development of moral judgment
over time.
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Graham, S. E. (2015). Issues in longitudinal studies. Discussant on panel of paper presentations for
the Longitudinal Studies Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research
Association at its annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
Graham, S. E. (2014). Methodological and conceptual issues in longitudinal analyses. Discussant on
panel of paper presentations for the Longitudinal Studies Special Interest Group of the
American Educational Research Association at its annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Provost, L.E., & Graham, S. E. (2014). Mathematics achievement trajectories of rural, urban, and
suburban children. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the New England Educational
Research Organization, Dover, VT.
Tang, J. H., & Graham, S. E. (2012). Introduction to secondary data analysis using large-scale
datasets. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the New England Educational
Research Organization, Portsmouth, NH.
Oja, S. N., Graham, S. E., & Andrew, M. D. (2010). The development of moral judgment of
teaching interns in a full-year internship. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
Seaman, J., Graham, S. E., & Gingo, M. Revis(it)ing the School Interracial Climate Scale (2010).
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
Denver, CO.
Graham, S. E. (2009). Using propensity scores to improve causal inference in mathematics education
research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, San Diego, CA.
Graham, S. E. (2007). The many outcomes of longitudinal research. Discussant on panel of paper
presentations for the Longitudinal Studies Special Interest Group of the American
Educational Research Association at its annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
Connelly, V.J., & Graham, S. E. (2006). The importance of practice teaching: A study of teacher
attrition in special education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Graham, S.E., & Kurlaender, M. (2005). Using propensity scores to reduce bias in educational
research: General principles and practical applications. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
Graham, S. E. (2002). The exodus from mathematics: When and Why? Presentation of dissertation
research at American Educational Research Association Dissertation Grant Awardee
Conference, Washington, DC.
Graham, S. E. (2002). Persistence in mathematics: The role of parental expectations. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New
Orleans, LA.
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Graham, S. E., & Martinez, A. (2000). Gender equity in the mathematics classroom: It’s not just for
girls. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, New Orleans, LA.
Graham, S. E. (1998). The exodus from mathematics: When and Why? Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Bempechat, J., & Graham, S. E. (1996). The socialization of achievement in poor and minority
children: A comparative study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
University of New Hampshire:
Leadership Positions:
 Director, Division of Educational Studies. Department of Education (2013-present).
 Chair, Assessment & Analytics Working Group, Provost Panel on Teaching & Learning.
University Committee (2014-2015).
 Chair, Doctoral Advisory Committee. Department of Education (2012 to present).
 Coordinator of Doctoral Program in Education. Department of Education (2012-2013).
 Interim Co-Coordinator of Doctoral Program in Education. Department of Education
(spring, 2012).
Committee Memberships:
 Course Enrollment Review Committee. College of Liberal Arts (2014-2015).
 Faculty Coordinator of Education Department Brown Bag Scholarship Presentations.
Department of Education (2011-present).
 Doctoral Advisory Committee. Department of Education (2004 to present).
 Executive Committee. Department of Education (2009 to 2012, 2014 to present).
 Promotion and Tenure Committee. Department of Education (2011 to 2014).
 Program Coordinators’ Committee. Department of Education (spring 2012- spring
 Curriculum Committee. Department of Education (2008 to 2010).
 Secretary of Education Division. College of Liberal Arts (2007-2009).
 Center for Policy and Practice of Education. Department of Education (2005-2008).
Search Committees:
 Search Committee for STEM Faculty Positions. Department of Education (2013-2014).
 Search Committee for Counseling Faculty Position. Department of Education (20122013).
 Search Committee for Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. College of Liberal Arts
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Harvard Graduate School of Education:
Committee on Degrees. Reviewed qualifying paper proposals and dissertation proposals
submitted by Education doctoral students (1999–2004).
Admissions Committee. Human Development and Psychology (1999–2004).
Spencer Apprenticeship Award Committee. (1999–2003).
Member of Expert Panel for Social Sciences and Humanities (2012) and Social Sciences and
Public Health (2013), RANNÍS (Rannsóknamiðstöð Íslands/The Icelandic Centre for Research,
Reykjavik, Iceland). Review and rank research proposals submitted to Icelandic Research Fund.
Recruit external reviews for proposals, summarize external reviews, and present summaries at
meeting of full panel (2012 - 2015).
Consulting Editor. Developmental Psychology (2012 to present).
Manuscript Reviewer. American Educational Research Journal (1995-1997), Review of Educational Research
(1994), Archives of General Psychiatry (1997-2000), Journal of Speech, Hearing, and Language Research (1997),
Journal of Statistics Education (1994-2000), Developmental Psychology (2005 to present), Carsey Institute
Policy Briefs (2008-present), Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (2013 - present), European Journal
of Psychology of Education (2013), American Journal of Community Psychology (2013).
Book Endorsement. Provided endorsement to be used on book jacket and promotional materials
for book on propensity scores (Propensity Score Analysis: Fundamentals, Developments, and Extensions)
published by Guilford Publications, 2015.
External Reviewer. Reviewed scholarly materials submitted by Dr. Nina Martin in consideration of
her promotion to Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychology and Human
Development at Vanderbilt University (fall, 2014).
Reviewer of Conference Presentation Proposals. Reviewed proposals submitted for
presentations of research at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association
(2007, 2008, 2011 to 2015). Division D: Measurement and Research Methodology. Special Interest
Groups: Research in Mathematics Education and Longitudinal Studies.
Reviewer of Book Proposal. Reviewed proposed book on propensity scores (Propensity Score
Analysis: Fundamentals, Developments, and Extensions) submitted to Guilford Publications (October
Reviewer of Grant Proposal Submitted to the CUNY Collaborative Incentive Research Grant
Program (May 2012).
Reviewer of Grant Proposal Submitted to the William T. Grant Foundation (May 2009).
Editorial Board. Journal of Statistics Education (1995-2000).
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American Educational Research Association, Division D (Measurement and Research
Methodology), Special Interest Groups: Longitudinal Studies and Research in Mathematics
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics