EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL CABINET – 22 APRIL 2015 2015-16 BRIDGE AND CULVERT STRENGTHENING PROGRAMME Report by the Acting Depute Chief Executive Safer Communities PURPOSE OF REPORT 1 The purpose of the report is to seek approval of Cabinet for the proposed schemes listed in the 2015-16 Bridge and Culvert Strengthening Programme and the re-profiling of the Bridges Capital Investment Programme to create a three year rolling programme. BACKGROUND 2 The Council is responsible for 420 bridges, 197 culverts and 150 retaining walls - 767 structures in total 3 Table 1 summarises the structures asset. Table 1 Type of Structure Bridges and culverts carrying roads over Water, Rail, Footpath, Cycleway Footbridges Subways and Underpasses Retaining Walls Number of Structures 561 50 6 150 TOTAL (Including 50 listed Structures) 767 Privately Owned Bridges and Culverts, including Network Rail, Scottish Power. 115 4 Cabinet has previously approved a ten year bridges investment programme amounting to £7.485M from 2013/14 to 2022/23 taking account of priorities and affordability. 5 A report to Cabinet on 22 April, 2009 described the programmes of bridge assessments and bridge inspections that are carried out and outlined how the information is used to prepare prioritised bridge strengthening and replacement programmes. The Bridge Stock Condition Indicator (BSCI) is determined from the results of the inspection programme and the scores for the last 10 years are shown in Table 2 below. The BSCI shows that overall the structures stock score has dropped in value over the last 10 years indicating ongoing deterioration in the stock condition. This is despite the recent increased levels of investment and is indicative of the significant maintenance backlog that exists and it is only by tackling this backlog that the stock condition indicator will improve. Table 2 Bridge Stock Condition Indicator (BSCI) scores (includes bridges, culverts and footbridges) BSCI Average APSE family group Scotland average 2004/09 2009/10 2010/11 Average of 5 years 90.5 90.2 89.0 This performance indicator was introduced in 2011 by APSE. No historic comparator figures have been collated. 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 88.1 88.8 87.1 88.3 86.8 87.4 81.6 86.7 85.9 6 The SCOTS Roads Asset Management Plan (RAMP) Performance Indicator Results for 2013/14 show that within our family group of nine Councils our BSCI Average score is slightly lower than the Family Group Average score. On a Scotland-wide comparison, our score is slightly above the Scotland Average score based on all 32 Scottish Councils. 7 Bridges and culverts are subject to assessment to determine their ability to carry the 40 tonne assessment loading. In addition all structures are subject to a programme of regular inspections to determine the condition of the structure and highlight any defects requiring attention. The inspections provide the information needed for the preparation of programmes of remedial action. 8 General Inspections (GI), which are visual inspections only, are carried out on a two-year cycle. All the structures listed in Table 1 receive a GI and this includes those structures which are not maintained by the Ayrshire Roads Alliance eg. Network Rail, BRB Residuary Ltd, other boundary bridges, but which our roads pass over/under. This is undertaken in the interest of public safety. 9 Principal Inspections (PI) are a more detailed examination and are carried out every six years. A full programme of PIs will be undertaken in 2015/16 through the use of in-house staff resources and external sources via the All Ayrshire Professional Services Framework Agreement. 10 A programme of interim measures has been implemented to manage structures that have been identified as being weak or requiring upgrading and include weight restrictions, lane restrictions and / or regular monitoring. Currently there are 56 bridges that are being monitored on a bi-monthly basis, 3 on a monthly basis and 1 on a weekly basis. This list varies as repairs are expedited. Such measures will continue to be put in place until improvement works are brought forward as part of the prioritised programme of Bridge and Culvert Strengthening. See Appendix 1. 