Brochure - Dynamics Dance Twirl Team
Brochure - Dynamics Dance Twirl Team
MISS MAJORETTE OF MARYLAND MARYLAND STATE SCHOLARSHIP Events and Percentage Credit The N.B.T.A. Maryland Chapter offers a scholarship to a senior in high school or a college student with direction to continue her education at an institute of higher learning. Modeling 20% Strut 40% Twirl 40% Advanced Modeling Attire Tiny Tot Juvenile Pre-Teen Junior Teenage College Party Dress Party Dress Party Dress or Long/Tea Length Dress Party Dress or Long/Tea Length Dress Party Dress or Long/Tea Length Dress Party Dress or Long/Tea Length Dress Requirements: (1) Contestant must be a permanent Maryland resident (attending a Maryland college, university or institute of higher learning does not qualify you as a resident; (2) Contestant must enter Scholarship Solo, Super X, State Solo and Super X; (3) Contestant must forward her official sealed transcript with cumulative GPA, ending the second semester of the 2015 school year to Ms. Estelle King, 6133 D Springwater Place, Frederick, MD 21701. Events and Time Limits NO FEE | Open to all competitive levels. Modeling 1:00 max; Strut 1:30-2:00; Adv. Solo 2:20-2:30; Int. Solo 1:50-2:10; Beg Solo 1:30-2:00; Nov.Solo 2:00 max **Novice contestants will perform Basic Strut in place of Super X Strut. No interview for novice contestants. Novice, Beginner, Intermediate Modeling Attire Rule The same costume must be worn for 2/3 events in the 3-part event. Determination of Winner: The award is given to the twirler acquiring the lowest points in the following categories (25% each): Transcript; Scholarship Solo; Scholarship Super X; Interview. Placements equal points (ex. 1st place=1point). Ties will be broken in the following order: solo, transcripts, Super X, and interview. The check will be made payable to the educational institution. **** Schedule Subject to Change **** Sunday May 10, 2015 Order of Events Saturday May 9, 2015 Order of Events 7:30 Doors Open 7:30 Doors Open 8:00 Opening Ceremonies 8:00 Contest Starts 8:05 Maryland State Black Eyed Susan Queen Novice Pageant Modeling Beginner/Intermediate Pageant Modeling Miss Majorette Pageant Modeling Open Basic Strut, Novice Pageant Basic Strut Open Super X, Visitor Super X Beginner/Intermediate Pageant Super X Miss Majorette Pageant Super X Open Basic Strut State Basic Strut Scholarship Events Open Super X; Visitor Super X Maryland State Super X Preliminaries Open Solo Visitor Solo Boy’s Solo Maryland State Solo Preliminaries Lunch Break Lunch Break Open Solo, Visitor Solo, Boy’s Solo Novice Pageant Solo Beginner/Intermediate Pageant Solo Miss Majorette Pageant Solo Open 2 & 3 Baton Maryland State 2 & 3 Baton Maryland State Duets and Trios Maryland State Super X Finals Maryland State Solo Finals Rhythmic & Show Twirl Maryland State Team and Corps Competition Awards Presentation ***POSTMARK DEADLINE FOR ALL ENTRIES IS APRIL 1st.*** NO PHONE OR E-MAIL ENTRIES!!! Entries received with a postmark later than April 1st will be assessed a late fee of $25.00. Late fee must be paid one week prior to contest or contestant cannot compete. No late fees accepted day of contest. $35.00 fee for returned checks. Return check fee must be paid in addition to the contest fees in cash prior to contest or contestant cannot compete. Fees must accompany entry. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS!! Do not send mail that requires a signature. Cash only day of the contest. Refunds for pageant win only from Mid-Atlantic Regionals Pageant Event. Make Checks/Money Orders to: NBTA Maryland Chapter Mail entries to: NBTA Maryland Chapter, c/o Judi Marlatt, 118 Forest Avenue, Catonsville, Maryland 21228-3440; Any Questions: Call - Judi Marlatt (410) 788-7312 or email:[email protected] Age Ruling: Contestant’s age for the contest year is their actual age on September 1, 2014. All current N.B.T.A. rules will prevail. N.B.T.A. judges will officiate. Judge’s decisions are final. The N.B.T.A. Maryland Chapter, its officials, Contest Director, Century High School, its officials will not be held responsible for accidents, injury or loss of property. Order of Appearance for all 3-Part Events: Modeling will start with “X”; Strutting events will start with “G”, Solo will start with “R”; State events will start with “L”. Reporting to Lanes. Contestants are responsible for reporting to their lanes on time. Failure to do so may result in a 2.0 penalty. Lane will be held open only if the contestant has notified the judge of a conflict. Once lane is closed, it will not be re-opened. Pictures. Flash Photography: Absolutely no flash photography can be taken during thecourse of the contest. You may Video your own child, student or team/group! Photo OP!!! Rumor has it that Princess Elsa will be available for pictures. Awards Presentation: At the conclusion of the competition an announcement will be made as to where contestants will need to lineup for the awards presentation. 