PDF - Palace Merano


PDF - Palace Merano
Information 2O16
health for life
health for life
Palace Merano
Espace Henri Chenot
Our philosophy
Reasons for a stay at Palace Merano
-Espace Henri Chenot
The Biontology
The Chenot Method
Departments for health and wellbeing
Analysis Laboratory
Useful information
Key-elements of the treatments
Treatment Guide
Our Programmes
Rooms and Suites
Single treatments
Beauty treatments and cosmetic
Practical advice
How to get here
Dominique & Henri Chenot
Welcome to Palace Merano – Espace
Henri Chenot. This renowned Healthcare establishment in a historic 5 star hotel offers a luxury environment for your
journey of health rediscovery. The per­fect
place to recover the body and the soul in
a relaxing atmosphere.
You can change gear and start to care for
yourself. Just let go. Relax in the intimacy
of your room and immerse yourself in the
programme specifically designed for you. A
healthy, balanced diet is a gratifying experience.
The cuisine team, together with Dominique
Chenot, has always been attentive to the
importance of carefully and lovingly, selecting the best and healthiest ingredients for
inner and outer wellbeing. Espace Henri
Chenot offers programmes for detoxification, regeneration, weight loss and beauty
treatments and guests can book specific
treatments for overall wellbeing of the
body, but especially the mind.
Our philosophy
Palace Merano - Espace Henri Chenot
Healthcare Programmes
Useful information
The spirit of wellbeing: a place created especially for you
Reasons for a stay at Palace Merano – Espace Henri Chenot
There are many states of mental and physical health requiring regenerating treatments. Individuals suffering from mental and physical fatigue have considerably reduced cognitive abilities and physical per­
formance. Here’s a list of them and the recommended period of treatments in order to return your energy
levels to their maximum.
Starting to slim down
Heart, brain and vascular disorders
Regeneration of the body
Overweight from type 2 diabetes
Overweight with resulting circulatory and
heart problems
Sexual disorders
Prevention of physical and connective
Sleep disorders
Prevention of premature ageing
Overweight with resulting joint pain
Digestive disorders
Anxiety and depression
Health and Prevention
Skin conditions
Optimise mental and physical energy
Improvement of general wellbeing
Reasons for a stay at Palace Merano – Espace Henri Chenot
Palace Merano - Espace Henri Chenot
Healthcare Programmes
Useful information
Muscle disorders (periarthritis, lumbago,
cervical pain)
Studying the essence of life and its evolution
An overall vision: balancing the mind, the unconscious and the physical body.
the ageing of the individual.
The process of toxification, as long as the
quality of the blood is not altered, remains
within acceptable limits.
Unfortunately, when one ex­ceeds a balanced diet, the excess food interferes with
the quality of the nutritional process, causing increased toxaemia, a condition which
is also caused by stress. Increased toxicity
pollutes various parts of the body little by
little, leading to an imbalance. This is inevitably followed by illnesses which generally
have the same origins in homo-toxicology.
Hereditary, climatic and environmental influences also gen­erate a localisation of the
illness that, de­pending on the individual
case, can involve different organs of the
human body.
Biontology is therefore a concept that
helps you stay young as long as possible
and age in the best way while maintaining
a healthy body and mind.
For better living, for longer and in the best
The Chenot Method
More than 40 years experience and study of health and wellbeing are the basis on which Henri Chenot
has developed his unique Method.
The Method comes from the union of
Chinese and Western medicine and its
purpose is to achieve balance be­tween
body, mind and soul. This slows the ageing
process, to eliminate toxins and tiredness
at all levels: physical, sensory, emotional,
mental and physiological.
The healthcare programmes and rela­tive
treatments enable the body to recover
the best p
syco-physical function through
specific techniques, personalised to each
person’s problems and aimed at detoxify
ing and re­activating energy channels. Henri Chenot’s purpose is to improve daily
well-being for a better quality of life. The
Chenot Method is based on the prin­ciples
of Biontology; a discipline based on the
evolution of the vital resources of the human organism through the different stages
of life.
The Chenot Method
Palace Merano - Espace Henri Chenot
Healthcare Programmes
Useful information
The term Biontology is used to illustrate
a concept of health, strictly linked to the
progressive evolution over time of the
idea of ageing.
Biontology intends to achieve a deeper
understanding of the changes which can
be verified inside the body with the passing of time, taking account of how these
changes actually begin at birth and how
important it is to invest in our physical and
mental health.
Because of this, Biontology is based on a
total vision of our body, certainly not forgetting the importance of its form and
aesthetic appearance, but also focusing on
the close ties that unite the mind, the unconscious and the physical body.
In simple terms, to live means to burn and
it is easy to see that, while living, the body
will produce toxins, that naturally cause
The departments for health and wellbeing
Seven departments, a highly qualified team, totally personalised treatments for rediscovering vigour
and vitality and a new aesthetical wellbeing
cine. This causes toxaemia, which reduces
the vi­tality of cells, tissue and the general
function­ing of our organs, and over time
seriously slows this process down and
changes the body’s equilibrium. Through
the services offered at the Espace Henri
Chenot, you can not only improve your
health through a specific treatment programme, but you can also enhance yourself through a series of actions that work
both on the inner and outer body, allowing total reinvigoration.
