Course 2015
Course 2015
Special Topics in Architectural Space and Communication - Course Β 8th Easter Semester 2014-2015 Dialogues between philosophy and architecture: Concepts and theories from the Renaissance to Deconstruction Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou, Dr. Architect, Assistant Professor, N.T.U.A. The course focuses on the architectural and philosophical discourse of European Modernity, covering the period from the ‘Renaissance’ of the 15 th century to the ‘Deconstruction’ of the late 20th century. AIMS OF THE COURSE: 1. Critical examination of basic ideas and concepts of architectural and philosophical thinking, as these are traced through selected texts written by architects, philosophers and thinkers during the above period. 2. Re-establishment of possible hidden relations and correspondences between architectural discourse, the world of philosophical ideas and the spiritual culture of each era, in direct relation to the ‘problem’ of space. 3. Exploration of the timeliness of those ideas and concepts for the enrichment and the meaningful conception and organization of contemporary architectural space. COURSE DEMANDS: The character of this advanced course is investigative and open. Students are encouraged to systematize their research interests in relation to the general theme of the course and crystallize their ideas in the form of a short written essay. This essay is written after an open dialogue with the instructor and a personal bibliographical supervision. COURSE UNITIES: 1. Philosophy / Architecture: Basic Concepts. 2. 15th Century: The Culture of the Renaissance: Humanism /The ‘Architect’ / Alberti 3. 17th Century: The Scientific Revolution: Space / Descartes / Newton 4. 18th Century: The European Enlightenment: Encyclopedia / The ‘Engineer’ / Boullée 5. 19th Century (I): The Industrial Revolution: Ideal Types of Space / Romanticism 6. 19th Century (II): Ethics – Soul – Architecture: Ruskin / Nietzsche / Art Nouveau 7. 20th Century (I): Kernels of Modernism: Bauhaus / Le Corbusier 8. 20th Century (II): Place + Phenomenology: Heidegger / Pikionis / Konstantinidis 9. 20th Century (III): Deconstruction versus Structure: Postmodernism/Modernism/Derrida 10. The Contemporary Condition. ΒIBLIOGRAPHY Architectural Theory from the Renaissance to the present, With a preface by B.Evers and an introduction by C.Thoenes, Taschen, Köln, 2003 Νικόλαος-Ίων Τερζόγλοσ, Ιδέες ηοσ Χώροσ ζηον Εικοζηό Αιώνα, Εκδόζεις νήζος, Αθήνα, 2009 [In Greek: Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou, Ideas of Space in the 20th Century, Nissos Publications, Athens, 2009] [ARCHITECTURAL LIBRARY-AVEROFF BUILDING: 720.1 ΤΕΡ] Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou (ed.), Dialogues between Philosophy and Architecture: Concepts and Theories from the "Renaissance" to "Deconstruction", Athens: National Technical University of Athens, School of Architecture, 2012 [ARCHITECTURAL LIBRARY-AVEROFF BUILDING: 720.104 DIA] Neil Leach (ed.), Rethinking Architecture. A Reader in Cultural Theory, Routledge, London and New York, 1997 [ARCHITECTURAL LIBRARY-AVEROFF BUILDING: 720.1 RET]
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