Capital Building Works Expansion Grant
Capital Building Works Expansion Grant
1 Essex County Council Early Years and Childcare Capital Building Works Expansion Grant Early Years and Childcare (EYCC) have sufficient Capital funding remaining to offer a further opportunity to providers to apply for a Capital Building Works Expansion Grant. The opportunity is open to registered childcare providers in Essex from the private, voluntary, independent and maintained sector who have been judged as 'Good' or 'Outstanding' by Ofsted. The grant will support development in specific geographical areas of need and will enable two-year-olds who are eligible for the Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) to access local high-quality provisions. We would particularly welcome applications from the following areas as they have not received any of this Capital funding thus far: Braintree Castle Point Harlow North Rochford Stansted Witham North Applications can range from £10,000 to £100,000 and must be based on a robust case showing demand for the places for eligible two-year-olds which are proposed. Applications for the following types of work will be considered: Additional toilets and changing facilities Increased available floor space, such as using partitions Adaptations to outdoor areas Extensions to existing buildings to take additional children; such extensions would need to be built with facilities to cater for younger children and meet Ofsted welfare requirements. Recommended start date to allow 60-day lead in time 11 May 2015 30-day deadline date by which Grants panel application must be received meeting 12 June 2015 21 July 2015 2 Providers should: Refer to the FEEE Capital Building Works Expansion Grant Guidance, map and postcode table Register through the Essex County Council Ariba Supplier Portal Discuss childcare sufficiency with their local development officer or business management team. Support with applications Mid and North areas: [email protected] South and West areas: [email protected] For difficulties registering with Ariba, telephone 0800 358 3556 Contact your relevant commenting officer Early Years Foundation Stage Intervention Officer Birth to Three for your area at [email protected]