The departments for health and wellbeing
Palace Merano - Espace Henri Chenot
Healthcare Programmes
Useful information
Each day our body metabolises food and
produces energy, as well as toxins, thereby
causing “deterioration” and ageing. This
pro­cess can also worsen due to hered­itary
factors or particular environmental conditions, such as improper physical activity,
poor diet, or even excess use of medi-
Internal laboratory service
Our laboratory service offers a large number of tests and diagnostic research.
Laboratorio analisi
• Assessment of the concentration of
heavy metals in the body: to recommend specific therapies and help in
the prevention of further intoxication.
There is also an equally important series
of haematological parameters forming
part of anti-ageing medicine, which are
necessary to assess general wellbeing with
precise indications that will be provided
to avoid early cell ageing processes and
possible illnesses, including those that are
Analysis laboratory
Palace Merano - Espace Henri Chenot
Healthcare Programmes
Useful information
• Routine tests: to immediately determine the health of our guests.
• Specific hemato-chemical tests: to
help diagnose underlying illnesses, that
at times, despite their diffusion, are difficult to diagnose.
• Study of intestinal bacteria flora: to
highlight any imbalances resulting in
the alteration of the intestine (constipation, colitis, swelling and tympanites).
• Assessment of individual vitamin balance and fatty acids: to enable more
precise therapeutic prescriptions of
nutraceutical products.
• Determination of hormone parame­
ters: including sexual hormones (both
male and female), for thy­
roid and
Energy - Vitality - Balance
Holistic treatments according to the Chenot Method for optimum healthcare.
chological imbalance. Techniques and exclusive treatments com­plete this holistic
method and contribute to the recovery
of individual harmony.
Healthcare Programmes
Healthcare Programmes
Useful information
The individualised Healthcare pro­grammes
of the Espace Henri Chenot detoxify and
regenerate the body. They contribute to
ing premature ageing and the
diseases resulting from physical and psy-
Elements of the treatment programme
Analysis and check-ups
Detoxifying diet
The menu offered by the Espace, the result of decades of experience, has been
designed to induce deep tissue cleansing,
and is based on natural vegetable-based,
hypoallergenic foods that re-balance the
body’s functions.
Each guest’s treatment is constantly monitored by the Espace medical staff. The
team makes a precise evaluation of his/
her state of health by:
Biolight menu
Alongside the classic menu, we also have
the biolight menu offering light and healthconscious foods that are prepared using
methods that preserve their nutritional
properties and are served in “wellbeing
Elements of the treatment programme
Evaluating levels of toxaemia
A questionnaire and a specific medical examination determine the body’s level of
intoxiction, which is the main cause of being overweight and many other disorders
and diseases.
Body composition assessment
The guest’s physical structure is analysed
in terms of lean mass and body fat percentage, fluid levels and base metabolic
rate: this analysis is vital for creating a personalised diet for the period following the
treatment programme.
Energy check-ups and treatments
Bio-energetic check-up
This involves the bio-energetic measure­
ment of the vital functions of the body
and energy flow along the channels that
run through the body, according to the
teachings of Chinese medicine.
Bone density assessment and scanning of
the body composition
Thanks to a sophisticated scanning system,
we are able to identify data for both the
health of the bone structure (osteopenia,
osteoporosis), and the tissue composition
and distribution of body fat, with great
Moreover, when a guest has a particular
disorder, the Espace Henri Chenot’s medical team proceeds in line with the principles of functional medicine, which does
not examine the disorder as an isolated
phenomenon, but as part of a wider picture.
Cellular resonance therapy
This is carried out with equipment that
uses high radio-frequency waves to stimulate ionic channels and acupunc­
points. This therapy is non-invasive and is
completely painless. It helps to im­prove
lymphatic circulation. An antalgic therapy,
it is effective against pain caused by inflammation, muscle stretching, articu­lar strains
and contusions; it improves lym­phatic circulation.
ping glasses makes it possible to speed
up the wave rhythm of the liquids and
to stimulate the elimination of waste and
cell regeneration. Benefits: Drainage and
detoxification. It’s revitalising, stimulating,
regenerating and energising.
Energy control
On the basis of the information taken from
the client, sophisticated equipment is used
to measure bioelectrical variations in the
skin. These variations are localised in specific points and indicate individual disorders. These points are then stimulated to
strengthen and restore the balance in the
The variations in temperature and water
pressure as well as the addition of essential
oils guarantees a fundamental benefit for
capillary vessels and the peripheral circulation of blood. Benefits: Hydrotherapy is especially indicated for the cardio-circulatory
system, for the nervous system (relaxing),
for cases of arthrosis, for organic detoxification and for the lymphatic circulation.
It eliminates toxins and fats infiltrated into
the tissues. It has a stimulating effect to tone
muscles and tendons, to strengthen natural
physiological functions and to combat and
protect against damage caused by ageing.
Tendon-muscle massage
This is carried out manually using instruments which can dissolve energy blocks,
acting on muscle and tendon tissue by
toning and revitalising it. The use of cup-
Hydro-energetic cure
This is designed to re-establish optimum
circulation of fluids in the body. It consists
of three steps:
•Phyto-mud therapy
The smooth and pleasant-feeling mud
used in the compresses is enriched with
pure micro-algae, white or green clay,
pure essential oils and mother tinctures.
Benefits: Eliminates stress, physical and
mental tension, whether in the nervous
system or the muscles.
