IVYETTE THE - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Zeta Chi Omega
THE IVYETTE Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Zeta Chi Omega Chapter P.O. Box 25763 Alexandria, VA 22313 VOLUME I3 ISSUE 4 Greetings from the Basileus APRIL 2013 Dear Zeta Chi Omega Sorors, The April General Membership meeting will be held on April 13, 2013. During the March General Membership meeting, the body voted to move the location. The Chapter will now meet at the Lee Center, located at 1108 Jefferson Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Registration is now open for the Leadership Seminar Conference which will be held at the Montréal Convention Center from July 18-21, 2013. The cost of early registration is $240 and ends on April 16, 2013. If you plan on attending, make sure your passport is up to date. All sorors are encouraged to attend. It is time for the 60th Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference which will be held in Winston Salem, North Carolina. Congratulations Zeta Chi Omega for having over 100 sorors registered for the conference. Be sure to log in your attendance with Soror Chiquita King, Anti-Grammateus, (for the Chapter files) once you have picked up your registration packet. Sorors, don’t forget to pack your new Chapter t-shirt as we will wear them at the conference. An email will be sent with details on when to wear the shirt and the location of the Chapter photo. Our very own Soror Tiffany Montgomery, Membership Chairman will present a segment on reactivation during the Membership workshop. Please support her by attending this workshop. The Chapter has received approval from the Regional Director to conduct the Membership Intake Process (MIP). This is an exciting time for the chapter since the last MIP was held in 2005. The process has changed since 2005, and all members are encouraged to review the MIP manual. To date, the Chapter has completed two Chapter orientation workshops and is in the process of planning the candidate information session. If you did not attend the Chapter orientation workshop, you may only attend the final commitment ceremony and luncheon on October 27, 2013. Kudos to Sorors Gloria Bell, Leslie Dey and Joyce Brooks, Technology Committee Chairman and Co-Chairmen, respectively. This team works smart to ensure that Zeta Chi Omega’s website is in compliance with the National guidelines for Alpha Kappa Alpha websites. We were notified recently that Zeta Chi Omega is100% compliant with National guidelines; reflecting high quality content, material that is accurate, current and suitable for public viewing. The 56th Annual Cotillion will be held on April 13, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency, Crystal City. You still have time to purchase your ticket. Contact Soror Rochelle Brown for more on how to purchase your ticket at (301)-736-2213. See you at the Chapter meeting! Sisterly yours in service, Soror Michelle M. Jones April 2013 Sun Mon 1 7 8 MARC—WinstonSalem, NC Tue 2 9 Wed 3 10 Project StepOut 4:00 PM- 5:00 PM Thu Fri Sat 4 5 6 MARC—WinstonSalem, NC MARC—WinstonSalem, NC MARC—WinstonSalem, NC 11 12 13 Executive Committee Meeting— 7:00 PM—CHC General Membership Meeting— 10:00 AM— Lee Center Cotillion* 14 15 16 17 Membership Committee Meeting— 7:00 PM—Lee Center 21 28 22 29 18 19 3rd THURSDAY: Home Ownership Forum: It’s All About the Green! 23 24 25 20 Epilepsy Walk 26 27 Project StepOut 4:00 PM- 5:00 PM EYL Activity Environmental Clean-Up 30 *Ivy Foundation of Northern Virginia event Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference—April 4-7th Spirit & Inspiration Committee Blessed Sidekicks We need each other. Scripture says that two are better than one. “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” Ecclesiastes 4:8Soror Saundra McCullough-Cobey, Member 10. We’re instructed to love, pray for, care about, accept, forgive, serve, encourage, and build up one another. I love that about my friends. We hang out and travel together watching out for each other. We serve one another joyfully, from the heart. When one of us is down, we rally to her. When one celebrates, we rejoice together. We’re a team. We never anticipated this kind of bonding, but bonded we are. People need each other—no matter how much we insist we don’t. Nobody is an island, an entity unto herself or a “Lone Ranger.” We’re in this thing called community, and part of the joy of community is sharing the weight. The weight of burdens, losses, loneliness, and fear. Our time invested in friendships is time well spent. It’s in our Goddesigned make-up to need each other, and it accomplishes God’s desire for our protection when the hard times come. Be ready to provide me a kind word, a smile, a hug, a warm shoulder, and a listening ear. In the Bible we know that David had Jonathan, Moses had Aaron, Timothy had Paul, Paul had Barnabas. Even the Lone Ranger had a sidekick. The Lone Ranger had Tonto, Yogi Bear had Boo Boo, and Gladys Knight had the Pips. While I may not know your sidekick, it is safe to say that God has given you divine connections through a blessed sidekick. Enjoy those relationships and foster them. You need others and they need you. Look around you, sorors. Who’s there for you? Who are you there for? Take a careful look. Even those who insist they can make it on their own may be waiting for you to reach out and help. Be there and available for each other. We need each other, sorors. We are not designed to walk this journey alone. 