11 The ongoing development of the Road Asset Management Plan (RAMP) is being facilitated by SCOTS and the Ayrshire Roads Alliance on behalf of East Ayrshire Council is taking an active role in the project. BRIDGE AND CULVERT BACKLOG 12 In 2014, the Gross Replacement Cost for the Structures Asset was estimated at £189M. The bridge assessments, principal inspections and general inspections that have been carried out to date have identified an estimated total of over £35.2M of necessary strengthening and upgrading works, as summarised in Table 3 below. Table 3 EAC Bridge Stock - Backlog Estimate Cost of strengthening/replacing structures that fail their load assessment Cost of remedial works identified from inspections Other ancillary works TOTAL 13 £M 11.7 21.5 2.0 35.2 The bridge and culvert works that are carried out every year are prioritised using maintenance prioritisation methodologies previously approved by Cabinet at its meeting on 4 June 2008 and which include a review of the social and economic impact in the Council area. A simple to use tool to enable the reporting of long term funding needs for structures is under development as part of the SCOTS RAMP project. However, an increased level of funding is required to arrest the rate of deterioration of the asset and thereafter maintain the asset in a steady state condition. Systems are in place to manage sub-standard structures as detailed in paragraph 10 above. THREE YEAR BRIDGE AND CULVERT STRENGTHENING PROGRAMME 14 Table 4 below shows the approved ten year bridges capital budget and a proposed re-profiling of the budget to accommodate essential works required to a number of bridges, and the proposal to move to a three year programme. It should be noted that the approved budget for 2014/15 includes for £350,000 brought forward from future years to facilitate the construction of the Dean Road Bridge as approved by Cabinet on the 21 May 2014. Details of the proposed programmes are included in paragraphs 17 to 23. Table 4 Approved Proposed Ten Year Capital Budget 13/14 (1yr) £M 0.995 0.995 14/15 (1yr) £M 1.440 1.440 15/16 16/17 17/18 £M 0.700 1.400 £M 0.700 1.400 £M 0.700 1.400 2018/19– 22/23 (5 yr) £M 2.950 0.850 TOTAL (10yr) £M 7.485 7.485 15 A number of issues arose during the 2014/15 financial year that had a major impact on the approved Capital programme. The issues that arose in 2014/15 are detailed as follows; A number of projects have cost more than anticipated A major Capital project (Barskimming Bridge) had to be carried out that was not known about at the time the 2014/15 programme was approved A number of essential refurbishments on bridges had to be carried out but which could not be funded from the limited Bridges Revenue budget Some project estimates have been revised upwards Table 5 details the additional costs arising from these projects; Table 5 – Additional costs Scheme Reason for increase B744 Little Sorn Burn Bridge, Crosshands strengthening Addition al cost £26,000 The original project estimate was £100,000 with final project cost of £126,000. Additional concrete scour protection and road resurfacing was required along with additional import of sandstone masonry as the existing masonry had been built in cement mortar and was not suitable for re-use. Mill Road The original project estimate was £95,000 £9,000 Footbridge, with final project cost of £106,000. There Newmilns were additional structural steelwork repairs refurbishment required to the steel truss. B743 Manse The original project estimate was £160,000 £97,000 Wall, Sorn and final project cost was £257,000. Once the contractor was on site demolishing the failed sections of wall and exposing other sections that we originally thought could be salvaged and repaired, it became obvious that these sections were of inadequate construction and would also have to be replaced. C3 Barskimming A partial collapse of one of the wingwalls £500,000 Bridge – occurred after the 2014/15 capital programme Wingwall repair was approved. Due to the emergency nature of the works, it was decided that immediate works were required. During this time barriers were located at the edge of the carriageway and there was an increased frequency of inspections to ensure the partial collapse did not compromise public safety. Following a competitive tender process, through