April 4, 2015 Chapter Meeting Minutes 1 St. Louis - Dst


April 4, 2015 Chapter Meeting Minutes 1 St. Louis - Dst
St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Chapter Meeting Minutes
St. Louis Gateway Classic Sports Foundation
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Chapter President, Soror Mitchelle Price, called the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter meeting to order at 1:17 p.m. with the
Formal Opening. A quorum was established for the transaction of business.
Presentation of Scholarship Recipients – Soror Yvette Allen
Soror Allen introduced co-chair and committee members. Soror Allen also thanked the chapter for contributions, which
enabled ten scholarships to be awarded. Congratulations to all recipients and their parents.
Adoption of the Agenda
Soror Mitchelle Price presented the agenda to the chapter for approval. It was moved by Soror Gloria Reno that the
agenda be accepted. The motion was seconded by Soror Teresa Hargrow-Simmons. A voice vote was taken and there
were no objections to the motion. The motion passed.
President’s Remarks – Soror Mitchelle Price
Soror Price wished everyone a happy spring and a happy Easter.
Soror Price thanked everyone for what they do for Delta and the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter. The St. Louis Alumnae
Chapter is on fire hosting activities, programs and events. It seems like we have something going on every weekend with
a number of meetings other representations in between. The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter is very BUSY and that is a good
thing. There has been a lot of work being done behind the scenes, fulfilling regional and national mandates along with our
local chapter responsibilities.
Regional Newsletter
Articles have been submitted to appear in every Central Regional Newsletter. Our Founders Day Luncheon and our
Violets Against Violence Event articles and pictures from these events were featured in the March Central Regional
Regional News
The Charismatic & Courageous Central Region is asking for a donation of $5 per Alumnae and $3 per Collegiate Soror, to
show appreciation for the support our National Executive Board has provided the Charismatic & Courageous Central
Region. This will be the only solicitation for funds for the National Convention. These funds need to be sent to the Central
Region no later than Friday, May 15, 2015. Turn in monies for this courtesy to Soror Rogerlyn Simington, Financial
Secretary no later than the May 2, 2015 chapter meeting.
The Hostess Chapters for the 52 National Convention in Houston have designed an exclusive scarf to be worn during
our Sisterhood Luncheons. Initially, Sorors were asked to purchase this once in a lifetime scarf for $30.00. We have been
asked to disregard the order blank until further notice.
Articles and pictures are continually submitted monthly of our events and activities to be included in the Panhellenic Pulse
newsletter. Please take a look at these email publications for our chapter’s representation.
NPHC “Old Skool Groove” Party has been rescheduled again for Friday, May 15, 2015 at the Kappa Kastle at 500 N.
Vandeventer Ave., St. Louis, MO 63108 from 7:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door.
Proceeds will go to the NPHC Scholarship Fund. A portion of the St. Louis Alumnae ticket sales will go toward the St.
Louis Alumnae Chapter Pan-Hellenic Scholarship that will be given out at a reception in June. Please support this event
by purchasing a ticket from one of the chapter's Pan-Hell Reps: Soror Kim Banks or Soror Brandese Spiller.
Soror Brandese Spiller had new NPHC directories available the meeting.
Messages from our National President
Take the opportunity to read correspondence information that is being sent by National Headquarters and our National
President, Soror Paulette Walker.
April 4, 2015 Chapter Meeting Minutes
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. mourns the loss of Honorary Member and Maestro, Dr. M. Joyce Brown, the first Black
female music director of a Broadway Show, the all Black production of “Purlie.”
The National Convention Date: Houston, Texas, July 23-29, 2015. The Call to Convention has been sent out to all
members via email. New date for general registration is Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 12 noon (EST). It is recommended that
Google Chrome Internet service is used to register for the convention.
National Executive Board Courtesies
A significant number of awards, recognitions, mandates and compliance deadlines have been submitted to National
Headquarters. Information is coming from the regional and national headquarters on a daily basis.
Nominee packets have been submitted for one participant of our EMBODI program and one participant of our Delta
Academy for the Presidential Youth Conference for the 52 National Convention.
Information packets have been submitted on several chapter members for the Brightest Stars recognition to the National
Membership Services for sorors who are 80 or more years old and/or who had 65 or more years of membership in the
Requested pictures and blurbs have been submitted to the National Membership Services Committee for Sisterhood
Month of our Sisterhood Activity and other Membership Services programs and PP&D Programs, and P-13 recognitions.
