Saturday, May 23 Monday, May 25
Saturday, May 23 Monday, May 25
Congregation Beth Torah May 2015 Iyar / Sivan 5775 Shavuot Dinner Study Session and (See page 7) Shavuot 2015 begins in the evening of Saturday, May 23 and ends in the evening of Monday, May 25 From the President Alan Hoffman | [email protected] This month’s article will take on a different feeling from prior months. As I write this article, Karen and I are ending a 10-day tour of Poland, Czech Republic, and Germany. This was a journey through the past (actually ,1,000 year history) as well as a reflection on today and thoughts for tomorrow. We began our tour with the expectation of seeing how difficult life was for our fellow Jews in this part of Europe. I thought it was going to be nothing but one depressing site after another. It was actually quite the contrary. We saw how life has changed from German dominance to Communist rule to open democratic societies. The countries are vibrant with palatable young adult energy. We also learned and discussed the two Jewish points of connection, ritual and cultural. The question came up: “Am I a Jew?” One answer was, I am a Jew because I enjoy programming at the JCC and Synagogue, but I don’t attend services regularly. “Am I a Jew?” Another answer was, I am a Jew because I go to shul every day, yet never reach out to my community, or participate in cultural events. Of course there is middle ground, as well, yet the answer was always YES, I am a Jew. In Warsaw, Prague, and Berlin we saw engaged communities. However, we also saw the generation of Jews that did not affiliate with anything Jewish. This seemed to be rooted in Nazi and Communist rule. The difference in the generations was obvious. This experience started me thinking about Beth Torah. Are we offering all the opportunities that YOU need to connect your Jewish identity with your fellow congregants? Are there programs (inside the shul and outside in the community) that provide a better entry point? Are there ideas that you as congregants would like to explore that we have not yet championed? We have been—and continue to be—a lay-led congregation. It’s what makes us who we are. I would like to hear from you—our congregant—about any thoughts or ideas you feel will continue to move CBT on the inclusive trajectory we are on. As I conclude my comments, I must pause to thank my Executive Board, as well as your Board of Directors, for another fantastic year. Our successes are a result of each individual’s passion for our congregational family. Cheryl Drazin—Exec VP Vikki Silvis—Development VP David Rosen—Treasurer Chuck Smith—Past President David Engleberg—Financial VP Jessica Winter—Education VP Marty Fried—Board Secretary Lou Kaiser—Assistant Treasurer Debbie Wills—Membership VP Neil Burnstein—Ritual VP Liz Cox—Operations Director When you see these passionate volunteers at services or a program, pause to thank them for a job well done. I look forward to seeing all of you at the congregational meeting on Tuesday May 26 at 7:30 PM. You will hear comments from Rabbi Zelony and myself. We will also vote on our new officers for the coming year. L’Shalom In the event of an emergency— Rabbi Elana Zelony LC Director Ruth Schor President Alan Hoffman Executive VP Cheryl Drazin Development VP Vikki Silvis Education VP Jessica Winter Congregation Beth Torah | Page 2 Financial VP David Engelberg Membership VP Debbie Wills Ritual VP Neil Burnstein Treasurer David Rosen Board Secretary Marty Fried Past President Chuck Smith For illness, death, or other family life cycle emergency after-hours, please contact Rabbi Zelony at 310.409.6532. Synagogue offices are open— Sundays, 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM Mondays—Thursdays, 9AM to 5:30 PM Fridays, 9AM to 5PM From Learning Center Ruth Schor, Director of Learning Center | 972.234.1542 x232 [email protected] In the beginning of the month of September we all gathered in the sanctuary to welcome the new school year. We expressed our hopes for greater achievements and fulfillments and I extended my annual invitation to the parents to become partners in our Jewish education and to help us to play a significant role in their children’s Jewish upbringing. Our school has been blessed with this very important partnership and it has been expressed in various ways throughout the years. I have had the pleasure to teach Hebrew and prayer skills to parents who wished to become knowledgeable so that they could help their children. Jewish teaching turned into actions thanks