the Minor Works Framework Contract, a contractor was appointed to carry out the proposed repairs. However, following the initial excavation works, it was evident that the partially collapsed 6 metre high wingwall had completely failed and would require a significantly more detailed repair. From the site works, it was evident that the partial collapse had occurred due to the presence of a BT underground duct which was acting as a conduit carrying groundwater to this low point. As a result significant water pressure built up behind the wall and forced the collapse to occur. There was no evidence when the initial inspection work was carried out that water pressure was the most likely cause of this failure. Therefore, the events that occurred could not have been reasonably foreseen. In addition to our works, Scottish Water has taken the opportunity to re-line the existing water main in this area. On site, there has been significantly more stonework repairs required which only became evident after the scaffolding was erected and access made available to allow for inspection and removal of years of vegetation growth. Additional works were also undertaken on another seven metre high buttress and wingwall which were in poor condition. The bridgeworks have been completed. Scottish Water has completed their re-lining works (after discussion between Scottish Water and the Ayrshire Roads Alliance, it was decided that this work could not be undertaken concurrently with the bridge project on health and safety grounds). The final surfacing is programmed for Monday 20 April with completion later that week. The projected final estimate for these works is £500,000. Cabinet is asked to note that due to the emergency nature of this project these essential works needed to proceed immediately in order not to compromise the safety to the travelling public, and to restrict the road closure to as short a delay as possible. The works were undertaken through the Minor Works Framework Contract in order to achieve best value for East Ayrshire Council. Should similar emergency type works take place in the future then these will be reported to Cabinet immediately. U51 Nethercraig Bridge, C20 Kilmaurs Main Bridge, B7081 Holm Bridge, C103 Burn Anne Bridge, C103 Haymouth Burn Culvert, C104 Bankhouse Bridge Essential refurbishment works on 6 bridges involving repairs to masonry walls, arch barrels and scour protection works, totalling £96,000, which could not be funded from the limited Bridges Revenue budget. £96,000 TOTAL = £728,000 16 The consequence of the above programme issues is that a number of the Capital projects approved in 2014/15 have not progressed to site stage, albeit some design work has begun on others. It is proposed to complete these works in 2015/16. 17 In order to improve the condition of the bridge stock and complete previously approved projects, it is proposed to accelerate funding from future years to create a three year programme. The general detail is stated in Table 4 and represents a significant increase in the proposed funding. 18 The programme of works for 2015/16 is detailed in Table 6 below and paragraphs 19 to 22 and includes an update on the progress of previously approved projects along with revised cost estimates, plus a number of new projects. The proposed programmes for 2016/17 and 2017/18 are included in Appendix 2. It is still proposed to provide Cabinet annually with a progress report on this programme. 2015/16 PROGRAMME Table 6 Programme of Works 2015/16 2015/16 Bridge Strengthening Works Identified from Bridge Inspections Bridge Parapet Upgrades Rail Incursions Total 19 £800,000 £300,000 £285,000 £15,000 £1,400,000 Bridge Strengthening and Replacement (£800,000) – In 2015/16 it is proposed to undertake the bridge strengthening and replacement projects previously approved in 2014/15 but not yet concluded along with one further bridge replacement on the A735 near Kilmaurs plus some feasibility and investigative works to facilitate future schemes. C51 Dykefield Bridge, Mauchline replacement (£350,000) - Dykefield Bridge suffered extensive damage during the July 2012 floods, necessitating its closure. A design has been prepared which improves the road alignment/width over the bridge and tender documentation is currently being