Soror Price and a number of chapter sorors attended the Urban League Dinner, where Soror Alexis Herman, former U.S.
Secretary of Labor, was the guest speaker. The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter and the St. Louis Alumnae Delta Foundation
presented a gift to Soror Herman.
The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter received a $100 award from the TSU Alumnae Association (Tennessee State University)
for having the most organizational members attending their scholarship dance on Saturday, March 21, 2015.
Soror Price attended the St. Louis Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter Founders Day Luncheon on Saturday, March 21, 2015
and brought greetings on behalf of the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter. Soror Valerie Patton was the keynote speaker. There
were approximately 10 members of the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter present.
Policies and Procedures
Soror Price thanked sorors who presented amendment proposals for our chapter Policies and Procedures. These
proposals have been reviewed and included where applicable. The two documents have been updated in compliance
with mandated changes from National Headquarters, and for clarity. Copies of the 2015-2016 REVISED Rules of Order
and Policies and Procedures are currently available on the chapter website and were sent in our last Chapter Update.
The UPDATES are in RED BOLD print. The two documents will be presented for your approval at the May chapter
meeting. After approval by the chapter and our Regional Member of Scholarship and Standards, the newly revised Rules
of Order and Policies and Procedures will be in effect for the 2015-2016 sorority year providing no new changes are
made in the interim. If any questions, see Soror Rebecca Barnes, Chair of the Presidents Advisory Council.
Meeting Space
We will vote on our meeting space location for the next sorority year at the May chapter meeting. Soror Wandaleen
Brown will work on bids for presentation at the May chapter meeting.
Ad for 52 National Convention Commemorative Journal
The National Convention Commemorative Journal Committee is asking chapters to purchase an ad in the 52 National
Convention Commemorative Journal. The Ad will need to be submitted by April 30, 2015. The ad costs are:
Full page Ad
Half Page Ad
Quarter Page Ad
Patron Levels:
Trail Boss:
Any ads that are not submitted in digital camera ready format will incur an additional typesetting fee of $50.00.
April 4, 2015 Chapter Meeting Minutes
Soror Doris Carter moved that our chapter purchase a full page ad for the 52 National Convention, after the Treasurer
advises of the budget for ads. Soror Odessa Chambers seconded. Soror Carolyn Thomas confirmed a full page ad is
covered in the budget. A vote was taken and the results were: 79 for and one opposed. Motion passed.
A chapter picture has not been taken for the past two years. Soror Price will work on a date to take pictures.
Minutes - Soror Cynthia Young
The minutes from the February 25, 2015 Executive Committee Meeting, February 25, 2015 Executive Board Meeting and
the March 7, 2015 Chapter Meeting were reviewed. Soror Mitchelle Price asked for a motion to approve the February 25,
2015 Executive Committee Meeting, February 25, 2015 Executive Board Meeting and the March 7, 2015 Chapter Meeting
minutes. Soror Teresa Hargrow-Simmons moved that all minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Soror Ruth
Lewis. A voice vote was taken and there were no objections. The motion passed. Minutes from all Executive Committee,
Executive Board and Chapter Meetings are archived in the “Members Only” section of the chapter website.
Printed copies of minutes and agenda will only be available at the Chapter Meetings for sorors without internet access.
Welcome & Kudos – Soror Quintella Ivory
Soror Ivory recognized one visiting soror.
Soror Ivory congratulated the following sorors on their outstanding accomplishments:
 Soror Shay Gillespie is a recent graduate of the Focus St. Louis Diversity Leadership Fellowship. The program is
designed for those who share a strong drive to lead positive community change in the areas of diversity, inclusion and
 Soror Tiffany "Shawn" Nashville on her article and picture being included in the March 12, 2015 edition of the St.
Louis American. Soror Nashville's article titled "Selma-Bound for History's Sake", documented her experiences at the
50th Anniversary of the Selma March in Selma, AL.
 Soror Rochelle Jones for having the highly unique opportunity to participate in the Moving Classroom: Let Me Read
You Your Rights presented by the National Park Service, Ferguson-Florissant School District, the City of St. Louis
Public Safety Department, and the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice.
 Soror Bernadette White, Shauntay Daniels and the entire Reclamation & Retention Committee for a wonderful,
Sisterly, fun-filled Sisterhood Activity.
 Soror Melva Jones and the entire Check out the Church Committee for a sprit filled morning of praise and worship and
a delicious fellowship immediately following service.