2014 Winners will be presenting 2015 awards. New for this year, we will ask all previous MMOMD winners take a recognition walk prior to 2015 awards. Open Events Awards Presentation: Awards for all “open” events will be posted after the equivalent “3-part” or “state” event has been completed. Score sheets. All 3-part and State Event score sheets (unless posted) will be distributed at the conclusion of the awards ceremony. Please review your score sheets. A fifteen (15)minute discrepancy period will be allotted. Any discrepancies must be reported within this time to the Contest Director. Location: Century High School 355 Ronsdale Road Sykesville, MD 21784 . Hotel Information Best Western 451 WMC Dr., Westminster 410-857-1900 Days Inn 25 S. Cranberry Road, Westminster 410-857-0500 $85.00 Twirling event rate The Inn Northwood 7514 Northwood Rd, Westminister 410-5497848 Volunteers Needed! **Teams/Corps/Studios with 6 families 1 volunteer; 7—12 families—2 volunteers; 13 families—3 or more volunteers** THANK YOU! Each volunteer will work a 4-hour shift. Volunteers will help with clerking, running sheets during team portion, lining up teams, security, moving tables, clean-up. Please list the names below so that a list put together and kept at the head table. Morning and/or afternoon available. Volunteers’ Name Preferred Time 1. _____________________ ____________________ 2. _____________________ ____________________ 3. _____________________ ____________________ 4. _____________________ ____________________ 5. _____________________ ____________________ NEW FOR THIS YEAR!! Any changes in division advancements must be reported to Judi Marlatt by May 1st. If not reported of advancement, student will be dropped from that event. NO FEE for Scholarship Event Competing teams for State Title must join the MD Chapter for a fee of $20.00, to be sent in with entry. Awards Ceremony: We will ask all prior MMoMD winners to walk a circle of recognition. INDIVIDUAL ENTRY FORM Name__________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________ State_________________ Zip__________________ Telephone (_____)__________________________ E-Mail________________________________________________ Age as of 9/1/14______________________________ Birthdate______________________________________________ Instructor_______________________________________________ Partner’sName___________________________________________Partner’s Age_____________________ Miss Majorette of Maryland 3-Part Pageant 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Novice Basic Skills Pageant Beginner Pageant Intermediate Pageant Advanced Pageant College Pageant $40.00 $50.00 $50.00 $60.00 $60.00 Open Competition Saturday, May 9, 2015 Novice Beginner Advanced Novice Beginner Intermediate Advanced Novice Beginner Intermediate Advanced Boys College Novice Beginner Intermediate Advanced Advanced Basic Strut Basic Strut Basic Strut Super "X" Super "X" Super "X" Super "X" Solo Solo Solo Solo Solo Solo 2-Baton 2-Baton 2-Baton 2-Baton 3-Baton $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 State Events, Saturday, May 9, 2015 Novice Miss Black Eyed Susan $10.00 Beginner Miss Black Eyed Susan $10.00 Advanced Miss Black Eyed Susan $10.00 Novice State Pairs 0-18 19-24 25-30 31+ $10.00ea Beginner State Pairs 0-18 19-24 25-30 31+ $12.00ea Intermediate State Pairs 0-18 19-24 25-30 31+ $14.00ea Advanced State Pairs 0-18 19-24 25-30 31+ $16.00ea Overall State Trio 0-10.9 11-13.9 14.0+ $10.00ea Novice 2-Baton $14.00 Beginner 2-Baton $16.00 Intermediate 2-Baton $18.00 Advanced 2-Baton $20.00 Advanced 2-Baton $20.00 Advanced 3-Baton $20.00 Visitor's Competition, Saturday, May 9, 2015 Novice Beginner Intermediate Advanced Novice Beginner Intermediate Advanced Boys Super "X" Super "X" Super "X" Super "X" Solo Solo Solo Solo Solo $ 8.00 $ 9.00 $ 9.00 $ 9.00 $ 8.00 $ 9.00 $ 9.00 $ 9.00 $ 9.00 Open Events, Sunday, May 10, 2015 Novice Beginner Advanced Novice Beginner Intermediate Advanced Novice Beginner Intermediate Advanced Boys Basic Strut Basic Strut Basic Strut Super "X" Super "X" Super "X" Super "X" Solo Solo Solo Solo Solo $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 State Events, Sunday, May 10, 2015 Novice State Basic Strut Beginner State Basic Strut Advanced State Basic Strut Novice State Super "X" Beginner State Super "X" Intermediate State Super "X" Advanced State Super "X" Scholarship Super “X” Novice State Solo Beginner State Solo Intermediate State Solo Advanced State Solo Scholarship Solo Advanced Rhythmic Twirl State Show Twirl $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $14.00 $16.00 $18.00 $20.00 NO FEE $14.00 $16.00 $18.00 $20.00 NO FEE $20.00 $20.00 Visitor’s Competition, Sunday, May 10, 2015 Novice Beginner Super "X" Super "X" $ 8.00 $ 9.00 Intermediate Advanced Novice Beginner Intermediate Advanced Boys Super "X" Super "X" Solo Solo Solo Solo Solo $ 9.00 $ 9.00 $ 8.00 $ 9.00 $ 9.00 $ 9.00 $ 9.00 Program Book Design and write your own “Good Luck” ad for a friend or have one ordered for yourself to be placed in the official program book. 1/8 page ¼ page ½ page ¾ page Full page Booster line 5x2” 4x5” 8x5” 8x7” 8x10” 60 characters $5.00 $10.00 $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $3.00 Participants Liability Release Form I,_______________, give my permission for my child, _____________________ to participate in the2015 NBTA Miss Majorette Pageant/Open Competition and the 2015 Maryland State Championships/Open Competition on May 9/10, 2015. I do hereby and forever discharge and agree to hold harmless the NBTA Maryland Chapter competition staff, Century High School, its trustees, officers and employees from and against all claims, demands, suits, awards and judgments for any all injuries and/or damages which may result from my child participating in these competitions. I am fully aware that my child is not covered under any accident and/or health insurance plan of Century High School. I also give the NBTA Md Chapter permission to publish any photos of my child on the Md Chapter Website or on their facebook page. Dated this day the__________ day of ______________, 2015. Signature of Parent or Guardian:________________________ Total # of events __________ Subtotal $_______ Facility Fee (Only 1 per family) $ 25.00 Total Entry ______________ TEAM/CORPS ENTRY FORM Group Name____________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________State______ Zip___________ Telephone (_____)______________________Email_______________________ Instructor(s)_________________________________________________________ ENTRY FEE $35 per small event / $45 per large. **Add $10 per family not competing in solo completion. On a separate piece of paper for each team/corps event, list names, ages, and DOB as of 9/1/2014 for each member. Team Events: Please indicate age group: Pee Wee (PW), Tiny Tot (TT), Juvenile (JV), Pre-teen (PT), Junior (JR), Senior (SR) Dance Twirl Teams: ____ Sm Beg _____PW _____TT _____ JV _____PT _____JR _____SR ____ Lg Beg _____PW _____TT _____ JV _____PT _____JR _____SR ____ Sm Adv _____PW _____TT _____ JV _____PT _____JR _____SR ____ Lg Adv _____PW _____TT _____ JV _____PT _____JR _____SR ____ Sm Elite _____PW _____TT _____ JV _____PT _____JR _____SR ____ Lg Elite _____PW _____TT _____ JV _____PT _____JR _____SR $35 per small, $45 per large Twirl Teams: ____ Sm Beg _____PW _____TT _____ JV _____PT _____JR _____SR ____ Lg Beg _____PW _____TT _____ JV _____PT _____JR _____SR ____ Sm Adv _____PW _____TT _____ JV _____PT _____JR _____SR ____ Lg Adv _____PW _____TT _____ JV _____PT _____JR _____SR ____ Sm Elite _____PW _____TT _____ JV _____PT _____JR _____SR ____ Lg Elite _____PW _____TT _____ JV _____PT _____JR _____SR $35 per small, $45 per large Parade Corps: ____ Beg. _____ Adv. $75 Street Parade Corps: ____ Beg. _____ Adv. $75 Total # of events __________ Subtotal $_______ Facility Fee (per family not competing in solo competition) MD STATE MEMBERSHIP FEE $20.00 Total Entry ______________ New for this year: Team/Corp must be a Maryland Chapter Member in order to compete in State Championship. Dues are $20.00 and must accompany Team/Corp entry.