to parents and congregants who organized mitzvah projects and all our celebrations of special milestones in our student’s lives always look and feel extra special and warm due to parental involvement and thoughtfulness. I trust that your May calendar is already marked with the very important date, May 17. On this day we will celebrate Yom Yerushalyim and the last day of school. This will be my last celebration with you and I hope you will all join so that I can thank you in person for the 19 years of Jewish inspiration, friendship, collaboration, support, and so much more. Yom Yerushalyim is a national holiday in Israel celebrated on the 28th of the Hebrew month Iyar, to commemorate the unification of Jerusalem after conquering the Old City and East Jerusalem during the 1967 Six-Day War. Jerusalem has been a symbol of hope and promise for Jewish eternity and I cannot think of a more appropriate day to celebrate the last day of school when celebrate our own unity as a community. The most meaningful and uplifting reward of leading the same school for 19 years is seeing my very young students years later assuming leadership roles in the Jewish community. The hugs that accompany these reunions are even more heartwarming. If we can produce Jewish leadership in our school, then we know our mission has been accomplished, as leadership ensures the continuity of Jewish life and vibrant community building. Our success is not measured by the frequency of changing our curriculum and naming our programs, titles and goals differently. Rather, it is measured by the long-term commitment our families make to ensure continued Jewish education. The most important thing is to realize that the development of meaningful Jewish identity begins after the B’nai Mitzvah celebration. It is after our youth enter Jewish adulthood that they realize that being Jewish does matter and that belonging to a synagogue and the Jewish community brings more fulfillment and meaning into their lives. When you join us on May 17 for a morning of celebration, you will be granted with the honor and privilege to offer gratitude and acknowledgment to all of those who helped us to reach higher in our goals and deeper in their accomplishments. Our one of a kind faculty is responsible for our achievements and successes. Each teacher contributes his/her special skills and talents to our programs and we are thankful to our wonderful students who express an interest in their teaching and reached out and supported our teacher’s efforts. Thank you all for being a part in my Jewish journey and I am looking forward to continuing it and reaching new heights in my new endeavor. Submissions for the Family Record are encouraged! The deadline for each issue is the FIRST OF THE MONTH prior to publication month and can be done online at The Family Record is published in color and mailed monthly, except bi-monthly during summer, to those who subscribe ($50 per year subscription). Contact the office to subscribe. Photo of President courtesy of DSPN Photos—Photography by David Duchin Congregation Beth Torah 720 W. Lookout Drive, Richardson TX 75080 972.234.1542 | 972.783.1463 (Fax) Congregation Beth Torah | Page 3 Family News Mazal Tov to... Sarah Meth, daughter of Claire & Alvin Meth of Plano, who is engaged to be married to Jared Harding, son of Cindy & Kenny Harding of Mansfield. The couple are planning a Spring 2016 wedding. Share your news! Go to and click on the ‘Congregant News’ link (don’t forget to upload a photo if you have one!) or contact Carren, office administrator, at 972.234.1542 x221. Happy Anniversary Noah Sasson & Amy Pinkham 3-May 7 yrs Gary & Suzanne Booth 7-May 34 yrs Nydia & Ruben Granado 15-May 8 yrs Abbey & Kathy Garber 17-May 28 yrs Karen Prager-Eaves & Greg Eaves 18-May 30 yrs Albert & Miriam Creemer 22-May 53 yrs William Pervin & Susan Chizeck 22-May 34 yrs Richard Meth, son of Claire & Alvin, will Larry & Shirley Strauss 23-May 44 yrs marry Robyn Glassner, daughter of Barbara & Bill Glassner of Plano, on May 31, 2015 at Arlington Hall in Lee Park, Dallas. The ceremony is being officiated by Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor. Leslie Greenblatt & David Gold 25-May 7 yrs Ron & Gwen Roberts 25-May 18 yrs Michael & Jackie Wald 25-May 35 yrs Tim & Elissa Wolff 26-May 8 yrs Marc & Lori Kahn 27-May 31 yrs Adriane & Roberto Dela Cruz 28-May 9 yrs Raphael & Jill Levy 28-May 20 yrs Beth & Daniel Seltzer 28-May 9 yrs Howard & Jessica Taper 28-May 26 yrs Allen & Sheri Udisky 29-May 48 yrs Steven & Amy Hankin 30-May 22 yrs Arika & Stephen Kraut 30-May 12 yrs Benjamin & Mindy Levine 30-May 33 yrs Rick & Teri Oruch 30-May 33 yrs And still in the Meth Family… Thank You! We thank the following congregants for their Kiddush sponsorship and contributions last month... Danette & Dean Morgan in celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary. Jennifer & Michael Shaub in celebration of Hal Shaub's 80th birthday. Kiddush Sponsorship One of Beth Torah’s focal points is the time we spend together after services—noshing and schmoozing. Contact Esther Cohen (972.985.7105) if you'd like to sponsor or contribute to a Shabbat luncheon. Did you know… You can submit reimbursement requests online? It’s fast...easy...and you’ll receive a copy for your own records! Just scan your receipt and submit online at Do you have news you’d like to share with your Beth Torah family? Send us your Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, engagement/marriages, graduations, new babies, baby-naming/Bris...send in all of your news and please include a photo if you have one! Send in by email... [email protected] Submit online... To update your member information, contact Carren in the office at 972.234.1542 x221 or submit the correction online at Congregation Beth Torah | Page 4 Shul Doings Festive First Friday Joyful Noise 1 May, Friday, 8PM 8 May, Friday, 6:30–7PM (Sanctuary) Join us on the first Friday of each month when our service will start at 8PM instead of the usual 6:30 PM and we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries coming up in the new month. Joyful Noise has returned to the 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat services. If you're in the mood for a Shabbat service that's got a "beat" then come and join us in welcoming Shabbat with instruments and singing on May 8 & 29, June 19, July 31, August 21, September 25, and October 23. 6th Grade Lead Prayers 2 May, Saturday, 9:30 AM Contact Learning Center Office [email protected] Adult Hebrew Class Join us for services this Shabbat and support our students as they lead us in prayer. 9 & 16 May, Saturday, 9AM beginners / 9:50 AM advanced (Library) Contact Ruth Schor [email protected] Muffins & Minyan with Mom Join Ruth Schor twice a month to learn Hebrew. 3 May, Sunday, 8:15 AM Contact Leah Singleton [email protected] Join Young Families for a light breakfast and minyan. Israel Action—Israel & Middle East Updates with Gil Elan Men’s Club Breakfast 13 May, Wednesday, 7:30 PM at the JCC Contact Magdi Olah or Anna Segal [email protected] 3 May, Sunday, 9 AM Contact David Mandell [email protected] Join the Men’s Club for breakfast. $7 members / $10 non-members / $5 students. Join us each month for this FREE monthly update open to the public. Interested in dinner beforehand? Contact Anna Segal or email Magdi Olah (Israel Action chair). 17 May, Sunday, 9AM Contact Arlene Berlin Gil Elan, President/CEO of SWJC, is a former colonel of IDF and an acclaimed senior Middle East analyst. He has a weekly column in the Texas Jewish Post and combines his knowledge and wit into easy-to-read analyses on current events. Read more about Gil online at Our end-of-school-year sale has the entire store on sale with as much as 50% off! Sisterhood Elections & Potluck Gift Shop Madness Mahjongg 3 May, Sunday, 10AM Contact Debra Pak / [email protected] All experience levels welcome. Even if you've never even seen a mahj tile, please join us. Breakfast is available—$5 at the door. May 14, Thursday, 7:30 PM, home of Stacey Clark Contact Esther Cohen and Robyn Rose [email protected] Join Sisterhood for elections, dinner, and guest speaker Dr. Yoram Solomon who will share why we see so much innovation coming out of Israel. RSVP to Esther Cohen or Robyn Rose. Congregation Beth Torah | Page 5 Shul Doings Shabbat b’Shirim 16 May, Saturday, 10:30 AM (MPR) Join us for this family service created for children (K –5) and their parents to experience Judaism and spirituality together. There is lots of singing, conversations about God and Torah, and many opportunities to participate and ask questions. Donuts & Davening with Dad 17 May, Sunday, 8:15 AM Contact Leah Singleton [email protected] Join Young Families for a light breakfast and minyan. 