 Special thanks to the members of Christ Our Redeemer AME Church, Rev. Roger Richardson Pastor, and sorors for
a spiritually uplifting worship service. Following the service we were treated to a beautifully decorated setting of Red
and White including the cake, and a delicious meal. Our thanks to you for your gracious hospitality.
 Soror Elaine Williams was recently honored as “Volunteer of the Year” in the Hazelwood School District for her work
with children at Keeven Elementary School.
 Soror Katrina Kerr who was selected as Jana Elementary Volunteer of the year in the Hazelwood School District.
 Sorors Karen Miller, Leslie Russell, and the entire Ariya Committee for a wonderful Ariya Rites of Passage Ceremony.
 Sorors Ida Woolfolk, Shirley Brown, and the entire Gospel, Jazz, and Blues Brunch Committee in conjunction with
Soror Claretta Isom and the St. Louis Alumnae Delta Foundation for hosting an outstanding brunch event at the St.
Louis Airport Marriott on Sunday, March 29, 2015.
 Soror Teresa Hargrow-Simmons for being re-elected as Vice Chair/Treasurer for the St. Louis Public SchoolsAdult Basic Education Foundation of Metropolitan St. Louis by the Board of Directors.
 Soror Beverly Goldman has been named one of the Visionary leaders by the National Council of Negro Women.
The recipients will be recognized in October.
 Soror Cheryl Jones received the 2015 Royal Vagabond Leadership Award. Soror Jones is the President and
CEO of Girls, Inc.
 Soror Karen Miller who will receive the President’s Award for exemplary service in the National Council of Negro
Women Inc., Gateway Metropolitan Section. The award will be presented at a special recognition program
honoring Missouri Visionary Leaders to be held on Saturday, October 17, 2015 at the Renaissance St. Louis
Airport hotel.
 Goodbye to Soror Olivia Bonner. Soror Bonner will relocate to Marietta, GA and will join the Marietta-Roswell
Alumnae Chapter. Thanks for many years of dedication and service within the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter. May God
be with you and safe travels!
April 4, 2015 Chapter Meeting Minutes
Please note: Moving forward all Kudos received should be restricted to Financial Chapter Members Only. Please email
all Kudos to [email protected].
Soror Ivory also reported on the Cheer Courtesies extended during the month:
 Soror Joan Lane – loss of sister
 Soror Sharon Schooler – loss of sister-in-law
 Sorors Jo Anna Schooler and Shannon Schooler – loss of aunt
 Soror Tiffanie Bynum – loss of grandmother
 Soror Ida Woolfolk in St. Mary's Hospital
Please keep these Sorors and their families in your thoughts and prayers. Also, offer them your deepest condolences and
Sisterly support.
Correspondence & Birthday Recognition – Soror Donna Dansberry
 A thank you card was received from Soror JoAnn Riggins.
 A thank you letter from Metro Theater Company for sponsoring Soror Amanda Murphy as a member of the Secret
Society of Inspiring Women.
 Harris-Stowe State University announced the inauguration of Dwaun J. Warmack, their 19 President. The
inauguration will take place on Saturday, April 17, 2015, in the University’s main auditorium at 10:00 a.m. An
Inauguration Gala will be held the same evening at the Chase Park Plaza in the Khorasan Ballroom at 7:00 p.m. Gala
tickets are $150. See Soror Michelle McClure for tickets.
 Alpha Omega City-wide chapter will host a Sisterhood Appreciation for sorors only (financial and non-financial) on
Friday, April 10, 2015 at 7:13 p.m. at Fortitude Foundation. RSVP no later than April 8, 21015 to
[email protected].
 League of Women Voters of Missouri will host an Equal Rights day on Friday, April 10, 2015.
Any information for the chapter Newsletters, Updates or News Blasts should be sent to [email protected], by the
12 of each month.
April birthdays were recognized.
Report of the Officers
Financial Secretary’s Report – Soror Carolyn Thomas (for Soror Rogerlyn Williams-Simington)
The Financial Receipts Journal for February 2015 was presented. The Financial Secretary’s written report was shared for
informational purposes and will be filed pending audit.
Treasurer’s Report - Soror Carolyn Thomas
The Treasurer reported on bank statements for Operational, Ariya, Education and Social Action accounts for the month of
February 2015. The Treasurer’s written report was shared for informational purposes and will be filed pending audit.