The third and final stage of the hydro-energetic cure: a jet of water directed with
precision on the body restores energy
and vitality. Benefits:Tones up the body.
Elements of the treatment programme
Healthcare Programmes
Useful information
Treatment Guide 2016
Seven departments, a highly qualified team, totally personalised treatments for rediscovering vigour
and vitality and a new aesthetical wellbeing
Treatment Guide 2016
Healthcare Programmes
Useful information
Treatment Guide 2016
Medical controls and treatments
Toxaemia level assessment
Biological Analysis
Body densitometry/bone density (Scanner)
Dietetic assessment
Colon- hydro therapy
Revitalizing therapy (infusions)
Oxygen-ozone therapy
Dietetic Consultation
Food intolerance assessment
The glycemic Index
Personal Diet plan
“Chenot Method” treatments
Energising body massage
Tendon-muscle massage
Facial treatment (Detox-Anti ageing-energizing)
Abdominal treatment
Breast treatment
Scalp treatment
Cellulite treatment
Manual lymphatic massage
Plantar reflexology
Energetic treatments
Bio-energetic check-up
Body composition assessment
Cellular resonance treatments
Energy test and control
Detox diet
Weight harmonisation
Bio-light menu
Dominique Chenot cooking workshop
Natural cooking courses
Hydro-energetic cure
Phyto-mud therapy
Traditional beauty treatments SPA
Nail reinforcement or extension
Body depilatory treatments
Peeling – body scrub
High-tech aesthetic corrections
Face Led
Jet peel
Treatment Guide 2016
Shock waves – Storz Medical
I-lipo modelage
TriLipo-body shaper
Photomodulation LED
Muscle toning
Indiba®Deep Care
Bipolar Radio Frequency
Medical aesthetic treatments
Medical Consultation
Doublo for face lifting
Dual Fraxel Laser
Intense Pulsed Light - IPL
Liposonix non-surgical liposuction
Botox for hyperidrosis
Hyaluronic acid fillers
Sculptra - Poly-L-lactic acid injections
Biorevitalization - PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)
Microneedling - Dermaroller
Mesotherapy - face-hair-body
TT lifting thread
LA-OP Local anaesthetic operation
Fitness, Hammam,Sauna,Pool
Fitness activities and water gym
Personal training - Pilates
Impuls shaper
Vacu power
V2 max plus reformer
Yoga – Yoga Massage
Nordic walking
Kick Boxing
In recent years, the Palace Hotel Merano has set
up its own scientific research and production
department for the purpose of creating health
foods. This laboratory highly specialized in the
production of top-quality, highest-purity proteins
and peptides is based in Bolzano.
Treatment Guide 2016
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Healthcare Programmes
Useful information
Rates for Healthcare Programmes
Espace Henri Chenot include treatments and dietetic meals. The indicated prices do not include room
Who it’s designed for
Those with excess weight problems, along with all the result­
ing consequences ranging from posture and joint problems to
circulation and heart problems. Also for those with stress prob­
lems and related disorders: hypertension, anxiety and depres­
sion, skin disease ageing, cardio-cerebrovascular and muscular
disor­ders, sexual disorders, sleep disorders and digestive disorders.
Prices refer to 6 days of treatments:
• Detoxifying or slimming diet
• Toxaemia level assessment
• Bio-energetic check-up
• Body composition assessment
• Body Densitometry (scanner, subject to medical visit)
• Medical evaluation
• Dietary examination
• Post-treatment stage diet plan
• 4 cellular resonance treatments with energy control
• 6 tendon-muscle massages
• Hydro-energy treatment including:
· 6 hydro-aromatherapy sessions
· 6 phyto-mud therapy sessions
· 6 hydro-jet massages
• Fitness programmes and group physical exercise
E 3.250,00
Extra: Medical compulsory visit,
control and assistance
This new programme is for those who need to recover the
essential energy required to balance their vitality. It includes the
complete treatment programme and is supplemented by a daily exercise programme with a personal trainer and group physical exercise. Individually planned treatment is accompanied by
constant monitoring carried out by specialised medical staff.
Who it’s designed for
Those with poor dietary habits and a lifestyle that is not in
line with their genetic heritage, which may compromise their
health. Prevention aims to reduce these risks. The treatment
is designed for those who want to re-establish a good level of
energy and vitality, which is often jeopardised by stress, anxiety,
a poor diet and disturbed sleep. It is also for those who feel
overweight and tired, and want to restore a healthy lifestyle.
Prices refer to 6 days of treatments:
• Detoxifying diet or bio-light menu
• Toxaemia level assessment
• Bio-energetic check-up
• Body composition assessment
• Body densitometry (scanner, subject to medical visit)
• Medical evaluation
• Dietary examination
• Post-treatment stage diet plan
• 4 cellular resonance treatments with energy control
• 6 tendon-muscle massages
• Hydro-energy treatment including:
· 6 hydro-aromatherapy sessions
· 6 phyto-mud therapy sessions
· 6 hydro-jet massages
• 6 lessons with Personal Trainer and group physical exercise
E 3.700,00
Extra: Medical compulsory visit,
control and assistance
€ 290,00
€ 290,00
For a specific weight loss program the consultation of a doctor on site is required.
