D21.31 DRIVER Experimentation Community of Interest – activity


D21.31 DRIVER Experimentation Community of Interest – activity
Driving Innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience
D21.31 DRIVER Experimentation
Community of Interest – activity report year 1
Grant agreement number:
Due date of deliverable: 30th April 2015
Start date of the project:
Actual submission date: 9th April 2015
54 months
Lead Beneficiary: POLE RISQUES (Alice Clémenceau)
Contributing beneficiaries:
Community of interest; experimentation; network; stakeholders; communication; event
Dissemination level:
Release History
Release by
March First draft – to be reviewed by WP Alice Clémenceau
leader and task participants
March Second Draft to be reviewed by the 2 Alice Clémenceau
reviewers (Frédérique Giroud and
Myriam Ben Ammar)
March Final version including the reviewers Alice Clémenceau
comments and suggestions
D21 31_Expe_ Community_of_Interest_Year 1
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 5
DRIVER Experimentation Community of Interest ............................................................................. 6
Purpose of the Experimentation Community of Interest ................................................................. 8
Progress report ................................................................................................................................. 9
Strategy for enlarging the Experimentation Community of Interest.............................................. 10
Conclusion....................................................................................................................................... 11
Annexe ................................................................................................................................................... 12
International Workshop on Innovation for Crisis Management (I4CM)...................................... 12
©DRIVER Consortium
April 2015
D21 31_EXPE_ Community_of_Interest_Year 1
List of Figures
Figure 1: Building of the DRIVER Experimentation Community of Interest _______________________________ 6
List of Acronyms
Abbreviation /
Bataillon des Marins Pompiers de Marseille – Military Fire Brigade of
Crisis Management
Driving InnoVation in crisis management for European Resilience
Etat Major Interministériel de Zone de Défense Sud – South of France
Regional Homeland Security Authority
Service Départemental d’Incendie et de Secours des Bouches du Rhône Local fire brigade of Bouche du Rhône county
Sub Project 2 (within DRIVER): Test-bed
Sub Project 4 (within DRIVER): Strengthened responders
Sub Project 7 (within DRIVER): Impact & Sustainability
©DRIVER Consortium
D21 31_EXPE_ Community_of_Interest_Year 1
Executive Summary
This document provides an overview of the planned approach that SP2 foresees to establish contacts
with organizations and individuals that show an interest in experiments on crisis management
capabilities. The main purpose of the Experimentation Community of Interest is to share the
common understanding on the use of experimentation to develop CM capabilities and exchange
knowledge and raise awareness of and interest in the DRIVER project.
Indeed, SP2 believes that it is important to build an active community that will effectively get
involved in the DRIVER experiments and take their results up. The main strategy is to start with
organizations and individuals that are close to the DRIVER platforms and to progressively expand the
community by inviting further national and EU stakeholders throughout the experiment campaigns
and the various DRIVER events. In particular, SP2 will target all major stakeholders from CM
functional and organizational levels, rescue services, law enforcement, public health and medical
services, public decision makers and NGOs (from local to national and EU levels), which are
interested in CM experimentation.
Besides, it is important to note that the Experimentation Community of Interest is one of several
bricks of the global DRIVER Community, managed and coordinated by SP7- Sustainability and Impact.
A major upcoming SP7 event will thus represent an important input to the Experimentation
Community of Interest: the workshop on “ Innovation for Crisis Management” organized in May 2015
in Marseille. The objective is to support innovation by highlighting technological development needs
and experimentation benefits; and enlarge the DRIVER Experimentation Community of Interest. In
this context, a round table will be particularly dedicated to discuss experimentation related issues.
©DRIVER Consortium
D21 31_EXPE_ Community_of_Interest_Year 1
1 Introduction
Deliverable D21.31 consists of the first year’s activity report for Task 21.3: Crisis Management
Experimentation Community of Interest. This task started at month 4 (August 2014) and will continue
almost until the end of the project (Month 48).
It is part of SP2 work, which aims at developing a European Crisis Management Test-bed. The
objective is to develop the capabilities to test innovative CM solutions through coordinated
experiment campaigns. In this context, WP21 deals with the coordination and the objectives of the
DRIVER test-bed. Not only will it ensure close working relationship between the platforms, but it will
also involve external stakeholders to enlarge the Experimentation Community of Interest. This WP is
responsible for developing a shared understanding of the objectives; roles and responsibilities among
the involved platforms, and throughout the whole project to ensure the activities are aligned and
coherent with the actions carried out in other work packages and sub-projects.
In particular, the role of Pôle Risques, within the framework of Task 21.31, is to build a strong Crisis
Management community of interest among the DRIVER partners and beyond, encompassing all Crisis
Management functions and organizational levels, including rescue services, law enforcement, public
health and medical services, public decision makers and non-governmental organizations, from local
to national and EU level. The goal of this activity is to support the comprehensive approach to Crisis
Management adopted by DRIVER. The purpose is to create awareness and stimulate interest, with
the long-term goal to incite such organizations to adopt the DRIVER approach and ultimately,
through systematic activities in SP7, sustain the DRIVER test-bed as a whole. The DRIVER
Experimentation Community of Interest is a part of the wider DRIVER community, managed by SP7.
