A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF 9-BALL POCKET BILLIARDS Vol. 2, No. 5 (201)838-7089 David Howard oven en Field NORFOLKDavid Howard emerged from the formidable forty-eight player U.S. Open field $7,000 richer. In races to eleven, he outpointed Opsahl (8), Lassiter (8), Roberts (7), Mathews (7), Hall (7), and Hopkins twice (3) and (9). In similar fashion, Jean Balukas won the distaff division and banked $1,700 in the process. rr • THE 11th ANNUAL U.S. OPEN NORFOLK, VIRGINIA November 3-8,1986 FINAL Men David PRIZE AVG. NAME 1st STANDINGS (.820) (.871) ( .849) ( .884) Howard 2nd Allen Hopkins 3rd Nick Varner 4th Mike Sigel 5th-6th Buddy Hall Steve Shaw 7th-8th Grady Mathews Lenny Loder 9th-12th Steve Mizerak Sammy Jones Howard Vickery Danny DiLiberto 13th-16th Dave Bollman Danny Medina Dave White Steve Geller 17th-24th Earl Strickland Bob Williams Louie Roberts Jay Swanson Mike LeBron Harvey Mason Chris MacDonald Don Polo (.830) (.776) ( ( $7 ,000.00 3 ,500.00 2 ,300.00 1 ,600.00 1 ,200.00 1 ,200.00 .815) .784) 800.00 800.00 ( .816) (.799) (.783) (.776) 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 (.820) ( .791) (.758) (.752) 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 (.843) (.825) (.825) (.807) (.806) (.784) ( .784) (.765) NAME AVG. 25th-32nd Jim Rempe Mike Gulyassy Toby Sweet Terry Bell Al Bonife Paul Hartley Bob Hunter Bill Stephen 33rd-48th Luther Lassiter Jimmy Reid Kim Davenport Louie Lemke Charlie Jarboe Brian Hashimoto Dave Palmer Tony Mougey Ron Casanzio Bob Opsahl Ed Sheahan Guido Orlandi Wade Crane John Barnshaw Roy Trivett Joe Root (.806) (.777) (.763) (.753) ( .741) (.731) (.727) (.692) (.820) (.805) (.803) (.803) ( .787) (.772) ( .744) (.738) ( .714) ( .712) ( .710) (.709) (.701) (.695) (.683) (.650) Women: NAME 1st 2nd 3rd 4 th Jean Balukas Mary Kenniston Ewa Mataya Bonnie Hoffman PRIZE $1,700 1,100 750 500 » PRIZE NAME 5th-6th Peg Ledman Laura Smith 7th-8th JoAnn Mason Loree Jon Jones 250 250 NAME PRIZE 9th-12th Kelly Simpson Toni Macante Anne Mayes Belinda Beardon 13th Vicki Paski ACCU-FACT In 1986, 604 different In 1986, 103 different ^ men have played in the twelve major men's tournaments. women have played in the eleven major women's tournaments. 2 # • ^ (?•- • it's About Time "Little NORFOLK, VA ( 1 1 / 3 - 8 / 8 6 ) - David Howard i s the 1986 U.S. Open champion. A f t e r some near misses r e c e n t l y i n s e v e r a l major e v e n t s , i t seemed t h a t i t was j u s t a matter of time b e f o r e he would have h i s day. He posted an .841 i n a 10-11 loss to Steve Mizerak and an .845 i n a 10-11 loss t o Nick Varner. He a l s o posted the h i g h o v e r a l l tournament average o f .884 w i t h A l l e n Hopkins f o l l o w i n g w i t h an . 8 7 1 . Defending champion Jimmy Reid d i d not fare too w e l l even a f t e r an impressive opening round i n which he disposed o f Terry B e l l 11-2. I n the next round, a near three hour match w i t h Buddy H a l l was the beginning o f the end f o r the 1985 U.S. Open champion. He l o s t t h a t match 10-11 and then was upset by Dave White 9 - 1 1 . The s i x day tournament was staged i n two areas. Most o f the p l a y was on two Gold Crowns i n the main tournament a r e a . A separate area was necessary f o r p r e l i m i n a r y l a d i e s ' matches and the o v e r f l o w of men's matches. A g r u e l i n g schedule was adhered t o i n order t o f i n i s h the tournament on schedule. Mike S i g e l played remarkably w e l l even i n Q-Master defeat. Notable A seesaw match which e v e n t u a l l y put Kim Davenport (.791) on the h i l l kept him on the h i l l . Still needing four games to w i n , A l l e n Hopkins (.816) prevented Davenport from pocketing a s i n g l e b a l l f o r the r e s t of the set and edged him 11-10. In what may have been a case o f not knowing the r u l s s , C h a r l i e Jarboe (.789) f a i l e d t o n o t i f y Steve S e l l e r (.680) t h a t he was on two f o u l s . In fact G e l l e r f o u l e d four times i n a row i n the same game w i t h o u t p e n a l t y . G e l l e r l o s t t h a t rack anyway b u t l a t e r r a l l i e d from a 7-10 d e f i c i t t o win 11-10. Although Luther L a s s i t e r (.878) pocketed 87 b a l l s and committed only 12 e r r o r s , he s t i l l l o s t 8-11 t o David Howard (.641) who pocketed o n l y 50 b a l l s and committed 28 e r r o r s ! Of the eleven racks won by Howard he won e i g h t of them w i t h a run o f no more than two b a l l s . In a g r u e l i n g two hour and f o r t y minute match, Buddy H a l l (.790) managed t o squeeze out the v i c t o r y over Jiany Reid ( . 8 3 8 ) . While on the h i l l at 10-7, Reid hooked h i m s e l f and made a bad k i c k . New s c o r e : 1 0 - 8 . The next r a c k , Reid was a f f o r d e d only s a f e t i e s and k i c k s . New score 10-9. Two misses on makeable shots by Reid k n o t t e d the score a t 10-10. While running out in the f i n a l r a c k , Reid hooked h i m s e l f for the l a s t t i m e . F i n a l : H a l l 1 1 , Reid 10. Due i n p a r t t o s c r a t c h i n g on the break nine t i m e s , J i M y Reid (.725) and Dave White (.762) t o g e t h e r made a b a l l on the break w i t h o u t s c r a t c h i n g o n l y once d u r i n g the twenty break game. A f t e r a l l was s a i d and done, White upset Reid 11-9. Ron Casanzio (.800) broke and ran out three racks i n a row as he increased h i s lead t o 8 - 4 . But i t was a l l i n v a i n , f o r h i s opponent Hike Gulyaasy (-800) l a t e r broke and ran out four racks i n a row f o r the tournament high run and the win 11-8. V* David" Billiards hosted the $10,000 added event ( c o n t i n u e d on page 22) Matches Once lead after stay a g a i n , Kin Davenport (.813) h e l d a c o m f o r t a b l e of 10-7 over Toby Sweet ( . 