ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INCORPORATED ALPHA KAPPA OMEGA CHAPTER • MONTHLY NEWSLETTER March 2009, Volume 1, Number 3 2009 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE BASILEUS Tamara J. Cubit ANTI-BASILEUS LaDonna Harris GRAMMATEUS Staci Taylor Fullmighter ANTI-GRAMMATEUS Jo Carolyn Goode S orors, the tireless and enthusiastic participation in all of the February service projects, committee meetings, and volunteer work was fantastic. You did it! I am so very proud and excited about the support you have given to Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter. Many of you participated in the “Day of Service Project,” held at the Bread of Life Homeless Shelter and a great number of you attended the viewing of “A Powerful Noise.” We partnered and volunteered at Houston Independent School District’s Wheatley Feeder Pattern Teen/Parent Health Summit and the Houston Area Women’s Center’s Race, Competitive 5K Run and Family Walk. I encourage each of you to stay loyal to your pledge and get involved in our chapter’s activities. As usual, you will find information in The Jewel including a calendar of upcoming events, service projects and committee meetings. Thanks to all of the committee chairmen, co-chairmen and sorors who participated in making the Committee Fair Day a huge success. February was African American History month and our sorors looked elegant in their African attire. Thank you, Soror Diana Merritt, Chairman, and the African American History Committee for the historical display of President Barack Obama pictures. The chapter collected $468.83 at sorority meeting for the AIDS Walk that was held on Sunday, March 15, 2009. Your generous donations of men’s clothing items to the Men’s Wearhouse have been delivered. Thank you Soror Terrie Tillman, chairman of the February hostess committee. We are enthusiastic about having our Supreme Basileus, Barbara A. McKinize attend Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter’s meeting in March. Please be reminded that we voted to have this meeting closed and only Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter members will be able to attend. The following documents will be available at sorority meeting; for financial and EAF cards, see Sorors Mae King and Connie Steward; for your pictorial book see Soror Quiana Smith; and for chapter directory see Soror Janice Warner. Please continue to RSVP when you plan to attend sorority meeting. We need an accurate count to properly plan for a successful meeting. Thank you for your patience as we continue to implement strategies to improve procedures at each sorority meeting. Please be reminded that our first-time silver, golden and diamond sorors should contact Soror Mae King at [email protected] or 713.635.8095. May God continue to richly bless each of you and all the members of our great sisterhood. I look forward to seeing you Saturday, March 21, 2009 at sorority meeting. Sisterly yours, EPISTOLEUS Karen Y. Grays TAMIOUCHOS Yavaunda White PECUNIOUS GRAMMATEUS Mae King ANTI-PECUNIOUS GRAMMATEUS Connie Steward PHILACTER Marianne Walker HODEGOS Rhonda Richardson REPORTER TO THE IVY LEAF Sheri D. Cole HISTORIAN Andreá Bonner GRADUATE ADVISORS Mary Smith Johnson Gamma Psi Glenniece Stewart Epsilon Lambda LaShonda Willis Omicron Gamma PARLIAMENTARIAN Rita Roberts MEMBERS-AT-LARGE Regina H. Carrington Helen Houston Edwina Johnson CHARTER MEMBER & CHAPLAIN Hazel Hainsworth Young In Memory of Soror Jewel McFarlin Thomas Page 1 Sisterhood & Service March 2009 The Jewel ΑΚΩ MAKE HEALTHIER FOOD CHOICES A SERVICE PROJECT The March service project was held prior to sorority meeting on Saturday, March 7, 2009. Over 20 sorors volunteered at the 21st Annual Woman's Hospital of Texas Race against Violence and the competitive 5K Run & Family Walk. The event benefited the Houston Area Women’s Center. We volunteered at registration, water stations, food booths, finish line set-up and staffing, race course timers, scoring, race results, and clean-up. Soror Vickie Windham was chairman of the event and Sorors Claudia Walton and Tasha Williams were co-chairmen. APRIL HOSTESS SERVICE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: Soror Brenda McNeese-Ards CO-CHAIRMAN: Soror Rose Austin CO-CHAIRMAN: Soror Clara Boyd COMMITTEE: Abdool-Brinkley EXCELLENT SERVICE PARTICIPATION! O n Saturday, February 28, 2009, the Alpha Kappa Omega sorors and the students of the AKA High School Leadership Development Program conducted a Joint Day of Service Project to benefit the clients and staff of the Bread of Life (BOL), Inc. Sorors and students served breakfast to Houston’s homeless, organized the clothing donations, cleaned BOL and St. John’s UMC, collected and individually bagged toiletry donations from all participants. Sorors and students served with Enthusiasm a Smile and Passion! We had an awesome time and the staff and clients were thrilled to see all of the pink and green. We even had the opportunity to participate in the Worship Service and Communion was served. Special thanks to Kim Topps, HSLD chairman, and