Rates for Healthcare Programmes
Rates for Healthcare Programmes
Useful information
This is based on the concept of organic detoxification: deep
cleansing of the body to free it of residue that accumulates
naturally, and also as a result of an irregular lifestyle and diet. It
involves a personalised detox nutritional programme and en­
ergetic, hydroenergetic and drainage treatments that restore
the balance of circulation and psychophysical energy flows.
An in­dividually planned treatment is accompanied by constant
moni­toring carried out by specialised medical staff.
Prices refer to 6 days of treatments:
• Detoxifying diet or bio-light menu
• Hormonal analysis, male & female profile
• Toxaemia level assessment
• Bio-energetic check-up
• Body densitometry (scanner, subject to medical visit)
• Body composition assessment
• Dietary examination
• Post-treatment stage diet plan
• 4 cellular resonance treatments with energy control
• 6 tendon-muscle massages
• Hydro-energy treatment including:
· 6 hydro-aromatherapy sessions
· 6 phyto-mud therapy sessions
· 6 hydro-jet massages
• Fitness programmes and group physical exercise
E 3.400,00
Who it’s designed for
The new medical science of anti-ageing seeks solutions and
products that are able to slow down the ageing process and
give the body its second youth. This is for those who want to
be guided through the main concepts of the ageing process
and for those with hormone imbalances that want to restore
natural balance to their bodies.
Rates for Healthcare Programmes
Extra: Medical compulsory visit,
control and assistance
Seven days to harmonise aesthetics whilst rediscovering vigour
and vitality.
Who it’s designed for
Anyone who wishes to take care of their looks and get back
into shape, making use of the structures and high-tech cosmetic
therapies available at the Espace Henri Chenot. Anyone who
wishes to relax and recharge their batteries, giving them selves
a break and paying proper attention to their bodies.
Prices refer to 6 days of treatments
• Bio-light menu
• 6 energetic massages
• Hydro-energy treatment including:
· 6 hydro-aromatherapy sessions
· 6 phyto-mud therapy sessions
· 6 hydro-jet massages
• Fitness programmes and group physical exercise
E 2.650,00
Extra: Medical compulsory visit
€ 105,00
This programme should be requested at the time of booking,
as it is tailor-made to your individual needs. The essential programme aims to offer an individual solution, which you will
plan alongside the Espace Henri Chenot team.
€ 290,00
Rates for Healthcare Programmes
Useful information
The ageing process follows a well-defined pattern and its negative
effects start to become evident at the age of 35. It slows down
the general metabolism and therefore the activity of the thyroid
hormones. As the body ages, sexual hormones decline, the digestive functions slow down, tissue dehydrates and muscles and
joints stiffen, while the immune sys- tem functions less effectively,
struggling to recognise infective agents and only partially reacting to
them, leading to an accumulation of toxins in cells. The anti-ageing
reinvigoration treatment includes hormone analysis for a male or
female profile and an examination of body composition that measures fat, lean mass and bone density. A detox or energy diet will
be determined according to individual needs. Individually planned
treatment is accompanied by constant monitoring carried out by
specialised medical staff.
Price list of rooms and suites
7 nights and 6 days of treatments with DETOX Programme:
The rates are per room per night and subject to availability and might change whitout notice.
+ € 3.250,00 (DETOX Programme price)
+ € 1.750,00 (single room comfort)
Medical compulsory visit, control and assistance
€ 290,00
How to calculate a one week package in a double room
double room comfort
7 nights and 6 days of treatments with DETOX Programme:
How to read our prices
€ 250,00
€ 440,00
€ 490,00
€ 625,00
€ 490,00
€ 780,00
€ 655,00
€ 550,00
€ 490,00
€ 850,00
€ 850,00
€ 335,00
€ 520,00
€ 605,00
€ 930,00
€ 930,00
€ 800,00
1 bedroom
€ 1.050,00
2 bedroom
€ 1.550,00
= E 5.000,00
+ € 3.250,00 (DETOX Programme price per person)
+ € 1.540,00 (double room comfort per person)
= E 4.790,00
Medical compulsory visit, control and assistance
€ 290,00
Rooms and suites
Useful information
single room comfort
How to calculate a one week package in a single room
Single treatments
Health and dietetics
€ 290,00
€ 105,00
Body composition scan
(fat mass - lean mass - bone density)
€ 130,00
Dietetic assessment
Evaluation of body-energy
(Bio-energetic check-up & impedance analysis)
€ 185,00
€ 80,00
Energizing treatment and control
Colon-hydro therapy
€ 80,00
€ 130,00
€ 130,00
Hydro-energetic Department
Hydro-aromatherapy and phyto-mud therapy
€ 155,00
€ 130,00
Revitalizing therapy
Vitamin - vital infusion complex
Infusion “flebo plus - anti-age”
€ 85,00
€ 125,00
€ 75,00
Phyto-mud therapy
€ 85,00
Oxygen-ozone therapy
€ 155,00
Hydro-aromatherapy and hydro-jet shower
€ 90,00
Single treatments
Useful information
Medical Compulsory visits:
Healthcare programmes
Spa programme
Biological Analysis
General profile, Hormone blood test, Cardio-vascular
profile,Test of iron status, Osteoporosis profile, Dysmetabolic
profile, Rheumafactor, Tumor markers, Helicobacter pylori, IgG
food intolerance test, fatty acids and vitamines
Traditional beauty treatments SPA
Energizing body massage
€ 130,00
Manual massage
€ 130,00
Clarifying and nourishing treatment
€ 135,00
Single treatments
Underarm or bikini line
€ 50,00
€ 190,00
Upper lip
€ 35,00
€ 85,00
€ 130,00
Foot reflexology
€ 135,00
€ 55,00
€ 110,00
€ 130,00
Breast treatment
Facial treatment
Legs - partial
Nails lenghtening using acrylic
Scalp treatment
Lymphatic massage
€ 80,00
€ 130,00
€ 130,00
€ 85,00
Nails strenghthening using acrylic
Cellulite treatment
Abdomen treatment
Total legs
€ 135,00
€ 130,00
Body depilatory treatment
Manicure with polish semi-permanent (Shellac)
Energizing treatment
Classic relaxing massage
€ 55,00 (€ 70,00)
€ 135,00
€ 130,00
Anti-Age treatment
€ 130,00
€ 85,00
Pedicure with polish semi-permanent (Shellac)
€ 95,00
Body scrub - peeling
The treatment involves the application of specific exfoliating
products and a targeted massage with essential oils for detoxification. The cabinet is equipped with a “Wet - Table”.