8 0 2 ) , y e t somehow s e v e r a l chances t o end the s e t , he managed t o at 10. Sweet won 11-10. Sometimes you pay d e a r l y f o r your mistakes! While p l a y i n g A l l a n Hopkins (.907) and t r a i l i n g 4 - 5 , Steve Mizerak (.737) missed a makeable s h o t . By the time i t was a l l over, Mizerak was forced t o play (continued on page 17) The Ultimate Trick Shot Tape by Willie Jopling • 6 0 Balls in 2 0 Shots A table is loaded with 4 racks of balls • 6 0 Shots in 6 0 Minutes A unique exhibition in four parts • 2 0 Original Trick Shots How some of the shots were contrived • 2 0 Forced Q Ball Curves Some of these shots will amaze you • 5 0 One Pocket Shots 10 Kicks 10 Kisses 10 Banks 10 Safeties 10 Outs • 10 Trick Bank Shots ALL THIS AND MORE ON ONE TAPE OVER 2 0 0 SHOTS FOR ONLY SEND CHECK S i l A Q S INCLUDES POSTAGE OR MONEY OROER ^ " f j f AND HANDLING WILLIE JOPLING TAPE P.O. Box 2 2 1 5 Lynchburg, VA 2 4 5 0 1 VHS BETA ^ ^ fr Scores U.S. Open Name # Score AVQ. OPENING ROUND 1) 5. w. Geller Crane li 2) C. Mathews £ . Sheahan 7 (.848) (.724) 11 8 (.766) (.691) 3) L. Roberts J . Root li 7 (.816) (.684) 4J 0 . Howard B. Opsahl li 8 (.833) (.753) 5 ) J . Reid r. Bell 11 2 (.866) (.485) e5i fl. Trivett B. Hashimoto li 10 (.684) (.762) 7J D. Palmer C. Orlandi li 8 (.769) (.728) 8} C. MacDonald L. Lemke li 8 (.783) (.800) 9J B. Williams E. Strickland 10) H. Vickery fl. Bonife i i ; s. li 8 (.867) (.779) li 10 (.730) (.732) Jones p . Hartley li 22> H. Mason 0 . White li 13) J. flempe S. Shaw li 24 J J . Swanson fl. Casanzio li 15) fl. Hopkins Davenport li 10 X ^^ K -^^^H ^B ^^^H ^^^B. -^^^B. ^^^B. ^ H ^^H ^ ^^ ^^"" ^^™" 24) C. MacDonald J. Barnshaw 25) M. LeBron B. Williams m 7 • ••. ••. ^B. *^H • m BRACKET G. Mathews r. Sweet li 5 (.871) (.704) L. Roberts M. Gulyassy li 7 (.839) (.828) Jarboe 2 0 ; 0 . Howard L. Lassiter li 8 (.641) (.878) 21) B. Hall J . Reid U 10 (.790) (.833) 2 2 ; 0 . Medina fl. Trivett li (.766) (.656) 3 11 8 (.811) (.769) jli 5 (.806) (.684) 46) M. Gulyassy fl. Casanzio 11 8 (.800) (.809) 4 7 ; T. Sweet K. Davenport li 10 (.802) (.813) 48) D. Bollman C. Jarboe li (.846) (.784) li 7 (.833) (.789) 27) N. Varner 5 . Jones 12 4 (.828) (.636) 28) H. Mason T. Mougey li 8 (.816) (.745) 29) D. Polo J. Rempe li 10 (.803) (.812) 30) L. Loder J. Swanson li 10 (.832) (.787) 31) A. Hopkins 8. Stephen li L918J 0 (.531) 32) S. Mizerak M. Sigel li 10 1 1 • • a li 5 jli 8 (.876) (.667) (.752) (.732) (.870) (.591) J. B. 37) T. T. Rempe Opsahl li 2 (.800) (.655) Bell Mougey [1 7 (.842) (.728) 38) 5. 6. 39) B. G. Jones Hashimoto Hunter Orlandi li 6 (.861) (.787) U 5 (.796) (.679) 40) B. Williams L. Lemke ili 7 41) E. Strickland J. Barnshaw .tJ ( . 9 2 6 ; 2 (.7i8J fl. Bonife 0. Palmer (.821) (.711) 43) P. Hartley fl. T r i v e t t j[1 5 (.798) (.704) 44 j 0 . White Reid ; . Jli 9 (.762) (.725) Q ^ t MOTTE\ CUSTOM CU ES 1 ^ T \J V v^ 2852 Broadway / Avenue Pittsburgh. Pa 15216 (412) 531-3500 (25th-32nd) 49) M. Sigel B. Stephen li 50) 11 9 (.800) (.788) 51) S. Jones T. Bell li 7 (.780) (.753) 52) B. Williams B. Hunter li 5 (.873) (.635) 53) E. Strickland fl. Bonife 11 4 (.825) (.630) 54) D. White P. Hartley li 8 (.779) (.636) 5 (.832) (.685) 6 (.869) (.765) J. Swanson J. Rempe (.920; 3 (.667) w 55) S. Shaw M. Gulyassy li 56) D. Bollman r. Sweet li 57) G. Ma thews S. Geller 1 11 6 (.854) (.736) Norfolk Name § Score AVQ. LOSERS (13th- • i 6 t h ; 73) M. Sioel D. Medina li (.917/ 6 (.818) 74) 5. Jones li 6 (.762) (.667) Mizerak White 11 4 (.819) (.672) 76) S. Shaw D. Bollman 11 3 (.816) (.643) S. Geller 75) 5. D. WINNERS' BRACKET 77) D. Howard G. Mathews 11 7 78) B. D. Hall DiLiberto li 79) N. H. Varner Vickery li 10 (.826) (.731) (.902; 1 (.657) (.836) (.770) • 80) fl. L. LOSERS 81) M. H. J Hopkins Loder li •*%. J f c ^>» (.928J 2 (.556) (9th-12th) Sigel Vickery 11 (.931J 3 (.776) 82) L. Loder S. Jones li 10 (.802) (.809) 83) G. Mathews S. Mizerak li (.856) (.610) 84) S. Shaw D. DiLiberto 11 10 LOSERS 2 ^ H 1 » ^r w ^^ r (.732) (.777) (7th-8th) 58) D. Howard L. Roberts 11 7 (.841) (.791) 59) B. Hall D. Medina li 10 (.813) (.752) 60) D. DiLiberto C. MacDonald li 6 (.828) (.788) 61) H. Vickery M. LeBron 11 7 (.887) (.806) 87) D. Howard fl. Hall li 7 (.873) (.782) 62) N. Varner H. Mason 11 7 (.837) (.696) 88) A. N. 11 8 (.861) (.821) 63) L. Loder D. Polo 11 9 (.800) (.764) 64) li r fl. Hopkins S. Mizerak LOSERS PAUL MOT"rEY r 5 WINNERS' BRACKET (.835) (.806) j[1 5 42) Score AVQ. 9 (.857) (.841) XI 4 Name LOSERS m J. Swanson J. Root 36) ••. (.680) (.789) 45) 5. Shaw L. Lassiter i * (.899) (.830) X (.771) (.750) (.756) (.703) 35) (.816) (.791) •. \ [1 4 li 10 33) M. Sigel W. Crane 34) B. Stephen E. Sheahan (.795) 6 (.585; • AVQ. 26) H. Vickery B. Hunter ^m —* Averages Score LOSERS (33rd-4i m) V li 10 c. 1?; m 23) D. DiLiberto D. Palmer (.823) (.757) li 1ttNNERS' i z ; 5. Geller ia; W 9 •. ^^^H. *^^H ^^^H. ^^^H. L L •. -^^^H. 5 (.835) (.683) ^ ^Q^Hi iejj M. Sigel 0. Bollman 6 (.810) (.750) Name # & ^ (.907; 4 (.737) (17th-24th) 65) M. Sigel C. MacDonald 11 4 (.896) (.736) 66) D. Medina J. Swanson li (.850) (.766) 67) 5. Jones L. Roberts li 68) S. Geller B. Williams li 9 (.800) (.742) 69) S. Mizerak E. Strickland 11 6 (.892) (.848) 70) D. White 0. Polo li 6 (.813) (.707) 71) S. Shaw H. Mason li 10 (.746) (.773) 72) D. Bollman M. LeBron 11 7 (.816) (.775) 4 (.881) fl ( . 8 5 4 ; 85) M. Sigel L. Loder li 86) 5. Shaw G. Mathews 11 10 6 T (.800) (.732) v ^^ ^ » r (.744) (.803) WINNERS' BRACKET Hopkins Varner LOSERS 89) M. B. (5th-6th) Sigel Hall 90) N. Varner S. Shaw li (.926J 8 (.875) li (.898) (.803) 7 LOSER (4th) 91) N. Varner M. Sigel 11 ( . 9 1 3 ; 10 (.845) WINNERS' BRACKET 92) D. Howard fl. Hopkins li 3 (.875) (.760) LOSER (3rd) 93) fl. Hopkins N. Varner 11 ( . 9 3 5 ; 4 (.742; FINALS 94) 0. Howard fl. Hopkins 11 9 (.812) (.806) y A M EN'S 9- B A L L WOMEN 9-BALL > . v R B.A. W. R B.A. $10,000 ADDED $275 ENTRY RACE TO II 6 4 PLAYERS ACCU-STATS SHERATON INN ^ 3 8 " PLAYER RATE S H U T T L E TO AIRPORT OPEN 2 4 HOURS ATRIUM-INDOOR POOL 800-325-3535/803-731-0300 $ 2,000 ADDED $200 ENTRY R A C E TO 9 DRAW 10 A M - F E B . 5 6 PLAYERS CALCUTTA P L A Y E R S M E E T I N G MONDAY NOON«FEB 2« MATCHES admission $6 — afternoon $7— evening $ 8 — f i n a l s 2 PM T H I S I S A S A N C T I O N E D P B A EVENT. ALL P L A Y E R S OVER IOO M I L E S F R O M S I T E ARE REQUIRED TO BE MEMBERS TN GOOD S T A N D I N G JOIN FOR * 2 5 AT TOUR NAMENT. TRICK SHOT E X H I B I T I O N S - P R I ZE FOR DAILY • SPECIALTY CONTESTS • BOB OPSAHL PROMOTER 803-772-5336 HIGH T.RA. PAT F L E M I N G Dl RECTOR 20I-838-7089 fr : Total Performance U. S. OPEN Average Rankings ^ (TPA) I f you reviewed the scores on page f o u r , you probably noticed a number i n parentheses t o the r i g h t of each score. I t was c a l l e d the Accu-Stats Average. I t i s a c t u a l l y another name for Total Performance Average. That number r e f l e c t a the p l a y e r ' s a b i l i t y for a s i n g l e session. What follows are the o v e r a l l tournament averages for each contestant. # NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. li. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. NAME TPA .884 .871 .849 .843 .830 .825 .825 .820 .820 .820 .816 .815 .807 Mike Sigel Allen Hopkins Nick Varner Earl Strickland Buddy Hall Bob Williams Louie Roberts David Howard Luther Lassiter Dave Bollman Steve Mizerak Grady Mathews Jay Swanson Mike LeBron Jim Rempe Jimmy Reid .806 .806 .805 TPA 17. Kim Davenport 18. Louie Lemke 19. Sammy Jones 20. Danny Medina 21. Charlie Jarboe 22. Lenny 23. Harvey 24. Chris Loder Mason MacDonald 25. Howard Vickery 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Mike Gulyassy Danny DiLiberto Steve Shaw Brian Hashimoto Don Polo Toby Sweet Dave White Sands Regent 9~Ball VIDEOTAPES Hopkins v s . Rosas Hopkins v s . Siget Sigel v s . TPA 33. Terry Bell 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Steve Geller Dave Palmer Al Bonife Tony Mougey Paul Hartley Bob Hunter Ron Casanzio Bob Opsahl Ed Sheahan .753 .752 .744 .741 .738 .731 .727 .714 .712 .710 .709 .701 .695 .692 .683 .650 43. Guido Orlandi 44. Wade Crane 45. John Barnshaw 46. Bill Stephen 47. Roy 48. Trivett Joe Root Tres^im $& J~£f-Q Case. <^ aae f ddxv&re & atmttaolkfe aour xeet/s dm/jmm^ year ate mtm/tim m***? tkshfc ™,JP, fa war fffc\-,J%s' q fax-a sjmc watte mm MX M/ffi' 7v /» wrfrft/ use aaa a //me ri:C wvr a mm am sent? $m mw TOP HANDLE Howard ( T W O SETS) o Professional Quality oDual Cameras oComplete and Uncut oNarration by Jay Helfert and Pat Fleming $29.95each, $79.95all (ADD $2.50 POSTAGE) Send check or money order to= Jay Mac Productions PO Box 1503 (specify VHS or Beta) Venice, CA 9 0 2 9 4 v^ .803 .803 .799 .791 .787 .784 .784 .784 .783 .777 .776 .776 .772 .765 .763 .758 NAME NAME AND DES/GN PANEL. F^ONT AND BALX SIDE HANDU • ^ S > r ZIPPER £?9i$rr ZIPPER RIVLTS OR LACL FPfUT SW0U)tS{ BACK_ 2 0 1 4 Phyllis Place, Tampa, Florida 3 3 6 1 9 813-623-6004 ^ fr- ^ ANAHEIM, CA ( 8 / 2 7 - 3 1 / 8 6 ) - T h e r i c h e s t pocket b i l l i a r d tournament i n southern C a l i f o r n i a h i s t o r y waa staged a t the Disneyland Hotel and drew 144 men and women p l a y e r s . A r l i n g t o n Recreation Supply of R i v e r s i d e added $50,000 t o the p r i z e fund making i t a whopping $58,000 purse! The promoters of t h i s s p o r t i n g e v e n t , The C a l i f o r n i a Mixed 9 - B a l l Open, were John Sanders and Herb Wiles who d i d a remarkable j o b i n i t s p r o d u c t i o n . A unique format was employed i n which the 96 p l 3 y e r men's d i v i s i o n and the 48 p l a y e r women's d i v i s i o n were each d i v i d e d i n t o three b r a c k e t s . Preliminary p l a y i n both d i v i s i o n s used a double e l i m i n a t i o n format u n t i l there waa a winner i n each b r a c k e t . The three f i n a l i s t s i n each d i v i s i o n would use a round r o b i n format t o determine the w i n n e r s . $8,000 would go t o the men's d i v i s i o n winner and $5,000 would go to the women's d i v i s i o n winner. NAME PRIZE $8,000 1st Danny Medina A, 520 2nd David Howard 2,701 3rd Dave Chartier 4th-6th 1,500 Joe Salazar 1,500 Dan Louie 1,500 Ron Rosas 7th-9th Nick Varner 1,333 1,333 Ronnie Allen 1,333 Tim Padgett 10th-12th 1,000 Jose Parica Mark Chapman . 1,000 Al Romero 1,000 13th-18th Paul Brienza 700 Mike LeBron 700 700 Isaac Lopez Ismael Paez 700 Ernesto Dominguez 700 700 Arturo Rivera v^ NAME After f i v e days o f c o m p e t i t i o n , Danny Medina edged David Howard f o r the men's t i t l e w h i l e Jean Balukas defeated Bonnie Hoffman to cop the women's honors. Danny Medina's road t o success included v i c t o r i e s over Varner, Mason, Chapman, Dominguez, P a r i c a , Padgett, Louie t w i c e , C h a r t i e r , and f i n a l l y Howard. In the f i n a l game of the f i n a l s e s s i o n , David Howard made a b a l l on the break, pocketed the two b a l l under immense pressure and then miscued s h o o t i n g the three b a l l on what seemed t o be an easy carom shot i n t o the tournament winning nine b a l l . That miscue set up the Medina w i n . Howard a d m i t t e d l a t e r t h a t the shot was more d i f f i c u l t than i t appeared. Jean Balukas had a less s t r e s s f u l time i n d e f e a t i n g Tomasello, B e l l , Macante, Mataya t w i c e , V a i l l a n c o u r t , and Hoffman. The tournament r e s u l t s f o l l o w : PRIZE 19th-24th Sal Giuliano Rich Geiler Brian Hashimoto Frank Almanza Danny DiLiberto Sammy Jones 25th-36th Robert LeBlanc Richard Renk Victor Ignacio Ashley Woodbury Rich Relf Al Winchenbaugh Warren Costanzo Tony Annigoni Joe Villalpando Jim Mataya Chris Villalpandoi Gary Hutchings 500 500 500 500 500 500 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 NAME PRIZE 1st Jean Balukas $5,000 2nd Jean Vaillencourt2,680 3rd Bonnie Hoffman 2,680 4th-6th Belinda Beardon 1,000 Loree Jon Jones 1,000 Ewa Mataya 1,000 7th-9th Peg Ledman 700 Catherine Gamblei 700 Kelly Simpson 700 10th-12th Anne Mayes 500 JoAnn Mason 500 Mary Kenniston 500 13th-18th Laura Smith 400 Toni Macante 400 Darlene Stinson 400 Linda Moore 400 Jan LeBlanc 400 Debra Aarens 400 Jf r/ Performance Norfolk TOTAL NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. GAMES Mike Sigel 172 Allen Hopkins 128 Nick Varner 127 Earl Strickland 63 Buddy Hall 91 Bob Williams 91 Louie Roberts 73 David Howard 126 Luther Lassiter 38 Dave BolIman 83 (U.S. Open Average BREAK Rankings PERFORMANCE BALLS MADE ERRORS 878 115 616 91 511 91 285 53 386 79 402 85 334 71 571 125 169 37 365 80 = .793) KICK TPA .884 1. .871 2. .849 3. .843 4. .830 5. .825 6. .825 7. .820 8. .820 9. .820 10. i. 2. 3. 4. 3. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 128 80 54 58 27 18 71 126 46 21 42 12 63 36 20 83 44 24 127 65 35 91 47 24 47 91 24 172 105 53 Average • .465) # .675 .667 .648 .571 .556 .545 .538 .511 .511 .505 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. MISSES (PER 1 0 0 NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BALLS BALLS MADE POCKETED) Mike Sigel 878 39 Allen Hopkins 616 35 Nick Varner 511 33 Steve Mizerak 297 25 Grady Mathews 494 42 Buddy Hall 386 33 Jim Rempe 286 25 Mike LeBron 183 16 David Howard 571 50 Earl Strickland 285 25 (U.S. Open Average = 11.2) NAME AVG 4 4 5 7 6 5 8 4 8 5 8 5 8 7 8 7 8.8 8.8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. RUN OUTS Mike Sigel 150 105 Allen Hopkins 120 77 Danny Medina 61 38 Steve Mizerak 62 38 David Howard 131 75 Nick Varner 115 65 48 Buddy Hall 85 Danny DiLiberto 59 33 Jim Rempe 70 39 Earl Strickland 65 36 (U.S. Open Average • 49.5) (PER 1 0 0 U.S. OPEN KPA .947 .935 .895 .893 .882 .882 .870 .867 .867 .867 PCT. 70.0 64.2 62.3 61.3 57.3 56.5 