DG Monroe Twp, NJ 2015 Conference Info


DG Monroe Twp, NJ 2015 Conference Info
Building Educator Expertise
with the Framework for Teaching
Charlotte Danielson Invites You to
Framework for Teaching Workshops
June 22–23, 2015
New Jersey Foundation for Educational Administration Conference Center
12 Centre Dr, Monroe Township, NJ
A set of workshops for teachers and
administrators interested in improving
their practice in observation skills
and collaborative coaching using the
Framework for Teaching
Teachers and administrators from K-12 to higher education
are using the Framework for Teaching - the first and only
validated instrument that defines effective teaching – to
improve their teaching practices, increase their reflection
skills, and establish collaborative coaching processes in
their schools.
Whether you are a principal responsible for teacher
evaluation, a teacher in a lesson study group or a
professional learning community, a peer coach in your
building, or a higher education professor working with
teacher candidates, the Building Educator Expertise
workshops have content you can use to deepen/increase
your knowledge and skills.
Charlotte Danielson
Charlotte Danielson will keynote
both days! You’ll hear the latest
research findings connecting the
Framework to the Common Core.
Plus learn her latest thinking about
the 6 big ideas of effective practice
integrated across the Framework
components and how you can use
these big ideas to streamline the
observation and coaching practices
in your school.
The Foundation for Educational Administration, Inc. (FEA) is a community
of leaders that promotes sustained Professional growth, supports researchbased practices, and enhances the spectrum of leadership for the purpose of
continuous School improvement.
Registration is open at:
Please be sure to register for the correct date/location!
Promoting Effective Teaching and Professional Learning
NJ 20150430
Building Educator Expertise
with the Framework for Teaching
How to Register
Travel and lodging
Registration is open at www.danielsongroup.org/connect/conferences
Hotel Reservations
Use a purchase order or credit card to pay the 2-day conference registration fee of $310, which includes continental breakfast and lunch each day.
Participants are responsible for their own lodging. The South Brunswick
Courtyard Marriott is located near the conference site.
Conference Materials
As a registered attendee, you can download all the conference session
materials. Registered participants will receive an e-mail notification
with a link to conference materials approximately two weeks prior to the
Parking at the New Jersey FEA Conference Center is plentiful and free.
Participants are responsible for their own transportation. Please do
not purchase nonrefundable airline tickets unless you have received a
confirmation e-mail from the Danielson Group. If you do not receive a
confirmation e-mail within one day of paying your registration fee, please
call 609-848-8714 to confirm your registration.
Registration Cancellation
If you have a paid registration but are unable to attend, contact us no later
than 14 calendar days prior to the start of the event to request a refund.
There is a $50 processing fee for cancellations. Cancellations less than 14
calendar days prior to the event are not eligible for a refund. At any time,
however, you may “transfer” your registration to a substitute attendee. We
require authorization in an email from you for such transfers. The Danielson
Group will keep the fee from the original registrant as payment for the
substitute. You and your substitute are responsible for any financial arrangements regarding the transfer.
Conference Cancellation
Daily schedule
Registration and continental breakfast
The Danielson Group reserves the right to cancel the conference. In the
unlikely event of a cancellation, you will be
notified and will receive a full refund of your
registration fee. The Danielson Group is
not responsible for any other expenses
you may incur for a cancelled event.
Lunch and keynote by Charlotte Danielson
Promoting Effective Teaching and Professional Learning
NJ 20150430
Building Educator Expertise
with the Framework for Teaching
Day One: Choose from the following workshop topics:
The Framework for Teaching: An Introduction
Jorie Ellis, Portland, OR
What is high-quality teaching? How do we capture and
understand its complexity? In this session, participants
will learn the structure of the Framework for Teaching
and its components. You will learn the different levels
of performance and how teachers can use the rubrics
to analyze practice. Special emphasis will be placed on
Component 3c: Engaging Students in Learning.
Refining and Enhancing Observation Skills to
Support Teacher Growth
Peggy Olcott, Playa del Rey, CA
One key outcome of observations is to support teacher’s
analysis of their practice and promote growth. The kind
of evidence collected becomes critical. This workshop
builds on participants’ knowledge of the Framework for
Teaching in order to refine and enhance observation skills.