3 Officers’ Reports MARCH “MADNESS” HIGHLIGHTS There was a lot of activity for programs in March. Just to highlight a few . . . Kicking off March, the Connection and Scholarship Committees had a strong presence at Alfred Street Baptist Church’s HBCU College Festival, held at T.C. Williams High School on Saturday, March 2, 2013. In addition to registering new voters, many scholarship applications were distributed to promising students. The Scholarship Committee met on March 11, 2013 to review applications and select finalists. Kudos to the entire committee. The Public Relations Committee gave a special presentation on March 12, 2013 at the Joint Program Committee Meeting to discuss ways to publicize our events to the community, including media outlets. A preliminary list and public relations form was developed for Program Committee use. We appreciate Soror Yvette Darnaby and her committee for coming out to assist the Program Committee Chairmen. Social Justice and Global Poverty joined forces to feed the homeless as part of our bi-monthly meal service at Carpenter’s Shelter on Sunday, March 17, 2013. AKAlades to all volunteers and a special “shout out” to Soror Kendra White, who serves as the Project Lead for this effort. On March 21, 2013, the Connection and Social Justice Initiative Committees collaborated to host our March Third Thursday event, “Bullying: A Call to Action!” This dynamic dialogue served as our Chapter’s AKA Advocacy Day. A huge “thanks” to our dynamic duo, Program Chairmen, Sorors Kendra White and VaShawn Guice Veal, for putting together an informative forum. Emerging Young Leaders and Project StepOut continued to work with middle school and elementary girls during their respective monthly programs to enrich their lives through learning and leadership development. Anti-Basileus GOING “GREEN” IN APRIL! “April showers bring May flowers.” For this blooming season, it’s all about the “GREEN” as Alpha Kappa Alpha observes Arbor Day and Earth Day this month, in Soror Kendra Gillespie addition to Literacy. As a result, the Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Initiative and Economic Security Initiative Committees have teamed up to deliver an “It’s All About the Green” campaign, focused on how to manage and save dollars through home ownership and economic stewardship. Both committees will host the culminating Third Thursday event, Home Ownership: Spending GREEN, Living GREEN and Saving GREEN.” Come join us on Thursday, April 18, 2013 for this event. Refer to the Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability report for more details. “Programs are the ‘heart’ of Alpha Kappa Alpha,” and I invite each of you to learn about our programs and serve on one of our Program Committees. Support our programs through participation, promotion and service. Look for volunteer opportunities. Invite a friend. Spread the word among your network and in our communities. Let’s continue to put Zeta Chi Omega on the map. PROGRAM SPOTLIGHT OF THE MONTH Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Initiative For more information, please visit our Chapter Programs site at http://www.aka-zco.org/programs.php or contact Chairman, Soror Aja Charity ([email protected]) APRIL SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES Please note the following service opportunities for this month: Epilepsy Walk. If you haven’t signed up to participate in the Annual Epilepsy Walk, it’s not too late! The event will take place on Saturday, April 20, 2013, at the Washington Monument Grounds, Washington, DC. For additional information, please contact the Health Initiative Committee or Lead, Soror Candace Fields-Rogers ([email protected]). BRING YOUR IDEAS! Remember, OUR programs are YOUR programs. Therefore, we encourage everyone to contribute ideas and recommendations. The Programs Committee meets bimonthly to review upcoming programs/special projects, in addition to requests for new programs/projects. Program Committee meetings are open to all Chapter members. > page 5 4 Initiatives The Pros & Cons of Home Ownership < page 4 The next Programs Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 7:00 PM – 900 PM, at the NRECA Conference Center, 4301 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 