Seamless Learning Technology - DSpace at Open Universiteit
Seamless Learning Technology - DSpace at Open Universiteit
Seamless Learning Technology P R O F. D R . M A R C U S S P E C H T W E LT E N I N S T I T U T E RESEARCH CENTRE FOR LEARNING, TEACHING AND TECHNOLOGY OPEN UNIVERSITEIT NEDERLAND [email protected] T W I T T E R , F L I C K R , FA C E B O O K : M A R C U S P E C H T #0 DESIGNING TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT DRIVEN BY … N E W D I G I TA L C O N T E N T OER, iTunes U, Youtube EDU, … LOR: GLOBE, Ariadne, ODS, MACE, Sharetec,… Mobile: GLOBE, Ariadne, ODS, MACE, Sharetec,… Scaling Processes MOOC: Coursera, edX, OpenLearn, Futurlearn, yOUlearn N E W I N T E R FA C E S Mobile Access, Augmented Reality Tangibles, Sensor-Based Interfaces, Tabletops Situated Displays, Ambient Displays, Public Displays RESEARCH AND DESIGN CHALLENGE: HOW TO DESIGN SEAMLESS L E A R N I N G S U P P O R T I N T E L S PA C E S ? • Formal and informal learning; • Personalized and social learning; • Across time; locations, social contexts • Combined use of multiple device types; • Physical and digital worlds • Multiple learning tasks knowledge synthesis H O W T O C R E A T E L I N K S B E T W E E N D I G I TA L A N D P H Y S I C A L #1 LINKING THE WORLDS FIELD TRIPS L O C AT I O N - B A S E D 8 “Suarez, A., Ternier, S., Kalz, M., & Specht, M. (2014). GPIM: Google Glassware for Inquiry-Based Learning. In C. Rensing et al (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th European conference on Technology Enhanced Learning - EC-TEL 2014: Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities, LNCS 8719 (pp. 530-533). Graz, Austria..” audio augmented spaces ... 10 OPENSOURCE FRAMEWORK FOR MIXED REALITY GAMES ARLEARN LANGUAGE LEARNING • http://www.elena- objects as controllers of ambient displays … 13 actuator/controller … H T T P S : / / W W W. Y O U T U B E . C O M / W AT C H ? V = R L - J A I I 4 I N 8 embedded trackers … #2 LINKING TO HUMAN LEARNING #2A AWARENESS measuring power consumption on campus with standard facility management, plus sensors on workplaces and public devices, personal registration of power consuming activities. Energy consumption ... 19 M A I N R E S U LT S E N E R G Y A W A R E N E S S • Situated displays have a generic effect of raising awareness and energy consumption on a mid to long term • Badge and social incentive systems must be embedded with social media to have an effect • Real world action foster curiosity, discussion, and reflection about the topic when combined with public displays H U M A N S D O N O T A LW A Y S L I K E T O D O … #2B REFLECTION IN AND ABOUT ACTION 23 LINKING ACTIVITIES IN CONTEXT TO … REFLECTION ABOUT ACTION WHAT MAKES IT PERSONAL IS … FEEDBACK ... Goetz, T. (2011). Harnessing the Power of Feedback Loops | Magazine. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from 2011/06/ff_feedbackloop/5/ context indicators ... 27 reflection amplifiers ... 28 Personal Context Notifications d n a n o i t a c fi i t o n g t n x i l e t p n m o a c s e c n e i r e p ex W A O M E D T BES ARD - L E T EC 4 1 0 2 #SUMMARY SO … • #1 There are seams between the different learning contexts, locations, times, social contexts, … • #2 There are opportunities with new technologies that are open, ubiquitous, context-aware, and personalized. • #3 look at the aimed effects on awareness, curiosity, creativity, knowledge, latent variables, … • #4 think careful about methodology and experimental designs dependent on your research questions … THANK YOU ! M.M. SPECHT P R O F. D R . M A R C U S S P E C H T W E LT E N I N S T I T U T E RESEARCH CENTRE FOR LEARNING, TEACHING AND TECHNOLOGY OPEN UNIVERSITEIT NEDERLAND [email protected] T W I T T E R , F L I C K R , FA C E B O O K : M A R C U S P E C H T