prepared. Land acquisition has been problematic and is still to be finalised. Once land acquisition is concluded the project will progress towards the tender and construction phases. U26 West Clerkland Bridge, Stewarton replacement (£205,000) –West Clerkland Bridge was closed in the interest of public safety in July 2012 following deterioration in its condition. A design has been prepared which improves the road alignment/width over the bridge and tender documentation is currently being prepared. Land acquisition has been problematic and is still ongoing. Once land acquisition is concluded the project will progress towards the tender and construction phases. B730 Littlemill Bridge, Rankinston replacement (£10,000) - This bridge fails its 40 tonne load assessment and is currently monitored on a bimonthly basis. A replacement scheme will be developed and land negotiations undertaken during the coming year with a view to the replacement being undertaken in future years. A71 Mathews Burn Culvert, Darvel (section below West Donnington Street) replacement (£10,000) - This culvert is 105m long and runs from West Donnington Street to A71 West Main Street. The section below the A71 was replaced in 2013 and the remaining 88m length below Burn Road footway and West Donnington Street fails its 40 Tonne load assessment. This section is currently monitored on a bi-monthly basis. It is proposed to develop a replacement scheme and undertake land negotiations during the coming year for the 15m section below West Donnington Street. Subject to the project being sufficiently developed and land acquisition concluded to allow the works to proceed in this financial year, it is proposed that further funding is accelerated from future years. The remaining 63m length of culvert below Burn Road footway is considered lower risk with respect to vehicle loading and will require to be funded from future years. Bollards have been installed to deter accidental vehicle loading of the footway. U64 Gardrum Mill Culvert Bridge, Fenwick – replacement (£45,000) – The existing masonry arch fails its 40 Tonne load assessment and is in very poor condition. It is proposed to replace the bridge with precast concrete box culvert units. The design is complete and it is anticipated that tenders will be invited in April 2015. Isles Burn Culvert, Newmilns - strengthening and scour protection (Mill Rd Section) (£45,000) – This culvert is 550m long and has various public roads and private roads/land overlying it. Various sections of the culvert fail their 40 Tonne load assessment and the overall condition of the culvert is poor. The section below Mill Road footway fails its 40 Tonne load assessment and it is proposed to replace this section along with repairs to adjacent areas of culvert invert which are badly scoured. Further repairs to the culvert will require to be funded from future years. 20 A735 Brackenburn Bridge, near Kilmaurs – replacement (£70,000) – The existing 1.2m span masonry arch is in poor condition and it is proposed to replace it with precast concrete box culvert units. This is a boundary structure with North Ayrshire and they have agreed to part contribute £70,000 to the estimated £140,000 replacement cost). Investigative works – (£50,000) – Specialist ground investigation work will be undertaken at a number of proposed bridge replacement locations to help facilitate foundation design and the development of the schemes. Specialist paint surveys will also be undertaken at various steel bridges to assess the condition of the existing paint system and provide advice on an appropriate maintenance specification for work in future years. Feasibility works – (£15,000) – Feasibility work on future schemes to determine the extent of land acquisition will be developed. Upgrading Identified from Inspections – (£300,000) Structures are assigned a Maintenance Prioritisation Ranking (MPR) with values ranging from 1 to 4, with 1 indicating acceptable condition and 4 indicating the condition is such that urgent remedial action is required. The ongoing inspection programmes have identified that there are 69 structures with an MPR4 ranking. See Appendix 3 for the list of structures. The repairs to some of these structures will be funded via the Bridges Revenue budget. However, a