22203. For additional information, please contact Soror Kendra Gillespie ([email protected]). Here is a helpful tool that can help Soror Joy Page, you deterChairman mine if home ownership is Economic Security Initiative right for you. The checklist below highlights factors that are key when considering purchasing a home. 2013 Susan G. Komen Global Race for the Cure PROS CONS Pride of ownership Application potential Tax deduction Hedge against inflation MAKE MOM PROUD! Helps to build good credit It is not too late to register and join the Zeta Chi OmegaAlpha Kappa Alpha team: http://globalrace.info-komen.org/goto/Zeta_Chi_Omega You can remodel or change your home as you see fit Register online by Monday, April 29 to receive your Event Kit (Race T-shirt and bib) by mail; online registration ends on Friday, May 10 at noon. Or, if you are unable to walk or run with us at the National Mall on Race Day, please consider registering to Sleep In for the Cure®. Or, simply show your support by making a tax-deductible donation on the team page. Flexibility to have pets, a garden, make noise, and so on Storage space or garage Location Responsibilities of ownership Risk of having to sell at the wrong time Coming up with the down payment Inflexibility: You can’t just pack up and move when the lease is up If you have a poor or no credit history, this loan is going to really cost Paying for and dealing with required maintenance and repairs Making long-term commitments to a location No amenities, such as a park, swimming pool, gym, and so on Location Source: http://media.wiley.com/Lux/assets/29/114229.0030_The%20Pros.pdf Registering to participate is the first step in making an impact in the fight against breast cancer. But, it is the funds raised that will provide life-saving services to the national capital area. The lives of those we love depend on the money we raise together. Reaching our goal depends on every walker, runner, and sleeper to participate. APRIL THIRD THURSDAY Homeownership Forum “Team Zeta Chi Omega” will meet on Saturday, May 11th at the Federal Center SW Metro Station (Orange/Blue Lines) at 6:45 AM (for a group photo). April 18th Come out to learn more from experts. --Submitted by Sorors Joyce M. Brooks and Starr Garrett, ZXΩ Team Captains 5 Initiatives Soror Aja Charity, Chairman Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Committee EARTH DAY Earth Day is officially observed on April 22, 2013, and was started in the United States in 1970 to create awareness and respect for the Earth's environment and to encourage conservation efforts. However, we would like you to commit to being a good environmental steward as part of your day-to-day living, not just for one day a year. Hazardous Waste and Electronics Recycling Centers: Please click on the city for Center location, contact information, and hours of operation. In this 43rd year of Earth Day observances, we need to reflect on what we can do to protect the environment. In our homes, most of us use products that can have an adverse impact on the environment. These items are referred to as “Household Hazardous Wastes and Materials.” Arlington County: http://www.arlingtonva.us/departments/ EnvironmentalServices/SW/page83879.aspx City of Alexandria: http://alexandriava.gov/tes/solidwaste/info default.aspx? id=19206 County of Fairfax: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dpwes/trash/ disphours.htm#Haz DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE Most commonly found Household Hazardous Wastes (HHW) are found in our kitchens, garages and bathrooms. We all like the fresh clean smell from our bleach-based products, but did you know that these products can be flammable (if in aerosol cans) and corrosive? We all like a fresh coat of paint, but some of the chemicals used to create those beautiful colors are harmful to the environment. Disposed of improperly, these chemicals can find their way into the sensitive Chesapeake Bay watershed, which provides many resources for those of us in the metropolitan Washington, DC area. Another source of HHW finding its way into the environment is improper disposition of electronics, such as batteries, old computers, televisions and cell phones. These products contain metals that can harm the environment. HOME OWNERSHIP FORUM On April 18, 2013 from 6:00 -8:30 PM, the Economic Security Committee and the Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Committee are hosting the Third Thursday Community Program Series “It's All About the Green!” Home Ownership Forum. The forum will highlight home ownership and tips to save money by “going green.” The event will be held at The Crowne Plaza Hotel, 901 N. Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. The “meet and greet” social hour will be from 6:00 -7:00 PM. The program will begin at 7:00 PM. We are encouraging sorors to wear green in support of “going green,” inform others, and bring friends. So what is the answer to proper disposition of HHW? The City of Alexandria, Arlington and Fairfax Counties have Household Hazardous Waste and Electronic Recycling Centers. We can all do our part to be good environmental stewards and protect the environment for future generations. The information and schedules follow. To RSVP, please visit the Zeta Chi Omega Facebook Event Page. For additional information, please contact Soror Aja Charity at [email protected] or Soror DeTisha Joy Page at [email protected]. 6 Initiatives Heifer International Soror Crystal Lander, Chairman Sorors, thank you for the support you have shown Heifer, International. Your donations to date are $699.05. Soror Tia Johnson, Co-Chairman Whooo Hooooo! Internal Leadership Training for External Service Initiative Committee As of this newsletter, the Chapter has remitted said funds for the purchase of the “Gift of Clean Water” and seven, yes seven, biogas stoves. Our donations will allow a community to have clean drinking water and will allow them to use animal waste/methane gases to fuel their stoves in order to cook. We are almost to the goal of $1,300, which would provide an additional thirteen (13) stoves to a community that needs it. Thanks to Sorors Sade Demery and Rozena Killen-Johnson for stepping up in my absence and collecting the donations for this month. As you can see, we are approximately $600 from reaching the goal of $1,300. Also, a special thanks to the Executive Committee for their patience as we developed work-a-rounds getting these donations to Heifer International, Inc. The envelope please . . . . . . and the winner of the $25 American Express gift card is -- (drum roll) -- Soror Carol Gibson! The Internal Leadership Training for External Service Initiative (ILES) Committee will present Soror Gibson’s gift card to her during the April General Membership meeting. Thanks to the 30+ sorors who filled out the Willingness to Serve form during the March meeting. The ILES Committee will continue to hand-out and collect hardcopy forms during meetings. Send an email message to the Co-Chairman, Soror Tia Johnson, if you wish to receive a fillable PDF version of the form at [email protected]. Sorors, thank you for your willingness to serve. Sorors Crystal and Tia Every cent counts, and we appreciate your continued support. We will continue the “Dollar for Twenty” Campaign, which asks sorors who arrive late to the General Membership meeting to donate $1 for every 20 minutes she is late. The committee wishes to be clear, this is not a requirement, but we sincerely hope that untimely sorors will be willing to donate the $1 (or more). We will also continue the spare change collection. Again, the Committee thanks you for your support! Soror Adria M. Tippins-Owens, Chairman Heifer International Committee 7 Initiatives Soror Kendra White , Co-Chairman Social Justice &Human Rights Initiative The Social Justice and Human Rights Initiative Committee hosted its first Carpenter's Shelter Meal Service on Sunday, March 17, 2013. A total of 16 volunteers came out to support this effort. Our Chapter prepared and served Italian fare to the homeless. Additionally, sorors had an opportunity to fellowship and work together for a worthy cause. The next meal service program will take place on Sunday, May 19, 2013 and will continue during the months of July, September, and November. The meal service is a collaborative effort between the Social Justice and Global Poverty Initiatives. If you are interested in volunteering on May 19th, please contact Soror Kendra White ([email protected]), Meal Service Project Lead. On March 21, 2013, the Social Justice Initiative and Connection Committees joined forces to host our March Third Thursday event, “Bullying: A Call to Action!” This dynamic dialogue served as our Chapter’s AKA Advocacy Day. Moderated by our own Soror Blanche Maness, this special forum addressed key topics on the effects of bullying as well as proactive measures we can take. Featured panelists included: Delegate Rob Krupicka, city and school board officials, as well as expert advocates. A huge thanks to our dynamic duo Program Chairmen, Sorors Kendra White and VaShawn Guice Veal, for putting together a great program. We appreciate the Chapter support to make this Third Thursday installment a successful one. Doorways for Women Doorways for Women needs your help. There is a huge need of hair care products for African-American women that are in this program. The top 10 things that are needed include: Edge Control Oil Sheen Spray Relaxers Conditioners (Regular and deep/repairing) Leave-In products (for natural hair) Shampoo Hair Lotion Coconut Oil/products for scalp Wrap/Setting Mousse/Lotion Children’s hair care Doorways for Women would prefer the brands Olive Oil and Pantene. Contributions will be collected before and after the April Chapter meeting at the Service Project Table. For more information contact Soror Brittney Montgomery ([email protected]), Soror Devin Pickron ([email protected]), or Soror Mia Barnes ([email protected]), Service Project Co-Chairmen. 