3rd SINO FRENCH BUSINESS FORUM REGISTRATION FORM Registration form to the Sino French Business Forum in Canton on Wednesday, June 24th 2015. To be sent back fully completed, signed and chopped before Wednesday, June 3rd 2015 to Ms. Emeline Hespel: E mail: [email protected] Fax: +86(20) 2916 5535 Company Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ CCIFC/FCCIHK Members (with an updated 2015 membership): yes (Fee: RMB 650) no (Fee: RMB 1300) Contact Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ Billing Adress (English and Chinese): _________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT Last Name First Name Position E-mail Adress Telephone Your business sector (2 maximum): Advertising/Communication/Media Aeronautic/Aviation Agribusiness Architecture/Decoration/Design Audit/Finance/Banking Automobile Chemistry/Petrochemistry Construction Construction materials Consulting Consumer goods Cosmetics Energy Engineering Environnement HR/Training Health/ Pharmaceutical High-tech Hotel industry/Tourism Industrial equipments Insurance IT Legal Luxury Other services Raw materials Real estate Regional representatives Restaurant/Catering Telecom Textile Transport/Logistic In order to define your sector table, please specify your business sector and subsector: Ex: Agribusiness/Wines & spirits ______________________________________________________________________________________________ What kind of companies are you targeting? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you identified some Chinese companies that you would like to meet at the Business Forum? If so, which ones? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3rd SINO FRENCH BUSINESS FORUM REGISTRATION FORM Registration form to the Sino French Business Forum in Canton on Wednesday, June 24th 2015. To be sent back fully completed, signed and chopped before Wednesday, June 3rd 2015 to Ms. Emeline Hespel: E mail: [email protected] Fax: +86(20) 2916 5535 Payment (to be done before Wednesday, June 3rd 2015) Transfer (RMB) Transfer in Euro (According to the exchange rate of the day) CCIFC Bank details: ACCOUNT IN CHINA 中国法国工商会人民币帐户 户名: 中国法国工商会 银行: 工行北京国贸大厦支行 帐号: 02000 41609014414080 RMB CCIFC Bank details Account owner: 中国法国工商会 Bank: ICBC Beijing Guomao Branch Account number: 02000 41609014414080 ACCOUNT IN FRANCE 中国法国工商会欧元帐户 CCIFC’s EUR bank details Chambre de commerce et d’industrie France Chine Société Générale – Agence Paris Bourse 134, rue Réaumur, BP 904 – 75073 Paris Cedex 02 – France No. de compte : 30003 03020 00050695494 57 SWIFT : SOGEFRPP IBAN : FR76 30003 03020 00050695494 57 Code Banque : 30003 – Code Agence : 03020 Date: ________________________________ Signature and company stamp: By signing, you agree with the General Conditions. General Conditions: 1. The confirmation of participation in the Business Forum on Wednesday, June 3 rd 2015, will be registered upon receipt of the Confirmation duly dated, chopped and signed by a legal representative of the participating company 2. The cancellation of participation from the participating company cannot be accepted once the confirmation is recorded by the organizer (CCIFC). 3. During the evening, the organizers (CCIFC, GCOIC, the Consulate General of France in Canton, FCCIHK, Sofitel and Business France) are exempt from any liabilities of any kinds including any injuries, accidents, losses or thefts. Moreover, in case of changes or cancellation of the program by climatic reasons or force majeur, no refund will be made. 4. CCIFC reserves its right to cancel the registration in absence of interlocutors corresponding to the wishes of the participating company. 5. Participation fees must be paid before Wednesday, June 3rd 2015.