number of the structures require extensive refurbishment and it is proposed to allocate £300,000 to enable a number of essential projects to be progressed, and therefore improve the general condition of the asset. Structures in this category, where it is not possible to strengthen within the existing budget, will be monitored regularly if deemed appropriate. If significant deterioration occurs before remedial action can be implemented, consideration will be given to closure of the bridge or implementation of a weight restriction. Nevertheless, a review will be carried out involving further inspections and the preparation of cost estimates of those structures with an MPR4 ranking, as detailed in Appendix 3, in order to inform any future review of the Council's capital programme. 21 Bridge Parapet Upgrades (£285,000) – A number of bridges have masonry parapets and other walls which are in poor condition and/or have sustained vehicle impact damage. As previously approved in 2014/15 it is proposed to carry out works at the following location this financial year. Other schemes on the programme will be brought forward if this scheme suffers any delay. C125 Spout Linn Bridge, Waterside – (£35,000) Replacement of one masonry parapet which has suffered vehicle damage with a new upgraded parapet on a section of rebuilt arch barrel along with other general masonry repairs. A735 Victoria Bridge, Kilmarnock – (£250,000) Replacement of the existing substandard steel vehicle parapets on the approach retaining walls, 170m length, with new compliant vehicle/pedestrian steel parapets on a new reinforced concrete upstand cast onto the existing concrete retaining wall stem at all four approaches to the bridge. It is also proposed to grit blast and paint the main support beams of the bridge. 22 Rail Incursions (£15,000) – Safety fencing has already been installed on three of the four approaches to the C23 Rigg Road Rail Bridge at Cumnock in order to mitigate the risk of the accidental incursion of vehicles onto the railway line. It is proposed to install safety fence mitigation measures on the last corner of this site. This will complete the Council’s last high risk site which are those sites with a risk ranking score higher than 90. Network Rail has indicated that they will provide match funding for the mitigation works at this site. 23 Individual schemes may be adjusted as necessary to take account of the following: variations in price following tendering processes changes in the bridge stock condition that can arise throughout the year and which necessitate urgent action being taken the available staff resource, large backlog of bridge maintenance and the complexity of certain projects which are demanding of staff time. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 24 The proposed programme of works in 2015-16; 2016-17 and 2017-18 will be funded from the 10 year Roads and Transportation Capital Investment Programme. 25 The bridge assessments and inspections carried out to date indicate that there is a backlog in bridge and culvert strengthening and remedial works of over £35M. Whilst it is recognised that further funding would allow a fuller programme to be implemented to address the deterioration and subsequent maintenance of the relevant assets, interim measures and actions are being implemented to manage structures that have been identified as being weak or requiring remedial measures, as detailed previously in Paragraph 10. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 26 Roads (Scotland) Act 1984, Part 1, Section 1, requires a local roads authority to manage and maintain all such roads in their areas as are for the time being entered in a “list of public roads”. This duty includes the proper maintenance of all structures carrying or supporting the road. 27 If the structures asset continues to deteriorate the exposure to the Council from public liability claims may increase. HUMAN RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS 28 Delivering an increased capital works programme has staffing implications. In particular structures schemes may require a design input, which may not be met from existing in-house resources. Framework contracts are in place which could be used to meet peak demands. However these external resources still require to be managed effectively by in-house staff. COMMUNITY PLAN / POLICY IMPLICATIONS 29 Providing a well maintained road network is consistent with and complements the Safer Communities and Economy and Skills themes of the Community Plan 2015-30. 