The first part of the report (2.DRIVER Experimentation Community of Interest) presents the
stakeholders involved in the community while the following section (3. Purpose of the
Experimentation Community of Interest) explains the objective behind the initiative. The third
section (4. Progress report) focuses on the activities carried out during the first eight months and the
last one (5. Strategy for enlarging the Experimentation Community of Interest) describes the SP2
strategy to enlarge the community.
This document is a contractual deliverable (D21.21) of the project. As community building will be an
on-going activity in the project the present document will be updated by subsequent versions along
the project, namely D21.32, D21.33 and D21.34.
©DRIVER Consortium
D21 31_EXPE_ Community_of_Interest_Year 1
All major stakeholders from CM functional and organizational levels, rescue services, law
enforcement, public health and medical services, public decision makers and NGOs (from local to
national and EU levels) which are interested in CM experimentation, are considered as a potential
target audience for the DRIVER Experimentation Community of Interest. The core community will
consist of stakeholders who, in the near future, plan to work according to the DRIVER test-bed
method and would like to share their knowledge. In addition, there should be some additional crisis
management practitioners with expert knowledge who can give advice and indicate direction.
The Experimentation Community of Interest will grow further, starting with the platform partners
including their immediate circle (entities close to the platform partners) and more stakeholders will
be involved during the lifetime of the project. It will be facilitated by the involvement of various
entities participating in SP4 experimentations and SP6 Joint Experiments and Final Demonstration.
The project will also closely liaise with the Joint Research center (JRC) and other European
The figure below depicts the plan for the DRIVER Experimentation Community of interest.
External stakeholders
Pla orms’ networks
pla orms
e v en
ri m
Year 2-5
Year 1
communica on
including social media
DRIVER test-bed
Figure 1: Building of the DRIVER Experimentation Community of Interest
The DRIVER Community will seek to bring together stakeholders at various levels to engage them in
debate, find best practices and learn from the lessons of others. The Community itself will consist of
©DRIVER Consortium
D21 31_EXPE_ Community_of_Interest_Year 1
several sub-communities including the Experiment Community of Interest (Task 21.3). Several tasks
within the DRIVER project will collect contacts to be transferred to SP7 where the management of
the relevant communities is organized.
A society resilience community of interest (Task 31.3)
A professional response Communities of Interest (Task 41.3)
Learning in CM Community of Interest (Task 51.3)
SP8-supporting information and analysis- Community of Interest (Task 81.3)
The development of the DRIVER Community is managed and coordinated by SP7- Sustainability and
Impact. SP7 will set up and manage a dedicated database to handle dynamic information about
members of the DRIVER Community – their level of expertise, their level of interest / involvement in
the DRIVER project. The DRIVER Community Management Tool (DCMT), currently being developed
by ARTTIC, will help managing the DRIVER Community effectively and efficiently
As a temporary solution ARTTIC has set up a temporary registration page to allow gathering contacts
until the DRIVER Community is finalized: this page can be found under the URL:
http://www.eurtd.com/driver/community/registration. It shall be ensured that the Community
registration and the Community database support the formation and work of these different DRIVER
communities listed above.
©DRIVER Consortium
D21 31_EXPE_ Community_of_Interest_Year 1
3 Purpose of the Experimentation Community
of Interest
The main purpose of the Experimentation Community of Interest will be to share the common
understanding on the use of experimentation to develop CM capabilities and exchange knowledge
and raise awareness of and interest in the DRIVER project. This knowledge is notably gathered within
the SP2 deliverables, some of which will be made publicly available:
DRIVER Experiment Design Manual (D23.1)
Performance and Effectiveness Metrics in CM Experiments (D23.2)
Costing Methods for CM Solutions (D23.3)
Impact and Effectiveness Assessment in CM Experiments (D23.4)
Guidelines for Experimentation Campaigns (D24.1)
Experimentation Support Tools (D24.2)
Support to Experiments: lessons learned for the DRIVER test-bed (D24.3)
The experience gained from the DRIVER experiments will therefore be shared as well as best
practices and lessons learned. A large circulation of the accumulated knowledge, through these
reports will give more visibility and ensure the long-term sustainability of the European test-bed
developed within DRIVER.
©DRIVER Consortium
D21 31_EXPE_ Community_of_Interest_Year 1
4 Progress report
The concept of the DRIVER Experimentation Community of Interest has been discussed at various
meetings, among which:
SP2’s Kick off-meeting in Aix-en-Provence (9th October 2014)
SP2-SP4 coordination meeting in The Hague (23rd September 2014)
DRIVER general meeting in Ispra (2-6 February)
In particular, SP4’s first round of experiments (in Aix-en-Provence, November 2014) was a good
starting point to raise awareness and interest in the project, establishing first contacts with
stakeholders from Pôle Risques network, with an interest in experimenting CM capabilities. As a
direct consequence, many of these contacts have joined the DRIVER Community, such as for instance
the Regional Homeland Security Authority EMIZDS, the Local Fire Brigade SDIS13 and the Marseille
Fire Brigade BMPM. As an example, the EMIZDS requirements, expressed during this meeting, will
conduct the objective of the EXP4.1 that will be held in November with the EPLFM platform.