56.5 55.9 55.7 55.4 ERRORS BALLS POCKETED) BALLS MADE POSITION ERRORS Steve Mizerak 297 13 Mike Sigel 878 40 Allen Hopkins 616 30 Buddy Hall 386 21 Charlie Jarboe 163 9 Earl Strickland 285 16 Louie Roberts 334 21 David Howard 571 38 Dave Bollman 365 25 Jimmy Reid 248 17 (U.S. Open Average = 8.2) AVG 4 4 6 4 9 5 4 5 5 5 6 6 3 6 7 6 8 6.9 Averages B a l l made on the break: 545 Nine b a l l made on the break: 1.55 Scratch on the break: 135 Scratch while going for p o s i t i o n : 1.45 V; NAME OPPORTUNITIES POSITION SHOTS MISSED GOOD RUN OUT OPPORTUNITIES BREAK BALL MADE GAMES SHOTS W/0 SCR., BPA Allen Hopkins Don Polo David Howard Kim Davenport Earl Strickland Dave Bollman Nick Varner Bob Williams Buddy Hall Mike Sigel (U.S. Open PERFORMANCE Chris MacDonald 67 18 19 Harvey Mason 74 31 29 17 Charlie Jarboe 37 19 Jim Rempe 28 74 25 Luther Lassiter 38 17 15 Earl Strickland 63 17 15 Mike Sigel 172 46 40 Nick Varner 127 60 52 David Howard 126 30 26 Brian Hashimoto 38 15 13 (U.S. Open Average : - .793]1 PERFORMANCE NAME U.S. Open (MINIMUM KICKS = 15) NAME GAMES KICKS (MINIMUM BREAKS^ 20) * ^ Run out from the break: 145 Run out after making ball on the break: 305 Run out with ball in hand: 605 8 ^ fr ^ ^ O 5 Hall and Balukas Shine in Charlotte 0) o" Ln 5 s { V i n b *, v CHARLOTTE, NC ( 1 1 / 1 1 - 1 5 / 8 6 ) - Buddy Hall upended Earl S t r i c k l a n d I I - B i n the f i n a l s as Jean Balukas d i d the same t o Ewa Mataya 9-2 thus c a p t u r i n g t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e 1985 North Carolina F a l l 9 - B a l l Classic t i t l e s . Promoter Robin Kiker hosted the annual event adding $8,000 t o the men's d i v i s i o n and $2,000 t o the women's. Scott Smith was given the task o f d i r e c t i n g the f i v e day contest as f o r t y men and f o u r t e e n women accepted the challenge t o compete i n the double e l i m i n a t i o n event for over $20,000 i n p r i z e money. The tournament s i t e , Rob's Roost was open t w e n t y - f o u r hours a day, f r e e i n g the four Gandy p o o l t a b l e s each evening f o r open p l a y . Buddy H a l l s u f f e r e d no losses as he accumulated wins over Tony Mougey ( 3 ) , Kenny Wellman ( 4 ) , Grady Mathews ( 7 ) , Danny Medina ( 7 ) , Nick Varner ( 1 0 ) , and the defending champion E a r l S t r i c k l a n d t w i c e (10) and ( 8 ) . He was rewarded w i t h $8,000. Jean Balukas d i d s u f f e r an e a r l y loss a t the hands of Ewa Mataya ( 2 - 9 ) who played a near f l a w l e s s match. Balukas' v i c t o r i e s included Loree Jon Jones ( 2 ) , Mary Kenni3ton ( 1 ) , Loree Jon Jones ( 4 ) , Peg Ledman ( 7 ) , Anne Mayes ( 1 ) , and Ewa Mataya twice (8) and ( 2 ) . She was rewarded w i t h $2,000. The f i n a l standings are below and the scores and Accu- S t a t s averages are on page 22. NAME 1st PRIZE Buddy H a l l $5,000 2nd E a r l S t r i c k l a n d 3rd Wade Crane 4th David Howard 5th- 6th Jim Rempe Nick Varner 7th- 8th Danny Medina Steve Mizerak 3,500 2,400 1,500 9th- •12th Howard Vickery Mike Gulyassy Vt; 1,000 1,000 600 600 350 350 Jimmy Reid Pat Fleming 13th-16th Bob Hunter Kim Davenport Tony Mougey Dave Bollman NAME 350 350 250 250 250 250 PRIZE 1st Jean Balukas $2,000 2nd Ewa Mataya 1,200 3rd Anne Mayes 800 4th Peg Ledman 630 5th-6th Mary Kenniston 300 Loree Jon Jones 300 y fr- Sigel Breaks the Binghamton, NY (8/31-9/4/86)- Mike Sigel collected another $10,000 recently by defeating Mike LeBron in the 2nd Annual B.C. Open. Sigel won the race to eleven, double elimination event by defeating Pete Fusco (8), Jimmy Reid (10), Allen Hopkins (10), Wade Crane (5), Allen Hopkins (4), and Mike LeBron (8). scheduled just prior to the B.C. Open Golf Tournament, a popular stop for the PGA. The $15,000 added main event charged a $500 entry fee and drew fifty-eight players from around the country. The money was spread out twenty-four places using the PBA prize money breakdown. $15,000 was also added to the pro-am event in which Earl Strickland shared the winner's circle with Joe Inman. The tournament results follow: Promoter Gary Pinkowski engaged Charlie Ursitti as the tournament director and staged the event at the beautiful Holiday Inn Arena. The pro and pro-am event were PRIZE NAME 1st Mike Sigel $10,000 2nd Mike LeBron 5,000 3rd-Ath 3,500 Allen Hopkins 3,500 Steve Mizerak 5th-6th 2,200 Wade Crane 2,200 Nick Varner 7th-8th 1,672 Keith McCready 1,672 Larry Hubbart 9th-12th 1,276 Ray Martin 1,276 Bob Hunter 1,276 Mike Zuglan 1,276 Grady Mathews 13th~16th 968 Jimmy Reid Jose Parica 968 Jerry Brock 968 Gerry Watson 968 PRIZE NAME 17th-24th Howard Vickery Mike Wallace Pete Fusco Lenny Loder Luther Lassiter Dave Bollman Luc Salvas Bill Staton 25th-32nd Brian Hashimoto Tony Annigoni Mike Gulyassy 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 Alain Marte! Lou Butera Earl Strickland Ron Bookin Mike Xiarhos 33rd-48th Barry Shaw Terry Bell Gene Catron Darryl Osborne SHOWCASE BILLIARDS (303) 4 5 7 - 2 5 0 1 ; PRIZE Jim Fusco Rich LaRussa Bjorn L'Orange Ron Casanzio Jr. Harris Bill Dunsmore Joe Stilloe Danny DiLiberto Kim Davenport Jim Cattrano Guy Carney Ron Durante 49th-58th Clarence Bell Ed Metushoneck Joe Koslowski Gerry Fiehl Lester Smulowitz Cliff Leahy Mac MacQuillan Mike Lane Jim Rempe Jack Zur Promotion and Direction of Pocket Billiard Tournaments A Subsidiary of Green Acres Billiards Custom Made 2 pc. Hustler Cue: "Over 15 years experience" MADE TO YOUR SPECS ALL WORK GUARANTEED $90.00 Clay & Randy Etheridge NAME GOLDEN WEST PROMOTIONS CUSTOM CUE REPAIR SERVICE (Repair any cue) * =N . ROCKY KEPPEL SCOn MACLE00 (702) 359-8062 1028 w. 104th Ave. Northglenn, Colo. 80234 10 (702J851-POOL KENT BUCHANAN (702)826-9188 j * I THE WINNING COMBINATION OF YOUR ABILITY & * McDERMOTT QUALITY! McMagic is a reflection of Jim McDermott's years of wizardry in the billiard industry. His magical formula has produced a cue with unexcelled beauty, performance, durability and value. • * OUR MAGICAL FORMULA CONSISTS OF: * -¥• * 26 models to choose from, with a price range to fit any budget. * Many options are available to meet your personal preferences. * Wood to wood joint, for a solid hit and feel, like a one-piece cue. * Fibre ferrule — hits like ivory, but does not crack or chip. * Finest and most durable finish in the billiard industry. * Choose from 5 different stains at no extra charge. * Choice of wraps — nylon, Irish linen, cork, or calf skin leather. * You specify the weight and shaft diameter on each cue you order. * 100% A m e r i c a n M a d e * GET M c M A G I C F R O M A M c D E R M O T T DEALER N E A R Y O U ! e-»A«.