8 Officers’ Reports CONGRATULATIONS Hodegos Helpline Each month, I will post information regarding the Courtesy SOP you may not be aware of in an effort to help clarify or answer questions you may Soror Melanie Henderson have regarding the Courtesy Committee. I will have a prize for the soror who correctly answers the question at our Chapter meeting. Soror Jeanette Martin is being promoted to Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) on May 1st, at the Women's Memorial Center in Arlington, VA. Soror Eloise Hudgins completed her MBA program in Global Management at American Public University, and is graduating with honors, 3.9725 GPA. Soror Melanie Henderson completed her MBA program at University of Maryland University College. Soror Jeanne Melvin-Martin received the Ebone Image Award for Outstanding Achievements in the areas of ministry, international diplomacy and law from the National Coalition of 100 Black Women. Hodegos Question: Of the four events listed, which event does a soror not receive a gift: 1. Child Birth 2. Marriage 3. Anniversaries 4. Outgoing Officers GET WELL WISHES Soror Shirley Taylor is recuperating from knee surgery. Soror Tamara Rowe is recovering from shoulder surgery. Please continue to pray for our sorors who are sick and those healing from surgery. APRIL BIRTHDAY CELEBRANTS Irma P. Bogan - 2* Judith Vaughn -2 Tiffany Montgomery - 2 Barbara Cooley - 4* Patricia Ann Bell - 5 Karyn L. Berry - 5 Melodye Berry - 5 Negleatha Johnson - 7 Felycya Waller - 7 Pavalon Lee - 9 Betty Smoot -12 Pearl White -12 Naomi L. Brooks - 14* Vera M. Clyburn -14 Lula Hicks - 14 Adria M. Tippins-Owens - 15 Charissa Woods - 16 Eva Thomas - 18* Barbara Bouldin -19 Jackquelyn Jones -19 Vendella F. Jordan - 25 Thema A. Wilson - 28 Melonie Barrington - 30 Robin Michelle Joynes - 30 *Denotes Golden Soror CONDOLENCES Soror Wanda Smith’s mother, Adele Banks, passed away in March; the services were held March 12th at 19th Street Baptist Church in Washington, DC. Sorors, When signing in at Philacter Chapter meetings, please ensure that Soror Sherry Billingsley your information printed on the roster is correct. If not, please update it. Or, you may email your current contact or name change information to [email protected]. If you invite a guest soror to a meeting, please inform her to bring proper credentials in order to attend the meeting. The required credentials must be one of the following: A financial card (old or current) A copy of her certificate A faxed verification letter or an email confirmation from the Corporate Office Join the April birthday celebrants for brunch after the General Membership meeting at Rustico Restaurant, 827 Slaters Lane, Alexandria (off Route 1). 9 Officers’ Reports rian enta m a i l Par orner C Soror Robin Mazyck Parliamentarian Are you ready for a NAP? No, I’m not encouraging you to go to sleep. I’m hoping you’ll take a good look at the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP) and join! It sincerely warms my heart when sorors come up to me after our General Membership meeting or email me saying they’d like to learn more about Parliamentary Procedure. The perfect place for you to learn about Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) is by joining the NAP. NAP has been around since 1930. It currently has about 4,000 members in North America and around the world. There are dozens of units (chapters) in our area that meet at various times throughout the week Learnmoreabout to learn the rules of democracy – how people make decisions when meeting as a group. NAPbyvisitinghttp:// parliamentari‐ They also hold workshops and conferences where they put parliamentary procedure to ans.orgoremailme practice, discuss real-life issues, and network. NAP also provides opportunities to [email protected] come a Professional Registered Parliamentarian (PRP). PRP’s get paid for their services. Several members of Zeta Chi Omega are already members of NAP, but the organization could sure use a lot more. Parliamentary Puzzle The Parliamentary Puzzle is back by popular demand! Fill in the blanks below. The questions are easy as long as you have your copy of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised 11th Edition. Three (3) correct entries will be selected at the April General Body Meeting. The winners will get a prize. Have fun! 1. Even in a small meeting, the presiding officer of an assembly should _________ be referred to by _________. 2. Members address only the _________, or address each other through the _________. 