30 If the condition of the structure asset deteriorates this will have implications in meeting the above aims, for example introducing further weight restrictions to bridges on the network will impede the movement of people and goods across the council area. 31 This report meets the needs of the Community Planning partners throughout East Ayrshire through improving community safety by improving the condition of the bridge stock. In addition, the developing work through the Community Led Action Plans also focuses on improvements to the road infrastructure. EQUALITIES IMPLICATIONS 32 The projects contained within the programmes will be designed to ensure that they are fully accessible for all, in consultation with the Disability Awareness Advisor where appropriate. RISK MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS 33 Any delay in the delivery of the 10 year programme will expose the Council to potential risks with regard to the deteriorating condition of the bridge stock which could result in structure failure and reduced level of service and accessibility issues for the travelling public. 34 Interim measures and actions are being implemented to manage structures that have been identified through the bridge assessment and principal and general inspection programmes as being weak or requiring remedial measures. Such measures include introducing weight restrictions, lane restrictions, monitoring or closing bridges to vehicles/pedestrians. RECOMMENDATIONS 35 It is recommended that Cabinet: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) approves the 2015-16 Bridge and Culvert Strengthening Programme of works, as set out in paragraphs 19 to 22 above; approves the re-profiling of the Bridges Capital Investment Programme as detailed in Table 4 to create a three year rolling programme and agrees the proposed programme for 2016-17 and 2017-18 as set out in Appendix 2; notes the works undertaken at Barskimming Bridge as described in Table 5; approves that further inspections and cost estimates are prepared for those structures listed in Appendix 3, in order that this work will inform any future review of the Council’s Capital Programme; otherwise notes the contents of this report, in particular, the estimated cost of the backlog in bridge and culvert strengthening and remedial works of over £35M and that interim measures and actions are in place to manage those structures identified as being weak. Chris McAleavey Acting Depute Chief Executive Safer Communities 8 April 2015 LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS 1. 2. 3. 4. Bridges, Traffic, Transportation and Road Safety Programmes 2008-09 Cabinet – 4 June 2008 10 Year Bridge and Culvert Strengthening Programme - Cabinet – 22 April 2009 2014/15 Bridge and Culvert Strengthening Programme - Cabinet 5 March 2014 Dean Bridge, Kilmarnock – Cabinet 21 May 2014 LIST OF APPENDICES 1 Structures Receiving an Increased Inspection Regime 2 2016/17 and 2017/18 Bridge and Culvert Strengthening Programme 3 Current list of structures with an MPR4 Ranking For further information on this report please contact Stewart Turner, Head of Ayrshire Roads Alliance, (Tel:- 01563 503164) or at [email protected] Officer: Alan Ierland, Design & Environment Team Manager, Ayrshire Roads Alliance, (Tel:- 01563 503196), or at [email protected] Appendix 1 – Structures Receiving an Increased Inspection Regime No. Structure Reference 1 A70/70 2 A70/180 C65 3 A71/280 C80 4 A71/280 C80 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A713/30 A735/130 C58 B705/10/C37 B730/10 B730/40 B741/40 B741/80 B751/20 B769/40 B778/20 C36 B7013/10 B7046/02 C72 B7046/10 C27 B7073/60 C6/20 C24/05 21 C22/20 C44 22 C50/20 23 C51/20 24 25 26 C82/00 C47 C91/10 C79 C104/20 27 C127/10 28 29 C133/00 C96 U/GALS/20 C 30 U/LOGA/10 31 U/MAUC/20C 32 U/MAUC/30C 33 34 35 U/NEWM/20 U/NEWM/25C U/NEWM/41 36 U/NEWM/42 Structure Name Burnock Bridge, Ochiltree Kirkburn Bridge, Muirkirk Mathewburn Culvert, Darvel (Burn Rd Section) Mathewburn Culvert, Darvel (West