< W186 N7137 MARCY ROAD MENOMONEE FALLS, Wl 53051-4998 PHONE 414/251-4090 9 4»)V CUE MANUFACTURING, INC. f FLOW GI U.S. Open Below are the double elimination flow charts for the men's and women's divisions of the U.S. Open. The bold center line separates the winners' bracket from the losers' bracket. The names bordering the center line SIGEL SIGEL SIGEL Nick Varner 3rd S*MacDONALD SWANSl SWANSON ^ OPSf- ^MEDINA ^mrr JONES JONES <§> <&B HUNTER ZELLER X ^ LODER LEMK 577?ICK/ MIZERAK MIZERAK VARNER MA THEWS * ) MA THEWS 4) VARNER w (£ ^MIZERAK rA HARTLEY ^ ^ - ^ SHAW ( fagg 5H/W X" SHAW 4 <x> HOPKINS m 1 STRICKLAND^ SfRICKLt SHAW <zM| ,Jgg ^ROBERTS LODER HALL X ^ BOONES £ JONES SIGEL HOPKINS Rm 1 T VICKERY SIGEL MM Kpj3J.b£ 5TEPHEN ^ f ^STEPHEN ^ m dJT~Z Af. •f SIGEL r SIGEL CRAt W50N ^ SHAW <S DILIBERTO VARNER HART ^\TnTl <||| C8X/155 CASA LET ~^ 4 •^E£l SHAW ^ ®SJVEE .B0/.L [&JARB 1 MASON LEDMAN LEDMAN MA TA YA Mary Kenni's ton 2 n d MATAYA KENNISTON L. SMITH HOFFMAN KENNISTON % JONES MATAYA L. HOFFMAN SMITH MASON SIMPSON LEDMAN MACANTE JONES ^ MAYES BEARDON -I L. SMITH PASK1 MAS0t\ BYE LEDMA BYE JONES BEARL j BYE ^ Norfolk CHARTS represent the results of the f i r s t round of play. The small numbers throughout the men's chart represent the loser's score for that session. For example, Geller defeated Crane 11-7, then defeated Jarboe 11-10. Men CRANE —(5)SICEl SHEAHAN ^STEPHEN ROOT —(^SWANSON 0P5AHL ZJREMPE BELL —(jjMOUGEY HASHIMOTO fil JONES ORLANDI —(&HUNTER LEMKE *—(WILLIAMS STRICKLAND ^i)BARNSHW~ BONIFE '§)PALMER HARTLEY 5)TRIVETT WHITE n —CWEID SHAW [8%ASSITER CASANZIO DAVENPORT ggswEET BOLLMAN S13ARB0E BYE JARBOE GELLER CRANE GELLER BYE SWEET THEWS SHEAHAN THEWS BYE GULYASSY OBERTS ROOT 7) ROBERTS BYE LASSITER HOWARD OPSAHL HOWARD BYE HALL ALL BELL REID BYE MEDINA EDINA HASHIMOTO TRIVETT BYE DILIBERTO LIBERT0 ORLANDI PALMER BYE BARNSHAW MacDONALD (^DONALD LEMKE BYE LeBRON . onnkl WILLIAMS (i)LeBR0N STRICKLAND BYE HUNTER VICKERY BONIFE VICKERY ® BYE VARNER VARNER HARTLEY JONES BYE MOUGEY SON WHITE MASON & » BYE POLO POLO SHAW REMPE BYE SWANSON r f i b i ^ I CASANZ. BYE STEPHEN OPKINS DAVENPORT HOPKINS (6F BYE MIZERAK BOLLMAN •SP IZERAK SIGEL © 1^ s£ w ©^ jsP BF THEWS m OWARD &P Allen fiWARD—( m± Hopkins 2nd ALL iLIBERTO §P OWARD tfi VICKERY 3> B> ® OWARD OWARD VARNER HOPKINS VARNER * OPKINS (jpP ¥ v ODER OPKINS OPKINS Women PASKI —| MASON - BYE —| LEDMAN - BYE — I JONES - BEARDON —j BYE MAYES KENNISTON MA TA YA L. SMITH MACANTE BALUKAS HOFFMAN SIMPSON KENNISTON KENNISTON MATAYA BALUKAS BALUKAS BALUKAS BALUKAS HOFFMAN KENNISTOh Jean Balukas Ist A Huebler custom cue | will be made exactly to your specs, will be shipped within 60 days, will improve your game, will hit balls perfectly, and will probably save you money. That's all. t t Call or write Huebler Industries, P.O. Box 514, Linn, Missouri 65051 (314)897-3692 Terry Bell, King of the Tar Heel Hill ROCKY MOUNT,NC (8/26-30/86) Terry Bell outlasted a field of thirty-one players who assembled at Dot's Cue Club to compete in the 3rd Annual Tar Heel Open. t The popular North Carolina event was produced and sponsored by Mutt and Dot Faulkner who incidentally added $6,200 to the prize fund equalling the total entry fees! Tony Davis, in addition to competing in the event, also acted in the capacity of tournament director. Although the field was small, the entry roster read like a "Who's Who of Pocket Billiard Players.11 Major championship winners were present, Mike Sigel, Earl Strickland, Allen Hopkins, and Wade Crane to name a few. Past winners of this event were Hopkins in 1984 and Reyes in 1985. The field, which has grown every year, used a race to eleven double elimination format. The rules were unique in that all balls stayed down and cue ball positioned anywhere on the table on any foul including the break! Terry Bell, president of the PBA and administrator for the Busch Pool League, is also a proven champion. In route to winning the title, he defeated J. Harris (10), R. Hicks (6), ^ P. Fleming (9), A. Hopkins (10), L. Hubbart (6), lost to A. Hopkins (9), and then won the tournament match against A. Hopkins (10) for the $4,133 grand prize. PRIZE NAME 1st Terry Bell $4,133 2nd Allen Hopkins 2,067 3rd Larry Hubbart 1,240 4th Pat Fleming 868 5th-6th 496 Jimmy Reid 496 Joe Root 7th-8th 434 Mike Sigel 434 Kenny Wellman 9th-12th 310 C. Barbour 310 Earl Strickland 310 Bob Williams 310 Johnny Dew 13th-16th 248 3M Flowers 248 Howard Vickery 248 B. Baker 248 Dave Bollman 17th-24th R. Hicks Buddy Huggins Dave White Tommy Cook J r . Harris 8. Sutton Jack Stenner Mike Gulyassy 25th-31st J . Benson Dan Christian Lenny Loder Bob Opsahl Mike Cone Tony Davis Wade Crane -15 = fr ,s Crane Edges Hall for Shenandoah Title Winchester, VA (10/812/86)Wade Crane walked away with the $2, 300 grand prize after winning The Shenandoah Valley 9-Ball Classic. He defeated Buddy Hall in the finals 11-10. Promoter and propriet o r Bobby Carter charged a $145 entry fee and originally guaranteed $4,000 added to the prize He kept Winchester Billiards open twentyfour hours a day, utilized Brunswick Gold Crown pool tables and had Martha Wilson direct the event. fund, but was so pleased with the talent that showed up, that he anted up another $2,000 for the race to eleven double elimination event. NAME PRIZE 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th- Wade Crane Buddy Hall Nick Varner Grady Mathews 6th Bill Kelleher Al Bonife $2,300 1,600 1,200 900 745 745 PRIZE NAME 7th-8th Jim Mataya Fred Boggs 9th-12th Giles Carr Mike LeBvon Jimmy Reid Dave Bollman 450 450 200 200 200 200 Sigel Makes Withdrawal in Akron Akron,OH (10/16-19/86) Mike Sigel made a cash withdrawal of $4,000 from The 5th Annual Akron Open by finishing in front of the filled sixty-four player field. Runnerup Nick Varner cashed a $2,000 check. Varner had to Sigel twice from losers' bracket was successful once. He won the of the two matches 11-5. Sigel rebounded an 11-7 win to the title. beat the and only first final But with clinch NAME PRIZE $4,000 1st Mike Sigel 2nd Nick Varner 2,000 3rd Steve McAnninch 1,000 4th Willie Munson 500 5th- 6th Wade Crane 350 Gary McVay 350 7th- 8 th Tony Mougey 250 Gary Spaeth 250 "Everything for the Pool Player" TOWNE BILLIARD 264 E. Blackwell Street Dover, N.J. 07801 Billiard Supply Store 201-366-9829 The race to eleven double elimination tournament had an entry fee of only $125 and was paying twentyfour spots. As a result there was a w a i t i n g l i s t of players eager to play. The results follow; Dot and J i m Starcher, owners of Starcher's Recreation promoted the $10,000 event, added $2,000 to the purse, and enlisted veteran tournament director Joe Kerr to run the show. Call or write for consumer brochure PRIZE NAME 9th-12th Bob Hunter Bobby Legg Jim Marino Jim Mataya 13th-16th Dennis Hatch Bobby Johnson Grady Mathews Jimmy Reid Leonard Bludworth cue 200 200 200 200 125 125 125 125 713-943-1615 repairs by The Pro S h o p 1401 Redford Rd., 2005-B, Houston, TX 77034 ^ ? rr ^ ACCU-STATS Notable 204 Eagle Rock Avenue Roseland, New Jersey 07068 (201)838-7089 (continued from page 3) three safeties and two kicks, thus being prevented from pocketing a single ball. Hopkins won 11-4. V o l . 