May 10, 2015 Ascension Thursday
May 10, 2015 Ascension Thursday
Prayer Shawl Every Thursday from 12 p.m. -2 p.m. Contact: Grace Sicignano 610-430-1247 Centering Prayer Every Wednesday 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Contact: Nikki Murphy/ 610-738-7765 Grace of Grief Support Group (loss) First Thursday of each Month (6:30 p.m.) Contact: Nancy Santamaria [email protected] Cancer Support Group Circle of Light (cancer support) 4th Monday of the month at 12 noon Contact: Linda Christopher 610-647-2530 ext. 135 Service Based Ministries Hospitality Jan Smink/Pat McNichol: In Reach/Susan Smith: Outreach/Henry Miller: Ushers/Marge McGann: 610-738-0814 610-892-8878 610-407-0757 610-647-0486 Other Ministries Spiritual Direction (Group) Sue Smith: 610-647-5475 Spiritual Direction (Individual) ext. 102 Stephen Ministry: ext. 137 Altar Flowers and Mass Cards Remembering a loved one … In Loving Memory, Birthday, Anniversary Altar Flowers: Contact: John Woznisky ext. 131, Email: [email protected] Mass Intentions: The Abbey Receptionist ext. 100 Mass Cards: 610-647-2530 ext. 134 Abbey Offices Art Show ext. 150 Associate Office ext. 122 Development Office ext. 118/127 Liturgy Office ext. 131 Music Ministry ext. 131 Pastoral Outreach Representative ext. 121 Prayer Line ext. 141 Spirituality Center ext. 135 Sunday Bulletin ext. 135 Vocation Office ext. 127 Receptionist ext. 100 Women and Men of Daylesford Abbey ext. 150 610-647-2530 x 100 (receptionist) May 10, 2015 220 South Valley Road, Paoli, PA 9301 Daylesford Abbey’s Mission Statement Daylesford Abbey exists to enrich the church by our Norbertine communio, nourished by contemplation on God’s Word made visible in worship and service within the local church. Ascension Thursday Schedule May 14, 2015 Morning Prayer 8:30 a.m. Mass 11:30 a.m. Vespers 4:30 p.m. Sunday Bulletin submissions Email: [email protected] Website Email: [email protected] Parish Contact Information: 610-644-1655 or Festival of Praise (7:30 p.m.) Held the first Friday of each month in the Oratory. All are invited to praise and worship the Lord in song and prayer. Prayer and Healing Ministry Whatever prayer requests you have, the Prayer Teams will pray with you. The sacrament of the sick is also administered. Takes place the 2nd Thursday of every month. Join the Norbertine Community for 4 p.m. Vespers Celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life! Each gathering will welcome a religious community who will give a brief overview of their mission, charism and work. Please welcome Sister Megan Brown, RSM on May 10 Abbey Prayer and Worship Schedule Monday to Friday Morning Prayer Mass Evening Prayer 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 8:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. (Saturday) 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) 4:30 p.m. Adoration takes place every Monday in the Divine Word Chapel. It begins at 4 p.m. and includes the celebration of Vespers. The Norbertine Community uses this opportunity to pray for an increase of vocations. Are you new to the Abbey? Is this your first time here? Please take a Welcome Packet home. (See the ushers) Sign up to be on our mailing or eBulletin list. Call if you have any questions or want to be involved. 610-647-2530 ext. 100 Abbey Faith & Music Fest Night of Praise June 12th at 7:30 p.m. May 10, 2015 Sandy Blissick Bunker Family Jessica Criddle Ann Decker Janice Decker William Denny Cecilia Depiso Roberta Ferris Louise Fitzpatrick Brideen Floyd The Genovese Family Jenny Glover Nola Godlewski Richard Hafer Carol Rosfelder Hall Katherine Harmer Anne Hildenbrand William Leeser Robert Manturuk Caroline Miller O’Connor Family Patty Ann Pam Plantago Yolanda Price Meghan Rack Barbara Rosemann James Rosemann Jay Waldron Prayer Request Line 610-647-2530 Ext. 141 Prayer requests can be left on ext. 141. They are retrieved every Wednesday morning for inclusion in the following week’s Sunday Bulletin and will remain on the list for one month. You must call again to get the person's name reinstated and if someone needs to be removed from the list, please call and let us know. Thank you for praying for the many people on this list. Get your Foursome Together and Join the Fun! Monday, June 22nd Hershey Mills Golf Club (West Chester) Get a foursome together and enjoy a fun day! Contact Jeanne Byrne 610-647-2530 ext. 118 for a brochure or visit our front desk for more information . Schedule: Music/Witness/Adoration/Music/Fellowship Join us for an evening of joy-filled praise and worship in the spirit of the Abbey Faith & Music Fest. Come together to celebrate the beauty of our faith through Spirit-filled praise and worship, Eucharistic Adoration and fellowship in Christ in the beautiful Abbey Church. Worship will be led by Firehill, our own AbbeyFest praise team that led us in music during Mass at our first Fest. Join us as we keep the flame of AbbeyFest burning throughout the year. Save the Date for Abbey Fest II ~ September 19th (Saturday) Tickets now on sale by going on the Abbey Fest website. Summer Book Discussion Series Our One Great Act of Fidelity by Ronald Rolheiser Facilitator: Maurice Avicolli, O. Praem. Dates: June 25, July 9, 16, 23, 30 (Thursdays) Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Offering: $50 (five sessions) In this book the author gives his personal insight regarding the meaning and celebration of the Eucharist. Each chapter is an explanation of how the Eucharist touches the worshipping assembly. Overall, the content reinforces the Eucharist as the center and anchor of Catholic belief in God and access to God. The book underscores the Church’s fidelity in never ceasing to celebrate Eucharist, which has been the glue holding the Church together in spite of its own sinfulness and maintaining the Church’s union with Christ and faithfulness to His vision. Upon registration, you will be advised what to read before the first session. The Annual Giving Program is in progress and ends on June 30, 2015. Annual Giving provides the foundation for many of the Abbey ministries and is also a major source of funding for the operation of the Abbey. We thank you for your past contributions to Annual Giving and we ask that you prayerfully consider a donation before June 30th if you have not already done so. May God bless you for your support of the Abbey. Circle of Light (Cancer Support Group) Next Meeting: May 18 (Monday) Time: noon prayer, lunch (12:15 p.m.) meeting (1 p.m.) If interested in attending, email [email protected] or call Linda Christopher 610-647-2530 ext. 135