Security Tender - Central Poultry Development Organization
Security Tender - Central Poultry Development Organization
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Agriculture (Deptt. of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries) Central Poultry Development Organisation (Eastern Region) Bhubaneswar (Orissa) - 751012 Tel: (0674)2420175 (O), Fax: (0674)2420635, GRAM: CENTPODEVO, E – mail: [email protected] No. CPDO/BBS – 6‐1 (Wages) / Date: To TENDER NOTICE For and on behalf of the President of India, M/o Agriculture, Deptt. of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Director, Central Poultry Development Organisation (Eastern Region), Bhubaneswar invites sealed tenders from reputed agencies for outsourcing manpower on contract basis from 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016 for a period of one year. 1. Tenders:a) Must be delivered to the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar by dt. 16.03.2015 at 3.00 PM. b) The cost of tender document containing detailed Specification with Terms & Conditions has been priced Rs. 500/- and Rs. 600/- by post through cash or D.D/M.O in favour of the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar. The tender documents also can be obtained from our Website and must accompany with DD of Rs.500/- towards the cost of tender. Tender documents are not transferable and cost of tender document is not refundable. c) The Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar will not held responsible for any kind of postal delay or delay in the delivery of the documents/ or non – receipt of the documents(if any). Tenders can also be deposited in the tender box kept in Administrative block of the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar. 1 d) Two bid system (Technical & Financial) will be adopted. The bidders may submit their quotations in the enclosed Performa Technical bid – Annexure – I & Financial bid – Annexure – II) in two separate sealed cover and both the covers should be put in a single cover duly sealed. e) The duly sealed envelope should be super scribed “Tender for Outsourcing Man –power due on dt. 16.03.2015” addressed to: The Director, CPDO(ER), Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar – 751012. f) The initial period of Contract would be for one year extendable by another one year on satisfactory performance with such amendments as may be mutually agreed to and also subject to the necessary approval of the competent authority. 2. Late Tenders:Any tender received by the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar after the deadline for submission of tender will be rejected and returned unopened to the Tenderer. 3. Opening of the Tender:The tender will be opened on dt. 16.03.2015 at 3.30 PM at the Office of the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar in the presence of the Tenderer or the authorized representatives who wish to attend. In the event of any kind of holiday falls on the specified dates, the proceedings will take place on the next working day, at the scheduled date, time & venue. 4. Period of validity of Tenders:- a) Validity of Tenders shall be 180 days after the date of tender openings. A tender valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar as non – responsive. b) In exceptional circumstances, the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar may solicit the Tenderer’s consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the response thereto shall be made in writing. The Earnest 2 Money provided shall also be suitably extended. A Tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting its Earnest Money. A Tenderer granting the request will not be permitted to modify its tender condition. 5. Terms & Conditions:- A. Document establishing Tenderer’s eligibility: 1. Earnest Money:- a) The Tenderer shall furnish, as part of its tender, Earnest Money of Rs. 60,000/b) The Earnest Money shall be in one of the following forms: i) A Bank guarantee issued by a reputable nationalized bank located in the country and valid for six months. ii) A Bank Draft issued by a reputable nationalized bank located in the country and payable to “Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar. c) Tenders without EMD or insufficient EMD will not be considered. d) Unsuccessful Tenderer’s Earnest Money will be discharged or returned as promptly as possible but not later than ninety days. e) The successful Tenderer’s Earnest Money will be discharged upon the Tenderer signing the contract. f) The Earnest Money may be forfeited if a Tenderer withdraws its tender during the period of tender validity specified by the Tenderer on the Tender Form, or in case of a successful Tenderer, if the Tenderer fails to sign the contract. 2. Documents:- i) Registration Certification of the Firm (Sole proprietorship / Partnership / Public Limited or Private Limited). ii) Registration with Labour department under Registration & Abolition Act 1970. iii) Registration Certificate of Service Tax. iv) Registration Certificate of E.P.F. 3 v) Registration Certificate of ESIC. vi) Latest copies of proof showing execution of similar job in Govt. / Private Sector. vii) Copy of PAN Card / Tin No. viii) Financial status for previous three years i.e. Annual turnover details (Certificate from CA to be attached). If any firm wish to claim exemption to submit any document mentioned above, valid reason and supporting document which allow them for exemption may please be enclosed with their bid otherwise the bids shall be summarily rejected. 3. Quoted rate should be furnished on Maximum wages Act of Central Sphere / Central Govt. and guidelines issued by Central Government. Minimum wages, Service Taxes and Service charges should be quoted distinctly and separately without any cutting & overwriting. The Contract shall ordinarily be awarded to the lowest evaluated bidder and whose bid has been found to be responsive and who is eligible and qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily. It may be specifically noted that bids below minimum wages shall be summarily rejected. B. Scope of Work:1) Sweeping and Cleaning: a) Wet and dry mopping of different rooms / office. b) Cleaning and dusting of all common areas including the staircase, wall dusting, doors, windows, frames, panels, railing, notice boards, intensive clearing near toilets etc. c) Cleaning of toilets and washbasin etc. d) Periodic removal of cobwebs. e) Cleaning of glass panels and windows (outside & inside). f) Maintenance of general hygienic of the campus. g) Any other duty as prescribed by the Director. 