€ 130,00
Single treatments
Treatment Guide and Prices
Useful information
Treatments “Chenot Method”
Medical Aesthetics: beauty treatments and cosmetic corrections
Medical Aesthetics
Only those who feel well can also radiate self-confidence and inner beauty to others.
High technology beauty treatments
Beauty and aesthetics are important factors for inner balance and emotional satisfaction. They strengthen self-confidence
and enhance the quality of life. Cuttingedge technology and research results
Infrared laser radiation combined with the use of products with
very moisturizing and nourishing molecules to accelerate the
production of collagen and elastin. Non-invasive anti-ageing
treatment, painless, without side effects. Can be used on all
types of skin (dark and light).
Photomodulation LED
Anti-ageing, anti-redness action: Treatment that promotes the
production of collagen and blocks the negative effects of collagenases (enzyme that blocks the production of collagen). Ideal
to prepare skin for sun exposure and to repair the damaging
effects caused by the sun.
Body sculpting treatment - per session
30 min.
Collagen stim - per session
35 seconds
from leading manufacturers are used to
bring you closer to your ideal of beauty.
Simple interventions of aesthetic medicine can improve a lot of aesthetic imperfections.
€ 305,00
Package for 3 sessions
€ 755,00
€ 30,00
Package for 6 sessions
€ 155,00
A low Energy medical laser, which increases cellular metabolism
and lymph drainage, hitting the fat cells and reducing cellulite.
per session
30 min.
€ 120,00
Package for 5 sessions
Beauty treatments and cosmetic corrections
High technology beauty treatments
Useful information
€ 500,00
Facial treatment- per session
30 min.
Jet Peel
Brightness effect, peeling: A system for skin rejuvenation, superficial peeling, lymphatic drainage, and detoxification. This
treatment is perfect for skin with dilated pores and increases
the repair processes (pre/post treatment laser or pulsed light),
with regeneration using complex vitamins and hyaluronic acid.
€ 150,00
Specific basic pre- treatment
(peeling + drainage + product application)
Package for 3 sessions
€ 200,00
€ 400,00
Shock waves - Storz Medical
A radial shock wave treatment at high energy. The cellulite
treatment is performed with the transmission of mechanical
pressure waves. Shock waves stimulate the connective tissues
and active the muscles. It improves the lymphatic system, the
blood circulation. The skin becomes more elastic and firm. Reduces adiposity (arms, legs, abdomen).
Cost per session
30 min.
€ 200,00
Cost per session
60 min.
€ 350,00
High technology beauty treatments
Follow up treatment (drainage + product application)
per session
€ 160,00
i-Lipo modelage
i-Lipo is a new revolutionary system that uses low level lasers
for smoothing cellulite, fat reduction, and body shaping treatments. A non-invasive treatment for tissue tightening and effective in improving skin laxity for abdomen, arms, legs, buttocks
and back. The achievements are visible immediately after the
first application.
Cost per session
30 min.
Cost per session
60 min.
TriLipo - Body shaper
Firming action. The TriLipo technology acts on three layers: at
the same time to stimulate the dermis, the subcutaneous tissue
and the muscles. The selective thermal effect reduces the fatty
tissue and accelerates the natural fat metabolism process for improved blood circulation and oxygen supply.
Applications: remodeling of the face, neck, arms and body, to reduce wrinkles, Lifting, skin tightening, detoxification and lymphatic
€ 200,00
Cost per session
30 min.
€ 200,00
Package for 3 sessions € 480,00
€ 350,00
Package for specific basic pre-treatment +
3 follow up treatments
€ 570,00
High technology beauty treatments
Useful information
Face led
Stimulation of collagen associated with specific products, helps
to treat various skin problems of the face, such as rosacea, acne,
relaxation tissue and signs of ageing.
Package for 5 sessions
Bipolar Radio Frequency
Firming action: A new method to treat sagging skin, cellulite, localized adiposity and stretch marks. It is non-invasive, painless, fast
and efficient. Reduces the volume of fat cells, stimulates collagen
and fibroblasts. The treatment is repeated 2-3 times per area at a
distance of at least 24 hours of each other.