So far the main focus has been to set the grounds of the community and in particular:
Strengthen the relationship between the DRIVER platforms, which represent the core
Identify the relevant stakeholders to grow the community
Plan the next round of experiments and invite potential stakeholders
Populate the DRIVER community database
Use a DRIVER large event to start growing the community (Workshop in Marseille 26)27 May
©DRIVER Consortium
D21 31_EXPE_ Community_of_Interest_Year 1
5 Strategy for enlarging the Experimentation
Community of Interest
Task 21.3 participants agree on a simple model of dedicated activities for creating and growing this
Year 1 : an informal meeting of stakeholders of the platform partners’ close networks
Year 2 : a seminar with prepared presentations
Year 3 : a symposium of several speakers to discuss different aspects of experimentation in
Year 4: an International Conference on Experimentation in Crisis Management Development.
Pôle Risques suggests investigating the possibility to organize this event in Nice in order to
set the grounds for the final demonstration.
To build up the Community, SP2 will closely liaise with SP7, notably by:
involving the networks of the platforms
using the SP7 community database to dissemination information
inviting stakeholders to the experiments
using various dissemination channels including social media to target stakeholders
In addition, a SP7 workshop on the topic “ Innovation for Crisis Management” will be organized in
May in Marseille. This event aims at sharing best practices between crisis management professionals
from all over Europe. The objective is to support innovation by highlighting technological
development needs and experimentation benefits; and enlarge the DRIVER Experimentation
Community of Interest.
The program is specifically designed in a way to target stakeholders with an interest in experiments
on crisis management capabilities and involve them in the project.
A panel discussion (morning of the second day) is dedicated to building the DRIVER
Experimentation Community of Interest. The idea is to have five panelists (including for
instance platform owners, researchers on innovation for crisis management…) and a
moderator, and discuss the ins and outs of experimenting innovation to develop CM
capabilities around a few guiding questions listed in advance.
A guided tour to a part of Pôle Risques platforms partners (command and coordination local
and regional centers, 3D simulation platforms, fire fighters academies...etc) is planned on the
afternoon of the second day. This will be the occasion to involve Pôle Risques network in the
DRIVER Experimentation Community of Interest.
An internal T21.3 workshop on the morning of May 28th - to discuss both the outcome of the
I4CM meeting for T21.3 (including newly identified stakeholders and issues related to
experimentation and plan the upcoming actions for this task.
The meeting will include keynote speeches and panel discussions will be live streamed and a
dedicated twitter account will allow for live discussions.
©DRIVER Consortium
D21 31_EXPE_ Community_of_Interest_Year 1
6 Conclusion
The main purpose of the Experimentation Community of Interest is to share the common
understanding on the use of experimentation to develop Crisis Management capabilities and share
knowledge and raise awareness of and interest in the DRIVER project.
All major stakeholders from CM functional and organizational levels, rescue services, law
enforcement, public health and medical services, public decision makers and NGOs are considered as
a potential target audience for the DRIVER Experimentation Community of Interest.
DRIVER Experimentation Community of Interest will be further activated during future DRIVER
events, including the workshop on innovation for Crisis Management organized in Marseille in May
2015, and the various DRIVER experiments. The DRIVER platform partners are key actors in engaging
their local partners during the experiments they host.
©DRIVER Consortium
D21 31_EXPE_ Community_of_Interest_Year 1
International Workshop on Innovation for Crisis Management (I4CM)
Tentative program
Day 1 (26th May 2015) – Villa Méditerranée, Marseille
Conference opens. Welcome words from French authorities
Introduction to the event
Morning session (keynotes and roundtables) on best practices, innovative solutions
and identified needs in CM – focus on situation assessment tools
Afternoon session (keynotes and roundtable) on best practices, innovative solutions
and identified needs in CM + live interaction with remote contributors – focus on
tasking and resource management
Cultural visit on the site
Day 2 (27th May 2015) – Villa Méditerranée, Marseille
DRIVER project approach: experimentation platforms, tools and technical solutions,
Large experimentations and demonstration, sustainability
DRIVER Community – panel discussions & participation of the audience
- Strengthened Response (41.3)
- Experimentation (21.3)
Wrap-up and closing words
French test-beds and operational centers visits (optional)
Return to Airport or City center
Day 3 (28th May 2015) – Pôle Risques, Aix en Provence
DRIVER Task 21.3 partners meeting: capitalization of the previous days’ discussions
and planning for future steps (upon invitation only)
©DRIVER Consortium