2015 Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament 17 May, Sunday, 1PM (Oneg) Contact Ron Jacobs and Neil Burnstein [email protected] The Book of Daniel 17 May, Sunday, 7:30 PM (CBT) Contact Earl Bills / [email protected] The Book of Daniel is one of the most enigmatic and fascinating books of Hebrew Scripture - full of dreams, visions, miracles and heavenly figures - and one of the least studied biblical books among Jews. Many Christians on the other hand, see it as foundational to their faith and study it religiously. This class will present a Jewish perspective on the book, highlighting its role in preparing the way for post Scriptural Judaism. Reference will also be made to Christian interpretations of certain passages, especially those understood as prefiguring the advent of Jesus as messiah. Ladies Who Lunch 19 May, Tuesday, 12:30 PM Contact Carol Taper [email protected] / 972.931.0202 Nosh with the ladies around town at a different location each month. RSVP to Carol by May 10 for location. Future dates: June 16, July 21, August 25, October 13, November 17, and December 15. Texas Hold’em Poker Get ready to take a chance to win your choice of either (1) the entry fee into a 2015 World Series of Poker Tournament (non-main event up to $3,000 value / includes up to $700 in hotel and travel) or (2) the entry fee into a 2015 World Poker Tour Tournament at Choctaw Casino. A minimum $100 donation receives 5000 in starting poker chips. Rebuy chips and a tone-time add-on/ top-off will be available at the event. Additional prizes for other top spots will be announced soon. Register before May 10 for this fundraiser and receive 500 bonus chips. Doors open at 12:15 PM. Light snacks and beverages will be provided. For all the details, visit events/poker. Congregation Beth Torah | Page 6 19 May, Tuesday, 7PM (Oneg) Contact Neil Burnstein / [email protected] Come for a night of fun and friendship each month. $20 members and $25 non-members. All proceeds benefit CBT. Can you Talk & Stuff? If you enjoy chatting with others and have a free hour(ish) a month, join this group and help put out synagogue mailings. Materials are always ready-to-go and just need to be either stickered or stuffed in an envelope. Sign-up online at http:// so we will know your day and time preferences or call Carren at 972.234.1542. Shul Doings Sisterhood Book Club 20 May, Wednesday, 7:30 PM Contact Carol Rothschild [email protected] Join us as we discuss The Seamstress by Sara Tuvel Bernstein at the home of Laurie Sutkin. RSVP to Laurie so she can plan accordingly. See page 10 for more details about the book as well as upcoming events. Shavuot Dinner and Study Session 23 May, Saturday, 5:15 PM / 6PM Contact Neil Burnstein [email protected] Bring the whole family for Shavuot! There will be a Young Families program at 5:15 PM with dinner for everyone at 6PM followed by a group introduction before breaking into a variety of sessions designed to appeal to both children and adults; theme - "Offering Up Our Best Fruits To God." Break-Out Sessions include: Puppet Mastering with Mike Wurzman Art projects for adults and kids Janine Bergknoff Poetry with Miriam Creemer Study group with Harriet Gross Following these sessions we will come back together for discussions and presentations. This will be followed by Ma’ariv, Havdallah and dessert. RSVP’s are requested for dinner so that we can plan accordingly. Please RSVP to Evelyn Utay at [email protected]. Donations are also welcome to help defray the costs of the dinner. Donations can be sent to CBT, ATTN Rabbi Zelony. Please write ‘Shavuot’ in the memo line of your check. Shavuot First Day 24 May, Sunday; services at 9:30 a.m. Shavuot Second Day 25 May, Monday, Memorial Day - offices closed Services at 9:30 a.m. including reading from Megilat (Book of) Ruth and Yizkor (at approx.11 a.m.) Annual Congregational Meeting 26 May, Tuesday, 7:30 PM (Sanctuary) We hold an annual congregational meeting to elect new officers as well as update our members on what is happening. All members of CBT are encouraged to save the date and plan to attend! High Holy Days Bulletin This year, CBT will be replacing the September and October issues of the Family Record with a special and expanded High Holy Days Bulletin. Are you chairing a project and/or committee? Do you have an event on the Beth Torah 2015-2016 calendar year? Need a Save-the-Date or are your details already coming together? Share all about what you do...when you’re doing it… and what you need to get it done in this year’s High Holy Days bulletin. Submissions are being accepted online only at hhd-bulletin-submission. Last date to submit is 9 AM Sunday, August 2 Congregation Beth Torah | Page 7 Dallas Kosher BBQ Championship Sunday, October 25 We are excited to announce that in addition to Simon Majumdar, we will also be welcoming Jody Dean of KLUV to our celebrity Judges table. For more information, and to keep up with all the excitement, check out our website at http://, and be sure to "LIKE" our official Facebook Page (Dallas Kosher BBQ Championship). Also, we are still seeking great sponsors to partner with, so if you, your business, or someone you know is interested, please have them contact us at [email protected]. There are many sponsorship levels available, and every dollar in sponsorship helps us reach our goal of putting on a fanstastic event! Together, our Men's Club and the CBT Family can make this event great. 