There`s Still Time to Invest - Dakota Power Community Wind


There`s Still Time to Invest - Dakota Power Community Wind
There’s Still
Time To Invest
Local Project, Local Management
This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity to profit from the ground level of renewable
energy production that reduces our nation’s dependence on the fossil fuels while helping
to improve the economic environment here at home. This investment offering is strictly
limited to South Dakota residents and decisions are made by community members with
our best interest in mind. Plus, the project will create jobs and generate a new tax base
that will directly support our school system.
Minimal Investment Required
With a per share price of just $1,000 (4 shares minimum), anyone can afford to be a part
of this community-driven endeavor, benefiting you and the area we call home.
Join Over 140 Local Investors
Your friends and neighbors have already invested over $2 million dollars into Dakota
Power Community Wind, making the project a reality. You can still take part in this
investment opportunity, but time is limited - the public stock offering closes on
December 31, 2014.
Attend the Final Investment Meeting
A final public investment meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 16 at 7 PM in the Best
Western Ramkota in Sioux Falls. Call today for more information-605.366.2373.
The information provided is not an offer to sell securities. Investors who wish to purchase securities in Dakota Power
Community Wind must be a resident of South Dakota and may only invest after receiving and reviewing a prospectus.
605-366-2373 |