Newsletter 4th Sunday of Lent Year B 2015
Newsletter 4th Sunday of Lent Year B 2015
CORPUS CHRISTI BOSCOMBE NEWSLETTER Fr Denis Blackledge SJ (425286), Fr David Gornall SJ (425286) Fr Kevin Fox SJ (436724), Fr Tony Horan SJ (436721) 18 St James’s Square, Boscombe BH5 2BX Tel: 425286 Parish Administrator: Sandra Cook Finance Administrator: Georgie Lockyer (Normal office hours: 9.30am - 12.30pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) Parish Office email: [email protected] Fr Denis email: [email protected] Temporary website: Parish Centre/Hall Bookings: Aidan Foy Tel: 07775868253 Email: [email protected] OUR PARISH MOTTO IS “ONLY JESUS” We are part of Pastoral Area 21 (Bournemouth) in the Diocese of Portsmouth - CHURCH PARISH PRIEST/CLERGY TEL SUNDAY MASS TIMES CORPUS CHRISTI See above 6.00pm vigil, 9.30am, 11.00am, 5.00pm ANNUNCIATION, Charminster ST EDMUND CAMPION, Castlepoint Fr Bernardine Nsom Deacon Barry Jennings 513369 11.00am, 6.30pm, 9.00am OUR LADY IMMACULATE, Westbourne Fr Bill Wilson 764027 9.00am, 11.00am SACRED HEART, Bournemouth Fr Bruce Barnes Deacon Roger Carr-Jones 551013 5.00pm vigil, 8.00am, 10.30am, 4.00pm 428451 Royal Bournemouth Hospital / Christchurch Hospital chaplain: Non–urgent matters, please ring the Chaplaincy Office directly on 01202 704221. Urgent, or out-of-hours, the Catholic duty Chaplain may be contacted via Switchboard on 01202 303626. Poole Hospital chaplain: Deacon McConville 01202 442167 (leave message) or 01202 665511 (Page RC chaplain) LITURGICAL CALENDAR - All weekday masses are feria except : Tues 17: St Patrick Thurs 19: St Joseph FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Year B 15th March 2015 First of all, a warm welcome to Julian Filochowski, once the Director of CAFOD, and now working for Jesuit Missions. Julian will be here with us over the weekend with his amazing book sale. The books will be displayed in the aisle nearest to St Ignatius’s altar. Please spend time having a browse before or after each mass. Warm thanks to Fr Anthony Meredith SJ of our local Jesuit Community, who kindly preached daily at the Saint Francis Xavier Novena. I’m going to let scripture speak for itself this week, as anything I could add would only spoil it! So here are a few of the snippets from the Second Reading and the Gospel. “God loved us with so much love that he was generous with his mercy.” “It is by grace that you have been saved, through faith, not by anything of your own, but by a gift from God.” “We are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus to live the good life as from the beginning he had meant us to live it” “God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life.” “The person who lives by the truth comes out into the light.” MEMORIAL MEETING ROOM PLAQUE This is the FINAL list of the names for the plaque. NO MORE NAMES CAN BE ADDED AFTER THIS WEEKEND. MICHAEL JOHN ADAMSON BARTON & MACFARLANE FAMILIES DECEASED MICHAEL BELL ANNIE BELLAMY DON BENNETT JEREMY BROWN DEREK COLLINGS AMELIA GRACE COOPER DAWN COOPER JEREMY DAVIES FALLON & WEBBER FAMILIES DECEASED MARJURIE EGGERDING JOAN ELLISON ALAN J GALLOP BOB GRANT JANE GREPPI ALMA HANLEY MARK & OLIVIA HEALY PAUL BARRY HENWOOD PATSY JONES STANLEY JORDAN DETTA KEY TONY & WINNIE KITSON SHEILA & LEO MCGUIRK WILLIAM & MARY NICHOLL CATHERINE FRANCES O'KEEFFE COLIN CHRISTOPHER PEMBERTON ANNE PHILLIPS PAUL QUINN FREDERICK RISING PASCAL SCHMID & SCHMID FAMILY WINIECKI & BRENNAN FAMILIES DECEASED ‘HEARTS ON FIRE’ OPEN MEETING Wednesday 1st April from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in the Parish Centre Are you interested in sharing your thoughts on how best to nurture and support our growing Parish Community? You are warmly invited to this evening where ideas will be shared and reflected upon as we begin the preparation for our Summer 'Hearts on Fire' Mission Week which commences on Saturday 25th July. HOF Team NEW MEMORIAL MEETING ROOM is almost finished!!!! The new carpet is being re-done, at no cost to us, on 23/24 March. Chairs and table have been ordered. The official opening of the room will be mid/late April. Watch this space!! SECOND COLLECTION today for Clergy Assistance Fund, helping sick and retired priests when they are in need. GENERAL ELECTION LETTER FROM BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE OF ENGLAND & WALES - Encouraging us to participate and vote in the election. Please take a copy home. Available from the porch or go to STATIONS OF THE CROSS each Friday of Lent at 7pm, followed by mass at 7.30pm. Led by Richard Arthur on 20th March and Greg Cook on 27th March. Thank you to all who have helped. EUCHARISTIC MINSTERS - Please pick up your new rota from the BACK Sacristy (opposite the new room). JOURNEY IN FAITH (RCIA) Next session Monday 16th March at 7.30pm - 9.00pm in the Parish Centre. RETREAT on Saturday 21st March at the Convent, 6 Parkwood Road from 10.30am - 1.30pm. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Next session for the children is Saturday 21st March at 4.00pm in the Parish Centre, followed by Mass at 6.00pm. IGNATIAN DAYS of Prayer and Reflection with Fr Tony Horan SJ at St Joseph’s Parish Centre, Purewell, Christchurch. Saturday 21st March, 10.30 for 11:00am to 4.15pm (please bring a packed lunch). Every 3rd Sat (not August or Sept) CAFOD Thank you for last week’s amazing collection of £1633.81. Many lives will be changed because of you!! A BIG THANK YOU to all our local CAFOD supporters. CAKE SALE in aid of CAFOD on Palm Sunday weekend, 28/29 March after all the Masses. Every pound we make for CAFOD during Lent will be matched by the Government. This limited opportunity (until 17 May) means we can help even more people to escape poverty and transform their lives this Lent. CAFOD Team. EXTRAORDINARY FORM MASS offered by Fr Anthony Glaysher TODAY at Our Lady Immaculate, Westbourne, at 6.00pm, (confessions from 5.00 pm) and on the 3rd Sunday of every month. CATHOLIC WOMEN‘S LEAGUE COFFEE MORNING Sunday 22nd March 2015 after 11am Mass at OLQP, Southbourne. Raffle, Chocolate Tombola and much more. All welcome. ORGAN CONCERTO REQUIEM Sunday 22nd March 7pm at St Peter’s Church Bournemouth. See poster. EASTER 2015 HOLY WEEK LOCAL RETREAT The Handmaids of the Sacred Heart are offering young people 18 to 35, an international shared experience this Holy Week, 2nd - 5th April in the Convent, Parkwood Road. Sleeping bag required. Cost £38. For details contact Sr Sarah-Anne [email protected] Tel: 020 8650 6313. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER is a weekend away to explore where you are going and to enliven your relationship, bringing you closer and deepening your commitment to your lifetime together. The weekend is presented from a Catholic Christian perspective but any married couple is welcome to attend. There are spaces available on the weekend at Park Place (Wickham, near Fareham, Hampshire) from 19-21 June. For information and online booking visit or contact Chris & Mary Farrall – 02380 275401. SIGNIFICANT WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES 2015 Are you celebrating a big wedding anniversary (25th, 30th, 40th, 50th. 60th+) this year? Bishop Philip warmly invites you to the Significant Wedding Anniversaries Mass at 11am on Saturday 27th June, at St Bede’s Church, Basingstoke, after which a light lunch will be served. This annual Mass is a wonderful celebration of and witness to marriage. Any queries, please email [email protected] Or apply online at CATHOLIC SINGLES is an organisation which helps single adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to one or through social events. Please tel. 0161 941 3498, visit the website or email [email protected] CAR UP FOR GRABS! Fr David’s little blue 2003 Seat Ibiza for sale - sensible offers to Fr Denis. GERMAN SPEAKERS WANTED Fr Ted Rogers SJ, retired priest in the Corpus Christi Community, is writing a book on the 25 Missionary Martyrs of Rhodesia, 7 of whom were Jesuits. Some of the documentation is only in German and he needs help with translation. Please contact him on 01202 436709 or 01202 436700. Grateful thanks. WEEKLY OFFERING BOXES - if you have signed up for an annual box of giving envelopes, or have been regularly using the yellow visitor envelopes, please pick up your box from the table in the church porch. If you can’t find your box, or would like a box, please contact the Finance Office. LOOK OUT FOR THE NEW JESUITS & FRIENDS MAGAZINE - TAKE A COPY TODAY STANDING ORDERS (Can be Gift Aided) Setting up a standing order. The details you will need are the parish bank details, which are: Sort code 30-93-04. Parish Account number: 01786041. (“It’s so easy to do!!”) GIFT AID CLAIMED THIS WEEK: 208.64 WE COULD HAVE CLAIMED AN ADDITIONAL £ 199.97 ON LOOSE COLLECTION. MONEY BACK FROM THE GOVERNMENT!! If you are a UK taxpayer please consider Gift Aiding your donation, so parish can reclaim 25p for every £1 donated eg: your gift of £10 becomes £12.50! To join the Gift Aid scheme, please give contact details to Georgie in the office. Or use the yellow GA envelopes (back of church). WEEKLY COLLECTION from previous week. Thank you! STANDING ORDERS GIFT AID ENVS ENVS LOOSE PLATE WEEKLY TOTAL Wk £2200 TARGET Society of Jesus Reg. Charity No. 230165 Diocese of Portsmouth Reg. Charity No. 246871 £ 861.00 £ 834.56 £ 69.00 £ 799.86 £ 2564.42 + £ 364.42