3. Whenever the _________ becomes convinced that one or more members are repeatedly using _________ forms for dilatory purposes, he should either _________ _________ these _________ or he should rule that such motions are _________ of _________ -- but he should never adopt such a course to speed up business, and he should never permit his personal _________ to affect his judgment in such cases. 10 Committee Reports The Candidate Information Session for MIP will be held on April 20th at the Bethlehem Baptist Church at 7836 Fordson Road, Alexandria, VA 22306 from 12:00 - 3:00 PM. You may only attend if you attended one of the MIP orientation sessions. Pecunious Grammateus Receipt Time Frame: Receipting of funds will occur from 9:15 – 10:00 AM and 30 minutes after the General Membership meeting. If you are not available during these times, Soror Darlena Ricks please send payments to the Chapter’s post office box. Please do not send payments to my home. Chapter t-shirts will be for sale at the April Chapter meeting. The cost is $25.00. Standards Committee Transfer/Reactivation: If you are referring a soror to Zeta Chi Omega, as a reactivation or transfer, please inform her that she must submit the required paperwork (i.e., the Transfer Verification Form, with signatures from the former chapter and/or Reactivation Form), and applicable dues and assessments payment. We will not be able to process transfer or reactivation paperwork if it is incomplete and/or there is incorrect payment. Please contact me at [email protected] for copies of the forms and the applicable payment amount. The forms can also be found on the corporate website. Soror Kathy Collier, Chairman Soror Yolanda Gibson, Co-Chairman Soror Vendella Jordan, Co-Chairman Soror Danyale Wilson, Co-Chairman Can you believe it is time for the ‘Marvelous’ Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference (MARC) again? As members prepare to travel together to Winton-Salem, NC, let us remember that ZXΩ Chapter has an important action item for you to complete. Just as we sign-in at General Membership meetings, we are required to “check-in” with our AntiGrammateus, Soror Chiquita King, when we arrive at the MARC. Keep in mind, ZXΩ Chapter must have attendance records from Regional and International activities for operations purposes (MIP, Nominations, etc). 2013 Financial Cards and 2012 Documents: If you have not picked up your financial card, Constitution and Bylaws and/or Manual of Standard Procedure, please pick them up before or after the General Membership meeting Contact me if you have questions about these or any other sorority‐related financial matters. We all are very excited that ZXΩ Chapter has been approved to administer a Graduate MIP. Did you know that each and every member of the Chapter is obligated to contribute to this awesome effort? Membership Committee Please make sure you purchase two manuals from the International website; the “Graduate MemSAVE THE DATE bership Intake Process” manual Annual Chapter Retreat ($15), and the “Anti-Hazing” September 6-7, 2013 manual, Revised Location and Time(s) - TBD 2011 ($6.00). Soror Tiffany Montgomery, Chairman; Soror Connie Greene, Co-Chairman; Soror Jessica Sims, Co-Chairman; Soror Brittney Montgomery, Chairman, Under 30 Sorors, your Membership Committee has been very busy working for you. Thanks to everyone who attended the New Member Orientation and the Wizards Game. Both events were very well attended. 11 Committee Reports PROTOCOL SMART The Protocol Committee monitors, analyzes, and advises in all matters that require appropriate order for programs, meetings, events, and etiquette. The committee uses The Official Guide to Alpha Kappa Alpha Protocol as a basis for establishing protocol. All sorors are responsible for protocol and are expected to be consistent and practice protocol in a deliberate manner. Last month the protocol committee focused on appropriate business attire. This month, the following Protocol SMART Tips serve as a reminder for the upcoming Regional Conference: Protocol at Regional Events: Wear appropriate Alpha Kappa Alpha business attire (not business casual), unless noted otherwise. Choose to cover tattoos at formal or business events. Business attire include: closed toe shoes (preferred); sandals (acceptable); hosiery; short/long sleeve dress/blouse; knee length skirt/skirt suit/dress; and pant suit. Wear comfortable shoes. Flip-flops, house shoes and sneakers are never appropriate unless prescribed by a physician for medical reasons. Refrain from walking during the dais introductions, the meditation, or while the Supreme Basileus or Regional Director is giving her address to the delegation. Respect designated seating sections, i.e. Diamond and Golden sorors, physically-challenged sorors, special guests not seated on the dais, and delegates. Turn off all electronic communication devices that will interrupt the meeting. If you must use the phone, please step out of the meeting. Voting