Donn. St. Section) Boneston Bridge, near Hollybush Gills Burn Culvert, Dunlop Mill Lade Culvert, Catrine Littlemill Bridge, near Rankinston Stair Bridge, Stair Knockburnie Bridge, near Dalleagles Doon Bridge, near Dalmellington Rail Bridge Nos. 1& 97 [Crosshouse] Corsehill Mill Bridge, Stewarton Kilbride Culvert, near Stewarton Muck Water Bridge, Dalmellington Burnton Bridge, near Skares Skares Bridge, Skares Little Barleith Bridge, Hurlford Kennox Bridge, near Stewarton Rail Bridge Bonnyton Road, Kilmarnock (Overhead height detectors) Auchinleck Burn Culvert (Birnieknowe), near Auchinleck Rail Bridge No. 161/146 [Brackenhill], near Mauchline Dykefield Bridge (Friendleshead Bridge), near Mauchline Trabboch Burn Culvert, near Coalhall Minnivay Culvert, Burnton Windyhill Bridge, Disused Rail Bridge [DAS/16], Newmilns Rail Bridge No. 5 [Low Ashyard], near Hurlford Mathewburn Culvert, Darvel Cemetery Road Bridge – [Burnhouse], Galston Old Lugar Bridge (Logan Bridge), near Logan Castle Street Culvert (In Castle Street Mauchline) Burngrange Culvert (Burnside road/Burngrange lane Mauchline) Institute Bridge, Craigview Road, Newmilns Auchinruglin Burn Culvert, Newmilns Isles Burn Culvert (Section under Mill Road), Newmilns Isles Burn Culvert (Section under Weavers Place), Newmilns Weight Restriction Inspection Frequency Monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly 12T 13T Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Weekly Monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly 17T Bi-monthly Bi-monthly 7.5T Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly 7.5T Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly No. Structure Reference 37 U/NEWM/43 38 U/NEWM/44 39 U/NEWM/45 40 U/NEWM/46 41 42 43 44 U/STEW/30 U/STEW/40 U5/10 U16/10 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 U22/10 U26/10 U32/10 U37/20 U37/20 C30 U37/20 C60 U44/10 U52/00 C86 U64/00 C37 U727/10 U730/10 56 57 58 59 60 U732/10 C92 U735/10 U740/10 U749/10 U759/10D Structure Name Isles Burn Culvert (Section under Mill Court only), Newmilns Isles Burn Culvert (Section under Union Street only, Newmilns Isles Burn Culvert (Section under Burn Road only), Newmilns Isles Burn Culvert (Section under Greenside), Newmilns Underpass – Old Mill View, Stewarton Underpass – Jubilee Drive, Stewarton Passford Bridge, near Priestland Craig Bridge, Gatehead – Thorntoun, near Gatehead Burnfoot Bridge, near Darvel West Clerkland, near Stewarton Clearmount Bridge, Huggin Craig, Newmilns Burnbank Bridge, Milton, near Galston Ladyton Culvert, near Galston Loudoun Kirk Bridge, near Galston Bruntland Bridge, Horsehill, near Fenwick Downie’s Burn Culvert, Galston Gardrum Mill Burn Culvert, near Fenwick Garronhill Bridge, Muirkirk Dippol Burn Bridge, Glenshamrock, near Auchinleck Haugh Culvert, near Mauchline Old Howford Bridge, near Mauchline Barbieston Bridge (Mill O'Shiel Br.),Drongan Old Sorn Bridge, Sorn Loch Doon Dam, near Dalmellinton Weight Restriction Inspection Frequency Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly 3T 3T 17T Note – All bridges with a signed weight restriction receive increased monitoring Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Bi-monthly Appendix 2 – 2016/17 and 2017/18 BRIDGE AND CULVERT STRENGTHENING PROGRAMME Proposed Programme 2016/17 Structure Name Proposed works Cost Estimate B730 Littlemill Bridge Replacement of bridge - Construction of this project, see paragraph 19 £500,000 A71 Mathews Burn Culvert, Darvel, West Donnington St Section Replacement with box culvert units Construction of this project, see paragraph 19 £100,000 Upgrading identified from Inspections Painting of structures As per paragraph 20 £300,000 Works identified from paragraph 19 £200,000 Changes in bridge stock condition which necessitate urgent action As per paragraph 23 £300,000 TOTAL £1,400,000 Proposed Programme 2017/18 Structure Name Proposed works U22 Burnfoot Bridge Replacement of bridge £150,000 A713 Boneston Bridge Sleeve with box culvert units and improve approach embankments (£850k estimate, will require funded over two years) As per paragraph 20 £500,000 Works identified from paragraph 19 £200,000 As per paragraph 23 £250,000 Upgrading identified from Inspections Painting of structures Changes in bridge stock condition which necessitate