4 2) Land Scaping: a) Maintenance of lawns and seasonal beds by weeding watering, spreading of manure, spray of insecticides, fungicides, hoeing, pruning tree/ shrubs/ hedge plants, anti – termite treatment, staking of plants. b) Preparation of beds for seasonal flowers and planting in time saplings of seasonal flowers including watch and wards complete as per directions of In – charge. c) Grass cutting by the Electrical / Manual Machines. d) Weeding of the plants in the grass area. e) Hedge cutting etc. f) Any other duty as prescribed by the Director. 3) Security Guard (in 3 shift – one Guard in each shift):a) Security Guard should be a man well built with minimum height of 170 cms. b) Should wear proper security guard uniform with Company badge and carry Identity Card. 4) Unskilled Labour for Poultry Sheds:a) Cleaning & Washing of Poultry sheds. b) Feeding & Watering to Birds. c) Transportation of Poultry Manures from sheds to disposal pits. d) Preparation of Poultry Feeds. e) Shifting of Birds. f) Any other work as deem suitable. 5) Unskilled Labour for Watch & Ward Duty against the post of MTS (Watchman):a) Like as Guard with Uniform, Minimum Height of 170 cms, Company Batch & Carry Identity Card. 5 N.B: - Man – days can be deployed in three shifts, if required. Work assignment can be enlisted under scope for any other requirements. C. Wages Payable to the Personnel:i) The agency will be wholly and exclusively responsible for payment of wages to the persons engaged by it in compliance of all the statutory obligations under all related legislation as applicable to it from time to time including Minimum Wages Act, Employees Provident Fund, ESI Act etc, and the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar shall not incur any liability, any obligation and any breach of this condition will be liable for termination of the contract and the same should be dealt with accordingly. ii) Photocopies of payment towards ESI & EPF should also be submitted along with the bill showing the name of personnel deployed at the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar for the following month. The agency should also submit copies of returns submitted to the ESIC / EPF for the relevant contribution periods duly identifying the names of the personnel provided to the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar. Director / s have right to inspect your books/registers/documents if need arises in relation to the matters referred in this paragraph. Director will also have right to make recoveries from your compensations, if any, legal authorities imposes penalties / recoveries on us due to your non – compliance of any of such provisions referred herein. iii) The service provider will submit the bill in triplicate in respect of a particular month in the first week of the next month for the release of payment. iv) Payments to the service provider would be strictly on Certification by Director, Administration, that his / her services were satisfactory and attendance as per the bill preferred by the service provider. v) No wage / remuneration will be paid to any staff for the days of absence from duty. vi) The contract shall make payment of wages to its personnel latest by 7th of each month in the presence of Officer nominated by the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar. vii) The agency should provide the services on 8 hours shift basis and if any one becomes absent alternate arrangement should be made immediately. 6 D. Duties and Responsibilities of the Agency:i) The agency is responsible for due compliance of laws relating to rendering manpower services, payment of statutory wages to the manpower employed by it including provident fund and ESI and other statutory obligations. The contractor is also liable for payment of statutory taxes and duties. ii) The persons who would be deployed by the agency would not have any claim for employment or payment of wages or any other claim whatsoever against Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar. The persons hired from the agency would not have any claim for compensation or any damages against Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar in any even whatsoever and agency would be responsible or answerable for any such claim. iii) In case of the person so deployed by the agency does not come up to the make in terms of general discipline or does not perform his / her duties properly or indulges in any unlawful activity including riots or disorderly conduct the agency on order of Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar shall immediately withdraw such person(s) from the Director premises. iv) The personnel who may be engaged by agency from time to time must carry the photo identity card, which shall have to be issued to him for the said purpose. The identity card should be worn by each personnel on their uniform which shall in turn give details regarding their full name, age, identity marks, signature of the bearer and also of the issuing authority and seal. A duplicate copy of each identity card should be made available to Director Administration in advance. Present and Permanent addresses of all personnel should be made available to the Director Administration before their deployment in Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar. v) The Agency shall provide uniforms, shoes, stocking and Photo Identity Card etc. to the personnel. vi) The agency should get the character / antecedence of each personnel verified before engagement them and the verification report should be produced as and when required for any departmental enquiry of the Institute or police concerning each personnel who may be engaged by him. vii) The personnel must be rotated from their deployment at an interval of 6 months. 7 viii) The Agency shall deploy the full compliment of the personnel all the time and shall maintain a list of the reserves to provide the replacement and supplement the strength. ix) The Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar shall have the right to ask the agency to remove any person considered incompetent or found unsuitable or far any other reason. Persons removed for the above reasons shall not be deputed again to our premises without the consent of Director Administration. x) A responsible person of the Agency should liaise on its behalf with the Officer in charge, manpower of the Institute, at least once a month or whenever called for. xi) The Agency shall not assign or transfer the contract or part thereof to any one. E. Penalty Clause:i) Loss or damage to any material/ property of Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar due to negligence of man power personnel shall be made good by agency at its own cost within a specified period or else deduction of the cost will be made from the following month’s bill / security deposit. ii) For any breach of contract, the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar or duly constituted committee, shall be entitle to impose a penalty on the 1st occasion upon the Agency in the event of breach, violation or contravention of any of the terms and conditions contained herein brought to the notice of the committee. iii) If the lapse is repeated again, the extent of the penalty will be doubled on each such occasion. The decision of the said Officer / Committee in this regard shall be final and binding upon the Agency. Some of the instances in which penalty would be imposed are enumerated below. But these are not exhaustive and penalty may be imposed on any violation, breach or contravention of any of the terms & conditions as well as assigned duties and in following conditions:a) If the personnel are not found in proper uniform and displaying Photo Identity Card. b) If the personnel found indulging in smoking / drinking / sleeping during duty hours. 