delegates must wear delegate identification and arrive early for proper seating. Delegates are not exempt from seat holding rule. Stand when Former Supreme Basilei and the Supreme Basileus enter the room and when they are introduced. Stand for the Regional Director at Regional Conferences. Speak after being recognized by the presiding officer. Address the presiding officer as “Madame Supreme Basileus” or “Madame Regional Director.” Keep remarks brief and concise and project voice or move to a microphone so everyone can hear. Address the delegation by clearly stating your name, chapter, chapter location, and whether you are a delegate or non-delegate. Adequate seating will be available for all sorors on a first come, first served basis. Seat holding is unacceptable. Official Representation: The Chapter Basileus is the official representative of the Chapter. As such, she should be consulted for all official chapter matters. By the way, as a courtesy, we should also greet/speak to the Basileus upon arrival to meetings/events. The Alpha Kappa Alpha National Hymn: In a closed setting, hands are right over left. In a public setting, hold hands with arms down. We do not sway when we sing the hymn and it is “we strive and we do;” “We help each other;” “To thy honor;” So together anew, we will pledge our faith and united we’ll forge away.” Protocol sets the tone for successful meetings and events. It is the responsibility of all members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. Every soror should know and practice it. Remember, we are sorors of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Zeta Chi Omega Chapter. See you in Winston-Salem, North Carolina! Soror BR Bellamy, Protocol Chairman 12 Committee Reports The National Pan-Hellenic Council of Northern Virginia will host its 24th Annual Black Scholars Awards Program on Sunday, May 19, 2013 at Mount Vernon High School. The event begins at 3:00 PM and honors Black Scholars in the surrounding Northern Virginia area. Please come out and support the Northern Virginia Pan-Hellenic Council and the Black Scholars. ZXΩ ELECTION FOR POSITION ON NOMINATING COMMITTEE Greetings Zeta Chi Omega Sorors, On April 13, 2013, Zeta Chi Omega will hold an election for the vacant slot on the Nominating Committee that will expire in December 2013. Voting will be by ballot, beginning promptly at 10:30 AM and ending at 11:30 AM. There will be no mail-in ballots. All financially active sorors of Zeta Chi Omega Chapter may vote. Please save the date for the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Northern Virginia’s Annual Cookout. The cookout will be held on Sunday, June 23, 2013 from 2:00-7:00 PM in Anderson Park at Fort Belvoir. Additional details will be provided at a later. Please come out and socialize with your fellow sorors and fraters. The National Pan-Hellenic Council of Northern Virginia meets on the first Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise noted) at the Lee Center, Alexandria, VA 22314. Sorors are requested to arrive on time and cast their votes for one of two candidates. Additional voting instructions will be provided. For more information, please contact the Tellers Committee Chairman, Soror Darhyl Jasper ([email protected]) or the Acting Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Soror Joyce M. Brooks ([email protected]). DGS Committee Soror C. Starr Garrett, Co-Chairman Soror Cassandra Borden, Co-Chairman Soror Angela Turner, Chairman Thanks to the Diamond Golden Silver (DGS) Committee for your work to make the DGS Luncheon and Bingo a success. I have received several calls from Jewels who told me that they really appreciate our expressions of love. NPHC—NoVA Committee The National Pan-Hellenic Council of Northern Virginia hosted its annual Spring Fling Happy Hour on Thursday, March 21, 2013 at Southside 815 in Alexandria, Virginia. Sorors and Fraters from various organizations attended and socialized. A great time was had by all. Thanks for acquiring the venue, food, gifts and for your extra assistance with setting up the tables. Soror Tilly, thank you for volunteering to serve as our Mistress of Ceremonies. We were thoroughly entertained. Your "surprise" gifts and giveaways were well received and appreciated. The following events will be held in the next several months: The Kappa Scholarship Endowment Fund will sponsor its Annual Soul Food Jazz Brunch and Silent Auction on Sunday, April 7, 2013 from 2:30-6:30pm at TC Williams High School, 3330 King Street, Alexandria, VA. Entertainment will be provided by The Marshall Keys Quintet, and Community Service Awards will be presented. Tickets are $65 and can be purchased online at afksefjazzbrunch2013.eventbrite.com or emailing [email protected]. Zeta Chi Omega Jewels at Luncheon/Bingo Event 13 Chapter Venues and Directions General Membership meetings (GMM) are held on the