March 2015 easyJet statement in response to the CAA`s
March 2015 easyJet statement in response to the CAA`s
March 2015 easyJet statement in response to the CAA’s announcement on the economic regulation of future runway capacity “easyJet strongly opposes passengers being asked to pre-fund new runway capacity. This is effectively a tax on passengers to support the financing of a runway option. If pre-funding is necessary to finance new capacity because the airport is unable to raise private finance to support the project, this suggests that the project is unviable and should not be built. “easyJet is disappointed that the CAA has not closed off the prospect of pre-funding by passengers and will continue to protect passengers’ interests by actively opposing such funding. “Pre-funding by consumers does not occur in commercial markets and is a product of airports having significant market power. Heathrow and Gatwick are regulated monopoly utilities. easyJet believes they could raise debt to fund capital expenditure when a clear regulated return will be attached to this expenditure – as is the case with the funding needs of other regulated industry projects.”