29 - 31 May, Friday night, Saturday and Sunday Two Worlds, One Painful Hope. A weekend of discussion and thought with Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Ali Abu Awwad. Join Ali & Hanan as they tell their personal stories and of their efforts to build a better future. Listen as they share their painful hope that human understanding and trust will lead to peace on the tiny sliver of land they both call home. Friday night dinner at 7:30 p.m.; $18 for adults, $5 for children; rsvp by May 22 to Rabbi Zelony; [email protected] Congregation Beth Torah | Page 8 Publication Reminders 1 May, Friday, June/July Family Record 4 May, Monday, M3 (monthly mini mailing) 1 July, Wednesday, August Family Record 5 July, Sunday, M3 (monthly mini mailing) Contact Marty Fried, Board-Secretary@congregationb Do you have information or an event announcement that should be highlighted? Don’t miss out! Submit it (or them) online at http:// Submit it once for all of our deadlines. From Sisterhood Sisterhood Book Club 20 May, 7:30 PM Esther Cohen & Robyn Rose, Co-Presidents | [email protected] The Seamstress by Sara Tuvel Bernstein Contact Carol Rothschild at 972.805.3612 [email protected] 2016 meeting dates: January 20, March 16, May 18, July 20 July 15 The Eight by Katherine Neville September Richardson Reads—date/book TBA October/November JCC Reads (Tycher Library)—date/book TBA From Kirkus Reviews A striking Holocaust memoir, posthumously published, by a Romanian Jew with an unusual story to tell. From its opening pages, in which she recounts her own premature birth, triggered by terrifying rumors of an incipient pogrom, Bernstein's tale is clearly not a typical memoir of the Holocaust. She was born into a large family in rural Romania between the wars and grew up feisty and willing to fight back physically against anti-Semitism from other schoolchildren. She defied her father's orders to turn down a scholarship that took her to Bucharest, and got herself expelled from that school when she responded to a priest/teacher's vicious diatribe against the Jews by hurling a bottle of ink at him. Ashamed to return home after her expulsion, she looked for work in Bucharest and discovered a talent for dressmaking. That talent--and her blond hair, blue eyes, and overall Gentile appearance--allowed her entry into the highest reaches of Romanian society, albeit as a dressmaker. Bernstein recounts the growing shadow of the native fascist movement, the Iron Guard, a rising tide of anti-Semitic laws, and finally, the open persecution of Romania's Jews. After a series of incidents that ranged from dramatic escapes to a year in a forced labor detachment, Sara ended up in a women's concentration camp deep in Germany. Nineteen out of every twenty women transported there died. The author, her sister Esther, and two other friends banded together and, largely due to Sara's extraordinary street smarts and intuition, managed to survive. Although Bernstein was not a professional writer, she tells this story with style and power. Her daughter Marlene contributes a moving epilogue to close out Sara's life. One of the best of the recent wave of Holocaust memoirs.-- Copyright ©1997, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Ladies Night Out 18 June, Thursday, 8PM, Yoshi Shabu Shabu 1801 N Greenville Suite 400, Richardson RSVP to Rachel Leventon [email protected] Give yourself a break...and a margarita! RSVP to Rachel and plan on joining the girls for some R&R. Future dates are July 9 and August 13. End-of-Year College Connection Contact Melanie Joison / [email protected] College Connection helps students stay connected while away from home. Although we have completed our quota of packages for this year you can still join for one final package—end of year finals! You can send to anyone who is dear to you— kids, grand kids, nephews, nieces and just a friends kid