Endria Chachere, co-chairman for organizing the activity and to Tamara Cubit, Basileus, for her leadership and ensuring that we conducted a Day of Service Project. Kudos to all the sorors and students who served and donated toiletries! Forty Sorors, 8 male students, 4 male mentors, and 2 female students were in attendance. We had such great participation that we finished everything within in 3 hours. It was a blessing to be a blessing to others and we look forward to being of service at the BOL again on November 7, 2009! MOVIE DAY: “A POWERFUL NOISE” LIVE On March 5th, we joined sorors across this country in partnership with ONE, and the UN Commission on Status of Women and participated in viewing of the documentary “A Powerful Noise.” This event was held in several theatres in the city and as a group we viewed the movie at the Houston Marq*E Stadium 22, while other sorors viewed the movie from other theatres closer to their homes. This documentary aired on International Women’s Day and was a documentary film on the plight of women in three different countries. Thanks to Sorors LaShonda Willis and Glenniece Stewart for coordinating this event. Page 2 Chapter Web Site: healthy eating plan includes a variety of foods from every food group. In January 2005, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) jointly released the updated Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The new guidelines encourage Americans over 2 years of age to eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Recommended items include fruits, vegetables, fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, nuts, and whole grains such as brown rice and whole-wheat bread. The guidelines also recommend a diet low in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars. Making healthy food choices may seem difficult when you do not have time to cook or your family wants fast food. However, you and your family and friends can make healthier food choices. Try these tips: • Keeping a bowl of fruit on the table, bags of mini carrots in the refrigerator, and boxes of raisins in the cupboard are simple ways to eat more fruits and vegetables. • Try not to keep a lot of sweets like cookies, candy, or soda in the house, car, or workplace. Too many sweets can crowd out healthier foods. • If you go to a fast food restaurant, try a salad or a grilled chicken sandwich (not fried) instead of a burger. • Encourage members of your group to bring healthier food options to events. • Watch the amount of alcohol you drink. Alcohol contains no nutrients but plenty of calories. If you want to drink alcohol, try a light beer or a low-calorie spritzer (small amount of wine added to club soda). For more information about recommended daily intakes from various food groups, visit EARNINGS SET POTENTIAL—ON TOP OF THE GAME YOUTH BUSINESS COMPETITION The High School Leadership Development Committee conducted its first Youth Business Plan Competition (YBPC) Seminar for the year at the Lonnie Smith Library on March 7, 2009. Teams continued generating ideas and began writing their business plans with the assistance of the sorors in attendance. Hat’s Off to the sorors that assisted with the seminar and mentored our students: Thanks to Soror Endria Chachere, HSLD co-chairman and Soror Kim Topps, HSLD chairman, for their leadership and commitment to our high school students. We look forward to your meeting our students when they present their business plans in the chapter’s competition in June! EYE OF THIRD WARD EXHIBIT The Fine Arts and African American History Committees supported the Eye on Third Ward exhibit held at the Museum of Fine Arts on February 9th. This project is under the leadership of Ray Carrington III, (teacher) and the Jack Yates High School’s photography class. Included in the exhibit were selected photographs and writings describing the places and people from the Third Ward area. Thanks to Sorors Brenda Davis and Diana Merritt for coordinating this activity. There were 19 sorors who attended this event. Chapter Phone: 713-942-2087 & Fax Number: 888-347-9293 Sisterhood & Service March 2009 The Jewel ΑΚΩ Nurturing Our Ivy NOTE: Please inform Soror Rhonda Richardson or the Basileus as you become aware of those who are ill or otherwise challenged. Condolences to the following sorors: Soror Lucy Anderson on the loss of her mother, Mrs. Agnes Hicks; Soror Chataria Geason on the loss of her brother; Soror Barbara Roberts on the loss of her father, Mr. William Shelby; Soror Joan Hampton on the loss of her brother, Mr. Freeman Money; Soror Jamila Boozer on the loss of her mother, Mrs. Mary Ann Lloyd. SORORS IN THE SPOTLIGHT Congratulations Soror Etta Hill on becoming a Life Member! Congratulations Soror Janice Davis on becoming a Life Member! Congratulations Soror Dawn DuBose Randle for being honored by the Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc., “Pioneering Principals Making a Change,” on March 21, 2009! Congratulations Hazel Hainsworth Young, on receiving the Houston Area Alliance of Black School Educators’, “Living Legend