2, No. 5 - The 11th Annual U.S. Open P a t r i c k Fleming Fran McKee Dennis McGimpsey B i l l y Foster Maria Sofronsky Publisher-Editor C i r c u l a t i o n Manager F i e l d Coordinator Scorekeepers U.S. Open Tournament Mike Sigel (.917) was ahead 7-6 when Danny Medina (.818) made a fatal error by scratching. Sigel quickly ran thirty-five balls to run out the set 11-6. In an 11-3 win over Howard Vickery (.776), Mike Sigel (.931) ran out eleven of the twelve opportunities he had to run out. Staff: Q-Master B i l l i a r d s Barry Behrman Meucci O r i g i n a l s Host S i t e Promoter-Host Co-Sponsor What appeared to be an 11-9 elimination of Steve Shaw (.732) from the tournament by Danny DiLiberto (.777) turned out to be an 11-10 elimination of Danny DiLiberto by Steve Shaw. Needing one game, DiLiberto ran to and missed an easy nine ball. Copyright °1986, by A c c u - S t a t s . A l l rights res e r v e d . Except as p e r m i t t e d under the United S t a t e s Copyright Act o f 1976, no p a r t o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n may be reproduced i n any form or by any means, w i t h o u t the w r i t t e n permission o f the p u b l i s h e r . What appeared to be an 11-10 elimination of Steve Shaw (.744) from the tournament by Grady Mathews (.803) turned out to be an 11-10 elimination of Grady Mathews by Steve Shaw. While running out the last rack, Mathews got out of line and missed the eight ball. FOR SALE Gold Crown Billiard Table: 9' National Pocket Taole: (201)838-2754 Matches $1,000 $700 After a slow start and trailing Buddy Hall (.875) 2-6, Mike Sigel finished the session with near perfect play. During the next eleven racks he ran nine balls nine times, shot a .976 for that period, and won the set 11-8. What's Next? One hour after shooting a .760, his worst match of the tournament, Allen Hopkins (.935) scored the high TPA of the tournament defeating Nick Varner .742) 11-4, The next issue o f Accu-Stats w i l l f e a t u r e The Sands Regent 9 - B a l l Open I I which took place December 3-8, 1986. The winner o f t h a t event was Mike S i g e l . ACCU-FACTS 1986 SESSIONS WON-LOST TOTALS (through Dec. 31, 1986) Mike Sigel had the best won-lost record for major men's tournaments: Won 58, Lost 3 Jean Balukas had the best won-lost record for major women's tournaments: Won 37, Lost 2 Subscription Form YES!! Enter my n a m e as an A c c u - S t a t s SUBSCRIPTION subscriber R A T E • One Year For Only $ 1 5 . 0 0 Exp Date. Card * Signature. Name. Address. City Slate We II S w e a t Your Match P l e a s e s p e c i f y quantity Accu-Stats ^ ! Check - m/O Q M a s t e r Card D Visa • -Zip Shirts C o l l a r e d (white) and s i z e Q s,m,l,xl 204 Eagle Rock Avenue • Roseland, New Jersey 07068 17 $19.50 20 1 - 8 3 8 - 7 0 8 9 • ^ (? • ^ HALL'S mmu siAii FiyiT WEST IN ®m ®m®En PALM BEACH, FL (10/23-26/86)- Buddy Hall carved another notch in his gun after fighting his way through a tough forty-two player field. The Cue Garden 9-Ball Classic champion drew a profit of $3,700 for his efforts. The victims in his four day siege were Adam Schick, Bill Kelleher, Steve Cook, Wade Crane, and Danny Medina twice. The tourney format was double elimination, race to eleven with the final match a race to fifteen. During the final match, Hall was behind 2-7 but soon "put a three1' and "put a four" on Medina to finish him off 15-11. Jack and Kittie Stuart were the gracious hosts of the well planned event, charged a $149 entry fee and added $3,000 to the purse. The Cue Garden is a beautiful billiard establishment featuring a pool table that is distinguished from the rest by being recessed into the floor. All of the feature matches were played "in the pit". A unique scheduling format was devised by Jack Stuart whereas there were two days of preliminary matches and two days of feature matches using only one table. Great idea! The tournament results follow: NAME 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Buddy H a l l Danny Medina Tony Mougey Steve Cook 7th-8th Mike LeBron Dennis Searing 240 240 13th-16th Bob W i l l i a m s Jim Mataya J.M. Flowers Steve Mizerak I \z i 1,850 875 600 375 375 C M . Lee A l Bonife Howard Vickery I $3,700 5th-6th Jiwny Reid Wade Crane 9th-12th Pedro Conklin 1 PRIZE 17th-24th Adam Schick Dave Favor Bob Opsahl Donn Gr ice 18 140 140 140 140 110 110 110 110 NAME PRIZE B i l l Kelleher 8 r i c e Cumbie Toby Sweet Mike Evans 25th-32nd Charles Owens Mike Gulyassy John DiToro Tom Rider Jimmy Court Danny C o n s i l l i o Pete Benoit (no show) 33rd-42nd Paul Johnson Robert Hovik B i l l Amadeo B i l l Policella Charles B l a k e l y Dan C h r i s t i a n Richie Ambrose Ralph Curry Steve M i l l e r Robbie McKee J f Strickland Reigns Supreme in South Carolina CHARLESTON,SC (11/16-18/86) Twenty-six players, many of them trekking from the previous day's tournament in Charlotte went to Charleston recently to compete in The 2nd Annual South Carolina 9-Ball Open. The $149 entry fee and three day schedule was too tempting to pass by. Walter and Mozelle Deery, owners of the Golden Cue R e s t a u r a n t & Family Billiards hosted the event and added $2,000 to the prize fund* Four Big Gandy G tables were used, two of them in a theater-type setting and the reserved seating was sold out long before the tourney began. Pat Fleming was enlisted as the tournament director and the race to nine, double elimination tournament was under way. Earl Strickland seemed like he was running away with the tournament. He defeated Bonife, Gulyassy, Mathews, Reid, and Manny Moore (Who's that?) before taking a thrashing from Wade Crane 6-11. (Crane shot an Accu-Stats1 TPA of .911 that set.) Undaunted, Strickland came back to beat Crane in the tournament match 11-7 shoot ing a .901. Wade Crane had made an incredible drive from the losers' bracket defeating Hodges, MacDonald, Mathews, Davenport, Mizerak, Hall, tl Manny Moore (him again?), and Strickland before accepting the runner-up finish. Defending champion Mike Gulyassy didn't do as well this year. He finished out of the money and lacked an impressive win record. Manny Moore finished third in this superstar field, but nobody knows who he is nor where he came from. But everyone agreed that he could pass for Frank Fisher's brother. 