€ 515,00
Facial contouring – Abdomen – Arms – Cellulite reduction - Legs
Indiba®Deep Care
A monopolar radio frequency treatment which has a deep regeneration effect and increases the permeability of the cell membrane, re-establishes the microcirculation and improves the oxygen flow within the tissue. The deep fat cells quickly lose volume,
the waste products and toxins are eliminated and liquid retention
is reduced. It is indicated for skin tightening, cellulite reduction,
body contouring and pre/post surgery applications.
Indiba Body : abdomen, thighs and buttocks reduction, upper arms
tightening, postpartum body contouring, mobilization of local fat
and reduction of fatty nodules
Indiba Facial : wrinkle reduction, double chin correction, skin laxity
on the neck, face and other areas of the body.
Indiba body 60 min.
€ 200,00
Indiba facial 60 min.
€ 200,00
Package for 3 sessions
€ 550,00
High technology beauty treatments
per session
30 min.
€ 165,00
Cryolipolysis - Cool sculpting
Firming action: Its principle relies on controlled cooling for
non-invasive local reduction of fat deposits to reshape body
contours. The fat cells react to the cold with a natural degradation process. Also suitable for skin problems such as premature
aging, wrinkles, rosacea and erythrosis.The treatment is painless,
there is a slight sensation of cold and sometimes, at the end of
the session, the treated area may present a diffuse redness.
Cryo body: cost per session
30 min.
€ 180,00
Cost per session 30 min.
€ 135,00
60 min
€ 200,00
Package for 3 sessions
€ 380 ,00
Basic treatment (peeling + care treatment)
30 min.
Package for 3 sessions
Anti-cellulite and firming action. Lpg acts on the circulation of
the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Two roller slides stimulate
the flow of blood through microcirculation, increasing tissue
oxygenation and metabolic exchange. This stimulates the fibroblasts contained in the subcutaneous tissue leading to an improvement of skin tone and cellulite.
Exfoliation - Infusion - Oxygenation
Oxypolar is an innovative technology for facial skin rejuvenation by performing 3 actions simultaneously.
The exfoliation by microdermoabrasion (peeling), in combination with skin oxygenation cleanses the skin, increases the
permeability preparing it to receive active nutrients during and
after the treatment.
Firming action. Skin brightens and gains elasticity.
€ 500,00
Cryo facial: cost per session
30 min.
Complementary treatment
(peeling + care + radiofrequency treatment)
€ 180,00
60 min.€ 220,00
Package for 3 sessions
€ 460,00
High technology beauty treatments
Useful information
Muscle Toning
Firming and toning action: Deep muscle toning and remodelling. Lymphatic and venous drainage, treatment of cellulite and
Muscle toning - per session
30 min.
€ 120,00
Non Injectable Treatments
Subject To Medical Visit € 80,00
for face lifting
Intense Pulsed Light - IPL
By using “HIFU” (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) with Doublo new
collagen is produced deep below the skin and subcutaneous layer.
The dual action of Doublo creates a thermal effect and therefore a contraction of the muscle fascia.The regeneration process starts after just one
treatment and the results are visible gradually over the next 2 or 3 months.
Doublo firms, regenerates and lifts.
• Collagen remodeling for face and neck
• Periorbital wrinkle and nasolabial fold reduction
• Loose skin on neck, double chin
Anti-ageing treatment with immediate result based on highly-concentrated pulsed light that allows treatment of the affected area without damaging the surrounding tissue. IPL is used for:
• Photo-rejuvenation (wrinkles of the face and neck)
• Lightening and removing of pigmented spots (sun spots or age spots) on the face, hands ecc.
• Acne treatment
• Reducing redness, rosacea, dilated blood vessels
Cost per:
Doublo full face
Doublo neck
€ 500,00
€ 2.000,00
€ 1.000,00
Dual Fraxel Laser
Dual Fraxel treatments effectively target both the surface and deeper layers of the skin for a smoother, fresher, younger looking appearance. The
new fraxel technology has been optimize effectively to treat pigmentation
on your skin, such as age or sun spots. The fractional laser technology is
used to treat ageing and sun damaged skin, by stimulating the growth of
new, healthy skin cells from the inside. Excellent treatment for skin rejuvenation of face, neck, chest, arms, legs and back.
Cost per session:
IPL full face
€ 300,00
€ 600,00
Non-surgical liposuction
This technology works by applying high intensity focussed ultrasound energy through the skin, reducing localised fat without damaging the epidermis, the dermis, the underlying tissues or organs. Silhouette reduction is
visible one month after the first treatment.
Cost per treatment:
Fraxel small area
Fraxel light
Fraxel full area
small area
full abdomen
inner thighs
€ 500,00
€ 1.000,00
€ 1.500,00
€ 500,00
€ 2.000,00
€ 1.500,00
€ 1.000,00
For your information: small area = area of a palm size (ca 10 x 10 cm)
Medical aesthetic treatments
Useful information
Doublo face small area
IPL small area
Injectable Treatments
Subject To Medical Visit € 80,00
Sculptra - Poly-L-lactic acid injections
Mesotherapy - face-hair-body
TT Lifting Thread
Injection of small quantities of botox temporarily reduces the dynamic
wrinkles of the face and neck. Botox can be used to help smooth crow’s
feet, forehead furrows, frown lines, skin bands on the neck and décolletage
Sculptra consists of poly-L-lactic acid and is designed to make the face look
fuller and more youthful, with results that last over 2 years.