All Committees that have received funds from the St. Louis Alumnae Delta Foundation should prepare a report of their
expenses by the May chapter meeting. A report must be presented to the Foundation.
Program Planning & Development – Soror Phyllis Russell-Smith
Soror Russell-Smith reported on the activities of the PP&D committees: Delta Academy, Delta Twinkles, Economic
Development, Community Awareness and Involvement, EMBODI, Education, International Awareness and Involvement,
and Physical and Mental Health, Dive Into Books and Political Awareness and Involvement. (See chapter website for
complete Program Planning & Development report under the Members only section). Soror Russell-Smith has been
meeting with Soror McCain about ideas for a National Convention chapter shirt.
Membership Services – Soror Quintella Ivory
Soror Ivory gave the Membership Moment and then reported on the activities of the following Membership Services
Committees: Merry Widows, Fellowship, End of the Year Luncheon and Reclamation & Retention. (See chapter website
for complete Membership Services report under the Members only section). The National Membership Services
Committee still has Sisterhood drawstring bags for $2. If interested in purchasing, see the Financial Secretary, by
Wednesday, April 8, 2015.
April 4, 2015 Chapter Meeting Minutes
Committee Reports
Social Action - Soror Beverly Dummett
 Save the date for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. program at University of Missouri-St. Louis campus on January
18, 2016.
 Delta Evening with St. Louis County Council on Tuesday, April 21, 2015. Plan to arrive by 4:30 p.m. Forward any
questions for Councilpersons beforehand to Soror Mabeline Julien at [email protected].
 Delta Day at City Hall is scheduled for Friday, May 8, 2015. Plan to arrive by 8:30 a.m. Forward any questions
for Alderpersons to Soror Beverly Goldman at [email protected].
 Entry in the annual Annie Malone Parade is currently being organized. See Soror Carol Strawbridge if you are
interested in participating.
 See Soror Beverly Dummett if you have any questions about how to order a Delta license plate.
Ariya – Soror Leslie Russell
The Ariya will be held on Sunday, April 26, 2015, at the Renaissance St. Louis Grand Hotel at 800 Washington, St. Louis,
MO. See Soror Pat Stewart for table reservations. Tickets are $50 and the deadline to purchase tickets is Sunday, April
19, 2015. Hotel rooms are available for $129 per night.
Nominating – Soror Carmelita Palmer
Slate was presented for 2015-16 election. Soror Price opened the floor for nominations. There were no nominations from
the floor. Nominations were closed. Soror Odessa Chambers moved to accept the slate for 2015-16 election. Soror Mary
Montgomery seconded. A vote was taken and the results were: 95 for and none opposed. The motion passed. The
election will be held on Saturday, May 2, 2015. Open offices are: Treasurer, Nominating Chair and Nominating members
(5). All offices will be for a two year term.
Soror Price introduced the 2015-16 Election Committee:
 Soror Susan LaGrone – Chair
 Soror Kerri Holloway – Co-Chair
 Soror Yvonne Edwards
 Soror K. Michelle Elliott
 Soror Kim Braxton
 Soror Annie Williams
New Business - None
Announcements – Soror Cynthia Young
 The National Coalition of 100 Black Women will host their annual Mother’s Day Brunch on Saturday, May 2, 2015
from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at Norwood Hills Country Club. Honorees are: Sorors Mavis Thompson, Karen
Anderson and Louise Wilkerson. Tickets are $50. See Soror DeJeanette Williams for tickets.
 Soror Frankie M. Freeman will be inducted into the St. Louis Walk of Fame in the U. City Loop on Thursday, April 16,
2015 at 11:00 a.m. located at 6138 Delmar.
 Emergency Response Team passed handouts with information about the upcoming Tornado season.
 Soror Roslyn Clark Artis, President of Florida Memorial University will participate in a symposium at the Emerson
Performance Center on Harris-Stowe’s campus on Thursday, April 16, 2015
 Soror Trudie Reed, President of Bethune-Cookman University will be the keynote speaker for the installation
ceremony of Dr. Dwaun Warmack. The installation will be held in the main auditorium at Harris-Stowe on Friday, April
17, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to noon.
Soror Mitchelle Price asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Soror Ida Casey moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Soror Gloria Reno seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken and there were no objections to the motion. The motion
The meeting was adjourned at 2:48 p.m. with the Formal Closing.
Respectfully Submitted,
Soror Cynthia Young
Recording Secretary
April 4, 2015 Chapter Meeting Minutes