03-22-15 Bulletin - Emmanuel Bible Church


03-22-15 Bulletin - Emmanuel Bible Church
Welcome to EBC
Whether you are visiting Emmanuel Bible Church or you call this
your home, we welcome you, and we pray that your time here
will draw you closer to Jesus.
Would you like to find out more about EBC? There are
volunteers at the Information Center, in the foyer, who will
happily answer your questions or point you in the right direction.
They have information about numerous opportunities, including
adult education and fellowship, children’s Sunday school and
child care. There is a packet of additional information available
that outlines our beliefs, our mission, ministry opportunities and
the organization of our church. A map is also available at the
center to help you navigate the facility.
8:00 AM / 10:45 AM – Worship Services
9:30 AM – Adult Education / Sunday School
9:30 AM – Newcomers Class, South Building
7:00 PM – High School Youth Group, South Building
Monday, March 23
NO After School Program
Tuesday, March 24
5:30 AM – Men’s Fellowship Hour, Fellowship Hall
12:00 PM – Prayer Meeting, Church Office
Wednesday, March 25
NO AWANA (Spring Break)
NO Lifeguards (Spring Break)
7:00 PM – Prayer Meeting, Church Office
Thursday, March 26
7:00 PM – High School Youth Fellowship, South Building
NURSERY March 22
A-Service: Emma Dettwyler, Karen Friesen
A-Service Greeter: Mary Wenger
Education Hour: Kent & Rebecca Kaufman, Tiffany Rogers
Education Hour Greeter: Cindy Rodman
B-Service: Deron & Kathy Neukomm
B-Service Greeter: Cheryl Tuggy
March 29
A-Service: Peter & Jenny Shetler
A-Service Greeter: Mary Wenger
Education Hour: Shirley Duerksen, George & Katie Kuenzi
Education Hour Greeter: Cindy Rodman
B-Service: Jim & Julie Morrison
B-Service Greeter: Cheryl Tuggy
Elizabeth de Vries, Ruth Smith, Ellen Wold,
Judi Morley, Lory Ortega
A-2|3: Dale & Bonnie Kaufman
A-4|5: Sarah Davisson, Sarah Kuenzi
B-2|3: Sharon Mathis, Lucian Batson
B-4|5: Emma Morrison & Janella Wallace
Evergreen Elementary School
Dot Blevins, Noel Gardner, Shirley Gillaspie,
Jody Haury, Pete Herr, Marj Horning, Marj Jones,
Jean Klopfenstein, Pastor Stan, Scott Richert,
Betty Shuholm, Deloris Stoutenburg
Pat Campbell, Dale Koger, George Kuenzi,
Deron Neukomm, Kathy Welty
Pray for wisdom for the nation’s judges and
Supreme Court Justices.
March 29
A-2|3: Dale & Bonnie Kaufman
A-4|5: Sarah Davisson, Sarah Kuenzi
B-2|3: Sharon Mathis, Michael Rogers
B-4|5: Emma Morrison & Janella Wallace
Lock-up: March 22 – Wally Lierman
Attendance: March 15 – 422
On Call Pastoral Care: March 27 - 29
Dan Tuggy
Andrew and Erin Stucky & family
Sam Stucky
Gene and Adele Sutton
FINANCIAL PRAISE – March 15, 2015
Building Fund
General Fund
Missions Fund
Feredinos, Richard (Missions)
Leonard Roth Memorial
Myers, Lucas (Missions)
Sheets, Jason (Missions)
July: Charity Kanan, Heather Roth
August: Rose Haney
September: Heather Shetler
2015: Nathan and Janet Gehring (China),
Franklin and Linda Kuenzi (Haiti),
Andrew and Erin Stucky (South Korea)
The Lord’s Day
Canyonview Day Camp – July 13 – 17
Save the date! If you have questions, or are 14 years or older
and interested in helping as a Junior Counselor, please
contact Mary Wenger.
March 22, 2015
“To prepare God’s people for works of service,
so that the body of Christ might be built up.”
Ephesians 4:12 (NIV)
5:45 Even6O6:oo6ing Service
Prelude to Worship
John Roth
Dinners for Eight –
If you are looking for a way to get to know your church
family better, this is it! Sign up at the west foyer kiosk
through March 29th for April/May/June Dinners for 8.
If you have questions, please contact Kristy Goode.
Emmanuel Bible Church
For His Kingdom…For His Glory
ELLS International Africa Trip Family Time
Pastor Stan and Mindy will be in Kenya from April 6th-21st
conducting 2 pastors’ conferences for ELLS International.
Please pray for Stan and Mindy, for the 350 or more pastors
who are registered to attend, and for God's provision of the
remaining finances ($8,086.00) to fund these two events.
Contributions made directly to 'ELLS International' are tax
deductible and can be delivered to the church office or sent
to ELLS International, P.O. Box 4148, Salem, OR, 97302.
Call to Worship
“No Higher Calling”
“Draw Me Close to You”
“All That Thrills My Soul”
Fifth Sunday Offering –
Worship in Music
“Thy Word”
“Step by Step”
“Cry Of My Heart”
Worship in Giving
Teresa Richardson
General Fund
Howellin’ Prairie Boys Concert – March 29
Worship in Music
* “May the Mind of Christ, My Savior”
Worship in Listening
The Missions Committee has designated the 5th Sunday
offering, for March 29th, to help the Richard Feredinos family
meet their expenses incurred in Richard’s fight against
cancer. Richard, our missionary doing campus ministry at
Willamette and Chemeketa, was operated on for a rare form
of cancer in December. Let’s also pray for the Feredinos
family during this trying time.
Pastor Stan Myers
The Grand Plod (Part 6) –
“Necessary Choices for Daily Progress”
The Howellin’ Prairie Boys (a Gospel Bluegrass Band, with
Lucian & Seth Batson, Jordan Hoffman, and Jim Krieg) are
giving a concert at EBC, on March 29th, 5:30 PM. Bring your
family and friends for an evening of music and dessert.
Lost and Found / Returned Dishes Shelf –
Please check the Lost & Found closet, as well as the Returned
Dishes shelf, both by the kitchen, for items belonging to you.
Anything remaining after March 29th will be donated.
Women’s Retreat @ Kerith Lodge – April 10-12
*Children ages 2-kindergarten are dismissed to Children’s Church
Worship led by: Andrew & Erin Stucky
Today is the final day to sign up. Additional flyers are
available at the Information Desk or the west foyer kiosk.
Stanley Myers - Senior Pastor
Dan Tuggy - Executive Pastor
Brad Dettwyler - Ministries to Youth
Mindy Myers - Ministries to Children
Tom Aman
Brett Davisson
Greg Hoffman
Jan Mathis
Andrew Stucky
Harold Tuggy
8512 Sunnyview Road NE
Salem Oregon 97305-9546
[email protected]
March 22, 2015