A cocktail of plant combined with other ingredients is injected into the
skin. Non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid, multi vitamins, minerals, amino-acids,
coenzyme Q10 and other nutrients make for better hydration and nourishment while improving the antioxidant capacity of tissues. Deoxycholic acid
is used to dissolve fat.
This method of subcutaneous injection of absorbable aesthetic Polydioxanone threads (PDO) is ideal for those patients who are noticing the first
signs of ageing and lost elasticity but at the same time do not require a surgical facelift. The treatment requires the application of a topical anesthetic.
The threads are injected with a thin hypodermic needle and create a pattern that supports the areas being treated. At the same time, the threads
promote skin renewal by stimulating the formation of collagen and elastin.
The results last up to 16 months, and the treatment is specifically recommended after weight loss or pregnancy; and to counter it is also suitable for
improving the condition of skin that is weak and lacking in tone. It is applied
to the face, neck, arms, abdominal area, thighs and buttocks.
Face - small area
Neck - (botox lift)
€ 600,00
€ 250,00
€ 300,00
€ 300,00
Botox for hyperhidrosis
Botox is injected into sweat glands to help those who suffer from excessive
sweating in their armpits or the palms of the hands or feet.
Cost per session € 900,00
€ 750,00
Meso face Antioxidant, revitalizing-hydrating, lifting, brightening effect
Biorevitalization - PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)
Autologous platelet-rich plasma, full of the patient’s own growth factors,
stimulates collagen production with highly effective anti-ageing results.
Used for:
• Revitalization of face, neck, décolletage and hands
•Improvement of scars and stretch marks
•Stimulation of hair regrowth
Cost per session
Meso body
from € 600,00 (small area) to € 1.100,00
Hyaluronic acid is used as a filler to support facial tissues that may have lost
volume or elasticity due to normal ageing. This hyaluronic acid is combined
with local anesthetic so that the treatment is completely painless.
Cost per syringe Microneedling- Dermaroller
Using multiple microscopic needles this method stimulates collagen with or
without the use of topical products such as hyaluronic acid, PRP, vitamins (especially vitamin C) and AHA (Alpha-Hydroxy Acids). It improves the appearance of wrinkles, scars, cellulite and stretch marks while minimizing pores.
€ 400,00
Medical aesthetic treatments
Cost per small area Reduction of fat in the chin region
Melts fat deposits, reduces cellulite and tightens skin
Cost per session € 300,00
Specific treatment for the hair and scalp.
Cost per session € 450,00
Cost per session Meso neck
LA-OP Local anaesthetic operation
This treatment is used in cosmetic surgery procedures to remove small skin
tags, hyperkeratoses and other similar skin imperfections.
Completely painless, it involves small injections of local anaesthetic.
Firms and refines skin in the neck area
€ 300,00
€ 500,00
Cost per session € 500,00
Meso hair repair Cost per session 38
Meso double chin
Hyaluronic Acid Fillers
Cost per session € 400,00
€ 550,00
Cost per session: € 300,00
Medical aesthetic treatments
Useful information
Full face
Cost per injection Beauty treatment guide
Beauty treatments for the body:
Facial treatments:
Cellulite treatment
Double chin
Facial treatment “brightner”
Manual drainage for cellulite
Cryolipolysis - cool sculpting
TriLipo-body shaper
Volume reduction
Cryolipolysis - cool sculpting
i-lipo modelage
TriLipo -body shaper
Firming and lifting
Muscle toning
Bipolar Radio Frequency (double chin, arms,abdomen, legs
and buttocks)
TriLipo -body shaper
TT lifting thread
Abdominal area
Abdomen treatment „Chenot
Indiba®Deep Care
Cryolipolysis - cool sculpting
i-lipo modelage
TriLipo -body shaper
Stretch Marks
TriLipo-body shaper
Scalp treatment
Scalp treatment „Chenot
Biorevitalization with platelets
Meso hair repair
Energising treatment „Chenot
Indiba®Deep Care
Jet Peel
Cryolipolysis - cool sculpting
TriLipo-body shaper
Micro injections
TT lifting thread
Facial treatment “Detox”
Facial cleansing treatment
Jet peel
Dual Fraxel Laser
Energising treatment „Chenot
Jet Peel
Face led
Cryolipolysis - cool sculpting
Dual Fraxel Laser
Facial treatment “Anti-Age”
Pulsed light
Face Led
Cryolipolysis - cool sculpting
TriLipo body shaper
Biorevitalization with platelets
TT lifting thread
Dual Fraxel Laser
Hyaluronic Acid Filler
Doublo face lifting
Intense Pulsed Light IPL
Summary of beauty treatments
Useful information
Physical activities with personal training
€ 110,00
Individual pilates training
60 min.
€ 110,00
YOGA massage
An ideal anti-stress treatment to promote the full psychophysical relaxation
Increases flexibility, unblocks contractures, improves breathing.
Releases tensions in the diaphragm, and aids proper breathing.
Processing is performed on a special futon.
60 min.
€ 110,00
Impulse shaper
A highly effective body workout that combines low-power
pulses with dynamic movements. Gentle training to reduce
weight, streamline the body and to strengthen the cardiovascular system. 2 sessions per week are recommended Instruction
+ 2 trainings:
€ 265,00
Vacu Power
An innovative beauty technology designed for effective body
sculpting and gentle improvement of the silhouette. Combines
the advantages of physical exercise (treadmill) and vacuum
therapy. The aim is to act specically on those parts of the body
which accumulate fat such as the abdomen, hips and buttocks.