1st PRIZE NAME Earl Strickland $2,000 2nd Wade Crane 19300 3rd Manny Moore 4th Buddy Hall 5th-6th Jimmy Reid Steve Mizerak 7th-8th Mike Gulyassy Kim Davenport 9th-12th Pete Horne Tony Ellin James McCrary Grady Mathews 13th-16th Pat Fleming Whitey Spach Al Bonife Chris MacDonald 17th-24th Mike Staubes John Archer Louie Lemke Danny Pughsley Guido Orlandi Tony Mougey Dave Bollman Jimmy Hodges 25th-26th Bill Anderson Dan Christian 19 700 475 300 300 175 175 125 125 125 125 The Finest Name In Billiard Cloth Now Announces Cloth For Pool. And you can save money with it, too! 6 ranito For years, Granito A has been the cloth demanded by the hardestto-please billiard champions and tournament directors. Its consistency adds control to the games of the finest players; its long life is an economical boon to table and room owners. Now pool players of the world can enjoy the same quality workmanship. Granito Pool Cloth, from the Gorina Co. of Barcelona, Spain, is a sheared, non-directional cloth. Like the world's finest billiard cloth, Granito Pool offers extra measures of player control and longevity. Perhaps best of all, Granito Pool Cloth can save you about 20% compared to other prestige cloth! For complete details on Granito pool or billiard cloth, Soren Sogard billiard tables, or other products, call or write Joba Trading today. Exclusive U.S. Distributor Of Granito Pool Cloth P.O. Box 48183, Niles, IL60648 Phone: (312) 967-9009 f J Interested in: i D Granito Pool ! • Granito A Call or write today: • Other Joba products • Soren Sogard Billiard Tables f .900 Club Through the U.S. Open, f i v e major tournaments and 186 different p l a y e r s have been " A c c u - S t a t t e d . " A t o t a l of 129 TPA's of .900 or more have been shot w i t h f o r t y f i v e players experiencing at least one .900. A l l e n Hopkins i s the only playec t o shoot 1.000 t h i s year. The c u r r e n t l i s t of p l a y e r s w i t h a minimum o f f i v e , 9 0 0 ' s are as f o l l o w s : A l l e n Hopkins 10 Efren Reyes 10 Mike S i g e l Jose Parica Buddy H a l l Earl Strickland Nick Varner Dave Bollman 10 9 6 6 6 6 in {A* Two-piece billiard cues with the features and quality found only in other cues costing much,much more. Write or call for brochures and Information The Henry W.T. Mali & Co. Inc. 257 Park Ave. South New York. N.Y., 10010, U.S.A. Phone: (212) 475-4960 Toll Free: (800) 223-6468 TWX: (710) 581-5522 Balukas Returns to Power MENTOR, OH (8/22-24/86)- Jean Balukas, Balukas did not have an easy time of it evidenced by an early loss and a narrow win while in the loser's bracket. After drawing a bye, she defeated Peg Ledman (4), JoAnn Mason (*>), lost to Linda Haywood (4), then beat Ewa Mataya in a thriller (8), Mary Kenniston (5), Robin Bell (5), and Linda Haywood twice in the finals. noticeably absent at tournaments this year due to a knee injury which required surgery, reappeared and made her presence well known. Balukas outlasted the field of twenty-three women to win the $2,000 first prize at the 2nd Annual Women's Cleveland 9-Ball Open. In promoting this event, Frank Zummo selected The Country Inn Hotel as the tournament site, enlisted Joe Kerr as the tournament director and added $2,200 to the prize fund. The WPBA sanctioned event used a race to nine, double eliminat ion format. NAME 1st Jean Balukas 2nd Linda Haywood 3rd Robin Bell 4th Mary Kenniston PRIZE 2,000 1,250 1,000 750 Grady Mathews, the magician, performed magic tricks in addition to some interesting skill pool shots to the delight of the crowd. The $6,000 purse also drew interest from a local TV station. The results and flow chart follow: NAME PRIZE 5th-6th Loree Jon Jones Ewa Mataya 300 300 NAME PRIZE 7th-8th Kelly Simpson Kris Villalpando Mentor, O H 150 150 Cleveland O p e n CHOVl O. i M / I K o. y*ffH ms -m l*w« 15 v UALPMO ' rmum "ES5vT -rfcr A ?™^ ALABAMA mu** I M OMAN M imAh iiitraai nArwittH> fiAMtrftf' jr** S JiAYNfJlfl "gpggferr f t f i JJtfAS HflMMlM nmtiWN tmn\ "1 W l t t / t S »iA>llfl(4J Kfmrwiw i m H#fMM i m Ht l i JI/U rr ^ Varner and Jones Capture 14.1 Titles Phi ladelphia, PA ( 8 / 9 - 1 6 / 8 6 ) - T h e P P P A again hosted the popular 14.1 one e Pool World Open and added Str aight $25 ,000 to the purse. The host site was The Philadelphia Centre Hotel with the eve nt dedicated to the participants of NAME PRIZE 1st Nick Varner 2nd AlLen Hopkins 3rd- 4th Mike Sigel Jim Rempe 5th- 6th Jack Colo vita Tom Storm 7th- 8th Mike Zuglan Bob Vanover 9 th-12th Norbert Lang Ray Martin Danny DiLiberto Lou Butera Charlotte (continued from page 9) 8,000 5,000 3,200 3,200 2,000 2,000 1,480 1,480 1,130 1,130 1,130 1,130 NAME WINNERS BRACKET LOSER (3rd) 9) E. Strickland 11 (897) W. Crane 6 ( 844) 3) E. S t r i c k l a n d 11 (.840) J . Rempe 5 (.794) M. Kenniston 8 (. 2) J. Balukas 9 (. L.J. Jones 5 (. 11 (.866) LOSER (4th) 10 (.807) 3) J. Balukas 9 (.830) P. Ledman 7 (.688) LOSERS ( 5 t h - 6 t h ) 4) B. H a l l N, Varner WINNERS1 BRACKET J . Rempe 6 (.738) 4) E. Mataya 9 (.683) A. Mayes 8 (.660) 6) W. Crane 11 (.914) N. Varner 8 (.863) LOSER (3rd) 5) J. Balukas 9 (. LOSER ( 4 t h ) A. Mayes 1 (• 7) W. Crane 11 (.832) 0. Howard 6 (.768) FINALS 5) D. Howard 11 (.885) 6) J. Balukas WINNERS' BRACKET E. Mataya 8) 8. Hall li (.908) Balukas E. Strickland 9 (.905) Mataya 9 8 9 2 (. (. (. (. NAME PRIZE 13th-16th Marty Ciccia Lester Smulowitz Alain Martel Dick Lane 17th-24th Ed Sheahan Tom Manley Greg Fix Jim Fusco Mike Wallace Pat Fleming Rodney Thompson Bengt Pederson MEN FINALS LOSERS (7th-8th) 11 ( 829) 1) D. Howard 11 (.848) 10) B. Hall E. Strickland 8 ( 827) 0. Medina 7 (.750) WOMEN 2) W. Crane 11 (.866) LOSERS (5th-6th) S. Mizerak 4 (.759) 1) P. Ledman 9 (. 