Award,” at the annual Teacher Award and Recognition ceremony on February 20, 2009! Congratulations Soror Chataria Geason on the birth of daughter, Lacey Nicole! Congratulations Soror Demonica Johnson on the birth of granddaughter, Maja Jolie King! Keep the following sorors in your prayers: Soror Shirley Howard is recuperating at home; Soror Aleice Conley is in Specialty Hospital; Soror Joan Hampton had surgery and is resting at home; Soror Delores McCarter was in a serious accident and is hospitalized; Soror Mable Lewis’ two year old grandson is in Texas Children’s Hospital; Soror Marva Adams had surgery and is home resting; Soror Christina Guice-Gantt is on bed rest and is recuperating. Also, continue to pray for Sorors Shirley Brewster and Shirley Gentry. Sister 2 Sister: Thank you notes from… Soror Hazel Young, for the lovely Founders’ Day gift; Soror Mattelia Grays, for the 80th Anniversary gift; Soror Barbara McKinzie, Supreme Basileus, for courtesies extended during recent NPHC meeting and gift card presented on behalf of the chapter; Soror Regina Carrington, for the amazing surprise celebration and tribute; Soror Lucy Anderson, for support during time of bereavement; Sorors Helen and Paulette Eagleton, for your prayers during our time of bereavement; Soror Christina Guice-Gantt, for your prayers and support; Soror Piere Mitchell, for the plant and well wishes; Soror Minnie Bailey, for the retirement gift; Soror LaTanya Lavine, for the lovely plant; Soror LaTanya Meyer, for the baby gifts; Soror Lillian Bourgeois, for the lovely ivy plant; Soror Shonthenia Edwards, for the beautiful flowers sent to her mother, Soror Shirley Brewster, during her illness; Soror Mary Butler, for the phone calls, love and support during her recent illness; Soror Vickie Miles-LaGrange, 2009 calendar from the “Motivated” Mid-Western Region family; February Hostess committee with Soror Terrie Tillman serving as chairman and Sorors Margie Taylor and Sandra Tucker serving as co-chairmen. Sorors Renee Bourgeois, Lillian Bourgeois, Nomeva Trini Charles, Shonthenia Edwards, Deneen Ford, Carolene Goffney-Sharpe, Darlene Johnson, Veronica Johnson, Donna Miles, Cheryl Mitchell, Andrea Stamps, the membership, nominating and tellers committee members. Soror Kim Topps for writing articles on “Youth Business Competition;” and “Excellent Service Participation,” and Soror Catherine Gore for writing the “Healthy Choices” article. Soror Karen Grays, graphic designer of the monthly newsletter, and the following proof reading team: Sorors Jackie Columbus, Margie Taylor, Jamie Watson, Helen Houston and Betty White. Last, but not least, all sorors for your participation in the February sorority meeting. AKA-NOMIC$ QUESTION OF THE MONTH Which type of insurance pays for assistance with eating, bathing, dressing, continence, transferring and assistance because of cognitive impairment? AKAAKA-NOMICS Answer: (a) disability insurance; (b) health insurance; (c) long term care insurance Answer: (c) long term care insurance eMail address for the Chapter Basileus: [email protected] Page 3 Sisterhood & Service March 2009 The Jewel ΑΚΩ CALENDAR OF EVENTS EVEN March 2009 MONDAY 23 • • • Platform I Committee meeting; 6:30 pm; Power Center; Contact: Cheryl Taylor Economic Development Committee meeting; 7:30 pm; Power Center; Contact: Sandra Campbell Technology Committee meeting; 8:30 pm; Power Center; Contact: Carolene GoffneySharpe WEDNESDAY 25 • Senior Citizen’s Committee will attend the Ensemble production of “Constant Star” at 10:00 AM; Contact Charlene James SATURDAY 28 • HSLD Youth Business Plan Competition; TSU Business Center; 3201 Wheeler; Time TBA; Contact: Kim Topps April 2009 WEDNESDAY 1 • Health Committee meeting; 6:00 PM; Power Center; Contact: Camilla Jackson THURSDAY 2 • • HSLD Development teleconference; Contact: Kim Topps Senior Citizens’ meeting; 6:00 PM; Looscan Library; Contact: Charlene James SUNDAY 5 • IEACF Fashion Show; 1:30 PM; Hilton Americas Houston Hotel; Contact: Ticketron, Pamela Lazard WEDNESDAY 15 • Executive Committee meeting; 6:30 PM; Power Center; Contact: Tamara Cubit FRIDAY 17 • Relay for Life of Houston; 7:00 PM—7:00 AM; Texas Medical Center @ Rice University Track and Field Stadium; Contact: Darlene Johnson SATURDAY 16 • Sorority Meeting; 11:00 AM; Power Center; Contact: Tamara Cubit MONDAY 20 • • Platform I Committee meeting; 6:30 PM; Power Center; Contact: Cheryl Taylor Economic Development Committee Meeting; 7:30 PM; Power Center; Contact: Sandra Campbell Technology Committee meeting; 8:30 PM; Power Center; Contact: Carolene GoffneySharpe • Page 4 THURSDAY 23 • Life-Long Learning Committee meeting; 6:30 PM; Soror Margie Taylor’s home SATURDAY 25 • Joint Chapter Meeting w/Undergraduate Chapters; details TBA SUNDAY 26 • March of Dimes; Contact: Camilla Jackson; details TBA Chapter Web Site: Chapter Phone: 713-942-2087 & Fax Number: 888-347-9293 Sisterhood & Service March 2009 Sisterhood & Service Exceptional Service Participation 2009 Alpha Kappa Omega Committee Chairmen & Co-Chairmen
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