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Dear Parents
“Each one agreed they would have failed if they had worked alone, far behind the parents stood the school and behind the teachers, the home.”
Dear Parents, The long awaited summer vacation is here, bringing with it the gift of togetherness that is spent in exploring books, storytelling and playing
games. These days are precious and invaluable standing out as the most memorable days of childhood. We should always remind ourselves that children will not
remember us for the gifts we shower upon them but will always cherish the time you spent with your little ones. It’s time to nurture young minds, inculcate
moral values and narrate family anecdotes to keep them in touch with their roots.
Kindly go through the following do’s and don’ts to make their formal education years the best phase of their lives.
Don’t expect a 2+ to 6+ year old child to behave like an adult.
Don’t lecture him on good behavior. Rather, teach by example, practice, repetition and encouragement.
Don’t severely punish the child. He may not understand the reason for it and hence, may not be able to change his behavior.
Don’t use bribes, threats and scoldings.
Don’t be miserly in hugging or kissing the child. He needs it in abundance.
Don’t allow the child to experience family fights (between husband and wife, etc.). It disturbs him tremendously.
Don’t compare one child with the other.
Don’t make promises that cannot be kept.
Don’t shame a child in front of others.
Don’t strike, hit or slap a child. It may physically harm him.
Don’t be too authoritarian or over-permissive.
Don’t insist on unquestioned obedience and discipline from the child. It may make him either too timid or too aggressive.
Don’t take all decisions for the child. He may start lacking confidence.
Don’t punish a child. It humiliates and disturbs him emotionally. The child tends to imitate the ‘aggressive’ behavior of the adults.
Do set a good example for the child, doing only that, which we want the child to do.
Do encourage the child by praising, clapping or patting on his back for any desirable behavior.
Do explain to the child how an act is undesirable and should not be repeated. We should be consistent in our reactions so that the child knows what is desirable and what is
 Do celebrate festivals with the child.
 Do take him for outings and excursions.
 Do identify the child’s strengths and encourage him.
Our holidays home work packet will help you in achieving it!
Begin & end your day with a Prayer (recite Gayatri
Encourage your child to learn his/her-(in English and
in a sentence form)
1.Father’s name
2.Mother’s name
3.Class teacher’s name
4.Class and Section
5.School’s name
Practice English
conversation daily
from the sheet
given in the syllabus
for the months
of April and May.
Eat a mango and put the
seed in the mud and watch
it grow. Water it every day
and bring it to school on
2nd July
Play Time : Take your child for a nature walk to a park.
Make him/ her enjoy the rides and encourage him/her
to play outdoor games like cricket, football etc.
* Encourage your child to do cycling.
Help your child to
read and narrate ‘b’
sound story and
identify various
objects with the
initial sound ‘b’ in
your surroundings.
Best Out of Waste :
Encourage your child to
participate in ‘Eco Drive’.
Use waste material of
various shapes, recall the
shapes & make a beautiful
Collect the pictures of the
letters allotted to you as per
your roll numbers (cut outs
from newspapers/magazines).
Make your own Picture
dictionary (in a scrap file) &
bring it to school. Atleast 5
pictures related to each 11
letter should be there.
Play snakes and ladders with
your family & friends.
Enter your Mumma’s kitchen & count the number of
plates, spoons & forks. Also, help her to set the dinner
table. Also, beat the heat by making your favourite
drink with your mom & enjoy your drink
Learn to tie and untie your shoes. Also learn to wear
your school uniform independently.
Practice the following similar activities:
zipping and unzipping, buckling and unbuckling,
manipulating buttons, snaps and small objects,
putting small objects together, doing puzzles,
opening and closing objects, picking up and holding
onto small objects, turning things over or turning the
pages of a book, holding and using utensils properly
and effectively, screwing and unscrewing bottles
Dance to the music:
Play your favourite songs and dance with your family.
Help your child to
Make a beautiful card for
read and narrate ‘c’ your parents and make
sound story and
them feel special
identify various
objects with the
initial sound ‘c’ in
your surroundings.
Help your child to
Draw and colour two
read and narrate ‘d’ objects each related to the
sound story and
letters a, b,c & d in your
identify various
free-hand drawing
objects with the
initial sound ‘d’ in
your surroundings.
Magic Time: Mix red &
yellow colour and create a
new colour in your scrap
Wash your water
bottle and bag.
Arrange your school
bag as per your time
table. And don’t
forget to
keep your holiday
homework in
your bag.
Help your child to read and
narrate ‘a’ sound story and
identify various objects with
the initial sound ‘a’ in your
Make a one stand Abacus.
Count and put the beads
from 1 to 9 in it. Practice it
Visit a nearby lake and enjoy
boating . Try to go for
swimming in a clean pool.
Pattern Hunt: Search
various patterns at your
home and practice each
pattern three times in
your free-hand
drawing notebook.
Water Activity: Take the
Read your child a Moral
children to a water pool or
story (from any picture
put water in a large tub. Let story book) and make
them splash it, pour it from
him/her learn the same
one container to another.
along with actions.
Let them put different
objects like cans, straws,
paper boats, pebbles and so
on in the water
Trace and Draw the pictures Get up early in the
related to the letters a-c in
morning and go for
your free hand drawing
jogging. Count the
plants/trees & flowers
which you will see on
your way
Practice personal hygiene:
Use your hygiene kit & learn
how to fold your apron and
mat & do Letter Hunt in
newspaper (a-d)
Go to the market with
your parents & observe
different fruits and
vegetables. Recall the
summer fruits and
vegetables. Draw your
favourite fruits and
vegetables on either
sides of a quarter sheet,
colour it & get it
laminated. Use it as 27
table mat at your home.
1 JULY, 2015
Visit any nearest food court
& enjoy a fun-filled meal
with your family and
motivate your child to use
the Magical words :
Thank You
Excuse Me
Watch any animated movie
& share your experience
with your family and friends.
Paste the movie
advertisement in your scrap
Take your child to the zoo or
an amusement park and
make him/her observe the
surroundings. He/She can
share his/ her observations
and experiences in the
Feed the birds with water &
bajra and observe the birds
carefully. Encourage your
child to water the plants and
keep a bowl of water outside
the house for the birds.
Make a photo album of activities/visits you enjoyed.
Practice writing a-d in sequence atleast twice a week in your English notebook.
Practice all the letters done in the class with phonetics. Listen to the rhymes (specified in the syllabus) in Rhythmic Rhymes C.D. at least twice a week and sing along with actions.
Prepare any one Hindi Rhyme and any one English Rhyme with actions for English & Hindi Rhyme Presentation (8-10 lines).
Roll no. 1 to 5 letters a to d, Roll No. 6 to 10 e to h, Roll no. 11 to 15 i to l, Roll no. 16 to 20 m to p, Roll No. 21 to 25 q to u and Roll No. 26 onwards v to z. (Roll No’s are mentioned in the front page of the diary).
Your efforts will be reflected in your report card.
Note: Bring photo Album, Best out of Waste object, mango sapling, the homework done in your free-hand drawing notebook, picture dictionary, greeting card, table mat, scrap file and your Eng. Notebook. Label all the
holiday homework