urgent action Cost Estimate TOTAL £300,000 £1,400,000 As identified at paragraph 23 of the Report individual schemes may require to be adjusted to take account of the following; variations in price following tendering processes changes in the bridge stock condition that can arise throughout the year and which necessitate urgent action being taken the available staff resource, large backlog of bridge maintenance and the complexity of certain projects which are demanding of staff time. Appendix 3 – Prioritised list of current structures with an MPR4 Ranking Priority Structure Reference No. Structure Name MPR Bridges, Culverts and Retaining Walls 1* 2* 3* 4* A735/60 C38 B730/00 W99 B730/10 A71/280 C80 5* 6* B705/20 W11 U/NEWM/42C 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* U/NEWM/41C U64/00 C37 C125/10 C36 C51/20 U26/10 W/DARV/20 13 U734//10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 A77/550 C57 B705/10 C91 B705/10/C37 B705/20 A70/100 A70/180 C80 A70/40 A719/180 A735/58C B7036/10 C5 B70406/10 C81 B7046/10 C10 B705/00 C18 B705/20 C68 B7073/10 B7073/40 B713/10 C42 B778/20 C54 C90/20 U/LOGA/10 U22/10 B741/40 C79 B741/50 B741/80 C21 C129/10 C100 C47/10 C47/20 C43 C95/10 U33/00 C78 U52/00 C67 Brackenburn Bridge, near Kilmaurs Littlemill Wall, near Rankinston Littlemill Bridge, near Rankinston Mathewburn Culvert, Darvel (West Donn. St. & Burn Road Sections) Puddock Burn Wall, near Catrine Isles Burn Culvert (Weavers Place section), Newmilns Isles Burn Culvert (Mill Road section), Newmilns Gardrum Mill Burn Culvert, near Fenwick Spout Lynn Bridge, near Dunlop Dykefield Bridge, near Mauchline West Clerkland Bridge, Near Stewarton Causeway Road Retaining Wall, Darvel 4 4 4 4 Fowler Bridge, Hillhead & Auchmillan, near Mauchline Raithill Culvert, near Fenwick Cowan Place Culvert, Catrine Mill Lade Culvert, Catrine Shellies Bridge, Catrine Gatehousebrae Bridge, near Cumnock Torhill Culvert, near Muirkirk Coyle Bridge, near Coalhall Hareshawmill Bridge, near Waterside Woodhill Burn Culvert, near Kilmarnock Stevenston Culvert, near Ochiltree Changue Burn Bridge, near Cumnock Coachford Burn Culvert, near Cumnock Dippol Burn Culvert, near Auchinleck Smithy’s Culvert, near Mauchline Green Bridge, Kilmarnock Hurlford Bridge, Hurlford Culvert, near Catrine High Cross Bridge, near Stewarton Lochingerroch Bridge, near New Cumnock Old Lugar Bridge (Logan Bridge), near Logan Burnfoot Bridge, near Darvel Polmathburn Bridge, near Dalmellington Nith Lodge Bridge, near Dalmellington Glenhead Bridge, near Dalmellington Wheatrig Bridge, near Kilmaurs Muirfoot Bridge, near New Cumnock Low Garclaugh Bridge, near New Cumnock Furnace Bridge, Muirkirk Harlotknowe Culvert, near Newmilns Drainage Culvert, near Newmilns 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 No. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Structure Reference U751/10 U761/00 C100 C108/00 C44 C112/10 C125/30 W35 C33/00 C81 U3/20 U32/10 U37/10 U45/10 U720/20 U729/00 C71 A735/60 W94 C120/00 C94 C133/00 C56 C134/10 C62 C82/00 C47 C85/10 U6/10 A71/241 B U731/10 Structure Name Crossflat Bridge, Muirkirk Temple Bogwood Bridge, near Mauchline Culvert, near Stewarton Swinzie Bridge, near Fenwick Straightbow Wall, Dunlop Volga Bridge (North), near Moscow Braidley Bridge, near Darvel Clearmount Bridge, Huggin Craig, Near Newmilns Greenwood Bridge, Milton, near Crookedholm Kirkland Bridge, Springside Lane Burn Bridge, near Dalleagles Berry Burn Culvert, near Logan Retaining Wall at Lay-by, near Stewarton Simon’s Burn Culvert, near Kilmarnock Gamesland Culvert, near Darvel Bonnieton Burn Culvert, near Newmilns Trabboch Burn Culvert, near Coalhall Fenwick Bridge, Fenwick Mill Bridge, Newlands, near Priestland Old Hoodston Bridge, near Hurlford Laigh Wellwood Bridge (Nether Wellwood Bridge), near Muirkirk MPR 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Footbridges 1 2 3 4 5 F/CUMN/20 F/CATR/20 F/DARV/10 F/KMCK/10 F/NEWM/10 Glaisnock Viaduct (Wyllie Crescent Footbridge) Institute Avenue Footbridge, Catrine Waterhaughs Footbridge, Darvel Burnside Street Footbridge, Kilmarnock Irvine Road/Stratholm Footbridge, Newmilns 4 4 4 4 4 *Works to those structures identified with an asterix are already included in the Bridge Strengthening and Parapet Upgrade proposals for 2015/16.