too! Congregation Beth Torah | Page 9 From Ritual Neil Burnstein, Ritual VP | [email protected] Marty Barenblat & Garry Kahalnik (Co-Chairs) | [email protected] On behalf of the congregation, the Ritual Committee wishes a hearty Yasher Koach and Thank You to the following congregants, friends and family who led a service, read from the Torah, or chanted a Haftarah on Shabbat, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah during the month of MARCH 2015: Torah Readers: Friday Night Leaders Ari Robinson, Phil Stayman, Nancy Wurzman, Bennett Robinson, John Wills, Casey Gendason, Jerry Zeffren, Joe Liken, Eleanor Eidels, David Stein, Brian Rubenstein, Ron Blumka, Rabbi Elana Zelony, Rusty Dworkin, David Engelberg, Paul Utay Rabbi Elana Zelony, Hope Decker, Jerry Zeffren, Joe Liken, Ron Blumka, Men’s Club, 5th grade of the Learning Center Psukei D’Zimra: Earl Bills, Rabbi Elana Zelony, Phil Stayman, Joe Liken Shacharit: Rabbi Elana Zelony, Joe Liken, David Mandell, Phil Stayman Hallel: Haftarah: Jerry Zeffren, Gary Booth, David Mandell, Chuck Smith Sermons and Sermonettes: Joe Liken Rabbi Elana Zelony, Ken Mogbo, David Mandell, Dr. Vanessa Ochs Torah Service: Garry Kahalnik, Jeff Markowitz, Rabbi Elana Zelony While we generally do not schedule service leaders and Torah readers in advance for the daily minyanim, we would also like to thank everyone who steps forward and helps our daily services be just as enjoyable and participatory as during Shabbat and the Chagim (Holidays). Musaf: Dean Morgan, Francine Simpson, Ron Blumka Gabbai: Chuck Smith, Garry Kahalnik Torah and Haftorah Readers and Service Leaders Wanted Are you interested in learning to chant Torah or Haftorah or lead part of the Shabbat evening or morning service? If you are, please contact Rusty Dworkin at 972.713.0159 or [email protected]. Morning Minyan Sunday, May 3 8:30 AM Sunday, May 17 8:30 AM Monday, May 4 6:45 AM Monday, May 18 6:45 AM Sunday, May 10 8:30 AM Shavuot 1st Day Sunday, May 24 8:30 AM Monday, May 11 6:45 AM Shavuot 2nd Day Monday, May 25 6:45 AM Sunday, May 31 Candle Lighting Friday Services Shabbat Services 7:51 PM 5/1 8:00 PM May 1 9:30 AM May 2 7:56 PM 5/8 6:30 PM May 8 9:30 AM May 9 8:01 PM 5/15 6:30 PM May 15 9:30 AM May 16 8:06 PM 5/22 6:30 PM May 22 9:30 AM May 23 8:10 PM 5/29 6:30 PM May 29 9:30 AM May 30 Joyful Noise—Friday, May 8, 6:30 PM Congregation Beth Torah | Page 10 Tot Shabbat 11:00 AM May 9 11:00 AM May 23 8:30 AM Junior Congregation Havdalah (60) 10:30 AM May 2 9:09 PM 5/2 10:30 AM May 9 9:15 PM 5/9 10:30 AM 9:20 PM 5/16 10:30 AM May 23 9:26 PM 5/25 10:30 AM May 30 9:29 PM 5/30 Shabbat b’Shirim—Saturday, May 16, 10:30 AM (MPR) We Gratefully Acknowledge the Following Contributions... Burn the Mortgage Fund In Celebration of Jackie & Mike Wald’s new grandchild Esther & Nat Cohen Elaine's Special Birthday Esther & Nat Cohen Hal Shaub's 80th Birthday Jo & Jerry Zeffren In memory of Jeanette Linker Robert Linker Paul Koch’s mother, Margorie Koch Jeff & Linda Markowitz Milton Inbody Gayle Inbody Robert Chozick’s mother, Rose Jacobson Esther & Nat Cohen Camp Scholarship Fund In memory of Jack Wasserman Jo & Jeffrey Zeffren Cemetery Fund In memory of Solomon Ingber Laura Levy Goldstein Learning Center In memory of Sara Minkus Chick Sham Joanie Block's father, Norman Hyman Ann Shirley & Edward Green Mark A. Siegel Adult Education In memory of Mark A. Siegel JoAnn & Eric Pasternack Abraham Lazaruz Roberta & Robert Lazaruz Operating Fund Pesach Yizkor Susan & Barry Slotnick In Memory of Rose Lischin Susan & Barry Slotnick Florence Schwartz Esther Rae Weinstein Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In Memory of Michael Fass Simon Fass Mercedes Baum Ruth Feldman Marilyn Shapiro Carol & Gene Taper Ruth Gibbs Lisa Rosemore Ritual Fund In Memory of Sarah Robins Ken Robins Robert Chozick’s mother, Rose Jacobson Lynda & Jeff Markowitz Cyd & Cliff Friedman Morris Siben Robbie Siben In Honor of Phil Stayman repetition of Amidah and Seudah Shlishit at Rabbi Zelony's Gloria Stayman In Celebration of Elaine Scharf’s birthday Evelyn & Paul Utay Social Action In Memory of Walter Greenblatt Hal Shaub Walkway Brick To Hal Shaub Happy 80th From Havurah Congregation Beth Torah | Page 11 Congregation Beth Torah 720 W. Lookout Drive Richardson, TX 75080 972.234.1542 Service Times Friday Evenings 6:30 PM Saturday Mornings 9:30 AM Junior Congregation (K—5, Sept-May) Saturday Mornings 10:30—Noon Tot Shabbat 11:00 AM nd th 2 and 4 Saturdays of each month Minyans Sundays—8:30 AM Mondays—6:45 AM