1 the 1955 Philadelphia World Tournament M o s c o n i , Crane, C a r a s , and Rudolph. Nick Varner and Loree J o n Jones repeated past performances by winning the championship. The in-the-money results follow: 860 860 860 860 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 PRIZE 1st Loree Jon Jones 2nd Mary Kenniston 3rd Belinda Beardon 4th Louise Furberg 5th- 6th Anne Mayes Linda Haywood 7th- 8th Palma Godwin Gloria Walker 9 th-10 th Billie Billing Linda Oakes "Little 3,000 1,500 900 600 400 400 250 250 150 150 David" (continued from page 3) and won her her a l s o f e a t u r e d a women's d i v i s i o n . Jean 8alukas the l a d i e s ' crown i n undefeated f a s h i o n . I t was t h i r d major win i n as many tournaments since r e t u r n to the t o u r . Defending l a d i e s ' champion Belinda Beardon has had b e t t e r days. She l o s t her f i r s t two matches f a l l i n g v i c t i m t o Bonnie Hoffman and then t o Laura Smith. The matches Accu-Statted. for the final E. Mataya 2) J . Balukas 8 . Hoffman 9 (.688) 6 (.625) were LOSER ( 4 t h ) 5) E. Mataya B. Hoffman 9 (.915) 0 (.560) LOSERS ( 5 t h - 6 t h ) 3) E. Mataya 9 (.708) P. Ledman 8 (.710) 4) B. Hoffman L. Smith women The scores and averages f o l l o w : WINNERS* BRACKET 1) M, Kenniston six 9 (.700) 3 (.763) 9 (.722) 2 (.653) WINNERS' BRACKET 6) J . Balukas M. Kenniston 9 (.897) 2 (.676) LOSER (3rd) 9 (.774) 7) M. Kenniston E. Mataya 5 (.694) s, FINALS J . Balukas M. Kenniston 9 (.760) 7 (.750) y rr 1986 Major Tournament ^ Results (MINIMUM WINNINGS = $2,000.00) Name I -.vents 4 Rempe, Jim Reyes, Efren 5 Sigel, Mike 6 Varner, Nick 9 Howard, David 7 Hopkins, Allen 8 Parica, Jose 8 Strickland, Earl 8 Medina, Danny 8 Swanson, Jay 6 LeBron, Mike 10 6 Hall, Buddy Bollman, Dave 9 9 Davenport, Kira Incardona, Bill 5 Mizerak, Steve 6 Crane, Wade 8 Martin, Ray 5 8 DiLiberto, Danny Jones, Sammy 3 Lane, Dick 4 Hunter, Bob 7 Williams, Bob 5 McCready, Keith 5 Gulyassy, Mike 6 Vickery, Howard 8 Chart ier, Dave I Louie, Dan 2 Mathews, Grady 9 Fusco, Pete 2 Weaver, Dick 3 Kitto, Scott 4 Brown, Tom 2 Hubbart, Larry 4 Rosas, Ron 2 Burge, Billy 4 Brunt, George I In Money 2 5 6 8 7 8 7 4 7 3 6 6 7 4 3 6 5 3 4 3 3 4 2 3 4 7 I 2 4 2 I 3 2 3 2 2 I YTD$ Winnings 36000.00 27642.00 23630.00 18497.00 16449.00 16204.00 15513.00 14911.00 11801.40 9286.60 8388.00 8193.00 6906.80 6876.00 6694.00 6043.00 5735.00 5176.00 3922.80 3734.00 3355.00 2943.00 2822.80 2822.00 2817.00 2802.40 2701.00 2700.00 2681.00 2636.00 2634.00 2542.00 2342.40 2317.00 2300.00 2088.00 1976.00 Sessions Won-,Lost 13 - 6 32 - 8 33 - 6 42 - 18 37 - 12 40 - 16 34 - 13 26 - 17 33 - 15 19 - 12 25 - 19 26 - 10 30 - 18 25 - 18 20 - 10 24 - 12 24 - 16 16 - 10 16 - 16 16 - 6 16 - 8 15 - 14 12 - 10 15 - 9 16 - 12 22 - 16 6 - 2 10 - 4 19 - 18 10 - 4 7 - 5 12 - 8 8 - 4 10 - 8 9 - 4 6 - 8 4 - 2 M0LINE AURORA TOLEDO B.C. CHAR NC LEX'TON A.C. I RENO I ANAHEIM NORFOLK 1 • • m 49-58 25-32 5-6 3 5-6 2 7-8 1 • • • • • • 49-64 1 9-12 i I 4 * 2 13-16 4 5-6 33-48 7-9 • 5-6 3 5-6 4 9-12 49-64 • 17-24 • 2 • 1 4 5-6 33-48 13-16 5-6 • 3-4 3 2 2 • I 5-6 7-8 9-12 10-12 13-16 • 1 65-96 | • 5-6 33-48 5-6 • 2 33-48 25-32 17-24 2 13-16 4 25-32 • 25-32 17-24 1 13-16 7-8 I 7-8 25-32 33-48 49-72 17-24 3 • • • 25-32 13-16 17-24 17-24 9-12 17-24 13-18 17-24 25-32 2 5-6 9-12 17-24 • 25-32 13-16 • 1 97-128 33-48 7-8 * 17-24 13-16 13-16 9-12 2 4 33-48 25-32 5-6 65-80 • 37-48 33-48 33-48 13-16 2 • i • 33-48 33-48 • 3 3 37-48 • 17-24 9-12 • 9-12 • • • 3-4 9-12 7-8 33-48 25-32 49-64 7-8 • 25-32 • 5-6 33-48 3 • • • 97-128 25-32 4 7-8 9-12 • • 17-24 19-24 33-48 9-12 25-32 • 9-12 49-64 9-12 • • 7-8 • • • 19-24 • 9-12 • • • • • • 17-24 49-64 13-16 • 4 13-16 17-24 65-80 25-32 • 9-12 25-32 13-16 • • i • • • * 17-24 33-39 9-12 49-64 9-12 • • 65-96 9-12 13-16 49-72 7-8 • • • 13-16 9-12 13-16 • 25-32 25-32 9-12 • 65-96 17-24 25-32 13-16 17-24 9-12 9-12 13-16 • • I • • • • 3 1 • • • I 9-12 4-6 25-32 25-32 49-64 49-57 49-64 17-24 9-12 7-8 17-24 9-12 • 17-24 • • • • 33-48 7-8 • 33-48 • 33-48 13-16 17-24 • 5-6 • 7-8 13-16 • 25-32 17-24 49-64 7-8 • • • 13-16 4-6 • # 17-24 97-128 3 65-80 • • • • 9-12 • 9 9 9 9 9 • 9 9 9 9 • 9 9 9 m 9 9 9 9 P • 9 ACCU-STATS Bulk Rate U.S. Postage 204 EAGLE ROCK AVENUE ROSELAND, NJ 07068 PAID Roseland, NJ Permit #42 Address Correction Requested YEAR TO DATE Sessions Won -Lost (MINIMUM SESSIONS - 14) # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NAME LOST WON Sigel, Mike Reyes, Efren Howard, David Jones, Sammy Parica, Jose Hall, Buddy Hopkins, Allen Fusco, Pete Louie, Dan Varner, Nick Medina, Danny Rempe, Jim Mizerak, Steve Incardona, Bill Lane, Dick Bollman, Dave McCready, Keith Allen, Ronnie Martin, Ray Swanson, Jay 33 32 37 16 34 26 40 10 10 42 33 13 24 20 16 30 15 10 16 19 - 6 8 12 6 13 10 16 4 4 18 15 6 12 10 8 18 9 6 10 12 PCT .846 .800 .755 .727 .723 .722 .714 .714 .714 .700 .688 .684 .667 .667 .667 .625 .625 .625 .615 .613 # 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 26. 28. 29. 30. •31. 32. 33. 33. 35. 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. 40. NAME LOST WON Strickland, Earl Crane, Wade Kitto, Scott Davenport, Kim Vickery, Howard Geiler, Rick Roberts, Louie Gulyassy, Mike Granas, Henry LeBron, Mike Hubbart, Larry Williams, Bob Harris, Jr Jones, Danny Hashimoto, Brian Mataya, Jim Hunter, Bob Mathews, Grady DiLiberto, Danny Loder, Lenny Reid, Jimmy 26 24 12 25 22 11 11 16 8 25 10 12 9 9 11 11 15 19 16 8 8 - 17 16 8 18 16 8 8 12 6 19 8 10 8 8 10 10 14 18 16 8 8 PCT .605 .600 .600 .581 .579 .579 .579 .571 .571 .568 .556 .545 .529 .529 .524 .524 .517 .514 .500 .500 .500 Upcoming Major Events Pete (19B7) Event'a Titla City, State Entry Jan. 16-18 Cleveland Open (Women) Cleveland, OH $150.00 $2,500 216-942-5155 Feb. 2-7 Feb. 5-7 Rakm Up Claasic (Men) Rakm Up Claaaic (Women) Columbia, SC Columbia, SC $275.00 $200.00 $10,000 $2,000 803-772-5336 803-772-5336 Mar. 16-21 Clyde C h i l d r e s s Open (9-B) L e x i n g t o n , KY $350.00 606-623-0421 Clyde C h i l d r e s s Open (Banks) L e x i n g t o n , KY $200.00 $10,000 $1,000 Mar. 24-28 Bowling Green Open Bowling Green, KY $200.00 $6,000 502-782-3740 Apr. 7-12 C l a s s i c Cup VI (Men) S t . Charles, IL $330.00 $10,000 312-893-7828 C l a s s i c Cup V I (Women) S t . C h a r l e s , IL $250.00 $5,000 312-893-7828 McDermott Maaters (Men) Davenport, IA $250.00 309-764-8008 McDermott Masters (Women) Davenport, IA $150.00 $10,000 $2,500 May 19-24 Derby C i t y 1 0 - B a l l C l a s s i c L o u i s v i l l e , KY $20,000 502-969-2060 May 26-31 Glass C i t y Open (Men) Glass C i t y Open (Women Toledo, OH Toledo, OH $300.00 $200.00 $10,000 $5,000 216-376-0202 216-376-0202 Sands Regent Open Reno, NV $300.00 $20,000 800-648-3553 May 5-9 June 3-7 N/A Added Phone 606-623-0421 309-764-8008
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