Culture Locker Guide Lights Index Card


Culture Locker Guide Lights Index Card
Guide Lights Index Card
DREAMED UP by a Harvard professor and set down just east of the MIT campus in
Cambridge, Café ArtScience “presents cutting-edge sensory exhibitions, dynamic
public programming, and immersive food and drink experiences” says the sixth
edition of Time Out Boston.
The airy café is outfitted with cosy couches as well as chairs and marble tables, and
has a 24-seat bar with white leather seats. You can get an actual meal—cauliflower
velouté with sea urchin, lobster oil and curry salt, for example—or a cocktail made
with ice cubes chilled to –40º (C or F: it’s the one spot where the two thermometers
agree) that “melt slowly like mini opaque glaciers, barely diluting the beverage.”
Or you can opt for Le Whaf or Le Whif. The former turns your drink into a gas: the
Whaf Tiki cocktail has vapourized cachaça rum served over flavoured ice (almond
and pineapple-mango). It’s presented in a snifter and you inhale it. Le Whif “is a
portable line of ‘breathable food’,” says the guidebook, “that comes in aromas such
as chocolate-raspberry—giving you the essence of the food without the calories.”
The one-of-a-kind café is an offshoot of professor David Edwards’ art/design/scientific innovation hub, Le
Laboratoire (, which was originally in Paris.
Café ArtScience, 650 East Kendall Street, Cambridge.
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