The programme an only be followed if supervised by a personal trainer.
Vacupower training
60 min.
€ 120,00
Package - 5 sessions
€ 575,00
Pilates V2 max plus reformer
Specific equipement for Pilates training. The programme can
only be followed if supervised by a personal trainer.
60 min.
€ 120,00
Private lessons on request:
Yoga - Swimming - Nordic walking - Tennis - Ski - Golf - Kick
Useful information
Individual gymnastics
60 min.
Practical advice and information
To capitalise on the significant results
achieved, we recommend our guests keep
their individual record given to them at the
start of their treatment programme.This
contains precious diet information and a
summary of the knowledge acquired during your stay to help prolong the benefits
and maintain health.
You can order the Lyodiet Kit, lyophilized
foods, totally diet replacement for a daily
weight control at home.
Lyodiet ist he new range of healthy, tasty
and 100% natural dietary products, based
Practical advice and information
on research conducted by our own laboratory based in Bolzano named LB LYOpharm.
The rates are per room per night and are
subject to availability. Rates might change
without notice.
In order to make your stay quiet and relaxed, we have set the minimum age of 8
years for children. We therefore conform
to the wishes of many guests for a relaxing
The parents or accompanying persons
bear full responsibility and have to look
after the children in the restaurant and in
the swimming pool. Ball games or noisegenerating games (in the park) are not
allowed. On request we can arrange professional services for outdoor activities
such as tennis, hiking, etc.)
room: Price € 125.00.- per day. Meals will
be charged à la carte.
Aged 13 years and over, with a bed in
their parents’ room. Price € 160.00. Meals
will be charged à la carte.
Only one small dog up to 4 Kg per
room is admitted. During the day dogs
have to be followed by the owner or
by a dog sitter (dog sitting ser vice
upon request and extra charge). Dogs
are not allowed to stay alone in the
room. Dogs have to be at a leash all
times in the common areas of the hotel. Dogs are not allowed in the following areas: Restaurant, terraces, bar, the
Spa and Medical depar tments, all treatment rooms, the indoor and outdoor
pool area, the main hotel park & garden. For damages or spots caused by
dogs, the Hotel Management reser ves
the right to charge the extra cleaning
or replacement costs without notice.
Price € 45,00 per day. Feed to pay extra.
We recommend you pack a bathing costume, tracksuit and running shoes. Guests
can have breakfast and lunch in their bathrobe, however for dinner in the dietetic
restaurants of Palace Merano elegant or
smart clothing is required.
The hotel can organize private Limousine
transfers on request to and from the airport, subject to an extra charge.
Palace shuttle service is provided on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from and to
Venice airport, for Air France passengers.
For further information contact the Concierge directly.
Reservations and general cancellation conditions
To confirm bookings a deposit of € 2,000 In the event of early departure, customper person is required.
ers must pay the original number of nights
booked in full.
Bookings can be cancelled up to 21 days
prior to date of arrival. The penalty pay- The booking can be changed in terms of
able for later cancellations is calculated as arrival date without penalty up to 14 days
prior arrival. Arrival date changes within
14 days prior arrival will be subject to a
• from 20 days prior to arrival: 20% of penalty of € 2.000,00 per person.
the total booking price
• from 14 days prior to arrival: 50% of Arrivals
the total booking price
Check-in time on arrival: from 3.00 p.m.
• from 7 days prior to arrival: 80% of
the total booking price
• one day before arrival or no-show: Check-out time: 11.00 a.m. Late check-out
100% of the total booking price
upon request. In case of anticipated departure no rate reduction will be applied.
Mobile phones
We kindly ask visitors to respect the quietness and the privacy of the other guests
and not to use mobile phones in the restaurant, in the health departments and in
the pool- and relaxation areas.
Aged 8 to 12, with a bed in their parents’
Useful information
The important effects obtained from
treatments received at the Espace Henri
Chenot do not wear off as soon as your
stay at Palace Merano ends, but continue
once you return home, thanks to the recommendations and advice you receive
during the programme from the team of
The added value of treatment at the Espace Henri Chenot is represented by the
knowledge you have acquired during your
stay and the individual information provided to each guest.
How to get there
By air
You can fly into Bolzano, Venice, Verona,
Innsbruck, Munich or Milan. Shuttle service,
from Venice airport on Fridays, Saturdays
and Sundays coordinated with Air France
flights is available at an extra charge.
By car
By car, Merano is reached from the south
by taking the Brennero A22 motorway,
“Bolzano Sud” exit, and then take the dualcarriageway for Merano (ME-BO).
By train
By train, arrive to Bolzano station, via
Verona or via Brennero, choosing the regional connection to Merano. On request,
a limousine service is available from the arrival stations.
The main distances
Bolzano Airport 33 km / 30 min
Innsbruck Airport 120 km / 1 h - ½
Verona Airport 180 km / 2 h
Venice 290 km / 3 h
Milan 325 km / 3 h - ½
Florence 400 km / 4 h
Rome 660 km / 6 h - ½
Munich 310 km / 3 h - ½
How to get there
Via Cavour, 2, 39012 Merano (BZ), Italy
Tel. +39 0473 271 000, [email protected]
www.palace.it, www.chenot.com
Tel. +39 0473 271 399, [email protected]