first Saturday of the month, 10:00 AM at the Lee Center (LC) located at 1108 Jefferson St., Alexandria, VA -- From 495, take the US Route 1 exit towards Alexandria/Arlington, exit 177B. Continue on S. Patrick St., turn left on Gibbons St., turn left on S. Fayette St., turn left on Jefferson St. (parking - end of S. Fayette St.). Executive Committee meetings are held on the Thursdays prior to the GMM, at the Charles Houston Recreation Center (7:00 PM). Alfred Street Baptist Church (ASBC) - 301 S. Alfred St, Alexandria, VA -- From 495, take the US Route 1, Alexandria (Old Town) exit, Continue on Route 1 (S. Patrick St.) to Duke St. — on the right on the corner of Duke and Patrick. Alexandria Police Department (APD) — 3600 Wheeler Avenue, Alexandria, VA — Off of Duke Street; near Quaker Lane. Charles Beatley Library (CBL) - 5005 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA -- On the north side of Duke Street, east of Pickett Street, south of the Old Holmes Run Channel and directly across from the old Cameron Station. Charles Houston Recreation Center (CHC) - 901 Wythe St., Alexandria, VA -- From 495, take the US Route 1, Alexandria (Old Town) exit, Continue on Route 1 (S. Patrick St.) to Wythe St. — make a right at the corner. Durant Recreation Center (DRC)—1605 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA -- Merge onto I-495S/I95S/Beltway towards Alex. VA/ Richmond VA . Take US-1 N exit-Exit 177B toward Alex. Make slight right onto S. Patrick; left on Cameron Street. Franconia Governmental Center (FG) - 6121 Franconia Rd., Alexandria, VA -- From 495, take the Van Dorn Street exit towards Franconia, turn Right on S. Van Dorn Street, turn right on Franconia Rd., make a U-turn on Valley View Drive onto Franconia Rd. George Washington Middle School (GWMS) — 1005 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA -- From 495S, take the US-1 N exit-177Btowards Alex. Make slight right onto S Patrick St./US1 N. Turn LEFT onto King St. Turn RIGHT onto N. West St. Turn LEFT onto E. Braddock Rd. Turn RIGHT onto Mt. Vernon Ave. Minnie Howard School (MH) - 3801 W. Braddock Rd, Alexandria, VA -- From 395, take the King Street East exit, turn right on Quaker Lane and right on W. Braddock Road. Mount Vernon Recreation Center (MTV) -- 2701 Commonwealth Avenue, Alexandria, VA -- From 495, take Route 1 North over the Monroe street bridge. Make a left on Monroe Street to Mt. Vernon Avenue. Make a right on Mt. Vernon Avenue to E. Uhler and make a left. Make a right on Commonwealth Avenue. From Washington DC, take Route 1 south to E. Clifford Street and make a right. Make a left on Commonwealth Avenue. Make a U-Turn on Commonwealth because the center is on the other side. Nannie J. Lee Recreation Center (NJLRC) - 1108 Jefferson St., Alexandria, VA -- From 495, take the US Route 1 exit towards Alexandria/Arlington, exit 177B. Continue on S. Patrick St., turn Left on Wilkes St., turn left on S. Fayette St., turn left on Jefferson St. Saint John’s Baptist Church (SJ) -- 1905 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA -- From 395, take exit #8A towards Ridge Road, follow Columbia Pike/VA 244 exit towards Baileys Cross Roads, turn right on Columbia Pike. Continue on Columbia Pike for two blocks. Church is on the right. Samuel Tucker Elementary School (STE) -- 435 Ferdinand Day Drive, Alexandria, VA -- From 495, take the Van Dorn exit toward Franconia. Turn left on S. Van Dorn St.; right onto S. Pickett St.; right onto Cameron Station Blvd.; right onto Harold Secord St.; right onto Ferdinand Day Drive. 14 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Zeta Chi Omega Chapter P.O. Box 25763 Alexandria, Virginia 22313 Email address: [email protected] Website: www.aka-zco.org EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Basileus, Michelle M. Jones Archivist, Monique Robinson Anti-Basileus, Kendra Gillespie Scholarship Committee, Ester Stubbs-Varnado Grammateus, Vanessa Jackson Connection Committee, VaShawn Guice Veal Anti-Grammateus, Chiquita King Membership Committee, Tiffany Montgomery Tamiouchos, Robin McCoy Standards Committee, Kathleen Collier Pecunious Grammateus, Darlena Ricks Awards Committee, Carla Haynes Harper Anti-Pecunious Grammateus, Katrina Moss Contracts Committee, Irma Bogan Epistoleus, Gloria Bell Protocol Committee, Barbara Bellamy Parliamentarian, Robin Mazyck Technology Committee, Gloria Bell Ivy Leaf Reporter, Yvette Darnaby Hodegos, Melanie Henderson Graduate Advisor, AdéLeaka Gore Nominating Committee: Joyce Brooks, Martha Coleman, Geraldine Howell, Erica Jeffries, Whitney Joyner Majette, Brenda Kelley-Nelum, Monique Robinson, Patricia Harris Thomas Philacter, Sherry Billingsley The Ivyette Editor: Production Staff: Gloria Bell ([email protected]) C. Starr Garrett Stephanie Woodland Kelly Jeanette Martin Patricia Wallace
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