What constitutes low-inference evidence, and how to
minimize one’s own biases and interpret evidence against
levels of performance will be explored with applications
of these skills through video observations.13 Using the
Framework for Teaching in Teacher Prep
Using the Framework for Teaching
in Teacher Prep
Shelly Arneson, Marana, AZ
University faculty and those supervising student teachers
will benefit from this workshop as we examine the
framework from the perspective of teacher candidates
and those who supervise and observe them. This session
will focus on the four domains (with special emphasis on
the observable components in Domains 2 and 3) and the
levels of performance, using specific examples applicable to
student teaching. In addition, we will share ideas for how
the framework might be integrated into education courses
and talk about the connections between the framework and
current licensure requirements.
Collaborative Coaching and Peer Observation
Kate Dickson, Portland, OR
This session will introduce teachers and school
leaders to research-based practices for establishing
meaningful collaborative peer coaching and peer
observation. Participants will have opportunities to
deepen their understanding of peer observation protocols
that enhance professional learning, and support effective
teaching and learning practices aligned to the Framework
for Teaching.
The Framework for Teaching: A Deeper Dive
Shelly Arneson, Marana, AZ
Participants in this session will do a deeper exploration of
the components and rubrics of the Framework for Teaching
in order to guide instructional improvement. You will
learn the interrelationships between domains, the common
themes of the Framework, and use the Framework to
observe videotaped lessons and
gather evidence of practice tied to
Framework components.
Promoting Effective Teaching and Professional Learning
NJ 20150130
Building Educator Expertise
with the Framework for Teaching
Day Two: Choose from the following workshop topics:
Student Engagement: The Heart of the
Peggy Olcott, Playa del Rey, CA
In this workshop, participants will explore the reasons
why intellectual engagement is critical to student
learning. Opportunities will be provided for participants
to develop an understanding and description of “minds
on” engagement by experiencing it, through analysis
of activities, observing classroom video segments, and
analyzing and modifying classroom activities designed for
student engagement.
Learning Focused Supervision
Ron Anderson, Beavercreek, OH
Learning Focused Supervision provides principals
and supervisors with the skills they need to engage
in productive conversations with teachers about their
professional improvement. This workshop offers
practical tools, focused templates and technical tips for
guiding conversations that increase a teacher’s ability to
think deeply about their instructional choices. Using
the Danielson Levels of Performance as the standard,
participants will explore a template for planning
conversations as well as a template for reflection, using the
data gleaned from classroom observations. Participants will
learn a continuum of interactions - calibrating, consulting,
collaborating, and coaching - each of which is designed to
support a teacher’s thinking and engagement in their own
professional development.
Introduction to the Framework for Teaching in
Special Education
Jorie Ellis, Portland, OR
Learn the structure, architecture, and vocabulary of the
Danielson Framework for Teaching using exemplars
from special education settings. Participants will develop
awareness of the levels of performance across a variety
of disability categories while learning how to use the
rubrics to analyze professional practice. Special emphasis
is placed on supporting the application of Universal
Design for Learning (UDL) in order to enhance attention
to component 3c: Engaging Students in Learning. Special
Education Scenarios written for each component and level
of performance help participants
understand, “What would this
look like in a special education
Promoting Effective Teaching and Professional Learning
NJ 20150130
Building Educator Expertise
with the Framework for Teaching
Conference Session Schedule
June 22
The Framework
for Teaching: An
Jorie Ellis
1/2 - 50
Refining and
Observation Skills to
Teacher Growth
Peggy Olcott
Using the
Framework for
Teaching in
Teacher Prep
Coaching and
Peer Observation
Shelly Arneson
BD - 70
Kate Dickson
EF - 40
1/2 - 50
June 23
The Framework for
Teaching: A Deeper
Student Engagement:
The Heart
of the Framework
Learning Focused
Shelly Arneson
Peggy Olcott
1/2 - 50
BD - 70
BD - 70
Ron Anderson
Introduction to the
Framework for
Teaching in
Special Education
Jorie Ellis
EF - 40
Promoting Effective Teaching and Professional Learning
NJ 20150430