8 c) If the Agency is not able to provide the required number of personnel, a penalty for shortage of attendance will be imposed. d) If the behaviour of personnel found discourteous. e) If any personnel found performing duty, submitting a fake name and address. f) If any personnel is found on duty other than those mentioned in the approved list supplied by the agency to the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar authorities. 6. Award Criteria:- A. The Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar will award the contract to the successful Tenderer whose tender has been determined to be substantially responsive and finalized based on the suitability of the agency with reference to the prescribed criteria and competitiveness of the price quoted provided further that the Tenderer is determined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily. Tenderer are advised to quote service charges at competitive rates. However, if the terms and conditions are not found as per the prescribed norms, the claim of the lowest quote will be ignored. B. 7. The Director reserves the right to reject or accept any quotation. However, the bidders would have the right to question the bidding conditions, bidding process and / or rejection of its bid. Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar Right to vary no. of personnel at time of award:The Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar reserves the right at the time of contract award to increase or decrease the number and type of Manpower personnel without any change in unit price or other terms and conditions. 9 8. Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar Right to accept any Tender and to Reject any or all Tenders:The Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, and to annual tender process and reject all tenders at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or tenderers or any obligation to inform the affected Tenderer or tenderer of the grounds for the Director’s legal action. 9. Notification of award :- A. Prior to the expiration of the period of tender validity, the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar will notify the successful Tenderer in writing by registered letter or by cable, to be confirmed in writing by registered letter, that its tender has been accepted. B. The notification of award will constitute the formation of the contract. C. Upon the successful Tenderer’s furnishing of the contract the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar will promptly notify each unsuccessful Tenderer and will discharge its Earnest Money. 10. 11. Signing of Contract :The Agency, on award of the contract should execute an agreement on with Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar incorporating of the terms and conditions. Security Money :- A. Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the Notification of contract award, the successful tenderer shall furnish to the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar the Security Deposit equivalent to the extent of 5% of total estimated value of the tender. B. The Security Deposit shall be in one of the following forms (a) Bank Guarantee, issued by a reputable bank or (b) Demand Draft payable to Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar. 10 C. The Security deposit (as performance security) shall be returned to the Agency on the expiry of the contract period on furnishing usual clearance / No Demand Certificate. The Security Deposit shall be returned on the expiry and termination of the Contract subject to the conditions that the Security Agency has indemnified the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar for all payments to the staff. The Security Agency has indemnified the CCSNIAH for all the payments to the staff. The Security Agency while requesting for release of the Security Deposit shall certify that all payments including Labour Laws obligations have been fulfilled and that the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar authorities shall not be responsible for such payments to the staff arising out of the decision of the Labour Court, if any. D. Failure of the successful Tenderer to sign the contract and / or furnish the Security Deposit shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Earnest Money, in which event the Director, CPDO(ER), Bhubaneswar may make the award to the next lowest evaluated Tenderer or call for new tenders. 12. Resolution of Disputes :ARBITRATION:(i) In the event of any dispute or difference between the parties hereto, such disputes or difference shall be resolved amicably by mutual consultation. If such resolution is not possible, then the unresolved dispute or difference shall be referred to arbitration of the sole arbitrator to be appointed by Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries) on the recommendation of the Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs (“Law Secretary”), Government of India. The provision of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (No. 26 of 1996) shall be applicable to the arbitration. The venue of such arbitration shall be at New Delhi or any other place, as may be decided by the arbitrator. The language of arbitration proceedings shall be English. The arbitrator shall make a reasoned award (the “Award”), which shall be final and binding on the parties. The cost of the arbitration shall be shared equally by the parties to the agreement. However, expenses incurred by each party in connection with the preparation, presentation shall be borne by the party itself. 11 (ii) 13. Pending the submission of and / or decision on a dispute, difference or claim or unit the arbitral award is published; the parties shall continue to perform all of their obligations under this Agreement without prejudice to a final adjustment in accordance with such award. Acceptance :A. Acceptance both provisional and final regarding the Security Services will be by the Director or his authorized representatives. Yours faithfully, (P.K.Panda) Director 12